blob: e345d66a365782ccc72ce9e839fd90c427565ef4 [file] [log] [blame]
"""Test module to execute a benchmark through ssh on a remote device.
This assumes all relevant directories and files are present on the remote
device (typically shared by NFS)."""
from litsupport import testplan
import logging
import os
import subprocess
def _wrap_command(context, command):
escaped_command = command.replace("'", "'\\''")
return "%s %s '%s'" % (context.config.remote_client,
context.config.remote_host, escaped_command)
def _mutateCommandline(context, commandline):
return _wrap_command(context, commandline)
def _mutateScript(context, script):
def mutate(context, command):
return _mutateCommandline(context, command)
return testplan.mutateScript(context, script, mutate)
def remote_read_result_file(context, path):
assert os.path.isabs(path)
command = _wrap_command(context, "cat '%s'" % path)"$ %s", command)
return subprocess.check_output(command, shell=True)
def mutatePlan(context, plan):
plan.preparescript = _mutateScript(context, plan.preparescript)
# We need the temporary directory to exist on the remote as well.
command = _wrap_command(context,
"mkdir -p '%s'" % os.path.dirname(context.tmpBase))
plan.preparescript.insert(0, command)
plan.runscript = _mutateScript(context, plan.runscript)
plan.verifyscript = _mutateScript(context, plan.verifyscript)
for name, script in plan.metricscripts.items():
plan.metricscripts[name] = _mutateScript(context, script)
# Merging profile data should happen on the host because that is where
# the toolchain resides, however we have to retrieve the profile data
# from the device first, add commands for that to the profile script.
for path in plan.profile_files:
assert os.path.isabs(path)
command = "scp %s:%s %s" % (context.config.remote_host, path, path)
plan.profilescript.insert(0, command)
assert context.read_result_file is testplan.default_read_result_file
context.read_result_file = remote_read_result_file