blob: 1ebed1cf62380beafff15a2d89f2a41b580c923d [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- Python -*-
# We import test functionity from LNT.
from lnt.tests import nt
from lnt.testing import TestSamples, PASS, FAIL, XFAIL
# Test module classes are currently required to subclass 'nt.TestModule'.
class Simple(nt.TestModule):
def execute_test(self, options):
# The options dictionary defines the user command line parameters that
# are supposed to apply to the test. Some important variables which are
# guaranteed to be present are:
# ... FIXME
# We are expected to return a list of test samples, which will be merged
# with all the other reports.
# There are no constraints on the test names (i.e., they do not need to
# match the directory structure as the SingleSource or MultiSource tests
# would), but must be unique.
# The tests should follow the current LNT test schema for reporting test
# status (success and failure). The current schema is that status is
# reported as an additional test with the '.status' suffix and
# appropriate test codes (defined by the 'lnt.testing' module, see
# below). If no '.status' result is reported, the test is assumed to
# have passed.
return [
TestSamples('nts.LNT/Examples/Simple.compile', [1.0]),
TestSamples('nts.LNT/Examples/Simple.exec', [1.0]),
TestSamples('nts.LNT/Examples/Simple.exec.status', [FAIL])]
# This is the only required entry point to the module.
test_class = Simple
# This is not required, but allows users with LNT in the environment (required
# for initial imports to work) to execute this test directly.
if __name__ == '__main__':