Add Darwin blacklist to GCC torture suite's CMakeLists.txt

Some of these tests use features which are not supported on Darwin. (E.g.

As a result of this, there are some unhappy Darwin test suite bots. So, let's
just blacklist those tests when we're targeting Darwin.

Example of unhappy bot:
diff --git a/SingleSource/Regression/C/gcc-c-torture/execute/CMakeLists.txt b/SingleSource/Regression/C/gcc-c-torture/execute/CMakeLists.txt
index ce8a7b5..a25850f 100644
--- a/SingleSource/Regression/C/gcc-c-torture/execute/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/SingleSource/Regression/C/gcc-c-torture/execute/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -281,6 +281,22 @@
   list(APPEND TestsToSkip ${SystemZTestsToSkip})
+# Darwin Test Blacklist
+  file(GLOB DarwinTestsToSkip CONFIGURE_DEPENDS
+    # error: aliases are not supported on darwin
+    alias-2.c
+    alias-3.c
+    alias-4.c
+    # Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
+    # "_printf_float", referenced from:
+    # -u command line option
+    930513-1.c
+    920501-8.c
+  )
+  list(APPEND TestsToSkip ${DarwinTestsToSkip})
 ## Test target setup