blob: 84850fcc3aff19e1f9d90f1b97afb0e7905ab2aa [file] [log] [blame]
# RUN: llvm-mc -triple x86_64-unknown-linux %s -filetype=obj -o %t.dwp
# RUN: not llvm-dwp %t.dwp -o %t 2>&1 | FileCheck %s
# CHECK: error: unsupported cu_index version: 5 (only version 2 is supported)
## To reach the test point, no real data is needed in .debug_info.dwo,
## but the section should not be empty.
.section .debug_info.dwo, "e", @progbits
.space 1
.section .debug_cu_index, "", @progbits
## Header:
.short 5 # Version
.space 2 # Padding
.long 2 # Section count
.long 1 # Unit count
.long 2 # Slot count
## Hash Table of Signatures:
.quad 0x1100001122222222
.quad 0
## Parallel Table of Indexes:
.long 1
.long 0
## Table of Section Offsets:
## Row 0:
.long 1 # DW_SECT_INFO
.long 3 # DW_SECT_ABBREV
## Row 1:
.long 0
.long 0
## Table of Section Sizes:
.long 1
.long 1