blob: b24fd0753770be9692c3d8e809bd7c5f5be0af26 [file] [log] [blame]
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// UNSUPPORTED: no-exceptions
// <deque>
// void push_back(const value_type& x);
#include <deque>
#include "test_macros.h"
#include "test_allocator.h"
#include <cassert>
// Flag that makes the copy constructor for CMyClass throw an exception
static bool gCopyConstructorShouldThow = false;
class CMyClass {
public: CMyClass(int tag);
public: CMyClass(const CMyClass& iOther);
public: ~CMyClass();
bool equal(const CMyClass &rhs) const
{ return fTag == rhs.fTag && fMagicValue == rhs.fMagicValue; }
int fMagicValue;
int fTag;
private: static int kStartedConstructionMagicValue;
private: static int kFinishedConstructionMagicValue;
// Value for fMagicValue when the constructor has started running, but not yet finished
int CMyClass::kStartedConstructionMagicValue = 0;
// Value for fMagicValue when the constructor has finished running
int CMyClass::kFinishedConstructionMagicValue = 12345;
CMyClass::CMyClass(int tag) :
fMagicValue(kStartedConstructionMagicValue), fTag(tag)
// Signal that the constructor has finished running
fMagicValue = kFinishedConstructionMagicValue;
CMyClass::CMyClass(const CMyClass& iOther) :
fMagicValue(kStartedConstructionMagicValue), fTag(iOther.fTag)
// If requested, throw an exception _before_ setting fMagicValue to kFinishedConstructionMagicValue
if (gCopyConstructorShouldThow) {
throw std::exception();
// Signal that the constructor has finished running
fMagicValue = kFinishedConstructionMagicValue;
CMyClass::~CMyClass() {
// Only instances for which the constructor has finished running should be destructed
assert(fMagicValue == kFinishedConstructionMagicValue);
bool operator==(const CMyClass &lhs, const CMyClass &rhs) { return lhs.equal(rhs); }
int main(int, char**)
CMyClass instance(42);
std::deque<CMyClass> vec;
std::deque<CMyClass> vec2(vec);
gCopyConstructorShouldThow = true;
try {
catch (...) {
gCopyConstructorShouldThow = false;
typedef std::deque<CMyClass, test_allocator<CMyClass> > C;
C vec;
C vec2(vec);
C::allocator_type::throw_after = 1;
try {
catch (...) {
return 0;