blob: 2545f8fb2ea18a249c8a3d382c9a5632d0e8bd66 [file] [log] [blame]
// REQUIRES: aarch64
// RUN: llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple=aarch64 %s -o %t.o
// RUN: echo "SECTIONS { \
// RUN: .text_low : { *(.text_low) } \
// RUN: .text_high 0x10000000 : { *(.text_high) } \
// RUN: } " > %t.script
// RUN: ld.lld --script %t.script --shared %t.o -o 2>&1
// RUN: llvm-objdump -d --no-show-raw-insn --print-imm-hex | FileCheck %s
// Check that Position Independent thunks are generated for shared libraries.
.section .text_low, "ax", %progbits
.globl low_target
.type low_target, %function
// Need thunk to high_target@plt
bl high_target
// CHECK: low_target:
// CHECK-NEXT: d8: bl #0x18 <__AArch64ADRPThunk_high_target>
// CHECK-NEXT: ret
.hidden low_target2
.globl low_target2
.type low_target2, %function
// Need thunk to high_target2
bl high_target2
// .text_high+8 = high_target2
bl .text_high+8
// CHECK: low_target2:
// CHECK-NEXT: e0: bl #0x1c <__AArch64ADRPThunk_high_target2>
// CHECK-NEXT: e4: bl #0x24 <__AArch64ADRPThunk_>
// CHECK-NEXT: ret
// Expect range extension thunks for .text_low
// adrp calculation is (PC + signed immediate) & (!0xfff)
// CHECK: __AArch64ADRPThunk_high_target:
// CHECK-NEXT: f0: adrp x16, #0x10000000
// CHECK-NEXT: add x16, x16, #0x40
// CHECK-NEXT: br x16
// CHECK: __AArch64ADRPThunk_high_target2:
// CHECK-NEXT: fc: adrp x16, #0x10000000
// CHECK-NEXT: add x16, x16, #0x8
// CHECK-NEXT: br x16
/// Identical to the previous one, but for the target .text_high+8.
// CHECK: __AArch64ADRPThunk_:
// CHECK-NEXT: 108: adrp x16, #0x10000000
// CHECK-NEXT: add x16, x16, #0x8
// CHECK-NEXT: br x16
.section .text_high, "ax", %progbits
.globl high_target
.type high_target, %function
// No thunk needed as we can reach low_target@plt
bl low_target
// CHECK: high_target:
// CHECK-NEXT: 10000000: bl #0x50 <low_target@plt>
// CHECK-NEXT: ret
.hidden high_target2
.globl high_target2
.type high_target2, %function
// Need thunk to low_target
bl low_target2
// CHECK: high_target2:
// CHECK-NEXT: 10000008: bl #0x8 <__AArch64ADRPThunk_low_target2>
// CHECK-NEXT: ret
// Expect Thunk for .text.high
// CHECK: __AArch64ADRPThunk_low_target2:
// CHECK-NEXT: 10000010: adrp x16, #-0x10000000
// CHECK-NEXT: add x16, x16, #0xe0
// CHECK-NEXT: br x16
// CHECK: Disassembly of section .plt:
// CHECK-NEXT: .plt:
// CHECK-NEXT: 10000020: stp x16, x30, [sp, #-0x10]!
// CHECK-NEXT: adrp x16, #0
// CHECK-NEXT: ldr x17, [x16, #0x120]
// CHECK-NEXT: add x16, x16, #0x120
// CHECK-NEXT: br x17
// CHECK-NEXT: nop
// CHECK-NEXT: nop
// CHECK-NEXT: nop
// CHECK-NEXT: high_target@plt:
// CHECK-NEXT: 10000040: adrp x16, #0x0
// CHECK-NEXT: ldr x17, [x16, #0x128]
// CHECK-NEXT: add x16, x16, #0x128
// CHECK-NEXT: br x17
// CHECK-NEXT: low_target@plt:
// CHECK-NEXT: 10000050: adrp x16, #0x0
// CHECK-NEXT: ldr x17, [x16, #0x130]
// CHECK-NEXT: add x16, x16, #0x130
// CHECK-NEXT: br x17