blob: 34ca33a6a8e306497f6144d774d6a65df933d464 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- runtime/descriptor.cpp --------------------------------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "flang/Runtime/descriptor.h"
#include "ISO_Fortran_util.h"
#include "derived.h"
#include "memory.h"
#include "stat.h"
#include "terminator.h"
#include "tools.h"
#include "type-info.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
namespace Fortran::runtime {
RT_API_ATTRS Descriptor::Descriptor(const Descriptor &that) { *this = that; }
RT_API_ATTRS Descriptor &Descriptor::operator=(const Descriptor &that) {
std::memcpy(this, &that, that.SizeInBytes());
return *this;
RT_API_ATTRS void Descriptor::Establish(TypeCode t, std::size_t elementBytes,
void *p, int rank, const SubscriptValue *extent,
ISO::CFI_attribute_t attribute, bool addendum) {
Terminator terminator{__FILE__, __LINE__};
int cfiStatus{ISO::VerifyEstablishParameters(&raw_, p, attribute, t.raw(),
elementBytes, rank, extent, /*external=*/false)};
if (cfiStatus != CFI_SUCCESS) {
"Descriptor::Establish: CFI_establish returned %d for CFI_type_t(%d)",
cfiStatus, t.raw());
&raw_, p, attribute, t.raw(), elementBytes, rank, extent);
if (elementBytes == 0) {
raw_.elem_len = 0;
// Reset byte strides of the dimensions, since EstablishDescriptor()
// only does that when the base address is not nullptr.
for (int j{0}; j < rank; ++j) {
raw_.f18Addendum = addendum;
DescriptorAddendum *a{Addendum()};
RUNTIME_CHECK(terminator, addendum == (a != nullptr));
if (a) {
new (a) DescriptorAddendum{};
namespace {
template <TypeCategory CAT, int KIND> struct TypeSizeGetter {
constexpr RT_API_ATTRS std::size_t operator()() const {
CppTypeFor<CAT, KIND> arr[2];
return sizeof arr / 2;
} // namespace
RT_API_ATTRS std::size_t Descriptor::BytesFor(TypeCategory category, int kind) {
Terminator terminator{__FILE__, __LINE__};
return ApplyType<TypeSizeGetter, std::size_t>(category, kind, terminator);
RT_API_ATTRS void Descriptor::Establish(TypeCategory c, int kind, void *p,
int rank, const SubscriptValue *extent, ISO::CFI_attribute_t attribute,
bool addendum) {
Establish(TypeCode(c, kind), BytesFor(c, kind), p, rank, extent, attribute,
RT_API_ATTRS void Descriptor::Establish(int characterKind,
std::size_t characters, void *p, int rank, const SubscriptValue *extent,
ISO::CFI_attribute_t attribute, bool addendum) {
Establish(TypeCode{TypeCategory::Character, characterKind},
characterKind * characters, p, rank, extent, attribute, addendum);
RT_API_ATTRS void Descriptor::Establish(const typeInfo::DerivedType &dt,
void *p, int rank, const SubscriptValue *extent,
ISO::CFI_attribute_t attribute) {
Establish(TypeCode{TypeCategory::Derived, 0}, dt.sizeInBytes(), p, rank,
extent, attribute, true);
DescriptorAddendum *a{Addendum()};
Terminator terminator{__FILE__, __LINE__};
RUNTIME_CHECK(terminator, a != nullptr);
new (a) DescriptorAddendum{&dt};
RT_API_ATTRS OwningPtr<Descriptor> Descriptor::Create(TypeCode t,
std::size_t elementBytes, void *p, int rank, const SubscriptValue *extent,
ISO::CFI_attribute_t attribute, bool addendum,
const typeInfo::DerivedType *dt) {
Terminator terminator{__FILE__, __LINE__};
RUNTIME_CHECK(terminator, t.IsDerived() == (dt != nullptr));
int derivedTypeLenParameters = dt ? dt->LenParameters() : 0;
std::size_t bytes{SizeInBytes(rank, addendum, derivedTypeLenParameters)};
Descriptor *result{
reinterpret_cast<Descriptor *>(AllocateMemoryOrCrash(terminator, bytes))};
if (dt) {
result->Establish(*dt, p, rank, extent, attribute);
} else {
result->Establish(t, elementBytes, p, rank, extent, attribute, addendum);
return OwningPtr<Descriptor>{result};
RT_API_ATTRS OwningPtr<Descriptor> Descriptor::Create(TypeCategory c, int kind,
void *p, int rank, const SubscriptValue *extent,
ISO::CFI_attribute_t attribute) {
return Create(
TypeCode(c, kind), BytesFor(c, kind), p, rank, extent, attribute);
RT_API_ATTRS OwningPtr<Descriptor> Descriptor::Create(int characterKind,
SubscriptValue characters, void *p, int rank, const SubscriptValue *extent,
ISO::CFI_attribute_t attribute) {
return Create(TypeCode{TypeCategory::Character, characterKind},
characterKind * characters, p, rank, extent, attribute);
RT_API_ATTRS OwningPtr<Descriptor> Descriptor::Create(
const typeInfo::DerivedType &dt, void *p, int rank,
const SubscriptValue *extent, ISO::CFI_attribute_t attribute) {
return Create(TypeCode{TypeCategory::Derived, 0}, dt.sizeInBytes(), p, rank,
extent, attribute, /*addendum=*/true, &dt);
RT_API_ATTRS std::size_t Descriptor::SizeInBytes() const {
const DescriptorAddendum *addendum{Addendum()};
return sizeof *this - sizeof(Dimension) + raw_.rank * sizeof(Dimension) +
(addendum ? addendum->SizeInBytes() : 0);
RT_API_ATTRS std::size_t Descriptor::Elements() const {
int n{rank()};
std::size_t elements{1};
for (int j{0}; j < n; ++j) {
elements *= GetDimension(j).Extent();
return elements;
RT_API_ATTRS int Descriptor::Allocate() {
std::size_t byteSize{Elements() * ElementBytes()};
// Zero size allocation is possible in Fortran and the resulting
// descriptor must be allocated/associated. Since std::malloc(0)
// result is implementation defined, always allocate at least one byte.
void *p{byteSize ? std::malloc(byteSize) : std::malloc(1)};
if (!p) {
// TODO: image synchronization
raw_.base_addr = p;
if (int dims{rank()}) {
std::size_t stride{ElementBytes()};
for (int j{0}; j < dims; ++j) {
auto &dimension{GetDimension(j)};
stride *= dimension.Extent();
return 0;
RT_API_ATTRS int Descriptor::Destroy(
bool finalize, bool destroyPointers, Terminator *terminator) {
if (!destroyPointers && raw_.attribute == CFI_attribute_pointer) {
return StatOk;
} else {
if (auto *addendum{Addendum()}) {
if (const auto *derived{addendum->derivedType()}) {
if (!derived->noDestructionNeeded()) {
runtime::Destroy(*this, finalize, *derived, terminator);
return Deallocate();
RT_API_ATTRS int Descriptor::Deallocate() { return ISO::CFI_deallocate(&raw_); }
RT_API_ATTRS bool Descriptor::DecrementSubscripts(
SubscriptValue *subscript, const int *permutation) const {
for (int j{raw_.rank - 1}; j >= 0; --j) {
int k{permutation ? permutation[j] : j};
const Dimension &dim{GetDimension(k)};
if (--subscript[k] >= dim.LowerBound()) {
return true;
subscript[k] = dim.UpperBound();
return false;
RT_API_ATTRS std::size_t Descriptor::ZeroBasedElementNumber(
const SubscriptValue *subscript, const int *permutation) const {
std::size_t result{0};
std::size_t coefficient{1};
for (int j{0}; j < raw_.rank; ++j) {
int k{permutation ? permutation[j] : j};
const Dimension &dim{GetDimension(k)};
result += coefficient * (subscript[k] - dim.LowerBound());
coefficient *= dim.Extent();
return result;
RT_API_ATTRS bool Descriptor::EstablishPointerSection(const Descriptor &source,
const SubscriptValue *lower, const SubscriptValue *upper,
const SubscriptValue *stride) {
*this = source;
raw_.attribute = CFI_attribute_pointer;
int newRank{raw_.rank};
for (int j{0}; j < raw_.rank; ++j) {
if (!stride || stride[j] == 0) {
if (newRank > 0) {
} else {
return false;
raw_.rank = newRank;
if (const auto *sourceAddendum = source.Addendum()) {
if (auto *addendum{Addendum()}) {
*addendum = *sourceAddendum;
} else {
return false;
return CFI_section(&raw_, &source.raw_, lower, upper, stride) == CFI_SUCCESS;
RT_API_ATTRS void Descriptor::ApplyMold(const Descriptor &mold, int rank) {
raw_.elem_len = mold.raw_.elem_len;
raw_.rank = rank;
raw_.type = mold.raw_.type;
for (int j{0}; j < rank && j < mold.raw_.rank; ++j) {
GetDimension(j) = mold.GetDimension(j);
if (auto *addendum{Addendum()}) {
if (auto *moldAddendum{mold.Addendum()}) {
*addendum = *moldAddendum;
} else {
RT_API_ATTRS void Descriptor::Check() const {
void Descriptor::Dump(FILE *f) const {
std::fprintf(f, "Descriptor @ %p:\n", reinterpret_cast<const void *>(this));
std::fprintf(f, " base_addr %p\n", raw_.base_addr);
std::fprintf(f, " elem_len %zd\n", static_cast<std::size_t>(raw_.elem_len));
std::fprintf(f, " version %d\n", static_cast<int>(raw_.version));
std::fprintf(f, " rank %d\n", static_cast<int>(raw_.rank));
std::fprintf(f, " type %d\n", static_cast<int>(raw_.type));
std::fprintf(f, " attribute %d\n", static_cast<int>(raw_.attribute));
std::fprintf(f, " addendum %d\n", static_cast<int>(raw_.f18Addendum));
for (int j{0}; j < raw_.rank; ++j) {
std::fprintf(f, " dim[%d] lower_bound %jd\n", j,
std::fprintf(f, " extent %jd\n",
std::fprintf(f, " sm %jd\n",
if (const DescriptorAddendum * addendum{Addendum()}) {
RT_API_ATTRS DescriptorAddendum &DescriptorAddendum::operator=(
const DescriptorAddendum &that) {
derivedType_ = that.derivedType_;
auto lenParms{that.LenParameters()};
for (std::size_t j{0}; j < lenParms; ++j) {
len_[j] = that.len_[j];
return *this;
RT_API_ATTRS std::size_t DescriptorAddendum::SizeInBytes() const {
return SizeInBytes(LenParameters());
RT_API_ATTRS std::size_t DescriptorAddendum::LenParameters() const {
const auto *type{derivedType()};
return type ? type->LenParameters() : 0;
void DescriptorAddendum::Dump(FILE *f) const {
f, " derivedType @ %p\n", reinterpret_cast<const void *>(derivedType()));
std::size_t lenParms{LenParameters()};
for (std::size_t j{0}; j < lenParms; ++j) {
std::fprintf(f, " len[%zd] %jd\n", j, static_cast<std::intmax_t>(len_[j]));
} // namespace Fortran::runtime