blob: 41d7009cad7aa66f0ed3c0e667b2a30d4e801272 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: llvm-mc -triple=aarch64 -show-encoding -mattr=+v9.4a < %s \
// RUN: | FileCheck %s --check-prefixes=CHECK-ENCODING,CHECK-INST
// RUN: not llvm-mc -triple=aarch64 -show-encoding < %s 2>&1 \
// RUN: | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK-ERROR
// RUN: llvm-mc -triple=aarch64 -filetype=obj -mattr=+v9.4a < %s \
// RUN: | llvm-objdump -d --mattr=+v9.4a - | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK-INST
// Disassemble encoding and check the re-encoding (-show-encoding) matches.
// RUN: llvm-mc -triple=aarch64 -show-encoding -mattr=+v9.4a < %s \
// RUN: | sed '/.text/d' | sed 's/.*encoding: //g' \
// RUN: | llvm-mc -triple=aarch64 -mattr=+v9.4a -disassemble -show-encoding \
// RUN: | FileCheck %s --check-prefixes=CHECK-ENCODING,CHECK-INST
ctz w0, w0
// CHECK-INST: ctz w0, w0
// CHECK-ENCODING: [0x00,0x18,0xc0,0x5a]
// CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires: cssc
ctz w21, w10
// CHECK-INST: ctz w21, w10
// CHECK-ENCODING: [0x55,0x19,0xc0,0x5a]
// CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires: cssc
ctz w23, w13
// CHECK-INST: ctz w23, w13
// CHECK-ENCODING: [0xb7,0x19,0xc0,0x5a]
// CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires: cssc
ctz wzr, wzr
// CHECK-INST: ctz wzr, wzr
// CHECK-ENCODING: [0xff,0x1b,0xc0,0x5a]
// CHECK-ERROR: instruction requires: cssc