blob: 028a69da10c1e1c16946c32a6efb9b967edae437 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- SparseTensorDialect.cpp - Sparse tensor dialect implementation -----===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include <utility>
#include "Detail/DimLvlMapParser.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/SparseTensor/IR/Enums.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/SparseTensor/IR/SparseTensor.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/SparseTensor/IR/SparseTensorStorageLayout.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/SparseTensor/IR/SparseTensorType.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/Arith/IR/Arith.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/Bufferization/IR/BufferizableOpInterface.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/Utils/StaticValueUtils.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Builders.h"
#include "mlir/IR/DialectImplementation.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Matchers.h"
#include "mlir/IR/OpImplementation.h"
#include "mlir/IR/PatternMatch.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/TypeSwitch.h"
#include "llvm/Support/FormatVariadic.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/SparseTensor/IR/"
#include "mlir/Dialect/SparseTensor/IR/"
// Forward declarations, following custom print/parsing methods are referenced
// by the generated code for
static mlir::ParseResult parseLevelRange(mlir::AsmParser &,
mlir::sparse_tensor::Level &,
mlir::sparse_tensor::Level &);
static void printLevelRange(mlir::AsmPrinter &, mlir::sparse_tensor::Level,
#include "mlir/Dialect/SparseTensor/IR/"
using namespace mlir;
using namespace mlir::sparse_tensor;
// Support hashing LevelType such that SparseTensorEncodingAttr can be hashed as
// well.
namespace mlir::sparse_tensor {
llvm::hash_code hash_value(LevelType lt) {
return llvm::hash_value(static_cast<uint64_t>(lt));
} // namespace mlir::sparse_tensor
// Local Convenience Methods.
static constexpr bool acceptBitWidth(unsigned bitWidth) {
switch (bitWidth) {
case 0:
case 8:
case 16:
case 32:
case 64:
return true;
return false;
static SmallVector<Size>
getSparseFieldShape(const SparseTensorEncodingAttr enc,
std::optional<ArrayRef<int64_t>> dimShape) {
// With only encoding, we can not determine the static shape for leading
// batch levels, we therefore return a dynamic shape memref instead.
SmallVector<int64_t> memrefShape(enc.getBatchLvlRank(), ShapedType::kDynamic);
if (dimShape.has_value()) {
// If the actual tensor shape is provided, we can then refine the leading
// batch dimension.
SmallVector<int64_t> lvlShape =
enc.translateShape(*dimShape, CrdTransDirectionKind::dim2lvl);
lvlShape.begin() + enc.getBatchLvlRank());
// Another dynamic dimension to store the sparse level.
return memrefShape;
// SparseTensorDialect StorageLayout.
static constexpr Level kInvalidLevel = -1u;
static constexpr Level kInvalidFieldIndex = -1u;
static constexpr FieldIndex kDataFieldStartingIdx = 0;
void StorageLayout::foreachField(
llvm::function_ref<bool(FieldIndex, SparseTensorFieldKind, Level,
callback) const {
const auto lvlTypes = enc.getLvlTypes();
const Level lvlRank = enc.getLvlRank();
SmallVector<COOSegment> cooSegs = SparseTensorType(enc).getCOOSegments();
FieldIndex fieldIdx = kDataFieldStartingIdx;
ArrayRef cooSegsRef = cooSegs;
// Per-level storage.
for (Level l = 0; l < lvlRank; /*l += 1 or l += AoSCooLen*/) {
const auto lt = lvlTypes[l];
if (isWithPosLT(lt)) {
if (!(callback(fieldIdx++, SparseTensorFieldKind::PosMemRef, l, lt)))
if (isWithCrdLT(lt)) {
if (!(callback(fieldIdx++, SparseTensorFieldKind::CrdMemRef, l, lt)))
if (!cooSegsRef.empty() && cooSegsRef.front().isSegmentStart(l)) {
if (!cooSegsRef.front().isSoA) {
// AoS COO, all singletons are fused into one memrefs. Skips the entire
// COO segement.
l = cooSegsRef.front().lvlRange.second;
} else {
// SoA COO, each singleton level has one memref.
// Expire handled COO segment.
cooSegsRef = cooSegsRef.drop_front();
} else {
// Non COO levels.
// The values array.
if (!(callback(fieldIdx++, SparseTensorFieldKind::ValMemRef, kInvalidLevel,
// Put metadata at the end.
if (!(callback(fieldIdx++, SparseTensorFieldKind::StorageSpec, kInvalidLevel,
void sparse_tensor::foreachFieldAndTypeInSparseTensor(
SparseTensorType stt,
llvm::function_ref<bool(Type, FieldIndex, SparseTensorFieldKind, Level,
callback) {
SmallVector<int64_t> memrefShape =
getSparseFieldShape(stt.getEncoding(), stt.getDimShape());
const Type specType = StorageSpecifierType::get(stt.getEncoding());
// memref<[batch] x ? x pos> positions
const Type posMemType = MemRefType::get(memrefShape, stt.getPosType());
// memref<[batch] x ? x crd> coordinates
const Type crdMemType = MemRefType::get(memrefShape, stt.getCrdType());
// memref<[batch] x ? x eltType> values
const Type valMemType = MemRefType::get(memrefShape, stt.getElementType());
StorageLayout(stt).foreachField([specType, posMemType, crdMemType, valMemType,
callback](FieldIndex fieldIdx,
SparseTensorFieldKind fieldKind,
Level lvl, LevelType lt) -> bool {
switch (fieldKind) {
case SparseTensorFieldKind::StorageSpec:
return callback(specType, fieldIdx, fieldKind, lvl, lt);
case SparseTensorFieldKind::PosMemRef:
return callback(posMemType, fieldIdx, fieldKind, lvl, lt);
case SparseTensorFieldKind::CrdMemRef:
return callback(crdMemType, fieldIdx, fieldKind, lvl, lt);
case SparseTensorFieldKind::ValMemRef:
return callback(valMemType, fieldIdx, fieldKind, lvl, lt);
llvm_unreachable("unrecognized field kind");
unsigned StorageLayout::getNumFields() const {
unsigned numFields = 0;
foreachField([&numFields](FieldIndex, SparseTensorFieldKind, Level,
LevelType) -> bool {
return true;
return numFields;
unsigned StorageLayout::getNumDataFields() const {
unsigned numFields = 0; // one value memref
foreachField([&numFields](FieldIndex fidx, SparseTensorFieldKind, Level,
LevelType) -> bool {
if (fidx >= kDataFieldStartingIdx)
return true;
numFields -= 1; // the last field is StorageSpecifier
assert(numFields == getNumFields() - kDataFieldStartingIdx - 1);
return numFields;
std::pair<FieldIndex, unsigned>
StorageLayout::getFieldIndexAndStride(SparseTensorFieldKind kind,
std::optional<Level> lvl) const {
FieldIndex fieldIdx = kInvalidFieldIndex;
unsigned stride = 1;
if (kind == SparseTensorFieldKind::CrdMemRef) {
const Level cooStart = SparseTensorType(enc).getAoSCOOStart();
const Level lvlRank = enc.getLvlRank();
if (lvl.value() >= cooStart && lvl.value() < lvlRank) {
lvl = cooStart;
stride = lvlRank - cooStart;
foreachField([lvl, kind, &fieldIdx](FieldIndex fIdx,
SparseTensorFieldKind fKind, Level fLvl,
LevelType lt) -> bool {
if ((lvl && fLvl == lvl.value() && kind == fKind) ||
(kind == fKind && fKind == SparseTensorFieldKind::ValMemRef)) {
fieldIdx = fIdx;
// Returns false to break the iteration.
return false;
return true;
assert(fieldIdx != kInvalidFieldIndex);
return std::pair<FieldIndex, unsigned>(fieldIdx, stride);
// SparseTensorDialect Attribute Methods.
std::optional<uint64_t> SparseTensorDimSliceAttr::getStatic(int64_t v) {
return isDynamic(v) ? std::nullopt
: std::make_optional(static_cast<uint64_t>(v));
std::optional<uint64_t> SparseTensorDimSliceAttr::getStaticOffset() const {
return getStatic(getOffset());
std::optional<uint64_t> SparseTensorDimSliceAttr::getStaticStride() const {
return getStatic(getStride());
std::optional<uint64_t> SparseTensorDimSliceAttr::getStaticSize() const {
return getStatic(getSize());
bool SparseTensorDimSliceAttr::isCompletelyDynamic() const {
return isDynamic(getOffset()) && isDynamic(getStride()) &&
std::string SparseTensorDimSliceAttr::getStaticString(int64_t v) {
return isDynamic(v) ? "?" : std::to_string(v);
void SparseTensorDimSliceAttr::print(llvm::raw_ostream &os) const {
assert(getImpl() && "Uninitialized SparseTensorDimSliceAttr");
os << '(';
os << getStaticString(getOffset());
os << ", ";
os << getStaticString(getSize());
os << ", ";
os << getStaticString(getStride());
os << ')';
void SparseTensorDimSliceAttr::print(AsmPrinter &printer) const {
static ParseResult parseOptionalStaticSlice(int64_t &result,
AsmParser &parser) {
auto parseResult = parser.parseOptionalInteger(result);
if (parseResult.has_value()) {
if (parseResult.value().succeeded() && result < 0) {
"expect positive value or ? for slice offset/size/stride");
return failure();
return parseResult.value();
// Else, and '?' which represented dynamic slice
result = SparseTensorDimSliceAttr::kDynamic;
return parser.parseQuestion();
Attribute SparseTensorDimSliceAttr::parse(AsmParser &parser, Type type) {
int64_t offset = kDynamic, size = kDynamic, stride = kDynamic;
if (failed(parser.parseLParen()) ||
failed(parseOptionalStaticSlice(offset, parser)) ||
failed(parser.parseComma()) ||
failed(parseOptionalStaticSlice(size, parser)) ||
failed(parser.parseComma()) ||
failed(parseOptionalStaticSlice(stride, parser)) ||
return {};
return parser.getChecked<SparseTensorDimSliceAttr>(parser.getContext(),
offset, size, stride);
SparseTensorDimSliceAttr::verify(function_ref<InFlightDiagnostic()> emitError,
int64_t offset, int64_t size, int64_t stride) {
if (!isDynamic(offset) && offset < 0)
return emitError() << "expect non-negative value or ? for slice offset";
if (!isDynamic(size) && size <= 0)
return emitError() << "expect positive value or ? for slice size";
if (!isDynamic(stride) && stride <= 0)
return emitError() << "expect positive value or ? for slice stride";
return success();
SparseTensorEncodingAttr::withDimToLvl(AffineMap dimToLvl) const {
assert(getImpl() && "Uninitialized SparseTensorEncodingAttr");
return SparseTensorEncodingAttr::get(
getContext(), getLvlTypes(), dimToLvl, AffineMap(), getPosWidth(),
getCrdWidth(), getExplicitVal(), getImplicitVal());
SparseTensorEncodingAttr::withDimToLvl(SparseTensorEncodingAttr enc) const {
return withDimToLvl(enc ? enc.getDimToLvl() : AffineMap());
SparseTensorEncodingAttr SparseTensorEncodingAttr::withoutDimToLvl() const {
return withDimToLvl(AffineMap());
SparseTensorEncodingAttr::withBitWidths(unsigned posWidth,
unsigned crdWidth) const {
assert(getImpl() && "Uninitialized SparseTensorEncodingAttr");
return SparseTensorEncodingAttr::get(
getContext(), getLvlTypes(), getDimToLvl(), getLvlToDim(), posWidth,
crdWidth, getExplicitVal(), getImplicitVal());
SparseTensorEncodingAttr SparseTensorEncodingAttr::withoutBitWidths() const {
return withBitWidths(0, 0);
SparseTensorEncodingAttr::withExplicitVal(Attribute explicitVal) const {
assert(getImpl() && "Uninitialized SparseTensorEncodingAttr");
return SparseTensorEncodingAttr::get(
getContext(), getLvlTypes(), getDimToLvl(), getLvlToDim(), getPosWidth(),
getCrdWidth(), explicitVal, getImplicitVal());
SparseTensorEncodingAttr SparseTensorEncodingAttr::withoutExplicitVal() const {
return withExplicitVal(Attribute());
SparseTensorEncodingAttr::withImplicitVal(Attribute implicitVal) const {
assert(getImpl() && "Uninitialized SparseTensorEncodingAttr");
return SparseTensorEncodingAttr::get(
getContext(), getLvlTypes(), getDimToLvl(), getLvlToDim(), getPosWidth(),
getCrdWidth(), getExplicitVal(), implicitVal);
SparseTensorEncodingAttr SparseTensorEncodingAttr::withoutImplicitVal() const {
return withImplicitVal(Attribute());
SparseTensorEncodingAttr SparseTensorEncodingAttr::withDimSlices(
ArrayRef<SparseTensorDimSliceAttr> dimSlices) const {
return SparseTensorEncodingAttr::get(
getContext(), getLvlTypes(), getDimToLvl(), getLvlToDim(), getPosWidth(),
getCrdWidth(), getExplicitVal(), getImplicitVal(), dimSlices);
SparseTensorEncodingAttr SparseTensorEncodingAttr::withoutDimSlices() const {
return withDimSlices(ArrayRef<SparseTensorDimSliceAttr>{});
uint64_t SparseTensorEncodingAttr::getBatchLvlRank() const {
ArrayRef<LevelType> lvlTypes = getLvlTypes();
auto lastBatch = std::find_if(lvlTypes.rbegin(), lvlTypes.rend(), isBatchLT);
return std::distance(lastBatch, lvlTypes.rend());
bool SparseTensorEncodingAttr::isAllDense() const {
return !getImpl() || llvm::all_of(getLvlTypes(), isDenseLT);
bool SparseTensorEncodingAttr::isAllOrdered() const {
return !getImpl() || llvm::all_of(getLvlTypes(), isOrderedLT);
Type SparseTensorEncodingAttr::getCrdElemType() const {
if (!getImpl())
return nullptr;
if (getCrdWidth())
return IntegerType::get(getContext(), getCrdWidth());
return IndexType::get(getContext());
Type SparseTensorEncodingAttr::getPosElemType() const {
if (!getImpl())
return nullptr;
if (getPosWidth())
return IntegerType::get(getContext(), getPosWidth());
return IndexType::get(getContext());
MemRefType SparseTensorEncodingAttr::getCrdMemRefType(
std::optional<ArrayRef<int64_t>> dimShape) const {
SmallVector<Size> shape = getSparseFieldShape(*this, dimShape);
return MemRefType::get(shape, getCrdElemType());
MemRefType SparseTensorEncodingAttr::getPosMemRefType(
std::optional<ArrayRef<int64_t>> dimShape) const {
SmallVector<Size> shape = getSparseFieldShape(*this, dimShape);
return MemRefType::get(shape, getPosElemType());
bool SparseTensorEncodingAttr::isIdentity() const {
return !getImpl() || !getDimToLvl() || getDimToLvl().isIdentity();
bool SparseTensorEncodingAttr::isPermutation() const {
return !getImpl() || !getDimToLvl() || getDimToLvl().isPermutation();
Dimension SparseTensorEncodingAttr::getDimRank() const {
assert(getImpl() && "Uninitialized SparseTensorEncodingAttr");
const auto dimToLvl = getDimToLvl();
return dimToLvl ? dimToLvl.getNumDims() : getLvlRank();
Level SparseTensorEncodingAttr::getLvlRank() const {
assert(getImpl() && "Uninitialized SparseTensorEncodingAttr");
return getLvlTypes().size();
LevelType SparseTensorEncodingAttr::getLvlType(Level l) const {
if (!getImpl())
return LevelFormat::Batch;
assert(l < getLvlRank() && "Level is out of bounds");
return getLvlTypes()[l];
bool SparseTensorEncodingAttr::isSlice() const {
assert(getImpl() && "Uninitialized SparseTensorEncodingAttr");
return !getDimSlices().empty();
SparseTensorEncodingAttr::getDimSlice(Dimension dim) const {
assert(isSlice() && "Is not a slice");
const auto dimSlices = getDimSlices();
assert(dim < dimSlices.size() && "Dimension is out of bounds");
return dimSlices[dim];
SparseTensorEncodingAttr::getStaticDimSliceOffset(Dimension dim) const {
return getDimSlice(dim).getStaticOffset();
SparseTensorEncodingAttr::getStaticDimSliceStride(Dimension dim) const {
return getDimSlice(dim).getStaticStride();
SparseTensorEncodingAttr::getStaticLvlSliceOffset(Level lvl) const {
return getStaticDimSliceOffset(toDim(*this, lvl));
SparseTensorEncodingAttr::getStaticLvlSliceStride(Level lvl) const {
return getStaticDimSliceStride(toDim(*this, lvl));
SparseTensorEncodingAttr::translateShape(ArrayRef<int64_t> srcShape,
CrdTransDirectionKind dir) const {
if (isIdentity())
return SmallVector<int64_t>(srcShape);
SmallVector<int64_t> ret;
unsigned rank =
dir == CrdTransDirectionKind::dim2lvl ? getLvlRank() : getDimRank();
if (isPermutation()) {
for (unsigned r = 0; r < rank; r++) {
unsigned trans = dir == CrdTransDirectionKind::dim2lvl ? toDim(*this, r)
: toLvl(*this, r);
return ret;
// Handle non-permutation maps.
AffineMap transMap =
dir == CrdTransDirectionKind::dim2lvl ? getDimToLvl() : getLvlToDim();
SmallVector<AffineExpr> dimRep;
for (int64_t sz : srcShape) {
if (!ShapedType::isDynamic(sz)) {
// Push back the max coordinate for the given dimension/level size.
dimRep.push_back(getAffineConstantExpr(sz - 1, getContext()));
} else {
// A dynamic size, use a AffineDimExpr to symbolize the value.
dimRep.push_back(getAffineDimExpr(dimRep.size(), getContext()));
for (AffineExpr exp : transMap.getResults()) {
// Do constant propagation on the affine map.
AffineExpr evalExp =
simplifyAffineExpr(exp.replaceDims(dimRep), srcShape.size(), 0);
// use llvm namespace here to avoid ambiguity
if (auto c = llvm::dyn_cast<AffineConstantExpr>(evalExp)) {
ret.push_back(c.getValue() + 1);
} else {
if (auto mod = llvm::dyn_cast<AffineBinaryOpExpr>(evalExp);
mod && mod.getKind() == AffineExprKind::Mod) {
// We can still infer a static bound for expressions in form
// "d % constant" since d % constant \in [0, constant).
if (auto bound = llvm::dyn_cast<AffineConstantExpr>(mod.getRHS())) {
assert(ret.size() == rank);
return ret;
SparseTensorEncodingAttr::translateCrds(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc,
ValueRange crds,
CrdTransDirectionKind dir) const {
if (!getImpl())
return crds;
SmallVector<Type> retType(
dir == CrdTransDirectionKind::lvl2dim ? getDimRank() : getLvlRank(),
auto transOp = builder.create<CrdTranslateOp>(loc, retType, crds, dir, *this);
return transOp.getOutCrds();
Attribute SparseTensorEncodingAttr::parse(AsmParser &parser, Type type) {
// Open "<{" part.
if (failed(parser.parseLess()))
return {};
if (failed(parser.parseLBrace()))
return {};
// Process the data from the parsed dictionary value into struct-like data.
SmallVector<LevelType> lvlTypes;
SmallVector<SparseTensorDimSliceAttr> dimSlices;
AffineMap dimToLvl = {};
AffineMap lvlToDim = {};
unsigned posWidth = 0;
unsigned crdWidth = 0;
Attribute explicitVal;
Attribute implicitVal;
StringRef attrName;
SmallVector<StringRef, 5> keys = {"map", "posWidth", "crdWidth",
"explicitVal", "implicitVal"};
while (succeeded(parser.parseOptionalKeyword(&attrName))) {
// Detect admissible keyword.
auto *it = find(keys, attrName);
if (it == keys.end()) {
parser.emitError(parser.getNameLoc(), "unexpected key: ") << attrName;
return {};
unsigned keyWordIndex = it - keys.begin();
// Consume the `=` after keys
if (failed(parser.parseEqual()))
return {};
// Dispatch on keyword.
switch (keyWordIndex) {
case 0: { // map
ir_detail::DimLvlMapParser cParser(parser);
auto res = cParser.parseDimLvlMap();
if (failed(res))
return {};
const auto &dlm = *res;
const Level lvlRank = dlm.getLvlRank();
for (Level lvl = 0; lvl < lvlRank; lvl++)
const Dimension dimRank = dlm.getDimRank();
for (Dimension dim = 0; dim < dimRank; dim++)
// NOTE: the old syntax requires an all-or-nothing approach to
// `dimSlices`; therefore, if any slice actually exists then we need
// to convert null-DSA into default/nop DSA.
const auto isDefined = [](SparseTensorDimSliceAttr slice) {
return static_cast<bool>(slice.getImpl());
if (llvm::any_of(dimSlices, isDefined)) {
const auto defaultSlice =
for (Dimension dim = 0; dim < dimRank; dim++)
if (!isDefined(dimSlices[dim]))
dimSlices[dim] = defaultSlice;
} else {
dimToLvl = dlm.getDimToLvlMap(parser.getContext());
lvlToDim = dlm.getLvlToDimMap(parser.getContext());
case 1: { // posWidth
Attribute attr;
if (failed(parser.parseAttribute(attr)))
return {};
auto intAttr = llvm::dyn_cast<IntegerAttr>(attr);
if (!intAttr) {
"expected an integral position bitwidth");
return {};
posWidth = intAttr.getInt();
case 2: { // crdWidth
Attribute attr;
if (failed(parser.parseAttribute(attr)))
return {};
auto intAttr = llvm::dyn_cast<IntegerAttr>(attr);
if (!intAttr) {
"expected an integral index bitwidth");
return {};
crdWidth = intAttr.getInt();
case 3: { // explicitVal
Attribute attr;
if (failed(parser.parseAttribute(attr)))
return {};
if (auto result = llvm::dyn_cast<FloatAttr>(attr)) {
explicitVal = result;
} else if (auto result = llvm::dyn_cast<IntegerAttr>(attr)) {
explicitVal = result;
} else {
"expected a numeric value for explicitVal");
return {};
case 4: { // implicitVal
Attribute attr;
if (failed(parser.parseAttribute(attr)))
return {};
if (auto result = llvm::dyn_cast<FloatAttr>(attr)) {
implicitVal = result;
} else if (auto result = llvm::dyn_cast<IntegerAttr>(attr)) {
implicitVal = result;
} else {
"expected a numeric value for implicitVal");
return {};
} // switch
// Only last item can omit the comma.
if (parser.parseOptionalComma().failed())
// Close "}>" part.
if (failed(parser.parseRBrace()))
return {};
if (failed(parser.parseGreater()))
return {};
// Construct struct-like storage for attribute.
if (!lvlToDim || lvlToDim.isEmpty()) {
lvlToDim = inferLvlToDim(dimToLvl, parser.getContext());
return parser.getChecked<SparseTensorEncodingAttr>(
parser.getContext(), lvlTypes, dimToLvl, lvlToDim, posWidth, crdWidth,
explicitVal, implicitVal, dimSlices);
void SparseTensorEncodingAttr::print(AsmPrinter &printer) const {
auto map = static_cast<AffineMap>(getDimToLvl());
// Empty affine map indicates identity map
if (!map)
map = AffineMap::getMultiDimIdentityMap(getLvlTypes().size(), getContext());
printer << "<{ map = ";
printSymbols(map, printer);
printer << '(';
printDimensions(map, printer, getDimSlices());
printer << ") -> (";
printLevels(map, printer, getLvlTypes());
printer << ')';
// Print remaining members only for non-default values.
if (getPosWidth())
printer << ", posWidth = " << getPosWidth();
if (getCrdWidth())
printer << ", crdWidth = " << getCrdWidth();
if (getExplicitVal()) {
printer << ", explicitVal = " << getExplicitVal();
if (getImplicitVal())
printer << ", implicitVal = " << getImplicitVal();
printer << " }>";
void SparseTensorEncodingAttr::printSymbols(AffineMap &map,
AsmPrinter &printer) const {
if (map.getNumSymbols() == 0)
printer << '[';
for (unsigned i = 0, n = map.getNumSymbols() - 1; i < n; i++)
printer << 's' << i << ", ";
if (map.getNumSymbols() >= 1)
printer << 's' << map.getNumSymbols() - 1;
printer << ']';
void SparseTensorEncodingAttr::printDimensions(
AffineMap &map, AsmPrinter &printer,
ArrayRef<SparseTensorDimSliceAttr> dimSlices) const {
if (!dimSlices.empty()) {
for (unsigned i = 0, n = map.getNumDims() - 1; i < n; i++)
printer << 'd' << i << " : " << dimSlices[i] << ", ";
if (map.getNumDims() >= 1) {
printer << 'd' << map.getNumDims() - 1 << " : "
<< dimSlices[map.getNumDims() - 1];
} else {
for (unsigned i = 0, n = map.getNumDims() - 1; i < n; i++)
printer << 'd' << i << ", ";
if (map.getNumDims() >= 1)
printer << 'd' << map.getNumDims() - 1;
void SparseTensorEncodingAttr::printLevels(AffineMap &map, AsmPrinter &printer,
ArrayRef<LevelType> lvlTypes) const {
for (unsigned i = 0, n = map.getNumResults() - 1; i < n; i++) {
printer << " : " << toMLIRString(lvlTypes[i]) << ", ";
if (map.getNumResults() >= 1) {
auto lastIndex = map.getNumResults() - 1;
printer << " : " << toMLIRString(lvlTypes[lastIndex]);
LogicalResult SparseTensorEncodingAttr::verify(
function_ref<InFlightDiagnostic()> emitError, ArrayRef<LevelType> lvlTypes,
AffineMap dimToLvl, AffineMap lvlToDim, unsigned posWidth,
unsigned crdWidth, Attribute explicitVal, Attribute implicitVal,
ArrayRef<SparseTensorDimSliceAttr> dimSlices) {
if (!acceptBitWidth(posWidth))
return emitError() << "unexpected position bitwidth: " << posWidth;
if (!acceptBitWidth(crdWidth))
return emitError() << "unexpected coordinate bitwidth: " << crdWidth;
if (auto it = std::find_if(lvlTypes.begin(), lvlTypes.end(), isSingletonLT);
it != std::end(lvlTypes)) {
if (it == lvlTypes.begin() ||
(!isCompressedLT(*(it - 1)) && !isLooseCompressedLT(*(it - 1))))
return emitError() << "expected compressed or loose_compressed level "
"before singleton level";
if (!std::all_of(it, lvlTypes.end(),
[](LevelType i) { return isSingletonLT(i); }))
return emitError() << "expected all singleton lvlTypes "
"following a singleton level";
// We can potentially support mixed SoA/AoS singleton levels.
if (!std::all_of(it, lvlTypes.end(), [it](LevelType i) {
return it->isa<LevelPropNonDefault::SoA>() ==
})) {
return emitError() << "expected all singleton lvlTypes stored in the "
"same memory layout (SoA vs AoS).";
auto lastBatch = std::find_if(lvlTypes.rbegin(), lvlTypes.rend(), isBatchLT);
if (!std::all_of(lastBatch, lvlTypes.rend(), isBatchLT))
return emitError() << "Batch lvlType can only be leading levels.";
// SoA property can only be applied on singleton level.
auto soaLvls = llvm::make_filter_range(lvlTypes, [](LevelType lt) {
return lt.isa<LevelPropNonDefault::SoA>();
if (llvm::any_of(soaLvls, [](LevelType lt) {
return !lt.isa<LevelFormat::Singleton>();
})) {
return emitError() << "SoA is only applicable to singleton lvlTypes.";
// TODO: audit formats that actually are supported by backend.
if (auto it = std::find_if(lvlTypes.begin(), lvlTypes.end(), isNOutOfMLT);
it != std::end(lvlTypes)) {
if (it != lvlTypes.end() - 1)
return emitError() << "expected n_out_of_m to be the last level type";
if (!std::all_of(lvlTypes.begin(), it,
[](LevelType i) { return isDenseLT(i); }))
return emitError() << "expected all dense lvlTypes "
"before a n_out_of_m level";
if (dimToLvl && (dimToLvl.getNumDims() != dimToLvl.getNumResults())) {
if (!isBlockSparsity(dimToLvl)) {
return emitError()
<< "expected 1xm block structure for n_out_of_m level";
auto sizes = getBlockSize(dimToLvl);
unsigned coefficient = 0;
for (const auto &elem : sizes) {
if (elem != 0) {
if (elem != coefficient && coefficient != 0) {
return emitError() << "expected only one blocked level "
"with the same coefficients";
coefficient = elem;
if (coefficient != getM(*it)) {
return emitError() << "expected coeffiencts of Affine expressions "
"to be equal to m of n_out_of_m level";
// Before we can check that the level-rank is consistent/coherent
// across all fields, we need to define it. The source-of-truth for
// the `getLvlRank` method is the length of the level-types array,
// since it must always be provided and have full rank; therefore we
// use that same source-of-truth here.
const Level lvlRank = lvlTypes.size();
if (lvlRank == 0)
return emitError() << "expected a non-empty array for lvlTypes";
// We save `dimRank` here because we'll also need it to verify `dimSlices`.
const Dimension dimRank = dimToLvl ? dimToLvl.getNumDims() : lvlRank;
if (dimToLvl) {
if (dimToLvl.getNumResults() != lvlRank)
return emitError()
<< "level-rank mismatch between dimToLvl and lvlTypes: "
<< dimToLvl.getNumResults() << " != " << lvlRank;
auto inferRes = inferLvlToDim(dimToLvl, dimToLvl.getContext());
// Symbols can't be inferred but are acceptable.
if (!inferRes && dimToLvl.getNumSymbols() == 0)
return emitError() << "failed to infer lvlToDim from dimToLvl";
if (lvlToDim && (inferRes != lvlToDim))
return emitError() << "expected lvlToDim to be an inverse of dimToLvl";
if (dimRank > lvlRank)
return emitError() << "unexpected dimToLvl mapping from " << dimRank
<< " to " << lvlRank;
if (!dimSlices.empty()) {
if (dimSlices.size() != dimRank)
return emitError()
<< "dimension-rank mismatch between dimSlices and dimToLvl: "
<< dimSlices.size() << " != " << dimRank;
// Compiler support for `dimSlices` currently requires that the two
// ranks agree. (However, it does allow `dimToLvl` to be a permutation.)
if (dimRank != lvlRank)
return emitError()
<< "dimSlices expected dimension-rank to match level-rank: "
<< dimRank << " != " << lvlRank;
return success();
LogicalResult SparseTensorEncodingAttr::verifyEncoding(
ArrayRef<Size> dimShape, Type elementType,
function_ref<InFlightDiagnostic()> emitError) const {
// Check structural integrity. In particular, this ensures that the
// level-rank is coherent across all the fields.
if (failed(verify(emitError, getLvlTypes(), getDimToLvl(), getLvlToDim(),
getPosWidth(), getCrdWidth(), getExplicitVal(),
getImplicitVal(), getDimSlices())))
return failure();
// Check integrity with tensor type specifics. In particular, we
// need only check that the dimension-rank of the tensor agrees with
// the dimension-rank of the encoding.
const Dimension dimRank = dimShape.size();
if (dimRank == 0)
return emitError() << "expected non-scalar sparse tensor";
if (getDimRank() != dimRank)
return emitError()
<< "dimension-rank mismatch between encoding and tensor shape: "
<< getDimRank() << " != " << dimRank;
return success();
// SparseTensorType Methods.
bool mlir::sparse_tensor::SparseTensorType::isCOOType(Level startLvl,
bool isUnique) const {
if (!hasEncoding())
return false;
if (!isCompressedLvl(startLvl) && !isLooseCompressedLvl(startLvl))
return false;
for (Level l = startLvl + 1; l < lvlRank; ++l)
if (!isSingletonLvl(l))
return false;
// If isUnique is true, then make sure that the last level is unique,
// that is, when lvlRank == 1, the only compressed level is unique,
// and when lvlRank > 1, the last singleton is unique.
return !isUnique || isUniqueLvl(lvlRank - 1);
Level mlir::sparse_tensor::SparseTensorType::getAoSCOOStart() const {
SmallVector<COOSegment> coo = getCOOSegments();
assert(coo.size() == 1 || coo.empty());
if (!coo.empty() && coo.front().isAoS()) {
return coo.front().lvlRange.first;
return lvlRank;
mlir::sparse_tensor::SparseTensorType::getCOOSegments() const {
SmallVector<COOSegment> ret;
if (!hasEncoding() || lvlRank <= 1)
return ret;
ArrayRef<LevelType> lts = getLvlTypes();
Level l = 0;
while (l < lvlRank) {
auto lt = lts[l];
if (lt.isa<LevelFormat::Compressed, LevelFormat::LooseCompressed>()) {
auto cur = lts.begin() + l;
auto end = std::find_if(cur + 1, lts.end(), [](LevelType lt) {
return !lt.isa<LevelFormat::Singleton>();
unsigned cooLen = std::distance(cur, end);
if (cooLen > 1) {
// To support mixed SoA/AoS COO, we should break the segment when the
// storage scheme changes, for now we faithfully assume that all
// consecutive singleton levels have the same storage format as verified
// STEA.
ret.push_back(COOSegment{std::make_pair(l, l + cooLen),
lts[l + 1].isa<LevelPropNonDefault::SoA>()});
l += cooLen;
} else {
return ret;
mlir::sparse_tensor::SparseTensorType::getCOOType(bool ordered) const {
SmallVector<LevelType> lvlTypes;
// A non-unique compressed level at beginning (unless this is
// also the last level, then it is unique).
*buildLevelType(LevelFormat::Compressed, ordered, lvlRank == 1));
if (lvlRank > 1) {
// Followed by n-2 non-unique singleton levels.
std::fill_n(std::back_inserter(lvlTypes), lvlRank - 2,
*buildLevelType(LevelFormat::Singleton, ordered, false));
// Ends by a unique singleton level.
lvlTypes.push_back(*buildLevelType(LevelFormat::Singleton, ordered, true));
auto enc = SparseTensorEncodingAttr::get(
getContext(), lvlTypes, getDimToLvl(), getLvlToDim(), getPosWidth(),
getCrdWidth(), getExplicitVal(), getImplicitVal());
return RankedTensorType::get(getDimShape(), getElementType(), enc);
// Convenience Methods.
mlir::sparse_tensor::getSparseTensorEncoding(Type type) {
if (auto ttp = llvm::dyn_cast<RankedTensorType>(type))
return llvm::dyn_cast_or_null<SparseTensorEncodingAttr>(ttp.getEncoding());
if (auto mdtp = llvm::dyn_cast<StorageSpecifierType>(type))
return mdtp.getEncoding();
return nullptr;
AffineMap mlir::sparse_tensor::inferLvlToDim(AffineMap dimToLvl,
MLIRContext *context) {
auto map = static_cast<AffineMap>(dimToLvl);
AffineMap lvlToDim;
// Return an empty lvlToDim when inference is not successful.
if (!map || map.getNumSymbols() != 0) {
lvlToDim = AffineMap();
} else if (map.isPermutation()) {
lvlToDim = inversePermutation(map);
} else if (isBlockSparsity(map)) {
lvlToDim = inverseBlockSparsity(map, context);
return lvlToDim;
AffineMap mlir::sparse_tensor::inverseBlockSparsity(AffineMap dimToLvl,
MLIRContext *context) {
SmallVector<AffineExpr> lvlExprs;
auto numLvls = dimToLvl.getNumResults();
// lvlExprComponents stores information of the floordiv and mod operations
// applied to the same dimension, so as to build the lvlToDim map.
std::map<unsigned, SmallVector<AffineExpr, 3>> lvlExprComponents;
for (unsigned i = 0, n = numLvls; i < n; i++) {
auto result = dimToLvl.getResult(i);
if (auto binOp = dyn_cast<AffineBinaryOpExpr>(result)) {
if (result.getKind() == AffineExprKind::FloorDiv) {
// Position of the dimension in dimToLvl.
auto pos = dyn_cast<AffineDimExpr>(binOp.getLHS()).getPosition();
assert(lvlExprComponents.find(pos) == lvlExprComponents.end() &&
"expected only one floordiv for each dimension");
SmallVector<AffineExpr, 3> components;
// Level variable for floordiv.
components.push_back(getAffineDimExpr(i, context));
// Multiplier.
// Map key is the position of the dimension.
lvlExprComponents[pos] = components;
} else if (result.getKind() == AffineExprKind::Mod) {
auto pos = dyn_cast<AffineDimExpr>(binOp.getLHS()).getPosition();
assert(lvlExprComponents.find(pos) != lvlExprComponents.end() &&
"expected floordiv before mod");
// Add level variable for mod to the same vector
// of the corresponding floordiv.
lvlExprComponents[pos].push_back(getAffineDimExpr(i, context));
} else {
assert(false && "expected floordiv or mod");
} else {
lvlExprs.push_back(getAffineDimExpr(i, context));
// Build lvlExprs from lvlExprComponents.
// For example, for il = i floordiv 2 and ii = i mod 2, the components
// would be [il, 2, ii]. It could be used to build the AffineExpr
// i = il * 2 + ii in lvlToDim.
for (auto &components : lvlExprComponents) {
assert(components.second.size() == 3 &&
"expected 3 components to build lvlExprs");
auto mulOp = getAffineBinaryOpExpr(
AffineExprKind::Mul, components.second[0], components.second[1]);
auto addOp =
getAffineBinaryOpExpr(AffineExprKind::Add, mulOp, components.second[2]);
return dimToLvl.get(dimToLvl.getNumResults(), 0, lvlExprs, context);
SmallVector<unsigned> mlir::sparse_tensor::getBlockSize(AffineMap dimToLvl) {
assert(isBlockSparsity(dimToLvl) &&
"expected dimToLvl to be block sparsity for calling getBlockSize");
SmallVector<unsigned> blockSize;
for (auto result : dimToLvl.getResults()) {
if (auto binOp = dyn_cast<AffineBinaryOpExpr>(result)) {
if (result.getKind() == AffineExprKind::Mod) {
} else {
return blockSize;
bool mlir::sparse_tensor::isBlockSparsity(AffineMap dimToLvl) {
if (!dimToLvl)
return false;
std::map<unsigned, int64_t> coeffientMap;
bool hasBlock = false;
for (auto result : dimToLvl.getResults()) {
if (auto binOp = dyn_cast<AffineBinaryOpExpr>(result)) {
// Check for "dim op const".
auto dimOp = dyn_cast<AffineDimExpr>(binOp.getLHS());
auto conOp = dyn_cast<AffineConstantExpr>(binOp.getRHS());
if (!dimOp || !conOp || conOp.getValue() <= 0)
return false;
// Inspect "dim / const" or "dim % const".
auto pos = dimOp.getPosition();
if (binOp.getKind() == AffineExprKind::FloorDiv) {
// Expect only one floordiv for each dimension.
if (coeffientMap.find(pos) != coeffientMap.end())
return false;
// Record coefficient of the floordiv.
coeffientMap[pos] = conOp.getValue();
} else if (binOp.getKind() == AffineExprKind::Mod) {
// Expect floordiv before mod.
if (coeffientMap.find(pos) == coeffientMap.end())
return false;
// Expect mod to have the same coefficient as floordiv.
if (conOp.getValue() != coeffientMap[pos])
return false;
hasBlock = true;
} else {
return false;
} else if (auto dimOp = dyn_cast<AffineDimExpr>(result)) {
auto pos = dimOp.getPosition();
// Expect dim to be unset.
if (coeffientMap.find(pos) != coeffientMap.end())
return false;
coeffientMap[pos] = 0;
} else {
return false;
return hasBlock;
bool mlir::sparse_tensor::hasAnyNonIdentityOperandsOrResults(Operation *op) {
auto hasNonIdentityMap = [](Value v) {
auto stt = tryGetSparseTensorType(v);
return stt && !stt->isIdentity();
return llvm::any_of(op->getOperands(), hasNonIdentityMap) ||
llvm::any_of(op->getResults(), hasNonIdentityMap);
Dimension mlir::sparse_tensor::toDim(SparseTensorEncodingAttr enc, Level l) {
if (enc) {
assert(enc.isPermutation() && "Non permutation map not supported");
if (const auto dimToLvl = enc.getDimToLvl())
return dimToLvl.getDimPosition(l);
return l;
Level mlir::sparse_tensor::toLvl(SparseTensorEncodingAttr enc, Dimension d) {
if (enc) {
assert(enc.isPermutation() && "Non permutation map not supported");
if (const auto lvlToDim = enc.getLvlToDim())
return lvlToDim.getDimPosition(d);
return d;
/// We normalized sparse tensor encoding attribute by always using
/// ordered/unique LT such that "compressed_nu_no" and "compressed_nu" (as well
/// as other variants) lead to the same storage specifier type, and stripping
/// irrelevant fields that do not alter the sparse tensor memory layout.
static SparseTensorEncodingAttr
getNormalizedEncodingForSpecifier(SparseTensorEncodingAttr enc) {
SmallVector<LevelType> lts;
for (auto lt : enc.getLvlTypes())
return SparseTensorEncodingAttr::get(
enc.getContext(), lts,
AffineMap(), // dimToLvl (irrelevant to storage specifier)
AffineMap(), // lvlToDim (irrelevant to storage specifier)
// Always use `index` for memSize and lvlSize instead of reusing
// `getPosWidth` and `getCrdWidth`. It allows us to reuse the same SSA
// value for different bitwidth, it also avoids casting between index and
// integer (returned by DimOp)
0, 0,
Attribute(), // explicitVal (irrelevant to storage specifier)
Attribute(), // implicitVal (irrelevant to storage specifier)
StorageSpecifierType::get(MLIRContext *ctx, SparseTensorEncodingAttr encoding) {
return Base::get(ctx, getNormalizedEncodingForSpecifier(encoding));
// SparseTensorDialect Operations.
static LogicalResult lvlIsInBounds(Level lvl, Value tensor) {
return success(lvl < getSparseTensorType(tensor).getLvlRank());
static LogicalResult isMatchingWidth(Value mem, unsigned width) {
const Type etp = getMemRefType(mem).getElementType();
return success(width == 0 ? etp.isIndex() : etp.isInteger(width));
static LogicalResult verifySparsifierGetterSetter(
StorageSpecifierKind mdKind, std::optional<Level> lvl,
TypedValue<StorageSpecifierType> md, Operation *op) {
if (mdKind == StorageSpecifierKind::ValMemSize && lvl) {
return op->emitError(
"redundant level argument for querying value memory size");
const auto enc = md.getType().getEncoding();
const Level lvlRank = enc.getLvlRank();
if (mdKind == StorageSpecifierKind::DimOffset ||
mdKind == StorageSpecifierKind::DimStride)
if (!enc.isSlice())
return op->emitError("requested slice data on non-slice tensor");
if (mdKind != StorageSpecifierKind::ValMemSize) {
if (!lvl)
return op->emitError("missing level argument");
const Level l = lvl.value();
if (l >= lvlRank)
return op->emitError("requested level is out of bounds");
if (mdKind == StorageSpecifierKind::PosMemSize && enc.isSingletonLvl(l))
return op->emitError(
"requested position memory size on a singleton level");
return success();
static Type getFieldElemType(SparseTensorType stt, SparseTensorFieldKind kind) {
switch (kind) {
case SparseTensorFieldKind::CrdMemRef:
return stt.getCrdType();
case SparseTensorFieldKind::PosMemRef:
return stt.getPosType();
case SparseTensorFieldKind::ValMemRef:
return stt.getElementType();
case SparseTensorFieldKind::StorageSpec:
return nullptr;
llvm_unreachable("Unrecognizable FieldKind");
static LogicalResult verifyPackUnPack(Operation *op, bool requiresStaticShape,
SparseTensorType stt,
RankedTensorType valTp,
TypeRange lvlTps) {
if (requiresStaticShape && !stt.hasStaticDimShape())
return op->emitError("the sparse-tensor must have static shape");
if (!stt.hasEncoding())
return op->emitError("the sparse-tensor must have an encoding attribute");
// Verifies the trailing COO.
Level cooStartLvl = stt.getAoSCOOStart();
if (cooStartLvl < stt.getLvlRank()) {
// We only supports trailing COO for now, must be the last input.
auto cooTp = llvm::cast<ShapedType>(lvlTps.back());
// The coordinates should be in shape of <? x rank>
unsigned expCOORank = stt.getLvlRank() - cooStartLvl;
if (cooTp.getRank() != 2 || expCOORank != cooTp.getShape().back()) {
op->emitError("input/output trailing COO level-ranks don't match");
// Verifies that all types match.
StorageLayout layout(stt.getEncoding());
if (layout.getNumDataFields() != lvlTps.size() + 1) // plus one value memref
return op->emitError("inconsistent number of fields between input/output");
unsigned idx = 0;
bool misMatch = false;
layout.foreachField([&idx, &misMatch, stt, valTp,
lvlTps](FieldIndex fid, SparseTensorFieldKind fKind,
Level lvl, LevelType lt) -> bool {
if (fKind == SparseTensorFieldKind::StorageSpec)
return true;
Type inputTp = nullptr;
if (fKind == SparseTensorFieldKind::ValMemRef) {
inputTp = valTp;
} else {
assert(fid == idx && stt.getLvlType(lvl) == lt);
inputTp = lvlTps[idx++];
// The input element type and expected element type should match.
Type inpElemTp = llvm::cast<TensorType>(inputTp).getElementType();
Type expElemTp = getFieldElemType(stt, fKind);
if (inpElemTp != expElemTp) {
misMatch = true;
return false; // to terminate the iteration
return true;
if (misMatch)
return op->emitError("input/output element-types don't match");
return success();
LogicalResult AssembleOp::verify() {
const auto valuesTp = getRankedTensorType(getValues());
const auto lvlsTp = getLevels().getTypes();
const auto resTp = getSparseTensorType(getResult());
return verifyPackUnPack(*this, true, resTp, valuesTp, lvlsTp);
LogicalResult DisassembleOp::verify() {
if (getOutValues().getType() != getRetValues().getType())
return emitError("output values and return value type mismatch");
for (auto [ot, rt] : llvm::zip_equal(getOutLevels(), getRetLevels()))
if (ot.getType() != rt.getType())
return emitError("output levels and return levels type mismatch");
const auto valuesTp = getRankedTensorType(getRetValues());
const auto lvlsTp = getRetLevels().getTypes();
const auto srcTp = getSparseTensorType(getTensor());
return verifyPackUnPack(*this, false, srcTp, valuesTp, lvlsTp);
LogicalResult ConvertOp::verify() {
if (auto tp1 = llvm::dyn_cast<RankedTensorType>(getSource().getType())) {
if (auto tp2 = llvm::dyn_cast<RankedTensorType>(getDest().getType())) {
if (tp1.getRank() != tp2.getRank())
return emitError("unexpected conversion mismatch in rank");
auto dstEnc =
if (dstEnc && dstEnc.isSlice())
return emitError("cannot convert to a sparse tensor slice");
auto shape1 = tp1.getShape();
auto shape2 = tp2.getShape();
// Accept size matches between the source and the destination type
// (e.g. 10 vs. 10, 10 vs. ?, or ? vs. ?), but reject direct mismatches or
// matches that would need a runtime assert (e.g. 10 vs. 20 or ? vs. 10).
for (Dimension d = 0, dimRank = tp1.getRank(); d < dimRank; d++)
if (shape1[d] != shape2[d] && shape2[d] != ShapedType::kDynamic)
return emitError("unexpected conversion mismatch in dimension ") << d;
return success();
return emitError("unexpected type in convert");
OpFoldResult ConvertOp::fold(FoldAdaptor adaptor) {
if (getType() == getSource().getType())
return getSource();
return {};
bool ConvertOp::needsExtraSort() {
SparseTensorType srcStt = getSparseTensorType(getSource());
SparseTensorType dstStt = getSparseTensorType(getDest());
// We do not need an extra sort when returning unordered sparse tensors or
// dense tensor since dense tensor support random access.
if (dstStt.isAllDense() || !dstStt.isAllOrdered())
return false;
if (srcStt.isAllOrdered() && dstStt.isAllOrdered() &&
srcStt.hasSameDimToLvl(dstStt)) {
return false;
// Source and dest tensors are ordered in different ways. We only do direct
// dense to sparse conversion when the dense input is defined by a sparse
// constant. Note that we can theoretically always directly convert from dense
// inputs by rotating dense loops but it leads to bad cache locality and hurt
// performance.
if (auto constOp = getSource().getDefiningOp<arith::ConstantOp>())
if (isa<SparseElementsAttr>(constOp.getValue()))
return false;
return true;
LogicalResult CrdTranslateOp::verify() {
uint64_t inRank = getEncoder().getLvlRank();
uint64_t outRank = getEncoder().getDimRank();
if (getDirection() == CrdTransDirectionKind::dim2lvl)
std::swap(inRank, outRank);
if (inRank != getInCrds().size() || outRank != getOutCrds().size())
return emitError("Coordinate rank mismatch with encoding");
return success();
LogicalResult CrdTranslateOp::fold(FoldAdaptor adaptor,
SmallVectorImpl<OpFoldResult> &results) {
if (getEncoder().isIdentity()) {
results.assign(getInCrds().begin(), getInCrds().end());
return success();
if (getEncoder().isPermutation()) {
AffineMap perm = getDirection() == CrdTransDirectionKind::dim2lvl
? getEncoder().getDimToLvl()
: getEncoder().getLvlToDim();
for (AffineExpr exp : perm.getResults())
return success();
// Fuse dim2lvl/lvl2dim pairs.
auto def = getInCrds()[0].getDefiningOp<CrdTranslateOp>();
bool sameDef = def && llvm::all_of(getInCrds(), [def](Value v) {
return v.getDefiningOp() == def;
if (!sameDef)
return failure();
bool oppositeDir = def.getDirection() != getDirection();
bool sameOracle =
def.getEncoder().getDimToLvl() == getEncoder().getDimToLvl();
bool sameCount = def.getNumResults() == getInCrds().size();
if (!oppositeDir || !sameOracle || !sameCount)
return failure();
// The definition produces the coordinates in the same order as the input
// coordinates.
bool sameOrder = llvm::all_of(llvm::zip_equal(def.getOutCrds(), getInCrds()),
[](auto valuePair) {
auto [lhs, rhs] = valuePair;
return lhs == rhs;
if (!sameOrder)
return failure();
// l1 = dim2lvl (lvl2dim l0)
// ==> l0
results.append(def.getInCrds().begin(), def.getInCrds().end());
return success();
void LvlOp::build(OpBuilder &builder, OperationState &state, Value source,
int64_t index) {
Value val = builder.create<arith::ConstantIndexOp>(state.location, index);
return build(builder, state, source, val);
LogicalResult LvlOp::verify() {
if (std::optional<uint64_t> lvl = getConstantLvlIndex()) {
auto stt = getSparseTensorType(getSource());
if (static_cast<uint64_t>(lvl.value()) >= stt.getLvlRank())
emitError("Level index exceeds the rank of the input sparse tensor");
return success();
std::optional<uint64_t> LvlOp::getConstantLvlIndex() {
return getConstantIntValue(getIndex());
Speculation::Speculatability LvlOp::getSpeculatability() {
auto constantIndex = getConstantLvlIndex();
if (!constantIndex)
return Speculation::NotSpeculatable;
assert(constantIndex <
return Speculation::Speculatable;
OpFoldResult LvlOp::fold(FoldAdaptor adaptor) {
auto lvlIndex = llvm::dyn_cast_if_present<IntegerAttr>(adaptor.getIndex());
if (!lvlIndex)
return {};
Level lvl = lvlIndex.getAPSInt().getZExtValue();
auto stt = getSparseTensorType(getSource());
if (lvl >= stt.getLvlRank()) {
// Follows the same convention used by tensor.dim operation. Out of bound
// indices produce undefined behavior but are still valid IR. Don't choke on
// them.
return {};
// Helper lambda to build an IndexAttr.
auto getIndexAttr = [this](int64_t lvlSz) {
return IntegerAttr::get(IndexType::get(getContext()), APInt(64, lvlSz));
SmallVector<Size> lvlShape = stt.getLvlShape();
if (!ShapedType::isDynamic(lvlShape[lvl]))
return getIndexAttr(lvlShape[lvl]);
return {};
void ReinterpretMapOp::build(OpBuilder &odsBuilder, OperationState &odsState,
SparseTensorEncodingAttr dstEnc, Value source) {
auto srcStt = getSparseTensorType(source);
SmallVector<int64_t> srcLvlShape = srcStt.getLvlShape();
SmallVector<int64_t> dstDimShape =
dstEnc.translateShape(srcLvlShape, CrdTransDirectionKind::lvl2dim);
auto dstTp =
RankedTensorType::get(dstDimShape, srcStt.getElementType(), dstEnc);
return build(odsBuilder, odsState, dstTp, source);
LogicalResult ReinterpretMapOp::verify() {
auto srcStt = getSparseTensorType(getSource());
auto dstStt = getSparseTensorType(getDest());
ArrayRef<LevelType> srcLvlTps = srcStt.getLvlTypes();
ArrayRef<LevelType> dstLvlTps = dstStt.getLvlTypes();
if (srcLvlTps.size() != dstLvlTps.size())
return emitError("Level rank mismatch between source/dest tensors");
for (auto [srcLvlTp, dstLvlTp] : llvm::zip(srcLvlTps, dstLvlTps))
if (srcLvlTp != dstLvlTp)
return emitError("Level type mismatch between source/dest tensors");
if (srcStt.getPosWidth() != dstStt.getPosWidth() ||
srcStt.getCrdWidth() != dstStt.getCrdWidth()) {
return emitError("Crd/Pos width mismatch between source/dest tensors");
if (srcStt.getElementType() != dstStt.getElementType())
return emitError("Element type mismatch between source/dest tensors");
SmallVector<Size> srcLvlShape = srcStt.getLvlShape();
SmallVector<Size> dstLvlShape = dstStt.getLvlShape();
for (auto [srcLvlSz, dstLvlSz] : llvm::zip(srcLvlShape, dstLvlShape)) {
if (srcLvlSz != dstLvlSz) {
// Should we allow one side to be dynamic size, e.g., <?x?> should be
// compatible to <3x4>? For now, we require all the level sizes to be
// *exactly* matched for simplicity.
return emitError("Level size mismatch between source/dest tensors");
return success();
OpFoldResult ReinterpretMapOp::fold(FoldAdaptor adaptor) {
if (getSource().getType() == getDest().getType())
return getSource();
if (auto def = getSource().getDefiningOp<ReinterpretMapOp>()) {
// A -> B, B -> A ==> A
if (def.getSource().getType() == getDest().getType())
return def.getSource();
return {};
template <typename ToBufferOp>
static LogicalResult inferSparseBufferType(ValueRange ops, DictionaryAttr attr,
OpaqueProperties prop,
RegionRange region,
SmallVectorImpl<mlir::Type> &ret) {
typename ToBufferOp::Adaptor adaptor(ops, attr, prop, region);
SparseTensorType stt = getSparseTensorType(adaptor.getTensor());
Type elemTp = nullptr;
bool withStride = false;
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<ToBufferOp, ToPositionsOp>) {
elemTp = stt.getPosType();
} else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<ToBufferOp, ToCoordinatesOp> ||
std::is_same_v<ToBufferOp, ToCoordinatesBufferOp>) {
elemTp = stt.getCrdType();
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<ToBufferOp, ToCoordinatesOp>)
withStride = stt.getAoSCOOStart() <= adaptor.getLevel();
} else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<ToBufferOp, ToValuesOp>) {
elemTp = stt.getElementType();
assert(elemTp && "unhandled operation.");
SmallVector<int64_t> bufShape = stt.getBatchLvlShape();
auto layout = withStride ? StridedLayoutAttr::StridedLayoutAttr::get(
stt.getContext(), ShapedType::kDynamic,
: StridedLayoutAttr();
ret.emplace_back(MemRefType::get(bufShape, elemTp, layout));
return success();
LogicalResult ToPositionsOp::verify() {
auto stt = getSparseTensorType(getTensor());
if (failed(lvlIsInBounds(getLevel(), getTensor())))
return emitError("requested level is out of bounds");
if (failed(isMatchingWidth(getResult(), stt.getPosWidth())))
return emitError("unexpected type for positions");
return success();
ToPositionsOp::inferReturnTypes(MLIRContext *ctx, std::optional<Location> loc,
ValueRange ops, DictionaryAttr attr,
OpaqueProperties prop, RegionRange region,
SmallVectorImpl<mlir::Type> &ret) {
return inferSparseBufferType<ToPositionsOp>(ops, attr, prop, region, ret);
LogicalResult ToCoordinatesOp::verify() {
auto stt = getSparseTensorType(getTensor());
if (failed(lvlIsInBounds(getLevel(), getTensor())))
return emitError("requested level is out of bounds");
if (failed(isMatchingWidth(getResult(), stt.getCrdWidth())))
return emitError("unexpected type for coordinates");
return success();
ToCoordinatesOp::inferReturnTypes(MLIRContext *ctx, std::optional<Location> loc,
ValueRange ops, DictionaryAttr attr,
OpaqueProperties prop, RegionRange region,
SmallVectorImpl<mlir::Type> &ret) {
return inferSparseBufferType<ToCoordinatesOp>(ops, attr, prop, region, ret);
LogicalResult ToCoordinatesBufferOp::verify() {
auto stt = getSparseTensorType(getTensor());
if (stt.getAoSCOOStart() >= stt.getLvlRank())
return emitError("expected sparse tensor with a COO region");
return success();
LogicalResult ToCoordinatesBufferOp::inferReturnTypes(
MLIRContext *ctx, std::optional<Location> loc, ValueRange ops,
DictionaryAttr attr, OpaqueProperties prop, RegionRange region,
SmallVectorImpl<mlir::Type> &ret) {
return inferSparseBufferType<ToCoordinatesBufferOp>(ops, attr, prop, region,
LogicalResult ToValuesOp::verify() {
auto stt = getSparseTensorType(getTensor());
auto mtp = getMemRefType(getResult());
if (stt.getElementType() != mtp.getElementType())
return emitError("unexpected mismatch in element types");
return success();
LogicalResult ToValuesOp::inferReturnTypes(MLIRContext *ctx,
std::optional<Location> loc,
ValueRange ops, DictionaryAttr attr,
OpaqueProperties prop,
RegionRange region,
SmallVectorImpl<mlir::Type> &ret) {
return inferSparseBufferType<ToValuesOp>(ops, attr, prop, region, ret);
LogicalResult ToSliceOffsetOp::verify() {
auto rank = getRankedTensorType(getSlice()).getRank();
if (rank <= getDim().getSExtValue() || getDim().getSExtValue() < 0)
return emitError("requested dimension out of bound");
return success();
LogicalResult ToSliceStrideOp::verify() {
auto rank = getRankedTensorType(getSlice()).getRank();
if (rank <= getDim().getSExtValue() || getDim().getSExtValue() < 0)
return emitError("requested dimension out of bound");
return success();
LogicalResult GetStorageSpecifierOp::verify() {
return verifySparsifierGetterSetter(getSpecifierKind(), getLevel(),
getSpecifier(), getOperation());
template <typename SpecifierOp>
static SetStorageSpecifierOp getSpecifierSetDef(SpecifierOp op) {
return op.getSpecifier().template getDefiningOp<SetStorageSpecifierOp>();
OpFoldResult GetStorageSpecifierOp::fold(FoldAdaptor adaptor) {
const StorageSpecifierKind kind = getSpecifierKind();
const auto lvl = getLevel();
for (auto op = getSpecifierSetDef(*this); op; op = getSpecifierSetDef(op))
if (kind == op.getSpecifierKind() && lvl == op.getLevel())
return op.getValue();
return {};
LogicalResult SetStorageSpecifierOp::verify() {
return verifySparsifierGetterSetter(getSpecifierKind(), getLevel(),
getSpecifier(), getOperation());
template <class T>
static LogicalResult verifyNumBlockArgs(T *op, Region &region,
const char *regionName,
TypeRange inputTypes, Type outputType) {
unsigned numArgs = region.getNumArguments();
unsigned expectedNum = inputTypes.size();
if (numArgs != expectedNum)
return op->emitError() << regionName << " region must have exactly "
<< expectedNum << " arguments";
for (unsigned i = 0; i < numArgs; i++) {
Type typ = region.getArgument(i).getType();
if (typ != inputTypes[i])
return op->emitError() << regionName << " region argument " << (i + 1)
<< " type mismatch";
Operation *term = region.front().getTerminator();
YieldOp yield = dyn_cast<YieldOp>(term);
if (!yield)
return op->emitError() << regionName
<< " region must end with sparse_tensor.yield";
if (!yield.hasSingleResult() ||
yield.getSingleResult().getType() != outputType)
return op->emitError() << regionName << " region yield type mismatch";
return success();
LogicalResult BinaryOp::verify() {
NamedAttrList attrs = (*this)->getAttrs();
Type leftType = getX().getType();
Type rightType = getY().getType();
Type outputType = getOutput().getType();
Region &overlap = getOverlapRegion();
Region &left = getLeftRegion();
Region &right = getRightRegion();
// Check correct number of block arguments and return type for each
// non-empty region.
if (!overlap.empty()) {
if (failed(verifyNumBlockArgs(this, overlap, "overlap",
TypeRange{leftType, rightType}, outputType)))
return failure();
if (!left.empty()) {
if (failed(verifyNumBlockArgs(this, left, "left", TypeRange{leftType},
return failure();
} else if (getLeftIdentity()) {
if (leftType != outputType)
return emitError("left=identity requires first argument to have the same "
"type as the output");
if (!right.empty()) {
if (failed(verifyNumBlockArgs(this, right, "right", TypeRange{rightType},
return failure();
} else if (getRightIdentity()) {
if (rightType != outputType)
return emitError("right=identity requires second argument to have the "
"same type as the output");
return success();
LogicalResult UnaryOp::verify() {
Type inputType = getX().getType();
Type outputType = getOutput().getType();
// Check correct number of block arguments and return type for each
// non-empty region.
Region &present = getPresentRegion();
if (!present.empty()) {
if (failed(verifyNumBlockArgs(this, present, "present",
TypeRange{inputType}, outputType)))
return failure();
Region &absent = getAbsentRegion();
if (!absent.empty()) {
if (failed(verifyNumBlockArgs(this, absent, "absent", TypeRange{},
return failure();
// Absent branch can only yield invariant values.
Block *absentBlock = &absent.front();
Block *parent = getOperation()->getBlock();
Value absentVal =
if (auto arg = dyn_cast<BlockArgument>(absentVal)) {
if (arg.getOwner() == parent)
return emitError("absent region cannot yield linalg argument");
} else if (Operation *def = absentVal.getDefiningOp()) {
if (!isa<arith::ConstantOp>(def) &&
(def->getBlock() == absentBlock || def->getBlock() == parent))
return emitError("absent region cannot yield locally computed value");
return success();
bool ConcatenateOp::needsExtraSort() {
SparseTensorType dstStt = getSparseTensorType(*this);
if (dstStt.isAllDense() || !dstStt.isAllOrdered())
return false;
bool allSameOrdered = llvm::all_of(getInputs(), [dstStt](Value op) {
return getSparseTensorType(op).hasSameDimToLvl(dstStt);
// TODO: When conDim != 0, as long as conDim corresponding to the first level
// in all input/output buffers, and all input/output buffers have the same
// dimToLvl, the tmp COO buffer is still unnecessary (e.g, concatenate
// CSC matrices along column).
bool directLowerable =
allSameOrdered && getDimension() == 0 && dstStt.isIdentity();
return !directLowerable;
LogicalResult ConcatenateOp::verify() {
const auto dstTp = getSparseTensorType(*this);
const Dimension concatDim = getDimension();
const Dimension dimRank = dstTp.getDimRank();
if (getInputs().size() <= 1)
return emitError("Need at least two tensors to concatenate.");
if (concatDim >= dimRank)
return emitError(llvm::formatv(
"Concat-dimension is out of bounds for dimension-rank ({0} >= {1})",
concatDim, dimRank));
for (const auto &it : llvm::enumerate(getInputs())) {
const auto i = it.index();
const auto srcTp = getSparseTensorType(it.value());
if (srcTp.hasDynamicDimShape())
return emitError(llvm::formatv("Input tensor ${0} has dynamic shape", i));
const Dimension srcDimRank = srcTp.getDimRank();
if (srcDimRank != dimRank)
return emitError(
llvm::formatv("Input tensor ${0} has a different rank (rank={1}) "
"from the output tensor (rank={2}).",
i, srcDimRank, dimRank));
for (Dimension d = 0; d < dimRank; d++) {
const Size dstSh = dstTp.getDimShape()[d];
if (d == concatDim) {
if (!ShapedType::isDynamic(dstSh)) {
// If we reach here, then all inputs have static shapes. So we
// can use `getDimShape()[d]` instead of `*getDynamicDimSize(d)`
// to avoid redundant assertions in the loop.
Size sumSz = 0;
for (const auto src : getInputs())
sumSz += getSparseTensorType(src).getDimShape()[d];
// If all dimension are statically known, the sum of all the input
// dimensions should be equal to the output dimension.
if (sumSz != dstSh)
return emitError(
"The concatenation dimension of the output tensor should be the "
"sum of all the concatenation dimensions of the input tensors.");
} else {
Size prev = dstSh;
for (const auto src : getInputs()) {
const auto sh = getSparseTensorType(src).getDimShape()[d];
if (!ShapedType::isDynamic(prev) && sh != prev)
return emitError("All dimensions (expect for the concatenating one) "
"should be equal.");
prev = sh;
return success();
void PushBackOp::build(OpBuilder &builder, OperationState &result,
Value curSize, Value inBuffer, Value value) {
build(builder, result, curSize, inBuffer, value, Value());
LogicalResult PushBackOp::verify() {
if (Value n = getN()) {
std::optional<int64_t> nValue = getConstantIntValue(n);
if (nValue && nValue.value() < 1)
return emitOpError("n must be not less than 1");
return success();
LogicalResult CompressOp::verify() {
const auto stt = getSparseTensorType(getTensor());
if (stt.getLvlRank() != 1 + static_cast<Level>(getLvlCoords().size()))
return emitOpError("incorrect number of coordinates");
return success();
void ForeachOp::build(
OpBuilder &builder, OperationState &result, Value tensor,
ValueRange initArgs, AffineMapAttr order,
function_ref<void(OpBuilder &, Location, ValueRange, Value, ValueRange)>
bodyBuilder) {
build(builder, result, initArgs.getTypes(), tensor, initArgs, order);
// Builds foreach body.
if (!bodyBuilder)
const auto stt = getSparseTensorType(tensor);
const Dimension dimRank = stt.getDimRank();
// Starts with `dimRank`-many coordinates.
SmallVector<Type> blockArgTypes(dimRank, builder.getIndexType());
// Followed by one value.
// Followed by the reduction variables.
blockArgTypes.append(initArgs.getTypes().begin(), initArgs.getTypes().end());
SmallVector<Location> blockArgLocs(blockArgTypes.size(), tensor.getLoc());
OpBuilder::InsertionGuard guard(builder);
auto &region = *result.regions.front();
Block *bodyBlock =
builder.createBlock(&region, region.end(), blockArgTypes, blockArgLocs);
bodyBuilder(builder, result.location,
bodyBlock->getArguments().slice(0, dimRank),
bodyBlock->getArguments().drop_front(dimRank + 1));
LogicalResult ForeachOp::verify() {
const auto t = getSparseTensorType(getTensor());
const Dimension dimRank = t.getDimRank();
const auto args = getBody()->getArguments();
if (getOrder().has_value() && getOrder()->getNumDims() != t.getLvlRank())
return emitError("Level traverse order does not match tensor's level rank");
if (dimRank + 1 + getInitArgs().size() != args.size())
return emitError("Unmatched number of arguments in the block");
if (getNumResults() != getInitArgs().size())
return emitError("Mismatch in number of init arguments and results");
if (getResultTypes() != getInitArgs().getTypes())
return emitError("Mismatch in types of init arguments and results");
// Cannot mark this const, because the getters aren't.
auto yield = cast<YieldOp>(getBody()->getTerminator());
if (yield.getNumOperands() != getNumResults() ||
yield.getOperands().getTypes() != getResultTypes())
return emitError("Mismatch in types of yield values and results");
const auto iTp = IndexType::get(getContext());
for (Dimension d = 0; d < dimRank; d++)
if (args[d].getType() != iTp)
llvm::formatv("Expecting Index type for argument at index {0}", d));
const auto elemTp = t.getElementType();
const auto valueTp = args[dimRank].getType();
if (elemTp != valueTp)
emitError(llvm::formatv("Unmatched element type between input tensor and "
"block argument, expected:{0}, got: {1}",
elemTp, valueTp));
return success();
OpFoldResult ReorderCOOOp::fold(FoldAdaptor adaptor) {
if (getSparseTensorEncoding(getInputCoo().getType()) ==
return getInputCoo();
return {};
LogicalResult ReorderCOOOp::verify() {
SparseTensorType srcStt = getSparseTensorType(getInputCoo());
SparseTensorType dstStt = getSparseTensorType(getResultCoo());
if (!srcStt.isCOOType() || !dstStt.isCOOType())
emitError("Expected COO sparse tensors only");
if (!srcStt.hasSameDimToLvl(dstStt))
emitError("Unmatched dim2lvl map between input and result COO");
if (srcStt.getPosType() != dstStt.getPosType() ||
srcStt.getCrdType() != dstStt.getCrdType() ||
srcStt.getElementType() != dstStt.getElementType())
emitError("Unmatched storage format between input and result COO");
return success();
LogicalResult ReduceOp::verify() {
Type inputType = getX().getType();
Region &formula = getRegion();
return verifyNumBlockArgs(this, formula, "reduce",
TypeRange{inputType, inputType}, inputType);
LogicalResult SelectOp::verify() {
Builder b(getContext());
Type inputType = getX().getType();
Type boolType = b.getI1Type();
Region &formula = getRegion();
return verifyNumBlockArgs(this, formula, "select", TypeRange{inputType},
LogicalResult SortOp::verify() {
AffineMap xPerm = getPermMap();
uint64_t nx = xPerm.getNumDims();
if (nx < 1)
emitError(llvm::formatv("Expected rank(perm_map) > 1, got {0}", nx));
if (!xPerm.isPermutation())
emitError(llvm::formatv("Expected a permutation map, got {0}", xPerm));
// We can't check the size of the buffers when n or buffer dimensions aren't
// compile-time constants.
std::optional<int64_t> cn = getConstantIntValue(getN());
if (!cn)
return success();
// Verify dimensions.
const auto checkDim = [&](Value v, Size minSize, const char *message) {
const Size sh = getMemRefType(v).getShape()[0];
if (!ShapedType::isDynamic(sh) && sh < minSize)
emitError(llvm::formatv("{0} got {1} < {2}", message, sh, minSize));
uint64_t n = cn.value();
uint64_t ny = 0;
if (auto nyAttr = getNyAttr())
ny = nyAttr.getInt();
checkDim(getXy(), n * (nx + ny),
"Expected dimension(xy) >= n * (rank(perm_map) + ny)");
for (Value opnd : getYs())
checkDim(opnd, n, "Expected dimension(y) >= n");
return success();
// Sparse Tensor Iteration Operations.
IterSpaceType IteratorType::getIterSpaceType() const {
return IterSpaceType::get(getContext(), getEncoding(), getLoLvl(),
IteratorType IterSpaceType::getIteratorType() const {
return IteratorType::get(getContext(), getEncoding(), getLoLvl(), getHiLvl());
/// Parses a level range in the form "$lo `to` $hi"
/// or simply "$lo" if $hi - $lo = 1
static ParseResult parseLevelRange(AsmParser &parser, Level &lvlLo,
Level &lvlHi) {
if (parser.parseInteger(lvlLo))
return failure();
if (succeeded(parser.parseOptionalKeyword("to"))) {
if (parser.parseInteger(lvlHi))
return failure();
} else {
lvlHi = lvlLo + 1;
if (lvlHi <= lvlLo)
"expect larger level upper bound than lower bound");
return success();
/// Parses a level range in the form "$lo `to` $hi"
/// or simply "$lo" if $hi - $lo = 1
static ParseResult parseLevelRange(OpAsmParser &parser, IntegerAttr &lvlLoAttr,
IntegerAttr &lvlHiAttr) {
Level lvlLo, lvlHi;
if (parseLevelRange(parser, lvlLo, lvlHi))
return failure();
lvlLoAttr = IntegerAttr::get(parser.getBuilder().getIndexType(), lvlLo);
lvlHiAttr = IntegerAttr::get(parser.getBuilder().getIndexType(), lvlHi);
return success();
/// Prints a level range in the form "$lo `to` $hi"
/// or simply "$lo" if $hi - $lo = 1
static void printLevelRange(AsmPrinter &p, Level lo, Level hi) {
if (lo + 1 == hi)
p << lo;
p << lo << " to " << hi;
/// Prints a level range in the form "$lo `to` $hi"
/// or simply "$lo" if $hi - $lo = 1
static void printLevelRange(OpAsmPrinter &p, Operation *, IntegerAttr lvlLo,
IntegerAttr lvlHi) {
unsigned lo = lvlLo.getValue().getZExtValue();
unsigned hi = lvlHi.getValue().getZExtValue();
printLevelRange(p, lo, hi);
LogicalResult ExtractIterSpaceOp::inferReturnTypes(
MLIRContext *ctx, std::optional<Location> loc, ValueRange ops,
DictionaryAttr attr, OpaqueProperties prop, RegionRange region,
SmallVectorImpl<mlir::Type> &ret) {
ExtractIterSpaceOp::Adaptor adaptor(ops, attr, prop, region);
SparseTensorType stt = getSparseTensorType(adaptor.getTensor());
ret.push_back(IterSpaceType::get(ctx, stt.getEncoding(), adaptor.getLoLvl(),
return success();
LogicalResult ExtractIterSpaceOp::verify() {
if (getLoLvl() >= getHiLvl())
return emitOpError("expected smaller level low than level high");
TypedValue<IteratorType> pIter = getParentIter();
if ((pIter && getLoLvl() == 0) || (!pIter && getLoLvl() != 0)) {
return emitOpError(
"parent iterator should be specified iff level lower bound equals 0");
if (pIter) {
IterSpaceType spaceTp = getResultSpace().getType();
if (pIter.getType().getEncoding() != spaceTp.getEncoding())
return emitOpError(
"mismatch in parent iterator encoding and iteration space encoding.");
if (spaceTp.getLoLvl() != pIter.getType().getHiLvl())
return emitOpError("parent iterator should be used to extract an "
"iteration space from a consecutive level.");
return success();
/// Materialize a single constant operation from a given attribute value with
/// the desired resultant type.
Operation *SparseTensorDialect::materializeConstant(OpBuilder &builder,
Attribute value, Type type,
Location loc) {
if (auto op = arith::ConstantOp::materialize(builder, value, type, loc))
return op;
return nullptr;
namespace {
struct SparseTensorAsmDialectInterface : public OpAsmDialectInterface {
using OpAsmDialectInterface::OpAsmDialectInterface;
AliasResult getAlias(Attribute attr, raw_ostream &os) const override {
if (isa<SparseTensorEncodingAttr>(attr)) {
os << "sparse";
return AliasResult::OverridableAlias;
return AliasResult::NoAlias;
} // namespace
void SparseTensorDialect::initialize() {
#include "mlir/Dialect/SparseTensor/IR/"
#include "mlir/Dialect/SparseTensor/IR/"
#define GET_OP_LIST
#include "mlir/Dialect/SparseTensor/IR/"
bufferization::BufferizableOpInterface, ConcatenateOp, ConvertOp, LoadOp,
NewOp, NumberOfEntriesOp, AssembleOp, DisassembleOp,
ToCoordinatesBufferOp, ToCoordinatesOp, ToPositionsOp, ToValuesOp>();
#include "mlir/Dialect/SparseTensor/IR/"
#include "mlir/Dialect/SparseTensor/IR/"