blob: ef7b7a19489d4faff638311491608fe2718e004b [file] [log] [blame]
//===- EmitC.cpp - EmitC Dialect ------------------------------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "mlir/Dialect/EmitC/IR/EmitC.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/EmitC/IR/EmitCTraits.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Builders.h"
#include "mlir/IR/BuiltinAttributes.h"
#include "mlir/IR/BuiltinTypes.h"
#include "mlir/IR/DialectImplementation.h"
#include "mlir/IR/IRMapping.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Types.h"
#include "mlir/Interfaces/FunctionImplementation.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/TypeSwitch.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Casting.h"
using namespace mlir;
using namespace mlir::emitc;
#include "mlir/Dialect/EmitC/IR/"
// EmitCDialect
void EmitCDialect::initialize() {
#define GET_OP_LIST
#include "mlir/Dialect/EmitC/IR/"
#include "mlir/Dialect/EmitC/IR/"
#include "mlir/Dialect/EmitC/IR/"
/// Materialize a single constant operation from a given attribute value with
/// the desired resultant type.
Operation *EmitCDialect::materializeConstant(OpBuilder &builder,
Attribute value, Type type,
Location loc) {
return builder.create<emitc::ConstantOp>(loc, type, value);
/// Default callback for builders of ops carrying a region. Inserts a yield
/// without arguments.
void mlir::emitc::buildTerminatedBody(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc) {
bool mlir::emitc::isSupportedEmitCType(Type type) {
if (llvm::isa<emitc::OpaqueType>(type))
return true;
if (auto ptrType = llvm::dyn_cast<emitc::PointerType>(type))
return isSupportedEmitCType(ptrType.getPointee());
if (auto arrayType = llvm::dyn_cast<emitc::ArrayType>(type)) {
auto elemType = arrayType.getElementType();
return !llvm::isa<emitc::ArrayType>(elemType) &&
if (type.isIndex())
return true;
if (llvm::isa<IntegerType>(type))
return isSupportedIntegerType(type);
if (llvm::isa<FloatType>(type))
return isSupportedFloatType(type);
if (auto tensorType = llvm::dyn_cast<TensorType>(type)) {
if (!tensorType.hasStaticShape()) {
return false;
auto elemType = tensorType.getElementType();
if (llvm::isa<emitc::ArrayType>(elemType)) {
return false;
return isSupportedEmitCType(elemType);
if (auto tupleType = llvm::dyn_cast<TupleType>(type)) {
return llvm::all_of(tupleType.getTypes(), [](Type type) {
return !llvm::isa<emitc::ArrayType>(type) && isSupportedEmitCType(type);
return false;
bool mlir::emitc::isSupportedIntegerType(Type type) {
if (auto intType = llvm::dyn_cast<IntegerType>(type)) {
switch (intType.getWidth()) {
case 1:
case 8:
case 16:
case 32:
case 64:
return true;
return false;
return false;
bool mlir::emitc::isIntegerIndexOrOpaqueType(Type type) {
return llvm::isa<IndexType, emitc::OpaqueType>(type) ||
bool mlir::emitc::isSupportedFloatType(Type type) {
if (auto floatType = llvm::dyn_cast<FloatType>(type)) {
switch (floatType.getWidth()) {
case 32:
case 64:
return true;
return false;
return false;
/// Check that the type of the initial value is compatible with the operations
/// result type.
static LogicalResult verifyInitializationAttribute(Operation *op,
Attribute value) {
assert(op->getNumResults() == 1 && "operation must have 1 result");
if (llvm::isa<emitc::OpaqueAttr>(value))
return success();
if (llvm::isa<StringAttr>(value))
return op->emitOpError()
<< "string attributes are not supported, use #emitc.opaque instead";
Type resultType = op->getResult(0).getType();
Type attrType = cast<TypedAttr>(value).getType();
if (resultType != attrType)
return op->emitOpError()
<< "requires attribute to either be an #emitc.opaque attribute or "
"it's type ("
<< attrType << ") to match the op's result type (" << resultType
<< ")";
return success();
// AddOp
LogicalResult AddOp::verify() {
Type lhsType = getLhs().getType();
Type rhsType = getRhs().getType();
if (isa<emitc::PointerType>(lhsType) && isa<emitc::PointerType>(rhsType))
return emitOpError("requires that at most one operand is a pointer");
if ((isa<emitc::PointerType>(lhsType) &&
!isa<IntegerType, emitc::OpaqueType>(rhsType)) ||
(isa<emitc::PointerType>(rhsType) &&
!isa<IntegerType, emitc::OpaqueType>(lhsType)))
return emitOpError("requires that one operand is an integer or of opaque "
"type if the other is a pointer");
return success();
// ApplyOp
LogicalResult ApplyOp::verify() {
StringRef applicableOperatorStr = getApplicableOperator();
// Applicable operator must not be empty.
if (applicableOperatorStr.empty())
return emitOpError("applicable operator must not be empty");
// Only `*` and `&` are supported.
if (applicableOperatorStr != "&" && applicableOperatorStr != "*")
return emitOpError("applicable operator is illegal");
Operation *op = getOperand().getDefiningOp();
if (op && dyn_cast<ConstantOp>(op))
return emitOpError("cannot apply to constant");
return success();
// AssignOp
/// The assign op requires that the assigned value's type matches the
/// assigned-to variable type.
LogicalResult emitc::AssignOp::verify() {
Value variable = getVar();
Operation *variableDef = variable.getDefiningOp();
if (!variableDef ||
!llvm::isa<emitc::VariableOp, emitc::SubscriptOp>(variableDef))
return emitOpError() << "requires first operand (" << variable
<< ") to be a Variable or subscript";
Value value = getValue();
if (variable.getType() != value.getType())
return emitOpError() << "requires value's type (" << value.getType()
<< ") to match variable's type (" << variable.getType()
<< ")";
if (isa<ArrayType>(variable.getType()))
return emitOpError() << "cannot assign to array type";
return success();
// CastOp
bool CastOp::areCastCompatible(TypeRange inputs, TypeRange outputs) {
Type input = inputs.front(), output = outputs.front();
return ((llvm::isa<IntegerType, FloatType, IndexType, emitc::OpaqueType,
emitc::PointerType>(input)) &&
(llvm::isa<IntegerType, FloatType, IndexType, emitc::OpaqueType,
// CallOp
LogicalResult emitc::CallOpaqueOp::verify() {
// Callee must not be empty.
if (getCallee().empty())
return emitOpError("callee must not be empty");
if (std::optional<ArrayAttr> argsAttr = getArgs()) {
for (Attribute arg : *argsAttr) {
auto intAttr = llvm::dyn_cast<IntegerAttr>(arg);
if (intAttr && llvm::isa<IndexType>(intAttr.getType())) {
int64_t index = intAttr.getInt();
// Args with elements of type index must be in range
// [0..operands.size).
if ((index < 0) || (index >= static_cast<int64_t>(getNumOperands())))
return emitOpError("index argument is out of range");
// Args with elements of type ArrayAttr must have a type.
} else if (llvm::isa<ArrayAttr>(
arg) /*&& llvm::isa<NoneType>(arg.getType())*/) {
// FIXME: Array attributes never have types
return emitOpError("array argument has no type");
if (std::optional<ArrayAttr> templateArgsAttr = getTemplateArgs()) {
for (Attribute tArg : *templateArgsAttr) {
if (!llvm::isa<TypeAttr, IntegerAttr, FloatAttr, emitc::OpaqueAttr>(tArg))
return emitOpError("template argument has invalid type");
if (llvm::any_of(getResultTypes(), llvm::IsaPred<ArrayType>)) {
return emitOpError() << "cannot return array type";
return success();
// ConstantOp
LogicalResult emitc::ConstantOp::verify() {
Attribute value = getValueAttr();
if (failed(verifyInitializationAttribute(getOperation(), value)))
return failure();
if (auto opaqueValue = llvm::dyn_cast<emitc::OpaqueAttr>(value)) {
if (opaqueValue.getValue().empty())
return emitOpError() << "value must not be empty";
return success();
OpFoldResult emitc::ConstantOp::fold(FoldAdaptor adaptor) { return getValue(); }
// ExpressionOp
Operation *ExpressionOp::getRootOp() {
auto yieldOp = cast<YieldOp>(getBody()->getTerminator());
Value yieldedValue = yieldOp.getResult();
Operation *rootOp = yieldedValue.getDefiningOp();
assert(rootOp && "Yielded value not defined within expression");
return rootOp;
LogicalResult ExpressionOp::verify() {
Type resultType = getResult().getType();
Region &region = getRegion();
Block &body = region.front();
if (!body.mightHaveTerminator())
return emitOpError("must yield a value at termination");
auto yield = cast<YieldOp>(body.getTerminator());
Value yieldResult = yield.getResult();
if (!yieldResult)
return emitOpError("must yield a value at termination");
Type yieldType = yieldResult.getType();
if (resultType != yieldType)
return emitOpError("requires yielded type to match return type");
for (Operation &op : region.front().without_terminator()) {
if (!op.hasTrait<OpTrait::emitc::CExpression>())
return emitOpError("contains an unsupported operation");
if (op.getNumResults() != 1)
return emitOpError("requires exactly one result for each operation");
if (!op.getResult(0).hasOneUse())
return emitOpError("requires exactly one use for each operation");
return success();
// ForOp
void ForOp::build(OpBuilder &builder, OperationState &result, Value lb,
Value ub, Value step, BodyBuilderFn bodyBuilder) {
OpBuilder::InsertionGuard g(builder);
result.addOperands({lb, ub, step});
Type t = lb.getType();
Region *bodyRegion = result.addRegion();
Block *bodyBlock = builder.createBlock(bodyRegion);
bodyBlock->addArgument(t, result.location);
// Create the default terminator if the builder is not provided.
if (!bodyBuilder) {
ForOp::ensureTerminator(*bodyRegion, builder, result.location);
} else {
OpBuilder::InsertionGuard guard(builder);
bodyBuilder(builder, result.location, bodyBlock->getArgument(0));
void ForOp::getCanonicalizationPatterns(RewritePatternSet &, MLIRContext *) {}
ParseResult ForOp::parse(OpAsmParser &parser, OperationState &result) {
Builder &builder = parser.getBuilder();
Type type;
OpAsmParser::Argument inductionVariable;
OpAsmParser::UnresolvedOperand lb, ub, step;
// Parse the induction variable followed by '='.
if (parser.parseOperand(inductionVariable.ssaName) || parser.parseEqual() ||
// Parse loop bounds.
parser.parseOperand(lb) || parser.parseKeyword("to") ||
parser.parseOperand(ub) || parser.parseKeyword("step") ||
return failure();
// Parse the optional initial iteration arguments.
SmallVector<OpAsmParser::Argument, 4> regionArgs;
SmallVector<OpAsmParser::UnresolvedOperand, 4> operands;
// Parse optional type, else assume Index.
if (parser.parseOptionalColon())
type = builder.getIndexType();
else if (parser.parseType(type))
return failure();
// Resolve input operands.
regionArgs.front().type = type;
if (parser.resolveOperand(lb, type, result.operands) ||
parser.resolveOperand(ub, type, result.operands) ||
parser.resolveOperand(step, type, result.operands))
return failure();
// Parse the body region.
Region *body = result.addRegion();
if (parser.parseRegion(*body, regionArgs))
return failure();
ForOp::ensureTerminator(*body, builder, result.location);
// Parse the optional attribute list.
if (parser.parseOptionalAttrDict(result.attributes))
return failure();
return success();
void ForOp::print(OpAsmPrinter &p) {
p << " " << getInductionVar() << " = " << getLowerBound() << " to "
<< getUpperBound() << " step " << getStep();
p << ' ';
if (Type t = getInductionVar().getType(); !t.isIndex())
p << " : " << t << ' ';
LogicalResult ForOp::verifyRegions() {
// Check that the body defines as single block argument for the induction
// variable.
if (getInductionVar().getType() != getLowerBound().getType())
return emitOpError(
"expected induction variable to be same type as bounds and step");
return success();
// CallOp
LogicalResult CallOp::verifySymbolUses(SymbolTableCollection &symbolTable) {
// Check that the callee attribute was specified.
auto fnAttr = (*this)->getAttrOfType<FlatSymbolRefAttr>("callee");
if (!fnAttr)
return emitOpError("requires a 'callee' symbol reference attribute");
FuncOp fn = symbolTable.lookupNearestSymbolFrom<FuncOp>(*this, fnAttr);
if (!fn)
return emitOpError() << "'" << fnAttr.getValue()
<< "' does not reference a valid function";
// Verify that the operand and result types match the callee.
auto fnType = fn.getFunctionType();
if (fnType.getNumInputs() != getNumOperands())
return emitOpError("incorrect number of operands for callee");
for (unsigned i = 0, e = fnType.getNumInputs(); i != e; ++i)
if (getOperand(i).getType() != fnType.getInput(i))
return emitOpError("operand type mismatch: expected operand type ")
<< fnType.getInput(i) << ", but provided "
<< getOperand(i).getType() << " for operand number " << i;
if (fnType.getNumResults() != getNumResults())
return emitOpError("incorrect number of results for callee");
for (unsigned i = 0, e = fnType.getNumResults(); i != e; ++i)
if (getResult(i).getType() != fnType.getResult(i)) {
auto diag = emitOpError("result type mismatch at index ") << i;
diag.attachNote() << " op result types: " << getResultTypes();
diag.attachNote() << "function result types: " << fnType.getResults();
return diag;
return success();
FunctionType CallOp::getCalleeType() {
return FunctionType::get(getContext(), getOperandTypes(), getResultTypes());
// DeclareFuncOp
DeclareFuncOp::verifySymbolUses(SymbolTableCollection &symbolTable) {
// Check that the sym_name attribute was specified.
auto fnAttr = getSymNameAttr();
if (!fnAttr)
return emitOpError("requires a 'sym_name' symbol reference attribute");
FuncOp fn = symbolTable.lookupNearestSymbolFrom<FuncOp>(*this, fnAttr);
if (!fn)
return emitOpError() << "'" << fnAttr.getValue()
<< "' does not reference a valid function";
return success();
// FuncOp
void FuncOp::build(OpBuilder &builder, OperationState &state, StringRef name,
FunctionType type, ArrayRef<NamedAttribute> attrs,
ArrayRef<DictionaryAttr> argAttrs) {
state.addAttribute(getFunctionTypeAttrName(, TypeAttr::get(type));
state.attributes.append(attrs.begin(), attrs.end());
if (argAttrs.empty())
assert(type.getNumInputs() == argAttrs.size());
builder, state, argAttrs, /*resultAttrs=*/std::nullopt,
getArgAttrsAttrName(, getResAttrsAttrName(;
ParseResult FuncOp::parse(OpAsmParser &parser, OperationState &result) {
auto buildFuncType =
[](Builder &builder, ArrayRef<Type> argTypes, ArrayRef<Type> results,
std::string &) { return builder.getFunctionType(argTypes, results); };
return function_interface_impl::parseFunctionOp(
parser, result, /*allowVariadic=*/false,
getFunctionTypeAttrName(, buildFuncType,
getArgAttrsAttrName(, getResAttrsAttrName(;
void FuncOp::print(OpAsmPrinter &p) {
p, *this, /*isVariadic=*/false, getFunctionTypeAttrName(),
getArgAttrsAttrName(), getResAttrsAttrName());
LogicalResult FuncOp::verify() {
if (getNumResults() > 1)
return emitOpError("requires zero or exactly one result, but has ")
<< getNumResults();
if (getNumResults() == 1 && isa<ArrayType>(getResultTypes()[0]))
return emitOpError("cannot return array type");
return success();
// ReturnOp
LogicalResult ReturnOp::verify() {
auto function = cast<FuncOp>((*this)->getParentOp());
// The operand number and types must match the function signature.
if (getNumOperands() != function.getNumResults())
return emitOpError("has ")
<< getNumOperands() << " operands, but enclosing function (@"
<< function.getName() << ") returns " << function.getNumResults();
if (function.getNumResults() == 1)
if (getOperand().getType() != function.getResultTypes()[0])
return emitError() << "type of the return operand ("
<< getOperand().getType()
<< ") doesn't match function result type ("
<< function.getResultTypes()[0] << ")"
<< " in function @" << function.getName();
return success();
// IfOp
void IfOp::build(OpBuilder &builder, OperationState &result, Value cond,
bool addThenBlock, bool addElseBlock) {
assert((!addElseBlock || addThenBlock) &&
"must not create else block w/o then block");
// Add regions and blocks.
OpBuilder::InsertionGuard guard(builder);
Region *thenRegion = result.addRegion();
if (addThenBlock)
Region *elseRegion = result.addRegion();
if (addElseBlock)
void IfOp::build(OpBuilder &builder, OperationState &result, Value cond,
bool withElseRegion) {
// Build then region.
OpBuilder::InsertionGuard guard(builder);
Region *thenRegion = result.addRegion();
// Build else region.
Region *elseRegion = result.addRegion();
if (withElseRegion) {
void IfOp::build(OpBuilder &builder, OperationState &result, Value cond,
function_ref<void(OpBuilder &, Location)> thenBuilder,
function_ref<void(OpBuilder &, Location)> elseBuilder) {
assert(thenBuilder && "the builder callback for 'then' must be present");
// Build then region.
OpBuilder::InsertionGuard guard(builder);
Region *thenRegion = result.addRegion();
thenBuilder(builder, result.location);
// Build else region.
Region *elseRegion = result.addRegion();
if (elseBuilder) {
elseBuilder(builder, result.location);
ParseResult IfOp::parse(OpAsmParser &parser, OperationState &result) {
// Create the regions for 'then'.
Region *thenRegion = result.addRegion();
Region *elseRegion = result.addRegion();
Builder &builder = parser.getBuilder();
OpAsmParser::UnresolvedOperand cond;
Type i1Type = builder.getIntegerType(1);
if (parser.parseOperand(cond) ||
parser.resolveOperand(cond, i1Type, result.operands))
return failure();
// Parse the 'then' region.
if (parser.parseRegion(*thenRegion, /*arguments=*/{}, /*argTypes=*/{}))
return failure();
IfOp::ensureTerminator(*thenRegion, parser.getBuilder(), result.location);
// If we find an 'else' keyword then parse the 'else' region.
if (!parser.parseOptionalKeyword("else")) {
if (parser.parseRegion(*elseRegion, /*arguments=*/{}, /*argTypes=*/{}))
return failure();
IfOp::ensureTerminator(*elseRegion, parser.getBuilder(), result.location);
// Parse the optional attribute list.
if (parser.parseOptionalAttrDict(result.attributes))
return failure();
return success();
void IfOp::print(OpAsmPrinter &p) {
bool printBlockTerminators = false;
p << " " << getCondition();
p << ' ';
// Print the 'else' regions if it exists and has a block.
Region &elseRegion = getElseRegion();
if (!elseRegion.empty()) {
p << " else ";
/// Given the region at `index`, or the parent operation if `index` is None,
/// return the successor regions. These are the regions that may be selected
/// during the flow of control. `operands` is a set of optional attributes that
/// correspond to a constant value for each operand, or null if that operand is
/// not a constant.
void IfOp::getSuccessorRegions(RegionBranchPoint point,
SmallVectorImpl<RegionSuccessor> &regions) {
// The `then` and the `else` region branch back to the parent operation.
if (!point.isParent()) {
// Don't consider the else region if it is empty.
Region *elseRegion = &this->getElseRegion();
if (elseRegion->empty())
void IfOp::getEntrySuccessorRegions(ArrayRef<Attribute> operands,
SmallVectorImpl<RegionSuccessor> &regions) {
FoldAdaptor adaptor(operands, *this);
auto boolAttr = dyn_cast_or_null<BoolAttr>(adaptor.getCondition());
if (!boolAttr || boolAttr.getValue())
// If the else region is empty, execution continues after the parent op.
if (!boolAttr || !boolAttr.getValue()) {
if (!getElseRegion().empty())
void IfOp::getRegionInvocationBounds(
ArrayRef<Attribute> operands,
SmallVectorImpl<InvocationBounds> &invocationBounds) {
if (auto cond = llvm::dyn_cast_or_null<BoolAttr>(operands[0])) {
// If the condition is known, then one region is known to be executed once
// and the other zero times.
invocationBounds.emplace_back(0, cond.getValue() ? 1 : 0);
invocationBounds.emplace_back(0, cond.getValue() ? 0 : 1);
} else {
// Non-constant condition. Each region may be executed 0 or 1 times.
invocationBounds.assign(2, {0, 1});
// IncludeOp
void IncludeOp::print(OpAsmPrinter &p) {
bool standardInclude = getIsStandardInclude();
p << " ";
if (standardInclude)
p << "<";
p << "\"" << getInclude() << "\"";
if (standardInclude)
p << ">";
ParseResult IncludeOp::parse(OpAsmParser &parser, OperationState &result) {
bool standardInclude = !parser.parseOptionalLess();
StringAttr include;
OptionalParseResult includeParseResult =
parser.parseOptionalAttribute(include, "include", result.attributes);
if (!includeParseResult.has_value())
return parser.emitError(parser.getNameLoc()) << "expected string attribute";
if (standardInclude && parser.parseOptionalGreater())
return parser.emitError(parser.getNameLoc())
<< "expected trailing '>' for standard include";
if (standardInclude)
return success();
// LiteralOp
/// The literal op requires a non-empty value.
LogicalResult emitc::LiteralOp::verify() {
if (getValue().empty())
return emitOpError() << "value must not be empty";
return success();
// SubOp
LogicalResult SubOp::verify() {
Type lhsType = getLhs().getType();
Type rhsType = getRhs().getType();
Type resultType = getResult().getType();
if (isa<emitc::PointerType>(rhsType) && !isa<emitc::PointerType>(lhsType))
return emitOpError("rhs can only be a pointer if lhs is a pointer");
if (isa<emitc::PointerType>(lhsType) &&
!isa<IntegerType, emitc::OpaqueType, emitc::PointerType>(rhsType))
return emitOpError("requires that rhs is an integer, pointer or of opaque "
"type if lhs is a pointer");
if (isa<emitc::PointerType>(lhsType) && isa<emitc::PointerType>(rhsType) &&
!isa<IntegerType, emitc::OpaqueType>(resultType))
return emitOpError("requires that the result is an integer or of opaque "
"type if lhs and rhs are pointers");
return success();
// VariableOp
LogicalResult emitc::VariableOp::verify() {
return verifyInitializationAttribute(getOperation(), getValueAttr());
// YieldOp
LogicalResult emitc::YieldOp::verify() {
Value result = getResult();
Operation *containingOp = getOperation()->getParentOp();
if (result && containingOp->getNumResults() != 1)
return emitOpError() << "yields a value not returned by parent";
if (!result && containingOp->getNumResults() != 0)
return emitOpError() << "does not yield a value to be returned by parent";
return success();
// SubscriptOp
LogicalResult emitc::SubscriptOp::verify() {
// Checks for array operand.
if (auto arrayType = llvm::dyn_cast<emitc::ArrayType>(getValue().getType())) {
// Check number of indices.
if (getIndices().size() != (size_t)arrayType.getRank()) {
return emitOpError() << "on array operand requires number of indices ("
<< getIndices().size()
<< ") to match the rank of the array type ("
<< arrayType.getRank() << ")";
// Check types of index operands.
for (unsigned i = 0, e = getIndices().size(); i != e; ++i) {
Type type = getIndices()[i].getType();
if (!isIntegerIndexOrOpaqueType(type)) {
return emitOpError() << "on array operand requires index operand " << i
<< " to be integer-like, but got " << type;
// Check element type.
Type elementType = arrayType.getElementType();
if (elementType != getType()) {
return emitOpError() << "on array operand requires element type ("
<< elementType << ") and result type (" << getType()
<< ") to match";
return success();
// Checks for pointer operand.
if (auto pointerType =
llvm::dyn_cast<emitc::PointerType>(getValue().getType())) {
// Check number of indices.
if (getIndices().size() != 1) {
return emitOpError()
<< "on pointer operand requires one index operand, but got "
<< getIndices().size();
// Check types of index operand.
Type type = getIndices()[0].getType();
if (!isIntegerIndexOrOpaqueType(type)) {
return emitOpError() << "on pointer operand requires index operand to be "
"integer-like, but got "
<< type;
// Check pointee type.
Type pointeeType = pointerType.getPointee();
if (pointeeType != getType()) {
return emitOpError() << "on pointer operand requires pointee type ("
<< pointeeType << ") and result type (" << getType()
<< ") to match";
return success();
// The operand has opaque type, so we can't assume anything about the number
// or types of index operands.
return success();
// EmitC Enums
#include "mlir/Dialect/EmitC/IR/"
// EmitC Attributes
#include "mlir/Dialect/EmitC/IR/"
// EmitC Types
#include "mlir/Dialect/EmitC/IR/"
// ArrayType
Type emitc::ArrayType::parse(AsmParser &parser) {
if (parser.parseLess())
return Type();
SmallVector<int64_t, 4> dimensions;
if (parser.parseDimensionList(dimensions, /*allowDynamic=*/false,
return Type();
// Parse the element type.
auto typeLoc = parser.getCurrentLocation();
Type elementType;
if (parser.parseType(elementType))
return Type();
// Check that array is formed from allowed types.
if (!isValidElementType(elementType))
return parser.emitError(typeLoc, "invalid array element type"), Type();
if (parser.parseGreater())
return Type();
return parser.getChecked<ArrayType>(dimensions, elementType);
void emitc::ArrayType::print(AsmPrinter &printer) const {
printer << "<";
for (int64_t dim : getShape()) {
printer << dim << 'x';
printer << ">";
LogicalResult emitc::ArrayType::verify(
::llvm::function_ref<::mlir::InFlightDiagnostic()> emitError,
::llvm::ArrayRef<int64_t> shape, Type elementType) {
if (shape.empty())
return emitError() << "shape must not be empty";
for (int64_t dim : shape) {
if (dim <= 0)
return emitError() << "dimensions must have positive size";
if (!elementType)
return emitError() << "element type must not be none";
if (!isValidElementType(elementType))
return emitError() << "invalid array element type";
return success();
emitc::ArrayType::cloneWith(std::optional<ArrayRef<int64_t>> shape,
Type elementType) const {
if (!shape)
return emitc::ArrayType::get(getShape(), elementType);
return emitc::ArrayType::get(*shape, elementType);
// OpaqueType
LogicalResult mlir::emitc::OpaqueType::verify(
llvm::function_ref<mlir::InFlightDiagnostic()> emitError,
llvm::StringRef value) {
if (value.empty()) {
return emitError() << "expected non empty string in !emitc.opaque type";
if (value.back() == '*') {
return emitError() << "pointer not allowed as outer type with "
"!emitc.opaque, use !emitc.ptr instead";
return success();
// GlobalOp
static void printEmitCGlobalOpTypeAndInitialValue(OpAsmPrinter &p, GlobalOp op,
TypeAttr type,
Attribute initialValue) {
p << type;
if (initialValue) {
p << " = ";
static Type getInitializerTypeForGlobal(Type type) {
if (auto array = llvm::dyn_cast<ArrayType>(type))
return RankedTensorType::get(array.getShape(), array.getElementType());
return type;
static ParseResult
parseEmitCGlobalOpTypeAndInitialValue(OpAsmParser &parser, TypeAttr &typeAttr,
Attribute &initialValue) {
Type type;
if (parser.parseType(type))
return failure();
typeAttr = TypeAttr::get(type);
if (parser.parseOptionalEqual())
return success();
if (parser.parseAttribute(initialValue, getInitializerTypeForGlobal(type)))
return failure();
if (!llvm::isa<ElementsAttr, IntegerAttr, FloatAttr, emitc::OpaqueAttr>(
return parser.emitError(parser.getNameLoc())
<< "initial value should be a integer, float, elements or opaque "
return success();
LogicalResult GlobalOp::verify() {
if (!isSupportedEmitCType(getType())) {
return emitOpError("expected valid emitc type");
if (getInitialValue().has_value()) {
Attribute initValue = getInitialValue().value();
// Check that the type of the initial value is compatible with the type of
// the global variable.
if (auto elementsAttr = llvm::dyn_cast<ElementsAttr>(initValue)) {
auto arrayType = llvm::dyn_cast<ArrayType>(getType());
if (!arrayType)
return emitOpError("expected array type, but got ") << getType();
Type initType = elementsAttr.getType();
Type tensorType = getInitializerTypeForGlobal(getType());
if (initType != tensorType) {
return emitOpError("initial value expected to be of type ")
<< getType() << ", but was of type " << initType;
} else if (auto intAttr = dyn_cast<IntegerAttr>(initValue)) {
if (intAttr.getType() != getType()) {
return emitOpError("initial value expected to be of type ")
<< getType() << ", but was of type " << intAttr.getType();
} else if (auto floatAttr = dyn_cast<FloatAttr>(initValue)) {
if (floatAttr.getType() != getType()) {
return emitOpError("initial value expected to be of type ")
<< getType() << ", but was of type " << floatAttr.getType();
} else if (!isa<emitc::OpaqueAttr>(initValue)) {
return emitOpError("initial value should be a integer, float, elements "
"or opaque attribute, but got ")
<< initValue;
if (getStaticSpecifier() && getExternSpecifier()) {
return emitOpError("cannot have both static and extern specifiers");
return success();
// GetGlobalOp
GetGlobalOp::verifySymbolUses(SymbolTableCollection &symbolTable) {
// Verify that the type matches the type of the global variable.
auto global =
symbolTable.lookupNearestSymbolFrom<GlobalOp>(*this, getNameAttr());
if (!global)
return emitOpError("'")
<< getName() << "' does not reference a valid";
Type resultType = getResult().getType();
if (global.getType() != resultType)
return emitOpError("result type ")
<< resultType << " does not match type " << global.getType()
<< " of the global @" << getName();
return success();
// TableGen'd op method definitions
#include "mlir/Dialect/EmitC/IR/"