blob: 30301c28ce6c4dab4309b6efca1e4d7df975e0c5 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- GlobalISelMatchTable.h ---------------------------------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
/// \file
/// This file contains the code related to the GlobalISel Match Table emitted by
/// GlobalISelEmitter.cpp. The generated match table is interpreted at runtime
/// by `GIMatchTableExecutorImpl.h` to match & apply ISel patterns.
#include "Common/CodeGenDAGPatterns.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallPtrSet.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/CodeGenTypes/LowLevelType.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Error.h"
#include "llvm/Support/SaveAndRestore.h"
#include <deque>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace llvm {
class raw_ostream;
class Record;
class SMLoc;
class CodeGenRegisterClass;
// Use a namespace to avoid conflicts because there's some fairly generic names
// in there (e.g. Matcher).
namespace gi {
class MatchTable;
class Matcher;
class OperandMatcher;
class MatchAction;
class PredicateMatcher;
class InstructionMatcher;
enum {
GISF_IgnoreCopies = 0x1,
using GISelFlags = std::uint16_t;
//===- Helper functions ---------------------------------------------------===//
void emitEncodingMacrosDef(raw_ostream &OS);
void emitEncodingMacrosUndef(raw_ostream &OS);
std::string getNameForFeatureBitset(const std::vector<Record *> &FeatureBitset,
int HwModeIdx);
/// Takes a sequence of \p Rules and group them based on the predicates
/// they share. \p MatcherStorage is used as a memory container
/// for the group that are created as part of this process.
/// What this optimization does looks like if GroupT = GroupMatcher:
/// Output without optimization:
/// \verbatim
/// # R1
/// # predicate A
/// # predicate B
/// ...
/// # R2
/// # predicate A // <-- effectively this is going to be checked twice.
/// // Once in R1 and once in R2.
/// # predicate C
/// \endverbatim
/// Output with optimization:
/// \verbatim
/// # Group1_2
/// # predicate A // <-- Check is now shared.
/// # R1
/// # predicate B
/// # R2
/// # predicate C
/// \endverbatim
template <class GroupT>
std::vector<Matcher *>
optimizeRules(ArrayRef<Matcher *> Rules,
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Matcher>> &MatcherStorage);
/// A record to be stored in a MatchTable.
/// This class represents any and all output that may be required to emit the
/// MatchTable. Instances are most often configured to represent an opcode or
/// value that will be emitted to the table with some formatting but it can also
/// represent commas, comments, and other formatting instructions.
struct MatchTableRecord {
enum RecordFlagsBits {
MTRF_None = 0x0,
/// Causes EmitStr to be formatted as comment when emitted.
MTRF_Comment = 0x1,
/// Causes the record value to be followed by a comma when emitted.
MTRF_CommaFollows = 0x2,
/// Causes the record value to be followed by a line break when emitted.
MTRF_LineBreakFollows = 0x4,
/// Indicates that the record defines a label and causes an additional
/// comment to be emitted containing the index of the label.
MTRF_Label = 0x8,
/// Causes the record to be emitted as the index of the label specified by
/// LabelID along with a comment indicating where that label is.
MTRF_JumpTarget = 0x10,
/// Causes the formatter to add a level of indentation before emitting the
/// record.
MTRF_Indent = 0x20,
/// Causes the formatter to remove a level of indentation after emitting the
/// record.
MTRF_Outdent = 0x40,
/// Causes the formatter to not use encoding macros to emit this multi-byte
/// value.
MTRF_PreEncoded = 0x80,
/// When MTRF_Label or MTRF_JumpTarget is used, indicates a label id to
/// reference or define.
unsigned LabelID;
/// The string to emit. Depending on the MTRF_* flags it may be a comment, a
/// value, a label name.
std::string EmitStr;
/// The number of MatchTable elements described by this record. Comments are 0
/// while values are typically 1. Values >1 may occur when we need to emit
/// values that exceed the size of a MatchTable element.
unsigned NumElements;
/// A bitfield of RecordFlagsBits flags.
unsigned Flags;
/// The actual run-time value, if known
int64_t RawValue;
MatchTableRecord(std::optional<unsigned> LabelID_, StringRef EmitStr,
unsigned NumElements, unsigned Flags,
int64_t RawValue = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::min())
: LabelID(LabelID_.value_or(~0u)), EmitStr(EmitStr),
NumElements(NumElements), Flags(Flags), RawValue(RawValue) {
assert((!LabelID_ || LabelID != ~0u) &&
"This value is reserved for non-labels");
MatchTableRecord(const MatchTableRecord &Other) = default;
MatchTableRecord(MatchTableRecord &&Other) = default;
/// Useful if a Match Table Record gets optimized out
void turnIntoComment() {
Flags |= MTRF_Comment;
Flags &= ~MTRF_CommaFollows;
NumElements = 0;
/// For Jump Table generation purposes
bool operator<(const MatchTableRecord &Other) const {
return RawValue < Other.RawValue;
int64_t getRawValue() const { return RawValue; }
void emit(raw_ostream &OS, bool LineBreakNextAfterThis,
const MatchTable &Table) const;
unsigned size() const { return NumElements; }
/// Holds the contents of a generated MatchTable to enable formatting and the
/// necessary index tracking needed to support GIM_Try.
class MatchTable {
/// An unique identifier for the table. The generated table will be named
/// MatchTable${ID}.
unsigned ID;
/// The records that make up the table. Also includes comments describing the
/// values being emitted and line breaks to format it.
std::vector<MatchTableRecord> Contents;
/// The currently defined labels.
DenseMap<unsigned, unsigned> LabelMap;
/// Tracks the sum of MatchTableRecord::NumElements as the table is built.
unsigned CurrentSize = 0;
/// A unique identifier for a MatchTable label.
unsigned CurrentLabelID = 0;
/// Determines if the table should be instrumented for rule coverage tracking.
bool IsWithCoverage;
/// Whether this table is for the GISel combiner.
bool IsCombinerTable;
static MatchTableRecord LineBreak;
static MatchTableRecord Comment(StringRef Comment);
static MatchTableRecord Opcode(StringRef Opcode, int IndentAdjust = 0);
static MatchTableRecord NamedValue(unsigned NumBytes, StringRef NamedValue);
static MatchTableRecord NamedValue(unsigned NumBytes, StringRef NamedValue,
int64_t RawValue);
static MatchTableRecord NamedValue(unsigned NumBytes, StringRef Namespace,
StringRef NamedValue);
static MatchTableRecord NamedValue(unsigned NumBytes, StringRef Namespace,
StringRef NamedValue, int64_t RawValue);
static MatchTableRecord IntValue(unsigned NumBytes, int64_t IntValue);
static MatchTableRecord ULEB128Value(uint64_t IntValue);
static MatchTableRecord Label(unsigned LabelID);
static MatchTableRecord JumpTarget(unsigned LabelID);
static MatchTable buildTable(ArrayRef<Matcher *> Rules, bool WithCoverage,
bool IsCombiner = false);
MatchTable(bool WithCoverage, bool IsCombinerTable, unsigned ID = 0)
: ID(ID), IsWithCoverage(WithCoverage), IsCombinerTable(IsCombinerTable) {
bool isWithCoverage() const { return IsWithCoverage; }
bool isCombiner() const { return IsCombinerTable; }
void push_back(const MatchTableRecord &Value) {
if (Value.Flags & MatchTableRecord::MTRF_Label)
CurrentSize += Value.size();
unsigned allocateLabelID() { return CurrentLabelID++; }
void defineLabel(unsigned LabelID) {
LabelMap.insert(std::pair(LabelID, CurrentSize));
unsigned getLabelIndex(unsigned LabelID) const {
const auto I = LabelMap.find(LabelID);
assert(I != LabelMap.end() && "Use of undeclared label");
return I->second;
void emitUse(raw_ostream &OS) const;
void emitDeclaration(raw_ostream &OS) const;
inline MatchTable &operator<<(MatchTable &Table,
const MatchTableRecord &Value) {
return Table;
/// This class stands in for LLT wherever we want to tablegen-erate an
/// equivalent at compiler run-time.
class LLTCodeGen {
LLTCodeGen() = default;
LLTCodeGen(const LLT &Ty) : Ty(Ty) {}
std::string getCxxEnumValue() const;
void emitCxxEnumValue(raw_ostream &OS) const;
void emitCxxConstructorCall(raw_ostream &OS) const;
const LLT &get() const { return Ty; }
/// This ordering is used for std::unique() and llvm::sort(). There's no
/// particular logic behind the order but either A < B or B < A must be
/// true if A != B.
bool operator<(const LLTCodeGen &Other) const;
bool operator==(const LLTCodeGen &B) const { return Ty == B.Ty; }
// Track all types that are used so we can emit the corresponding enum.
extern std::set<LLTCodeGen> KnownTypes;
/// Convert an MVT to an equivalent LLT if possible, or the invalid LLT() for
/// MVTs that don't map cleanly to an LLT (e.g., iPTR, *any, ...).
std::optional<LLTCodeGen> MVTToLLT(MVT::SimpleValueType SVT);
using TempTypeIdx = int64_t;
class LLTCodeGenOrTempType {
LLTCodeGenOrTempType(const LLTCodeGen &LLT) : Data(LLT) {}
LLTCodeGenOrTempType(TempTypeIdx TempTy) : Data(TempTy) {}
bool isLLTCodeGen() const { return std::holds_alternative<LLTCodeGen>(Data); }
bool isTempTypeIdx() const {
return std::holds_alternative<TempTypeIdx>(Data);
const LLTCodeGen &getLLTCodeGen() const {
return std::get<LLTCodeGen>(Data);
TempTypeIdx getTempTypeIdx() const {
return std::get<TempTypeIdx>(Data);
std::variant<LLTCodeGen, TempTypeIdx> Data;
inline MatchTable &operator<<(MatchTable &Table,
const LLTCodeGenOrTempType &Ty) {
if (Ty.isLLTCodeGen())
Table << MatchTable::NamedValue(1, Ty.getLLTCodeGen().getCxxEnumValue());
Table << MatchTable::IntValue(1, Ty.getTempTypeIdx());
return Table;
//===- Matchers -----------------------------------------------------------===//
class Matcher {
virtual ~Matcher();
virtual void optimize();
virtual void emit(MatchTable &Table) = 0;
virtual bool hasFirstCondition() const = 0;
virtual const PredicateMatcher &getFirstCondition() const = 0;
virtual std::unique_ptr<PredicateMatcher> popFirstCondition() = 0;
class GroupMatcher final : public Matcher {
/// Conditions that form a common prefix of all the matchers contained.
SmallVector<std::unique_ptr<PredicateMatcher>, 1> Conditions;
/// All the nested matchers, sharing a common prefix.
std::vector<Matcher *> Matchers;
/// An owning collection for any auxiliary matchers created while optimizing
/// nested matchers contained.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Matcher>> MatcherStorage;
/// Add a matcher to the collection of nested matchers if it meets the
/// requirements, and return true. If it doesn't, do nothing and return false.
/// Expected to preserve its argument, so it could be moved out later on.
bool addMatcher(Matcher &Candidate);
/// Mark the matcher as fully-built and ensure any invariants expected by both
/// optimize() and emit(...) methods. Generally, both sequences of calls
/// are expected to lead to a sensible result:
/// addMatcher(...)*; finalize(); optimize(); emit(...); and
/// addMatcher(...)*; finalize(); emit(...);
/// or generally
/// addMatcher(...)*; finalize(); { optimize()*; emit(...); }*
/// Multiple calls to optimize() are expected to be handled gracefully, though
/// optimize() is not expected to be idempotent. Multiple calls to finalize()
/// aren't generally supported. emit(...) is expected to be non-mutating and
/// producing the exact same results upon repeated calls.
/// addMatcher() calls after the finalize() call are not supported.
/// finalize() and optimize() are both allowed to mutate the contained
/// matchers, so moving them out after finalize() is not supported.
void finalize();
void optimize() override;
void emit(MatchTable &Table) override;
/// Could be used to move out the matchers added previously, unless finalize()
/// has been already called. If any of the matchers are moved out, the group
/// becomes safe to destroy, but not safe to re-use for anything else.
iterator_range<std::vector<Matcher *>::iterator> matchers() {
return make_range(Matchers.begin(), Matchers.end());
size_t size() const { return Matchers.size(); }
bool empty() const { return Matchers.empty(); }
std::unique_ptr<PredicateMatcher> popFirstCondition() override {
assert(!Conditions.empty() &&
"Trying to pop a condition from a condition-less group");
std::unique_ptr<PredicateMatcher> P = std::move(Conditions.front());
return P;
const PredicateMatcher &getFirstCondition() const override {
assert(!Conditions.empty() &&
"Trying to get a condition from a condition-less group");
return *Conditions.front();
bool hasFirstCondition() const override { return !Conditions.empty(); }
/// See if a candidate matcher could be added to this group solely by
/// analyzing its first condition.
bool candidateConditionMatches(const PredicateMatcher &Predicate) const;
class SwitchMatcher : public Matcher {
/// All the nested matchers, representing distinct switch-cases. The first
/// conditions (as Matcher::getFirstCondition() reports) of all the nested
/// matchers must share the same type and path to a value they check, in other
/// words, be isIdenticalDownToValue, but have different values they check
/// against.
std::vector<Matcher *> Matchers;
/// The representative condition, with a type and a path (InsnVarID and OpIdx
/// in most cases) shared by all the matchers contained.
std::unique_ptr<PredicateMatcher> Condition = nullptr;
/// Temporary set used to check that the case values don't repeat within the
/// same switch.
std::set<MatchTableRecord> Values;
/// An owning collection for any auxiliary matchers created while optimizing
/// nested matchers contained.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Matcher>> MatcherStorage;
bool addMatcher(Matcher &Candidate);
void finalize();
void emit(MatchTable &Table) override;
iterator_range<std::vector<Matcher *>::iterator> matchers() {
return make_range(Matchers.begin(), Matchers.end());
size_t size() const { return Matchers.size(); }
bool empty() const { return Matchers.empty(); }
std::unique_ptr<PredicateMatcher> popFirstCondition() override {
// SwitchMatcher doesn't have a common first condition for its cases, as all
// the cases only share a kind of a value (a type and a path to it) they
// match, but deliberately differ in the actual value they match.
llvm_unreachable("Trying to pop a condition from a condition-less group");
const PredicateMatcher &getFirstCondition() const override {
llvm_unreachable("Trying to pop a condition from a condition-less group");
bool hasFirstCondition() const override { return false; }
/// See if the predicate type has a Switch-implementation for it.
static bool isSupportedPredicateType(const PredicateMatcher &Predicate);
bool candidateConditionMatches(const PredicateMatcher &Predicate) const;
/// emit()-helper
static void emitPredicateSpecificOpcodes(const PredicateMatcher &P,
MatchTable &Table);
/// Generates code to check that a match rule matches.
class RuleMatcher : public Matcher {
using ActionList = std::list<std::unique_ptr<MatchAction>>;
using action_iterator = ActionList::iterator;
/// A list of matchers that all need to succeed for the current rule to match.
/// FIXME: This currently supports a single match position but could be
/// extended to support multiple positions to support div/rem fusion or
/// load-multiple instructions.
using MatchersTy = std::vector<std::unique_ptr<InstructionMatcher>>;
MatchersTy Matchers;
/// A list of actions that need to be taken when all predicates in this rule
/// have succeeded.
ActionList Actions;
using DefinedInsnVariablesMap = std::map<InstructionMatcher *, unsigned>;
/// A map of instruction matchers to the local variables
DefinedInsnVariablesMap InsnVariableIDs;
using MutatableInsnSet = SmallPtrSet<InstructionMatcher *, 4>;
// The set of instruction matchers that have not yet been claimed for mutation
// by a BuildMI.
MutatableInsnSet MutatableInsns;
/// A map of named operands defined by the matchers that may be referenced by
/// the renderers.
StringMap<OperandMatcher *> DefinedOperands;
/// A map of anonymous physical register operands defined by the matchers that
/// may be referenced by the renderers.
DenseMap<Record *, OperandMatcher *> PhysRegOperands;
/// ID for the next instruction variable defined with
/// implicitlyDefineInsnVar()
unsigned NextInsnVarID;
/// ID for the next output instruction allocated with allocateOutputInsnID()
unsigned NextOutputInsnID;
/// ID for the next temporary register ID allocated with allocateTempRegID()
unsigned NextTempRegID;
/// ID for the next recorded type. Starts at -1 and counts down.
TempTypeIdx NextTempTypeIdx = -1;
// HwMode predicate index for this rule. -1 if no HwMode.
int HwModeIdx = -1;
/// Current GISelFlags
GISelFlags Flags = 0;
std::vector<std::string> RequiredSimplePredicates;
std::vector<Record *> RequiredFeatures;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<PredicateMatcher>> EpilogueMatchers;
DenseSet<unsigned> ErasedInsnIDs;
ArrayRef<SMLoc> SrcLoc;
typedef std::tuple<Record *, unsigned, unsigned>
typedef StringMap<DefinedComplexPatternSubOperand>
/// A map of Symbolic Names to ComplexPattern sub-operands.
DefinedComplexPatternSubOperandMap ComplexSubOperands;
/// A map used to for multiple referenced error check of ComplexSubOperand.
/// ComplexSubOperand can't be referenced multiple from different operands,
/// however multiple references from same operand are allowed since that is
/// how 'same operand checks' are generated.
StringMap<std::string> ComplexSubOperandsParentName;
uint64_t RuleID;
static uint64_t NextRuleID;
GISelFlags updateGISelFlag(GISelFlags CurFlags, const Record *R,
StringRef FlagName, GISelFlags FlagBit);
RuleMatcher(ArrayRef<SMLoc> SrcLoc)
: NextInsnVarID(0), NextOutputInsnID(0), NextTempRegID(0), SrcLoc(SrcLoc),
RuleID(NextRuleID++) {}
RuleMatcher(RuleMatcher &&Other) = default;
RuleMatcher &operator=(RuleMatcher &&Other) = default;
TempTypeIdx getNextTempTypeIdx() { return NextTempTypeIdx--; }
uint64_t getRuleID() const { return RuleID; }
InstructionMatcher &addInstructionMatcher(StringRef SymbolicName);
void addRequiredFeature(Record *Feature);
const std::vector<Record *> &getRequiredFeatures() const;
void addHwModeIdx(unsigned Idx) { HwModeIdx = Idx; }
int getHwModeIdx() const { return HwModeIdx; }
void addRequiredSimplePredicate(StringRef PredName);
const std::vector<std::string> &getRequiredSimplePredicates();
/// Attempts to mark \p ID as erased (GIR_EraseFromParent called on it).
/// If \p ID has already been erased, returns false and GIR_EraseFromParent
/// should NOT be emitted.
bool tryEraseInsnID(unsigned ID) { return ErasedInsnIDs.insert(ID).second; }
// Emplaces an action of the specified Kind at the end of the action list.
// Returns a reference to the newly created action.
// Like std::vector::emplace_back(), may invalidate all iterators if the new
// size exceeds the capacity. Otherwise, only invalidates the past-the-end
// iterator.
template <class Kind, class... Args> Kind &addAction(Args &&...args) {
return *static_cast<Kind *>(Actions.back().get());
// Emplaces an action of the specified Kind before the given insertion point.
// Returns an iterator pointing at the newly created instruction.
// Like std::vector::insert(), may invalidate all iterators if the new size
// exceeds the capacity. Otherwise, only invalidates the iterators from the
// insertion point onwards.
template <class Kind, class... Args>
action_iterator insertAction(action_iterator InsertPt, Args &&...args) {
return Actions.emplace(InsertPt,
void setPermanentGISelFlags(GISelFlags V) { Flags = V; }
// Update the active GISelFlags based on the GISelFlags Record R.
// A SaveAndRestore object is returned so the old GISelFlags are restored
// at the end of the scope.
SaveAndRestore<GISelFlags> setGISelFlags(const Record *R);
GISelFlags getGISelFlags() const { return Flags; }
/// Define an instruction without emitting any code to do so.
unsigned implicitlyDefineInsnVar(InstructionMatcher &Matcher);
unsigned getInsnVarID(InstructionMatcher &InsnMatcher) const;
DefinedInsnVariablesMap::const_iterator defined_insn_vars_begin() const {
return InsnVariableIDs.begin();
DefinedInsnVariablesMap::const_iterator defined_insn_vars_end() const {
return InsnVariableIDs.end();
iterator_range<typename DefinedInsnVariablesMap::const_iterator>
defined_insn_vars() const {
return make_range(defined_insn_vars_begin(), defined_insn_vars_end());
MutatableInsnSet::const_iterator mutatable_insns_begin() const {
return MutatableInsns.begin();
MutatableInsnSet::const_iterator mutatable_insns_end() const {
return MutatableInsns.end();
iterator_range<typename MutatableInsnSet::const_iterator>
mutatable_insns() const {
return make_range(mutatable_insns_begin(), mutatable_insns_end());
void reserveInsnMatcherForMutation(InstructionMatcher *InsnMatcher) {
bool R = MutatableInsns.erase(InsnMatcher);
assert(R && "Reserving a mutatable insn that isn't available");
action_iterator actions_begin() { return Actions.begin(); }
action_iterator actions_end() { return Actions.end(); }
iterator_range<action_iterator> actions() {
return make_range(actions_begin(), actions_end());
void defineOperand(StringRef SymbolicName, OperandMatcher &OM);
void definePhysRegOperand(Record *Reg, OperandMatcher &OM);
Error defineComplexSubOperand(StringRef SymbolicName, Record *ComplexPattern,
unsigned RendererID, unsigned SubOperandID,
StringRef ParentSymbolicName);
getComplexSubOperand(StringRef SymbolicName) const {
const auto &I = ComplexSubOperands.find(SymbolicName);
if (I == ComplexSubOperands.end())
return std::nullopt;
return I->second;
InstructionMatcher &getInstructionMatcher(StringRef SymbolicName) const;
OperandMatcher &getOperandMatcher(StringRef Name);
const OperandMatcher &getOperandMatcher(StringRef Name) const;
const OperandMatcher &getPhysRegOperandMatcher(Record *) const;
void optimize() override;
void emit(MatchTable &Table) override;
/// Compare the priority of this object and B.
/// Returns true if this object is more important than B.
bool isHigherPriorityThan(const RuleMatcher &B) const;
/// Report the maximum number of temporary operands needed by the rule
/// matcher.
unsigned countRendererFns() const;
std::unique_ptr<PredicateMatcher> popFirstCondition() override;
const PredicateMatcher &getFirstCondition() const override;
LLTCodeGen getFirstConditionAsRootType();
bool hasFirstCondition() const override;
unsigned getNumOperands() const;
StringRef getOpcode() const;
// FIXME: Remove this as soon as possible
InstructionMatcher &insnmatchers_front() const { return *Matchers.front(); }
unsigned allocateOutputInsnID() { return NextOutputInsnID++; }
unsigned allocateTempRegID() { return NextTempRegID++; }
iterator_range<MatchersTy::iterator> insnmatchers() {
return make_range(Matchers.begin(), Matchers.end());
bool insnmatchers_empty() const { return Matchers.empty(); }
void insnmatchers_pop_front() { Matchers.erase(Matchers.begin()); }
template <class PredicateTy> class PredicateListMatcher {
/// Template instantiations should specialize this to return a string to use
/// for the comment emitted when there are no predicates.
std::string getNoPredicateComment() const;
using PredicatesTy = std::deque<std::unique_ptr<PredicateTy>>;
PredicatesTy Predicates;
/// Track if the list of predicates was manipulated by one of the optimization
/// methods.
bool Optimized = false;
typename PredicatesTy::iterator predicates_begin() {
return Predicates.begin();
typename PredicatesTy::iterator predicates_end() { return Predicates.end(); }
iterator_range<typename PredicatesTy::iterator> predicates() {
return make_range(predicates_begin(), predicates_end());
typename PredicatesTy::size_type predicates_size() const {
return Predicates.size();
bool predicates_empty() const { return Predicates.empty(); }
template <typename Ty> bool contains() const {
return any_of(Predicates, [&](auto &P) { return isa<Ty>(P.get()); });
std::unique_ptr<PredicateTy> predicates_pop_front() {
std::unique_ptr<PredicateTy> Front = std::move(Predicates.front());
Optimized = true;
return Front;
void prependPredicate(std::unique_ptr<PredicateTy> &&Predicate) {
void eraseNullPredicates() {
const auto NewEnd =
std::stable_partition(Predicates.begin(), Predicates.end(),
if (NewEnd != Predicates.begin()) {
Predicates.erase(Predicates.begin(), NewEnd);
Optimized = true;
/// Emit MatchTable opcodes that tests whether all the predicates are met.
template <class... Args>
void emitPredicateListOpcodes(MatchTable &Table, Args &&...args) {
if (Predicates.empty() && !Optimized) {
Table << MatchTable::Comment(getNoPredicateComment())
<< MatchTable::LineBreak;
for (const auto &Predicate : predicates())
Predicate->emitPredicateOpcodes(Table, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
/// Provide a function to avoid emitting certain predicates. This is used to
/// defer some predicate checks until after others
using PredicateFilterFunc = std::function<bool(const PredicateTy &)>;
/// Emit MatchTable opcodes for predicates which satisfy \p
/// ShouldEmitPredicate. This should be called multiple times to ensure all
/// predicates are eventually added to the match table.
template <class... Args>
void emitFilteredPredicateListOpcodes(PredicateFilterFunc ShouldEmitPredicate,
MatchTable &Table, Args &&...args) {
if (Predicates.empty() && !Optimized) {
Table << MatchTable::Comment(getNoPredicateComment())
<< MatchTable::LineBreak;
for (const auto &Predicate : predicates()) {
if (ShouldEmitPredicate(*Predicate))
Predicate->emitPredicateOpcodes(Table, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
class PredicateMatcher {
/// This enum is used for RTTI and also defines the priority that is given to
/// the predicate when generating the matcher code. Kinds with higher priority
/// must be tested first.
/// The relative priority of OPM_LLT, OPM_RegBank, and OPM_MBB do not matter
/// but OPM_Int must have priority over OPM_RegBank since constant integers
/// are represented by a virtual register defined by a G_CONSTANT instruction.
/// Note: The relative priority between IPM_ and OPM_ does not matter, they
/// are currently not compared between each other.
enum PredicateKind {
PredicateKind Kind;
unsigned InsnVarID;
unsigned OpIdx;
PredicateMatcher(PredicateKind Kind, unsigned InsnVarID, unsigned OpIdx = ~0)
: Kind(Kind), InsnVarID(InsnVarID), OpIdx(OpIdx) {}
virtual ~PredicateMatcher();
unsigned getInsnVarID() const { return InsnVarID; }
unsigned getOpIdx() const { return OpIdx; }
/// Emit MatchTable opcodes that check the predicate for the given operand.
virtual void emitPredicateOpcodes(MatchTable &Table,
RuleMatcher &Rule) const = 0;
PredicateKind getKind() const { return Kind; }
bool dependsOnOperands() const {
// Custom predicates really depend on the context pattern of the
// instruction, not just the individual instruction. This therefore
// implicitly depends on all other pattern constraints.
return Kind == IPM_GenericPredicate;
virtual bool isIdentical(const PredicateMatcher &B) const {
return B.getKind() == getKind() && InsnVarID == B.InsnVarID &&
OpIdx == B.OpIdx;
virtual bool isIdenticalDownToValue(const PredicateMatcher &B) const {
return hasValue() && PredicateMatcher::isIdentical(B);
virtual MatchTableRecord getValue() const {
assert(hasValue() && "Can not get a value of a value-less predicate!");
llvm_unreachable("Not implemented yet");
virtual bool hasValue() const { return false; }
/// Report the maximum number of temporary operands needed by the predicate
/// matcher.
virtual unsigned countRendererFns() const { return 0; }
/// Generates code to check a predicate of an operand.
/// Typical predicates include:
/// * Operand is a particular register.
/// * Operand is assigned a particular register bank.
/// * Operand is an MBB.
class OperandPredicateMatcher : public PredicateMatcher {
OperandPredicateMatcher(PredicateKind Kind, unsigned InsnVarID,
unsigned OpIdx)
: PredicateMatcher(Kind, InsnVarID, OpIdx) {}
virtual ~OperandPredicateMatcher();
/// Compare the priority of this object and B.
/// Returns true if this object is more important than B.
virtual bool isHigherPriorityThan(const OperandPredicateMatcher &B) const;
template <>
inline std::string
PredicateListMatcher<OperandPredicateMatcher>::getNoPredicateComment() const {
return "No operand predicates";
/// Generates code to check that a register operand is defined by the same exact
/// one as another.
class SameOperandMatcher : public OperandPredicateMatcher {
std::string MatchingName;
unsigned OrigOpIdx;
GISelFlags Flags;
SameOperandMatcher(unsigned InsnVarID, unsigned OpIdx, StringRef MatchingName,
unsigned OrigOpIdx, GISelFlags Flags)
: OperandPredicateMatcher(OPM_SameOperand, InsnVarID, OpIdx),
MatchingName(MatchingName), OrigOpIdx(OrigOpIdx), Flags(Flags) {}
static bool classof(const PredicateMatcher *P) {
return P->getKind() == OPM_SameOperand;
void emitPredicateOpcodes(MatchTable &Table,
RuleMatcher &Rule) const override;
bool isIdentical(const PredicateMatcher &B) const override {
return OperandPredicateMatcher::isIdentical(B) &&
OrigOpIdx == cast<SameOperandMatcher>(&B)->OrigOpIdx &&
MatchingName == cast<SameOperandMatcher>(&B)->MatchingName;
/// Generates code to check that an operand is a particular LLT.
class LLTOperandMatcher : public OperandPredicateMatcher {
LLTCodeGen Ty;
static std::map<LLTCodeGen, unsigned> TypeIDValues;
static void initTypeIDValuesMap() {
unsigned ID = 0;
for (const LLTCodeGen &LLTy : KnownTypes)
TypeIDValues[LLTy] = ID++;
LLTOperandMatcher(unsigned InsnVarID, unsigned OpIdx, const LLTCodeGen &Ty)
: OperandPredicateMatcher(OPM_LLT, InsnVarID, OpIdx), Ty(Ty) {
static bool classof(const PredicateMatcher *P) {
return P->getKind() == OPM_LLT;
bool isIdentical(const PredicateMatcher &B) const override {
return OperandPredicateMatcher::isIdentical(B) &&
Ty == cast<LLTOperandMatcher>(&B)->Ty;
MatchTableRecord getValue() const override;
bool hasValue() const override;
LLTCodeGen getTy() const { return Ty; }
void emitPredicateOpcodes(MatchTable &Table,
RuleMatcher &Rule) const override;
/// Generates code to check that an operand is a pointer to any address space.
/// In SelectionDAG, the types did not describe pointers or address spaces. As a
/// result, iN is used to describe a pointer of N bits to any address space and
/// PatFrag predicates are typically used to constrain the address space.
/// There's no reliable means to derive the missing type information from the
/// pattern so imported rules must test the components of a pointer separately.
/// If SizeInBits is zero, then the pointer size will be obtained from the
/// subtarget.
class PointerToAnyOperandMatcher : public OperandPredicateMatcher {
unsigned SizeInBits;
PointerToAnyOperandMatcher(unsigned InsnVarID, unsigned OpIdx,
unsigned SizeInBits)
: OperandPredicateMatcher(OPM_PointerToAny, InsnVarID, OpIdx),
SizeInBits(SizeInBits) {}
static bool classof(const PredicateMatcher *P) {
return P->getKind() == OPM_PointerToAny;
bool isIdentical(const PredicateMatcher &B) const override {
return OperandPredicateMatcher::isIdentical(B) &&
SizeInBits == cast<PointerToAnyOperandMatcher>(&B)->SizeInBits;
void emitPredicateOpcodes(MatchTable &Table,
RuleMatcher &Rule) const override;
/// Generates code to record named operand in RecordedOperands list at StoreIdx.
/// Predicates with 'let PredicateCodeUsesOperands = 1' get RecordedOperands as
/// an argument to predicate's c++ code once all operands have been matched.
class RecordNamedOperandMatcher : public OperandPredicateMatcher {
unsigned StoreIdx;
std::string Name;
RecordNamedOperandMatcher(unsigned InsnVarID, unsigned OpIdx,
unsigned StoreIdx, StringRef Name)
: OperandPredicateMatcher(OPM_RecordNamedOperand, InsnVarID, OpIdx),
StoreIdx(StoreIdx), Name(Name) {}
static bool classof(const PredicateMatcher *P) {
return P->getKind() == OPM_RecordNamedOperand;
bool isIdentical(const PredicateMatcher &B) const override {
return OperandPredicateMatcher::isIdentical(B) &&
StoreIdx == cast<RecordNamedOperandMatcher>(&B)->StoreIdx &&
Name == cast<RecordNamedOperandMatcher>(&B)->Name;
void emitPredicateOpcodes(MatchTable &Table,
RuleMatcher &Rule) const override;
/// Generates code to store a register operand's type into the set of temporary
/// LLTs.
class RecordRegisterType : public OperandPredicateMatcher {
TempTypeIdx Idx;
RecordRegisterType(unsigned InsnVarID, unsigned OpIdx, TempTypeIdx Idx)
: OperandPredicateMatcher(OPM_RecordRegType, InsnVarID, OpIdx), Idx(Idx) {
static bool classof(const PredicateMatcher *P) {
return P->getKind() == OPM_RecordRegType;
bool isIdentical(const PredicateMatcher &B) const override {
return OperandPredicateMatcher::isIdentical(B) &&
Idx == cast<RecordRegisterType>(&B)->Idx;
void emitPredicateOpcodes(MatchTable &Table,
RuleMatcher &Rule) const override;
/// Generates code to check that an operand is a particular target constant.
class ComplexPatternOperandMatcher : public OperandPredicateMatcher {
const OperandMatcher &Operand;
const Record &TheDef;
unsigned getAllocatedTemporariesBaseID() const;
bool isIdentical(const PredicateMatcher &B) const override { return false; }
ComplexPatternOperandMatcher(unsigned InsnVarID, unsigned OpIdx,
const OperandMatcher &Operand,
const Record &TheDef)
: OperandPredicateMatcher(OPM_ComplexPattern, InsnVarID, OpIdx),
Operand(Operand), TheDef(TheDef) {}
static bool classof(const PredicateMatcher *P) {
return P->getKind() == OPM_ComplexPattern;
void emitPredicateOpcodes(MatchTable &Table,
RuleMatcher &Rule) const override;
unsigned countRendererFns() const override { return 1; }
/// Generates code to check that an operand is in a particular register bank.
class RegisterBankOperandMatcher : public OperandPredicateMatcher {
const CodeGenRegisterClass &RC;
RegisterBankOperandMatcher(unsigned InsnVarID, unsigned OpIdx,
const CodeGenRegisterClass &RC)
: OperandPredicateMatcher(OPM_RegBank, InsnVarID, OpIdx), RC(RC) {}
bool isIdentical(const PredicateMatcher &B) const override;
static bool classof(const PredicateMatcher *P) {
return P->getKind() == OPM_RegBank;
void emitPredicateOpcodes(MatchTable &Table,
RuleMatcher &Rule) const override;
/// Generates code to check that an operand is a basic block.
class MBBOperandMatcher : public OperandPredicateMatcher {
MBBOperandMatcher(unsigned InsnVarID, unsigned OpIdx)
: OperandPredicateMatcher(OPM_MBB, InsnVarID, OpIdx) {}
static bool classof(const PredicateMatcher *P) {
return P->getKind() == OPM_MBB;
void emitPredicateOpcodes(MatchTable &Table,
RuleMatcher &Rule) const override;
class ImmOperandMatcher : public OperandPredicateMatcher {
ImmOperandMatcher(unsigned InsnVarID, unsigned OpIdx)
: OperandPredicateMatcher(IPM_Imm, InsnVarID, OpIdx) {}
static bool classof(const PredicateMatcher *P) {
return P->getKind() == IPM_Imm;
void emitPredicateOpcodes(MatchTable &Table,
RuleMatcher &Rule) const override;
/// Generates code to check that an operand is a G_CONSTANT with a particular
/// int.
class ConstantIntOperandMatcher : public OperandPredicateMatcher {
int64_t Value;
ConstantIntOperandMatcher(unsigned InsnVarID, unsigned OpIdx, int64_t Value)
: OperandPredicateMatcher(OPM_Int, InsnVarID, OpIdx), Value(Value) {}
bool isIdentical(const PredicateMatcher &B) const override {
return OperandPredicateMatcher::isIdentical(B) &&
Value == cast<ConstantIntOperandMatcher>(&B)->Value;
static bool classof(const PredicateMatcher *P) {
return P->getKind() == OPM_Int;
void emitPredicateOpcodes(MatchTable &Table,
RuleMatcher &Rule) const override;
/// Generates code to check that an operand is a raw int (where MO.isImm() or
/// MO.isCImm() is true).
class LiteralIntOperandMatcher : public OperandPredicateMatcher {
int64_t Value;
LiteralIntOperandMatcher(unsigned InsnVarID, unsigned OpIdx, int64_t Value)
: OperandPredicateMatcher(OPM_LiteralInt, InsnVarID, OpIdx),
Value(Value) {}
bool isIdentical(const PredicateMatcher &B) const override {
return OperandPredicateMatcher::isIdentical(B) &&
Value == cast<LiteralIntOperandMatcher>(&B)->Value;
static bool classof(const PredicateMatcher *P) {
return P->getKind() == OPM_LiteralInt;
void emitPredicateOpcodes(MatchTable &Table,
RuleMatcher &Rule) const override;
/// Generates code to check that an operand is an CmpInst predicate
class CmpPredicateOperandMatcher : public OperandPredicateMatcher {
std::string PredName;
CmpPredicateOperandMatcher(unsigned InsnVarID, unsigned OpIdx, std::string P)
: OperandPredicateMatcher(OPM_CmpPredicate, InsnVarID, OpIdx),
PredName(P) {}
bool isIdentical(const PredicateMatcher &B) const override {
return OperandPredicateMatcher::isIdentical(B) &&
PredName == cast<CmpPredicateOperandMatcher>(&B)->PredName;
static bool classof(const PredicateMatcher *P) {
return P->getKind() == OPM_CmpPredicate;
void emitPredicateOpcodes(MatchTable &Table,
RuleMatcher &Rule) const override;
/// Generates code to check that an operand is an intrinsic ID.
class IntrinsicIDOperandMatcher : public OperandPredicateMatcher {
const CodeGenIntrinsic *II;
IntrinsicIDOperandMatcher(unsigned InsnVarID, unsigned OpIdx,
const CodeGenIntrinsic *II)
: OperandPredicateMatcher(OPM_IntrinsicID, InsnVarID, OpIdx), II(II) {}
bool isIdentical(const PredicateMatcher &B) const override {
return OperandPredicateMatcher::isIdentical(B) &&
II == cast<IntrinsicIDOperandMatcher>(&B)->II;
static bool classof(const PredicateMatcher *P) {
return P->getKind() == OPM_IntrinsicID;
void emitPredicateOpcodes(MatchTable &Table,
RuleMatcher &Rule) const override;
/// Generates code to check that this operand is an immediate whose value meets
/// an immediate predicate.
class OperandImmPredicateMatcher : public OperandPredicateMatcher {
TreePredicateFn Predicate;
OperandImmPredicateMatcher(unsigned InsnVarID, unsigned OpIdx,
const TreePredicateFn &Predicate)
: OperandPredicateMatcher(IPM_ImmPredicate, InsnVarID, OpIdx),
Predicate(Predicate) {}
bool isIdentical(const PredicateMatcher &B) const override {
return OperandPredicateMatcher::isIdentical(B) &&
Predicate.getOrigPatFragRecord() ==
static bool classof(const PredicateMatcher *P) {
return P->getKind() == IPM_ImmPredicate;
void emitPredicateOpcodes(MatchTable &Table,
RuleMatcher &Rule) const override;
/// Generates code to check that a set of predicates match for a particular
/// operand.
class OperandMatcher : public PredicateListMatcher<OperandPredicateMatcher> {
InstructionMatcher &Insn;
unsigned OpIdx;
std::string SymbolicName;
/// The index of the first temporary variable allocated to this operand. The
/// number of allocated temporaries can be found with
/// countRendererFns().
unsigned AllocatedTemporariesBaseID;
TempTypeIdx TTIdx = 0;
OperandMatcher(InstructionMatcher &Insn, unsigned OpIdx,
const std::string &SymbolicName,
unsigned AllocatedTemporariesBaseID)
: Insn(Insn), OpIdx(OpIdx), SymbolicName(SymbolicName),
AllocatedTemporariesBaseID(AllocatedTemporariesBaseID) {}
bool hasSymbolicName() const { return !SymbolicName.empty(); }
StringRef getSymbolicName() const { return SymbolicName; }
void setSymbolicName(StringRef Name) {
assert(SymbolicName.empty() && "Operand already has a symbolic name");
SymbolicName = std::string(Name);
/// Construct a new operand predicate and add it to the matcher.
template <class Kind, class... Args>
std::optional<Kind *> addPredicate(Args &&...args) {
if (isSameAsAnotherOperand())
return std::nullopt;
getInsnVarID(), getOpIdx(), std::forward<Args>(args)...));
return static_cast<Kind *>(Predicates.back().get());
unsigned getOpIdx() const { return OpIdx; }
unsigned getInsnVarID() const;
/// If this OperandMatcher has not been assigned a TempTypeIdx yet, assigns it
/// one and adds a `RecordRegisterType` predicate to this matcher. If one has
/// already been assigned, simply returns it.
TempTypeIdx getTempTypeIdx(RuleMatcher &Rule);
std::string getOperandExpr(unsigned InsnVarID) const;
InstructionMatcher &getInstructionMatcher() const { return Insn; }
Error addTypeCheckPredicate(const TypeSetByHwMode &VTy,
bool OperandIsAPointer);
/// Emit MatchTable opcodes that test whether the instruction named in
/// InsnVarID matches all the predicates and all the operands.
void emitPredicateOpcodes(MatchTable &Table, RuleMatcher &Rule);
/// Compare the priority of this object and B.
/// Returns true if this object is more important than B.
bool isHigherPriorityThan(OperandMatcher &B);
/// Report the maximum number of temporary operands needed by the operand
/// matcher.
unsigned countRendererFns();
unsigned getAllocatedTemporariesBaseID() const {
return AllocatedTemporariesBaseID;
bool isSameAsAnotherOperand() {
for (const auto &Predicate : predicates())
if (isa<SameOperandMatcher>(Predicate))
return true;
return false;
/// Generates code to check a predicate on an instruction.
/// Typical predicates include:
/// * The opcode of the instruction is a particular value.
/// * The nsw/nuw flag is/isn't set.
class InstructionPredicateMatcher : public PredicateMatcher {
InstructionPredicateMatcher(PredicateKind Kind, unsigned InsnVarID)
: PredicateMatcher(Kind, InsnVarID) {}
virtual ~InstructionPredicateMatcher() {}
/// Compare the priority of this object and B.
/// Returns true if this object is more important than B.
virtual bool
isHigherPriorityThan(const InstructionPredicateMatcher &B) const {
return Kind < B.Kind;
template <>
inline std::string
PredicateListMatcher<PredicateMatcher>::getNoPredicateComment() const {
return "No instruction predicates";
/// Generates code to check the opcode of an instruction.
class InstructionOpcodeMatcher : public InstructionPredicateMatcher {
// Allow matching one to several, similar opcodes that share properties. This
// is to handle patterns where one SelectionDAG operation maps to multiple
// GlobalISel ones (e.g. G_BUILD_VECTOR and G_BUILD_VECTOR_TRUNC). The first
// is treated as the canonical opcode.
SmallVector<const CodeGenInstruction *, 2> Insts;
static DenseMap<const CodeGenInstruction *, unsigned> OpcodeValues;
MatchTableRecord getInstValue(const CodeGenInstruction *I) const;
static void initOpcodeValuesMap(const CodeGenTarget &Target);
InstructionOpcodeMatcher(unsigned InsnVarID,
ArrayRef<const CodeGenInstruction *> I)
: InstructionPredicateMatcher(IPM_Opcode, InsnVarID),
Insts(I.begin(), I.end()) {
assert((Insts.size() == 1 || Insts.size() == 2) &&
"unexpected number of opcode alternatives");
static bool classof(const PredicateMatcher *P) {
return P->getKind() == IPM_Opcode;
bool isIdentical(const PredicateMatcher &B) const override {
return InstructionPredicateMatcher::isIdentical(B) &&
Insts == cast<InstructionOpcodeMatcher>(&B)->Insts;
bool hasValue() const override {
return Insts.size() == 1 && OpcodeValues.count(Insts[0]);
// TODO: This is used for the SwitchMatcher optimization. We should be able to
// return a list of the opcodes to match.
MatchTableRecord getValue() const override;
void emitPredicateOpcodes(MatchTable &Table,
RuleMatcher &Rule) const override;
/// Compare the priority of this object and B.
/// Returns true if this object is more important than B.
isHigherPriorityThan(const InstructionPredicateMatcher &B) const override;
bool isConstantInstruction() const;
// The first opcode is the canonical opcode, and later are alternatives.
StringRef getOpcode() const;
ArrayRef<const CodeGenInstruction *> getAlternativeOpcodes() { return Insts; }
bool isVariadicNumOperands() const;
StringRef getOperandType(unsigned OpIdx) const;
class InstructionNumOperandsMatcher final : public InstructionPredicateMatcher {
unsigned NumOperands = 0;
InstructionNumOperandsMatcher(unsigned InsnVarID, unsigned NumOperands)
: InstructionPredicateMatcher(IPM_NumOperands, InsnVarID),
NumOperands(NumOperands) {}
static bool classof(const PredicateMatcher *P) {
return P->getKind() == IPM_NumOperands;
bool isIdentical(const PredicateMatcher &B) const override {
return InstructionPredicateMatcher::isIdentical(B) &&
NumOperands == cast<InstructionNumOperandsMatcher>(&B)->NumOperands;
void emitPredicateOpcodes(MatchTable &Table,
RuleMatcher &Rule) const override;
/// Generates code to check that this instruction is a constant whose value
/// meets an immediate predicate.
/// Immediates are slightly odd since they are typically used like an operand
/// but are represented as an operator internally. We typically write simm8:$src
/// in a tablegen pattern, but this is just syntactic sugar for
/// (imm:i32)<<P:Predicate_simm8>>:$imm which more directly describes the nodes
/// that will be matched and the predicate (which is attached to the imm
/// operator) that will be tested. In SelectionDAG this describes a
/// ConstantSDNode whose internal value will be tested using the simm8
/// predicate.
/// The corresponding GlobalISel representation is %1 = G_CONSTANT iN Value. In
/// this representation, the immediate could be tested with an
/// InstructionMatcher, InstructionOpcodeMatcher, OperandMatcher, and a
/// OperandPredicateMatcher-subclass to check the Value meets the predicate but
/// there are two implementation issues with producing that matcher
/// configuration from the SelectionDAG pattern:
/// * ImmLeaf is a PatFrag whose root is an InstructionMatcher. This means that
/// were we to sink the immediate predicate to the operand we would have to
/// have two partial implementations of PatFrag support, one for immediates
/// and one for non-immediates.
/// * At the point we handle the predicate, the OperandMatcher hasn't been
/// created yet. If we were to sink the predicate to the OperandMatcher we
/// would also have to complicate (or duplicate) the code that descends and
/// creates matchers for the subtree.
/// Overall, it's simpler to handle it in the place it was found.
class InstructionImmPredicateMatcher : public InstructionPredicateMatcher {
TreePredicateFn Predicate;
InstructionImmPredicateMatcher(unsigned InsnVarID,
const TreePredicateFn &Predicate)
: InstructionPredicateMatcher(IPM_ImmPredicate, InsnVarID),
Predicate(Predicate) {}
bool isIdentical(const PredicateMatcher &B) const override;
static bool classof(const PredicateMatcher *P) {
return P->getKind() == IPM_ImmPredicate;
void emitPredicateOpcodes(MatchTable &Table,
RuleMatcher &Rule) const override;
/// Generates code to check that a memory instruction has a atomic ordering
/// MachineMemoryOperand.
class AtomicOrderingMMOPredicateMatcher : public InstructionPredicateMatcher {
enum AOComparator {
StringRef Order;
AOComparator Comparator;
AtomicOrderingMMOPredicateMatcher(unsigned InsnVarID, StringRef Order,
AOComparator Comparator = AO_Exactly)
: InstructionPredicateMatcher(IPM_AtomicOrderingMMO, InsnVarID),
Order(Order), Comparator(Comparator) {}
static bool classof(const PredicateMatcher *P) {
return P->getKind() == IPM_AtomicOrderingMMO;
bool isIdentical(const PredicateMatcher &B) const override;
void emitPredicateOpcodes(MatchTable &Table,
RuleMatcher &Rule) const override;
/// Generates code to check that the size of an MMO is exactly N bytes.
class MemorySizePredicateMatcher : public InstructionPredicateMatcher {
unsigned MMOIdx;
uint64_t Size;
MemorySizePredicateMatcher(unsigned InsnVarID, unsigned MMOIdx, unsigned Size)
: InstructionPredicateMatcher(IPM_MemoryLLTSize, InsnVarID),
MMOIdx(MMOIdx), Size(Size) {}
static bool classof(const PredicateMatcher *P) {
return P->getKind() == IPM_MemoryLLTSize;
bool isIdentical(const PredicateMatcher &B) const override {
return InstructionPredicateMatcher::isIdentical(B) &&
MMOIdx == cast<MemorySizePredicateMatcher>(&B)->MMOIdx &&
Size == cast<MemorySizePredicateMatcher>(&B)->Size;
void emitPredicateOpcodes(MatchTable &Table,
RuleMatcher &Rule) const override;
class MemoryAddressSpacePredicateMatcher : public InstructionPredicateMatcher {
unsigned MMOIdx;
SmallVector<unsigned, 4> AddrSpaces;
MemoryAddressSpacePredicateMatcher(unsigned InsnVarID, unsigned MMOIdx,
ArrayRef<unsigned> AddrSpaces)
: InstructionPredicateMatcher(IPM_MemoryAddressSpace, InsnVarID),
MMOIdx(MMOIdx), AddrSpaces(AddrSpaces.begin(), AddrSpaces.end()) {}
static bool classof(const PredicateMatcher *P) {
return P->getKind() == IPM_MemoryAddressSpace;
bool isIdentical(const PredicateMatcher &B) const override;
void emitPredicateOpcodes(MatchTable &Table,
RuleMatcher &Rule) const override;
class MemoryAlignmentPredicateMatcher : public InstructionPredicateMatcher {
unsigned MMOIdx;
int MinAlign;
MemoryAlignmentPredicateMatcher(unsigned InsnVarID, unsigned MMOIdx,
int MinAlign)
: InstructionPredicateMatcher(IPM_MemoryAlignment, InsnVarID),
MMOIdx(MMOIdx), MinAlign(MinAlign) {
assert(MinAlign > 0);
static bool classof(const PredicateMatcher *P) {
return P->getKind() == IPM_MemoryAlignment;
bool isIdentical(const PredicateMatcher &B) const override;
void emitPredicateOpcodes(MatchTable &Table,
RuleMatcher &Rule) const override;
/// Generates code to check that the size of an MMO is less-than, equal-to, or
/// greater than a given LLT.
class MemoryVsLLTSizePredicateMatcher : public InstructionPredicateMatcher {
enum RelationKind {
unsigned MMOIdx;
RelationKind Relation;
unsigned OpIdx;
MemoryVsLLTSizePredicateMatcher(unsigned InsnVarID, unsigned MMOIdx,
enum RelationKind Relation, unsigned OpIdx)
: InstructionPredicateMatcher(IPM_MemoryVsLLTSize, InsnVarID),
MMOIdx(MMOIdx), Relation(Relation), OpIdx(OpIdx) {}
static bool classof(const PredicateMatcher *P) {
return P->getKind() == IPM_MemoryVsLLTSize;
bool isIdentical(const PredicateMatcher &B) const override;
void emitPredicateOpcodes(MatchTable &Table,
RuleMatcher &Rule) const override;
// Matcher for immAllOnesV/immAllZerosV
class VectorSplatImmPredicateMatcher : public InstructionPredicateMatcher {
enum SplatKind { AllZeros, AllOnes };
SplatKind Kind;
VectorSplatImmPredicateMatcher(unsigned InsnVarID, SplatKind K)
: InstructionPredicateMatcher(IPM_VectorSplatImm, InsnVarID), Kind(K) {}
static bool classof(const PredicateMatcher *P) {
return P->getKind() == IPM_VectorSplatImm;
bool isIdentical(const PredicateMatcher &B) const override {
return InstructionPredicateMatcher::isIdentical(B) &&
Kind == static_cast<const VectorSplatImmPredicateMatcher &>(B).Kind;
void emitPredicateOpcodes(MatchTable &Table,
RuleMatcher &Rule) const override;
/// Generates code to check an arbitrary C++ instruction predicate.
class GenericInstructionPredicateMatcher : public InstructionPredicateMatcher {
std::string EnumVal;
GenericInstructionPredicateMatcher(unsigned InsnVarID,
TreePredicateFn Predicate);
GenericInstructionPredicateMatcher(unsigned InsnVarID,
const std::string &EnumVal)
: InstructionPredicateMatcher(IPM_GenericPredicate, InsnVarID),
EnumVal(EnumVal) {}
static bool classof(const InstructionPredicateMatcher *P) {
return P->getKind() == IPM_GenericPredicate;
bool isIdentical(const PredicateMatcher &B) const override;
void emitPredicateOpcodes(MatchTable &Table,
RuleMatcher &Rule) const override;
class MIFlagsInstructionPredicateMatcher : public InstructionPredicateMatcher {
SmallVector<StringRef, 2> Flags;
bool CheckNot; // false = GIM_MIFlags, true = GIM_MIFlagsNot
MIFlagsInstructionPredicateMatcher(unsigned InsnVarID,
ArrayRef<StringRef> FlagsToCheck,
bool CheckNot = false)
: InstructionPredicateMatcher(IPM_MIFlags, InsnVarID),
Flags(FlagsToCheck), CheckNot(CheckNot) {
static bool classof(const InstructionPredicateMatcher *P) {
return P->getKind() == IPM_MIFlags;
bool isIdentical(const PredicateMatcher &B) const override;
void emitPredicateOpcodes(MatchTable &Table,
RuleMatcher &Rule) const override;
/// Generates code to check for the absence of use of the result.
// TODO? Generalize this to support checking for one use.
class NoUsePredicateMatcher : public InstructionPredicateMatcher {
NoUsePredicateMatcher(unsigned InsnVarID)
: InstructionPredicateMatcher(IPM_NoUse, InsnVarID) {}
static bool classof(const PredicateMatcher *P) {
return P->getKind() == IPM_NoUse;
bool isIdentical(const PredicateMatcher &B) const override {
return InstructionPredicateMatcher::isIdentical(B);
void emitPredicateOpcodes(MatchTable &Table,
RuleMatcher &Rule) const override {
Table << MatchTable::Opcode("GIM_CheckHasNoUse")
<< MatchTable::Comment("MI") << MatchTable::ULEB128Value(InsnVarID)
<< MatchTable::LineBreak;
/// Generates code to check that a set of predicates and operands match for a
/// particular instruction.
/// Typical predicates include:
/// * Has a specific opcode.
/// * Has an nsw/nuw flag or doesn't.
class InstructionMatcher final : public PredicateListMatcher<PredicateMatcher> {
typedef std::vector<std::unique_ptr<OperandMatcher>> OperandVec;
RuleMatcher &Rule;
/// The operands to match. All rendered operands must be present even if the
/// condition is always true.
OperandVec Operands;
bool NumOperandsCheck = true;
std::string SymbolicName;
unsigned InsnVarID;
/// PhysRegInputs - List list has an entry for each explicitly specified
/// physreg input to the pattern. The first elt is the Register node, the
/// second is the recorded slot number the input pattern match saved it in.
SmallVector<std::pair<Record *, unsigned>, 2> PhysRegInputs;
InstructionMatcher(RuleMatcher &Rule, StringRef SymbolicName,
bool NumOpsCheck = true)
: Rule(Rule), NumOperandsCheck(NumOpsCheck), SymbolicName(SymbolicName) {
// We create a new instruction matcher.
// Get a new ID for that instruction.
InsnVarID = Rule.implicitlyDefineInsnVar(*this);
/// Construct a new instruction predicate and add it to the matcher.
template <class Kind, class... Args>
std::optional<Kind *> addPredicate(Args &&...args) {
std::make_unique<Kind>(getInsnVarID(), std::forward<Args>(args)...));
return static_cast<Kind *>(Predicates.back().get());
RuleMatcher &getRuleMatcher() const { return Rule; }
unsigned getInsnVarID() const { return InsnVarID; }
/// Add an operand to the matcher.
OperandMatcher &addOperand(unsigned OpIdx, const std::string &SymbolicName,
unsigned AllocatedTemporariesBaseID);
OperandMatcher &getOperand(unsigned OpIdx);
OperandMatcher &addPhysRegInput(Record *Reg, unsigned OpIdx,
unsigned TempOpIdx);
ArrayRef<std::pair<Record *, unsigned>> getPhysRegInputs() const {
return PhysRegInputs;
StringRef getSymbolicName() const { return SymbolicName; }
unsigned getNumOperands() const { return Operands.size(); }
OperandVec::iterator operands_begin() { return Operands.begin(); }
OperandVec::iterator operands_end() { return Operands.end(); }
iterator_range<OperandVec::iterator> operands() {
return make_range(operands_begin(), operands_end());
OperandVec::const_iterator operands_begin() const { return Operands.begin(); }
OperandVec::const_iterator operands_end() const { return Operands.end(); }
iterator_range<OperandVec::const_iterator> operands() const {
return make_range(operands_begin(), operands_end());
bool operands_empty() const { return Operands.empty(); }
void pop_front() { Operands.erase(Operands.begin()); }
void optimize();
/// Emit MatchTable opcodes that test whether the instruction named in
/// InsnVarName matches all the predicates and all the operands.
void emitPredicateOpcodes(MatchTable &Table, RuleMatcher &Rule);
/// Compare the priority of this object and B.
/// Returns true if this object is more important than B.
bool isHigherPriorityThan(InstructionMatcher &B);
/// Report the maximum number of temporary operands needed by the instruction
/// matcher.
unsigned countRendererFns();
InstructionOpcodeMatcher &getOpcodeMatcher() {
for (auto &P : predicates())
if (auto *OpMatcher = dyn_cast<InstructionOpcodeMatcher>(P.get()))
return *OpMatcher;
llvm_unreachable("Didn't find an opcode matcher");
bool isConstantInstruction() {
return getOpcodeMatcher().isConstantInstruction();
StringRef getOpcode() { return getOpcodeMatcher().getOpcode(); }
/// Generates code to check that the operand is a register defined by an
/// instruction that matches the given instruction matcher.
/// For example, the pattern:
/// (set $dst, (G_MUL (G_ADD $src1, $src2), $src3))
/// would use an InstructionOperandMatcher for operand 1 of the G_MUL to match
/// the:
/// (G_ADD $src1, $src2)
/// subpattern.
class InstructionOperandMatcher : public OperandPredicateMatcher {
std::unique_ptr<InstructionMatcher> InsnMatcher;
GISelFlags Flags;
InstructionOperandMatcher(unsigned InsnVarID, unsigned OpIdx,
RuleMatcher &Rule, StringRef SymbolicName,
bool NumOpsCheck = true)
: OperandPredicateMatcher(OPM_Instruction, InsnVarID, OpIdx),
InsnMatcher(new InstructionMatcher(Rule, SymbolicName, NumOpsCheck)),
Flags(Rule.getGISelFlags()) {}
static bool classof(const PredicateMatcher *P) {
return P->getKind() == OPM_Instruction;
InstructionMatcher &getInsnMatcher() const { return *InsnMatcher; }
void emitCaptureOpcodes(MatchTable &Table, RuleMatcher &Rule) const;
void emitPredicateOpcodes(MatchTable &Table,
RuleMatcher &Rule) const override {
emitCaptureOpcodes(Table, Rule);
InsnMatcher->emitPredicateOpcodes(Table, Rule);
bool isHigherPriorityThan(const OperandPredicateMatcher &B) const override;
/// Report the maximum number of temporary operands needed by the predicate
/// matcher.
unsigned countRendererFns() const override {
return InsnMatcher->countRendererFns();
//===- Actions ------------------------------------------------------------===//
class OperandRenderer {
enum RendererKind {
RendererKind Kind;
OperandRenderer(RendererKind Kind) : Kind(Kind) {}
virtual ~OperandRenderer();
RendererKind getKind() const { return Kind; }
virtual void emitRenderOpcodes(MatchTable &Table,
RuleMatcher &Rule) const = 0;
/// A CopyRenderer emits code to copy a single operand from an existing
/// instruction to the one being built.
class CopyRenderer : public OperandRenderer {
unsigned NewInsnID;
/// The name of the operand.
const StringRef SymbolicName;
CopyRenderer(unsigned NewInsnID, StringRef SymbolicName)
: OperandRenderer(OR_Copy), NewInsnID(NewInsnID),
SymbolicName(SymbolicName) {
assert(!SymbolicName.empty() && "Cannot copy from an unspecified source");
static bool classof(const OperandRenderer *R) {
return R->getKind() == OR_Copy;
StringRef getSymbolicName() const { return SymbolicName; }
static void emitRenderOpcodes(MatchTable &Table, RuleMatcher &Rule,
unsigned NewInsnID, unsigned OldInsnID,
unsigned OpIdx, StringRef Name);
void emitRenderOpcodes(MatchTable &Table, RuleMatcher &Rule) const override;
/// A CopyRenderer emits code to copy a virtual register to a specific physical
/// register.
class CopyPhysRegRenderer : public OperandRenderer {
unsigned NewInsnID;
Record *PhysReg;
CopyPhysRegRenderer(unsigned NewInsnID, Record *Reg)
: OperandRenderer(OR_CopyPhysReg), NewInsnID(NewInsnID), PhysReg(Reg) {
static bool classof(const OperandRenderer *R) {
return R->getKind() == OR_CopyPhysReg;
Record *getPhysReg() const { return PhysReg; }
void emitRenderOpcodes(MatchTable &Table, RuleMatcher &Rule) const override;
/// A CopyOrAddZeroRegRenderer emits code to copy a single operand from an
/// existing instruction to the one being built. If the operand turns out to be
/// a 'G_CONSTANT 0' then it replaces the operand with a zero register.
class CopyOrAddZeroRegRenderer : public OperandRenderer {
unsigned NewInsnID;
/// The name of the operand.
const StringRef SymbolicName;
const Record *ZeroRegisterDef;
CopyOrAddZeroRegRenderer(unsigned NewInsnID, StringRef SymbolicName,
Record *ZeroRegisterDef)
: OperandRenderer(OR_CopyOrAddZeroReg), NewInsnID(NewInsnID),
SymbolicName(SymbolicName), ZeroRegisterDef(ZeroRegisterDef) {
assert(!SymbolicName.empty() && "Cannot copy from an unspecified source");
static bool classof(const OperandRenderer *R) {
return R->getKind() == OR_CopyOrAddZeroReg;
StringRef getSymbolicName() const { return SymbolicName; }
void emitRenderOpcodes(MatchTable &Table, RuleMatcher &Rule) const override;
/// A CopyConstantAsImmRenderer emits code to render a G_CONSTANT instruction to
/// an extended immediate operand.
class CopyConstantAsImmRenderer : public OperandRenderer {
unsigned NewInsnID;
/// The name of the operand.
const std::string SymbolicName;
bool Signed;
CopyConstantAsImmRenderer(unsigned NewInsnID, StringRef SymbolicName)
: OperandRenderer(OR_CopyConstantAsImm), NewInsnID(NewInsnID),
SymbolicName(SymbolicName), Signed(true) {}
static bool classof(const OperandRenderer *R) {
return R->getKind() == OR_CopyConstantAsImm;
StringRef getSymbolicName() const { return SymbolicName; }
void emitRenderOpcodes(MatchTable &Table, RuleMatcher &Rule) const override;
/// A CopyFConstantAsFPImmRenderer emits code to render a G_FCONSTANT
/// instruction to an extended immediate operand.
class CopyFConstantAsFPImmRenderer : public OperandRenderer {
unsigned NewInsnID;
/// The name of the operand.
const std::string SymbolicName;
CopyFConstantAsFPImmRenderer(unsigned NewInsnID, StringRef SymbolicName)
: OperandRenderer(OR_CopyFConstantAsFPImm), NewInsnID(NewInsnID),
SymbolicName(SymbolicName) {}
static bool classof(const OperandRenderer *R) {
return R->getKind() == OR_CopyFConstantAsFPImm;
StringRef getSymbolicName() const { return SymbolicName; }
void emitRenderOpcodes(MatchTable &Table, RuleMatcher &Rule) const override;
/// A CopySubRegRenderer emits code to copy a single register operand from an
/// existing instruction to the one being built and indicate that only a
/// subregister should be copied.
class CopySubRegRenderer : public OperandRenderer {
unsigned NewInsnID;
/// The name of the operand.
const StringRef SymbolicName;
/// The subregister to extract.
const CodeGenSubRegIndex *SubReg;
CopySubRegRenderer(unsigned NewInsnID, StringRef SymbolicName,
const CodeGenSubRegIndex *SubReg)
: OperandRenderer(OR_CopySubReg), NewInsnID(NewInsnID),
SymbolicName(SymbolicName), SubReg(SubReg) {}
static bool classof(const OperandRenderer *R) {
return R->getKind() == OR_CopySubReg;
StringRef getSymbolicName() const { return SymbolicName; }
void emitRenderOpcodes(MatchTable &Table, RuleMatcher &Rule) const override;
/// Adds a specific physical register to the instruction being built.
/// This is typically useful for WZR/XZR on AArch64.
class AddRegisterRenderer : public OperandRenderer {
unsigned InsnID;
const Record *RegisterDef;
bool IsDef;
const CodeGenTarget &Target;
AddRegisterRenderer(unsigned InsnID, const CodeGenTarget &Target,
const Record *RegisterDef, bool IsDef = false)
: OperandRenderer(OR_Register), InsnID(InsnID), RegisterDef(RegisterDef),
IsDef(IsDef), Target(Target) {}
static bool classof(const OperandRenderer *R) {
return R->getKind() == OR_Register;
void emitRenderOpcodes(MatchTable &Table, RuleMatcher &Rule) const override;
/// Adds a specific temporary virtual register to the instruction being built.
/// This is used to chain instructions together when emitting multiple
/// instructions.
class TempRegRenderer : public OperandRenderer {
unsigned InsnID;
unsigned TempRegID;
const CodeGenSubRegIndex *SubRegIdx;
bool IsDef;
bool IsDead;
TempRegRenderer(unsigned InsnID, unsigned TempRegID, bool IsDef = false,
const CodeGenSubRegIndex *SubReg = nullptr,
bool IsDead = false)
: OperandRenderer(OR_Register), InsnID(InsnID), TempRegID(TempRegID),
SubRegIdx(SubReg), IsDef(IsDef), IsDead(IsDead) {}
static bool classof(const OperandRenderer *R) {
return R->getKind() == OR_TempRegister;
void emitRenderOpcodes(MatchTable &Table, RuleMatcher &Rule) const override;
/// Adds a specific immediate to the instruction being built.
/// If a LLT is passed, a ConstantInt immediate is created instead.
class ImmRenderer : public OperandRenderer {
unsigned InsnID;
int64_t Imm;
std::optional<LLTCodeGenOrTempType> CImmLLT;
ImmRenderer(unsigned InsnID, int64_t Imm)
: OperandRenderer(OR_Imm), InsnID(InsnID), Imm(Imm) {}
ImmRenderer(unsigned InsnID, int64_t Imm, const LLTCodeGenOrTempType &CImmLLT)
: OperandRenderer(OR_Imm), InsnID(InsnID), Imm(Imm), CImmLLT(CImmLLT) {
if (CImmLLT.isLLTCodeGen())
static bool classof(const OperandRenderer *R) {
return R->getKind() == OR_Imm;
static void emitAddImm(MatchTable &Table, RuleMatcher &RM, unsigned InsnID,
int64_t Imm, StringRef ImmName = "Imm");
void emitRenderOpcodes(MatchTable &Table, RuleMatcher &Rule) const override;
/// Adds an enum value for a subreg index to the instruction being built.
class SubRegIndexRenderer : public OperandRenderer {
unsigned InsnID;
const CodeGenSubRegIndex *SubRegIdx;
SubRegIndexRenderer(unsigned InsnID, const CodeGenSubRegIndex *SRI)
: OperandRenderer(OR_SubRegIndex), InsnID(InsnID), SubRegIdx(SRI) {}
static bool classof(const OperandRenderer *R) {
return R->getKind() == OR_SubRegIndex;
void emitRenderOpcodes(MatchTable &Table, RuleMatcher &Rule) const override;
/// Adds operands by calling a renderer function supplied by the ComplexPattern
/// matcher function.
class RenderComplexPatternOperand : public OperandRenderer {
unsigned InsnID;
const Record &TheDef;
/// The name of the operand.
const StringRef SymbolicName;
/// The renderer number. This must be unique within a rule since it's used to
/// identify a temporary variable to hold the renderer function.
unsigned RendererID;
/// When provided, this is the suboperand of the ComplexPattern operand to
/// render. Otherwise all the suboperands will be rendered.
std::optional<unsigned> SubOperand;
/// The subregister to extract. Render the whole register if not specified.
const CodeGenSubRegIndex *SubReg;
unsigned getNumOperands() const {
return TheDef.getValueAsDag("Operands")->getNumArgs();
RenderComplexPatternOperand(unsigned InsnID, const Record &TheDef,
StringRef SymbolicName, unsigned RendererID,
std::optional<unsigned> SubOperand = std::nullopt,
const CodeGenSubRegIndex *SubReg = nullptr)
: OperandRenderer(OR_ComplexPattern), InsnID(InsnID), TheDef(TheDef),
SymbolicName(SymbolicName), RendererID(RendererID),
SubOperand(SubOperand), SubReg(SubReg) {}
static bool classof(const OperandRenderer *R) {
return R->getKind() == OR_ComplexPattern;
void emitRenderOpcodes(MatchTable &Table, RuleMatcher &Rule) const override;
/// Adds an intrinsic ID operand to the instruction being built.
class IntrinsicIDRenderer : public OperandRenderer {
unsigned InsnID;
const CodeGenIntrinsic *II;
IntrinsicIDRenderer(unsigned InsnID, const CodeGenIntrinsic *II)
: OperandRenderer(OR_Intrinsic), InsnID(InsnID), II(II) {}
static bool classof(const OperandRenderer *R) {
return R->getKind() == OR_Intrinsic;
void emitRenderOpcodes(MatchTable &Table, RuleMatcher &Rule) const override;
class CustomRenderer : public OperandRenderer {
unsigned InsnID;
const Record &Renderer;
/// The name of the operand.
const std::string SymbolicName;
CustomRenderer(unsigned InsnID, const Record &Renderer,
StringRef SymbolicName)
: OperandRenderer(OR_Custom), InsnID(InsnID), Renderer(Renderer),
SymbolicName(SymbolicName) {}
static bool classof(const OperandRenderer *R) {
return R->getKind() == OR_Custom;
void emitRenderOpcodes(MatchTable &Table, RuleMatcher &Rule) const override;
class CustomOperandRenderer : public OperandRenderer {
unsigned InsnID;
const Record &Renderer;
/// The name of the operand.
const std::string SymbolicName;
CustomOperandRenderer(unsigned InsnID, const Record &Renderer,
StringRef SymbolicName)
: OperandRenderer(OR_CustomOperand), InsnID(InsnID), Renderer(Renderer),
SymbolicName(SymbolicName) {}
static bool classof(const OperandRenderer *R) {
return R->getKind() == OR_CustomOperand;
void emitRenderOpcodes(MatchTable &Table, RuleMatcher &Rule) const override;
/// An action taken when all Matcher predicates succeeded for a parent rule.
/// Typical actions include:
/// * Changing the opcode of an instruction.
/// * Adding an operand to an instruction.
class MatchAction {
enum ActionKind {
MatchAction(ActionKind K) : Kind(K) {}
ActionKind getKind() const { return Kind; }
virtual ~MatchAction() {}
// Some actions may need to add extra predicates to ensure they can run.
virtual void emitAdditionalPredicates(MatchTable &Table,
RuleMatcher &Rule) const {}
/// Emit the MatchTable opcodes to implement the action.
virtual void emitActionOpcodes(MatchTable &Table,
RuleMatcher &Rule) const = 0;
/// If this opcode has an overload that can call GIR_Done directly, emit that
/// instead of the usual opcode and return "true". Return "false" if GIR_Done
/// still needs to be emitted.
virtual bool emitActionOpcodesAndDone(MatchTable &Table,
RuleMatcher &Rule) const {
emitActionOpcodes(Table, Rule);
return false;
ActionKind Kind;
/// Generates a comment describing the matched rule being acted upon.
class DebugCommentAction : public MatchAction {
std::string S;
DebugCommentAction(StringRef S)
: MatchAction(AK_DebugComment), S(std::string(S)) {}
static bool classof(const MatchAction *A) {
return A->getKind() == AK_DebugComment;
void emitActionOpcodes(MatchTable &Table, RuleMatcher &Rule) const override {
Table << MatchTable::Comment(S) << MatchTable::LineBreak;
class CustomCXXAction : public MatchAction {
std::string FnEnumName;
CustomCXXAction(StringRef FnEnumName)
: MatchAction(AK_CustomCXX), FnEnumName(FnEnumName.str()) {}
static bool classof(const MatchAction *A) {
return A->getKind() == AK_CustomCXX;
void emitActionOpcodes(MatchTable &Table, RuleMatcher &Rule) const override;
/// Generates code to build an instruction or mutate an existing instruction
/// into the desired instruction when this is possible.
class BuildMIAction : public MatchAction {
unsigned InsnID;
const CodeGenInstruction *I;
InstructionMatcher *Matched;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<OperandRenderer>> OperandRenderers;
SmallPtrSet<Record *, 4> DeadImplicitDefs;
std::vector<const InstructionMatcher *> CopiedFlags;
std::vector<StringRef> SetFlags;
std::vector<StringRef> UnsetFlags;
/// True if the instruction can be built solely by mutating the opcode.
bool canMutate(RuleMatcher &Rule, const InstructionMatcher *Insn) const;
BuildMIAction(unsigned InsnID, const CodeGenInstruction *I)
: MatchAction(AK_BuildMI), InsnID(InsnID), I(I), Matched(nullptr) {}
static bool classof(const MatchAction *A) {
return A->getKind() == AK_BuildMI;
unsigned getInsnID() const { return InsnID; }
const CodeGenInstruction *getCGI() const { return I; }
void addSetMIFlags(StringRef Flag) { SetFlags.push_back(Flag); }
void addUnsetMIFlags(StringRef Flag) { UnsetFlags.push_back(Flag); }
void addCopiedMIFlags(const InstructionMatcher &IM) {
void chooseInsnToMutate(RuleMatcher &Rule);
void setDeadImplicitDef(Record *R) { DeadImplicitDefs.insert(R); }
template <class Kind, class... Args> Kind &addRenderer(Args &&...args) {
std::make_unique<Kind>(InsnID, std::forward<Args>(args)...));
return *static_cast<Kind *>(OperandRenderers.back().get());
void emitActionOpcodes(MatchTable &Table, RuleMatcher &Rule) const override;
/// Generates code to create a constant that defines a TempReg.
/// The instruction created is usually a G_CONSTANT but it could also be a
/// G_BUILD_VECTOR for vector types.
class BuildConstantAction : public MatchAction {
unsigned TempRegID;
int64_t Val;
BuildConstantAction(unsigned TempRegID, int64_t Val)
: MatchAction(AK_BuildConstantMI), TempRegID(TempRegID), Val(Val) {}
static bool classof(const MatchAction *A) {
return A->getKind() == AK_BuildConstantMI;
void emitActionOpcodes(MatchTable &Table, RuleMatcher &Rule) const override;
class EraseInstAction : public MatchAction {
unsigned InsnID;
EraseInstAction(unsigned InsnID)
: MatchAction(AK_EraseInst), InsnID(InsnID) {}
unsigned getInsnID() const { return InsnID; }
static bool classof(const MatchAction *A) {
return A->getKind() == AK_EraseInst;
void emitActionOpcodes(MatchTable &Table, RuleMatcher &Rule) const override;
bool emitActionOpcodesAndDone(MatchTable &Table,
RuleMatcher &Rule) const override;
class ReplaceRegAction : public MatchAction {
unsigned OldInsnID, OldOpIdx;
unsigned NewInsnId = -1, NewOpIdx;
unsigned TempRegID = -1;
ReplaceRegAction(unsigned OldInsnID, unsigned OldOpIdx, unsigned NewInsnId,
unsigned NewOpIdx)
: MatchAction(AK_ReplaceReg), OldInsnID(OldInsnID), OldOpIdx(OldOpIdx),
NewInsnId(NewInsnId), NewOpIdx(NewOpIdx) {}
ReplaceRegAction(unsigned OldInsnID, unsigned OldOpIdx, unsigned TempRegID)
: MatchAction(AK_ReplaceReg), OldInsnID(OldInsnID), OldOpIdx(OldOpIdx),
TempRegID(TempRegID) {}
static bool classof(const MatchAction *A) {
return A->getKind() == AK_ReplaceReg;
void emitAdditionalPredicates(MatchTable &Table,
RuleMatcher &Rule) const override;
void emitActionOpcodes(MatchTable &Table, RuleMatcher &Rule) const override;
/// Generates code to constrain the operands of an output instruction to the
/// register classes specified by the definition of that instruction.
class ConstrainOperandsToDefinitionAction : public MatchAction {
unsigned InsnID;
ConstrainOperandsToDefinitionAction(unsigned InsnID)
: MatchAction(AK_ConstraintOpsToDef), InsnID(InsnID) {}
static bool classof(const MatchAction *A) {
return A->getKind() == AK_ConstraintOpsToDef;
void emitActionOpcodes(MatchTable &Table, RuleMatcher &Rule) const override {
if (InsnID == 0) {
Table << MatchTable::Opcode("GIR_RootConstrainSelectedInstOperands")
<< MatchTable::LineBreak;
} else {
Table << MatchTable::Opcode("GIR_ConstrainSelectedInstOperands")
<< MatchTable::Comment("InsnID") << MatchTable::ULEB128Value(InsnID)
<< MatchTable::LineBreak;
/// Generates code to constrain the specified operand of an output instruction
/// to the specified register class.
class ConstrainOperandToRegClassAction : public MatchAction {
unsigned InsnID;
unsigned OpIdx;
const CodeGenRegisterClass &RC;
ConstrainOperandToRegClassAction(unsigned InsnID, unsigned OpIdx,
const CodeGenRegisterClass &RC)
: MatchAction(AK_ConstraintOpsToRC), InsnID(InsnID), OpIdx(OpIdx),
RC(RC) {}
static bool classof(const MatchAction *A) {
return A->getKind() == AK_ConstraintOpsToRC;
void emitActionOpcodes(MatchTable &Table, RuleMatcher &Rule) const override;
/// Generates code to create a temporary register which can be used to chain
/// instructions together.
class MakeTempRegisterAction : public MatchAction {
LLTCodeGenOrTempType Ty;
unsigned TempRegID;
MakeTempRegisterAction(const LLTCodeGenOrTempType &Ty, unsigned TempRegID)
: MatchAction(AK_MakeTempReg), Ty(Ty), TempRegID(TempRegID) {
if (Ty.isLLTCodeGen())
static bool classof(const MatchAction *A) {
return A->getKind() == AK_MakeTempReg;
void emitActionOpcodes(MatchTable &Table, RuleMatcher &Rule) const override;
} // namespace gi
} // namespace llvm