blob: 561d3d5b05af6467a0f092a2709581aa2e9a7ae3 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- CheckUses.cpp - Expensive transform value validity checks ----------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This file defines a pass that performs expensive opt-in checks for Transform
// dialect values being potentially used after they have been consumed.
#include "mlir/Dialect/Transform/Transforms/Passes.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/Transform/Interfaces/TransformInterfaces.h"
#include "mlir/Interfaces/SideEffectInterfaces.h"
#include "mlir/Pass/Pass.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SetOperations.h"
namespace mlir {
namespace transform {
#include "mlir/Dialect/Transform/Transforms/"
} // namespace transform
} // namespace mlir
using namespace mlir;
namespace {
/// Returns a reference to a cached set of blocks that are reachable from the
/// given block via edges computed by the `getNextNodes` function. For example,
/// if `getNextNodes` returns successors of a block, this will return the set of
/// reachable blocks; if it returns predecessors of a block, this will return
/// the set of blocks from which the given block can be reached. The block is
/// considered reachable form itself only if there is a cycle.
template <typename FnTy>
const llvm::SmallPtrSet<Block *, 4> &
getReachableImpl(Block *block, FnTy getNextNodes,
DenseMap<Block *, llvm::SmallPtrSet<Block *, 4>> &cache) {
auto it = cache.find(block);
if (it != cache.end())
return it->getSecond();
llvm::SmallPtrSet<Block *, 4> &reachable = cache[block];
SmallVector<Block *> worklist;
while (!worklist.empty()) {
Block *current = worklist.pop_back_val();
for (Block *predecessor : getNextNodes(current)) {
// The block is reachable from its transitive predecessors. Only add
// them to the worklist if they weren't already visited.
if (reachable.insert(predecessor).second)
return reachable;
/// An analysis that identifies whether a value allocated by a Transform op may
/// be used by another such op after it may have been freed by a third op on
/// some control flow path. This is conceptually similar to a data flow
/// analysis, but relies on side effects related to particular values that
/// currently cannot be modeled by the MLIR data flow analysis framework (also,
/// the lattice element would be rather expensive as it would need to include
/// live and/or freed values for each operation).
/// This analysis is conservatively pessimisic: it will consider that a value
/// may be freed if it is freed on any possible control flow path between its
/// allocation and a relevant use, even if the control never actually flows
/// through the operation that frees the value. It also does not differentiate
/// between may- (freed on at least one control flow path) and must-free (freed
/// on all possible control flow paths) because it would require expensive graph
/// algorithms.
/// It is intended as an additional non-blocking verification or debugging aid
/// for ops in the Transform dialect. It leverages the requirement for Transform
/// dialect ops to implement the MemoryEffectsOpInterface, and expects the
/// values in the Transform IR to have an allocation effect on the
/// TransformMappingResource when defined.
class TransformOpMemFreeAnalysis {
/// Computes the analysis for Transform ops nested in the given operation.
explicit TransformOpMemFreeAnalysis(Operation *root) {
root->walk([&](Operation *op) {
if (isa<transform::TransformOpInterface>(op)) {
return WalkResult::skip();
return WalkResult::advance();
/// A list of operations that may be deleting a value. Non-empty list
/// contextually converts to boolean "true" value.
class PotentialDeleters {
/// Creates an empty list that corresponds to the value being live.
static PotentialDeleters live() { return PotentialDeleters({}); }
/// Creates a list from the operations that may be deleting the value.
static PotentialDeleters maybeFreed(ArrayRef<Operation *> deleters) {
return PotentialDeleters(deleters);
/// Converts to "true" if there are operations that may be deleting the
/// value.
explicit operator bool() const { return !deleters.empty(); }
/// Concatenates the lists of operations that may be deleting the value. The
/// value is known to be live if the reuslting list is still empty.
PotentialDeleters &operator|=(const PotentialDeleters &other) {
llvm::append_range(deleters, other.deleters);
return *this;
/// Returns the list of ops that may be deleting the value.
ArrayRef<Operation *> getOps() const { return deleters; }
/// Constructs the list from the given operations.
explicit PotentialDeleters(ArrayRef<Operation *> ops) {
llvm::append_range(deleters, ops);
/// The list of operations that may be deleting the value.
SmallVector<Operation *> deleters;
/// Returns the list of operations that may be deleting the operand value on
/// any control flow path between the definition of the value and its use as
/// the given operand. For the purposes of this analysis, the value is
/// considered to be allocated at its definition point and never re-allocated.
PotentialDeleters isUseLive(OpOperand &operand) {
const llvm::SmallPtrSet<Operation *, 2> &deleters = freedBy[operand.get()];
if (deleters.empty())
return live();
#ifndef NDEBUG
// Check that the definition point actually allocates the value. If the
// definition is a block argument, it may be just forwarding the operand of
// the parent op without doing a new allocation, allow that. We currently
// don't have the capability to analyze region-based control flow here.
// TODO: when this ported to the dataflow analysis infra, we should have
// proper support for region-based control flow.
Operation *valueSource =
? operand.get().getDefiningOp()
: operand.get().getParentBlock()->getParentOp();
auto iface = cast<MemoryEffectOpInterface>(valueSource);
SmallVector<MemoryEffects::EffectInstance> instances;
assert((isa<BlockArgument>(operand.get()) ||
hasEffect<MemoryEffects::Allocate>(instances, operand.get())) &&
"expected the op defining the value to have an allocation effect "
"on it");
// Collect ancestors of the use operation.
Block *defBlock = operand.get().getParentBlock();
SmallVector<Operation *> ancestors;
Operation *ancestor = operand.getOwner();
do {
if (ancestor->getParentRegion() == defBlock->getParent())
ancestor = ancestor->getParentOp();
} while (true);
std::reverse(ancestors.begin(), ancestors.end());
// Consider the control flow from the definition point of the value to its
// use point. If the use is located in some nested region, consider the path
// from the entry block of the region to the use.
for (Operation *ancestor : ancestors) {
// The block should be considered partially if it is the block that
// contains the definition (allocation) of the value being used, and the
// value is defined in the middle of the block, i.e., is not a block
// argument.
bool isOutermost = ancestor == ancestors.front();
bool isFromBlockPartial = isOutermost && isa<OpResult>(operand.get());
// Check if the value may be freed by operations between its definition
// (allocation) point in its block and the terminator of the block or the
// ancestor of the use if it is located in the same block. This is only
// done for partial blocks here, full blocks will be considered below
// similarly to other blocks.
if (isFromBlockPartial) {
bool defUseSameBlock = ancestor->getBlock() == defBlock;
// Consider all ops from the def to its block terminator, except the
// when the use is in the same block, in which case only consider the
// ops until the user.
if (PotentialDeleters potentialDeleters = isFreedInBlockAfter(
operand.get().getDefiningOp(), operand.get(),
defUseSameBlock ? ancestor : nullptr))
return potentialDeleters;
// Check if the value may be freed by opeations preceding the ancestor in
// its block. Skip the check for partial blocks that contain both the
// definition and the use point, as this has been already checked above.
if (!isFromBlockPartial || ancestor->getBlock() != defBlock) {
if (PotentialDeleters potentialDeleters =
isFreedInBlockBefore(ancestor, operand.get()))
return potentialDeleters;
// Check if the value may be freed by operations in any of the blocks
// between the definition point (in the outermost region) or the entry
// block of the region (in other regions) and the operand or its ancestor
// in the region. This includes the entire "form" block if (1) the block
// has not been considered as partial above and (2) the block can be
// reached again through some control-flow loop. This includes the entire
// "to" block if it can be reached form itself through some control-flow
// cycle, regardless of whether it has been visited before.
Block *ancestorBlock = ancestor->getBlock();
Block *from =
isOutermost ? defBlock : &ancestorBlock->getParent()->front();
if (PotentialDeleters potentialDeleters =
isMaybeFreedOnPaths(from, ancestorBlock, operand.get(),
return potentialDeleters;
return live();
/// Make PotentialDeleters constructors available with shorter names.
static PotentialDeleters maybeFreed(ArrayRef<Operation *> deleters) {
return PotentialDeleters::maybeFreed(deleters);
static PotentialDeleters live() { return PotentialDeleters::live(); }
/// Returns the list of operations that may be deleting the given value betwen
/// the first and last operations, non-inclusive. `getNext` indicates the
/// direction of the traversal.
isFreedBetween(Value value, Operation *first, Operation *last,
llvm::function_ref<Operation *(Operation *)> getNext) const {
auto it = freedBy.find(value);
if (it == freedBy.end())
return live();
const llvm::SmallPtrSet<Operation *, 2> &deleters = it->getSecond();
for (Operation *op = getNext(first); op != last; op = getNext(op)) {
if (deleters.contains(op))
return maybeFreed(op);
return live();
/// Returns the list of operations that may be deleting the given value
/// between `root` and `before` values. `root` is expected to be in the same
/// block as `before` and precede it. If `before` is null, consider all
/// operations until the end of the block including the terminator.
PotentialDeleters isFreedInBlockAfter(Operation *root, Value value,
Operation *before = nullptr) const {
return isFreedBetween(value, root, before,
[](Operation *op) { return op->getNextNode(); });
/// Returns the list of operations that may be deleting the given value
/// between the entry of the block and the `root` operation.
PotentialDeleters isFreedInBlockBefore(Operation *root, Value value) const {
return isFreedBetween(value, root, nullptr,
[](Operation *op) { return op->getPrevNode(); });
/// Returns the list of operations that may be deleting the given value on
/// any of the control flow paths between the "form" and the "to" block. The
/// operations from any block visited on any control flow path are
/// consdiered. The "from" block is considered if there is a control flow
/// cycle going through it, i.e., if there is a possibility that all
/// operations in this block are visited or if the `alwaysIncludeFrom` flag is
/// set. The "to" block is considered only if there is a control flow cycle
/// going through it.
PotentialDeleters isMaybeFreedOnPaths(Block *from, Block *to, Value value,
bool alwaysIncludeFrom) {
// Find all blocks that lie on any path between "from" and "to", i.e., the
// intersection of blocks reachable from "from" and blocks from which "to"
// is rechable.
const llvm::SmallPtrSet<Block *, 4> &sources = getReachableFrom(to);
if (!sources.contains(from))
return live();
llvm::SmallPtrSet<Block *, 4> reachable(getReachable(from));
llvm::set_intersect(reachable, sources);
// If requested, include the "from" block that may not be present in the set
// of visited blocks when there is no cycle going through it.
if (alwaysIncludeFrom)
// Join potential deleters from all blocks as we don't know here which of
// the paths through the control flow is taken.
PotentialDeleters potentialDeleters = live();
for (Block *block : reachable) {
for (Operation &op : *block) {
if (freedBy[value].count(&op))
potentialDeleters |= maybeFreed(&op);
return potentialDeleters;
/// Popualtes `reachable` with the set of blocks that are rechable from the
/// given block. A block is considered reachable from itself if there is a
/// cycle in the control-flow graph that invovles the block.
const llvm::SmallPtrSet<Block *, 4> &getReachable(Block *block) {
return getReachableImpl(
block, [](Block *b) { return b->getSuccessors(); }, reachableCache);
/// Populates `sources` with the set of blocks from which the given block is
/// reachable.
const llvm::SmallPtrSet<Block *, 4> &getReachableFrom(Block *block) {
return getReachableImpl(
block, [](Block *b) { return b->getPredecessors(); },
/// Returns true of `instances` contains an effect of `EffectTy` on `value`.
template <typename EffectTy>
static bool hasEffect(ArrayRef<MemoryEffects::EffectInstance> instances,
Value value) {
return llvm::any_of(instances,
[&](const MemoryEffects::EffectInstance &instance) {
return instance.getValue() == value &&
/// Records the values that are being freed by an operation or any of its
/// children in `freedBy`.
void collectFreedValues(Operation *root) {
SmallVector<MemoryEffects::EffectInstance> instances;
root->walk([&](Operation *child) {
// TODO: extend this to conservatively handle operations with undeclared
// side effects as maybe freeing the operands.
auto iface = cast<MemoryEffectOpInterface>(child);
for (Value operand : child->getOperands()) {
if (hasEffect<MemoryEffects::Free>(instances, operand)) {
// All parents of the operation that frees a value should be
// considered as potentially freeing the value as well.
// TODO: differentiate between must-free/may-free as well as between
// this op having the effect and children having the effect. This may
// require some analysis of all control flow paths through the nested
// regions as well as a mechanism to separate proper side effects from
// those obtained by nesting.
Operation *parent = child;
do {
if (parent == root)
parent = parent->getParentOp();
} while (true);
/// The mapping from a value to operations that have a Free memory effect on
/// the TransformMappingResource and associated with this value, or to
/// Transform operations transitively containing such operations.
DenseMap<Value, llvm::SmallPtrSet<Operation *, 2>> freedBy;
/// Caches for sets of reachable blocks.
DenseMap<Block *, llvm::SmallPtrSet<Block *, 4>> reachableCache;
DenseMap<Block *, llvm::SmallPtrSet<Block *, 4>> reachableFromCache;
//// A simple pass that warns about any use of a value by a transform operation
// that may be using the value after it has been freed.
class CheckUsesPass : public transform::impl::CheckUsesPassBase<CheckUsesPass> {
void runOnOperation() override {
auto &analysis = getAnalysis<TransformOpMemFreeAnalysis>();
getOperation()->walk([&](Operation *child) {
for (OpOperand &operand : child->getOpOperands()) {
TransformOpMemFreeAnalysis::PotentialDeleters deleters =
if (!deleters)
InFlightDiagnostic diag = child->emitWarning()
<< "operand #" << operand.getOperandNumber()
<< " may be used after free";
diag.attachNote(operand.get().getLoc()) << "allocated here";
for (Operation *d : deleters.getOps()) {
diag.attachNote(d->getLoc()) << "freed here";
} // namespace