blob: e628430ff861eda3c3aa2b2740967e2b0388cfbc [file] [log] [blame]
//===- TransformDialect.cpp - Transform Dialect Definition ----------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "mlir/Dialect/Transform/IR/TransformDialect.h"
#include "mlir/Analysis/CallGraph.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/Transform/IR/TransformOps.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/Transform/IR/TransformTypes.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/Transform/IR/Utils.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/Transform/Interfaces/TransformInterfaces.h"
#include "mlir/IR/DialectImplementation.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SCCIterator.h"
using namespace mlir;
#include "mlir/Dialect/Transform/IR/"
#ifndef NDEBUG
void transform::detail::checkImplementsTransformOpInterface(
StringRef name, MLIRContext *context) {
// Since the operation is being inserted into the Transform dialect and the
// dialect does not implement the interface fallback, only check for the op
// itself having the interface implementation.
RegisteredOperationName opName =
*RegisteredOperationName::lookup(name, context);
assert((opName.hasInterface<TransformOpInterface>() ||
opName.hasInterface<PatternDescriptorOpInterface>() ||
opName.hasInterface<ConversionPatternDescriptorOpInterface>() ||
opName.hasInterface<TypeConverterBuilderOpInterface>() ||
opName.hasTrait<OpTrait::IsTerminator>()) &&
"non-terminator ops injected into the transform dialect must "
"implement TransformOpInterface or PatternDescriptorOpInterface or "
if (!opName.hasInterface<PatternDescriptorOpInterface>() &&
!opName.hasInterface<ConversionPatternDescriptorOpInterface>() &&
!opName.hasInterface<TypeConverterBuilderOpInterface>()) {
assert(opName.hasInterface<MemoryEffectOpInterface>() &&
"ops injected into the transform dialect must implement "
void transform::detail::checkImplementsTransformHandleTypeInterface(
TypeID typeID, MLIRContext *context) {
const auto &abstractType = AbstractType::lookup(typeID, context);
TransformHandleTypeInterface::getInterfaceID()) ||
TransformParamTypeInterface::getInterfaceID()) ||
TransformValueHandleTypeInterface::getInterfaceID())) &&
"expected Transform dialect type to implement one of the three "
#endif // NDEBUG
void transform::TransformDialect::initialize() {
// Using the checked versions to enable the same assertions as for the ops
// from extensions.
#define GET_OP_LIST
#include "mlir/Dialect/Transform/IR/"
Type transform::TransformDialect::parseType(DialectAsmParser &parser) const {
StringRef keyword;
SMLoc loc = parser.getCurrentLocation();
if (failed(parser.parseKeyword(&keyword)))
return nullptr;
auto it = typeParsingHooks.find(keyword);
if (it == typeParsingHooks.end()) {
parser.emitError(loc) << "unknown type mnemonic: " << keyword;
return nullptr;
return it->getValue()(parser);
void transform::TransformDialect::printType(Type type,
DialectAsmPrinter &printer) const {
auto it = typePrintingHooks.find(type.getTypeID());
assert(it != typePrintingHooks.end() && "printing unknown type");
it->getSecond()(type, printer);
LogicalResult transform::TransformDialect::loadIntoLibraryModule(
::mlir::OwningOpRef<::mlir::ModuleOp> &&library) {
return detail::mergeSymbolsInto(getLibraryModule(), std::move(library));
void transform::TransformDialect::initializeLibraryModule() {
MLIRContext *context = getContext();
auto loc =
FileLineColLoc::get(context, "<transform-dialect-library-module>", 0, 0);
libraryModule = ModuleOp::create(loc, "__transform_library");
void transform::TransformDialect::reportDuplicateTypeRegistration(
StringRef mnemonic) {
std::string buffer;
llvm::raw_string_ostream msg(buffer);
msg << "extensible dialect type '" << mnemonic
<< "' is already registered with a different implementation";
void transform::TransformDialect::reportDuplicateOpRegistration(
StringRef opName) {
std::string buffer;
llvm::raw_string_ostream msg(buffer);
msg << "extensible dialect operation '" << opName
<< "' is already registered with a mismatching TypeID";
LogicalResult transform::TransformDialect::verifyOperationAttribute(
Operation *op, NamedAttribute attribute) {
if (attribute.getName().getValue() == kWithNamedSequenceAttrName) {
if (!op->hasTrait<OpTrait::SymbolTable>()) {
return emitError(op->getLoc()) << attribute.getName()
<< " attribute can only be attached to "
"operations with symbol tables";
const mlir::CallGraph callgraph(op);
for (auto scc = llvm::scc_begin(&callgraph); !scc.isAtEnd(); ++scc) {
if (!scc.hasCycle())
// Need to check this here additionally because this verification may run
// before we check the nested operations.
if ((*scc->begin())->isExternal())
return op->emitOpError() << "contains a call to an external operation, "
"which is not allowed";
Operation *first = (*scc->begin())->getCallableRegion()->getParentOp();
InFlightDiagnostic diag = emitError(first->getLoc())
<< "recursion not allowed in named sequences";
for (auto it = std::next(scc->begin()); it != scc->end(); ++it) {
// Need to check this here additionally because this verification may
// run before we check the nested operations.
if ((*it)->isExternal()) {
return op->emitOpError() << "contains a call to an external "
"operation, which is not allowed";
Operation *current = (*it)->getCallableRegion()->getParentOp();
diag.attachNote(current->getLoc()) << "operation on recursion stack";
return diag;
return success();
if (attribute.getName().getValue() == kTargetTagAttrName) {
if (!llvm::isa<StringAttr>(attribute.getValue())) {
return op->emitError()
<< attribute.getName() << " attribute must be a string";
return success();
if (attribute.getName().getValue() == kArgConsumedAttrName ||
attribute.getName().getValue() == kArgReadOnlyAttrName) {
if (!llvm::isa<UnitAttr>(attribute.getValue())) {
return op->emitError()
<< attribute.getName() << " must be a unit attribute";
return success();
if (attribute.getName().getValue() ==
FindPayloadReplacementOpInterface::kSilenceTrackingFailuresAttrName) {
if (!llvm::isa<UnitAttr>(attribute.getValue())) {
return op->emitError()
<< attribute.getName() << " must be a unit attribute";
return success();
return emitError(op->getLoc())
<< "unknown attribute: " << attribute.getName();