blob: 32abacf353133eba903ddc52256ee734b8749669 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- mlir-c/IR.h - C API to Core MLIR IR classes ---------------*- C -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM
// Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This header declares the C interface to MLIR core IR classes.
// Many exotic languages can interoperate with C code but have a harder time
// with C++ due to name mangling. So in addition to C, this interface enables
// tools written in such languages.
#ifndef MLIR_C_IR_H
#define MLIR_C_IR_H
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "mlir-c/Support.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/// Opaque type declarations.
/// Types are exposed to C bindings as structs containing opaque pointers. They
/// are not supposed to be inspected from C. This allows the underlying
/// representation to change without affecting the API users. The use of structs
/// instead of typedefs enables some type safety as structs are not implicitly
/// convertible to each other.
/// Instances of these types may or may not own the underlying object (most
/// often only point to an IR fragment without owning it). The ownership
/// semantics is defined by how an instance of the type was obtained.
#define DEFINE_C_API_STRUCT(name, storage) \
struct name { \
storage *ptr; \
}; \
typedef struct name name
DEFINE_C_API_STRUCT(MlirAsmState, void);
DEFINE_C_API_STRUCT(MlirBytecodeWriterConfig, void);
DEFINE_C_API_STRUCT(MlirContext, void);
DEFINE_C_API_STRUCT(MlirDialect, void);
DEFINE_C_API_STRUCT(MlirDialectRegistry, void);
DEFINE_C_API_STRUCT(MlirOperation, void);
DEFINE_C_API_STRUCT(MlirOpOperand, void);
DEFINE_C_API_STRUCT(MlirOpPrintingFlags, void);
DEFINE_C_API_STRUCT(MlirBlock, void);
DEFINE_C_API_STRUCT(MlirRegion, void);
DEFINE_C_API_STRUCT(MlirSymbolTable, void);
DEFINE_C_API_STRUCT(MlirAttribute, const void);
DEFINE_C_API_STRUCT(MlirIdentifier, const void);
DEFINE_C_API_STRUCT(MlirLocation, const void);
DEFINE_C_API_STRUCT(MlirModule, const void);
DEFINE_C_API_STRUCT(MlirType, const void);
DEFINE_C_API_STRUCT(MlirValue, const void);
/// Named MLIR attribute.
/// A named attribute is essentially a (name, attribute) pair where the name is
/// a string.
struct MlirNamedAttribute {
MlirIdentifier name;
MlirAttribute attribute;
typedef struct MlirNamedAttribute MlirNamedAttribute;
// Context API.
/// Creates an MLIR context and transfers its ownership to the caller.
/// This sets the default multithreading option (enabled).
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirContext mlirContextCreate(void);
/// Creates an MLIR context with an explicit setting of the multithreading
/// setting and transfers its ownership to the caller.
mlirContextCreateWithThreading(bool threadingEnabled);
/// Creates an MLIR context, setting the multithreading setting explicitly and
/// pre-loading the dialects from the provided DialectRegistry.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirContext mlirContextCreateWithRegistry(
MlirDialectRegistry registry, bool threadingEnabled);
/// Checks if two contexts are equal.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED bool mlirContextEqual(MlirContext ctx1, MlirContext ctx2);
/// Checks whether a context is null.
static inline bool mlirContextIsNull(MlirContext context) {
return !context.ptr;
/// Takes an MLIR context owned by the caller and destroys it.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED void mlirContextDestroy(MlirContext context);
/// Sets whether unregistered dialects are allowed in this context.
mlirContextSetAllowUnregisteredDialects(MlirContext context, bool allow);
/// Returns whether the context allows unregistered dialects.
mlirContextGetAllowUnregisteredDialects(MlirContext context);
/// Returns the number of dialects registered with the given context. A
/// registered dialect will be loaded if needed by the parser.
mlirContextGetNumRegisteredDialects(MlirContext context);
/// Append the contents of the given dialect registry to the registry associated
/// with the context.
mlirContextAppendDialectRegistry(MlirContext ctx, MlirDialectRegistry registry);
/// Returns the number of dialects loaded by the context.
mlirContextGetNumLoadedDialects(MlirContext context);
/// Gets the dialect instance owned by the given context using the dialect
/// namespace to identify it, loads (i.e., constructs the instance of) the
/// dialect if necessary. If the dialect is not registered with the context,
/// returns null. Use mlirContextLoad<Name>Dialect to load an unregistered
/// dialect.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirDialect mlirContextGetOrLoadDialect(MlirContext context,
MlirStringRef name);
/// Set threading mode (must be set to false to mlir-print-ir-after-all).
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED void mlirContextEnableMultithreading(MlirContext context,
bool enable);
/// Eagerly loads all available dialects registered with a context, making
/// them available for use for IR construction.
mlirContextLoadAllAvailableDialects(MlirContext context);
/// Returns whether the given fully-qualified operation (i.e.
/// 'dialect.operation') is registered with the context. This will return true
/// if the dialect is loaded and the operation is registered within the
/// dialect.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED bool mlirContextIsRegisteredOperation(MlirContext context,
MlirStringRef name);
/// Sets the thread pool of the context explicitly, enabling multithreading in
/// the process. This API should be used to avoid re-creating thread pools in
/// long-running applications that perform multiple compilations, see
/// the C++ documentation for MLIRContext for details.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED void mlirContextSetThreadPool(MlirContext context,
MlirLlvmThreadPool threadPool);
// Dialect API.
/// Returns the context that owns the dialect.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirContext mlirDialectGetContext(MlirDialect dialect);
/// Checks if the dialect is null.
static inline bool mlirDialectIsNull(MlirDialect dialect) {
return !dialect.ptr;
/// Checks if two dialects that belong to the same context are equal. Dialects
/// from different contexts will not compare equal.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED bool mlirDialectEqual(MlirDialect dialect1,
MlirDialect dialect2);
/// Returns the namespace of the given dialect.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirStringRef mlirDialectGetNamespace(MlirDialect dialect);
// DialectHandle API.
// Registration entry-points for each dialect are declared using the common
// MLIR_DECLARE_DIALECT_REGISTRATION_CAPI macro, which takes the dialect
// API name (i.e. "Func", "Tensor", "Linalg") and namespace (i.e. "func",
// "tensor", "linalg"). The following declarations are produced:
// /// Gets the above hook methods in struct form for a dialect by namespace.
// /// This is intended to facilitate dynamic lookup and registration of
// /// dialects via a plugin facility based on shared library symbol lookup.
// const MlirDialectHandle *mlirGetDialectHandle__{NAMESPACE}__();
// This is done via a common macro to facilitate future expansion to
// registration schemes.
struct MlirDialectHandle {
const void *ptr;
typedef struct MlirDialectHandle MlirDialectHandle;
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirDialectHandle mlirGetDialectHandle__##Namespace##__( \
/// Returns the namespace associated with the provided dialect handle.
MlirStringRef mlirDialectHandleGetNamespace(MlirDialectHandle);
/// Inserts the dialect associated with the provided dialect handle into the
/// provided dialect registry
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED void mlirDialectHandleInsertDialect(MlirDialectHandle,
/// Registers the dialect associated with the provided dialect handle.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED void mlirDialectHandleRegisterDialect(MlirDialectHandle,
/// Loads the dialect associated with the provided dialect handle.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirDialect mlirDialectHandleLoadDialect(MlirDialectHandle,
// DialectRegistry API.
/// Creates a dialect registry and transfers its ownership to the caller.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirDialectRegistry mlirDialectRegistryCreate(void);
/// Checks if the dialect registry is null.
static inline bool mlirDialectRegistryIsNull(MlirDialectRegistry registry) {
return !registry.ptr;
/// Takes a dialect registry owned by the caller and destroys it.
mlirDialectRegistryDestroy(MlirDialectRegistry registry);
// Location API.
/// Returns the underlying location attribute of this location.
mlirLocationGetAttribute(MlirLocation location);
/// Creates a location from a location attribute.
mlirLocationFromAttribute(MlirAttribute attribute);
/// Creates an File/Line/Column location owned by the given context.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirLocation mlirLocationFileLineColGet(
MlirContext context, MlirStringRef filename, unsigned line, unsigned col);
/// Creates a call site location with a callee and a caller.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirLocation mlirLocationCallSiteGet(MlirLocation callee,
MlirLocation caller);
/// Creates a fused location with an array of locations and metadata.
mlirLocationFusedGet(MlirContext ctx, intptr_t nLocations,
MlirLocation const *locations, MlirAttribute metadata);
/// Creates a name location owned by the given context. Providing null location
/// for childLoc is allowed and if childLoc is null location, then the behavior
/// is the same as having unknown child location.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirLocation mlirLocationNameGet(MlirContext context,
MlirStringRef name,
MlirLocation childLoc);
/// Creates a location with unknown position owned by the given context.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirLocation mlirLocationUnknownGet(MlirContext context);
/// Gets the context that a location was created with.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirContext mlirLocationGetContext(MlirLocation location);
/// Checks if the location is null.
static inline bool mlirLocationIsNull(MlirLocation location) {
return !location.ptr;
/// Checks if two locations are equal.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED bool mlirLocationEqual(MlirLocation l1, MlirLocation l2);
/// Prints a location by sending chunks of the string representation and
/// forwarding `userData to `callback`. Note that the callback may be called
/// several times with consecutive chunks of the string.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED void mlirLocationPrint(MlirLocation location,
MlirStringCallback callback,
void *userData);
// Module API.
/// Creates a new, empty module and transfers ownership to the caller.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirModule mlirModuleCreateEmpty(MlirLocation location);
/// Parses a module from the string and transfers ownership to the caller.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirModule mlirModuleCreateParse(MlirContext context,
MlirStringRef module);
/// Gets the context that a module was created with.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirContext mlirModuleGetContext(MlirModule module);
/// Gets the body of the module, i.e. the only block it contains.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirBlock mlirModuleGetBody(MlirModule module);
/// Checks whether a module is null.
static inline bool mlirModuleIsNull(MlirModule module) { return !module.ptr; }
/// Takes a module owned by the caller and deletes it.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED void mlirModuleDestroy(MlirModule module);
/// Views the module as a generic operation.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirOperation mlirModuleGetOperation(MlirModule module);
/// Views the generic operation as a module.
/// The returned module is null when the input operation was not a ModuleOp.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirModule mlirModuleFromOperation(MlirOperation op);
// Operation state.
/// An auxiliary class for constructing operations.
/// This class contains all the information necessary to construct the
/// operation. It owns the MlirRegions it has pointers to and does not own
/// anything else. By default, the state can be constructed from a name and
/// location, the latter being also used to access the context, and has no other
/// components. These components can be added progressively until the operation
/// is constructed. Users are not expected to rely on the internals of this
/// class and should use mlirOperationState* functions instead.
struct MlirOperationState {
MlirStringRef name;
MlirLocation location;
intptr_t nResults;
MlirType *results;
intptr_t nOperands;
MlirValue *operands;
intptr_t nRegions;
MlirRegion *regions;
intptr_t nSuccessors;
MlirBlock *successors;
intptr_t nAttributes;
MlirNamedAttribute *attributes;
bool enableResultTypeInference;
typedef struct MlirOperationState MlirOperationState;
/// Constructs an operation state from a name and a location.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirOperationState mlirOperationStateGet(MlirStringRef name,
MlirLocation loc);
/// Adds a list of components to the operation state.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED void mlirOperationStateAddResults(MlirOperationState *state,
intptr_t n,
MlirType const *results);
mlirOperationStateAddOperands(MlirOperationState *state, intptr_t n,
MlirValue const *operands);
mlirOperationStateAddOwnedRegions(MlirOperationState *state, intptr_t n,
MlirRegion const *regions);
mlirOperationStateAddSuccessors(MlirOperationState *state, intptr_t n,
MlirBlock const *successors);
mlirOperationStateAddAttributes(MlirOperationState *state, intptr_t n,
MlirNamedAttribute const *attributes);
/// Enables result type inference for the operation under construction. If
/// enabled, then the caller must not have called
/// mlirOperationStateAddResults(). Note that if enabled, the
/// mlirOperationCreate() call is failable: it will return a null operation
/// on inference failure and will emit diagnostics.
mlirOperationStateEnableResultTypeInference(MlirOperationState *state);
// AsmState API.
// While many of these are simple settings that could be represented in a
// struct, they are wrapped in a heap allocated object and accessed via
// functions to maximize the possibility of compatibility over time.
/// Creates new AsmState, as with AsmState the IR should not be mutated
/// in-between using this state.
/// Must be freed with a call to mlirAsmStateDestroy().
// TODO: This should be expanded to handle location & resouce map.
mlirAsmStateCreateForOperation(MlirOperation op, MlirOpPrintingFlags flags);
/// Creates new AsmState from value.
/// Must be freed with a call to mlirAsmStateDestroy().
// TODO: This should be expanded to handle location & resouce map.
mlirAsmStateCreateForValue(MlirValue value, MlirOpPrintingFlags flags);
/// Destroys printing flags created with mlirAsmStateCreate.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED void mlirAsmStateDestroy(MlirAsmState state);
// Op Printing flags API.
// While many of these are simple settings that could be represented in a
// struct, they are wrapped in a heap allocated object and accessed via
// functions to maximize the possibility of compatibility over time.
/// Creates new printing flags with defaults, intended for customization.
/// Must be freed with a call to mlirOpPrintingFlagsDestroy().
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirOpPrintingFlags mlirOpPrintingFlagsCreate(void);
/// Destroys printing flags created with mlirOpPrintingFlagsCreate.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED void mlirOpPrintingFlagsDestroy(MlirOpPrintingFlags flags);
/// Enables the elision of large elements attributes by printing a lexically
/// valid but otherwise meaningless form instead of the element data. The
/// `largeElementLimit` is used to configure what is considered to be a "large"
/// ElementsAttr by providing an upper limit to the number of elements.
mlirOpPrintingFlagsElideLargeElementsAttrs(MlirOpPrintingFlags flags,
intptr_t largeElementLimit);
/// Enable or disable printing of debug information (based on `enable`). If
/// 'prettyForm' is set to true, debug information is printed in a more readable
/// 'pretty' form. Note: The IR generated with 'prettyForm' is not parsable.
mlirOpPrintingFlagsEnableDebugInfo(MlirOpPrintingFlags flags, bool enable,
bool prettyForm);
/// Always print operations in the generic form.
mlirOpPrintingFlagsPrintGenericOpForm(MlirOpPrintingFlags flags);
/// Use local scope when printing the operation. This allows for using the
/// printer in a more localized and thread-safe setting, but may not
/// necessarily be identical to what the IR will look like when dumping
/// the full module.
mlirOpPrintingFlagsUseLocalScope(MlirOpPrintingFlags flags);
/// Do not verify the operation when using custom operation printers.
mlirOpPrintingFlagsAssumeVerified(MlirOpPrintingFlags flags);
// Bytecode printing flags API.
/// Creates new printing flags with defaults, intended for customization.
/// Must be freed with a call to mlirBytecodeWriterConfigDestroy().
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirBytecodeWriterConfig
/// Destroys printing flags created with mlirBytecodeWriterConfigCreate.
mlirBytecodeWriterConfigDestroy(MlirBytecodeWriterConfig config);
/// Sets the version to emit in the writer config.
mlirBytecodeWriterConfigDesiredEmitVersion(MlirBytecodeWriterConfig flags,
int64_t version);
// Operation API.
/// Creates an operation and transfers ownership to the caller.
/// Note that caller owned child objects are transferred in this call and must
/// not be further used. Particularly, this applies to any regions added to
/// the state (the implementation may invalidate any such pointers).
/// This call can fail under the following conditions, in which case, it will
/// return a null operation and emit diagnostics:
/// - Result type inference is enabled and cannot be performed.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirOperation mlirOperationCreate(MlirOperationState *state);
/// Parses an operation, giving ownership to the caller. If parsing fails a null
/// operation will be returned, and an error diagnostic emitted.
/// `sourceStr` may be either the text assembly format, or binary bytecode
/// format. `sourceName` is used as the file name of the source; any IR without
/// locations will get a `FileLineColLoc` location with `sourceName` as the file
/// name.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirOperation mlirOperationCreateParse(
MlirContext context, MlirStringRef sourceStr, MlirStringRef sourceName);
/// Creates a deep copy of an operation. The operation is not inserted and
/// ownership is transferred to the caller.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirOperation mlirOperationClone(MlirOperation op);
/// Takes an operation owned by the caller and destroys it.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED void mlirOperationDestroy(MlirOperation op);
/// Removes the given operation from its parent block. The operation is not
/// destroyed. The ownership of the operation is transferred to the caller.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED void mlirOperationRemoveFromParent(MlirOperation op);
/// Checks whether the underlying operation is null.
static inline bool mlirOperationIsNull(MlirOperation op) { return !op.ptr; }
/// Checks whether two operation handles point to the same operation. This does
/// not perform deep comparison.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED bool mlirOperationEqual(MlirOperation op,
MlirOperation other);
/// Gets the context this operation is associated with
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirContext mlirOperationGetContext(MlirOperation op);
/// Gets the location of the operation.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirLocation mlirOperationGetLocation(MlirOperation op);
/// Gets the type id of the operation.
/// Returns null if the operation does not have a registered operation
/// description.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirTypeID mlirOperationGetTypeID(MlirOperation op);
/// Gets the name of the operation as an identifier.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirIdentifier mlirOperationGetName(MlirOperation op);
/// Gets the block that owns this operation, returning null if the operation is
/// not owned.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirBlock mlirOperationGetBlock(MlirOperation op);
/// Gets the operation that owns this operation, returning null if the operation
/// is not owned.
mlirOperationGetParentOperation(MlirOperation op);
/// Returns the number of regions attached to the given operation.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED intptr_t mlirOperationGetNumRegions(MlirOperation op);
/// Returns `pos`-th region attached to the operation.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirRegion mlirOperationGetRegion(MlirOperation op,
intptr_t pos);
/// Returns an operation immediately following the given operation it its
/// enclosing block.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirOperation mlirOperationGetNextInBlock(MlirOperation op);
/// Returns the number of operands of the operation.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED intptr_t mlirOperationGetNumOperands(MlirOperation op);
/// Returns `pos`-th operand of the operation.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirValue mlirOperationGetOperand(MlirOperation op,
intptr_t pos);
/// Sets the `pos`-th operand of the operation.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED void mlirOperationSetOperand(MlirOperation op, intptr_t pos,
MlirValue newValue);
/// Replaces the operands of the operation.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED void mlirOperationSetOperands(MlirOperation op,
intptr_t nOperands,
MlirValue const *operands);
/// Returns the number of results of the operation.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED intptr_t mlirOperationGetNumResults(MlirOperation op);
/// Returns `pos`-th result of the operation.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirValue mlirOperationGetResult(MlirOperation op,
intptr_t pos);
/// Returns the number of successor blocks of the operation.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED intptr_t mlirOperationGetNumSuccessors(MlirOperation op);
/// Returns `pos`-th successor of the operation.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirBlock mlirOperationGetSuccessor(MlirOperation op,
intptr_t pos);
/// Set `pos`-th successor of the operation.
mlirOperationSetSuccessor(MlirOperation op, intptr_t pos, MlirBlock block);
/// Returns true if this operation defines an inherent attribute with this name.
/// Note: the attribute can be optional, so
/// `mlirOperationGetInherentAttributeByName` can still return a null attribute.
mlirOperationHasInherentAttributeByName(MlirOperation op, MlirStringRef name);
/// Returns an inherent attribute attached to the operation given its name.
mlirOperationGetInherentAttributeByName(MlirOperation op, MlirStringRef name);
/// Sets an inherent attribute by name, replacing the existing if it exists.
/// This has no effect if "name" does not match an inherent attribute.
mlirOperationSetInherentAttributeByName(MlirOperation op, MlirStringRef name,
MlirAttribute attr);
/// Returns the number of discardable attributes attached to the operation.
mlirOperationGetNumDiscardableAttributes(MlirOperation op);
/// Return `pos`-th discardable attribute of the operation.
mlirOperationGetDiscardableAttribute(MlirOperation op, intptr_t pos);
/// Returns a discardable attribute attached to the operation given its name.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirAttribute mlirOperationGetDiscardableAttributeByName(
MlirOperation op, MlirStringRef name);
/// Sets a discardable attribute by name, replacing the existing if it exists or
/// adding a new one otherwise. The new `attr` Attribute is not allowed to be
/// null, use `mlirOperationRemoveDiscardableAttributeByName` to remove an
/// Attribute instead.
mlirOperationSetDiscardableAttributeByName(MlirOperation op, MlirStringRef name,
MlirAttribute attr);
/// Removes a discardable attribute by name. Returns false if the attribute was
/// not found and true if removed.
mlirOperationRemoveDiscardableAttributeByName(MlirOperation op,
MlirStringRef name);
/// Returns the number of attributes attached to the operation.
/// Deprecated, please use `mlirOperationGetNumInherentAttributes` or
/// `mlirOperationGetNumDiscardableAttributes`.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED intptr_t mlirOperationGetNumAttributes(MlirOperation op);
/// Return `pos`-th attribute of the operation.
/// Deprecated, please use `mlirOperationGetInherentAttribute` or
/// `mlirOperationGetDiscardableAttribute`.
mlirOperationGetAttribute(MlirOperation op, intptr_t pos);
/// Returns an attribute attached to the operation given its name.
/// Deprecated, please use `mlirOperationGetInherentAttributeByName` or
/// `mlirOperationGetDiscardableAttributeByName`.
mlirOperationGetAttributeByName(MlirOperation op, MlirStringRef name);
/// Sets an attribute by name, replacing the existing if it exists or
/// adding a new one otherwise.
/// Deprecated, please use `mlirOperationSetInherentAttributeByName` or
/// `mlirOperationSetDiscardableAttributeByName`.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED void mlirOperationSetAttributeByName(MlirOperation op,
MlirStringRef name,
MlirAttribute attr);
/// Removes an attribute by name. Returns false if the attribute was not found
/// and true if removed.
/// Deprecated, please use `mlirOperationRemoveInherentAttributeByName` or
/// `mlirOperationRemoveDiscardableAttributeByName`.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED bool mlirOperationRemoveAttributeByName(MlirOperation op,
MlirStringRef name);
/// Prints an operation by sending chunks of the string representation and
/// forwarding `userData to `callback`. Note that the callback may be called
/// several times with consecutive chunks of the string.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED void mlirOperationPrint(MlirOperation op,
MlirStringCallback callback,
void *userData);
/// Same as mlirOperationPrint but accepts flags controlling the printing
/// behavior.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED void mlirOperationPrintWithFlags(MlirOperation op,
MlirOpPrintingFlags flags,
MlirStringCallback callback,
void *userData);
/// Same as mlirOperationPrint but accepts AsmState controlling the printing
/// behavior as well as caching computed names.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED void mlirOperationPrintWithState(MlirOperation op,
MlirAsmState state,
MlirStringCallback callback,
void *userData);
/// Same as mlirOperationPrint but writing the bytecode format.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED void mlirOperationWriteBytecode(MlirOperation op,
MlirStringCallback callback,
void *userData);
/// Same as mlirOperationWriteBytecode but with writer config and returns
/// failure only if desired bytecode could not be honored.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirLogicalResult mlirOperationWriteBytecodeWithConfig(
MlirOperation op, MlirBytecodeWriterConfig config,
MlirStringCallback callback, void *userData);
/// Prints an operation to stderr.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED void mlirOperationDump(MlirOperation op);
/// Verify the operation and return true if it passes, false if it fails.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED bool mlirOperationVerify(MlirOperation op);
/// Moves the given operation immediately after the other operation in its
/// parent block. The given operation may be owned by the caller or by its
/// current block. The other operation must belong to a block. In any case, the
/// ownership is transferred to the block of the other operation.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED void mlirOperationMoveAfter(MlirOperation op,
MlirOperation other);
/// Moves the given operation immediately before the other operation in its
/// parent block. The given operation may be owner by the caller or by its
/// current block. The other operation must belong to a block. In any case, the
/// ownership is transferred to the block of the other operation.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED void mlirOperationMoveBefore(MlirOperation op,
MlirOperation other);
/// Operation walk result.
typedef enum MlirWalkResult {
} MlirWalkResult;
/// Traversal order for operation walk.
typedef enum MlirWalkOrder {
} MlirWalkOrder;
/// Operation walker type. The handler is passed an (opaque) reference to an
/// operation and a pointer to a `userData`.
typedef MlirWalkResult (*MlirOperationWalkCallback)(MlirOperation,
void *userData);
/// Walks operation `op` in `walkOrder` and calls `callback` on that operation.
/// `*userData` is passed to the callback as well and can be used to tunnel some
/// context or other data into the callback.
void mlirOperationWalk(MlirOperation op, MlirOperationWalkCallback callback,
void *userData, MlirWalkOrder walkOrder);
// Region API.
/// Creates a new empty region and transfers ownership to the caller.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirRegion mlirRegionCreate(void);
/// Takes a region owned by the caller and destroys it.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED void mlirRegionDestroy(MlirRegion region);
/// Checks whether a region is null.
static inline bool mlirRegionIsNull(MlirRegion region) { return !region.ptr; }
/// Checks whether two region handles point to the same region. This does not
/// perform deep comparison.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED bool mlirRegionEqual(MlirRegion region, MlirRegion other);
/// Gets the first block in the region.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirBlock mlirRegionGetFirstBlock(MlirRegion region);
/// Takes a block owned by the caller and appends it to the given region.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED void mlirRegionAppendOwnedBlock(MlirRegion region,
MlirBlock block);
/// Takes a block owned by the caller and inserts it at `pos` to the given
/// region. This is an expensive operation that linearly scans the region,
/// prefer insertAfter/Before instead.
mlirRegionInsertOwnedBlock(MlirRegion region, intptr_t pos, MlirBlock block);
/// Takes a block owned by the caller and inserts it after the (non-owned)
/// reference block in the given region. The reference block must belong to the
/// region. If the reference block is null, prepends the block to the region.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED void mlirRegionInsertOwnedBlockAfter(MlirRegion region,
MlirBlock reference,
MlirBlock block);
/// Takes a block owned by the caller and inserts it before the (non-owned)
/// reference block in the given region. The reference block must belong to the
/// region. If the reference block is null, appends the block to the region.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED void mlirRegionInsertOwnedBlockBefore(MlirRegion region,
MlirBlock reference,
MlirBlock block);
/// Returns first region attached to the operation.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirRegion mlirOperationGetFirstRegion(MlirOperation op);
/// Returns the region immediately following the given region in its parent
/// operation.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirRegion mlirRegionGetNextInOperation(MlirRegion region);
/// Moves the entire content of the source region to the target region.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED void mlirRegionTakeBody(MlirRegion target,
MlirRegion source);
// Block API.
/// Creates a new empty block with the given argument types and transfers
/// ownership to the caller.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirBlock mlirBlockCreate(intptr_t nArgs,
MlirType const *args,
MlirLocation const *locs);
/// Takes a block owned by the caller and destroys it.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED void mlirBlockDestroy(MlirBlock block);
/// Detach a block from the owning region and assume ownership.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED void mlirBlockDetach(MlirBlock block);
/// Checks whether a block is null.
static inline bool mlirBlockIsNull(MlirBlock block) { return !block.ptr; }
/// Checks whether two blocks handles point to the same block. This does not
/// perform deep comparison.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED bool mlirBlockEqual(MlirBlock block, MlirBlock other);
/// Returns the closest surrounding operation that contains this block.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirOperation mlirBlockGetParentOperation(MlirBlock);
/// Returns the region that contains this block.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirRegion mlirBlockGetParentRegion(MlirBlock block);
/// Returns the block immediately following the given block in its parent
/// region.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirBlock mlirBlockGetNextInRegion(MlirBlock block);
/// Returns the first operation in the block.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirOperation mlirBlockGetFirstOperation(MlirBlock block);
/// Returns the terminator operation in the block or null if no terminator.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirOperation mlirBlockGetTerminator(MlirBlock block);
/// Takes an operation owned by the caller and appends it to the block.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED void mlirBlockAppendOwnedOperation(MlirBlock block,
MlirOperation operation);
/// Takes an operation owned by the caller and inserts it as `pos` to the block.
/// This is an expensive operation that scans the block linearly, prefer
/// insertBefore/After instead.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED void mlirBlockInsertOwnedOperation(MlirBlock block,
intptr_t pos,
MlirOperation operation);
/// Takes an operation owned by the caller and inserts it after the (non-owned)
/// reference operation in the given block. If the reference is null, prepends
/// the operation. Otherwise, the reference must belong to the block.
mlirBlockInsertOwnedOperationAfter(MlirBlock block, MlirOperation reference,
MlirOperation operation);
/// Takes an operation owned by the caller and inserts it before the (non-owned)
/// reference operation in the given block. If the reference is null, appends
/// the operation. Otherwise, the reference must belong to the block.
mlirBlockInsertOwnedOperationBefore(MlirBlock block, MlirOperation reference,
MlirOperation operation);
/// Returns the number of arguments of the block.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED intptr_t mlirBlockGetNumArguments(MlirBlock block);
/// Appends an argument of the specified type to the block. Returns the newly
/// added argument.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirValue mlirBlockAddArgument(MlirBlock block,
MlirType type,
MlirLocation loc);
/// Inserts an argument of the specified type at a specified index to the block.
/// Returns the newly added argument.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirValue mlirBlockInsertArgument(MlirBlock block,
intptr_t pos,
MlirType type,
MlirLocation loc);
/// Returns `pos`-th argument of the block.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirValue mlirBlockGetArgument(MlirBlock block,
intptr_t pos);
/// Prints a block by sending chunks of the string representation and
/// forwarding `userData to `callback`. Note that the callback may be called
/// several times with consecutive chunks of the string.
mlirBlockPrint(MlirBlock block, MlirStringCallback callback, void *userData);
// Value API.
/// Returns whether the value is null.
static inline bool mlirValueIsNull(MlirValue value) { return !value.ptr; }
/// Returns 1 if two values are equal, 0 otherwise.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED bool mlirValueEqual(MlirValue value1, MlirValue value2);
/// Returns 1 if the value is a block argument, 0 otherwise.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED bool mlirValueIsABlockArgument(MlirValue value);
/// Returns 1 if the value is an operation result, 0 otherwise.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED bool mlirValueIsAOpResult(MlirValue value);
/// Returns the block in which this value is defined as an argument. Asserts if
/// the value is not a block argument.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirBlock mlirBlockArgumentGetOwner(MlirValue value);
/// Returns the position of the value in the argument list of its block.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED intptr_t mlirBlockArgumentGetArgNumber(MlirValue value);
/// Sets the type of the block argument to the given type.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED void mlirBlockArgumentSetType(MlirValue value,
MlirType type);
/// Returns an operation that produced this value as its result. Asserts if the
/// value is not an op result.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirOperation mlirOpResultGetOwner(MlirValue value);
/// Returns the position of the value in the list of results of the operation
/// that produced it.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED intptr_t mlirOpResultGetResultNumber(MlirValue value);
/// Returns the type of the value.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirType mlirValueGetType(MlirValue value);
/// Set the type of the value.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED void mlirValueSetType(MlirValue value, MlirType type);
/// Prints the value to the standard error stream.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED void mlirValueDump(MlirValue value);
/// Prints a value by sending chunks of the string representation and
/// forwarding `userData to `callback`. Note that the callback may be called
/// several times with consecutive chunks of the string.
mlirValuePrint(MlirValue value, MlirStringCallback callback, void *userData);
/// Prints a value as an operand (i.e., the ValueID).
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED void mlirValuePrintAsOperand(MlirValue value,
MlirAsmState state,
MlirStringCallback callback,
void *userData);
/// Returns an op operand representing the first use of the value, or a null op
/// operand if there are no uses.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirOpOperand mlirValueGetFirstUse(MlirValue value);
/// Replace all uses of 'of' value with the 'with' value, updating anything in
/// the IR that uses 'of' to use the other value instead. When this returns
/// there are zero uses of 'of'.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED void mlirValueReplaceAllUsesOfWith(MlirValue of,
MlirValue with);
// OpOperand API.
/// Returns whether the op operand is null.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED bool mlirOpOperandIsNull(MlirOpOperand opOperand);
/// Returns the value of an op operand.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirValue mlirOpOperandGetValue(MlirOpOperand opOperand);
/// Returns the owner operation of an op operand.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirOperation mlirOpOperandGetOwner(MlirOpOperand opOperand);
/// Returns the operand number of an op operand.
mlirOpOperandGetOperandNumber(MlirOpOperand opOperand);
/// Returns an op operand representing the next use of the value, or a null op
/// operand if there is no next use.
mlirOpOperandGetNextUse(MlirOpOperand opOperand);
// Type API.
/// Parses a type. The type is owned by the context.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirType mlirTypeParseGet(MlirContext context,
MlirStringRef type);
/// Gets the context that a type was created with.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirContext mlirTypeGetContext(MlirType type);
/// Gets the type ID of the type.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirTypeID mlirTypeGetTypeID(MlirType type);
/// Gets the dialect a type belongs to.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirDialect mlirTypeGetDialect(MlirType type);
/// Checks whether a type is null.
static inline bool mlirTypeIsNull(MlirType type) { return !type.ptr; }
/// Checks if two types are equal.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED bool mlirTypeEqual(MlirType t1, MlirType t2);
/// Prints a location by sending chunks of the string representation and
/// forwarding `userData to `callback`. Note that the callback may be called
/// several times with consecutive chunks of the string.
mlirTypePrint(MlirType type, MlirStringCallback callback, void *userData);
/// Prints the type to the standard error stream.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED void mlirTypeDump(MlirType type);
// Attribute API.
/// Parses an attribute. The attribute is owned by the context.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirAttribute mlirAttributeParseGet(MlirContext context,
MlirStringRef attr);
/// Gets the context that an attribute was created with.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirContext mlirAttributeGetContext(MlirAttribute attribute);
/// Gets the type of this attribute.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirType mlirAttributeGetType(MlirAttribute attribute);
/// Gets the type id of the attribute.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirTypeID mlirAttributeGetTypeID(MlirAttribute attribute);
/// Gets the dialect of the attribute.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirDialect mlirAttributeGetDialect(MlirAttribute attribute);
/// Checks whether an attribute is null.
static inline bool mlirAttributeIsNull(MlirAttribute attr) { return !attr.ptr; }
/// Checks if two attributes are equal.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED bool mlirAttributeEqual(MlirAttribute a1, MlirAttribute a2);
/// Prints an attribute by sending chunks of the string representation and
/// forwarding `userData to `callback`. Note that the callback may be called
/// several times with consecutive chunks of the string.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED void mlirAttributePrint(MlirAttribute attr,
MlirStringCallback callback,
void *userData);
/// Prints the attribute to the standard error stream.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED void mlirAttributeDump(MlirAttribute attr);
/// Associates an attribute with the name. Takes ownership of neither.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirNamedAttribute mlirNamedAttributeGet(MlirIdentifier name,
MlirAttribute attr);
// Identifier API.
/// Gets an identifier with the given string value.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirIdentifier mlirIdentifierGet(MlirContext context,
MlirStringRef str);
/// Returns the context associated with this identifier
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirContext mlirIdentifierGetContext(MlirIdentifier);
/// Checks whether two identifiers are the same.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED bool mlirIdentifierEqual(MlirIdentifier ident,
MlirIdentifier other);
/// Gets the string value of the identifier.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirStringRef mlirIdentifierStr(MlirIdentifier ident);
// Symbol and SymbolTable API.
/// Returns the name of the attribute used to store symbol names compatible with
/// symbol tables.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirStringRef mlirSymbolTableGetSymbolAttributeName(void);
/// Returns the name of the attribute used to store symbol visibility.
/// Creates a symbol table for the given operation. If the operation does not
/// have the SymbolTable trait, returns a null symbol table.
mlirSymbolTableCreate(MlirOperation operation);
/// Returns true if the symbol table is null.
static inline bool mlirSymbolTableIsNull(MlirSymbolTable symbolTable) {
return !symbolTable.ptr;
/// Destroys the symbol table created with mlirSymbolTableCreate. This does not
/// affect the operations in the table.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED void mlirSymbolTableDestroy(MlirSymbolTable symbolTable);
/// Looks up a symbol with the given name in the given symbol table and returns
/// the operation that corresponds to the symbol. If the symbol cannot be found,
/// returns a null operation.
mlirSymbolTableLookup(MlirSymbolTable symbolTable, MlirStringRef name);
/// Inserts the given operation into the given symbol table. The operation must
/// have the symbol trait. If the symbol table already has a symbol with the
/// same name, renames the symbol being inserted to ensure name uniqueness. Note
/// that this does not move the operation itself into the block of the symbol
/// table operation, this should be done separately. Returns the name of the
/// symbol after insertion.
mlirSymbolTableInsert(MlirSymbolTable symbolTable, MlirOperation operation);
/// Removes the given operation from the symbol table and erases it.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED void mlirSymbolTableErase(MlirSymbolTable symbolTable,
MlirOperation operation);
/// Attempt to replace all uses that are nested within the given operation
/// of the given symbol 'oldSymbol' with the provided 'newSymbol'. This does
/// not traverse into nested symbol tables. Will fail atomically if there are
/// any unknown operations that may be potential symbol tables.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirLogicalResult mlirSymbolTableReplaceAllSymbolUses(
MlirStringRef oldSymbol, MlirStringRef newSymbol, MlirOperation from);
/// Walks all symbol table operations nested within, and including, `op`. For
/// each symbol table operation, the provided callback is invoked with the op
/// and a boolean signifying if the symbols within that symbol table can be
/// treated as if all uses within the IR are visible to the caller.
/// `allSymUsesVisible` identifies whether all of the symbol uses of symbols
/// within `op` are visible.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED void mlirSymbolTableWalkSymbolTables(
MlirOperation from, bool allSymUsesVisible,
void (*callback)(MlirOperation, bool, void *userData), void *userData);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif // MLIR_C_IR_H