blob: bded61542188e425f61c146c46ae90feab86bb59 [file] [log] [blame]
//====- LowerToAffineLoops.cpp - Partial lowering from Toy to Affine+Std --===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This file implements a partial lowering of Toy operations to a combination of
// affine loops, memref operations and standard operations. This lowering
// expects that all calls have been inlined, and all shapes have been resolved.
#include "mlir/IR/BuiltinAttributes.h"
#include "mlir/IR/BuiltinDialect.h"
#include "mlir/IR/BuiltinOps.h"
#include "mlir/IR/BuiltinTypes.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Diagnostics.h"
#include "mlir/IR/DialectRegistry.h"
#include "mlir/IR/PatternMatch.h"
#include "mlir/IR/ValueRange.h"
#include "mlir/Support/LLVM.h"
#include "mlir/Support/LogicalResult.h"
#include "mlir/Support/TypeID.h"
#include "toy/Dialect.h"
#include "toy/Passes.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/Affine/IR/AffineOps.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/Arith/IR/Arith.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/Func/IR/FuncOps.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/MemRef/IR/MemRef.h"
#include "mlir/Pass/Pass.h"
#include "mlir/Transforms/DialectConversion.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Sequence.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Casting.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdint>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
using namespace mlir;
// ToyToAffine RewritePatterns
/// Convert the given RankedTensorType into the corresponding MemRefType.
static MemRefType convertTensorToMemRef(RankedTensorType type) {
return MemRefType::get(type.getShape(), type.getElementType());
/// Insert an allocation and deallocation for the given MemRefType.
static Value insertAllocAndDealloc(MemRefType type, Location loc,
PatternRewriter &rewriter) {
auto alloc = rewriter.create<memref::AllocOp>(loc, type);
// Make sure to allocate at the beginning of the block.
auto *parentBlock = alloc->getBlock();
// Make sure to deallocate this alloc at the end of the block. This is fine
// as toy functions have no control flow.
auto dealloc = rewriter.create<memref::DeallocOp>(loc, alloc);
return alloc;
/// This defines the function type used to process an iteration of a lowered
/// loop. It takes as input an OpBuilder, an range of memRefOperands
/// corresponding to the operands of the input operation, and the range of loop
/// induction variables for the iteration. It returns a value to store at the
/// current index of the iteration.
using LoopIterationFn = function_ref<Value(
OpBuilder &rewriter, ValueRange memRefOperands, ValueRange loopIvs)>;
static void lowerOpToLoops(Operation *op, ValueRange operands,
PatternRewriter &rewriter,
LoopIterationFn processIteration) {
auto tensorType = llvm::cast<RankedTensorType>((*op->result_type_begin()));
auto loc = op->getLoc();
// Insert an allocation and deallocation for the result of this operation.
auto memRefType = convertTensorToMemRef(tensorType);
auto alloc = insertAllocAndDealloc(memRefType, loc, rewriter);
// Create a nest of affine loops, with one loop per dimension of the shape.
// The buildAffineLoopNest function takes a callback that is used to construct
// the body of the innermost loop given a builder, a location and a range of
// loop induction variables.
SmallVector<int64_t, 4> lowerBounds(tensorType.getRank(), /*Value=*/0);
SmallVector<int64_t, 4> steps(tensorType.getRank(), /*Value=*/1);
rewriter, loc, lowerBounds, tensorType.getShape(), steps,
[&](OpBuilder &nestedBuilder, Location loc, ValueRange ivs) {
// Call the processing function with the rewriter, the memref operands,
// and the loop induction variables. This function will return the value
// to store at the current index.
Value valueToStore = processIteration(nestedBuilder, operands, ivs);
nestedBuilder.create<affine::AffineStoreOp>(loc, valueToStore, alloc,
// Replace this operation with the generated alloc.
rewriter.replaceOp(op, alloc);
namespace {
// ToyToAffine RewritePatterns: Binary operations
template <typename BinaryOp, typename LoweredBinaryOp>
struct BinaryOpLowering : public ConversionPattern {
BinaryOpLowering(MLIRContext *ctx)
: ConversionPattern(BinaryOp::getOperationName(), 1, ctx) {}
matchAndRewrite(Operation *op, ArrayRef<Value> operands,
ConversionPatternRewriter &rewriter) const final {
auto loc = op->getLoc();
lowerOpToLoops(op, operands, rewriter,
[loc](OpBuilder &builder, ValueRange memRefOperands,
ValueRange loopIvs) {
// Generate an adaptor for the remapped operands of the
// BinaryOp. This allows for using the nice named accessors
// that are generated by the ODS.
typename BinaryOp::Adaptor binaryAdaptor(memRefOperands);
// Generate loads for the element of 'lhs' and 'rhs' at the
// inner loop.
auto loadedLhs = builder.create<affine::AffineLoadOp>(
loc, binaryAdaptor.getLhs(), loopIvs);
auto loadedRhs = builder.create<affine::AffineLoadOp>(
loc, binaryAdaptor.getRhs(), loopIvs);
// Create the binary operation performed on the loaded
// values.
return builder.create<LoweredBinaryOp>(loc, loadedLhs,
return success();
using AddOpLowering = BinaryOpLowering<toy::AddOp, arith::AddFOp>;
using MulOpLowering = BinaryOpLowering<toy::MulOp, arith::MulFOp>;
// ToyToAffine RewritePatterns: Constant operations
struct ConstantOpLowering : public OpRewritePattern<toy::ConstantOp> {
using OpRewritePattern<toy::ConstantOp>::OpRewritePattern;
LogicalResult matchAndRewrite(toy::ConstantOp op,
PatternRewriter &rewriter) const final {
DenseElementsAttr constantValue = op.getValue();
Location loc = op.getLoc();
// When lowering the constant operation, we allocate and assign the constant
// values to a corresponding memref allocation.
auto tensorType = llvm::cast<RankedTensorType>(op.getType());
auto memRefType = convertTensorToMemRef(tensorType);
auto alloc = insertAllocAndDealloc(memRefType, loc, rewriter);
// We will be generating constant indices up-to the largest dimension.
// Create these constants up-front to avoid large amounts of redundant
// operations.
auto valueShape = memRefType.getShape();
SmallVector<Value, 8> constantIndices;
if (!valueShape.empty()) {
for (auto i : llvm::seq<int64_t>(0, *llvm::max_element(valueShape)))
rewriter.create<arith::ConstantIndexOp>(loc, i));
} else {
// This is the case of a tensor of rank 0.
rewriter.create<arith::ConstantIndexOp>(loc, 0));
// The constant operation represents a multi-dimensional constant, so we
// will need to generate a store for each of the elements. The following
// functor recursively walks the dimensions of the constant shape,
// generating a store when the recursion hits the base case.
SmallVector<Value, 2> indices;
auto valueIt = constantValue.value_begin<FloatAttr>();
std::function<void(uint64_t)> storeElements = [&](uint64_t dimension) {
// The last dimension is the base case of the recursion, at this point
// we store the element at the given index.
if (dimension == valueShape.size()) {
loc, rewriter.create<arith::ConstantOp>(loc, *valueIt++), alloc,
// Otherwise, iterate over the current dimension and add the indices to
// the list.
for (uint64_t i = 0, e = valueShape[dimension]; i != e; ++i) {
storeElements(dimension + 1);
// Start the element storing recursion from the first dimension.
// Replace this operation with the generated alloc.
rewriter.replaceOp(op, alloc);
return success();
// ToyToAffine RewritePatterns: Func operations
struct FuncOpLowering : public OpConversionPattern<toy::FuncOp> {
using OpConversionPattern<toy::FuncOp>::OpConversionPattern;
matchAndRewrite(toy::FuncOp op, OpAdaptor adaptor,
ConversionPatternRewriter &rewriter) const final {
// We only lower the main function as we expect that all other functions
// have been inlined.
if (op.getName() != "main")
return failure();
// Verify that the given main has no inputs and results.
if (op.getNumArguments() || op.getFunctionType().getNumResults()) {
return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(op, [](Diagnostic &diag) {
diag << "expected 'main' to have 0 inputs and 0 results";
// Create a new non-toy function, with the same region.
auto func = rewriter.create<mlir::func::FuncOp>(op.getLoc(), op.getName(),
rewriter.inlineRegionBefore(op.getRegion(), func.getBody(), func.end());
return success();
// ToyToAffine RewritePatterns: Print operations
struct PrintOpLowering : public OpConversionPattern<toy::PrintOp> {
using OpConversionPattern<toy::PrintOp>::OpConversionPattern;
matchAndRewrite(toy::PrintOp op, OpAdaptor adaptor,
ConversionPatternRewriter &rewriter) const final {
// We don't lower "toy.print" in this pass, but we need to update its
// operands.
[&] { op->setOperands(adaptor.getOperands()); });
return success();
// ToyToAffine RewritePatterns: Return operations
struct ReturnOpLowering : public OpRewritePattern<toy::ReturnOp> {
using OpRewritePattern<toy::ReturnOp>::OpRewritePattern;
LogicalResult matchAndRewrite(toy::ReturnOp op,
PatternRewriter &rewriter) const final {
// During this lowering, we expect that all function calls have been
// inlined.
if (op.hasOperand())
return failure();
// We lower "toy.return" directly to "func.return".
return success();
// ToyToAffine RewritePatterns: Transpose operations
struct TransposeOpLowering : public ConversionPattern {
TransposeOpLowering(MLIRContext *ctx)
: ConversionPattern(toy::TransposeOp::getOperationName(), 1, ctx) {}
matchAndRewrite(Operation *op, ArrayRef<Value> operands,
ConversionPatternRewriter &rewriter) const final {
auto loc = op->getLoc();
lowerOpToLoops(op, operands, rewriter,
[loc](OpBuilder &builder, ValueRange memRefOperands,
ValueRange loopIvs) {
// Generate an adaptor for the remapped operands of the
// TransposeOp. This allows for using the nice named
// accessors that are generated by the ODS.
toy::TransposeOpAdaptor transposeAdaptor(memRefOperands);
Value input = transposeAdaptor.getInput();
// Transpose the elements by generating a load from the
// reverse indices.
SmallVector<Value, 2> reverseIvs(llvm::reverse(loopIvs));
return builder.create<affine::AffineLoadOp>(loc, input,
return success();
} // namespace
// ToyToAffineLoweringPass
/// This is a partial lowering to affine loops of the toy operations that are
/// computationally intensive (like matmul for example...) while keeping the
/// rest of the code in the Toy dialect.
namespace {
struct ToyToAffineLoweringPass
: public PassWrapper<ToyToAffineLoweringPass, OperationPass<ModuleOp>> {
void getDependentDialects(DialectRegistry &registry) const override {
registry.insert<affine::AffineDialect, func::FuncDialect,
void runOnOperation() final;
} // namespace
void ToyToAffineLoweringPass::runOnOperation() {
// The first thing to define is the conversion target. This will define the
// final target for this lowering.
ConversionTarget target(getContext());
// We define the specific operations, or dialects, that are legal targets for
// this lowering. In our case, we are lowering to a combination of the
// `Affine`, `Arith`, `Func`, and `MemRef` dialects.
target.addLegalDialect<affine::AffineDialect, BuiltinDialect,
arith::ArithDialect, func::FuncDialect,
// We also define the Toy dialect as Illegal so that the conversion will fail
// if any of these operations are *not* converted. Given that we actually want
// a partial lowering, we explicitly mark the Toy operations that don't want
// to lower, `toy.print`, as `legal`. `toy.print` will still need its operands
// to be updated though (as we convert from TensorType to MemRefType), so we
// only treat it as `legal` if its operands are legal.
target.addDynamicallyLegalOp<toy::PrintOp>([](toy::PrintOp op) {
return llvm::none_of(op->getOperandTypes(),
[](Type type) { return llvm::isa<TensorType>(type); });
// Now that the conversion target has been defined, we just need to provide
// the set of patterns that will lower the Toy operations.
RewritePatternSet patterns(&getContext());
patterns.add<AddOpLowering, ConstantOpLowering, FuncOpLowering, MulOpLowering,
PrintOpLowering, ReturnOpLowering, TransposeOpLowering>(
// With the target and rewrite patterns defined, we can now attempt the
// conversion. The conversion will signal failure if any of our `illegal`
// operations were not converted successfully.
if (failed(
applyPartialConversion(getOperation(), target, std::move(patterns))))
/// Create a pass for lowering operations in the `Affine` and `Std` dialects,
/// for a subset of the Toy IR (e.g. matmul).
std::unique_ptr<Pass> mlir::toy::createLowerToAffinePass() {
return std::make_unique<ToyToAffineLoweringPass>();