blob: b8c16d2ed3b2f1ffa86186464aae5f05b070fd31 [file] [log] [blame]
; NOTE: Assertions have been autogenerated by utils/
; RUN: llc -global-isel=0 -mtriple=amdgcn -mcpu=gfx1030 < %s | FileCheck -check-prefixes=CHECK,SDAG %s
; RUN: llc -global-isel=0 -mtriple=amdgcn -mcpu=gfx1010 < %s | FileCheck -check-prefixes=CHECK,SDAG %s
; RUN: llc -global-isel -mtriple=amdgcn -mcpu=gfx1030 < %s | FileCheck -check-prefixes=CHECK,GISEL %s
define amdgpu_gs half @v_fptrunc_round_f32_to_f16_upward(float %a) {
; CHECK-LABEL: v_fptrunc_round_f32_to_f16_upward:
; CHECK: ; %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: s_setreg_imm32_b32 hwreg(HW_REG_MODE, 2, 1), 1
; CHECK-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v0, v0
; CHECK-NEXT: ; return to shader part epilog
%res = call half @llvm.fptrunc.round.f16.f32(float %a, metadata !"round.upward")
ret half %res
define amdgpu_gs half @v_fptrunc_round_f32_to_f16_downward(float %a) {
; CHECK-LABEL: v_fptrunc_round_f32_to_f16_downward:
; CHECK: ; %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: s_setreg_imm32_b32 hwreg(HW_REG_MODE, 3, 1), 1
; CHECK-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v0, v0
; CHECK-NEXT: ; return to shader part epilog
%res = call half @llvm.fptrunc.round.f16.f32(float %a, metadata !"round.downward")
ret half %res
define amdgpu_gs void @v_fptrunc_round_f32_to_f16_upward_multiple_calls(float %a, float %b, ptr addrspace(1) %out) {
; CHECK-LABEL: v_fptrunc_round_f32_to_f16_upward_multiple_calls:
; CHECK: ; %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: s_setreg_imm32_b32 hwreg(HW_REG_MODE, 2, 1), 1
; CHECK-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v0, v0
; CHECK-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v4, v1
; CHECK-NEXT: s_setreg_imm32_b32 hwreg(HW_REG_MODE, 2, 2), 2
; CHECK-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v1, v1
; CHECK-NEXT: s_setreg_imm32_b32 hwreg(HW_REG_MODE, 3, 1), 0
; CHECK-NEXT: v_add_f16_e32 v0, v0, v4
; CHECK-NEXT: v_add_f16_e32 v0, v1, v0
; CHECK-NEXT: global_store_short v[2:3], v0, off
; CHECK-NEXT: s_endpgm
%res1 = call half @llvm.fptrunc.round.f16.f32(float %a, metadata !"round.upward")
%res2 = call half @llvm.fptrunc.round.f16.f32(float %b, metadata !"round.upward")
%res3 = call half @llvm.fptrunc.round.f16.f32(float %b, metadata !"round.downward")
%res4 = fadd half %res1, %res2
%res5 = fadd half %res3, %res4
store half %res5, ptr addrspace(1) %out, align 4
ret void
define amdgpu_gs i32 @s_fptrunc_round_f32_to_f16_upward(float inreg %a, ptr addrspace(1) %out) {
; CHECK-LABEL: s_fptrunc_round_f32_to_f16_upward:
; CHECK: ; %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: v_mov_b32_e32 v0, s0
; CHECK-NEXT: s_setreg_imm32_b32 hwreg(HW_REG_MODE, 2, 1), 1
; CHECK-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v0, v0
; CHECK-NEXT: v_and_b32_e32 v0, 0xffff, v0
; CHECK-NEXT: v_readfirstlane_b32 s0, v0
; CHECK-NEXT: ; return to shader part epilog
%res = call half @llvm.fptrunc.round.f16.f32(float %a, metadata !"round.upward")
%bitcast = bitcast half %res to i16
%ret = zext i16 %bitcast to i32
ret i32 %ret
define amdgpu_gs i32 @s_fptrunc_round_f32_to_f16_downward(float inreg %a, ptr addrspace(1) %out) {
; CHECK-LABEL: s_fptrunc_round_f32_to_f16_downward:
; CHECK: ; %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: v_mov_b32_e32 v0, s0
; CHECK-NEXT: s_setreg_imm32_b32 hwreg(HW_REG_MODE, 3, 1), 1
; CHECK-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v0, v0
; CHECK-NEXT: v_and_b32_e32 v0, 0xffff, v0
; CHECK-NEXT: v_readfirstlane_b32 s0, v0
; CHECK-NEXT: ; return to shader part epilog
%res = call half @llvm.fptrunc.round.f16.f32(float %a, metadata !"round.downward")
%bitcast = bitcast half %res to i16
%ret = zext i16 %bitcast to i32
ret i32 %ret
define amdgpu_gs void @s_fptrunc_round_f32_to_f16_upward_multiple_calls(float inreg %a, float inreg %b, ptr addrspace(1) %out) {
; CHECK-LABEL: s_fptrunc_round_f32_to_f16_upward_multiple_calls:
; CHECK: ; %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: v_mov_b32_e32 v2, s0
; CHECK-NEXT: v_mov_b32_e32 v3, s1
; CHECK-NEXT: s_setreg_imm32_b32 hwreg(HW_REG_MODE, 2, 1), 1
; CHECK-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v2, v2
; CHECK-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v4, v3
; CHECK-NEXT: s_setreg_imm32_b32 hwreg(HW_REG_MODE, 2, 2), 2
; CHECK-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v3, v3
; CHECK-NEXT: s_setreg_imm32_b32 hwreg(HW_REG_MODE, 3, 1), 0
; CHECK-NEXT: v_add_f16_e32 v2, v2, v4
; CHECK-NEXT: v_add_f16_e32 v2, v3, v2
; CHECK-NEXT: global_store_short v[0:1], v2, off
; CHECK-NEXT: s_endpgm
%res1 = call half @llvm.fptrunc.round.f16.f32(float %a, metadata !"round.upward")
%res2 = call half @llvm.fptrunc.round.f16.f32(float %b, metadata !"round.upward")
%res3 = call half @llvm.fptrunc.round.f16.f32(float %b, metadata !"round.downward")
%res4 = fadd half %res1, %res2
%res5 = fadd half %res3, %res4
store half %res5, ptr addrspace(1) %out, align 4
ret void
define amdgpu_gs <2 x half> @v_fptrunc_round_v2f32_to_v2f16_upward(<2 x float> %a) {
; SDAG-LABEL: v_fptrunc_round_v2f32_to_v2f16_upward:
; SDAG: ; %bb.0:
; SDAG-NEXT: s_setreg_imm32_b32 hwreg(HW_REG_MODE, 2, 1), 1
; SDAG-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v0, v0
; SDAG-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v1, v1
; SDAG-NEXT: v_perm_b32 v0, v1, v0, 0x5040100
; SDAG-NEXT: ; return to shader part epilog
; GISEL-LABEL: v_fptrunc_round_v2f32_to_v2f16_upward:
; GISEL: ; %bb.0:
; GISEL-NEXT: s_setreg_imm32_b32 hwreg(HW_REG_MODE, 2, 1), 1
; GISEL-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v0, v0
; GISEL-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v1, v1
; GISEL-NEXT: v_and_b32_e32 v0, 0xffff, v0
; GISEL-NEXT: v_lshl_or_b32 v0, v1, 16, v0
; GISEL-NEXT: ; return to shader part epilog
%res = call <2 x half> @llvm.fptrunc.round.v2f16.v2f32(<2 x float> %a, metadata !"round.upward")
ret <2 x half> %res
define amdgpu_gs <2 x half> @v_fptrunc_round_v2f32_to_v2f16_downward(<2 x float> %a) {
; SDAG-LABEL: v_fptrunc_round_v2f32_to_v2f16_downward:
; SDAG: ; %bb.0:
; SDAG-NEXT: s_setreg_imm32_b32 hwreg(HW_REG_MODE, 3, 1), 1
; SDAG-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v0, v0
; SDAG-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v1, v1
; SDAG-NEXT: v_perm_b32 v0, v1, v0, 0x5040100
; SDAG-NEXT: ; return to shader part epilog
; GISEL-LABEL: v_fptrunc_round_v2f32_to_v2f16_downward:
; GISEL: ; %bb.0:
; GISEL-NEXT: s_setreg_imm32_b32 hwreg(HW_REG_MODE, 3, 1), 1
; GISEL-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v0, v0
; GISEL-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v1, v1
; GISEL-NEXT: v_and_b32_e32 v0, 0xffff, v0
; GISEL-NEXT: v_lshl_or_b32 v0, v1, 16, v0
; GISEL-NEXT: ; return to shader part epilog
%res = call <2 x half> @llvm.fptrunc.round.v2f16.v2f32(<2 x float> %a, metadata !"round.downward")
ret <2 x half> %res
define amdgpu_gs void @v_fptrunc_round_v2f32_to_v2f16_upward_multiple_calls(<2 x float> %a, <2 x float> %b, ptr addrspace(1) %out) {
; SDAG-LABEL: v_fptrunc_round_v2f32_to_v2f16_upward_multiple_calls:
; SDAG: ; %bb.0:
; SDAG-NEXT: s_setreg_imm32_b32 hwreg(HW_REG_MODE, 2, 1), 1
; SDAG-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v0, v0
; SDAG-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v1, v1
; SDAG-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v6, v2
; SDAG-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v7, v3
; SDAG-NEXT: v_perm_b32 v0, v1, v0, 0x5040100
; SDAG-NEXT: s_setreg_imm32_b32 hwreg(HW_REG_MODE, 2, 2), 2
; SDAG-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v1, v2
; SDAG-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v2, v3
; SDAG-NEXT: v_perm_b32 v3, v7, v6, 0x5040100
; SDAG-NEXT: v_perm_b32 v1, v2, v1, 0x5040100
; SDAG-NEXT: s_setreg_imm32_b32 hwreg(HW_REG_MODE, 3, 1), 0
; SDAG-NEXT: v_pk_add_f16 v0, v0, v3
; SDAG-NEXT: v_pk_add_f16 v0, v1, v0
; SDAG-NEXT: global_store_dword v[4:5], v0, off
; SDAG-NEXT: s_endpgm
; GISEL-LABEL: v_fptrunc_round_v2f32_to_v2f16_upward_multiple_calls:
; GISEL: ; %bb.0:
; GISEL-NEXT: s_setreg_imm32_b32 hwreg(HW_REG_MODE, 2, 1), 1
; GISEL-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v0, v0
; GISEL-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v6, v2
; GISEL-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v1, v1
; GISEL-NEXT: s_setreg_imm32_b32 hwreg(HW_REG_MODE, 2, 2), 2
; GISEL-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v2, v2
; GISEL-NEXT: s_setreg_imm32_b32 hwreg(HW_REG_MODE, 2, 2), 1
; GISEL-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v7, v3
; GISEL-NEXT: v_and_b32_e32 v0, 0xffff, v0
; GISEL-NEXT: v_and_b32_e32 v6, 0xffff, v6
; GISEL-NEXT: s_setreg_imm32_b32 hwreg(HW_REG_MODE, 2, 2), 2
; GISEL-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v3, v3
; GISEL-NEXT: v_and_b32_e32 v2, 0xffff, v2
; GISEL-NEXT: v_lshl_or_b32 v0, v1, 16, v0
; GISEL-NEXT: v_lshl_or_b32 v1, v7, 16, v6
; GISEL-NEXT: v_lshl_or_b32 v2, v3, 16, v2
; GISEL-NEXT: s_setreg_imm32_b32 hwreg(HW_REG_MODE, 3, 1), 0
; GISEL-NEXT: v_pk_add_f16 v0, v0, v1
; GISEL-NEXT: v_pk_add_f16 v0, v2, v0
; GISEL-NEXT: global_store_dword v[4:5], v0, off
; GISEL-NEXT: s_endpgm
%res1 = call <2 x half> @llvm.fptrunc.round.v2f16.v2f32(<2 x float> %a, metadata !"round.upward")
%res2 = call <2 x half> @llvm.fptrunc.round.v2f16.v2f32(<2 x float> %b, metadata !"round.upward")
%res3 = call <2 x half> @llvm.fptrunc.round.v2f16.v2f32(<2 x float> %b, metadata !"round.downward")
%res4 = fadd <2 x half> %res1, %res2
%res5 = fadd <2 x half> %res3, %res4
store <2 x half> %res5, ptr addrspace(1) %out, align 4
ret void
define amdgpu_gs <2 x i32> @s_fptrunc_round_v2f32_to_v2f16_upward(<2 x float> inreg %a, ptr addrspace(1) %out) {
; CHECK-LABEL: s_fptrunc_round_v2f32_to_v2f16_upward:
; CHECK: ; %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: v_mov_b32_e32 v0, s0
; CHECK-NEXT: v_mov_b32_e32 v1, s1
; CHECK-NEXT: s_setreg_imm32_b32 hwreg(HW_REG_MODE, 2, 1), 1
; CHECK-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v0, v0
; CHECK-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v1, v1
; CHECK-NEXT: v_and_b32_e32 v0, 0xffff, v0
; CHECK-NEXT: v_and_b32_e32 v1, 0xffff, v1
; CHECK-NEXT: v_readfirstlane_b32 s0, v0
; CHECK-NEXT: v_readfirstlane_b32 s1, v1
; CHECK-NEXT: ; return to shader part epilog
%res = call <2 x half> @llvm.fptrunc.round.v2f16.v2f32(<2 x float> %a, metadata !"round.upward")
%bitcast = bitcast <2 x half> %res to <2 x i16>
%ret = zext <2 x i16> %bitcast to <2 x i32>
ret <2 x i32> %ret
define amdgpu_gs <2 x i32> @s_fptrunc_round_v2f32_to_v2f16_downward(<2 x float> inreg %a, ptr addrspace(1) %out) {
; CHECK-LABEL: s_fptrunc_round_v2f32_to_v2f16_downward:
; CHECK: ; %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: v_mov_b32_e32 v0, s0
; CHECK-NEXT: v_mov_b32_e32 v1, s1
; CHECK-NEXT: s_setreg_imm32_b32 hwreg(HW_REG_MODE, 3, 1), 1
; CHECK-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v0, v0
; CHECK-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v1, v1
; CHECK-NEXT: v_and_b32_e32 v0, 0xffff, v0
; CHECK-NEXT: v_and_b32_e32 v1, 0xffff, v1
; CHECK-NEXT: v_readfirstlane_b32 s0, v0
; CHECK-NEXT: v_readfirstlane_b32 s1, v1
; CHECK-NEXT: ; return to shader part epilog
%res = call <2 x half> @llvm.fptrunc.round.v2f16.v2f32(<2 x float> %a, metadata !"round.downward")
%bitcast = bitcast <2 x half> %res to <2 x i16>
%ret = zext <2 x i16> %bitcast to <2 x i32>
ret <2 x i32> %ret
define amdgpu_gs void @s_fptrunc_round_v2f32_to_v2f16_upward_multiple_calls(<2 x float> inreg %a, <2 x float> inreg %b, ptr addrspace(1) %out) {
; CHECK-LABEL: s_fptrunc_round_v2f32_to_v2f16_upward_multiple_calls:
; CHECK: ; %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: v_mov_b32_e32 v2, s0
; CHECK-NEXT: v_mov_b32_e32 v3, s2
; CHECK-NEXT: v_mov_b32_e32 v4, s1
; CHECK-NEXT: v_mov_b32_e32 v5, s3
; CHECK-NEXT: s_setreg_imm32_b32 hwreg(HW_REG_MODE, 2, 1), 1
; CHECK-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v2, v2
; CHECK-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v6, v3
; CHECK-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v4, v4
; CHECK-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v7, v5
; CHECK-NEXT: s_setreg_imm32_b32 hwreg(HW_REG_MODE, 2, 2), 2
; CHECK-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v3, v3
; CHECK-NEXT: v_and_b32_e32 v2, 0xffff, v2
; CHECK-NEXT: v_and_b32_e32 v6, 0xffff, v6
; CHECK-NEXT: v_and_b32_e32 v3, 0xffff, v3
; CHECK-NEXT: v_lshl_or_b32 v2, v4, 16, v2
; CHECK-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v4, v5
; CHECK-NEXT: v_lshl_or_b32 v5, v7, 16, v6
; CHECK-NEXT: v_lshl_or_b32 v3, v4, 16, v3
; CHECK-NEXT: s_setreg_imm32_b32 hwreg(HW_REG_MODE, 3, 1), 0
; CHECK-NEXT: v_pk_add_f16 v2, v2, v5
; CHECK-NEXT: v_pk_add_f16 v2, v3, v2
; CHECK-NEXT: global_store_dword v[0:1], v2, off
; CHECK-NEXT: s_endpgm
%res1 = call <2 x half> @llvm.fptrunc.round.v2f16.v2f32(<2 x float> %a, metadata !"round.upward")
%res2 = call <2 x half> @llvm.fptrunc.round.v2f16.v2f32(<2 x float> %b, metadata !"round.upward")
%res3 = call <2 x half> @llvm.fptrunc.round.v2f16.v2f32(<2 x float> %b, metadata !"round.downward")
%res4 = fadd <2 x half> %res1, %res2
%res5 = fadd <2 x half> %res3, %res4
store <2 x half> %res5, ptr addrspace(1) %out, align 4
ret void
define amdgpu_gs <3 x half> @v_fptrunc_round_v3f32_to_v3f16_upward(<3 x float> %a) {
; SDAG-LABEL: v_fptrunc_round_v3f32_to_v3f16_upward:
; SDAG: ; %bb.0:
; SDAG-NEXT: s_setreg_imm32_b32 hwreg(HW_REG_MODE, 2, 1), 1
; SDAG-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v0, v0
; SDAG-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v1, v1
; SDAG-NEXT: v_perm_b32 v0, v1, v0, 0x5040100
; SDAG-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v1, v2
; SDAG-NEXT: ; return to shader part epilog
; GISEL-LABEL: v_fptrunc_round_v3f32_to_v3f16_upward:
; GISEL: ; %bb.0:
; GISEL-NEXT: s_setreg_imm32_b32 hwreg(HW_REG_MODE, 2, 1), 1
; GISEL-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v0, v0
; GISEL-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v1, v1
; GISEL-NEXT: v_and_b32_e32 v0, 0xffff, v0
; GISEL-NEXT: v_lshl_or_b32 v0, v1, 16, v0
; GISEL-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v1, v2
; GISEL-NEXT: ; return to shader part epilog
%res = call <3 x half> @llvm.fptrunc.round.v3f16.v3f32(<3 x float> %a, metadata !"round.upward")
ret <3 x half> %res
define amdgpu_gs <3 x half> @v_fptrunc_round_v3f32_to_v3f16_downward(<3 x float> %a) {
; SDAG-LABEL: v_fptrunc_round_v3f32_to_v3f16_downward:
; SDAG: ; %bb.0:
; SDAG-NEXT: s_setreg_imm32_b32 hwreg(HW_REG_MODE, 3, 1), 1
; SDAG-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v0, v0
; SDAG-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v1, v1
; SDAG-NEXT: v_perm_b32 v0, v1, v0, 0x5040100
; SDAG-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v1, v2
; SDAG-NEXT: ; return to shader part epilog
; GISEL-LABEL: v_fptrunc_round_v3f32_to_v3f16_downward:
; GISEL: ; %bb.0:
; GISEL-NEXT: s_setreg_imm32_b32 hwreg(HW_REG_MODE, 3, 1), 1
; GISEL-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v0, v0
; GISEL-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v1, v1
; GISEL-NEXT: v_and_b32_e32 v0, 0xffff, v0
; GISEL-NEXT: v_lshl_or_b32 v0, v1, 16, v0
; GISEL-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v1, v2
; GISEL-NEXT: ; return to shader part epilog
%res = call <3 x half> @llvm.fptrunc.round.v3f16.v3f32(<3 x float> %a, metadata !"round.downward")
ret <3 x half> %res
define amdgpu_gs <4 x half> @v_fptrunc_round_v4f32_to_v4f16_upward(<4 x float> %a) {
; SDAG-LABEL: v_fptrunc_round_v4f32_to_v4f16_upward:
; SDAG: ; %bb.0:
; SDAG-NEXT: s_setreg_imm32_b32 hwreg(HW_REG_MODE, 2, 1), 1
; SDAG-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v2, v2
; SDAG-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v0, v0
; SDAG-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v1, v1
; SDAG-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v3, v3
; SDAG-NEXT: v_perm_b32 v0, v1, v0, 0x5040100
; SDAG-NEXT: v_perm_b32 v1, v3, v2, 0x5040100
; SDAG-NEXT: ; return to shader part epilog
; GISEL-LABEL: v_fptrunc_round_v4f32_to_v4f16_upward:
; GISEL: ; %bb.0:
; GISEL-NEXT: s_setreg_imm32_b32 hwreg(HW_REG_MODE, 2, 1), 1
; GISEL-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v0, v0
; GISEL-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v2, v2
; GISEL-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v1, v1
; GISEL-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v3, v3
; GISEL-NEXT: v_and_b32_e32 v0, 0xffff, v0
; GISEL-NEXT: v_and_b32_e32 v2, 0xffff, v2
; GISEL-NEXT: v_lshl_or_b32 v0, v1, 16, v0
; GISEL-NEXT: v_lshl_or_b32 v1, v3, 16, v2
; GISEL-NEXT: ; return to shader part epilog
%res = call <4 x half> @llvm.fptrunc.round.v4f16.v4f32(<4 x float> %a, metadata !"round.upward")
ret <4 x half> %res
define amdgpu_gs <4 x half> @v_fptrunc_round_v4f32_to_v4f16_downward(<4 x float> %a) {
; SDAG-LABEL: v_fptrunc_round_v4f32_to_v4f16_downward:
; SDAG: ; %bb.0:
; SDAG-NEXT: s_setreg_imm32_b32 hwreg(HW_REG_MODE, 3, 1), 1
; SDAG-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v2, v2
; SDAG-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v0, v0
; SDAG-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v1, v1
; SDAG-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v3, v3
; SDAG-NEXT: v_perm_b32 v0, v1, v0, 0x5040100
; SDAG-NEXT: v_perm_b32 v1, v3, v2, 0x5040100
; SDAG-NEXT: ; return to shader part epilog
; GISEL-LABEL: v_fptrunc_round_v4f32_to_v4f16_downward:
; GISEL: ; %bb.0:
; GISEL-NEXT: s_setreg_imm32_b32 hwreg(HW_REG_MODE, 3, 1), 1
; GISEL-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v0, v0
; GISEL-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v2, v2
; GISEL-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v1, v1
; GISEL-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v3, v3
; GISEL-NEXT: v_and_b32_e32 v0, 0xffff, v0
; GISEL-NEXT: v_and_b32_e32 v2, 0xffff, v2
; GISEL-NEXT: v_lshl_or_b32 v0, v1, 16, v0
; GISEL-NEXT: v_lshl_or_b32 v1, v3, 16, v2
; GISEL-NEXT: ; return to shader part epilog
%res = call <4 x half> @llvm.fptrunc.round.v4f16.v4f32(<4 x float> %a, metadata !"round.downward")
ret <4 x half> %res
define amdgpu_gs <8 x half> @v_fptrunc_round_v8f32_to_v8f16_upward(<8 x float> %a) {
; SDAG-LABEL: v_fptrunc_round_v8f32_to_v8f16_upward:
; SDAG: ; %bb.0:
; SDAG-NEXT: s_setreg_imm32_b32 hwreg(HW_REG_MODE, 2, 1), 1
; SDAG-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v6, v6
; SDAG-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v4, v4
; SDAG-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v2, v2
; SDAG-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v0, v0
; SDAG-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v1, v1
; SDAG-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v3, v3
; SDAG-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v5, v5
; SDAG-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v7, v7
; SDAG-NEXT: v_perm_b32 v0, v1, v0, 0x5040100
; SDAG-NEXT: v_perm_b32 v1, v3, v2, 0x5040100
; SDAG-NEXT: v_perm_b32 v2, v5, v4, 0x5040100
; SDAG-NEXT: v_perm_b32 v3, v7, v6, 0x5040100
; SDAG-NEXT: ; return to shader part epilog
; GISEL-LABEL: v_fptrunc_round_v8f32_to_v8f16_upward:
; GISEL: ; %bb.0:
; GISEL-NEXT: s_setreg_imm32_b32 hwreg(HW_REG_MODE, 2, 1), 1
; GISEL-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v0, v0
; GISEL-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v2, v2
; GISEL-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v4, v4
; GISEL-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v6, v6
; GISEL-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v1, v1
; GISEL-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v3, v3
; GISEL-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v5, v5
; GISEL-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v7, v7
; GISEL-NEXT: v_and_b32_e32 v0, 0xffff, v0
; GISEL-NEXT: v_and_b32_e32 v2, 0xffff, v2
; GISEL-NEXT: v_and_b32_e32 v4, 0xffff, v4
; GISEL-NEXT: v_and_b32_e32 v6, 0xffff, v6
; GISEL-NEXT: v_lshl_or_b32 v0, v1, 16, v0
; GISEL-NEXT: v_lshl_or_b32 v1, v3, 16, v2
; GISEL-NEXT: v_lshl_or_b32 v2, v5, 16, v4
; GISEL-NEXT: v_lshl_or_b32 v3, v7, 16, v6
; GISEL-NEXT: ; return to shader part epilog
%res = call <8 x half> @llvm.fptrunc.round.v8f16.v8f32(<8 x float> %a, metadata !"round.upward")
ret <8 x half> %res
define amdgpu_gs <8 x half> @v_fptrunc_round_v8f32_to_v8f16_downward(<8 x float> %a) {
; SDAG-LABEL: v_fptrunc_round_v8f32_to_v8f16_downward:
; SDAG: ; %bb.0:
; SDAG-NEXT: s_setreg_imm32_b32 hwreg(HW_REG_MODE, 3, 1), 1
; SDAG-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v6, v6
; SDAG-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v4, v4
; SDAG-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v2, v2
; SDAG-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v0, v0
; SDAG-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v1, v1
; SDAG-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v3, v3
; SDAG-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v5, v5
; SDAG-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v7, v7
; SDAG-NEXT: v_perm_b32 v0, v1, v0, 0x5040100
; SDAG-NEXT: v_perm_b32 v1, v3, v2, 0x5040100
; SDAG-NEXT: v_perm_b32 v2, v5, v4, 0x5040100
; SDAG-NEXT: v_perm_b32 v3, v7, v6, 0x5040100
; SDAG-NEXT: ; return to shader part epilog
; GISEL-LABEL: v_fptrunc_round_v8f32_to_v8f16_downward:
; GISEL: ; %bb.0:
; GISEL-NEXT: s_setreg_imm32_b32 hwreg(HW_REG_MODE, 3, 1), 1
; GISEL-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v0, v0
; GISEL-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v2, v2
; GISEL-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v4, v4
; GISEL-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v6, v6
; GISEL-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v1, v1
; GISEL-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v3, v3
; GISEL-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v5, v5
; GISEL-NEXT: v_cvt_f16_f32_e32 v7, v7
; GISEL-NEXT: v_and_b32_e32 v0, 0xffff, v0
; GISEL-NEXT: v_and_b32_e32 v2, 0xffff, v2
; GISEL-NEXT: v_and_b32_e32 v4, 0xffff, v4
; GISEL-NEXT: v_and_b32_e32 v6, 0xffff, v6
; GISEL-NEXT: v_lshl_or_b32 v0, v1, 16, v0
; GISEL-NEXT: v_lshl_or_b32 v1, v3, 16, v2
; GISEL-NEXT: v_lshl_or_b32 v2, v5, 16, v4
; GISEL-NEXT: v_lshl_or_b32 v3, v7, 16, v6
; GISEL-NEXT: ; return to shader part epilog
%res = call <8 x half> @llvm.fptrunc.round.v8f16.v8f32(<8 x float> %a, metadata !"round.downward")
ret <8 x half> %res