blob: b7d84af8c483eef6b63ce6006ff3e8a72aa3ee80 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- Tools/CrossToolHelpers.h --------------------------------- *-C++-*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// A header file for containing functionallity that is used across Flang tools,
// such as helper functions which apply or generate information needed accross
// tools like bbc and flang-new.
#include "flang/Common/MathOptionsBase.h"
#include "flang/Frontend/CodeGenOptions.h"
#include "flang/Frontend/LangOptions.h"
#include <cstdint>
#include "mlir/Dialect/OpenMP/OpenMPDialect.h"
#include "mlir/IR/BuiltinOps.h"
#include "llvm/Frontend/Debug/Options.h"
#include "llvm/Passes/OptimizationLevel.h"
/// Configuriation for the MLIR to LLVM pass pipeline.
struct MLIRToLLVMPassPipelineConfig {
explicit MLIRToLLVMPassPipelineConfig(llvm::OptimizationLevel level) {
OptLevel = level;
explicit MLIRToLLVMPassPipelineConfig(llvm::OptimizationLevel level,
const Fortran::frontend::CodeGenOptions &opts,
const Fortran::common::MathOptionsBase &mathOpts) {
OptLevel = level;
StackArrays = opts.StackArrays;
Underscoring = opts.Underscoring;
LoopVersioning = opts.LoopVersioning;
DebugInfo = opts.getDebugInfo();
AliasAnalysis = opts.AliasAnalysis;
FramePointerKind = opts.getFramePointer();
// The logic for setting these attributes is intended to match the logic
// used in Clang.
NoInfsFPMath = mathOpts.getNoHonorInfs();
NoNaNsFPMath = mathOpts.getNoHonorNaNs();
ApproxFuncFPMath = mathOpts.getApproxFunc();
NoSignedZerosFPMath = mathOpts.getNoSignedZeros();
UnsafeFPMath = mathOpts.getAssociativeMath() &&
mathOpts.getReciprocalMath() && NoSignedZerosFPMath &&
ApproxFuncFPMath && mathOpts.getFPContractEnabled();
llvm::OptimizationLevel OptLevel; ///< optimisation level
bool StackArrays = false; ///< convert memory allocations to alloca.
bool Underscoring = true; ///< add underscores to function names.
bool LoopVersioning = false; ///< Run the version loop pass.
bool AliasAnalysis = false; ///< Add TBAA tags to generated LLVMIR
llvm::codegenoptions::DebugInfoKind DebugInfo =
llvm::codegenoptions::NoDebugInfo; ///< Debug info generation.
llvm::FramePointerKind FramePointerKind =
llvm::FramePointerKind::None; ///< Add frame pointer to functions.
unsigned VScaleMin = 0; ///< SVE vector range minimum.
unsigned VScaleMax = 0; ///< SVE vector range maximum.
bool NoInfsFPMath = false; ///< Set no-infs-fp-math attribute for functions.
bool NoNaNsFPMath = false; ///< Set no-nans-fp-math attribute for functions.
bool ApproxFuncFPMath =
false; ///< Set approx-func-fp-math attribute for functions.
bool NoSignedZerosFPMath =
false; ///< Set no-signed-zeros-fp-math attribute for functions.
bool UnsafeFPMath = false; ///< Set unsafe-fp-math attribute for functions.
struct OffloadModuleOpts {
OffloadModuleOpts() {}
OffloadModuleOpts(uint32_t OpenMPTargetDebug, bool OpenMPTeamSubscription,
bool OpenMPThreadSubscription, bool OpenMPNoThreadState,
bool OpenMPNoNestedParallelism, bool OpenMPIsTargetDevice,
bool OpenMPIsGPU, uint32_t OpenMPVersion, std::string OMPHostIRFile = {},
bool NoGPULib = false)
: OpenMPTargetDebug(OpenMPTargetDebug),
OpenMPIsTargetDevice(OpenMPIsTargetDevice), OpenMPIsGPU(OpenMPIsGPU),
OpenMPVersion(OpenMPVersion), OMPHostIRFile(OMPHostIRFile),
NoGPULib(NoGPULib) {}
OffloadModuleOpts(Fortran::frontend::LangOptions &Opts)
: OpenMPTargetDebug(Opts.OpenMPTargetDebug),
OpenMPIsGPU(Opts.OpenMPIsGPU), OpenMPVersion(Opts.OpenMPVersion),
OMPHostIRFile(Opts.OMPHostIRFile), NoGPULib(Opts.NoGPULib) {}
uint32_t OpenMPTargetDebug = 0;
bool OpenMPTeamSubscription = false;
bool OpenMPThreadSubscription = false;
bool OpenMPNoThreadState = false;
bool OpenMPNoNestedParallelism = false;
bool OpenMPIsTargetDevice = false;
bool OpenMPIsGPU = false;
uint32_t OpenMPVersion = 11;
std::string OMPHostIRFile = {};
bool NoGPULib = false;
// Shares assinging of the OpenMP OffloadModuleInterface and its assorted
// attributes accross Flang tools (bbc/flang)
void setOffloadModuleInterfaceAttributes(
mlir::ModuleOp &module, OffloadModuleOpts Opts) {
// Should be registered by the OpenMPDialect
if (auto offloadMod = llvm::dyn_cast<mlir::omp::OffloadModuleInterface>(
module.getOperation())) {
if (Opts.OpenMPIsTargetDevice) {
offloadMod.setFlags(Opts.OpenMPTargetDebug, Opts.OpenMPTeamSubscription,
Opts.OpenMPThreadSubscription, Opts.OpenMPNoThreadState,
Opts.OpenMPNoNestedParallelism, Opts.OpenMPVersion, Opts.NoGPULib);
if (!Opts.OMPHostIRFile.empty())
void setOpenMPVersionAttribute(mlir::ModuleOp &module, int64_t version) {
mlir::StringAttr::get(module.getContext(), llvm::Twine{"omp.version"}),
mlir::omp::VersionAttr::get(module.getContext(), version));