blob: 10650a345ab4bee181363ffedb5d8ecfe1cf7444 [file] [log] [blame]
// This is a regression test for supplementary profiles.
// What the test does:
// - Generate raw profiles from an executable and convert it to indexed profiles.
// - Merge indexed profiles with supplementary sample-pgo profiles
// - Check that the block counters for function foo is scaled up.
// REQUIRES: lld-available
// Building the instrumented binary will fail because lld doesn't support
// big-endian ELF for PPC (aka ABI 1).
// ld.lld: error: /lib/../lib64/Scrt1.o: ABI version 1 is not supported
// UNSUPPORTED: ppc && host-byteorder-big-endian
// This compiler-rt test aims to have test coverage for the IRPGO name format
// of local-linkage functions during raw profile generation. The C++ functions
// are simple with little optimization space so test outputs are more stable.
// On the other hand, LLVM tests (like tools/llvm-profdata/suppl-instr-with-sample-static-func.test
// or other suppl* test under tools/llvm-profdata dir) are more suitable for
// more sophisticated cases (e.g., pseudo hot functions or profiles with discriminiators, etc).
// RUN: rm -rf %t && split-file %s %t && cd %t
// Use clangxx_pgogen for IR level instrumentation for C++.
// The test case is constructed such that `-funique-internal-linkage-names` is
// not used in instrPGO but used in static function names in SamplePGO.
// RUN: %clangxx_pgogen -fuse-ld=lld -O2 main.cpp -o main
// RUN: env LLVM_PROFILE_FILE=main.profraw %run ./main
// RUN: llvm-profdata merge main.profraw -o main.profdata
// The function counters are not scaled up.
// RUN: llvm-profdata show -all-functions -counts main.profdata | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=INSTR
// The instrPGO profile counter of function foo should be scaled up. Note the
// scaling factor of a function is computed based on instrPGO profiles and
// invariant to samplePGO profile counters.
// RUN: llvm-profdata merge -supplement-instr-with-sample=sampleprof.proftext \
// RUN: -suppl-min-size-threshold=0 -instr-prof-cold-threshold=1 \
// RUN: main.profdata -o merge.profdata
// RUN: llvm-profdata show -all-functions -counts merge.profdata | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=SUPPL
// INSTR: Counters:
// INSTR: main:
// INSTR: Counters: 1
// INSTR: Block counts: [1]
// INSTR: _Z3barv:
// INSTR: Counters: 1
// INSTR: Block counts: [2]
// INSTR: main.cpp;_ZL3foov:
// INSTR: Counters: 1
// INSTR: Block counts: [1]
// INSTR: Functions shown: 3
// INSTR: Total functions: 3
// SUPPL: Counters:
// SUPPL: main:
// SUPPL: Counters: 1
// SUPPL: Block counts: [1]
// SUPPL: _Z3barv:
// SUPPL: Counters: 1
// SUPPL: Block counts: [2]
// SUPPL: main.cpp;_ZL3foov:
// SUPPL: Counters: 1
// SUPPL: Block counts: [3]
//--- main.cpp
// mark foo and bar as noinline so preinliner won't inlined them into main
// before the instrumentation pass.
__attribute__((noinline)) static void foo() {
__attribute__((noinline)) void bar() {
int main() {
return 0;
//--- sampleprof.proftext
1: 5