blob: 5cf7e7614d06e66baeb846e2e50ad05985feec7b [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %clang_analyze_cc1 -analyzer-checker=webkit.RefCntblBaseVirtualDtor -verify %s
struct RefCntblBase {
void ref() {}
void deref() {}
struct Derived : RefCntblBase { };
// expected-warning@-1{{Struct 'RefCntblBase' is used as a base of struct 'Derived' but doesn't have virtual destructor}}
struct DerivedWithVirtualDtor : RefCntblBase {
// expected-warning@-1{{Struct 'RefCntblBase' is used as a base of struct 'DerivedWithVirtualDtor' but doesn't have virtual destructor}}
virtual ~DerivedWithVirtualDtor() {}
// Confirm that the checker respects [[clang::suppress]]
struct [[clang::suppress]] SuppressedDerived : RefCntblBase { };
struct [[clang::suppress]] SuppressedDerivedWithVirtualDtor : RefCntblBase {
virtual ~SuppressedDerivedWithVirtualDtor() {}
// FIXME: Support attributes on base specifiers? Currently clang
// doesn't support such attributes at all, even though it knows
// how to parse them.
// struct SuppressedBaseSpecDerived : [[clang::suppress]] RefCntblBase { };
template<class T>
struct DerivedClassTmpl : T { };
typedef DerivedClassTmpl<RefCntblBase> Foo;
struct RandomBase {};
struct RandomDerivedClass : RandomBase { };
struct FakeRefCntblBase1 {
void ref() {}
void deref() {}
struct Quiet1 : FakeRefCntblBase1 {};
struct FakeRefCntblBase2 {
void ref() {}
void deref() {}
struct Quiet2 : FakeRefCntblBase2 {};
class FakeRefCntblBase3 {
void ref() {}
void deref() {}
struct Quiet3 : FakeRefCntblBase3 {};
struct Quiet4 : private RefCntblBase {};
class Quiet5 : RefCntblBase {};
void foo () {
Derived d;