blob: 0b7041ec8147eb95fc96ad6899d065aa5b6dd185 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- HeaderFile.cpp ------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "clang/InstallAPI/HeaderFile.h"
#include "llvm/TextAPI/Utils.h"
using namespace llvm;
namespace clang::installapi {
llvm::Regex HeaderFile::getFrameworkIncludeRule() {
return llvm::Regex("/(.+)\\.framework/(.+)?Headers/(.+)");
std::optional<std::string> createIncludeHeaderName(const StringRef FullPath) {
// Headers in usr(/local)*/include.
std::string Pattern = "/include/";
auto PathPrefix = FullPath.find(Pattern);
if (PathPrefix != StringRef::npos) {
PathPrefix += Pattern.size();
return FullPath.drop_front(PathPrefix).str();
// Framework Headers.
SmallVector<StringRef, 4> Matches;
HeaderFile::getFrameworkIncludeRule().match(FullPath, &Matches);
// Returned matches are always in stable order.
if (Matches.size() != 4)
return std::nullopt;
return Matches[1].drop_front(Matches[1].rfind('/') + 1).str() + "/" +
bool isHeaderFile(StringRef Path) {
return StringSwitch<bool>(sys::path::extension(Path))
.Cases(".h", ".H", ".hh", ".hpp", ".hxx", true)
llvm::Expected<PathSeq> enumerateFiles(FileManager &FM, StringRef Directory) {
PathSeq Files;
std::error_code EC;
auto &FS = FM.getVirtualFileSystem();
for (llvm::vfs::recursive_directory_iterator i(FS, Directory, EC), ie;
i != ie; i.increment(EC)) {
if (EC)
return errorCodeToError(EC);
// Skip files that do not exist. This usually happens for broken symlinks.
if (FS.status(i->path()) == std::errc::no_such_file_or_directory)
StringRef Path = i->path();
if (isHeaderFile(Path))
return Files;
HeaderGlob::HeaderGlob(StringRef GlobString, Regex &&Rule, HeaderType Type)
: GlobString(GlobString), Rule(std::move(Rule)), Type(Type) {}
bool HeaderGlob::match(const HeaderFile &Header) {
if (Header.getType() != Type)
return false;
bool Match = Rule.match(Header.getPath());
if (Match)
FoundMatch = true;
return Match;
Expected<std::unique_ptr<HeaderGlob>> HeaderGlob::create(StringRef GlobString,
HeaderType Type) {
auto Rule = MachO::createRegexFromGlob(GlobString);
if (!Rule)
return Rule.takeError();
return std::make_unique<HeaderGlob>(GlobString, std::move(*Rule), Type);
} // namespace clang::installapi