blob: 821f3c0f1df156cac51fb6aa21ad97edf953b5f3 [file] [log] [blame]
.. title:: clang-tidy - misc-definitions-in-headers
Finds non-extern non-inline function and variable definitions in header files,
which can lead to potential ODR violations in case these headers are included
from multiple translation units.
.. code-block:: c++
// Foo.h
int a = 1; // Warning: variable definition.
extern int d; // OK: extern variable.
namespace N {
int e = 2; // Warning: variable definition.
// Warning: variable definition.
const char* str = "foo";
// OK: internal linkage variable definitions are ignored for now.
// Although these might also cause ODR violations, we can be less certain and
// should try to keep the false-positive rate down.
static int b = 1;
const int c = 1;
const char* const str2 = "foo";
constexpr int k = 1;
namespace { int x = 1; }
// Warning: function definition.
int g() {
return 1;
// OK: inline function definition is allowed to be defined multiple times.
inline int e() {
return 1;
class A {
int f1() { return 1; } // OK: implicitly inline member function definition is allowed.
int f2();
static int d;
// Warning: not an inline member function definition.
int A::f2() { return 1; }
// OK: class static data member declaration is allowed.
int A::d = 1;
// OK: function template is allowed.
template<typename T>
T f3() {
T a = 1;
return a;
// Warning: full specialization of a function template is not allowed.
template <>
int f3() {
int a = 1;
return a;
template <typename T>
struct B {
void f1();
// OK: member function definition of a class template is allowed.
template <typename T>
void B<T>::f1() {}
class CE {
constexpr static int i = 5; // OK: inline variable definition.
inline int i = 5; // OK: inline variable definition.
constexpr int f10() { return 0; } // OK: constexpr function implies inline.
// OK: C++14 variable templates are inline.
template <class T>
constexpr T pi = T(3.1415926L);
When :program:`clang-tidy` is invoked with the `--fix-notes` option, this check
provides fixes that automatically add the ``inline`` keyword to discovered
functions. Please note that the addition of the ``inline`` keyword to variables
is not currently supported by this check.