blob: ff99e0f1dfd84844c5eaf4b5e54d8894253d3526 [file] [log] [blame]
/// Test that annotations are properly carried over to fixed calls.
/// Note that --enable-bat is used to force offsets to be kept.
// RUN: llvm-mc -triple riscv64 -mattr=+c -filetype obj -o %t.o %s
// RUN: ld.lld --emit-relocs -o %t %t.o
// RUN: llvm-bolt --enable-bat --print-cfg --print-fix-riscv-calls \
// RUN: -o %t.null %t | FileCheck %s
.option norvc
.global f
.p2align 1
.size f, .-f
// CHECK-LABEL: Binary Function "_start" after building cfg {
// CHECK: auipc ra, f
// CHECK-NEXT: jalr ra, -0x4(ra) # Offset: 4
// CHECK-NEXT: jal ra, f # Offset: 8
// CHECK-NEXT: jal zero, f # TAILCALL # Offset: 12
// CHECK-LABEL: Binary Function "long_tail" after building cfg {
// CHECK: auipc t1, f
// CHECK-NEXT: jalr zero, -0x18(t1) # TAILCALL # Offset: 8
// CHECK-LABEL: Binary Function "compressed_tail" after building cfg {
// CHECK: jr a0 # TAILCALL # Offset: 0
// CHECK-LABEL: Binary Function "_start" after fix-riscv-calls {
// CHECK: call f # Offset: 0
// CHECK-NEXT: call f # Offset: 8
// CHECK-NEXT: tail f # TAILCALL # Offset: 12
// CHECK-LABEL: Binary Function "long_tail" after fix-riscv-calls {
// CHECK: tail f # TAILCALL # Offset: 4
// CHECK-LABEL: Binary Function "compressed_tail" after fix-riscv-calls {
// CHECK: jr a0 # TAILCALL # Offset: 0
.globl _start
.p2align 1
call f
jal f
jal zero, f
.size _start, .-_start
.globl long_tail
.p2align 1
// NOTE: BOLT assumes indirect calls in single-BB functions are tail calls
// so artificially introduce a second BB to force RISC-V-specific analysis
// to get triggered.
beq a0, a1, 1f
tail f
.size long_tail, .-long_tail
.globl compressed_tail
.p2align 1
.option rvc
c.jr a0
.size compressed_tail, .-compressed_tail