blob: 89b1ed67f5d067ae1b2e0cf1a125188af11ad7f5 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- BuiltinAttributes.cpp - MLIR Builtin Attribute Classes -------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "mlir/IR/BuiltinAttributes.h"
#include "AttributeDetail.h"
#include "mlir/IR/AffineMap.h"
#include "mlir/IR/BuiltinDialect.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Dialect.h"
#include "mlir/IR/DialectResourceBlobManager.h"
#include "mlir/IR/IntegerSet.h"
#include "mlir/IR/OpImplementation.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Operation.h"
#include "mlir/IR/SymbolTable.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Types.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/APSInt.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Sequence.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/TypeSwitch.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Endian.h"
#include <optional>
#define DEBUG_TYPE "builtinattributes"
using namespace mlir;
using namespace mlir::detail;
/// Tablegen Attribute Definitions
#include "mlir/IR/"
// BuiltinDialect
void BuiltinDialect::registerAttributes() {
#include "mlir/IR/"
// DictionaryAttr
/// Helper function that does either an in place sort or sorts from source array
/// into destination. If inPlace then storage is both the source and the
/// destination, else value is the source and storage destination. Returns
/// whether source was sorted.
template <bool inPlace>
static bool dictionaryAttrSort(ArrayRef<NamedAttribute> value,
SmallVectorImpl<NamedAttribute> &storage) {
// Specialize for the common case.
switch (value.size()) {
case 0:
// Zero already sorted.
if (!inPlace)
case 1:
// One already sorted but may need to be copied.
if (!inPlace)
case 2: {
bool isSorted = value[0] < value[1];
if (inPlace) {
if (!isSorted)
std::swap(storage[0], storage[1]);
} else if (isSorted) {
storage.assign({value[0], value[1]});
} else {
storage.assign({value[1], value[0]});
return !isSorted;
if (!inPlace)
storage.assign(value.begin(), value.end());
// Check to see they are sorted already.
bool isSorted = llvm::is_sorted(value);
// If not, do a general sort.
if (!isSorted)
llvm::array_pod_sort(storage.begin(), storage.end());
return !isSorted;
return false;
/// Returns an entry with a duplicate name from the given sorted array of named
/// attributes. Returns std::nullopt if all elements have unique names.
static std::optional<NamedAttribute>
findDuplicateElement(ArrayRef<NamedAttribute> value) {
const std::optional<NamedAttribute> none{std::nullopt};
if (value.size() < 2)
return none;
if (value.size() == 2)
return value[0].getName() == value[1].getName() ? value[0] : none;
const auto *it = std::adjacent_find(value.begin(), value.end(),
[](NamedAttribute l, NamedAttribute r) {
return l.getName() == r.getName();
return it != value.end() ? *it : none;
bool DictionaryAttr::sort(ArrayRef<NamedAttribute> value,
SmallVectorImpl<NamedAttribute> &storage) {
bool isSorted = dictionaryAttrSort</*inPlace=*/false>(value, storage);
assert(!findDuplicateElement(storage) &&
"DictionaryAttr element names must be unique");
return isSorted;
bool DictionaryAttr::sortInPlace(SmallVectorImpl<NamedAttribute> &array) {
bool isSorted = dictionaryAttrSort</*inPlace=*/true>(array, array);
assert(!findDuplicateElement(array) &&
"DictionaryAttr element names must be unique");
return isSorted;
DictionaryAttr::findDuplicate(SmallVectorImpl<NamedAttribute> &array,
bool isSorted) {
if (!isSorted)
dictionaryAttrSort</*inPlace=*/true>(array, array);
return findDuplicateElement(array);
DictionaryAttr DictionaryAttr::get(MLIRContext *context,
ArrayRef<NamedAttribute> value) {
if (value.empty())
return DictionaryAttr::getEmpty(context);
// We need to sort the element list to canonicalize it.
SmallVector<NamedAttribute, 8> storage;
if (dictionaryAttrSort</*inPlace=*/false>(value, storage))
value = storage;
assert(!findDuplicateElement(value) &&
"DictionaryAttr element names must be unique");
return Base::get(context, value);
/// Construct a dictionary with an array of values that is known to already be
/// sorted by name and uniqued.
DictionaryAttr DictionaryAttr::getWithSorted(MLIRContext *context,
ArrayRef<NamedAttribute> value) {
if (value.empty())
return DictionaryAttr::getEmpty(context);
// Ensure that the attribute elements are unique and sorted.
value, [](NamedAttribute l, NamedAttribute r) { return l < r; }) &&
"expected attribute values to be sorted");
assert(!findDuplicateElement(value) &&
"DictionaryAttr element names must be unique");
return Base::get(context, value);
/// Return the specified attribute if present, null otherwise.
Attribute DictionaryAttr::get(StringRef name) const {
auto it = impl::findAttrSorted(begin(), end(), name);
return it.second ? it.first->getValue() : Attribute();
Attribute DictionaryAttr::get(StringAttr name) const {
auto it = impl::findAttrSorted(begin(), end(), name);
return it.second ? it.first->getValue() : Attribute();
/// Return the specified named attribute if present, std::nullopt otherwise.
std::optional<NamedAttribute> DictionaryAttr::getNamed(StringRef name) const {
auto it = impl::findAttrSorted(begin(), end(), name);
return it.second ? *it.first : std::optional<NamedAttribute>();
std::optional<NamedAttribute> DictionaryAttr::getNamed(StringAttr name) const {
auto it = impl::findAttrSorted(begin(), end(), name);
return it.second ? *it.first : std::optional<NamedAttribute>();
/// Return whether the specified attribute is present.
bool DictionaryAttr::contains(StringRef name) const {
return impl::findAttrSorted(begin(), end(), name).second;
bool DictionaryAttr::contains(StringAttr name) const {
return impl::findAttrSorted(begin(), end(), name).second;
DictionaryAttr::iterator DictionaryAttr::begin() const {
return getValue().begin();
DictionaryAttr::iterator DictionaryAttr::end() const {
return getValue().end();
size_t DictionaryAttr::size() const { return getValue().size(); }
DictionaryAttr DictionaryAttr::getEmptyUnchecked(MLIRContext *context) {
return Base::get(context, ArrayRef<NamedAttribute>());
// StridedLayoutAttr
/// Prints a strided layout attribute.
void StridedLayoutAttr::print(llvm::raw_ostream &os) const {
auto printIntOrQuestion = [&](int64_t value) {
if (ShapedType::isDynamic(value))
os << "?";
os << value;
os << "strided<[";
llvm::interleaveComma(getStrides(), os, printIntOrQuestion);
os << "]";
if (getOffset() != 0) {
os << ", offset: ";
os << ">";
/// Returns the strided layout as an affine map.
AffineMap StridedLayoutAttr::getAffineMap() const {
return makeStridedLinearLayoutMap(getStrides(), getOffset(), getContext());
/// Checks that the type-agnostic strided layout invariants are satisfied.
StridedLayoutAttr::verify(function_ref<InFlightDiagnostic()> emitError,
int64_t offset, ArrayRef<int64_t> strides) {
if (llvm::is_contained(strides, 0))
return emitError() << "strides must not be zero";
return success();
/// Checks that the type-specific strided layout invariants are satisfied.
LogicalResult StridedLayoutAttr::verifyLayout(
ArrayRef<int64_t> shape,
function_ref<InFlightDiagnostic()> emitError) const {
if (shape.size() != getStrides().size())
return emitError() << "expected the number of strides to match the rank";
return success();
// StringAttr
StringAttr StringAttr::getEmptyStringAttrUnchecked(MLIRContext *context) {
return Base::get(context, "", NoneType::get(context));
/// Twine support for StringAttr.
StringAttr StringAttr::get(MLIRContext *context, const Twine &twine) {
// Fast-path empty twine.
if (twine.isTriviallyEmpty())
return get(context);
SmallVector<char, 32> tempStr;
return Base::get(context, twine.toStringRef(tempStr), NoneType::get(context));
/// Twine support for StringAttr.
StringAttr StringAttr::get(const Twine &twine, Type type) {
SmallVector<char, 32> tempStr;
return Base::get(type.getContext(), twine.toStringRef(tempStr), type);
StringRef StringAttr::getValue() const { return getImpl()->value; }
Type StringAttr::getType() const { return getImpl()->type; }
Dialect *StringAttr::getReferencedDialect() const {
return getImpl()->referencedDialect;
// FloatAttr
double FloatAttr::getValueAsDouble() const {
return getValueAsDouble(getValue());
double FloatAttr::getValueAsDouble(APFloat value) {
if (&value.getSemantics() != &APFloat::IEEEdouble()) {
bool losesInfo = false;
value.convert(APFloat::IEEEdouble(), APFloat::rmNearestTiesToEven,
return value.convertToDouble();
LogicalResult FloatAttr::verify(function_ref<InFlightDiagnostic()> emitError,
Type type, APFloat value) {
// Verify that the type is correct.
if (!llvm::isa<FloatType>(type))
return emitError() << "expected floating point type";
// Verify that the type semantics match that of the value.
if (&llvm::cast<FloatType>(type).getFloatSemantics() !=
&value.getSemantics()) {
return emitError()
<< "FloatAttr type doesn't match the type implied by its value";
return success();
// SymbolRefAttr
SymbolRefAttr SymbolRefAttr::get(MLIRContext *ctx, StringRef value,
ArrayRef<FlatSymbolRefAttr> nestedRefs) {
return get(StringAttr::get(ctx, value), nestedRefs);
FlatSymbolRefAttr SymbolRefAttr::get(MLIRContext *ctx, StringRef value) {
return llvm::cast<FlatSymbolRefAttr>(get(ctx, value, {}));
FlatSymbolRefAttr SymbolRefAttr::get(StringAttr value) {
return llvm::cast<FlatSymbolRefAttr>(get(value, {}));
FlatSymbolRefAttr SymbolRefAttr::get(Operation *symbol) {
auto symName =
assert(symName && "value does not have a valid symbol name");
return SymbolRefAttr::get(symName);
StringAttr SymbolRefAttr::getLeafReference() const {
ArrayRef<FlatSymbolRefAttr> nestedRefs = getNestedReferences();
return nestedRefs.empty() ? getRootReference() : nestedRefs.back().getAttr();
// IntegerAttr
int64_t IntegerAttr::getInt() const {
assert((getType().isIndex() || getType().isSignlessInteger()) &&
"must be signless integer");
return getValue().getSExtValue();
int64_t IntegerAttr::getSInt() const {
assert(getType().isSignedInteger() && "must be signed integer");
return getValue().getSExtValue();
uint64_t IntegerAttr::getUInt() const {
assert(getType().isUnsignedInteger() && "must be unsigned integer");
return getValue().getZExtValue();
/// Return the value as an APSInt which carries the signed from the type of
/// the attribute. This traps on signless integers types!
APSInt IntegerAttr::getAPSInt() const {
assert(!getType().isSignlessInteger() &&
"Signless integers don't carry a sign for APSInt");
return APSInt(getValue(), getType().isUnsignedInteger());
LogicalResult IntegerAttr::verify(function_ref<InFlightDiagnostic()> emitError,
Type type, APInt value) {
if (IntegerType integerType = llvm::dyn_cast<IntegerType>(type)) {
if (integerType.getWidth() != value.getBitWidth())
return emitError() << "integer type bit width (" << integerType.getWidth()
<< ") doesn't match value bit width ("
<< value.getBitWidth() << ")";
return success();
if (llvm::isa<IndexType>(type)) {
if (value.getBitWidth() != IndexType::kInternalStorageBitWidth)
return emitError()
<< "value bit width (" << value.getBitWidth()
<< ") doesn't match index type internal storage bit width ("
<< IndexType::kInternalStorageBitWidth << ")";
return success();
return emitError() << "expected integer or index type";
BoolAttr IntegerAttr::getBoolAttrUnchecked(IntegerType type, bool value) {
auto attr = Base::get(type.getContext(), type, APInt(/*numBits=*/1, value));
return llvm::cast<BoolAttr>(attr);
// BoolAttr
bool BoolAttr::getValue() const {
auto *storage = reinterpret_cast<IntegerAttrStorage *>(impl);
return storage->value.getBoolValue();
bool BoolAttr::classof(Attribute attr) {
IntegerAttr intAttr = llvm::dyn_cast<IntegerAttr>(attr);
return intAttr && intAttr.getType().isSignlessInteger(1);
// OpaqueAttr
LogicalResult OpaqueAttr::verify(function_ref<InFlightDiagnostic()> emitError,
StringAttr dialect, StringRef attrData,
Type type) {
if (!Dialect::isValidNamespace(dialect.strref()))
return emitError() << "invalid dialect namespace '" << dialect << "'";
// Check that the dialect is actually registered.
MLIRContext *context = dialect.getContext();
if (!context->allowsUnregisteredDialects() &&
!context->getLoadedDialect(dialect.strref())) {
return emitError()
<< "#" << dialect << "<\"" << attrData << "\"> : " << type
<< " attribute created with unregistered dialect. If this is "
"intended, please call allowUnregisteredDialects() on the "
"MLIRContext, or use -allow-unregistered-dialect with "
"the MLIR opt tool used";
return success();
// DenseElementsAttr Utilities
const char DenseIntOrFPElementsAttrStorage::kSplatTrue = ~0;
const char DenseIntOrFPElementsAttrStorage::kSplatFalse = 0;
/// Get the bitwidth of a dense element type within the buffer.
/// DenseElementsAttr requires bitwidths greater than 1 to be aligned by 8.
static size_t getDenseElementStorageWidth(size_t origWidth) {
return origWidth == 1 ? origWidth : llvm::alignTo<8>(origWidth);
static size_t getDenseElementStorageWidth(Type elementType) {
return getDenseElementStorageWidth(getDenseElementBitWidth(elementType));
/// Set a bit to a specific value.
static void setBit(char *rawData, size_t bitPos, bool value) {
if (value)
rawData[bitPos / CHAR_BIT] |= (1 << (bitPos % CHAR_BIT));
rawData[bitPos / CHAR_BIT] &= ~(1 << (bitPos % CHAR_BIT));
/// Return the value of the specified bit.
static bool getBit(const char *rawData, size_t bitPos) {
return (rawData[bitPos / CHAR_BIT] & (1 << (bitPos % CHAR_BIT))) != 0;
/// Copy actual `numBytes` data from `value` (APInt) to char array(`result`) for
/// BE format.
static void copyAPIntToArrayForBEmachine(APInt value, size_t numBytes,
char *result) {
assert(llvm::endianness::native == llvm::endianness::big);
assert(value.getNumWords() * APInt::APINT_WORD_SIZE >= numBytes);
// Copy the words filled with data.
// For example, when `value` has 2 words, the first word is filled with data.
// `value` (10 bytes, BE):|abcdefgh|------ij| ==> `result` (BE):|abcdefgh|--|
size_t numFilledWords = (value.getNumWords() - 1) * APInt::APINT_WORD_SIZE;
std::copy_n(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(value.getRawData()),
numFilledWords, result);
// Convert last word of APInt to LE format and store it in char
// array(`valueLE`).
// ex. last word of `value` (BE): |------ij| ==> `valueLE` (LE): |ji------|
size_t lastWordPos = numFilledWords;
SmallVector<char, 8> valueLE(APInt::APINT_WORD_SIZE);
reinterpret_cast<const char *>(value.getRawData()) + lastWordPos,
valueLE.begin(), APInt::APINT_BITS_PER_WORD, 1);
// Extract actual APInt data from `valueLE`, convert endianness to BE format,
// and store it in `result`.
// ex. `valueLE` (LE): |ji------| ==> `result` (BE): |abcdefgh|ij|
valueLE.begin(), result + lastWordPos,
(numBytes - lastWordPos) * CHAR_BIT, 1);
/// Copy `numBytes` data from `inArray`(char array) to `result`(APINT) for BE
/// format.
static void copyArrayToAPIntForBEmachine(const char *inArray, size_t numBytes,
APInt &result) {
assert(llvm::endianness::native == llvm::endianness::big);
assert(result.getNumWords() * APInt::APINT_WORD_SIZE >= numBytes);
// Copy the data that fills the word of `result` from `inArray`.
// For example, when `result` has 2 words, the first word will be filled with
// data. So, the first 8 bytes are copied from `inArray` here.
// `inArray` (10 bytes, BE): |abcdefgh|ij|
// ==> `result` (2 words, BE): |abcdefgh|--------|
size_t numFilledWords = (result.getNumWords() - 1) * APInt::APINT_WORD_SIZE;
inArray, numFilledWords,
const_cast<char *>(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(result.getRawData())));
// Convert array data which will be last word of `result` to LE format, and
// store it in char array(`inArrayLE`).
// ex. `inArray` (last two bytes, BE): |ij| ==> `inArrayLE` (LE): |ji------|
size_t lastWordPos = numFilledWords;
SmallVector<char, 8> inArrayLE(APInt::APINT_WORD_SIZE);
inArray + lastWordPos, inArrayLE.begin(),
(numBytes - lastWordPos) * CHAR_BIT, 1);
// Convert `inArrayLE` to BE format, and store it in last word of `result`.
// ex. `inArrayLE` (LE): |ji------| ==> `result` (BE): |abcdefgh|------ij|
const_cast<char *>(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(result.getRawData())) +
/// Writes value to the bit position `bitPos` in array `rawData`.
static void writeBits(char *rawData, size_t bitPos, APInt value) {
size_t bitWidth = value.getBitWidth();
// If the bitwidth is 1 we just toggle the specific bit.
if (bitWidth == 1)
return setBit(rawData, bitPos, value.isOne());
// Otherwise, the bit position is guaranteed to be byte aligned.
assert((bitPos % CHAR_BIT) == 0 && "expected bitPos to be 8-bit aligned");
if (llvm::endianness::native == llvm::endianness::big) {
// Copy from `value` to `rawData + (bitPos / CHAR_BIT)`.
// Copying the first `llvm::divideCeil(bitWidth, CHAR_BIT)` bytes doesn't
// work correctly in BE format.
// ex. `value` (2 words including 10 bytes)
// ==> BE: |abcdefgh|------ij|, LE: |hgfedcba|ji------|
copyAPIntToArrayForBEmachine(value, llvm::divideCeil(bitWidth, CHAR_BIT),
rawData + (bitPos / CHAR_BIT));
} else {
std::copy_n(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(value.getRawData()),
llvm::divideCeil(bitWidth, CHAR_BIT),
rawData + (bitPos / CHAR_BIT));
/// Reads the next `bitWidth` bits from the bit position `bitPos` in array
/// `rawData`.
static APInt readBits(const char *rawData, size_t bitPos, size_t bitWidth) {
// Handle a boolean bit position.
if (bitWidth == 1)
return APInt(1, getBit(rawData, bitPos) ? 1 : 0);
// Otherwise, the bit position must be 8-bit aligned.
assert((bitPos % CHAR_BIT) == 0 && "expected bitPos to be 8-bit aligned");
APInt result(bitWidth, 0);
if (llvm::endianness::native == llvm::endianness::big) {
// Copy from `rawData + (bitPos / CHAR_BIT)` to `result`.
// Copying the first `llvm::divideCeil(bitWidth, CHAR_BIT)` bytes doesn't
// work correctly in BE format.
// ex. `result` (2 words including 10 bytes)
// ==> BE: |abcdefgh|------ij|, LE: |hgfedcba|ji------| This function
copyArrayToAPIntForBEmachine(rawData + (bitPos / CHAR_BIT),
llvm::divideCeil(bitWidth, CHAR_BIT), result);
} else {
std::copy_n(rawData + (bitPos / CHAR_BIT),
llvm::divideCeil(bitWidth, CHAR_BIT),
const_cast<char *>(
reinterpret_cast<const char *>(result.getRawData())));
return result;
/// Returns true if 'values' corresponds to a splat, i.e. one element, or has
/// the same element count as 'type'.
template <typename Values>
static bool hasSameElementsOrSplat(ShapedType type, const Values &values) {
return (values.size() == 1) ||
(type.getNumElements() == static_cast<int64_t>(values.size()));
// DenseElementsAttr Iterators
// AttributeElementIterator
DenseElementsAttr attr, size_t index)
: llvm::indexed_accessor_iterator<AttributeElementIterator, const void *,
Attribute, Attribute, Attribute>(
attr.getAsOpaquePointer(), index) {}
Attribute DenseElementsAttr::AttributeElementIterator::operator*() const {
auto owner = llvm::cast<DenseElementsAttr>(getFromOpaquePointer(base));
Type eltTy = owner.getElementType();
if (llvm::dyn_cast<IntegerType>(eltTy))
return IntegerAttr::get(eltTy, *IntElementIterator(owner, index));
if (llvm::isa<IndexType>(eltTy))
return IntegerAttr::get(eltTy, *IntElementIterator(owner, index));
if (auto floatEltTy = llvm::dyn_cast<FloatType>(eltTy)) {
IntElementIterator intIt(owner, index);
FloatElementIterator floatIt(floatEltTy.getFloatSemantics(), intIt);
return FloatAttr::get(eltTy, *floatIt);
if (auto complexTy = llvm::dyn_cast<ComplexType>(eltTy)) {
auto complexEltTy = complexTy.getElementType();
ComplexIntElementIterator complexIntIt(owner, index);
if (llvm::isa<IntegerType>(complexEltTy)) {
auto value = *complexIntIt;
auto real = IntegerAttr::get(complexEltTy, value.real());
auto imag = IntegerAttr::get(complexEltTy, value.imag());
return ArrayAttr::get(complexTy.getContext(),
ArrayRef<Attribute>{real, imag});
ComplexFloatElementIterator complexFloatIt(
llvm::cast<FloatType>(complexEltTy).getFloatSemantics(), complexIntIt);
auto value = *complexFloatIt;
auto real = FloatAttr::get(complexEltTy, value.real());
auto imag = FloatAttr::get(complexEltTy, value.imag());
return ArrayAttr::get(complexTy.getContext(),
ArrayRef<Attribute>{real, imag});
if (llvm::isa<DenseStringElementsAttr>(owner)) {
ArrayRef<StringRef> vals = owner.getRawStringData();
return StringAttr::get(owner.isSplat() ? vals.front() : vals[index], eltTy);
llvm_unreachable("unexpected element type");
// BoolElementIterator
DenseElementsAttr attr, size_t dataIndex)
: DenseElementIndexedIteratorImpl<BoolElementIterator, bool, bool, bool>(
attr.getRawData().data(), attr.isSplat(), dataIndex) {}
bool DenseElementsAttr::BoolElementIterator::operator*() const {
return getBit(getData(), getDataIndex());
// IntElementIterator
DenseElementsAttr attr, size_t dataIndex)
: DenseElementIndexedIteratorImpl<IntElementIterator, APInt, APInt, APInt>(
attr.getRawData().data(), attr.isSplat(), dataIndex),
bitWidth(getDenseElementBitWidth(attr.getElementType())) {}
APInt DenseElementsAttr::IntElementIterator::operator*() const {
return readBits(getData(),
getDataIndex() * getDenseElementStorageWidth(bitWidth),
// ComplexIntElementIterator
DenseElementsAttr attr, size_t dataIndex)
: DenseElementIndexedIteratorImpl<ComplexIntElementIterator,
std::complex<APInt>, std::complex<APInt>,
attr.getRawData().data(), attr.isSplat(), dataIndex) {
auto complexType = llvm::cast<ComplexType>(attr.getElementType());
bitWidth = getDenseElementBitWidth(complexType.getElementType());
DenseElementsAttr::ComplexIntElementIterator::operator*() const {
size_t storageWidth = getDenseElementStorageWidth(bitWidth);
size_t offset = getDataIndex() * storageWidth * 2;
return {readBits(getData(), offset, bitWidth),
readBits(getData(), offset + storageWidth, bitWidth)};
// DenseArrayAttr
DenseArrayAttr::verify(function_ref<InFlightDiagnostic()> emitError,
Type elementType, int64_t size, ArrayRef<char> rawData) {
if (!elementType.isIntOrIndexOrFloat())
return emitError() << "expected integer or floating point element type";
int64_t dataSize = rawData.size();
int64_t elementSize =
llvm::divideCeil(elementType.getIntOrFloatBitWidth(), CHAR_BIT);
if (size * elementSize != dataSize) {
return emitError() << "expected data size (" << size << " elements, "
<< elementSize
<< " bytes each) does not match: " << dataSize
<< " bytes";
return success();
namespace {
/// Instantiations of this class provide utilities for interacting with native
/// data types in the context of DenseArrayAttr.
template <size_t width,
IntegerType::SignednessSemantics signedness = IntegerType::Signless>
struct DenseArrayAttrIntUtil {
static bool checkElementType(Type eltType) {
auto type = llvm::dyn_cast<IntegerType>(eltType);
if (!type || type.getWidth() != width)
return false;
return type.getSignedness() == signedness;
static Type getElementType(MLIRContext *ctx) {
return IntegerType::get(ctx, width, signedness);
template <typename T>
static void printElement(raw_ostream &os, T value) {
os << value;
template <typename T>
static ParseResult parseElement(AsmParser &parser, T &value) {
return parser.parseInteger(value);
template <typename T>
struct DenseArrayAttrUtil;
/// Specialization for boolean elements to print 'true' and 'false' literals for
/// elements.
template <>
struct DenseArrayAttrUtil<bool> : public DenseArrayAttrIntUtil<1> {
static void printElement(raw_ostream &os, bool value) {
os << (value ? "true" : "false");
/// Specialization for 8-bit integers to ensure values are printed as integers
/// and not characters.
template <>
struct DenseArrayAttrUtil<int8_t> : public DenseArrayAttrIntUtil<8> {
static void printElement(raw_ostream &os, int8_t value) {
os << static_cast<int>(value);
template <>
struct DenseArrayAttrUtil<int16_t> : public DenseArrayAttrIntUtil<16> {};
template <>
struct DenseArrayAttrUtil<int32_t> : public DenseArrayAttrIntUtil<32> {};
template <>
struct DenseArrayAttrUtil<int64_t> : public DenseArrayAttrIntUtil<64> {};
/// Specialization for 32-bit floats.
template <>
struct DenseArrayAttrUtil<float> {
static bool checkElementType(Type eltType) { return eltType.isF32(); }
static Type getElementType(MLIRContext *ctx) { return Float32Type::get(ctx); }
static void printElement(raw_ostream &os, float value) { os << value; }
/// Parse a double and cast it to a float.
static ParseResult parseElement(AsmParser &parser, float &value) {
double doubleVal;
if (parser.parseFloat(doubleVal))
return failure();
value = doubleVal;
return success();
/// Specialization for 64-bit floats.
template <>
struct DenseArrayAttrUtil<double> {
static bool checkElementType(Type eltType) { return eltType.isF64(); }
static Type getElementType(MLIRContext *ctx) { return Float64Type::get(ctx); }
static void printElement(raw_ostream &os, float value) { os << value; }
static ParseResult parseElement(AsmParser &parser, double &value) {
return parser.parseFloat(value);
} // namespace
template <typename T>
void DenseArrayAttrImpl<T>::print(AsmPrinter &printer) const {
template <typename T>
void DenseArrayAttrImpl<T>::printWithoutBraces(raw_ostream &os) const {
llvm::interleaveComma(asArrayRef(), os, [&](T value) {
DenseArrayAttrUtil<T>::printElement(os, value);
template <typename T>
void DenseArrayAttrImpl<T>::print(raw_ostream &os) const {
os << "[";
os << "]";
/// Parse a DenseArrayAttr without the braces: `1, 2, 3`
template <typename T>
Attribute DenseArrayAttrImpl<T>::parseWithoutBraces(AsmParser &parser,
Type odsType) {
SmallVector<T> data;
if (failed(parser.parseCommaSeparatedList([&]() {
T value;
if (DenseArrayAttrUtil<T>::parseElement(parser, value))
return failure();
return success();
return {};
return get(parser.getContext(), data);
/// Parse a DenseArrayAttr: `[ 1, 2, 3 ]`
template <typename T>
Attribute DenseArrayAttrImpl<T>::parse(AsmParser &parser, Type odsType) {
if (parser.parseLSquare())
return {};
// Handle empty list case.
if (succeeded(parser.parseOptionalRSquare()))
return get(parser.getContext(), {});
Attribute result = parseWithoutBraces(parser, odsType);
if (parser.parseRSquare())
return {};
return result;
/// Conversion from DenseArrayAttr<T> to ArrayRef<T>.
template <typename T>
DenseArrayAttrImpl<T>::operator ArrayRef<T>() const {
ArrayRef<char> raw = getRawData();
assert((raw.size() % sizeof(T)) == 0);
return ArrayRef<T>(reinterpret_cast<const T *>(,
raw.size() / sizeof(T));
/// Builds a DenseArrayAttr<T> from an ArrayRef<T>.
template <typename T>
DenseArrayAttrImpl<T> DenseArrayAttrImpl<T>::get(MLIRContext *context,
ArrayRef<T> content) {
Type elementType = DenseArrayAttrUtil<T>::getElementType(context);
auto rawArray = ArrayRef<char>(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(,
content.size() * sizeof(T));
return llvm::cast<DenseArrayAttrImpl<T>>(
Base::get(context, elementType, content.size(), rawArray));
template <typename T>
bool DenseArrayAttrImpl<T>::classof(Attribute attr) {
if (auto denseArray = llvm::dyn_cast<DenseArrayAttr>(attr))
return DenseArrayAttrUtil<T>::checkElementType(denseArray.getElementType());
return false;
namespace mlir {
namespace detail {
// Explicit instantiation for all the supported DenseArrayAttr.
template class DenseArrayAttrImpl<bool>;
template class DenseArrayAttrImpl<int8_t>;
template class DenseArrayAttrImpl<int16_t>;
template class DenseArrayAttrImpl<int32_t>;
template class DenseArrayAttrImpl<int64_t>;
template class DenseArrayAttrImpl<float>;
template class DenseArrayAttrImpl<double>;
} // namespace detail
} // namespace mlir
// DenseElementsAttr
/// Method for support type inquiry through isa, cast and dyn_cast.
bool DenseElementsAttr::classof(Attribute attr) {
return llvm::isa<DenseIntOrFPElementsAttr, DenseStringElementsAttr>(attr);
DenseElementsAttr DenseElementsAttr::get(ShapedType type,
ArrayRef<Attribute> values) {
assert(hasSameElementsOrSplat(type, values));
Type eltType = type.getElementType();
// Take care complex type case first.
if (auto complexType = llvm::dyn_cast<ComplexType>(eltType)) {
if (complexType.getElementType().isIntOrIndex()) {
SmallVector<std::complex<APInt>> complexValues;
for (Attribute attr : values) {
assert(llvm::isa<ArrayAttr>(attr) && "expected ArrayAttr for complex");
auto arrayAttr = llvm::cast<ArrayAttr>(attr);
assert(arrayAttr.size() == 2 && "expected 2 element for complex");
auto attr0 = arrayAttr[0];
auto attr1 = arrayAttr[1];
return DenseElementsAttr::get(type, complexValues);
// Must be float.
SmallVector<std::complex<APFloat>> complexValues;
for (Attribute attr : values) {
assert(llvm::isa<ArrayAttr>(attr) && "expected ArrayAttr for complex");
auto arrayAttr = llvm::cast<ArrayAttr>(attr);
assert(arrayAttr.size() == 2 && "expected 2 element for complex");
auto attr0 = arrayAttr[0];
auto attr1 = arrayAttr[1];
return DenseElementsAttr::get(type, complexValues);
// If the element type is not based on int/float/index, assume it is a string
// type.
if (!eltType.isIntOrIndexOrFloat()) {
SmallVector<StringRef, 8> stringValues;
for (Attribute attr : values) {
assert(llvm::isa<StringAttr>(attr) &&
"expected string value for non integer/index/float element");
return get(type, stringValues);
// Otherwise, get the raw storage width to use for the allocation.
size_t bitWidth = getDenseElementBitWidth(eltType);
size_t storageBitWidth = getDenseElementStorageWidth(bitWidth);
// Compress the attribute values into a character buffer.
SmallVector<char, 8> data(
llvm::divideCeil(storageBitWidth * values.size(), CHAR_BIT));
APInt intVal;
for (unsigned i = 0, e = values.size(); i < e; ++i) {
if (auto floatAttr = llvm::dyn_cast<FloatAttr>(values[i])) {
assert(floatAttr.getType() == eltType &&
"expected float attribute type to equal element type");
intVal = floatAttr.getValue().bitcastToAPInt();
} else {
auto intAttr = llvm::cast<IntegerAttr>(values[i]);
assert(intAttr.getType() == eltType &&
"expected integer attribute type to equal element type");
intVal = intAttr.getValue();
assert(intVal.getBitWidth() == bitWidth &&
"expected value to have same bitwidth as element type");
writeBits(, i * storageBitWidth, intVal);
// Handle the special encoding of splat of bool.
if (values.size() == 1 && eltType.isInteger(1))
data[0] = data[0] ? -1 : 0;
return DenseIntOrFPElementsAttr::getRaw(type, data);
DenseElementsAttr DenseElementsAttr::get(ShapedType type,
ArrayRef<bool> values) {
assert(hasSameElementsOrSplat(type, values));
std::vector<char> buff(llvm::divideCeil(values.size(), CHAR_BIT));
if (!values.empty()) {
bool isSplat = true;
bool firstValue = values[0];
for (int i = 0, e = values.size(); i != e; ++i) {
isSplat &= values[i] == firstValue;
setBit(, i, values[i]);
// Splat of bool is encoded as a byte with all-ones in it.
if (isSplat) {
buff[0] = values[0] ? -1 : 0;
return DenseIntOrFPElementsAttr::getRaw(type, buff);
DenseElementsAttr DenseElementsAttr::get(ShapedType type,
ArrayRef<StringRef> values) {
return DenseStringElementsAttr::get(type, values);
/// Constructs a dense integer elements attribute from an array of APInt
/// values. Each APInt value is expected to have the same bitwidth as the
/// element type of 'type'.
DenseElementsAttr DenseElementsAttr::get(ShapedType type,
ArrayRef<APInt> values) {
assert(hasSameElementsOrSplat(type, values));
size_t storageBitWidth = getDenseElementStorageWidth(type.getElementType());
return DenseIntOrFPElementsAttr::getRaw(type, storageBitWidth, values);
DenseElementsAttr DenseElementsAttr::get(ShapedType type,
ArrayRef<std::complex<APInt>> values) {
ComplexType complex = llvm::cast<ComplexType>(type.getElementType());
assert(hasSameElementsOrSplat(type, values));
size_t storageBitWidth = getDenseElementStorageWidth(complex) / 2;
ArrayRef<APInt> intVals(reinterpret_cast<const APInt *>(,
values.size() * 2);
return DenseIntOrFPElementsAttr::getRaw(type, storageBitWidth, intVals);
// Constructs a dense float elements attribute from an array of APFloat
// values. Each APFloat value is expected to have the same bitwidth as the
// element type of 'type'.
DenseElementsAttr DenseElementsAttr::get(ShapedType type,
ArrayRef<APFloat> values) {
assert(hasSameElementsOrSplat(type, values));
size_t storageBitWidth = getDenseElementStorageWidth(type.getElementType());
return DenseIntOrFPElementsAttr::getRaw(type, storageBitWidth, values);
DenseElementsAttr::get(ShapedType type,
ArrayRef<std::complex<APFloat>> values) {
ComplexType complex = llvm::cast<ComplexType>(type.getElementType());
assert(hasSameElementsOrSplat(type, values));
ArrayRef<APFloat> apVals(reinterpret_cast<const APFloat *>(,
values.size() * 2);
size_t storageBitWidth = getDenseElementStorageWidth(complex) / 2;
return DenseIntOrFPElementsAttr::getRaw(type, storageBitWidth, apVals);
/// Construct a dense elements attribute from a raw buffer representing the
/// data for this attribute. Users should generally not use this methods as
/// the expected buffer format may not be a form the user expects.
DenseElementsAttr::getFromRawBuffer(ShapedType type, ArrayRef<char> rawBuffer) {
return DenseIntOrFPElementsAttr::getRaw(type, rawBuffer);
/// Returns true if the given buffer is a valid raw buffer for the given type.
bool DenseElementsAttr::isValidRawBuffer(ShapedType type,
ArrayRef<char> rawBuffer,
bool &detectedSplat) {
size_t storageWidth = getDenseElementStorageWidth(type.getElementType());
size_t rawBufferWidth = rawBuffer.size() * CHAR_BIT;
int64_t numElements = type.getNumElements();
// The initializer is always a splat if the result type has a single element.
detectedSplat = numElements == 1;
// Storage width of 1 is special as it is packed by the bit.
if (storageWidth == 1) {
// Check for a splat, or a buffer equal to the number of elements which
// consists of either all 0's or all 1's.
if (rawBuffer.size() == 1) {
auto rawByte = static_cast<uint8_t>(rawBuffer[0]);
if (rawByte == 0 || rawByte == 0xff) {
detectedSplat = true;
return true;
// This is a valid non-splat buffer if it has the right size.
return rawBufferWidth == llvm::alignTo<8>(numElements);
// All other types are 8-bit aligned, so we can just check the buffer width
// to know if only a single initializer element was passed in.
if (rawBufferWidth == storageWidth) {
detectedSplat = true;
return true;
// The raw buffer is valid if it has the right size.
return rawBufferWidth == storageWidth * numElements;
/// Check the information for a C++ data type, check if this type is valid for
/// the current attribute. This method is used to verify specific type
/// invariants that the templatized 'getValues' method cannot.
static bool isValidIntOrFloat(Type type, int64_t dataEltSize, bool isInt,
bool isSigned) {
// Make sure that the data element size is the same as the type element width.
auto denseEltBitWidth = getDenseElementBitWidth(type);
auto dataSize = static_cast<size_t>(dataEltSize * CHAR_BIT);
if (denseEltBitWidth != dataSize) {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "expected dense element bit width "
<< denseEltBitWidth << " to match data size "
<< dataSize << " for type " << type << "\n");
return false;
// Check that the element type is either float or integer or index.
if (!isInt) {
bool valid = llvm::isa<FloatType>(type);
if (!valid)
<< "expected float type when isInt is false, but found "
<< type << "\n");
return valid;
if (type.isIndex())
return true;
auto intType = llvm::dyn_cast<IntegerType>(type);
if (!intType) {
<< "expected integer type when isInt is true, but found " << type
<< "\n");
return false;
// Make sure signedness semantics is consistent.
if (intType.isSignless())
return true;
bool valid = intType.isSigned() == isSigned;
if (!valid)
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "expected signedness " << isSigned
<< " to match type " << type << "\n");
return valid;
/// Defaults down the subclass implementation.
DenseElementsAttr DenseElementsAttr::getRawComplex(ShapedType type,
ArrayRef<char> data,
int64_t dataEltSize,
bool isInt, bool isSigned) {
return DenseIntOrFPElementsAttr::getRawComplex(type, data, dataEltSize, isInt,
DenseElementsAttr DenseElementsAttr::getRawIntOrFloat(ShapedType type,
ArrayRef<char> data,
int64_t dataEltSize,
bool isInt,
bool isSigned) {
return DenseIntOrFPElementsAttr::getRawIntOrFloat(type, data, dataEltSize,
isInt, isSigned);
bool DenseElementsAttr::isValidIntOrFloat(int64_t dataEltSize, bool isInt,
bool isSigned) const {
return ::isValidIntOrFloat(getElementType(), dataEltSize, isInt, isSigned);
bool DenseElementsAttr::isValidComplex(int64_t dataEltSize, bool isInt,
bool isSigned) const {
return ::isValidIntOrFloat(
dataEltSize / 2, isInt, isSigned);
/// Returns true if this attribute corresponds to a splat, i.e. if all element
/// values are the same.
bool DenseElementsAttr::isSplat() const {
return static_cast<DenseElementsAttributeStorage *>(impl)->isSplat;
/// Return if the given complex type has an integer element type.
static bool isComplexOfIntType(Type type) {
return llvm::isa<IntegerType>(llvm::cast<ComplexType>(type).getElementType());
auto DenseElementsAttr::tryGetComplexIntValues() const
-> FailureOr<iterator_range_impl<ComplexIntElementIterator>> {
if (!isComplexOfIntType(getElementType()))
return failure();
return iterator_range_impl<ComplexIntElementIterator>(
getType(), ComplexIntElementIterator(*this, 0),
ComplexIntElementIterator(*this, getNumElements()));
auto DenseElementsAttr::tryGetFloatValues() const
-> FailureOr<iterator_range_impl<FloatElementIterator>> {
auto eltTy = llvm::dyn_cast<FloatType>(getElementType());
if (!eltTy)
return failure();
const auto &elementSemantics = eltTy.getFloatSemantics();
return iterator_range_impl<FloatElementIterator>(
getType(), FloatElementIterator(elementSemantics, raw_int_begin()),
FloatElementIterator(elementSemantics, raw_int_end()));
auto DenseElementsAttr::tryGetComplexFloatValues() const
-> FailureOr<iterator_range_impl<ComplexFloatElementIterator>> {
auto complexTy = llvm::dyn_cast<ComplexType>(getElementType());
if (!complexTy)
return failure();
auto eltTy = llvm::dyn_cast<FloatType>(complexTy.getElementType());
if (!eltTy)
return failure();
const auto &semantics = eltTy.getFloatSemantics();
return iterator_range_impl<ComplexFloatElementIterator>(
getType(), {semantics, {*this, 0}},
{semantics, {*this, static_cast<size_t>(getNumElements())}});
/// Return the raw storage data held by this attribute.
ArrayRef<char> DenseElementsAttr::getRawData() const {
return static_cast<DenseIntOrFPElementsAttrStorage *>(impl)->data;
ArrayRef<StringRef> DenseElementsAttr::getRawStringData() const {
return static_cast<DenseStringElementsAttrStorage *>(impl)->data;
/// Return a new DenseElementsAttr that has the same data as the current
/// attribute, but has been reshaped to 'newType'. The new type must have the
/// same total number of elements as well as element type.
DenseElementsAttr DenseElementsAttr::reshape(ShapedType newType) {
ShapedType curType = getType();
if (curType == newType)
return *this;
assert(newType.getElementType() == curType.getElementType() &&
"expected the same element type");
assert(newType.getNumElements() == curType.getNumElements() &&
"expected the same number of elements");
return DenseIntOrFPElementsAttr::getRaw(newType, getRawData());
DenseElementsAttr DenseElementsAttr::resizeSplat(ShapedType newType) {
assert(isSplat() && "expected a splat type");
ShapedType curType = getType();
if (curType == newType)
return *this;
assert(newType.getElementType() == curType.getElementType() &&
"expected the same element type");
return DenseIntOrFPElementsAttr::getRaw(newType, getRawData());
/// Return a new DenseElementsAttr that has the same data as the current
/// attribute, but has bitcast elements such that it is now 'newType'. The new
/// type must have the same shape and element types of the same bitwidth as the
/// current type.
DenseElementsAttr DenseElementsAttr::bitcast(Type newElType) {
ShapedType curType = getType();
Type curElType = curType.getElementType();
if (curElType == newElType)
return *this;
assert(getDenseElementBitWidth(newElType) ==
getDenseElementBitWidth(curElType) &&
"expected element types with the same bitwidth");
return DenseIntOrFPElementsAttr::getRaw(curType.clone(newElType),
DenseElementsAttr::mapValues(Type newElementType,
function_ref<APInt(const APInt &)> mapping) const {
return llvm::cast<DenseIntElementsAttr>(*this).mapValues(newElementType,
DenseElementsAttr DenseElementsAttr::mapValues(
Type newElementType, function_ref<APInt(const APFloat &)> mapping) const {
return llvm::cast<DenseFPElementsAttr>(*this).mapValues(newElementType,
ShapedType DenseElementsAttr::getType() const {
return static_cast<const DenseElementsAttributeStorage *>(impl)->type;
Type DenseElementsAttr::getElementType() const {
return getType().getElementType();
int64_t DenseElementsAttr::getNumElements() const {
return getType().getNumElements();
// DenseIntOrFPElementsAttr
/// Utility method to write a range of APInt values to a buffer.
template <typename APRangeT>
static void writeAPIntsToBuffer(size_t storageWidth, std::vector<char> &data,
APRangeT &&values) {
size_t numValues = llvm::size(values);
data.resize(llvm::divideCeil(storageWidth * numValues, CHAR_BIT));
size_t offset = 0;
for (auto it = values.begin(), e = values.end(); it != e;
++it, offset += storageWidth) {
assert((*it).getBitWidth() <= storageWidth);
writeBits(, offset, *it);
// Handle the special encoding of splat of a boolean.
if (numValues == 1 && (*values.begin()).getBitWidth() == 1)
data[0] = data[0] ? -1 : 0;
/// Constructs a dense elements attribute from an array of raw APFloat values.
/// Each APFloat value is expected to have the same bitwidth as the element
/// type of 'type'. 'type' must be a vector or tensor with static shape.
DenseElementsAttr DenseIntOrFPElementsAttr::getRaw(ShapedType type,
size_t storageWidth,
ArrayRef<APFloat> values) {
std::vector<char> data;
auto unwrapFloat = [](const APFloat &val) { return val.bitcastToAPInt(); };
writeAPIntsToBuffer(storageWidth, data, llvm::map_range(values, unwrapFloat));
return DenseIntOrFPElementsAttr::getRaw(type, data);
/// Constructs a dense elements attribute from an array of raw APInt values.
/// Each APInt value is expected to have the same bitwidth as the element type
/// of 'type'.
DenseElementsAttr DenseIntOrFPElementsAttr::getRaw(ShapedType type,
size_t storageWidth,
ArrayRef<APInt> values) {
std::vector<char> data;
writeAPIntsToBuffer(storageWidth, data, values);
return DenseIntOrFPElementsAttr::getRaw(type, data);
DenseElementsAttr DenseIntOrFPElementsAttr::getRaw(ShapedType type,
ArrayRef<char> data) {
assert(type.hasStaticShape() && "type must have static shape");
bool isSplat = false;
bool isValid = isValidRawBuffer(type, data, isSplat);
return Base::get(type.getContext(), type, data, isSplat);
/// Overload of the raw 'get' method that asserts that the given type is of
/// complex type. This method is used to verify type invariants that the
/// templatized 'get' method cannot.
DenseElementsAttr DenseIntOrFPElementsAttr::getRawComplex(ShapedType type,
ArrayRef<char> data,
int64_t dataEltSize,
bool isInt,
bool isSigned) {
dataEltSize / 2, isInt, isSigned) &&
"Try re-running with -debug-only=builtinattributes");
int64_t numElements = data.size() / dataEltSize;
assert(numElements == 1 || numElements == type.getNumElements());
return getRaw(type, data);
/// Overload of the 'getRaw' method that asserts that the given type is of
/// integer type. This method is used to verify type invariants that the
/// templatized 'get' method cannot.
DenseIntOrFPElementsAttr::getRawIntOrFloat(ShapedType type, ArrayRef<char> data,
int64_t dataEltSize, bool isInt,
bool isSigned) {
assert(::isValidIntOrFloat(type.getElementType(), dataEltSize, isInt,
isSigned) &&
"Try re-running with -debug-only=builtinattributes");
int64_t numElements = data.size() / dataEltSize;
assert(numElements == 1 || numElements == type.getNumElements());
return getRaw(type, data);
void DenseIntOrFPElementsAttr::convertEndianOfCharForBEmachine(
const char *inRawData, char *outRawData, size_t elementBitWidth,
size_t numElements) {
using llvm::support::ulittle16_t;
using llvm::support::ulittle32_t;
using llvm::support::ulittle64_t;
assert(llvm::endianness::native == llvm::endianness::big);
// NOLINT to avoid warning message about replacing by static_assert()
// Following std::copy_n always converts endianness on BE machine.
switch (elementBitWidth) {
case 16: {
const ulittle16_t *inRawDataPos =
reinterpret_cast<const ulittle16_t *>(inRawData);
uint16_t *outDataPos = reinterpret_cast<uint16_t *>(outRawData);
std::copy_n(inRawDataPos, numElements, outDataPos);
case 32: {
const ulittle32_t *inRawDataPos =
reinterpret_cast<const ulittle32_t *>(inRawData);
uint32_t *outDataPos = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t *>(outRawData);
std::copy_n(inRawDataPos, numElements, outDataPos);
case 64: {
const ulittle64_t *inRawDataPos =
reinterpret_cast<const ulittle64_t *>(inRawData);
uint64_t *outDataPos = reinterpret_cast<uint64_t *>(outRawData);
std::copy_n(inRawDataPos, numElements, outDataPos);
default: {
size_t nBytes = elementBitWidth / CHAR_BIT;
for (size_t i = 0; i < nBytes; i++)
std::copy_n(inRawData + (nBytes - 1 - i), 1, outRawData + i);
void DenseIntOrFPElementsAttr::convertEndianOfArrayRefForBEmachine(
ArrayRef<char> inRawData, MutableArrayRef<char> outRawData,
ShapedType type) {
size_t numElements = type.getNumElements();
Type elementType = type.getElementType();
if (ComplexType complexTy = llvm::dyn_cast<ComplexType>(elementType)) {
elementType = complexTy.getElementType();
numElements = numElements * 2;
size_t elementBitWidth = getDenseElementStorageWidth(elementType);
assert(numElements * elementBitWidth == inRawData.size() * CHAR_BIT &&
inRawData.size() <= outRawData.size());
if (elementBitWidth <= CHAR_BIT)
std::memcpy(outRawData.begin(), inRawData.begin(), inRawData.size());
convertEndianOfCharForBEmachine(inRawData.begin(), outRawData.begin(),
elementBitWidth, numElements);
// DenseFPElementsAttr
template <typename Fn, typename Attr>
static ShapedType mappingHelper(Fn mapping, Attr &attr, ShapedType inType,
Type newElementType,
llvm::SmallVectorImpl<char> &data) {
size_t bitWidth = getDenseElementBitWidth(newElementType);
size_t storageBitWidth = getDenseElementStorageWidth(bitWidth);
ShapedType newArrayType = inType.cloneWith(inType.getShape(), newElementType);
size_t numRawElements = attr.isSplat() ? 1 : newArrayType.getNumElements();
data.resize(llvm::divideCeil(storageBitWidth * numRawElements, CHAR_BIT));
// Functor used to process a single element value of the attribute.
auto processElt = [&](decltype(*attr.begin()) value, size_t index) {
auto newInt = mapping(value);
assert(newInt.getBitWidth() == bitWidth);
writeBits(, index * storageBitWidth, newInt);
// Check for the splat case.
if (attr.isSplat()) {
if (bitWidth == 1) {
// Handle the special encoding of splat of bool.
data[0] = mapping(*attr.begin()).isZero() ? 0 : -1;
} else {
processElt(*attr.begin(), /*index=*/0);
return newArrayType;
// Otherwise, process all of the element values.
uint64_t elementIdx = 0;
for (auto value : attr)
processElt(value, elementIdx++);
return newArrayType;
DenseElementsAttr DenseFPElementsAttr::mapValues(
Type newElementType, function_ref<APInt(const APFloat &)> mapping) const {
llvm::SmallVector<char, 8> elementData;
auto newArrayType =
mappingHelper(mapping, *this, getType(), newElementType, elementData);
return getRaw(newArrayType, elementData);
/// Method for supporting type inquiry through isa, cast and dyn_cast.
bool DenseFPElementsAttr::classof(Attribute attr) {
if (auto denseAttr = llvm::dyn_cast<DenseElementsAttr>(attr))
return llvm::isa<FloatType>(denseAttr.getType().getElementType());
return false;
// DenseIntElementsAttr
DenseElementsAttr DenseIntElementsAttr::mapValues(
Type newElementType, function_ref<APInt(const APInt &)> mapping) const {
llvm::SmallVector<char, 8> elementData;
auto newArrayType =
mappingHelper(mapping, *this, getType(), newElementType, elementData);
return getRaw(newArrayType, elementData);
/// Method for supporting type inquiry through isa, cast and dyn_cast.
bool DenseIntElementsAttr::classof(Attribute attr) {
if (auto denseAttr = llvm::dyn_cast<DenseElementsAttr>(attr))
return denseAttr.getType().getElementType().isIntOrIndex();
return false;
// DenseResourceElementsAttr
DenseResourceElementsAttr::get(ShapedType type,
DenseResourceElementsHandle handle) {
return Base::get(type.getContext(), type, handle);
DenseResourceElementsAttr DenseResourceElementsAttr::get(ShapedType type,
StringRef blobName,
AsmResourceBlob blob) {
// Extract the builtin dialect resource manager from context and construct a
// handle by inserting a new resource using the provided blob.
auto &manager =
return get(type, manager.insert(blobName, std::move(blob)));
// DenseResourceElementsAttrBase
namespace {
/// Instantiations of this class provide utilities for interacting with native
/// data types in the context of DenseResourceElementsAttr.
template <typename T>
struct DenseResourceAttrUtil;
template <size_t width, bool isSigned>
struct DenseResourceElementsAttrIntUtil {
static bool checkElementType(Type eltType) {
IntegerType type = llvm::dyn_cast<IntegerType>(eltType);
if (!type || type.getWidth() != width)
return false;
return isSigned ? !type.isUnsigned() : !type.isSigned();
template <>
struct DenseResourceAttrUtil<bool> {
static bool checkElementType(Type eltType) {
return eltType.isSignlessInteger(1);
template <>
struct DenseResourceAttrUtil<int8_t>
: public DenseResourceElementsAttrIntUtil<8, true> {};
template <>
struct DenseResourceAttrUtil<uint8_t>
: public DenseResourceElementsAttrIntUtil<8, false> {};
template <>
struct DenseResourceAttrUtil<int16_t>
: public DenseResourceElementsAttrIntUtil<16, true> {};
template <>
struct DenseResourceAttrUtil<uint16_t>
: public DenseResourceElementsAttrIntUtil<16, false> {};
template <>
struct DenseResourceAttrUtil<int32_t>
: public DenseResourceElementsAttrIntUtil<32, true> {};
template <>
struct DenseResourceAttrUtil<uint32_t>
: public DenseResourceElementsAttrIntUtil<32, false> {};
template <>
struct DenseResourceAttrUtil<int64_t>
: public DenseResourceElementsAttrIntUtil<64, true> {};
template <>
struct DenseResourceAttrUtil<uint64_t>
: public DenseResourceElementsAttrIntUtil<64, false> {};
template <>
struct DenseResourceAttrUtil<float> {
static bool checkElementType(Type eltType) { return eltType.isF32(); }
template <>
struct DenseResourceAttrUtil<double> {
static bool checkElementType(Type eltType) { return eltType.isF64(); }
} // namespace
template <typename T>
DenseResourceElementsAttrBase<T>::get(ShapedType type, StringRef blobName,
AsmResourceBlob blob) {
// Check that the blob is in the form we were expecting.
assert(blob.getDataAlignment() == alignof(T) &&
"alignment mismatch between expected alignment and blob alignment");
assert(((blob.getData().size() % sizeof(T)) == 0) &&
"size mismatch between expected element width and blob size");
assert(DenseResourceAttrUtil<T>::checkElementType(type.getElementType()) &&
"invalid shape element type for provided type `T`");
return llvm::cast<DenseResourceElementsAttrBase<T>>(
DenseResourceElementsAttr::get(type, blobName, std::move(blob)));
template <typename T>
DenseResourceElementsAttrBase<T>::tryGetAsArrayRef() const {
if (AsmResourceBlob *blob = this->getRawHandle().getBlob())
return blob->template getDataAs<T>();
return std::nullopt;
template <typename T>
bool DenseResourceElementsAttrBase<T>::classof(Attribute attr) {
auto resourceAttr = llvm::dyn_cast<DenseResourceElementsAttr>(attr);
return resourceAttr && DenseResourceAttrUtil<T>::checkElementType(
namespace mlir {
namespace detail {
// Explicit instantiation for all the supported DenseResourceElementsAttr.
template class DenseResourceElementsAttrBase<bool>;
template class DenseResourceElementsAttrBase<int8_t>;
template class DenseResourceElementsAttrBase<int16_t>;
template class DenseResourceElementsAttrBase<int32_t>;
template class DenseResourceElementsAttrBase<int64_t>;
template class DenseResourceElementsAttrBase<uint8_t>;
template class DenseResourceElementsAttrBase<uint16_t>;
template class DenseResourceElementsAttrBase<uint32_t>;
template class DenseResourceElementsAttrBase<uint64_t>;
template class DenseResourceElementsAttrBase<float>;
template class DenseResourceElementsAttrBase<double>;
} // namespace detail
} // namespace mlir
// SparseElementsAttr
/// Get a zero APFloat for the given sparse attribute.
APFloat SparseElementsAttr::getZeroAPFloat() const {
auto eltType = llvm::cast<FloatType>(getElementType());
return APFloat(eltType.getFloatSemantics());
/// Get a zero APInt for the given sparse attribute.
APInt SparseElementsAttr::getZeroAPInt() const {
auto eltType = llvm::cast<IntegerType>(getElementType());
return APInt::getZero(eltType.getWidth());
/// Get a zero attribute for the given attribute type.
Attribute SparseElementsAttr::getZeroAttr() const {
auto eltType = getElementType();
// Handle floating point elements.
if (llvm::isa<FloatType>(eltType))
return FloatAttr::get(eltType, 0);
// Handle complex elements.
if (auto complexTy = llvm::dyn_cast<ComplexType>(eltType)) {
auto eltType = complexTy.getElementType();
Attribute zero;
if (llvm::isa<FloatType>(eltType))
zero = FloatAttr::get(eltType, 0);
else // must be integer
zero = IntegerAttr::get(eltType, 0);
return ArrayAttr::get(complexTy.getContext(),
ArrayRef<Attribute>{zero, zero});
// Handle string type.
if (llvm::isa<DenseStringElementsAttr>(getValues()))
return StringAttr::get("", eltType);
// Otherwise, this is an integer.
return IntegerAttr::get(eltType, 0);
/// Flatten, and return, all of the sparse indices in this attribute in
/// row-major order.
std::vector<ptrdiff_t> SparseElementsAttr::getFlattenedSparseIndices() const {
std::vector<ptrdiff_t> flatSparseIndices;
// The sparse indices are 64-bit integers, so we can reinterpret the raw data
// as a 1-D index array.
auto sparseIndices = getIndices();
auto sparseIndexValues = sparseIndices.getValues<uint64_t>();
if (sparseIndices.isSplat()) {
SmallVector<uint64_t, 8> indices(getType().getRank(),
return flatSparseIndices;
// Otherwise, reinterpret each index as an ArrayRef when flattening.
auto numSparseIndices = sparseIndices.getType().getDimSize(0);
size_t rank = getType().getRank();
for (size_t i = 0, e = numSparseIndices; i != e; ++i)
{&*std::next(sparseIndexValues.begin(), i * rank), rank}));
return flatSparseIndices;
SparseElementsAttr::verify(function_ref<InFlightDiagnostic()> emitError,
ShapedType type, DenseIntElementsAttr sparseIndices,
DenseElementsAttr values) {
ShapedType valuesType = values.getType();
if (valuesType.getRank() != 1)
return emitError() << "expected 1-d tensor for sparse element values";
// Verify the indices and values shape.
ShapedType indicesType = sparseIndices.getType();
auto emitShapeError = [&]() {
return emitError() << "expected shape ([" << type.getShape()
<< "]); inferred shape of indices literal (["
<< indicesType.getShape()
<< "]); inferred shape of values literal (["
<< valuesType.getShape() << "])";
// Verify indices shape.
size_t rank = type.getRank(), indicesRank = indicesType.getRank();
if (indicesRank == 2) {
if (indicesType.getDimSize(1) != static_cast<int64_t>(rank))
return emitShapeError();
} else if (indicesRank != 1 || rank != 1) {
return emitShapeError();
// Verify the values shape.
int64_t numSparseIndices = indicesType.getDimSize(0);
if (numSparseIndices != valuesType.getDimSize(0))
return emitShapeError();
// Verify that the sparse indices are within the value shape.
auto emitIndexError = [&](unsigned indexNum, ArrayRef<uint64_t> index) {
return emitError()
<< "sparse index #" << indexNum
<< " is not contained within the value shape, with index=[" << index
<< "], and type=" << type;
// Handle the case where the index values are a splat.
auto sparseIndexValues = sparseIndices.getValues<uint64_t>();
if (sparseIndices.isSplat()) {
SmallVector<uint64_t> indices(rank, *sparseIndexValues.begin());
if (!ElementsAttr::isValidIndex(type, indices))
return emitIndexError(0, indices);
return success();
// Otherwise, reinterpret each index as an ArrayRef.
for (size_t i = 0, e = numSparseIndices; i != e; ++i) {
ArrayRef<uint64_t> index(&*std::next(sparseIndexValues.begin(), i * rank),
if (!ElementsAttr::isValidIndex(type, index))
return emitIndexError(i, index);
return success();
// DistinctAttr
DistinctAttr DistinctAttr::create(Attribute referencedAttr) {
return Base::get(referencedAttr.getContext(), referencedAttr);
Attribute DistinctAttr::getReferencedAttr() const {
return getImpl()->referencedAttr;
// Attribute Utilities
AffineMap mlir::makeStridedLinearLayoutMap(ArrayRef<int64_t> strides,
int64_t offset,
MLIRContext *context) {
AffineExpr expr;
unsigned nSymbols = 0;
// AffineExpr for offset.
// Static case.
if (!ShapedType::isDynamic(offset)) {
auto cst = getAffineConstantExpr(offset, context);
expr = cst;
} else {
// Dynamic case, new symbol for the offset.
auto sym = getAffineSymbolExpr(nSymbols++, context);
expr = sym;
// AffineExpr for strides.
for (const auto &en : llvm::enumerate(strides)) {
auto dim = en.index();
auto stride = en.value();
assert(stride != 0 && "Invalid stride specification");
auto d = getAffineDimExpr(dim, context);
AffineExpr mult;
// Static case.
if (!ShapedType::isDynamic(stride))
mult = getAffineConstantExpr(stride, context);
// Dynamic case, new symbol for each new stride.
mult = getAffineSymbolExpr(nSymbols++, context);
expr = expr + d * mult;
return AffineMap::get(strides.size(), nSymbols, expr);