blob: df15661d51b2a6da865121a847bf17fe52a08e69 [file] [log] [blame]
! RUN: bbc -emit-fir -o - %s | FileCheck %s
! CHECK-LABEL: c.func @_QPout
subroutine out(x)
use ieee_arithmetic
integer, parameter :: k = 8
! CHECK: %[[V_60:[0-9]+]] = fir.alloca !fir.logical<4> {bindc_name = "l", uniq_name = "_QFoutEl"}
! CHECK: %[[V_61:[0-9]+]] = fir.declare %[[V_60]] {uniq_name = "_QFoutEl"} : (!fir.ref<!fir.logical<4>>) -> !fir.ref<!fir.logical<4>>
! CHECK: %[[V_62:[0-9]+]] = fir.alloca f64 {bindc_name = "r", uniq_name = "_QFoutEr"}
! CHECK: %[[V_63:[0-9]+]] = fir.declare %[[V_62]] {uniq_name = "_QFoutEr"} : (!fir.ref<f64>) -> !fir.ref<f64>
! CHECK: %[[V_64:[0-9]+]] = fir.declare %arg0 {uniq_name = "_QFoutEx"} : (!fir.ref<f64>) -> !fir.ref<f64>
real(k) :: x, r
logical :: L
! CHECK: %[[V_65:[0-9]+]] = fir.address_of(@_QQro._QM__fortran_ieee_exceptionsTieee_flag_type.0) : !fir.ref<!fir.type<_QM__fortran_ieee_exceptionsTieee_flag_type{_QM__fortran_ieee_exceptionsTieee_flag_type.flag:i8}>>
! CHECK: %[[V_66:[0-9]+]] = fir.declare %[[V_65]] {fortran_attrs = #fir.var_attrs<parameter>, uniq_name = "_QQro._QM__fortran_ieee_exceptionsTieee_flag_type.0"} : (!fir.ref<!fir.type<_QM__fortran_ieee_exceptionsTieee_flag_type{_QM__fortran_ieee_exceptionsTieee_flag_type.flag:i8}>>) -> !fir.ref<!fir.type<_QM__fortran_ieee_exceptionsTieee_flag_type{_QM__fortran_ieee_exceptionsTieee_flag_type.flag:i8}>>
! CHECK: %[[V_67:[0-9]+]] = fir.field_index _QM__fortran_ieee_exceptionsTieee_flag_type.flag, !fir.type<_QM__fortran_ieee_exceptionsTieee_flag_type{_QM__fortran_ieee_exceptionsTieee_flag_type.flag:i8}>
! CHECK: %[[V_68:[0-9]+]] = fir.coordinate_of %[[V_66]], %[[V_67]] : (!fir.ref<!fir.type<_QM__fortran_ieee_exceptionsTieee_flag_type{_QM__fortran_ieee_exceptionsTieee_flag_type.flag:i8}>>, !fir.field) -> !fir.ref<i8>
! CHECK: %[[V_69:[0-9]+]] = fir.load %[[V_68]] : !fir.ref<i8>
! CHECK: %[[V_70:[0-9]+]] = fir.convert %[[V_69]] : (i8) -> i32
! CHECK: %[[V_71:[0-9]+]] = @_FortranAMapException(%[[V_70]]) fastmath<contract> : (i32) -> i32
! CHECK: fir.if %false{{[_0-9]*}} {
! CHECK: %[[V_101:[0-9]+]] = @feraiseexcept(%[[V_71]]) fastmath<contract> : (i32) -> i32
! CHECK: } else {
! CHECK: %[[V_101:[0-9]+]] = @feclearexcept(%[[V_71]]) fastmath<contract> : (i32) -> i32
! CHECK: }
call ieee_set_flag(ieee_divide_by_zero, .false.)
! CHECK: %[[V_72:[0-9]+]] = fir.load %[[V_64]] : !fir.ref<f64>
! CHECK: %[[V_73:[0-9]+]] = arith.bitcast %[[V_72]] : f64 to i64
! CHECK: %[[V_74:[0-9]+]] = arith.cmpf oeq, %[[V_72]], %cst{{[_0-9]*}} {{.*}} : f64
! CHECK: %[[V_75:[0-9]+]] = fir.if %[[V_74]] -> (f64) {
! CHECK: %[[V_101:[0-9]+]] = @_FortranAMapException(%c4{{.*}}) fastmath<contract> : (i32) -> i32
! CHECK: %[[V_102:[0-9]+]] = @feraiseexcept(%[[V_101]]) fastmath<contract> : (i32) -> i32
! CHECK: fir.result %cst{{[_0-9]*}} : f64
! CHECK: } else {
! CHECK: %[[V_101:[0-9]+]] = arith.shli %[[V_73]], %c1{{.*}} : i64
! CHECK: %[[V_102:[0-9]+]] = ""(%[[V_72]]) <{bit = 504 : i32}> : (f64) -> i1
! CHECK: %[[V_103:[0-9]+]] = fir.if %[[V_102]] -> (f64) {
! CHECK: %[[V_104:[0-9]+]] = arith.shrui %[[V_101]], %c53{{.*}} : i64
! CHECK: %[[V_105:[0-9]+]] = arith.subi %[[V_104]], %c1023{{.*}} : i64
! CHECK: %[[V_106:[0-9]+]] = fir.convert %[[V_105]] : (i64) -> f64
! CHECK: fir.result %[[V_106]] : f64
! CHECK: } else {
! CHECK: %[[V_104:[0-9]+]] = arith.shrui %[[V_101]], %c1{{.*}} : i64
! CHECK: %[[V_105:[0-9]+]] = arith.bitcast %[[V_104]] : i64 to f64
! CHECK: fir.result %[[V_105]] : f64
! CHECK: }
! CHECK: fir.result %[[V_103]] : f64
! CHECK: }
! CHECK: %[[V_75]] to %[[V_63]] : !fir.ref<f64>
r = ieee_logb(x)
! CHECK: %[[V_76:[0-9]+]] = fir.declare %[[V_65]] {fortran_attrs = #fir.var_attrs<parameter>, uniq_name = "_QQro._QM__fortran_ieee_exceptionsTieee_flag_type.0"} : (!fir.ref<!fir.type<_QM__fortran_ieee_exceptionsTieee_flag_type{_QM__fortran_ieee_exceptionsTieee_flag_type.flag:i8}>>) -> !fir.ref<!fir.type<_QM__fortran_ieee_exceptionsTieee_flag_type{_QM__fortran_ieee_exceptionsTieee_flag_type.flag:i8}>>
! CHECK: %[[V_77:[0-9]+]] = fir.coordinate_of %[[V_76]], %[[V_67]] : (!fir.ref<!fir.type<_QM__fortran_ieee_exceptionsTieee_flag_type{_QM__fortran_ieee_exceptionsTieee_flag_type.flag:i8}>>, !fir.field) -> !fir.ref<i8>
! CHECK: %[[V_78:[0-9]+]] = fir.load %[[V_77]] : !fir.ref<i8>
! CHECK: %[[V_79:[0-9]+]] = fir.convert %[[V_78]] : (i8) -> i32
! CHECK: %[[V_80:[0-9]+]] = @_FortranAMapException(%[[V_79]]) fastmath<contract> : (i32) -> i32
! CHECK: %[[V_81:[0-9]+]] = @fetestexcept(%[[V_80]]) fastmath<contract> : (i32) -> i32
! CHECK: %[[V_82:[0-9]+]] = arith.cmpi ne, %[[V_81]], %c0{{.*}} : i32
! CHECK: %[[V_83:[0-9]+]] = fir.convert %[[V_82]] : (i1) -> !fir.logical<4>
! CHECK: %[[V_83]] to %[[V_61]] : !fir.ref<!fir.logical<4>>
call ieee_get_flag(ieee_divide_by_zero, L)
8 format (' kind=8 ', f12.2, z18.16, f9.1, l3, ' ')
write(*, 8) x, x, r, L
use ieee_arithmetic
integer, parameter :: k = 8
real(k) :: x, r
call out(ieee_value(x, ieee_signaling_nan))
call out(ieee_value(x, ieee_quiet_nan))
call out(ieee_value(x, ieee_negative_inf))
call out( -huge(x))
call out( -huge(x)/2)
call out(-sqrt(huge(x)))
call out(-2000.0_k)
call out( -9.9_k)
call out( -9.0_k)
call out( -8.0_k)
call out( -7.0_k)
call out( -6.0_k)
call out( -5.0_k)
call out( -4.0_k)
call out( -3.9_k)
call out( -3.0_k)
call out( -2.0_k)
call out( -1.1_k)
call out(ieee_value(x, ieee_negative_normal))
call out( -.0001_k)
call out( -tiny(x))
call out(ieee_value(x, ieee_negative_subnormal))
call out(ieee_value(x, ieee_negative_zero))
call out(ieee_value(x, ieee_positive_zero))
call out(ieee_value(x, ieee_positive_subnormal))
call out(tiny(x))
call out(.0001_k)
call out(ieee_value(x, ieee_positive_normal))
call out( 1.1_k)
call out( 2.0_k)
call out( 3.0_k)
call out( 3.9_k)
call out( 4.0_k)
call out( 5.0_k)
call out( 6.0_k)
call out( 7.0_k)
call out( 8.0_k)
call out( 9.0_k)
call out( 9.9_k)
call out(2000.0_k)
call out( sqrt(huge(x)))
call out( huge(x)/2)
call out( huge(x))
call out(ieee_value(x, ieee_positive_inf))