blob: 505f03590b6b070e02b5b4fbc7448a01a6121705 [file] [log] [blame]
//===---- ELF_x86_64.cpp -JIT linker implementation for ELF/x86-64 ----===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// ELF/x86-64 jit-link implementation.
#include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/JITLink/ELF_x86_64.h"
#include "JITLinkGeneric.h"
#include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/JITLink/JITLink.h"
#include "llvm/Object/ELFObjectFile.h"
#define DEBUG_TYPE "jitlink"
using namespace llvm;
using namespace llvm::jitlink;
static const char *CommonSectionName = "__common";
namespace llvm {
namespace jitlink {
// This should become a template as the ELFFile is so a lot of this could become
// generic
class ELFLinkGraphBuilder_x86_64 {
Section *CommonSection = nullptr;
// TODO hack to get this working
// Find a better way
using SymbolTable = object::ELFFile<object::ELF64LE>::Elf_Shdr;
// For now we just assume
std::map<int32_t, Symbol *> JITSymbolTable;
Section &getCommonSection() {
if (!CommonSection) {
auto Prot = static_cast<sys::Memory::ProtectionFlags>(
sys::Memory::MF_READ | sys::Memory::MF_WRITE);
CommonSection = &G->createSection(CommonSectionName, Prot);
return *CommonSection;
static Expected<ELF_x86_64_Edges::ELFX86RelocationKind>
getRelocationKind(const uint32_t Type) {
switch (Type) {
case ELF::R_X86_64_PC32:
return ELF_x86_64_Edges::ELFX86RelocationKind::PCRel32;
return make_error<JITLinkError>("Unsupported x86-64 relocation:" +
formatv("{0:d}", Type));
std::unique_ptr<LinkGraph> G;
// This could be a template
const object::ELFFile<object::ELF64LE> &Obj;
object::ELFFile<object::ELF64LE>::Elf_Shdr_Range sections;
SymbolTable SymTab;
bool isRelocatable() { return Obj.getHeader()->e_type == llvm::ELF::ET_REL; }
getEndianness(const object::ELFFile<object::ELF64LE> &Obj) {
return Obj.isLE() ? support::little : support::big;
// This could also just become part of a template
unsigned getPointerSize(const object::ELFFile<object::ELF64LE> &Obj) {
return Obj.getHeader()->getFileClass() == ELF::ELFCLASS64 ? 8 : 4;
// We don't technically need this right now
// But for now going to keep it as it helps me to debug things
Error createNormalizedSymbols() {
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Creating normalized symbols...\n");
for (auto SecRef : sections) {
if (SecRef.sh_type != ELF::SHT_SYMTAB &&
SecRef.sh_type != ELF::SHT_DYNSYM)
auto Symbols = Obj.symbols(&SecRef);
// TODO: Currently I use this function to test things
// I also want to leave it to see if its common between MACH and elf
// so for now I just want to continue even if there is an error
if (errorToBool(Symbols.takeError()))
auto StrTabSec = Obj.getSection(SecRef.sh_link);
if (!StrTabSec)
return StrTabSec.takeError();
auto StringTable = Obj.getStringTable(*StrTabSec);
if (!StringTable)
return StringTable.takeError();
for (auto SymRef : *Symbols) {
Optional<StringRef> Name;
uint64_t Size = 0;
// FIXME: Read size.
if (auto NameOrErr = SymRef.getName(*StringTable))
Name = *NameOrErr;
return NameOrErr.takeError();
dbgs() << " ";
if (!Name)
dbgs() << "<anonymous symbol>";
dbgs() << *Name;
dbgs() << ": value = " << formatv("{0:x16}", SymRef.getValue())
<< ", type = " << formatv("{0:x2}", SymRef.getType())
<< ", binding = " << SymRef.getBinding()
<< ", size =" << Size;
dbgs() << "\n";
return Error::success();
Error createNormalizedSections() {
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Creating normalized sections...\n");
for (auto &SecRef : sections) {
auto Name = Obj.getSectionName(&SecRef);
if (!Name)
return Name.takeError();
sys::Memory::ProtectionFlags Prot;
if (SecRef.sh_flags & ELF::SHF_EXECINSTR) {
Prot = static_cast<sys::Memory::ProtectionFlags>(sys::Memory::MF_READ |
} else {
Prot = static_cast<sys::Memory::ProtectionFlags>(sys::Memory::MF_READ |
uint64_t Address = SecRef.sh_addr;
uint64_t Size = SecRef.sh_size;
uint64_t Flags = SecRef.sh_flags;
uint64_t Alignment = SecRef.sh_addralign;
const char *Data = nullptr;
// TODO: figure out what it is that has 0 size no name and address
// 0000-0000
if (Size == 0)
// FIXME: Use flags.
dbgs() << " " << *Name << ": " << formatv("{0:x16}", Address) << " -- "
<< formatv("{0:x16}", Address + Size) << ", align: " << Alignment
<< " Flags:" << Flags << "\n";
if (SecRef.sh_type != ELF::SHT_NOBITS) {
// .sections() already checks that the data is not beyond the end of
// file
auto contents = Obj.getSectionContentsAsArray<char>(&SecRef);
if (!contents)
return contents.takeError();
Data = contents->data();
// TODO protection flags.
// for now everything is
auto &section = G->createSection(*Name, Prot);
// Do this here because we have it, but move it into graphify later
G->createContentBlock(section, StringRef(Data, Size), Address,
Alignment, 0);
if (SecRef.sh_type == ELF::SHT_SYMTAB)
// TODO: Dynamic?
SymTab = SecRef;
return Error::success();
Error addRelocations() {
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Adding relocations\n");
// TODO a partern is forming of iterate some sections but only give me
// ones I am interested, i should abstract that concept some where
for (auto &SecRef : sections) {
if (SecRef.sh_type != ELF::SHT_RELA && SecRef.sh_type != ELF::SHT_REL)
// TODO can the elf obj file do this for me?
if (SecRef.sh_type == ELF::SHT_REL)
return make_error<llvm::StringError>("Shouldn't have REL in x64",
auto RelSectName = Obj.getSectionName(&SecRef);
if (!RelSectName)
return RelSectName.takeError();
// Deal with .eh_frame later
if (*RelSectName == StringRef(".rela.eh_frame"))
auto UpdateSection = Obj.getSection(SecRef.sh_info);
if (!UpdateSection)
return UpdateSection.takeError();
auto UpdateSectionName = Obj.getSectionName(*UpdateSection);
if (!UpdateSectionName)
return UpdateSectionName.takeError();
auto JITSection = G->findSectionByName(*UpdateSectionName);
if (!JITSection)
return make_error<llvm::StringError>(
"Refencing a a section that wasn't added to graph" +
auto Relocations = Obj.relas(&SecRef);
if (!Relocations)
return Relocations.takeError();
for (const auto &Rela : *Relocations) {
auto Type = Rela.getType(false);
dbgs() << "Relocation Type: " << Type << "\n"
<< "Name: " << Obj.getRelocationTypeName(Type) << "\n";
auto Symbol = Obj.getRelocationSymbol(&Rela, &SymTab);
if (!Symbol)
return Symbol.takeError();
auto BlockToFix = *(JITSection->blocks().begin());
auto TargetSymbol = JITSymbolTable[(*Symbol)->st_shndx];
uint64_t Addend = Rela.r_addend;
JITTargetAddress FixupAddress =
(*UpdateSection)->sh_addr + Rela.r_offset;
dbgs() << "Processing relocation at "
<< format("0x%016" PRIx64, FixupAddress) << "\n";
auto Kind = getRelocationKind(Type);
if (!Kind)
return Kind.takeError();
Edge GE(*Kind, FixupAddress - BlockToFix->getAddress(), *TargetSymbol,
// TODO a mapping of KIND => type then call getRelocationTypeName4
printEdge(dbgs(), *BlockToFix, GE, StringRef(""));
dbgs() << "\n";
BlockToFix->addEdge(*Kind, FixupAddress - BlockToFix->getAddress(),
*TargetSymbol, Addend);
return Error::success();
Error graphifyRegularSymbols() {
// TODO: ELF supports beyond SHN_LORESERVE,
// need to perf test how a vector vs map handles those cases
std::vector<std::vector<object::ELFFile<object::ELF64LE>::Elf_Shdr_Range *>>
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Creating graph symbols...\n");
for (auto SecRef : sections) {
if (SecRef.sh_type != ELF::SHT_SYMTAB &&
SecRef.sh_type != ELF::SHT_DYNSYM)
auto Symbols = Obj.symbols(&SecRef);
if (!Symbols)
return Symbols.takeError();
auto StrTabSec = Obj.getSection(SecRef.sh_link);
if (!StrTabSec)
return StrTabSec.takeError();
auto StringTable = Obj.getStringTable(*StrTabSec);
if (!StringTable)
return StringTable.takeError();
auto Name = Obj.getSectionName(&SecRef);
if (!Name)
return Name.takeError();
auto Section = G->findSectionByName(*Name);
if (!Section)
return make_error<llvm::StringError>("Could not find a section",
// we only have one for now
auto blocks = Section->blocks();
if (blocks.empty())
return make_error<llvm::StringError>("Section has no block",
for (auto SymRef : *Symbols) {
auto Type = SymRef.getType();
if (Type == ELF::STT_NOTYPE || Type == ELF::STT_FILE)
// these should do it for now
// if(Type != ELF::STT_NOTYPE &&
// Type != ELF::STT_OBJECT &&
// Type != ELF::STT_FUNC &&
// Type != ELF::STT_SECTION &&
// Type != ELF::STT_COMMON) {
// continue;
// }
std::pair<Linkage, Scope> bindings;
auto Name = SymRef.getName(*StringTable);
// I am not sure on If this is going to hold as an invariant. Revisit.
if (!Name)
return Name.takeError();
// TODO: weak and hidden
if (SymRef.isExternal())
bindings = {Linkage::Strong, Scope::Default};
bindings = {Linkage::Strong, Scope::Local};
if (SymRef.isDefined() &&
(Type == ELF::STT_FUNC || Type == ELF::STT_OBJECT)) {
auto DefinedSection = Obj.getSection(SymRef.st_shndx);
if (!DefinedSection)
return DefinedSection.takeError();
auto sectName = Obj.getSectionName(*DefinedSection);
if (!sectName)
return Name.takeError();
auto JitSection = G->findSectionByName(*sectName);
if (!JitSection)
return make_error<llvm::StringError>(
"Could not find a section", llvm::inconvertibleErrorCode());
auto bs = JitSection->blocks();
if (bs.empty())
return make_error<llvm::StringError>(
"Section has no block", llvm::inconvertibleErrorCode());
auto B = *bs.begin();
LLVM_DEBUG({ dbgs() << " " << *Name << ": "; });
auto &S = G->addDefinedSymbol(
*B, SymRef.getValue(), *Name, SymRef.st_size, bindings.first,
bindings.second, SymRef.getType() == ELF::STT_FUNC, false);
JITSymbolTable[SymRef.st_shndx] = &S;
//TODO: The following has to be implmented.
// leaving commented out to save time for future patchs
G->addAbsoluteSymbol(*Name, SymRef.getValue(), SymRef.st_size,
Linkage::Strong, Scope::Default, false);
if(SymRef.isCommon()) {
G->addCommonSymbol(*Name, Scope::Default, getCommonSection(), 0, 0,
SymRef.getValue(), false);
//G->addExternalSymbol(*Name, SymRef.st_size, Linkage::Strong);
return Error::success();
ELFLinkGraphBuilder_x86_64(std::string filename,
const object::ELFFile<object::ELF64LE> &Obj)
: G(std::make_unique<LinkGraph>(filename, getPointerSize(Obj),
Obj(Obj) {}
Expected<std::unique_ptr<LinkGraph>> buildGraph() {
// Sanity check: we only operate on relocatable objects.
if (!isRelocatable())
return make_error<JITLinkError>("Object is not a relocatable ELF");
auto Secs = Obj.sections();
if (!Secs) {
return Secs.takeError();
sections = *Secs;
if (auto Err = createNormalizedSections())
return std::move(Err);
if (auto Err = createNormalizedSymbols())
return std::move(Err);
if (auto Err = graphifyRegularSymbols())
return std::move(Err);
if (auto Err = addRelocations())
return std::move(Err);
return std::move(G);
class ELFJITLinker_x86_64 : public JITLinker<ELFJITLinker_x86_64> {
friend class JITLinker<ELFJITLinker_x86_64>;
ELFJITLinker_x86_64(std::unique_ptr<JITLinkContext> Ctx,
PassConfiguration PassConfig)
: JITLinker(std::move(Ctx), std::move(PassConfig)) {}
StringRef getEdgeKindName(Edge::Kind R) const override { return StringRef(); }
buildGraph(MemoryBufferRef ObjBuffer) override {
auto ELFObj = object::ObjectFile::createELFObjectFile(ObjBuffer);
if (!ELFObj)
return ELFObj.takeError();
auto &ELFObjFile = cast<object::ELFObjectFile<object::ELF64LE>>(**ELFObj);
std::string fileName(ELFObj->get()->getFileName());
return ELFLinkGraphBuilder_x86_64(std::move(fileName),
Error applyFixup(Block &B, const Edge &E, char *BlockWorkingMem) const {
using namespace ELF_x86_64_Edges;
char *FixupPtr = BlockWorkingMem + E.getOffset();
JITTargetAddress FixupAddress = B.getAddress() + E.getOffset();
switch (E.getKind()) {
case ELFX86RelocationKind::PCRel32:
int64_t Value = E.getTarget().getAddress() + E.getAddend() - FixupAddress;
// verify
*(support::little32_t *)FixupPtr = Value;
return Error::success();
void jitLink_ELF_x86_64(std::unique_ptr<JITLinkContext> Ctx) {
PassConfiguration Config;
Triple TT("x86_64-linux");
// Construct a JITLinker and run the link function.
// Add a mark-live pass.
if (auto MarkLive = Ctx->getMarkLivePass(TT))
if (auto Err = Ctx->modifyPassConfig(TT, Config))
return Ctx->notifyFailed(std::move(Err));
ELFJITLinker_x86_64::link(std::move(Ctx), std::move(Config));
} // end namespace jitlink
} // end namespace llvm