blob: 70fe7da85be0e7495019fd7ca2532c2880080e4c [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- RISCVInstrInfo.h - RISC-V Instruction Information -------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This file contains the RISC-V implementation of the TargetInstrInfo class.
#include "RISCV.h"
#include "RISCVRegisterInfo.h"
#include "llvm/CodeGen/TargetInstrInfo.h"
#include "llvm/IR/DiagnosticInfo.h"
#include ""
#include ""
namespace llvm {
class RISCVSubtarget;
static const MachineMemOperand::Flags MONontemporalBit0 =
static const MachineMemOperand::Flags MONontemporalBit1 =
namespace RISCVCC {
enum CondCode {
CondCode getOppositeBranchCondition(CondCode);
unsigned getBrCond(CondCode CC);
} // end of namespace RISCVCC
// RISCV MachineCombiner patterns
enum RISCVMachineCombinerPattern : unsigned {
FMADD_AX = MachineCombinerPattern::TARGET_PATTERN_START,
class RISCVInstrInfo : public RISCVGenInstrInfo {
explicit RISCVInstrInfo(RISCVSubtarget &STI);
MCInst getNop() const override;
const MCInstrDesc &getBrCond(RISCVCC::CondCode CC) const;
Register isLoadFromStackSlot(const MachineInstr &MI,
int &FrameIndex) const override;
Register isLoadFromStackSlot(const MachineInstr &MI, int &FrameIndex,
unsigned &MemBytes) const override;
Register isStoreToStackSlot(const MachineInstr &MI,
int &FrameIndex) const override;
Register isStoreToStackSlot(const MachineInstr &MI, int &FrameIndex,
unsigned &MemBytes) const override;
void copyPhysRegVector(MachineBasicBlock &MBB,
MachineBasicBlock::iterator MBBI, const DebugLoc &DL,
MCRegister DstReg, MCRegister SrcReg, bool KillSrc,
const TargetRegisterClass *RegClass) const;
void copyPhysReg(MachineBasicBlock &MBB, MachineBasicBlock::iterator MBBI,
const DebugLoc &DL, MCRegister DstReg, MCRegister SrcReg,
bool KillSrc) const override;
void storeRegToStackSlot(MachineBasicBlock &MBB,
MachineBasicBlock::iterator MBBI, Register SrcReg,
bool IsKill, int FrameIndex,
const TargetRegisterClass *RC,
const TargetRegisterInfo *TRI,
Register VReg) const override;
void loadRegFromStackSlot(MachineBasicBlock &MBB,
MachineBasicBlock::iterator MBBI, Register DstReg,
int FrameIndex, const TargetRegisterClass *RC,
const TargetRegisterInfo *TRI,
Register VReg) const override;
using TargetInstrInfo::foldMemoryOperandImpl;
MachineInstr *foldMemoryOperandImpl(MachineFunction &MF, MachineInstr &MI,
ArrayRef<unsigned> Ops,
MachineBasicBlock::iterator InsertPt,
int FrameIndex,
LiveIntervals *LIS = nullptr,
VirtRegMap *VRM = nullptr) const override;
// Materializes the given integer Val into DstReg.
void movImm(MachineBasicBlock &MBB, MachineBasicBlock::iterator MBBI,
const DebugLoc &DL, Register DstReg, uint64_t Val,
MachineInstr::MIFlag Flag = MachineInstr::NoFlags,
bool DstRenamable = false, bool DstIsDead = false) const;
unsigned getInstSizeInBytes(const MachineInstr &MI) const override;
bool analyzeBranch(MachineBasicBlock &MBB, MachineBasicBlock *&TBB,
MachineBasicBlock *&FBB,
SmallVectorImpl<MachineOperand> &Cond,
bool AllowModify) const override;
unsigned insertBranch(MachineBasicBlock &MBB, MachineBasicBlock *TBB,
MachineBasicBlock *FBB, ArrayRef<MachineOperand> Cond,
const DebugLoc &dl,
int *BytesAdded = nullptr) const override;
void insertIndirectBranch(MachineBasicBlock &MBB,
MachineBasicBlock &NewDestBB,
MachineBasicBlock &RestoreBB, const DebugLoc &DL,
int64_t BrOffset, RegScavenger *RS) const override;
unsigned removeBranch(MachineBasicBlock &MBB,
int *BytesRemoved = nullptr) const override;
reverseBranchCondition(SmallVectorImpl<MachineOperand> &Cond) const override;
bool optimizeCondBranch(MachineInstr &MI) const override;
MachineBasicBlock *getBranchDestBlock(const MachineInstr &MI) const override;
bool isBranchOffsetInRange(unsigned BranchOpc,
int64_t BrOffset) const override;
bool analyzeSelect(const MachineInstr &MI,
SmallVectorImpl<MachineOperand> &Cond, unsigned &TrueOp,
unsigned &FalseOp, bool &Optimizable) const override;
MachineInstr *optimizeSelect(MachineInstr &MI,
SmallPtrSetImpl<MachineInstr *> &SeenMIs,
bool) const override;
bool isAsCheapAsAMove(const MachineInstr &MI) const override;
isCopyInstrImpl(const MachineInstr &MI) const override;
bool verifyInstruction(const MachineInstr &MI,
StringRef &ErrInfo) const override;
bool canFoldIntoAddrMode(const MachineInstr &MemI, Register Reg,
const MachineInstr &AddrI,
ExtAddrMode &AM) const override;
MachineInstr *emitLdStWithAddr(MachineInstr &MemI,
const ExtAddrMode &AM) const override;
bool getMemOperandsWithOffsetWidth(
const MachineInstr &MI, SmallVectorImpl<const MachineOperand *> &BaseOps,
int64_t &Offset, bool &OffsetIsScalable, LocationSize &Width,
const TargetRegisterInfo *TRI) const override;
bool shouldClusterMemOps(ArrayRef<const MachineOperand *> BaseOps1,
int64_t Offset1, bool OffsetIsScalable1,
ArrayRef<const MachineOperand *> BaseOps2,
int64_t Offset2, bool OffsetIsScalable2,
unsigned ClusterSize,
unsigned NumBytes) const override;
bool getMemOperandWithOffsetWidth(const MachineInstr &LdSt,
const MachineOperand *&BaseOp,
int64_t &Offset, LocationSize &Width,
const TargetRegisterInfo *TRI) const;
bool areMemAccessesTriviallyDisjoint(const MachineInstr &MIa,
const MachineInstr &MIb) const override;
std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>
decomposeMachineOperandsTargetFlags(unsigned TF) const override;
ArrayRef<std::pair<unsigned, const char *>>
getSerializableDirectMachineOperandTargetFlags() const override;
// Return true if the function can safely be outlined from.
bool isFunctionSafeToOutlineFrom(MachineFunction &MF,
bool OutlineFromLinkOnceODRs) const override;
// Return true if MBB is safe to outline from, and return any target-specific
// information in Flags.
bool isMBBSafeToOutlineFrom(MachineBasicBlock &MBB,
unsigned &Flags) const override;
bool shouldOutlineFromFunctionByDefault(MachineFunction &MF) const override;
// Calculate target-specific information for a set of outlining candidates.
std::optional<outliner::OutlinedFunction> getOutliningCandidateInfo(
std::vector<outliner::Candidate> &RepeatedSequenceLocs) const override;
// Return if/how a given MachineInstr should be outlined.
virtual outliner::InstrType
getOutliningTypeImpl(MachineBasicBlock::iterator &MBBI,
unsigned Flags) const override;
// Insert a custom frame for outlined functions.
void buildOutlinedFrame(MachineBasicBlock &MBB, MachineFunction &MF,
const outliner::OutlinedFunction &OF) const override;
// Insert a call to an outlined function into a given basic block.
insertOutlinedCall(Module &M, MachineBasicBlock &MBB,
MachineBasicBlock::iterator &It, MachineFunction &MF,
outliner::Candidate &C) const override;
std::optional<RegImmPair> isAddImmediate(const MachineInstr &MI,
Register Reg) const override;
bool findCommutedOpIndices(const MachineInstr &MI, unsigned &SrcOpIdx1,
unsigned &SrcOpIdx2) const override;
MachineInstr *commuteInstructionImpl(MachineInstr &MI, bool NewMI,
unsigned OpIdx1,
unsigned OpIdx2) const override;
MachineInstr *convertToThreeAddress(MachineInstr &MI, LiveVariables *LV,
LiveIntervals *LIS) const override;
// MIR printer helper function to annotate Operands with a comment.
createMIROperandComment(const MachineInstr &MI, const MachineOperand &Op,
unsigned OpIdx,
const TargetRegisterInfo *TRI) const override;
/// Generate code to multiply the value in DestReg by Amt - handles all
/// the common optimizations for this idiom, and supports fallback for
/// subtargets which don't support multiply instructions.
void mulImm(MachineFunction &MF, MachineBasicBlock &MBB,
MachineBasicBlock::iterator II, const DebugLoc &DL,
Register DestReg, uint32_t Amt, MachineInstr::MIFlag Flag) const;
bool useMachineCombiner() const override { return true; }
MachineTraceStrategy getMachineCombinerTraceStrategy() const override;
CombinerObjective getCombinerObjective(unsigned Pattern) const override;
bool getMachineCombinerPatterns(MachineInstr &Root,
SmallVectorImpl<unsigned> &Patterns,
bool DoRegPressureReduce) const override;
finalizeInsInstrs(MachineInstr &Root, unsigned &Pattern,
SmallVectorImpl<MachineInstr *> &InsInstrs) const override;
void genAlternativeCodeSequence(
MachineInstr &Root, unsigned Pattern,
SmallVectorImpl<MachineInstr *> &InsInstrs,
SmallVectorImpl<MachineInstr *> &DelInstrs,
DenseMap<unsigned, unsigned> &InstrIdxForVirtReg) const override;
bool hasReassociableSibling(const MachineInstr &Inst,
bool &Commuted) const override;
bool isAssociativeAndCommutative(const MachineInstr &Inst,
bool Invert) const override;
std::optional<unsigned> getInverseOpcode(unsigned Opcode) const override;
ArrayRef<std::pair<MachineMemOperand::Flags, const char *>>
getSerializableMachineMemOperandTargetFlags() const override;
unsigned getUndefInitOpcode(unsigned RegClassID) const override {
switch (RegClassID) {
case RISCV::VRRegClassID:
return RISCV::PseudoRVVInitUndefM1;
case RISCV::VRM2RegClassID:
return RISCV::PseudoRVVInitUndefM2;
case RISCV::VRM4RegClassID:
return RISCV::PseudoRVVInitUndefM4;
case RISCV::VRM8RegClassID:
return RISCV::PseudoRVVInitUndefM8;
llvm_unreachable("Unexpected register class.");
const RISCVSubtarget &STI;
unsigned getInstBundleLength(const MachineInstr &MI) const;
namespace RISCV {
// Returns true if this is the sext.w pattern, addiw rd, rs1, 0.
bool isSEXT_W(const MachineInstr &MI);
bool isZEXT_W(const MachineInstr &MI);
bool isZEXT_B(const MachineInstr &MI);
// Returns true if the given MI is an RVV instruction opcode for which we may
// expect to see a FrameIndex operand.
bool isRVVSpill(const MachineInstr &MI);
std::optional<std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>>
isRVVSpillForZvlsseg(unsigned Opcode);
bool isFaultFirstLoad(const MachineInstr &MI);
// Implemented in
int16_t getNamedOperandIdx(uint16_t Opcode, uint16_t NamedIndex);
// Return true if both input instructions have equal rounding mode. If at least
// one of the instructions does not have rounding mode, false will be returned.
bool hasEqualFRM(const MachineInstr &MI1, const MachineInstr &MI2);
// If \p Opcode is a .vx vector instruction, returns the lower number of bits
// that are used from the scalar .x operand for a given \p Log2SEW. Otherwise
// returns null.
std::optional<unsigned> getVectorLowDemandedScalarBits(uint16_t Opcode,
unsigned Log2SEW);
// Returns the MC opcode of RVV pseudo instruction.
unsigned getRVVMCOpcode(unsigned RVVPseudoOpcode);
// Special immediate for AVL operand of V pseudo instructions to indicate VLMax.
static constexpr int64_t VLMaxSentinel = -1LL;
// Mask assignments for floating-point
static constexpr unsigned FPMASK_Negative_Infinity = 0x001;
static constexpr unsigned FPMASK_Negative_Normal = 0x002;
static constexpr unsigned FPMASK_Negative_Subnormal = 0x004;
static constexpr unsigned FPMASK_Negative_Zero = 0x008;
static constexpr unsigned FPMASK_Positive_Zero = 0x010;
static constexpr unsigned FPMASK_Positive_Subnormal = 0x020;
static constexpr unsigned FPMASK_Positive_Normal = 0x040;
static constexpr unsigned FPMASK_Positive_Infinity = 0x080;
static constexpr unsigned FPMASK_Signaling_NaN = 0x100;
static constexpr unsigned FPMASK_Quiet_NaN = 0x200;
} // namespace RISCV
namespace RISCVVPseudosTable {
struct PseudoInfo {
uint16_t Pseudo;
uint16_t BaseInstr;
#define GET_RISCVVPseudosTable_DECL
#include ""
} // end namespace RISCVVPseudosTable
} // end namespace llvm