blob: 127461d7f746da395d1ac0ba50a172ed45b3351e [file] [log] [blame]
Test that we can compile expressions referring to
absent weak symbols from a dylib.
import os
import lldb
from lldbsuite.test import decorators
import lldbsuite.test.lldbutil as lldbutil
from lldbsuite.test.lldbtest import *
class TestWeakSymbolsInExpressions(TestBase):
mydir = TestBase.compute_mydir(__file__)
def test_weak_symbol_in_expr(self):
"""Tests that we can refer to weak symbols in expressions."""
self.main_source_file = lldb.SBFileSpec("main.c")
def run_weak_var_check (self, weak_varname, present):
# The expression will modify present_weak_int to signify which branch
# was taken. Set it to so we don't get confused by a previous run.
value ="present_weak_int")
if present:
correct_value = 10
correct_value = 20
# Note, I'm adding the "; 10" at the end of the expression to work around
# the bug that expressions with no result currently return False for Success()...
expr = "if (&" + weak_varname + " != NULL) { present_weak_int = 10; } else { present_weak_int = 20;}; 10"
result = self.frame.EvaluateExpression(expr)
self.assertSuccess(result.GetError(), "absent_weak_int expr failed")
self.assertEqual(value.GetValueAsSigned(), correct_value, "Didn't change present_weak_int correctly.")
def do_test(self):
hidden_dir = os.path.join(self.getBuildDir(), "hidden")
hidden_dylib = os.path.join(hidden_dir, "libdylib.dylib")
launch_info = lldb.SBLaunchInfo(None)
(, _, thread, _) = lldbutil.run_to_source_breakpoint(
self, "Set a breakpoint here",
launch_info = launch_info,
extra_images = [hidden_dylib])
# First we have to import the Dylib module so we get the type info
# for the weak symbol. We need to add the source dir to the module
# search paths, and then run @import to introduce it into the expression
# context:
self.dbg.HandleCommand("settings set target.clang-module-search-paths " + self.getSourceDir())
self.frame = thread.frames[0]
self.assertTrue(self.frame.IsValid(), "Got a good frame")
options = lldb.SBExpressionOptions()
result = self.frame.EvaluateExpression("@import Dylib", options)
# Now run an expression that references an absent weak symbol:
self.run_weak_var_check("absent_weak_int", False)
self.run_weak_var_check("absent_weak_function", False)
# Make sure we can do the same thing with present weak symbols
self.run_weak_var_check("present_weak_int", True)
self.run_weak_var_check("present_weak_function", True)