blob: 3c8d20b2d1dea4bd5f4c8007885552c6e20471c1 [file] [log] [blame]
Tests autosuggestion using pexpect.
import lldb
from lldbsuite.test.decorators import *
from lldbsuite.test.lldbtest import *
from lldbsuite.test.lldbpexpect import PExpectTest
def cursor_horizontal_abs(s):
return "\x1b[" + str(len(s) + 1) + "G"
class TestCase(PExpectTest):
mydir = TestBase.compute_mydir(__file__)
# PExpect uses many timeouts internally and doesn't play well
# under ASAN on a loaded machine..
def test_autosuggestion_add_spaces(self):
self.launch(extra_args=["-o", "settings set show-autosuggestion true", "-o", "settings set use-color true"])
# Common input codes and escape sequences.
faint_color = "\x1b[2m"
reset = "\x1b[0m"
# Check if spaces are added to hide the previous gray characters.
self.expect("help frame var")
self.expect("help frame info")
self.child.send("help frame v")
self.child.expect_exact(cursor_horizontal_abs("(lldb) help frame ") + "v" + faint_color + "ar" + reset + " ")
def test_autosuggestion(self):
self.launch(extra_args=["-o", "settings set show-autosuggestion true", "-o", "settings set use-color true"])
# Common input codes and escape sequences.
ctrl_f = "\x06"
faint_color = "\x1b[2m"
reset = "\x1b[0m"
delete = chr(127)
frame_output_needle = "Syntax: frame <subcommand>"
# Run 'help frame' once to put it into the command history.
self.expect("help frame", substrs=[frame_output_needle])
# Check that LLDB shows the autosuggestion in gray behind the text.
self.child.expect_exact(cursor_horizontal_abs("(lldb) he") + "l" + faint_color + "p frame" + reset)
# Apply the autosuggestion and press enter. This should print the
# 'help frame' output if everything went correctly.
self.child.send(ctrl_f + "\n")
# Check that pressing Ctrl+F directly after Ctrl+F again does nothing.
self.child.send("hel" + ctrl_f + ctrl_f + "\n")
# Try autosuggestion using tab and ^f.
# \t makes "help" and ^f makes "help frame". If everything went
# correct we should see the 'help frame' output again.
self.child.send("hel\t" + ctrl_f + "\n")
# Check that autosuggestion works after delete.
self.child.send("a1234" + 5 * delete + "hel" + ctrl_f + "\n")
# Check that autosuggestion works after delete.
self.child.send("help x" + delete + ctrl_f + "\n")
# Check that autosuggestion complete to the most recent one.
self.child.send("help frame variable\n")
self.child.send("help fr")
self.child.expect_exact(faint_color + "ame variable" + reset)
# Try another command.
apropos_output_needle = "Syntax: apropos <search-word>"
# Run 'help frame' once to put it into the command history.
self.expect("help apropos", substrs=[apropos_output_needle])
# Check that 'hel' should have an autosuggestion for 'help apropos' now.
self.child.expect_exact(cursor_horizontal_abs("(lldb) he") + "l" + faint_color + "p apropos" + reset)
# Run the command and expect the 'help apropos' output.
self.child.send(ctrl_f + "\n")
# Check that pressing Ctrl+F in an empty prompt does nothing.
breakpoint_output_needle = "Syntax: breakpoint <subcommand>"
self.child.send(ctrl_f + "help breakpoint" +"\n")