blob: 976c962e56eee4e93c81eb461157fbe8f4bdc8b7 [file] [log] [blame]
package flags
import (
func TestWriteIni(t *testing.T) {
var tests = []struct {
args []string
options IniOptions
expected string
[]string{"-vv", "--intmap=a:2", "--intmap", "b:3", "command"},
`[Application Options]
; Show verbose debug information
verbose = true
verbose = true
[Other Options]
; A map from string to int
int-map = a:2
int-map = b:3
[]string{"-vv", "--intmap=a:2", "--intmap", "b:3", "command"},
IniDefault | IniIncludeDefaults,
`[Application Options]
; Show verbose debug information
verbose = true
verbose = true
; A slice of pointers to string
; PtrSlice =
EmptyDescription = false
; Test default value
Default = Some value
; Test default array value
DefaultArray = Some value
DefaultArray = Another value
; Testdefault map value
DefaultMap = some:value
DefaultMap = another:value
; Option only available in ini
only-ini =
[Other Options]
; A slice of strings
StringSlice = some
StringSlice = value
; A map from string to int
int-map = a:2
int-map = b:3
[command.A command]
; Use for extra verbosity
; ExtraVerbose =
IniDefault | IniIncludeDefaults | IniCommentDefaults,
`[Application Options]
; Show verbose debug information
; verbose =
; A slice of pointers to string
; PtrSlice =
; EmptyDescription = false
; Test default value
; Default = Some value
; Test default array value
; DefaultArray = Some value
; DefaultArray = Another value
; Testdefault map value
; DefaultMap = some:value
; DefaultMap = another:value
; Option only available in ini
; only-ini =
[Other Options]
; A slice of strings
; StringSlice = some
; StringSlice = value
; A map from string to int
; int-map = a:1
[command.A command]
; Use for extra verbosity
; ExtraVerbose =
[]string{"--default=New value", "--default-array=New value", "--default-map=new:value", "command"},
IniDefault | IniIncludeDefaults | IniCommentDefaults,
`[Application Options]
; Show verbose debug information
; verbose =
; A slice of pointers to string
; PtrSlice =
; EmptyDescription = false
; Test default value
Default = New value
; Test default array value
DefaultArray = New value
; Testdefault map value
DefaultMap = new:value
; Option only available in ini
; only-ini =
[Other Options]
; A slice of strings
; StringSlice = some
; StringSlice = value
; A map from string to int
; int-map = a:1
[command.A command]
; Use for extra verbosity
; ExtraVerbose =
for _, test := range tests {
var opts helpOptions
p := NewNamedParser("TestIni", Default)
p.AddGroup("Application Options", "The application options", &opts)
_, err := p.ParseArgs(test.args)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %v", err)
inip := NewIniParser(p)
var b bytes.Buffer
inip.Write(&b, test.options)
got := b.String()
expected := test.expected
if got != expected {
ret, err := helpDiff(got, expected)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Unexpected ini with arguments %+v and ini options %b, expected:\n\n%s\n\nbut got\n\n%s", test.args, test.options, expected, got)
} else {
t.Errorf("Unexpected ini with arguments %+v and ini options %b:\n\n%s", test.args, test.options, ret)
func TestReadIni(t *testing.T) {
var opts helpOptions
p := NewNamedParser("TestIni", Default)
p.AddGroup("Application Options", "The application options", &opts)
inip := NewIniParser(p)
inic := `
; Show verbose debug information
verbose = true
verbose = true
[Application Options]
; A slice of pointers to string
; PtrSlice =
; Test default value
Default = Some value
[Other Options]
# A slice of strings
# StringSlice =
; A map from string to int
int-map = a:2
int-map = b:3
b := strings.NewReader(inic)
err := inip.Parse(b)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %s", err)
assertBoolArray(t, opts.Verbose, []bool{true, true})
if v, ok := opts.Other.IntMap["a"]; !ok {
t.Errorf("Expected \"a\" in Other.IntMap")
} else if v != 2 {
t.Errorf("Expected Other.IntMap[\"a\"] = 2, but got %v", v)
if v, ok := opts.Other.IntMap["b"]; !ok {
t.Errorf("Expected \"b\" in Other.IntMap")
} else if v != 3 {
t.Errorf("Expected Other.IntMap[\"b\"] = 3, but got %v", v)
func TestIniCommands(t *testing.T) {
var opts struct {
Value string `short:"v" long:"value"`
Add struct {
Name int `short:"n" long:"name" ini-name:"AliasName"`
Other struct {
O string `short:"o" long:"other"`
} `group:"Other Options"`
} `command:"add"`
p := NewNamedParser("TestIni", Default)
p.AddGroup("Application Options", "The application options", &opts)
inip := NewIniParser(p)
inic := `[Application Options]
value = some value
AliasName = 5
[add.Other Options]
other = subgroup
b := strings.NewReader(inic)
err := inip.Parse(b)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %s", err)
assertString(t, opts.Value, "some value")
if opts.Add.Name != 5 {
t.Errorf("Expected opts.Add.Name to be 5, but got %v", opts.Add.Name)
assertString(t, opts.Add.Other.O, "subgroup")
func TestIniNoIni(t *testing.T) {
var opts struct {
Value string `short:"v" long:"value" no-ini:"yes"`
p := NewNamedParser("TestIni", Default)
p.AddGroup("Application Options", "The application options", &opts)
inip := NewIniParser(p)
inic := `[Application Options]
value = some value
b := strings.NewReader(inic)
err := inip.Parse(b)
if err == nil {
t.Fatalf("Expected error")
assertError(t, err, ErrUnknownFlag, "unknown option: value")