blob: 1cf7dc75bc67250dfdaaa614ac07f4762471dd93 [file] [log] [blame]
API Reference
Retry Main API
.. autofunction:: tenacity.retry
.. autoclass:: tenacity.Retrying
.. autoclass:: tenacity.AsyncRetrying
.. autoclass:: tenacity.tornadoweb.TornadoRetrying
After Functions
Those functions can be used as the `after` keyword argument of
.. automodule:: tenacity.after
Before Functions
Those functions can be used as the `before` keyword argument of
.. automodule:: tenacity.before
Before Sleep Functions
Those functions can be used as the `before_sleep` keyword argument of
.. automodule:: tenacity.before_sleep
Nap Functions
Those functions can be used as the `sleep` keyword argument of
.. automodule:: tenacity.nap
Retry Functions
Those functions can be used as the `retry` keyword argument of
.. automodule:: tenacity.retry
Stop Functions
Those functions can be used as the `stop` keyword argument of
.. automodule:: tenacity.stop
Wait Functions
Those functions can be used as the `wait` keyword argument of
.. automodule:: tenacity.wait