Cython nysiis actually added
diff --git a/jellyfish/cyjellyfish.pyx b/jellyfish/cyjellyfish.pyx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b7bd9a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jellyfish/cyjellyfish.pyx
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+from _jellyfish import (metaphone, match_rating_codex, porter_stem,
+                        soundex, hamming_distance, match_rating_comparison,
+                        jaro_distance, jaro_winkler, levenshtein_distance,
+                        damerau_levenshtein_distance)
+from .compat import _no_bytes_err
+cpdef nysiis(unicode s):
+    if isinstance(s, bytes):
+        raise TypeError(_no_bytes_err)
+    if not s:
+        return ''
+    s = s.upper()
+    key = []
+    # step 1 - prefixes
+    if s.startswith('MAC'):
+        s = 'MCC' + s[3:]
+    elif s.startswith('KN'):
+        s = s[1:]
+    elif s.startswith('K'):
+        s = 'C' + s[1:]
+    elif s.startswith(('PH', 'PF')):
+        s = 'FF' + s[2:]
+    elif s.startswith('SCH'):
+        s = 'SSS' + s[3:]
+    # step 2 - suffixes
+    if s.endswith(('IE', 'EE')):
+        s = s[:-2] + 'Y'
+    elif s.endswith(('DT', 'RT', 'RD', 'NT', 'ND')):
+        s = s[:-2] + 'D'
+    # step 3 - first character of key comes from name
+    key.append(s[0])
+    # step 4 - translate remaining chars
+    cdef int i = 1
+    len_s = len(s)
+    while i < len_s:
+        ch = s[i]
+        if ch == 'E' and i+1 < len_s and s[i+1] == u'V':
+            ch = 'AF'
+            i += 1
+        elif ch in 'AEIOU':
+            ch = 'A'
+        elif ch == 'Q':
+            ch = 'G'
+        elif ch == 'Z':
+            ch = 'S'
+        elif ch == 'M':
+            ch = 'N'
+        elif ch == 'K':
+            if i+1 < len_s and s[i+1] == u'N':
+                ch = 'N'
+            else:
+                ch = 'C'
+        elif ch == 'S' and s[i+1:i+3] == 'CH':
+            ch = 'SS'
+            i += 2
+        elif ch == 'P' and i+1 < len_s and s[i+1] == u'H':
+            ch = 'F'
+            i += 1
+        elif ch == 'H' and (s[i-1] not in 'AEIOU' or (i+1 < len_s and s[i+1] not in 'AEIOU')):
+            if s[i-1] in 'AEIOU':
+                ch = 'A'
+            else:
+                ch = s[i-1]
+        elif ch == 'W' and s[i-1] in 'AEIOU':
+            ch = s[i-1]
+        if ch[-1] != key[-1][-1]:
+            key.append(ch)
+        i += 1
+    key = ''.join(key)
+    # step 5 - remove trailing S
+    if key.endswith('S') and key != 'S':
+        key = key[:-1]
+    # step 6 - replace AY w/ Y
+    if key.endswith('AY'):
+        key = key[:-2] + 'Y'
+    # step 7 - remove trailing A
+    if key.endswith('A') and key != 'A':
+        key = key[:-1]
+    # step 8 was already done
+    return key