blob: c065977e2c7319db88b5497fb79dec663e18dbd4 [file] [log] [blame]
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
-- | A test of the FSATrace program
module Utils(
Env(..), ShellMode(..), SpaceMode(..),
Path(..), Arg(..),
Act(..), FSATest, showAct,
cased, valid,
command, yields, yieldsPrepare,
systemStdout, systemStderr
) where
import Parse
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
import Data.Char
import Data.List.Extra
import System.Exit
import System.IO
import System.Process
import System.FilePath
import System.Info.Extra
import Test.QuickCheck
import Test.QuickCheck.Monadic
--import Debug.Trace
data Env = Env
{ shellMode :: ShellMode
, tmpDir :: FilePath
, pwdDir :: FilePath
type Prop = Reader Env Property
newtype Arg = Arg { unarg :: String } deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Arbitrary Arg where
arbitrary = Arg <$> listOf1 validChars
where validChars = arbitrary `suchThat` \x -> isLatin1 x && x `notElem` "\0>|"
shrink (Arg x) = map Arg $ shrink x
newtype Path = Path { unpath :: FilePath }
instance Eq Path where
(==) (Path a) (Path b) = equalFilePath a b
instance Show Path where
show (Path p) = show p
instance Ord Path where
compare (Path x) (Path y) = compare (cased x) (cased y)
data ShellMode = Unshelled | Shelled deriving (Show, Eq, Enum, Bounded)
data SpaceMode = Unspaced | Spaced deriving (Show, Eq, Enum, Bounded)
cased :: String -> String
cased | isWindows = map toLower
| otherwise = id
valid :: FilePath -> Access Path -> Bool
valid t (R p) = inTmp t p
valid t (Q p) = inTmp t p
valid t (W p) | isWindows = inTmp t p
| otherwise = not $ "/dev/" `isPrefixOf` unpath p
valid t (D p) = inTmp t p
valid t (T p) = inTmp t p
valid t (M p _) = inTmp t p
valid _ (RW _) = False -- sort on Windows produces this
valid _ _ = True
inTmp :: FilePath -> Path -> Bool
inTmp t = isPrefixOf (cased t) . cased . unpath
yields :: Reader Env [String] -> [Access Path] -> Prop
yields = yieldsPrepare True $ return ()
yieldsPrepare :: Bool -> IO () -> Reader Env [String] -> [Access Path] -> Prop
yieldsPrepare fatal prepare eargs res = do
e <- ask
return $ monadicIO $ do
liftIO prepare
let cmd = runReader eargs e
if length (unwords cmd) > 2000 then
fail "Excessively long command line"
else do
out <- liftIO $ if fatal then systemStdout cmd else Just <$> systemStdoutPass cmd
let cleanup = nubSort . filter (valid $ tmpDir e)
let r = fmap (cleanup . map (fmap Path) . parseFSATrace) out
let ok = fmap cleanup r == Just (cleanup res)
unless ok $ liftIO $ do
putStrLn $ "Expecting " ++ show (cleanup res)
putStrLn $ "Got " ++ show r
assert ok
command :: String -> [String] -> Reader Env [String]
command flags args = do
e <- ask
return $ [pwdDir e </> ".." </> "fsatrace", flags, "-", "--"] ++ cmd (shellMode e)
where cmd :: ShellMode -> [String]
cmd Unshelled = args
cmd Shelled | isWindows = "cmd.exe" : "/C" : args
| otherwise = ["sh", "-c", unwords (map quoted args)]
quoted :: String -> String
quoted "|" = "|"
quoted ">" = ">"
quoted x = "\"" ++ x ++ "\""
systemStderr :: [String] -> IO (Maybe String)
systemStderr ~(cmd:args) = do
(res,_out,err) <- readProcessWithExitCode cmd args ""
return $ if res == ExitSuccess then Just err else Nothing
systemStdout :: [String] -> IO (Maybe String)
systemStdout ~(cmd:args) = do
(res,out,err) <- readProcessWithExitCode cmd args ""
when (err /= "") $ hPutStrLn stderr err
return $ if res == ExitSuccess then Just out else Nothing
systemStdoutPass :: [String] -> IO String
systemStdoutPass ~(cmd:args) = do
(_,out,err) <- readProcessWithExitCode cmd args ""
when (err /= "") $ hPutStrLn stderr err
return out
data FSATest = FSATest | FSATest32
deriving Eq
instance Show FSATest where
show FSATest = "fsatest"
show FSATest32 = "fsatest32"
instance Arbitrary FSATest where
arbitrary = elements [FSATest, FSATest32]
shrink x = [FSATest | x /= FSATest]
data Act = ActR FilePath
| ActW FilePath
| ActE FSATest [Act]
| ActF
deriving Show
instance Arbitrary Act where
arbitrary = sized $ \sz -> frequency
[(8, ActR <$> name)
,(8, ActW <$> name)
,(1, return ActF)
-- FIXME: The second 0 should be 1 - at the moment we avoid spawning children
,(if sz > 10 then 0 else 0, resize (min 20 $ sz-10) $ ActE <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary)]
where name = vectorOf 2 $ choose ('a', 'z')
shrink (ActE a b) = (flip ActE b <$> (shrink a)) ++ (ActE a <$> shrink b)
shrink _ = []
showAct :: Env -> [Act] -> [String]
showAct e = map f
f (ActR x) = "r" ++ tmpDir e </> x
f (ActW x) = "w" ++ tmpDir e </> x
f ActF = "f"
f (ActE p xs) = "e" ++ escape (unwords $ (pwdDir e </> ".." </> show p) : showAct e xs)
escape = concatMap $ \case
'#' -> "##"
' ' -> "#"
x -> [x]