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* Copyright (c) 2007-2017, Intel Corporation
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
* copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
* to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
* the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
* and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
* Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
* in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
//! \file cm_device.h
//! \brief Contains CmDevice declarations.
#include "cm_def.h"
#include "mos_os.h"
namespace CMRT_UMD
class CmQueue;
class CmKernel;
class CmThreadSpace;
class CmThreadGroupSpace;
class CmVebox;
class CmSampler;
class CmEvent;
class CmTask;
class CmProgram;
class CmBuffer;
class CmBufferUP;
class CmBufferSVM;
class CmSurface2D;
class CmSurface2DUP;
class CmSurface2DUPRT;
class CmSurface3D;
class CmSampler8x8;
class CmBufferStateless;
//! \brief CmDevice class \@UMD for Linux
class CmDevice
//! \brief Creates a CmBuffer with specified size in bytes.
//! \details This function creates a buffer in video memory with linear
//! layout.
//! \param [in] size
//! Buffer size in bytes.
//! \param [out] surface
//! Reference to the pointer to the CmBuffer.
//! \retval CM_SUCCESS if the CmBuffer is successfully created.
//! \retval CM_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY if out of system memory.
//! \retval CM_SURFACE_ALLOCATION_FAILURE if creating the underneath 1D
//! surface fails.
//! \retval CM_INVALID_WIDTH if width is less than CM_MIN_SURF_WIDTH or
//! larger than CM_MAX_1D_SURF_WIDTH.
//! \retval CM_EXCEED_SURFACE_AMOUNT if maximum amount of 1D surfaces
//! is exceeded. The amount is the amount of the surfaces
//! that can co-exist. The amount can be obtained by querying
//! the cap CAP_BUFFER_COUNT.
//! \retval CM_FAILURE otherwise.
CM_RT_API virtual int32_t CreateBuffer(uint32_t size,
CmBuffer* &surface) = 0;
//! \brief Creates a CmBuffer from an existing MOS Resource.
//! \details CmBuffer is a wrapper of that MOS resource. This Mos resource is
//! owned by caller.
//! \param [in] mosResource
//! pointer to MOS resource.
//! \param [in,out] surface
//! reference to pointer of surface to be created.
//! \retval CM_SUCCESS if the CmBuffer is successfully created.
//! \retval CM_INVALID_MOS_RESOURCE_HANDLE if mosResource is nullptr.
//! \retval CM_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY if out of system memory
//! \retval CM_EXCEED_SURFACE_AMOUNT if maximum amount of 1D surfaces is exceeded.
//! \retval CM_FAILURE otherwise
CM_RT_API virtual int32_t CreateBuffer(PMOS_RESOURCE mosResource,
CmBuffer* &surface) = 0;
//! \brief Creates a CmSurface2D with given width, height, and format.
//! \details This function creates a surface in video memory with a 2D layout.
//! User needs to provide width, height and format.
//! \param [in] width
//! Surface width in pixel.
//! \param [in] height
//! Surface height in pixel.
//! \param [in] format
//! Surface format.
//! \param [out] surface
//! Reference to the pointer to the CmSurface2D.
//! \retval CM_SUCCESS if the CmSurface2D is successfully created.
//! \retval CM_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY if out of system memory.
//! \retval CM_SURFACE_ALLOCATION_FAILURE if creating the underneath
//! resource fails.
//! \retval CM_INVALID_WIDTH if width is less than CM_MIN_SURF_WIDTH or
//! larger than CM_MAX_2D_SURF_WIDTH, or for YUY2, or NV12
//! format, the width is odd.
//! \retval CM_INVALID_HEIGHT if height is less than CM_MIN_SURF_HEIGHT
//! or larger than CM_MAX_2D_SURF_HEIGHT, or for NV12 format,
//! the height is odd.
//! \retval CM_SURFACE_FORMAT_NOT_SUPPORTED if the format is not
//! supported. The supported formats can be obtained by
//! querying cap CAP_SURFACE2D_FORMAT_COUNT and
//! CAP_SURFACE2D_FORMATS. For now, the following formats are
//! supported: \n
//! \retval CM_EXCEED_SURFACE_AMOUNT if maximum amount of 2D surfaces
//! is exceeded. The amount is the amount of the surfaces that
//! can co-exist. The amount can be obtained by querying the
//! \retval CM_FAILURE otherwise.
//! \note For planar surface, there is only one CmSurface2D instance,
//! no matter how many planes the surface may have.
//! The detail about how to access different planes in the kernel
//! code can be found in CM Language Spec, looking for read_plane
//! and write_plane.
CM_RT_API virtual int32_t CreateSurface2D(uint32_t width,
uint32_t height,
CmSurface2D* &surface) = 0;
//! \brief Creates a CmSurface2D from an existing MOS Resource.
//! \details CmSurface2D is a wrapper of that MOS resource. This Mos resource is
//! owned by caller.
//! \param [in] mosResource
//! pointer to MOS resource.
//! \param [in,out] surface
//! reference to pointer of surface to be created.
//! \retval CM_SUCCESS if the CmSurface2D is successfully created.
//! \retval CM_INVALID_MOS_RESOURCE_HANDLE if pMosResrouce is nullptr.
//! \retval CM_EXCEED_SURFACE_AMOUNT if maximum amount of 2D surfaces
//! is exceeded.
//! \retval CM_FAILURE otherwise.
CM_RT_API virtual int32_t CreateSurface2D(PMOS_RESOURCE mosResource,
CmSurface2D* &surface) = 0;
//! \brief Creates a CmSurface2D from an existing VA surface.
//! \details The application must have created the VA surface using the
//! VADriverContext used to create CmDevice. The VA surface format
//! should be within the supported format set which can be obtained
//! \param [in] vaSurface
//! indext to VA surface.
//! \param [in] vaDriverCtx
//! pointer to VA driver context.
//! \param [in,out] surface
//! reference to pointer of surface to be created.
//! \retval CM_SUCCESS if the CmSurface2D is successfully created.
//! \retval CM_EXCEED_SURFACE_AMOUNT if maximum amount of 2D surfaces
//! is exceeded.
//! \retval CM_FAILURE otherwise.
CM_RT_API virtual int32_t CreateSurface2D(VASurfaceID vaSurface,
VADriverContext *vaDriverCtx,
CmSurface2D* &surface) = 0;
//! \brief Creates a CmSurface3D with given width, height, depth and
//! pixel format.
//! \details This function creates a surface in memory with a 3D layout.
//! User needs to provide width, height, depth and format.
//! \param [in] width
//! Surface width.
//! \param [in] height
//! Surface height.
//! \param [in] depth
//! Surface depth.
//! \param [in] format
//! Surface format.
//! \param [out] surface
//! Reference to the pointer to the CmSurface3D.
//! \retval CM_SUCCESS if the CmSurface3D is successfully created.
//! \retval CM_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY if out of system memory.
//! \retval CM_INVALID_WIDTH if width is less than CM_MIN_SURF_WIDTH or
//! larger than CM_MAX_3D_SURF_WIDTH.
//! \retval CM_INVALID_HEIGHT if height is less than CM_MIN_SURF_HEIGHT
//! or larger than CM_MAX_3D_SURF_HEIGHT.
//! \retval CM_INVALID_DEPTH if width is less than CM_MIN_SURF_DEPTH or
//! larger than CM_MAX_3D_SURF_DEPTH.
//! \retval CM_SURFACE_FORMAT_NOT_SUPPORTED if the format is not
//! supported. The supported formats can be obtained by
//! querying cap CAP_SURFACE3D_FORMAT_COUNT and
//! CAP_SURFACE3D_FORMATS, For now, only supports: \n
//! CM_SURFACE_FORMAT_A16B16G16R16. \n
//! \retval CM_SURFACE_ALLOCATION_FAILURE if creating the underneath 3D
//! surface fails.
//! \retval CM_EXCEED_SURFACE_AMOUNT if maximum amount of 3D surfaces
//! is exceeded. The amount is the amount of the surfaces that
//! can co-exist. The amount can be obtained by querying the
//! \retval CM_FAILURE otherwise.
CM_RT_API virtual int32_t CreateSurface3D(uint32_t width,
uint32_t height,
uint32_t depth,
CmSurface3D* &surface) = 0;
//! \brief Destroys CmBuffer object.
//! \details This function destroys CmBuffer object. After the function
//! is called, it will return immediately without waiting. If
//! there is any Enqueue is being executed when this function
//! is called, the actual destroy will be postponed internally
//! by the runtime, and user doens't need to worry about it.
//! \param [in,out] surface
//! Reference to the pointer pointing to CmBuffer, it will be
//! assigned to nullptr after destroy.
//! \retval CM_SUCCESS if CmBuffer is successfully destroyed.
//! \retval CM_FAILURE otherwise.
CM_RT_API virtual int32_t DestroySurface(CmBuffer* &surface) = 0;
//! \brief Destroys CmSurface2D type surface.
//! \details This function destroys CmSurface2D object. After the function
//! is called, it will return immediately without waiting. If
//! there is any Enqueue is being executed when this function is
//! called, the actual destroy will be postponed internally by
//! the runtime, and user doens't need to worry about it. One
//! exception is that if the CmSurface2D was created by a third
//! party VA surface, user has to keep the VA surface until the
//! kernel using it finishes execution.
//! \param [in,out] surface
//! Reference to the pointer pointing to CmSurface2D. It will
//! be assigned to nullptr after destroy.
//! \retval CM_SUCCESS if CmSurface2D is successfully destroyed.
//! \retval CM_FAILURE otherwise.
CM_RT_API virtual int32_t DestroySurface(CmSurface2D* &surface) = 0;
//! \brief Destroys CmSurface3D object.
//! \details This function destroys CmSurface3D object. After the
//! function is called, it will return immediately without
//! waiting. If there is any Enqueue is being executed when this
//! function is called, the actual destroy will be postponed
//! internally by the runtime, and user doens't need to worry
//! about it.
//! \param [in,out] surface
//! Reference to the pointer pointing to CmSurface3D. It will
//! be assigned to nullptr after destroy.
//! \retval CM_SUCCESS if CmSurface3D is successfully destroyed.
//! \retval CM_FAILURE otherwise.
CM_RT_API virtual int32_t DestroySurface(CmSurface3D* &surface) = 0;
//! \brief Creates a task queue.
//! \details CmQueue is an in-order queue of tasks. Each task is
//! essentially a CmTask object containing kernels that are to
//! be run concurrently. Each kernel can be executed with
//! multiple threads. Only one CmQueue is supported per CmDevice for now.
//! Trying to create a second CmQueue will return a previously
//! created CmQueue object.
//! \param [in,out] queue
//! Reference to the pointer to the CmQueue.
//! \retval CM_SUCCESS if the CmQueue is successfully created.
//! \retval CM_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY if out of system memory.
//! \retval CM_FAILURE otherwise.
CM_RT_API virtual int32_t CreateQueue(CmQueue* &queue) = 0;
//! \brief Creates a CmProgram object consisting of kernels loaded from
//! the commonIsaCode code.
//! \details Common ISA code is offline generated as a file with a .isa suffix
//! by the CM compiler when it is used to compile one or more
//! kernels. It contains ISA code common for all Intel platforms.
//! Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation of the common ISA code happens in
//! LoadProgram and generates platform specific ISA according to the
//! actaully platform where the application in running in hardware mode.
//! In the emulation mode JIT doesn't happen.
//! In the simulation mode JIT doesn't happen but paltform specfic
//! ISA need to be offline generated together with common ISA by
//! CM compiler and to be included in commonIsaCode.
//! How to generate common ISA and platform specific ISA can be
//! found in CM compiler manual.
//! \param [in] commonIsaCode
//! Pointer pointing to code in common ISA.
//! \param [in] size
//! Size in bytes of the common ISA code.
//! \param [in,out] program
//! Reference to the pointer to the CmProgram.
//! \param [in] options
//! JIT options for all kernels in the code. This argument
//! is optional. Size of options should be no more than 512
//! (CM_MAX_OPTION_SIZE_IN_BYTE) bytes including the null
//! terminator. There is one option available currently: \n
//! "nojitter" -- Use this option to completely disable jitter
//! from occurring. NOTE: "/Qxcm_jit_tartget=%GEN_ARCH%"
//! flag must be set during offline compilation if "nojitter"
//! is set in hardware mode.
//! In simulation and emulation mode, this option is ignored.
//! \retval CM_SUCCESS if the CmProgram is successfully created.
//! \retval CM_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY if out of system memory.
//! \retval CM_INVALID_ARG_VALUE if invalid input parameters.
//! \retval CM_INVALID_GENX_BINARY if the GEN binary is not matched with
//! actual running platform in "nojitter" mode.
//! \retval CM_JIT_COMPILE_FAILURE if JIT compile of the common ISA
//! code fails.
//! \retval CM_INVALID_KERNEL_SPILL_CODE if kernel has spill code and
//! devcie's scratch memory space is disabled in
//! CreateCmDeviceEx.
//! \retval CM_FAILURE otherwise.
CM_RT_API virtual int32_t LoadProgram(void *commonIsaCode,
const uint32_t size,
CmProgram* &program,
const char *options = nullptr) = 0;
//! \brief Creates a CmKernel object from the CmProgram object.
//! \details A Cmprogram can contains multiple kernels.
//! The size of all arguments of a kernel should be no more than
//! CAP_ARG_SIZE_PER_KERNEL byte. The number of all kernel
//! arguments should be no more than CAP_ARG_COUNT_PER_KERNEL.
//! The size of kernel binary should be no more than
//! CAP_KERNEL_BINARY_SIZE bytes. The kernelName should be no
//! more than 256 (CM_MAX_KERNEL_NAME_SIZE_IN_BYTE) bytes
//! including the null terminator.
//! \param [in] program
//! CmProgram object from which the kernel is created.
//! \param [in] kernelName
//! CM kernel function (genx_main) name. A CM_KERNEL_FUNCTION
//! macro MUST be used to specify this argument.
//! \param [in,out] kernel
//! Reference to the pointer to the CmKernel object.
//! \param [in] options
//! JIT options for this specific kernel, overwriting the JIT
//! options specified for all kernels in the CmProgram. This
//! argument is optional. Size of options should be no more
//! than 512 (CM_MAX_OPTION_SIZE_IN_BYTE) bytes including the
//! null terminator. No options available for now.
//! \retval CM_SUCCESS if the CmKernel is successfully created or
//! returned.
//! \retval CM_INVALID_ARG_VALUE if the program is an invalid pointer.
//! \retval CM_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY if out of system memory.
//! \retval CM_EXCEED_KERNEL_ARG_AMOUNT if the argument number of the
//! kernel fucntion is larger than CAP_ARG_COUNT_PER_KERNEL.
//! \retval CM_EXCEED_KERNEL_ARG_SIZE_IN_BYTE if the argument size of
//! the kernel fucntion is larger than CAP_ARG_SIZE_PER_KERNEL.
//! \retval CM_FAILURE otherwise.
CM_RT_API virtual int32_t CreateKernel(CmProgram *program,
const char *kernelName,
CmKernel* &kernel,
const char *options = nullptr) = 0;
//! \brief Creates a CmSampler object.
//! \details This function creates a 3D sampler state object used to sample
//! a 2D surface.
//! \param [in] sampleState
//! Const reference to a CM_SAMPLER_STATE specifying the
//! characteristics of the sampler to be created. The structure
//! is defined below.
//! \param [out] sampler
//! Reference to the pointer to the CmSampler object.
//! \retval CM_SUCCESS if the CmSampler is successfully created.
//! \retval CM_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY if out of system memory.
//! \retval CM_EXCEED_SAMPLER_AMOUNT if maximum amount of sampler is
//! exceeded. The amount is the amount of the sampler that can
//! co-exist. The amount can be obtained by querying the cap
//! \retval CM_FAILURE otherwise.
//! \note typedef struct _CM_SAMPLER_STATE\n
//! {\n
//! CM_TEXTURE_FILTER_TYPE minFilterType;\n
//! CM_TEXTURE_FILTER_TYPE magFilterType;\n
//! For now, only linear and anisotropic filter types are
//! supported for hardware and simulation modes. For emulation
//! mode, linear filter type is supported. Wrap, mirror, and
//! clamp address types are supported in hardware and simulation modes.
//! only clamp address type is supported in emulation mode.
CM_RT_API virtual int32_t
CreateSampler(const CM_SAMPLER_STATE &sampleState,
CmSampler* &sampler) = 0;
//! \brief Destroys a CmKernel.
//! \details A CmKernel that is not destroyed by calling this function
//! will be destroyed when the CmDevice is destroyed.
//! \param [in,out] kernel
//! CmKernel object to be destroyed. It will be assigned to
//! nullptr once the fuction is return.
//! \retval CM_SUCCESS if the CmKernel is successfully destroyed.
//! \retval CM_FAILURE otherwise.
CM_RT_API virtual int32_t DestroyKernel(CmKernel* &kernel) = 0;
//! \brief Destroys a CmSampler.
//! \details A CmSampler that is not destroyed by calling this function
//! will be destroyed when the CmDevice is destroyed.
//! \param [in,out] sampler
//! A reference to the CmSampler pointer.
//! \retval CM_SUCCESS if the CmSampler is successfully destroyed.
//! \retval CM_FAILURE otherwise.
CM_RT_API virtual int32_t DestroySampler(CmSampler* &sampler) = 0;
//! \brief Destroys a CmProgram.
//! \details A CmProgram that is not destroyed by calling this function
//! will be destroyed when the CmDevice is destroyed.
//! \param [in,out] program
//! Reference to the pointer to the CmProgram. It will be assigned to
//! nullptr once the fuction is return.
//! \retval CM_SUCCESS if the CmProgram is successfully destroyed.
//! \retval CM_FAILURE otherwise.
CM_RT_API virtual int32_t DestroyProgram(CmProgram* &program) = 0;
//! \brief Destroys a CmThreadSpace instance.
//! \details A CmThreadSpace that is not destroyed by calling this
//! function will be destroyed when the CmDevice is destroyed.
//! \param [in,out] threadSpace
//! Reference to the pointer to the CmThreadSpace. It will be
//! assigned to nullptr once the fuction is return.
//! \retval CM_SUCCESS if the CmThreadSpace is successfully destroyed.
//! \retval CM_FAILURE if the input is nullptr or not valid.
CM_RT_API virtual int32_t DestroyThreadSpace(CmThreadSpace* &threadSpace) = 0;
//! \brief Creates a CmTask object
//! \details This object is a container for one or multiple CmKernel objects, and used
//! to enqueue the kernels for concurrent execution.
//! \param [out] task Reference to the pointer to the CmTask
//! \retval CM_SUCCESS if the CmTask is successfully created
//! \retval CM_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY if out of system memory
CM_RT_API virtual int32_t CreateTask(CmTask* &task) = 0;
//! \brief Destroy a CmTask object
//! \details A CmTask that is not destroyed by calling this
//! function will be destroyed when the CmDevice is destroyed
//! \param [in, out] task Reference to the pointer to the CmTask.
//! \retval CM_SUCCESS if the CmTaskis successfully destroyed
//! \retval CM_FAILURE otherwise
CM_RT_API virtual int32_t DestroyTask(CmTask* &task) = 0;
//! \brief This function can be used to get HW capability.
//! \details Since Emulation mode is run during kernel
//! development the values returned in Emulation mode reflect the
//! capabilities at that time, and might not reflect
//! the latest HW capabilities using a later driver release
//! \param [in] capName Name of cap to query
//! \param [out] capValueSize Reference to the size in bytes of the Cap
//! value. On entry application should set this to the size
//! of memory allocated for the cap value. Application should
//! make sure this size is large enough to hold the Cap value
//! requested. On return from this function the actual size of
//! cap value is returned
//! \param [out] capValue Pointer pointing to memory where the
//! cap value should be returned
//! \retval CM_SUCCESS if the input capValueSize equals or
//! is larger than required Cap size and Cap Value
//! is successfully returned,
//! \retval CM_FAILURE otherwise
//! \details
//! <table>
//! <tr>
//! <th>Cap Name</th>
//! <th>Size in bytes </th>
//! <th>Type of Value</th>
//! <th>Description</th>
//! </tr>
//! <tr>
//! <td>4</td>
//! <td>uint32_t</td>
//! <td>Maximum number of kernels that can be enqueued in one task</td>
//! </tr>
//! <tr>
//! <td>4</td>
//! <td>uint32_t</td>
//! <td> Maximum kernel binary size in bytes</td>
//! </tr>
//! <tr>
//! <td> CAP_SAMPLER_COUNT</td>
//! <td>4</td>
//! <td>uint32_t</td>
//! <td> Maximum number of samplers that can co-exist at any time
//! in a CmDevice</td>
//! </tr>
//! <tr>
//! <td>4</td>
//! <td>uint32_t</td>
//! <td>Maximum number of samplers that one kernel can use</td>
//! </tr>
//! <tr>
//! <td>CAP_BUFFER_COUNT </td>
//! <td>4</td>
//! <td>uint32_t</td>
//! <td>Maximum number of CmBuffer that can co - exist at any time </td>
//! </tr>
//! <tr>
//! <td> CAP_SURFACE2D_COUNT</td>
//! <td>4</td>
//! <td>uint32_t</td>
//! <td>Maximum number of CmSurface2D that can co-exist at
//! any time </td>
//! </tr>
//! <tr>
//! <td>CAP_SURFACE3D_COUNT </td>
//! <td>4</td>
//! <td>uint32_t</td>
//! <td>Maximum number of CmSurface3D that can co-exist at any
//! time in a CmDevice </td>
//! </tr>
//! <tr>
//! <td>4</td>
//! <td>uint32_t</td>
//! <td>Maximum number of surfaces (including 1D, 2D and 3D) that
//! one kernel can use </td>
//! </tr>
//! <tr>
//! <td>4</td>
//! <td>uint32_t</td>
//! <td>Maximum number of arguments that a kernel can have </td>
//! </tr>
//! <tr>
//! <td>4</td>
//! <td>uint32_t</td>
//! <td>Maximum size of all arguments that a kernel can have </td>
//! </tr>
//! <tr>
//! <td>4</td>
//! <td>uint32_t</td>
//! <td>Maximum number of threads that all kernels of a task can
//! run, it's only used for media object usage </td>
//! </tr>
//! <tr>
//! <td>CAP_HW_THREAD_COUNT </td>
//! <td>4</td>
//! <td>uint32_t</td>
//! <td>Maximum number of threads that HW can run in parallel.This
//! indicates hardware parallelism and is hence one
//! of the factors indicating performance of the target machine </td>
//! <tr>
//! <td>4</td>
//! <td>uint32_t</td>
//! <td>Number of DDI formats supported for CmSurface2D creation </td>
//! <tr>
//! <td>Array of DDIFORMAT</td>
//! <td>All DDI format supported to create CmSurface2D </td>
//! <tr>
//! <td>Array of DDIFORMAT</td>
//! <td>Number of DDI formats supported for CmSurface3D creation </td>
//! <tr>
//! <td>Array of DDIFORMAT</td>
//! <td>All DDI format supported to create CmSurface3D </td>
//! <tr>
//! <td>CAP_VME_STATE_COUNT </td>
//! <td>4</td>
//! <td>uint32_t</td>
//! <td>Maximum number of VME states that can co - exist
//! at any time in a CmDevice </td>
//! <tr>
//! <td>CAP_GPU_PLATFORM </td>
//! <td>4</td>
//! <td>uint32_t</td>
//! <td>Return GPU platform as an enum of type GPU_PLATFORM
//! <tr>
//! <td>CAP_GT_PLATFORM </td>
//! <td>4</td>
//! <td>uint32_t</td>
//! <td>Return GT platform (SKU) as an enum of type GPU_GT_PLATFORM
//! <tr>
//! <td>CAP_MIN_FREQUENCY </td>
//! <td>4</td>
//! <td>uint32_t</td>
//! <td>Returns the minimum frequency of the GPU as an integer in MHz
//! </td>
//! <tr>
//! <td>CAP_MAX_FREQUENCY </td>
//! <td>4</td>
//! <td>uint32_t</td>
//! <td>Returns the maximum frequency of the GPU as an integer in MHz
//! </td>
//! <tr>
//! <td>4</td>
//! <td>uint32_t</td>
//! <td>Return the current frequency of the GPU as an integer
//! in MHz </td>
//! </tr>
//! <tr>
//! <td>4</td>
//! <td>uint32_t</td>
//! <td>Returns the maximum thread count on media object without
//! per - thread argument </td>
//! </tr>
//! <tr>
//! <td>4</td>
//! <td>uint32_t</td>
//! <td>Returns the maximum thread count in media walker usage </td>
//! </tr>
//! <tr>
//! <td>4</td>
//! <td>uint32_t</td>
//! <td>Returns the maximum thread count per thread group in
//! GPGPU walker usage </td>
//! </tr>
//! <tr>
//! <td>4</td>
//! <td>uint32_t</td>
//! <td>Maximum number of CmSurface2DUP that can
//! co - exist at any time </td>
//! </tr>
//! </table>
CM_RT_API virtual int32_t GetCaps(CM_DEVICE_CAP_NAME capName,
uint32_t &capValueSize,
void *capValue) = 0;
//! \brief Creates a CmThreadSpace object.
//! \details CmThreadSpace is a 2D space.Each unit is notated as
//! a pair of X/Y coordinates, which is in the range of [0, width -1]
//! or [0, heigh-1]. A thread space can define a dependency or no
//! dependency. A thread space can be used as per-task thread space
//! by passing it in Enqueue(), or be used as per-kernel thread space
//! by calling CmKernel::AssociateThreadSpace() API. Please
//! refer to "Host programming guide" for detailed thread space usages.
//! \param [in] width
//! Thread space width.
//! \param [in] height
//! Thread space height.
//! \param [out] threadSpace
//! Reference to pointer to CmThreadSpace object to be created.
//! \retval CM_SUCCESS if the CmThreadSpace is successfully created.
//! \retval CM_INVALID_THREAD_SPACE if the width or(and) height are
//! \retval invalid values (0 or exceeds maximum size).
//! \retval CM_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY if out of system memory.
//! \retval CM_FAILURE otherwise.
//! \note The maximum width/height allowed when using media walker is
//! 511 for pre-SKL and 2047 for SKL+. For media object the
//! maximum width/height allowed is 512.
CM_RT_API virtual int32_t CreateThreadSpace(uint32_t width,
uint32_t height,
CmThreadSpace* &threadSpace) = 0;
//! \brief Creates a CmBufferUP object.
//! \details This API creates a CmBufferUP object on top of the UP
//! (User Provided) system memory with specificed size in bytes.
//! The UP memory starting address must be page (4K Bytes) aligned.
//! \param [in] size
//! BufferUP size in bytes, the valid range is:
//! \param [in] pSystMem
//! Pointer to the system memory.
//! \param [out] surface
//! Reference to the pointer to the CmBufferUP.
//! \retval CM_SUCCESS if the CmBufferUP is successfully created.
//! \retval CM_SURFACE_ALLOCATION_FAILURE if creating the underneath 1D
//! surface fails.
//! \retval CM_INVALID_WIDTH if width is less than CM_MIN_SURF_WIDTH or
//! larger than CM_MAX_1D_SURF_WIDTH.
//! \retval CM_INVALID_ARG_VALUE if pSystMem is nullptr.
//! \retval CM_EXCEED_SURFACE_AMOUNT if maximum amount of 1D surfaces
//! is exceeded. The amount is the amount of the surfaces
//! that can co-exist. The amount can be obtained by
//! querying the cap CAP_BUFFER_COUNT.
//! \retval CM_FAILURE otherwise.
//! \note Application can access the memory though the memory
//! point from CPU; can also access the
//! buffer created upon the same memory from GPU. It is
//! application's responsibility to make
//! sure accesses from both sides are not overlapped.
//! \note Refer to "MDF Host Programming Guide" for detailed usages.
CM_RT_API virtual int32_t CreateBufferUP(uint32_t size,
void *sysMem,
CmBufferUP* &surface) = 0;
//! \brief Destroys CmBufferUP object.
//! \details The UP (User Provided) memory is still existing after the
//! CmBufferUP object is destroyed.
//! \param [in, out] surface
//! Reference to the pointer pointing to CmBufferUP. It will be
//! assigned to nullptr once the function is returned.
//! \retval CM_SUCCESS if CmBufferUP is successfully destroyed.
//! \retval CM_FAILURE otherwise.
CM_RT_API virtual int32_t DestroyBufferUP(CmBufferUP* &surface) = 0;
//! \brief Forces the BufferUP object to be destroyed.
//! \param [in, out] surface
//! Reference to the pointer pointing to CmBufferUP. It will be
//! assigned to nullptr once the function is returned.
//! \retval CM_SUCCESS if CmBufferUP is successfully destroyed.
//! \retval CM_FAILURE otherwise.
CM_RT_API virtual int32_t ForceDestroyBufferUP(CmBufferUP* &surface) = 0;
//! \brief Gets Surface2D allocation information by given width,
//! height, and format.
//! \details Gets necessary information in order to create and use
//! CmSurface2DUP.
//! To create CmSurface2DUP, user needs to allocated such
//! amount of system memory which equals to
//! or larger than physical size returned here. When
//! accessing the system memory, the user needs be
//! aware about pitch, which is equal to (pixel_width *
//! byte_per_pixel + necessary_padding).
//! \param [in] width
//! Width in pixel.
//! \param [in] height
//! height in pixel.
//! \param [in] format
//! pixel format.
//! \param [out] pitch
//! Reference to returned pitch.
//! \param [out] physicalSize
//! Reference to returned physical size.
//! \retval CM_SUCCESS always
CM_RT_API virtual int32_t GetSurface2DInfo(uint32_t width,
uint32_t height,
uint32_t &pitch,
uint32_t &physicalSize) = 0;
//! \brief Creates a CmSurface2DUP object.
//! \details Creates a CmSurface2DUP in UP (User Provided) system memory
//! with given surface width, height in pixel, and format.
//! The UP system memory must be page (4K Bytes) aligned.
//! The size of the system memory must larger than or equal to
//! the size return by GetSurface2DInfo().
//! \param [in] width
//! Width in pixel.
//! \param [in] height
//! Height in pixel.
//! \param [in] format
//! Format.
//! \param [in] sysMem
//! Reference to the pointer to the system memory which is CPU
//! accessible.
//! \param [out] surface
//! Reference to the pointer to the CmSurface2DUP.
//! \retval CM_SUCCESS if the CmSurface2DUPis successfully created.
//! \retval CM_INVALID_ARG_VALUE if sysMem is nullptr.
//! \retval CM_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY if out of system memory.
//! \retval CM_INVALID_WIDTH if width is less than CM_MIN_SURF_WIDTH or
//! larger than CM_MAX_2D_SURF_WIDTH, or for YUY2 or NV12
//! format, the width is odd.
//! \retval CM_INVALID_HEIGHT if height is less than CM_MIN_SURF_HEIGHT
//! or larger than CM_MAX_2D_SURF_HEIGHT, or for NV12 format,
//! the height is odd.
//! \retval CM_SURFACE_FORMAT_NOT_SUPPORTED if the format is not
//! supported. The supported formats can be obtained by
//! \retval CM_EXCEED_SURFACE_AMOUNT if maximum amount of 2D surfaces
//! is exceeded. The amount is the amount of the surfaces that
//! can co-exist. The amount can be obtained by
//! querying the cap CAP_SURFACE2D_COUNT.
//! \retval CM_SURFACE_ALLOCATION_FAILURE if allocation is failed.
//! \retval CM_FAILURE otherwise.
//! \note Application can access the memory though the memory point
//! returned from CPU; can also access the surface created
//! upon the same memory from GPU. It is application's
//! responsibility to make sure accesses from both sides are
//! not overlapped. When accessing the system memory from CPU,
//! the user needs to be aware about pitch, which is equal to
//! (pixel_width * byte_per_pixel + necessary_padding).
//! \note Refer to the CmSurface2DUP class for member APIs, and
//! 'MDF runtime host programming guide' for usages.
CM_RT_API virtual int32_t CreateSurface2DUP(uint32_t width,
uint32_t height,
void *sysMem,
CmSurface2DUP* &surface) = 0;
//! \brief Destroys CmSurface2DUP surface.
//! \details The UP (User Provided) memory is still existing after the
//! CmSurface2DUP object is destroyed.
//! \param [in] surface
//! Reference to the pointer pointing to CmSurface2DUP. It will
//! be assigned to nullptr once this function is returned.
//! \retval CM_SUCCESS if CmSurface2DUPis successfully destroyed.
//! \retval CM_FAILURE otherwise.
CM_RT_API virtual int32_t
DestroySurface2DUP(CmSurface2DUP* &surface) = 0;
//! \brief Creates a VME surface for AVC messages in kernel.
//! \details Creates a VME surface by using the given 2D surfaces:
//! the current frame, the forward frames and, the backward
//! frames. The last two can be nullptr if not used. The function
//! indicates these 2D surfaces are used for VME; no extra
//! surface is actually created. A SurfaceIndex object is created
//! instead, which is passed to CM kernel function (genx_main)
//! as argument to indicate the frame surface. Please see VME
//! examples in "MDF Host Programming Guide" document and CM
//! language specification for details.
//! \param [in] currentSurface
//! Pointer to current surface (can't be nullptr).
//! \param [in] forwardSurfaces
//! Array of forward surfaces (can be nullptr).
//! \param [in] backwardSurfaces
//! Array of backward surfaces (can be nullptr).
//! \param [in] forwardSurfaceCount
//! Count of forward surfaces, up to 16 forward surfaces can be
//! used.
//! \param [in] backwardSurfaceCount
//! Count of backward surfaces, up to 16 backward surfaces can
//! be used.
//! \param [out] vmeIndex
//! Reference to pointer to SurfaceIndex object to be created.
//! \retval CM_SUCCESS if the SurfaceIndex is successfully created.
//! \retval CM_NULL_POINTER if currentSurface is nullptr.
//! \retval CM_INVALID_ARG_VALUE if any parameter is not valid.
//! \retval CM_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY if out of system memory.
//! \retval CM_EXCEED_SURFACE_AMOUNT if maximum amount of VME surfaces
//! is exceeded. The amount is the amount of VME surfaces that
//! can co-exist. The amount can be obtained by querying the
//! \retval CM_FAILURE otherwise.
//! \note This can be used for all Gen7_5 and plus platforms.
CM_RT_API virtual int32_t
CreateVmeSurfaceG7_5(CmSurface2D *currentSurface,
CmSurface2D **forwardSurfaces,
CmSurface2D **backwardSurfaces,
const uint32_t forwardSurfaceCount,
const uint32_t backwardSurfaceCount,
SurfaceIndex* &vmeIndex) = 0;
//! \brief Destroys a VME surface object.
//! \details Any VME surface not destroyed by calling this function
//! explicitly will be destroyed when CmDevice is destroyed.
//! \param [in] vmeIndex
//! Pointer to the SurfaceIndex of the VME surface. It will be
//! assigned to nullptr once destroy is done.
//! \retval CM_SUCCESS if the VME surface is successfully destroyed.
//! \retval CM_FAILURE otherwise.
//! \note This can be used for all Gen7_5 and plus platforms.
CM_RT_API virtual int32_t
DestroyVmeSurfaceG7_5(SurfaceIndex* &vmeIndex) = 0;
//! \brief Creates a CmSampler8x8 object.
//! \param [in] sampler8x8Descriptor
//! Const reference to a CM_SAMPLER_8X8_DESCR specifying the
//! characteristics of the Sampler8x8 state to be created.
//! Currently, AVS, VA Convolve and VA Misc( including MinMax
//! Filter/Erode/Dilate ) states are supported.
//! \param [out] sampler8x8
//! Reference to the pointer to the CmSampler8x8 object.
//! \retval CM_SUCCESS if the CmSampler8x8is successfully created.
//! \retval CM_INVALID_ARG_VALUE wrong sampler8x8 type.
//! \retval CM_EXCEED_SAMPLER_AMOUNT if the co-existed sampler exceeds
//! maximum count which can be queried by CAP_SAMPLER_COUNT cap.
CM_RT_API virtual int32_t
CreateSampler8x8(const CM_SAMPLER_8X8_DESCR &sampler8x8Descriptor,
CmSampler8x8* &sampler8x8) = 0;
//! \brief Destroys a CmSampler8x8 object.
//! \details A CmSampler8x8 which is not destroyed by calling this
//! function will be destroyed when the CmDevice is destroyed.
//! \param [in, out] sampler8x8State
//! Reference to a sampler of CmSampler8x8. It will be assigned
//! to nullptr once destroy is done.
//! \retval CM_SUCCESS if the CmSampler8x8 is successfully destroyed.
//! \retval CM_FAILURE otherwise.
CM_RT_API virtual int32_t DestroySampler8x8(CmSampler8x8* &sampler8x8State) = 0;
//! \brief Creates a CmSampler8x8 surface.
//! \details Creates a CmSampler8x8 surface by using the given 2D surface.
//! The function indicates the 2D surface is used for sampler
//! 8x8; no extra surface is actually created. A SurfaceIndex
//! object is created instead, which is passed to CM kernel
//! function (genx_main) as argument to indicate the surface
//! for sampler 8x8.
//! \param [in] surface2d
//! Pointer to CmSurface2D.
//! \param [out] sampler8x8SurfIndex
//! Reference to pointer to SurfaceIndex.
//! \param [in] surfType
//! Enumeration data type of CM_SAMPLER8x8_SURFACE.
//! \param [in] mode
//! Enumeration data type of CM_SURFACE_ADDRESS_CONTROL_MODE.
//! \retval CM_SUCCESS if the CmSampler8x8 surface is successfully
//! created.
//! \retval CM_EXCEED_SURFACE_AMOUNT if there is too many co-existed
//! surfaces and exceed the maximum number. Destroying some
//! unused surfaces could solve this error.
//! \retval CM_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY if out of host memory
//! \retval CM_FAILURE otherwise.
CM_RT_API virtual int32_t
CreateSampler8x8Surface(CmSurface2D *surface2d,
SurfaceIndex* &sampler8x8SurfIndex,
//! \brief Destroys a CmSampler8x8 surface.
//! \details A CmSampler8x8 surface which is not destroyed by calling
//! this function will be destroyed when the CmDevice is
//! destroyed.
//! \param [in] sampler8x8SurfIndex
//! Reference to SurfaceIndex. It will be assigned to nullptr
//! once destroy is done.
//! \retval CM_SUCCESS if the CmSampler8x8 surface is successfully
//! destroyed.
//! \retval CM_FAILURE otherwise.
CM_RT_API virtual int32_t
DestroySampler8x8Surface(SurfaceIndex* &sampler8x8SurfIndex) = 0;
//! \brief Creates a 2-dimensional thread group space object.
//! \details This function creates a thread group space specified by the
//! height and width dimensions of the group space, and the
//! height and width dimensions of the thread space within a
//! group. This information is used to execute a kernel in GPGPU pipe
//! (
//! Relevant sample code is shown in "MDF Host Programming Guide"
//! \param [in] threadSpaceWidth
//! width in unit of threads of each thread group.
//! \param [in] threadSpaceHeight
//! height in unit of threads of each thread group.
//! \param [in] groupSpaceWidth
//! width in unit of groups of thread group space.
//! \param [in] groupSpaceHeight
//! height in unit of groups of thread group space.
//! \param [out] threadGroupSpace
//! Reference to the pointer to CmThreadGroupSpace object to be
//! created.
//! \retval CM_SUCCESS if the CmThreadGroupSpace is successfully
//! created.
//! \retval CM_INVALID_THREAD_GROUP_SPACE if any input is 0 or the
//! thrdSpaceWidth is more than MAX_THREAD_SPACE_WIDTH_PERGROUP,
//! or the thrdSpaceHeight is more than
//! \retval CM_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY if out of host memory.
//! \retval CM_FAILURE otherwise.
//! \note The total thread count is width*height*grpWidth*grpHeight.
//! CmKernel::SetThreadCount() calling is not necessary in this
//! GPGPU working mode. Currently, it's only used for SLM
//! enabled kernels. See also CreateThreadGroupSpaceEx() API which
//! specifies a 3-dimensional thread group space with width, height
//! and depth.
CM_RT_API virtual int32_t
CreateThreadGroupSpace(uint32_t threadSpaceWidth,
uint32_t threadSpaceHeight,
uint32_t groupSpaceWidth,
uint32_t groupSpaceHeight,
CmThreadGroupSpace* &threadGroupSpace) = 0;
//! \brief Destroys the created thread group space object.
//! \details Caller provides the reference of thread group space pointer
//! \param [in] threadGroupSpace
//! Pointer to a CmThreadGroupSpace. It will be assigned to
//! nullptr once destroy is done.
//! \retval CM_SUCCESS if the CmThreadGroupSpace pointer is
//! successfully destroyed.
//! \note User can call this API to explicitly destroy
//! CmThreadGroupSpace instance, otherwise, DestroyCmDevice()
//! takes care of all of such instances release.
CM_RT_API virtual int32_t
DestroyThreadGroupSpace(CmThreadGroupSpace* &threadGroupSpace) = 0;
//! \brief Sets the configuration for L3 cache.
//! \details This API allows users to configure L3 cach by themselves.
//! \param [in] l3Config
//! L3ConfigRegisterValues contains the values of L3 control
//! registers. The registers are different from platform to
//! platform. \n
//! struct L3ConfigRegisterValues \n
//! { \n
//! \t unsigned int config_register0; \n
//! \t unsigned int config_register1; \n
//! \t unsigned int config_register2; \n
//! \t unsigned int config_register3; \n
//! }; \n
//! \retval CM_SUCCESS if the L3 configuration pointer is set correctly.
//! \retval CM_FAILURE if the platform does not support L3 or L3
//! configuration failed to be set.
//! \note This function is implemented for both hardware mode and
//! simulation mode.
CM_RT_API virtual int32_t SetL3Config(const L3ConfigRegisterValues *l3Config) = 0;
//! \brief Sets the suggested configuration for L3 cache.
//! \param [in] l3SuggestConfig
//! The configuration plan which represents a suggested L3
//! configuration. These configurations are defined in
//! ::L3_SUGGEST_CONFIG which is a enumeration definition.
//! \retval CM_SUCCESS if the L3 configuration pointer is set correctly.
//! \retval CM_FAILURE if the platform does not support L3 or L3
//! configuration failed to be set.
//! \note This function is only implemented for hardware and
//! simulation modes.
CM_RT_API virtual int32_t
SetSuggestedL3Config(L3_SUGGEST_CONFIG l3SuggestConfig) = 0;
//! \brief This function can be used to set/limit hardware
//! capabilities- number of threads that HW can run in parallel
//! \details Hardware thread number can be set from 1 to maximum.
//! \param [in] capName
//! Name of cap to set.
//! \param [in] capValueSize
//! The size of the cap value.
//! \param [in] capValue
//! Pointer to the cap value.
//! \retval CM_SUCCESS if cap value is valid and is set correctly.
//! \retval CM_INVALID_HARDWARE_THREAD_NUMBER specific SetCaps error
//! message if cap value is not valid.
//! \retval CM_NOT_IMPLEMENTED for emulation mode.
//! \retval CM_FAILURE otherwise.
//! \note The following is the specific behavior for the cap value
//! that is being set.
//! <table>
//! <tr>
//! <th>Cap name< / th>
//! <th>Behavior< / th>
//! < / tr>
//! <tr>
//! <td>CAP_HW_THREAD_COUNT< / td>
//! <td>The number of hardware threads is per - task.A call
//! to the SetCaps function to set the CAP_HW_THREAD_COUNT
//! will limit the maximum number of hardware threads for
//! the ensuing call to Enqueue.After the call to Enqueue,
//! the maximum number of hardware threads will be restored
//! to its default value, which is determined by the
//! hardware's capability.
//! < / td>
//! < / tr>
//! < / table>
CM_RT_API virtual int32_t SetCaps(CM_DEVICE_CAP_NAME capName,
size_t capValueSize,
void *capValue) = 0;
//! \brief This function creates a sampler surface index by a given
//! CmSurface2D.
//! \details This sampler surface doesn't create any actual surface. It
//! just binds the actual 2D surface with a virtual sampler
//! surface index. User need pass this surface index as kernel
//! argument if the surface is used for sampler, otherwise,
//! the runtime will report error if user pass the 2D surface
//! index. For the 2D surface format, for now supports
//! following formats: \n
//! \param [in] surface2d
//! Pointer to CmSurface2D object.
//! \param [out] samplerSurfaceIndex
//! Reference to the pointer to SurfaceIndex object to be
//! created.
//! \retval CM_SUCCESS if the new sampler surface index is successfully
//! created.
//! \retval CM_SURFACE_FORMAT_NOT_SUPPORTED if the input surface format
//! is not list above.
//! \retval CM_EXCEED_SURFACE_AMOUNT if the total number of
//! co-existed surfaces are exceed maximum count.
//! \retval CM_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY if out of host memory.
//! \retval CM_FAILURE otherwise.
CM_RT_API virtual int32_t
CreateSamplerSurface2D(CmSurface2D *surface2d,
SurfaceIndex* &samplerSurfaceIndex) = 0;
//! \brief This function creates a sampler surface index by a given
//! CmSurface3D.
//! \details This function call doesn't create any actual surface. It
//! just binds the actual 3D surface with a virtual sampler
//! surface index. User need pass this surface index as kernel
//! argument if the surface is used for sampler, otherwise, the
//! runtime will report error if user pass the 3D surface
//! index. For the 3D surface format, for now only supports the
//! formats.
//! \param [in] surface3d
//! Pointer to CmSurface3D object.
//! \param [out] samplerSurfaceIndex
//! Reference to the pointer to SurfaceIndex object to be
//! created.
//! \retval CM_SUCCESS if the sampler surface index is successfully
//! created.
//! \retval CM_SURFACE_FORMAT_NOT_SUPPORTED if the input surface format
//! is not list above.
//! \retval CM_EXCEED_SURFACE_AMOUNT if the total number of created
//! co-existed surfaces are exceed maximum count.
//! \retval CM_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY if out of host memory.
//! \retval CM_FAILURE otherwise.
CM_RT_API virtual int32_t
CreateSamplerSurface3D(CmSurface3D *surface3d,
SurfaceIndex* &samplerSurfaceIndex) = 0;
//! \brief This function destroys a sampler surface index created by
//! CreateSamplerSurface2D(), CreateSamplerSurface2DUP, or
//! CreateSamplerSurface3D().
//! \details Caller provides the reference of a pointer to the surface
//! index needs t be destoryed.
//! \param [in] samplerSurfaceIndex
//! Reference to the pointer to SurfaceIndex object to be
//! destroyed.
//! \retval CM_SUCCESS if the sampler surface index is successfully
//! destroyed.
//! \retval CM_FAILURE otherwise.
CM_RT_API virtual int32_t
DestroySamplerSurface(SurfaceIndex* &samplerSurfaceIndex) = 0;
//! \brief This function creates a buffer to store the message printed
//! by printf() in kernel side.
//! \details The default size of print buffer is 1M bytes. User can set
//! its size according to the length of message printed in
//! kernel and the number of threads. printf() can be used for
//! kernel debug purpose
//! \param [in] size
//! The size of print buffer in bytes.
//! \retval CM_SUCCESS if the print buffer is created successfully.
//! \retval CM_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY if print buffer allication is failed.
//! \retval CM_FAILURE otherwise.
//! \note Internally the print buffer occupies static buffer index 1,
//! thus only other 3 static buffers can be used by host (0, 2, 3)
//! if print functionality is enabled.
CM_RT_API virtual int32_t
InitPrintBuffer(size_t size = CM_DEFAULT_PRINT_BUFFER_SIZE) = 0;
//! \brief This function prints the message on the standard display
//! device that are dumped by kernel.
//! \details It should be called after the task being finished. The
//! order of printf output is not deterministic due to thread
//! scheduling and the fact that different threads may be
//! interleaved. To distinguish which thread the printf string
//! comes from, it is better to print the thread id as the
//! first value. Alternatively you could always
//! put the printf inside if statement that limits the printf to a
//! given thread. If one task has more than one kernels call
//! printf() , their outputs could mix together.
//! \retval CM_SUCCESS if the buffer is flushed successfully.
//! \retval CM_FAILURE otherwise.
CM_RT_API virtual int32_t FlushPrintBuffer() = 0;
//! \brief This function creates a VEBOX object for VEBOX
//! operations (
//! \details Caller provides a reference of CmVebox pointer to get the
//! CmVebox object created from this function.
//! \param [in, out] vebox
//! the created VEBOX object.
//! \retval CM_SUCCESS if creation is successfully.
//! \retval CM_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY if out of host memory.
//! \retval CM_FAILURE otherwise.
CM_RT_API virtual int32_t CreateVebox(CmVebox* &vebox) = 0;
//! \brief This function destroys a VEBOX object.
//! \details Caller provides a reference of CmVebox pointer to destroy.
//! \param [in, out] vebox
//! The VEBOX object to be destroyed. It will be assigned to
//! nullptr once destroy is done.
//! \retval CM_SUCCESS if creation is successfully.
//! \retval CM_NULL_POINTER if the vebox pointer is nullptr.
//! \retval CM_FAILURE otherwise.
CM_RT_API virtual int32_t DestroyVebox(CmVebox* &vebox) = 0;
//! \brief It creates a CmBufferSVM of the specified size in bytes by
//! using the SVM (shared virtual memory) system memory.
//! (
//! \details The SVM memory can be accessed by both CPU and GPU. The SVM
//! memory will be allocated in runtime internally(if user pass
//! nullptr pointer) or user provided (if user pass a valid
//! pointer). In both way, the memory should be page aligned
//! (4K bytes). And the staring address is returned.
//! \param [in] size
//! SVM buffer size in bytes.
//! \param [in,out] pSystMem
//! Pointer to the SVM memory starting address.
//! \param [in] accessFlag
//! Buffer access flags.
//! \param [out] bufferSVM
//! Reference to the pointer to the CmBufferSVM.
//! \retval CM_SUCCESS if the CmBufferSVM is successfully created.
//! \retval CM_SURFACE_ALLOCATION_FAILURE if creating the underneath 1D
//! surface fails.
//! \retval CM_INVALID_WIDTH if width is less than CM_MIN_SURF_WIDTH or
//! larger than CM_MAX_1D_SURF_WIDTH.
//! \retval CM_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY if runtime can't allocate such size
//! SVM memory.
//! \retval CM_EXCEED_SURFACE_AMOUNT if maximum amount of 1D surfaces
//! is exceeded. The amount is the amount of the surfaces that
//! can co-exist. The amount can be obtained by querying the
//! \retval CM_FAILURE otherwise.
//! \note This API is not implemented in Linux for now.
CM_RT_API virtual int32_t CreateBufferSVM(uint32_t size,
void* &sysMem,
uint32_t accessFlag,
CmBufferSVM* &bufferSVM) = 0;
//! \brief Destroys CmBufferSVM object and associated SVM memory.
//! \param [in,out] bufferSVM
//! Reference to the pointer pointing to CmBufferSVM, will be
//! assigned to nullptr once it is destroyed successfully.
//! \retval CM_SUCCESS if CmBufferSVM and associated SVM meory are
//! successfully destroyed.
//! \retval CM_FAILURE otherwise.
CM_RT_API virtual int32_t DestroyBufferSVM(CmBufferSVM* &bufferSVM) = 0;
//! \brief This function creates a sampler surface index by a
//! CmSurface2DUP.
//! \details This sampler surface doesn't create any actual surface,
//! and just bind the actual 2D UP (User Provided) surface
//! with a virtual sampler surface index. User need pass this
//! surface index as kernel argument if the surface is used
//! for sampler, otherwise, the runtime will report error if
//! user pass the 2D UP surface index. For the 2DUP surface
//! formats, for now supports following formats: \n
//! \param [in] surface2dUP
//! Pointer to CmSurface2DUP object.
//! \param [out] samplerSurfaceIndex
//! Reference to the pointer to SurfaceIndex object to be
//! created.
//! \retval CM_SUCCESS if the new sampler surface index is
//! successfully created.
//! \retval CM_NULL_POINTER if p2DUPSurface is nullptr.
//! \retval CM_SURFACE_FORMAT_NOT_SUPPORTED if the format is not supported.
//! \retval CM_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY if out of host memory.
//! \retval CM_FAILURE otherwise.
//! \note This API is supported for HW mode only.
CM_RT_API virtual int32_t
CreateSamplerSurface2DUP(CmSurface2DUP *surface2dUP,
SurfaceIndex* &samplerSurfaceIndex) = 0;
//! \brief Copies the content of source kernel to a new kernel.
//! \param [out] kernelDst
//! pointer to the destination kernel. The new pointer will be
//! returned to kernelDst.
//! \param [in] kernelSrc
//! pointer to the source kernel.
//! \retval CM_SUCCESS If the clone operation is successful.
//! \retval CM_FAILURE If the clone operation is failed.
//! \note This API is not supported in emulation mode.
CM_RT_API virtual int32_t CloneKernel(CmKernel* &kernelDst,
CmKernel *kernelSrc) = 0;
//! \brief Creates an alias to CmSurface2D.
//! \details Returns a new surface index for this surface. This API is
//! used with CmSurface2D::SetSurfaceStateParam in order
//! to reinterpret surface for different surface states,
//! i.e., the same memory is used but different width and
//! height can be programmed through the surface state.
//! \param [in] p2DSurface
//! pointer to the surface used to create an alias.
//! \param [out] aliasSurfaceIndex
//! new surface index pointing to 2D surface.
//! \retval CM_SUCCESS if alias is created successfully.
//! \retval CM_INVALID_ARG_VALUE if p2DSurface is not a valid pointer.
//! \retval CM_MAX_NUM_2D_ALIASES if try to create more than 10 aliases
//! for same surface.
//! \retval CM_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY if out of host memory.
//! \retval CM_FAILURE otherwise.
//! \note This API is implemented for HW and SIM modes only.
CM_RT_API virtual int32_t
CreateSurface2DAlias(CmSurface2D *p2DSurface,
SurfaceIndex* &aliasSurfaceIndex) = 0;
//! \brief Creates an HEVC VME surface by using the given 2D surfaces:
//! the current frame, the forward frames and, the backward
//! frames.
//! \details No extra surface is actually created. A SurfaceIndex
//! object is created instead, which is passed to CM kernel
//! function (genx_main) as argument to indicate the frame
//! surface. This can be used for Gen10 and plus platforms.
//! \param [in] currentSurface
//! Pointer to current surface (can't be nullptr).
//! \param [in] forwardSurfaces
//! Array of forward surfaces (can be nullptr if backward
//! surfaces not a nullptr).
//! \param [in] backwardSurfaces
//! Array of backward surfaces (can be nullptr if forward
//! surfaces not a nullptr).
//! \param [in] forwardSurfaceCount
//! Count of forward surfaces, up to 4 forward surfaces can
//! be used.
//! \param [in] backwardSurfaceCount
//! Count of backward surfaces, up to 4 backward surfaces can
//! be used.
//! \param [out] vmeIndex
//! Reference to pointer to SurfaceIndex object to be created.
//! \retval CM_SUCCESS if the SurfaceIndex is successfully created.
//! \retval CM_NULL_POINTER if currentSurface is nullptr.
//! \retval CM_INVALID_ARG_VALUE if invalid surface pointers for forward
//! and backward surfaces.
//! \retval CM_EXCEED_SURFACE_AMOUNT if there is too much co-existed
//! surfaces are created. Destroying unused surfaces to solve
//! such error.
//! \retval CM_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY if out of system memory.
//! \retval CM_FAILURE otherwise.
//! \note This API is only supported for Gen10 and plus platforms.
CM_RT_API virtual int32_t
CreateHevcVmeSurfaceG10(CmSurface2D *currentSurface,
CmSurface2D **forwardSurfaces,
CmSurface2D **backwardSurfaces,
const uint32_t forwardSurfaceCount,
const uint32_t backwardSurfaceCount,
SurfaceIndex* &vmeIndex) = 0;
//! \brief Destroys an HEVC VME surface. This can be used for Gen10.
//! \param [in] vmeIndex
//! Pointer to the SurfaceIndex of the VME surface. It will be
//! assigned to nullptr once destroy is done.
//! \retval CM_SUCCESS if the HEVC VME surface is successfully destroyed
//! \retval CM_FAILURE otherwise.
//! \note This API is only supported for Gen10 and plus platforms. \n
//! Any HEVC VME surface not destroyed by calling this function
//! explicitly will be destroyed when CmDevice is destroyed.
CM_RT_API virtual int32_t
DestroyHevcVmeSurfaceG10(SurfaceIndex* &vmeIndex) = 0;
//! \brief Creates a CmSampler object with border color setting.
//! \param [in] sampleState
//! Const reference to a CM_SAMPLER_STATE_EX specifying the
//! characteristics of the sampler to be created.
//! \param [out] sampler
//! Reference to the pointer to the CmSampler object.
//! \retval CM_SUCCESS if the CmSampler is successfully created.
//! \retval CM_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY if out of system memory.
//! \retval CM_EXCEED_SAMPLER_AMOUNT if maximum amount of sampler is
//! exceeded. The amount is the amount of the sampler that can
//! co-exist. The amount can be obtained by querying the cap
//! \retval CM_FAILURE otherwise.
//! \note This API is not implemented for EMU mode. \n Point, linear,
//! and anisotropic filter types are supported for hardware and
//! simulation modes. \n Wrap, mirror, clamp and border are
//! supported in hardware and simulation modes. Clamp is
//! supported in emulation mode.
CM_RT_API virtual int32_t
CreateSamplerEx(const CM_SAMPLER_STATE_EX &sampleState,
CmSampler* &sampler) = 0;
//! \brief This function prints the message dumped by kernel into file
//! instead of stdout.
//! \details This function's usage is the same as
//! CmDevice::FlushPrintBuffer(). It is recommended to use this
//! interface when there are tons of messages from kernel.
//! \param [in] filename
//! name of file the message printed into.
//! \retval CM_SUCCESS if the buffer is flushed successfully into file.
//! \retval CM_FAILURE otherwise.
CM_RT_API virtual int32_t
FlushPrintBufferIntoFile(const char *filename) = 0;
//! \brief Creates a 3-dimensional thread group space object.
//! \details This function creates a thread group space specified by the
//! depth, height and width dimensions of the group space, and the
//! depth, height and width dimensions of the thread space within a
//! group. This information is used to execute a kernel in GPGPU pipe
//! (
//! Relevant sample code is shown in "MDF Host Programming Guide".
//! \param [in] thrdSpaceWidth
//! width in unit of threads of each thread group.
//! \param [in] thrdSpaceHeight
//! height in unit of threads of each thread group.
//! \param [in] thrdSpaceDepth
//! depth in unit of threads of each thread group.
//! \param [in] grpSpaceWidth
//! width in unit of groups of thread group space.
//! \param [in] grpSpaceHeight
//! height in unit of groups of thread group space.
//! \param [in] grpSpaceDepth
//! depth in unit of groups of thread group space.
//! \param [out] threadGroupSpace
//! Reference to the pointer to CmThreadGroupSpace object to be
//! created.
//! \retval CM_SUCCESS if the CmThreadGroupSpace is successfully
//! created.
//! \retval CM_INVALID_THREAD_GROUP_SPACE if any input is 0 or the
//! thrdSpaceWidth is more than MAX_THREAD_SPACE_WIDTH_PERGROUP,
//! or the thrdSpaceHeight is more than
//! \retval CM_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY if out of host memory.
//! \retval CM_FAILURE otherwise.
//! \note The total thread count is width*height*depth*grpWidth*grpHeight*grpDepth.
//! CmKernel::SetThreadCount() calling is not necessary in this
//! GPGPU working mode. Currently, it's only used for SLM
//! enabled kernels.
CM_RT_API virtual int32_t
CreateThreadGroupSpaceEx(uint32_t thrdSpaceWidth,
uint32_t thrdSpaceHeight,
uint32_t thrdSpaceDepth,
uint32_t grpSpaceWidth,
uint32_t grpSpaceHeight,
uint32_t grpSpaceDepth,
CmThreadGroupSpace* &threadGroupSpace) = 0;
//! \brief Creates a CmSampler8x8 surface by using given 2D surface
//! and given flags.
//! \details The function indicates the 2D surface is used for sampler
//! 8x8; no extra surface is actually created. A SurfaceIndex
//! object is created instead, which is passed to CM kernel
//! function(genx_main) as argument to indicate the surface for
//! sampler 8x8. Compared to CmDeive::CreateSampler8x8Surface,
//! this API is used to support rotation and chroma siting for
//! MediaSampler.
//! \param [in] surface2d
//! Pointer to CmSurface2D.
//! \param [out] sampler8x8SurfIndex
//! Reference to pointer to SurfaceIndex.
//! \param [in] surfType
//! Enumeration data type of CM_SAMPLER8x8_SURFACE.
//! \param [in] addressControl
//! Enumeration data type of CM_SURFACE_ADDRESS_CONTROL_MODE.
//! \param [in] flag
//! Pointer to CM_FLAG.
//! \retval CM_SUCCESS if the CmSampler8x8 surface is successfully
//! created.
//! \retval CM_EXCEED_SURFACE_AMOUNT if there is too many co-existed
//! surfaces and exceed the maximum number. Destroying some
//! unused surfaces could solve this error.
//! \retval CM_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY if out of host memory
//! \retval CM_FAILURE otherwise.
//! \note This API is not supported in emulation mode.
CM_RT_API virtual int32_t
CreateSampler8x8SurfaceEx(CmSurface2D *surface2d,
SurfaceIndex* &sampler8x8SurfIndex,
CM_FLAG *flag = nullptr) = 0;
//! \brief Creates sampler surface by using given 2D surface and flags.
//! \details This sampler surface does't create any actual surface, and
//! just bind the actual 2D surface with a virtual sampler
//! surface index. User need pass this surface index as kernel
//! argument if the surface is used for sampler, otherwise,
//! the runtime will report error if user pass the 2D surface
//! index. Compared to CmDevice::CreateSampler8x8Surface, this
//! API is used to support rotation for 3D sampler. For given
//! surface's formats, for now, we support following: \n
//! \param [in] surface2d
//! Pointer to CmSurface2D object.
//! \param [out] samplerSurfaceIndex
//! Reference to the pointer to SurfaceIndex object to be
//! created.
//! \param [in] flag
//! Pointer to CM_FLAG.
//! \retval CM_SUCCESS if the new sampler surface index is
//! successfully created.
//! \retval CM_SURFACE_FORMAT_NOT_SUPPORTED if the input surface format
//! is not list above.
//! \retval CM_EXCEED_SURFACE_AMOUNT if the total number of created
//! co-existed surfaces are exceed maximum count.
//! \retval CM_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY if out of host memory.
//! \retval CM_FAILURE otherwise.
//! \note This API is not supported in emulation mode.
CM_RT_API virtual int32_t
CreateSamplerSurface2DEx(CmSurface2D *surface2d,
SurfaceIndex* &samplerSurfaceIndex,
CM_FLAG *flag = nullptr) = 0;
//! \brief Creates an alias to CmBuffer.
//! \details Returns a new surface index for this surface. This API is
//! used with CmBuffer::SetSurfaceStateParam in order
//! to reinterpret buffer for different surface states,
//! i.e., the same memory is used but different size
//! can be programmed through the surface state.
//! \param [in] buffer
//! pointer to CmBuffer object used to create an alias.
//! \param [out] aliasIndex
//! \retval CM_SUCCESS if alias is created successfully.
//! new surface index pointing to CmBuffer.
//! \retval CM_EXCEED_MAX_NUM_BUFFER_ALIASES if try to create more
//! than 10 aliases for same surface.
//! \retval CM_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY if out of host memory.
//! \retval CM_FAILURE if alias cannot be created.
//! \note This API is not implemented for EMU mode.
CM_RT_API virtual int32_t
CreateBufferAlias(CmBuffer *buffer,
SurfaceIndex* &aliasIndex) = 0;
//! \brief Sets the width and height values in the VME surface state.
//! \param [in] vmeIndex
//! Pointer to VME surface index.
//! \param [in] surfStateParam
//! Pointer to CM_VME_SURFACE_STATE_PARAM to set width and
//! height of this surface
//! \retval CM_SUCCESS if setting VME surface state values successfully.
//! \retval CM_INVALID_ARG_VALUE if invalid input.
//! \note This API will work on HW and SIM modes.
CM_RT_API virtual int32_t
SetVmeSurfaceStateParam(SurfaceIndex *vmeIndex,
CM_VME_SURFACE_STATE_PARAM *surfStateParam) = 0;
//! \brief Gets the VISA version up-to which IGC supports.
//! \param [out] majorVersion
//! The major Version of VISA.
//! \param [out] minorVersion
//! The minor Version of VISA.
//! \retval CM_SUCCESS if get the right VISA version.
//! \retval CM_JITDLL_LOAD_FAILURE if loading igc library is failed.
//! \retval CM_FAILURE otherwise.
//! \note This API is implemented in hardware mode only.
CM_RT_API virtual int32_t GetVISAVersion(uint32_t &majorVersion,
uint32_t &minorVersion) = 0;
//! \brief Creates a CmQueue object with option.
//! \param [out] queue
//! Pointer to the CmQueue object created.
//! \param [in] QueueCreateOption
//! The option to create a queue. The sturcture of the
//! <b>QueueCreateOption</b> is:\n
//! \code
//! {
//! CM_QUEUE_TYPE QueueType : 3;
//! bool RA : 1;
//! unsigned int Reserved0 : 3;
//! bool UserGPUContext : 1;
//! unsigned int GPUContext : 8;
//! unsigned int Reserved2 : 16;
//! }
//! \endcode
//! \n
//! <b>CM_QUEUE_TYPE</b> indicates which engine the queue will
//! be created for:\n
//! \code
//! enum CM_QUEUE_TYPE
//! {
//! };
//! \endcode
//! \n
//! <b>RAMode</b> decides if the queue will occupy GPU
//! exclusively during execution.\n
//! <b>UserGPUContext</b> indicates if the user wants to
//! provide an existing MOS GPU Context.\n
//! <b>GPUContext</b> is the existing MOS GPU Context Enum
//! value.
//! \n
//! <b>CM_QUEUE_SSEU_USAGE_HINT_TYPE</b> indicates SSEU setting, will
//! be created for:\n
//! \code
//! {
//! };
//! \endcode
//! \retval CM_SUCCESS if the CmQueue object is created.
//! \note This API is implemented in hardware mode only. Only
//! implemented at this moment.
CM_RT_API virtual int32_t
CreateQueueEx(CmQueue *&queue,
//! \brief Update the MOS Resource in the CmBuffer. If surface is null,
//! creates a new CmBuffer
//! \details CmBuffer is a wrapper of that MOS resource. This Mos resource is
//! owned by caller.
//! \param [in] mosResource
//! pointer to MOS resource.
//! \param [in,out] surface
//! reference to pointer of surface to be created.
//! \param [in] mosUsage
//! The selected pre-defined MOS usage of memory object control cache setting
//! \retval CM_SUCCESS if the CmBuffer is successfully created.
//! \retval CM_INVALID_MOS_RESOURCE_HANDLE if mosResource is nullptr.
//! \retval CM_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY if out of system memory
//! \retval CM_EXCEED_SURFACE_AMOUNT if maximum amount of 1D surfaces is exceeded.
//! \retval CM_FAILURE otherwise
CM_RT_API virtual int32_t UpdateBuffer(PMOS_RESOURCE mosResource, CmBuffer* &surface,
//! \brief Update the MOS Resource in the CmSurface2D. If surface is null,
//! creates a new CmSurface2D
//! \details CmSurface2D is a wrapper of that MOS resource. This Mos resource is
//! owned by caller.
//! \param [in] mosResource
//! pointer to MOS resource.
//! \param [in,out] surface
//! reference to pointer of surface to be created.
//! \param [in] mosUsage
//! The selected pre-defined MOS usage of memory object control cache setting
//! \retval CM_SUCCESS if the CmSurface2D is successfully created.
//! \retval CM_INVALID_MOS_RESOURCE_HANDLE if pMosResrouce is nullptr.
//! \retval CM_EXCEED_SURFACE_AMOUNT if maximum amount of 2D surfaces
//! is exceeded.
//! \retval CM_FAILURE otherwise.
CM_RT_API virtual int32_t UpdateSurface2D(PMOS_RESOURCE mosResource, CmSurface2D* &surface,
//! \brief Creates a CmSampler8x8 surface from Surface2D alias.
//! \details Creates a CmSampler8x8 surface by using the given 2D surface
//! alias.
//! No extra surface is actually created. A SurfaceIndex
//! object is created instead, which is passed to CM kernel
//! function (genx_main) as an argument to indicate the surface
//! for AVS.
//! \param [in] originalSurface
//! Pointer to the original CmSurface2D object.
//! \param [in] aliasIndex
//! Surface alias upon which the output surface index is
//! created.
//! \param [in] addressControl
//! Enumerator specifying address control mode used by AVS.
//! \param [out] sampler8x8SurfaceIndex
//! Sampler8x8 surface index created by this function.
//! \retval CM_SUCCESS if the CmSampler8x8 surface is successfully
//! created.
//! \retval CM_EXCEED_SURFACE_AMOUNT if there are too many surfaces,
//! exceeding the maximum limit,
//! \retval CM_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY if out of host memory,
//! \retval CM_FAILURE otherwise.
CM_RT_API virtual int32_t
CmSurface2D *originalSurface,
SurfaceIndex *aliasIndex,
SurfaceIndex* &sampler8x8SurfaceIndex) = 0;
//! \brief It creates a CmBufferStateless of the specified size in bytes by
//! using the vedio memory or the system memory.
//! \details The stateless buffer means it is stateless-accessed by GPU. There
//! are two ways to create a stateless buffer. One is to create from
//! vedio memory, then it can be only accessed by GPU. The other way is
//! to create from system memory, then it can be accessed by both GPU
//! and CPU. In this way, The system memory will be allocated in runtime
//! internally(if user pass nullptr pointer) or user provided (if user
//! pass a valid pointer). And the system memory should be page aligned
//! (4K bytes).
//! \param [in] size
//! Stateless buffer size in bytes.
//! \param [in] option
//! Stateless buffer create option.
//! \param [in] sysMem
//! Pointer to user provided system memory if option is system memory.
//! \param [out] pSurface
//! Reference to the pointer to the CmBufferStateless.
//! \retval CM_SUCCESS if the CmBufferStateless is successfully created.
//! \retval CM_SURFACE_ALLOCATION_FAILURE if creating the underneath 1D
//! surface fails.
//! \retval CM_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY if runtime can't allocate such size
//! system memory.
//! \retval CM_EXCEED_SURFACE_AMOUNT if maximum amount of 1D surfaces
//! is exceeded. The amount is the amount of the surfaces that
//! can co-exist. The amount can be obtained by querying the
//! \retval CM_INVALID_CREATE_OPTION_FOR_BUFFER_STATELESS if option is invalid.
//! \retval CM_FAILURE otherwise.
CM_RT_API virtual int32_t CreateBufferStateless(size_t size,
uint32_t option,
void *sysMem,
CmBufferStateless *&bufferStateless) = 0;
//! \brief Destroy CmBufferStateless object and associated vedio/system memory.
//! \param [in,out] pSurface
//! Reference to the pointer pointing to CmBufferStateless, will be
//! assigned to nullptr once it is destroyed successfully.
//! \retval CM_SUCCESS if CmBufferStateless and associated vedio/system memory are
//! successfully destroyed.
//! \retval CM_FAILURE otherwise.
CM_RT_API virtual int32_t DestroyBufferStateless(CmBufferStateless* &bufferStateless) = 0;
}; //namespace