blob: 0d63f3b0dcf507de0079840460330d58f6f1c7f1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2017-2021, Intel Corporation
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
* copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
* to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
* the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
* and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
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* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
* in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
//! \file media_libva_caps.h
//! \brief This file defines the base C++ class/interface for media capbilities.
#ifndef __MEDIA_LIBVA_CAPS_H__
#define __MEDIA_LIBVA_CAPS_H__
#include "va/va.h"
#include <vector>
#include <map>
class MediaLibvaCapsCpInterface;
typedef std::map<VAConfigAttribType, uint32_t> AttribMap;
//! \class MediaLibvaCaps
//! \brief Media libva caps
class MediaLibvaCaps
MediaLibvaCaps(DDI_MEDIA_CONTEXT *mediaCtx);
//! \brief Destructor
virtual ~MediaLibvaCaps();
//! \brief Get attributes for a given profile/entrypoint pair
//! \details The caller must provide an "attribList" with all attributes to be
//! retrieved. Upon return, the attributes in "attribList" have been
//! updated with their value. Unknown attributes or attributes that are
//! not supported for the given profile/entrypoint pair will have their
//! value set to VA_ATTRIB_NOT_SUPPORTED.
//! \param [in] profile
//! VA profile
//! \param [in] entrypoint
//! VA entrypoint
//! \param [in,out] attribList
//! Pointer to VAConfigAttrib array. The attribute type is set by caller and
//! attribute value is set by this function.
//! \param [in] numAttribs
//! Number of VAConfigAttrib in the array attribList
//! \return VAStatus
//! VA_STATUS_SUCCESS if success
VAStatus GetConfigAttributes(
VAProfile profile,
VAEntrypoint entrypoint,
VAConfigAttrib *attribList,
int32_t numAttribs);
//! \brief Check a profile valid or not
//! \param [in] profile
//! VA profile
//! \return VAStatus
//! VA_STATUS_SUCCESS if success
VAStatus CheckProfile(VAProfile profile);
//! \brief Create a configuration for the encode/decode/vp pipeline
//! \details It passes in the attribute list that specifies the attributes it
//! cares about, with the rest taking default values.
//! \param [in] profile
//! VA profile
//! \param [in] entrypoint
//! VA entrypoint
//! \param [in] attribList
//! Pointer to VAConfigAttrib array that specifies the attributes
//! \param [in] numAttribs
//! Number of VAConfigAttrib in the array attribList
//! \param [out] configId
//! Pointer to returned VAConfigID if success
//! \return VAStatus
//! VA_STATUS_SUCCESS if success
VAStatus CreateConfig(
VAProfile profile,
VAEntrypoint entrypoint,
VAConfigAttrib *attribList,
int32_t numAttribs,
VAConfigID *configId);
//! \brief Query supported profiles
//! \param [in] profileList
//! Pointer to VAProfile array that can hold at least vaMaxNumProfile() entries
//! \param [out] numProfiles
//! Pointer to int32_t. It returns the actual number of supported profiles.
//! \return VAStatus
//! VA_STATUS_SUCCESS if success
VAStatus QueryConfigProfiles(
VAProfile *profileList,
int32_t *numProfiles);
//! \brief Query supported entrypoints for a given profile
//! \param [in] profile
//! VA profile
//! \param [in] entrypointList
//! Pointer to VAEntrypoint array that can hold at least vaMaxNumEntrypoints() entries
//! \param [out] numEntryPoints
//! It returns the actual number of supported VAEntrypoints.
//! \return VAStatus
//! VA_STATUS_SUCCESS if success
VAStatus QueryConfigEntrypoints(
VAProfile profile,
VAEntrypoint *entrypointList,
int32_t *numEntryPoints);
//! \brief Query all attributes for a given configuration
//! \param [in] configId
//! VA configuration
//! \param [in,out] profile
//! Pointer to VAProfile of the configuration
//! \param [in,out] entrypoint
//! Pointer to VAEntrypoint of the configuration
//! \param [in,out] attribList
//! Pointer to VAConfigAttrib array that can hold at least
//! vaMaxNumConfigAttributes() entries.
//! \param [in,out] numAttribs
//! The actual number of VAConfigAttrib returned in the array attribList
//! \return VAStatus
//! VA_STATUS_SUCCESS if success
VAStatus QueryConfigAttributes(
VAConfigID configId,
VAProfile *profile,
VAEntrypoint *entrypoint,
VAConfigAttrib *attribList,
int32_t *numAttribs);
//! \brief Get attributes for a given encode config ID
//! \param [in] configId
//! VA configuration
//! \param [in,out] profile
//! Pointer to VAProfile of the configuration
//! \param [in,out] entrypoint
//! Pointer to VAEntrypoint of the configuration
//! \param [in,out] rcMode
//! Return the rcMode for the config ID.
//! \param [in,out] feiFunction
//! Return the fei function type for the config ID.
//! \return VAStatus
//! VA_STATUS_SUCCESS if success
VAStatus GetEncConfigAttr(
VAConfigID configId,
VAProfile *profile,
VAEntrypoint *entrypoint,
uint32_t *rcMode,
uint32_t *feiFunction);
//! \brief Get attributes for a given decode config ID
//! \param [in] configId
//! VA configuration
//! \param [in,out] profile
//! Pointer to VAProfile of the configuration
//! \param [in,out] entrypoint
//! Pointer to VAEntrypoint of the configuration
//! \param [in,out] slicemode
//! Return the slice mode for the config ID.
//! \param [in,out] encrypttype
//! Return the encryption type for the config ID.
//! \param [in,out] processmode
//! Return the process mode for the config ID.
//! \return VAStatus
//! VA_STATUS_SUCCESS if success
VAStatus GetDecConfigAttr(
VAConfigID configId,
VAProfile *profile,
VAEntrypoint *entrypoint,
uint32_t *slicemode,
uint32_t *encrypttype,
uint32_t *processmode);
//! \brief Get attributes for a given Vp config ID
//! \param [in] configId
//! VA configuration
//! \param [in,out] profile
//! Pointer to VAProfile of the configuration
//! \param [in,out] entrypoint
//! Pointer to VAEntrypoint of the configuration
//! \return VAStatus
//! VA_STATUS_SUCCESS if success
VAStatus GetVpConfigAttr(
VAConfigID configId,
VAProfile *profile,
VAEntrypoint *entrypoint);
//! \brief Get process rate for a given config ID
//! \param [in] config_id
//! VA configuration
//! \param [in,out] procBuf
//! Pointer to VAProcessingRateParameter
//! \param [in,out] processingRate
//! Return the process rate
//! \return VAStatus
//! VA_STATUS_SUCCESS if success
VAStatus QueryProcessingRate(
VAConfigID config_id,
VAProcessingRateParameter *procBuf,
uint32_t *processingRate);
//! \brief Get surface attributes for a given config ID
//! \param [in] configId
//! VA configuration
//! \param [in,out] attribList
//! Pointer to VASurfaceAttrib array. It returns
//! the supported surface attributes
//! \param [in,out] numAttribs
//! The number of elements allocated on input
//! Return the number of elements actually filled in output
//! \return VAStatus
//! VA_STATUS_SUCCESS if success
//! VA_STATUS_ERROR_MAX_NUM_EXCEEDED if size of attribList is too small
virtual VAStatus QuerySurfaceAttributes(
VAConfigID configId,
VASurfaceAttrib *attribList,
uint32_t *numAttribs);
//! \brief Check if the resolution is valid for a given decode codec mode
//! \param [in] codecMode
//! Specify the codec mode
//! \param [in] profile
//! VA profile
//! \param [in] width
//! Specify the width for checking
//! \param [in] height
//! Specify the height for checking
//! \return VAStatus
//! VA_STATUS_SUCCESS if the resolution is supported
//! VA_STATUS_ERROR_RESOLUTION_NOT_SUPPORTED if the resolution isn't valid
virtual VAStatus CheckDecodeResolution(
int32_t codecMode,
VAProfile profile,
uint32_t width,
uint32_t height);
//! \brief Check if the resolution is valid for a encode profile
//! \param [in] profile
//! Specify the VAProfile
//! \param [in] width
//! Specify the width for checking
//! \param [in] height
//! Specify the height for checking
//! \return VAStatus
//! VA_STATUS_SUCCESS if the resolution is supported
//! VA_STATUS_ERROR_RESOLUTION_NOT_SUPPORTED if the resolution isn't valid
virtual VAStatus CheckEncodeResolution(
VAProfile profile,
uint32_t width,
uint32_t height);
//! \brief Check if the give profile is VC1
//! \param [in] profile
//! Specify the VAProfile
//! \return True if the profile is a VC1 profile
//! False if the profile isn't a VC1 profile
static bool IsVc1Profile(VAProfile profile);
//! \brief Check if the give profile is MPEG2
//! \param [in] profile
//! Specify the VAProfile
//! \return True if the profile is a MPEG2 profile
//! False if the profile isn't a MPEG2 profile
static bool IsMpeg2Profile(VAProfile profile);
//! \brief Check if the give profile is AVC
//! \param [in] profile
//! Specify the VAProfile
//! \return True if the profile is a AVC profile
//! False if the profile isn't a AVC profile
static bool IsAvcProfile(VAProfile profile);
//! \brief Check if the give profile is HEVC
//! \param [in] profile
//! Specify the VAProfile
//! \return True if the profile is a HEVC profile
//! False if the profile isn't a HEVC profile
virtual bool IsHevcProfile(VAProfile profile);
//! \brief Check if the give profile is VP8
//! \param [in] profile
//! Specify the VAProfile
//! \return true if the profile is a VP8 profile
//! false if the profile isn't a VP8 profile
static bool IsVp8Profile(VAProfile profile);
//! \brief Check if the give profile is VP9
//! \param [in] profile
//! Specify the VAProfile
//! \return True if the profile is a VP9 profile
//! False if the profile isn't a VP9 profile
static bool IsVp9Profile(VAProfile profile);
//! \brief Check if the give profile is JPEG
//! \param [in] profile
//! Specify the VAProfile
//! \return True if the profile is a JPEG profile
//! False if the profile isn't a JPEG profile
static bool IsJpegProfile(VAProfile profile);
//! \brief Check if current FeiFuncton or give entrypoint is FEI
//! \param [in] entrypoint
//! Specify the VAEntrypoint for checking
//! \param [in] feiFunction
//! Specify the VA_FEI_FUNCTION for checking
//! \return True if the entrypoint or the feiFuncton belong to FEI
//! False if the entrypoint and the FeiFuncton aren't FEI
bool IsEncFei(VAEntrypoint entrypoint, uint32_t feiFunction);
//! \brief Return the CODECHAL_FUNCTION type for give profile and entrypoint
//! \param [in] profile
//! Specify the VAProfile
//! \param [in] entrypoint
//! Specify the VAEntrypoint
//! \param [in] feiFunction
//! Specify the VA_FEI_FUNCTION
//! \return Codehal function
CODECHAL_FUNCTION GetEncodeCodecFunction(VAProfile profile, VAEntrypoint entrypoint, uint32_t feiFunction);
//! \brief Return internal encode mode for given profile and entrypoint
//! \param [in] profile
//! Specify the VAProfile
//! \param [in] entrypoint
//! Specify the VAEntrypoint
//! \return Codehal mode
virtual CODECHAL_MODE GetEncodeCodecMode(VAProfile profile, VAEntrypoint entrypoint);
//! \brief Return internal decode mode for given profile
//! \param [in] profile
//! Specify the VAProfile
//! \return Codehal mode: decode codec mode
virtual CODECHAL_MODE GetDecodeCodecMode(VAProfile profile);
//! \brief Return the decode codec key for given profile
//! \param [in] profile
//! Specify the VAProfile
//! \return Std::string decode codec key
virtual std::string GetDecodeCodecKey(VAProfile profile);
//! \brief Return the encode codec key for given profile and entrypoint
//! \param [in] profile
//! Specify the VAProfile
//! \param [in] entrypoint
//! Specify the entrypoint
//! \param [in] feiFunction
//! Specify the feiFunction
//! \return Std::string encode codec key
virtual std::string GetEncodeCodecKey(VAProfile profile, VAEntrypoint entrypoint, uint32_t feiFunction);
//! \brief Query the suppported image formats
//! \param [in,out] formatList
//! Pointer to a VAImageFormat array. The array size shouldn't be less than vaMaxNumImageFormats
//! It will return the supported image formats.
//! \param [in,out] num_formats
//! Pointer to a integer that will return the real size of formatList.
//! \return VAStatus
//! VA_STATUS_SUCCESS if succeed
virtual VAStatus QueryImageFormats(VAImageFormat *formatList, int32_t *num_formats) = 0;
//! \brief Return the maxinum number of supported image formats
//! \return The maxinum number of supported image formats
virtual uint32_t GetImageFormatsMaxNum() = 0;
//! \brief Populate the color masks info
//! \param [in,out] Image format
//! Pointer to a VAImageFormat array. Color masks information will be populated to this
//! structure.
//! \return VAStatus
//! VA_STATUS_SUCCESS if succeed
virtual VAStatus PopulateColorMaskInfo(VAImageFormat *vaImgFmt) = 0;
virtual bool IsImageSupported(uint32_t fourcc) = 0;
//! \brief Query AVC ROI maxinum numbers and if support ROI in delta QP
//! \param [in] rcMode
//! Specify the rate control mode to query
//! \param [in] isVdenc
//! Specify whether it is vdenc or not
//! \param [in,out] maxNum
//! Pointer to a integer that will return the maximum number of ROI.
//! \param [in,out] isRoiInDeltaQP
//! Pointer to a bool that will return if ROI in delta QP is supported
//! \return VAStatus
//! VA_STATUS_SUCCESS if succeed
virtual VAStatus QueryAVCROIMaxNum(uint32_t rcMode, bool isVdenc, uint32_t *maxNum, bool *isRoiInDeltaQP) = 0;
//! \brief Check if the configID is a valid decode config
//! \param [in] configId
//! Specify the VAConfigID
//! \return True if the configID is a valid decode config, otherwise false
bool IsDecConfigId(VAConfigID configId);
//! \brief Check if the configID is a valid encode config
//! \param [in] configId
//! Specify the VAConfigID
//! \return True if the configID is a valid encode config, otherwise false
bool IsEncConfigId(VAConfigID configId);
//! \brief Check if the configID is a valid vp config
//! \param [in] configId
//! Specify the VAConfigID
//! \return True if the configID is a valid vp config, otherwise false
bool IsVpConfigId(VAConfigID configId);
//! \brief Get CP Caps object
//! \return return MediaLibvaCapsCpInterface*
MediaLibvaCapsCpInterface* GetCpCaps();
//! \brief Check if the entrypoint is supported by MFE
//! \param [in] entrypoint
//! Specify the VAEntrypoint
//! \return true if supported, otherwise false
bool IsMfeSupportedEntrypoint(VAEntrypoint entrypoint);
//! \brief Check if the profile is supported by MFE
//! \param [in] profile
//! Specify the VAProfile
//! \return true if supported, otherwise false
bool IsMfeSupportedProfile(VAProfile profile);
//! \brief Destory the VAConfigID
//! \param [in] configId
//! Specify the VAConfigID
//! \return VAStatus
//! VA_STATUS_SUCCESS if succeed
//! VA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_CONFIG if the conifgId is invalid
VAStatus DestroyConfig(VAConfigID configId);
//! \brief Create MediaLibvaCaps instance for current platform
//! \param [in] mediaCtx
//! Pointer to DDI_MEDIA_CONTEXT
//! \return MediaLibvaCaps *
//! Pointer to Gen specific MediaLibvaCaps if success, otherwise return nullptr
static MediaLibvaCaps * CreateMediaLibvaCaps(DDI_MEDIA_CONTEXT *mediaCtx);
//! \brief convert Media Format to Gmm Format for GmmResCreate parameter.
//! \param [in] format
//! Pointer to DDI_MEDIA_FORMAT
//! Pointer to gmm format type
virtual GMM_RESOURCE_FORMAT ConvertMediaFmtToGmmFmt(DDI_MEDIA_FORMAT format);
//! \brief convert FOURCC to Gmm Format.
//! \param [in] fourcc
//! Pointer to gmm format type
virtual GMM_RESOURCE_FORMAT ConvertFourccToGmmFmt(uint32_t fourcc);
//! \brief Check if MFE is supported on the platform
//! \param [in] PLATFORM
//! \return true if supported, otherwise false
virtual bool IsMfeSupportedOnPlatform(const PLATFORM &platform);
//! \brief Initialize the MediaLibvaCaps instance for current platform
//! \return VAStatus
//! return VA_STATUS_SUCCESS for success
virtual VAStatus Init()
// do nothing by default
//! \class ProfileEntrypoint
//! \brief Profile entrypoint
class ProfileEntrypoint
VAProfile m_profile = VAProfileNone; //!< Profile
VAEntrypoint m_entrypoint = (VAEntrypoint)0; //!< Entrypoint
AttribMap *m_attributes = nullptr; //!< Pointer to attributes map
int32_t m_configStartIdx = 0; //!< Config Id offset to the decode or encode or vp config Id base
//! \brief The number of config Id that this profile & entrypoint combination supports
int32_t m_configNum = 0; //!< Number of configs that above profile & entrypoint combination supports
//! \struct DecConfig
//! \brief Decode configuration
struct DecConfig
uint32_t m_sliceMode; //!< Decode slice mode
uint32_t m_encryptType; //!< Decode entrypoint Type
uint32_t m_processType; //!< Decode processing Type
DecConfig(const uint32_t sliceMode, const uint32_t encryptType, const uint32_t processType)
: m_sliceMode(sliceMode), m_encryptType(encryptType), m_processType(processType) {}
//! \struct EncConfig
//! \brief Encode configuration
struct EncConfig
uint32_t m_rcMode; //!< RateControl Mode
uint32_t m_FeiFunction; //!< Decode entrypoint Type
EncConfig(const uint32_t rcMode, const uint32_t FeiFunction)
: m_rcMode(rcMode), m_FeiFunction(FeiFunction) {}
//! \enum CodecType
//! \brief Codec type
enum CodecType
videoEncode, //!< Video encode
videoDecode, //!< Video decode
videoProcess,//!< Video processing
videoProtect //!< Video protection
enum EncodeFormat
AVC = 0,
Others = 0xff,
enum EncodeType
DualPipe = 0,
struct EncodeFormatTable
EncodeFormat encodeFormat;
EncodeType encodeType;
uint32_t colorFormat;
static const uint16_t m_maxProfiles = 17; //!< Maximum number of supported profiles
static const uint16_t m_maxProfileEntries = 64; //!< Maximum number of supported profile & entrypoint combinations
static const uint32_t m_numVpSurfaceAttr = 18; //!< Number of VP surface attributes
static const uint32_t m_numJpegSurfaceAttr = 7; //!< Number of JPEG surface attributes
static const uint32_t m_numJpegEncSurfaceAttr = 4; //!< Number of JPEG encode surface attributes
static const uint16_t m_maxEntrypoints = 7; //!< Maximum number of supported entrypoints
static const uint32_t m_decSliceMode[2]; //!< Store 2 decode slices modes
static const uint32_t m_decProcessMode[2]; //!< Store 2 decode process modes
static const uint32_t m_encRcMode[9]; //!< Store 9 encode rate control modes
static const uint32_t m_vpSurfaceAttr[m_numVpSurfaceAttr]; //!< Store the VP surface attributes
static const uint32_t m_jpegSurfaceAttr[m_numJpegSurfaceAttr]; //!< Store the JPEG surface attributes
static const uint32_t m_jpegEncSurfaceAttr[m_numJpegEncSurfaceAttr]; //!< Store the JPEG encode surface attributes
static const uint32_t m_decMpeg2MaxWidth = 2048; //!< Maximum width for Mpeg2 decode
static const uint32_t m_decMpeg2MaxHeight = 2048; //!< Maximum height for Mpeg2 decode
static const uint32_t m_decVc1MaxWidth = 3840; //!< Maximum width for VC1 decode
static const uint32_t m_decVc1MaxHeight = 3840; //!< Maximum height for VC1 decode
static const uint32_t m_decJpegMaxWidth = 16384; //!< Maximum width for JPEG decode
static const uint32_t m_decJpegMaxHeight = 16384; //!< Maximum height for JPEG decode
static const uint32_t m_decHevcMaxWidth = 8192; //!< Maximum width for HEVC decode
static const uint32_t m_decHevcMaxHeight = 8192; //!< Maximum height for HEVC decode
static const uint32_t m_decVp9MaxWidth = 8192; //!< Maximum width for VP9 decode
static const uint32_t m_decVp9MaxHeight = 8192; //!< Maximum height for VP9 decode
static const uint32_t m_decDefaultMaxWidth = 4096; //!< Default maximum width for decode
static const uint32_t m_decDefaultMaxHeight = 4096; //!< Default maximum height for decode
static const uint32_t m_encMinWidth = 32; //!< Minimum width for encoding
static const uint32_t m_encMinHeight = 32; //!< Minimum height for encoding
static const uint32_t m_hevcVDEncMinWidth = 128; //!< Minimum width for HEVC VDEnc
static const uint32_t m_hevcVDEncMinHeight = 128; //!< Minimum height for HEVC VDEnc
static const uint32_t m_encMax4kWidth =
CODEC_4K_MAX_PIC_WIDTH; //!< Minimum width for encoding
static const uint32_t m_encMax4kHeight =
CODEC_4K_MAX_PIC_HEIGHT; //!< Minimum height for encoding
static const uint32_t m_encJpegMinWidth = 16; //!< Minimum width for encoding
static const uint32_t m_encJpegMinHeight = 16; //!< Minimum height for encoding
static const uint32_t m_encJpegMaxWidth =
ENCODE_JPEG_MAX_PIC_WIDTH; //!< Maximum width for JPEG encoding
static const uint32_t m_encJpegMaxHeight =
ENCODE_JPEG_MAX_PIC_HEIGHT; //!< Maximum height for JPEG encoding
DDI_MEDIA_CONTEXT *m_mediaCtx; //!< Pointer to media context
friend class MediaLibvaCapsCpInterface;
MediaLibvaCapsCpInterface* m_CapsCp;
static constexpr uint32_t m_configAttribNone = 0x00000000; //!< Define for empty attrib
//! \brief Store all the supported encode format
struct EncodeFormatTable* m_encodeFormatTable = nullptr;
uint32_t m_encodeFormatCount = 0;
//! \brief Store all the profile and entrypoint combinations
ProfileEntrypoint m_profileEntryTbl[m_maxProfileEntries];
uint16_t m_profileEntryCount = 0; //!< Count valid entries in m_profileEntryTbl
//! \brief Store attribute list pointers
std::vector<AttribMap *> m_attributeLists;
bool m_isEntryptSupported = false; //!< If decode encryption is supported on current platform
std::vector<EncConfig> m_encConfigs; //!< Store supported encode configs
std::vector<DecConfig> m_decConfigs; //!< Store supported decode configs
std::vector<uint32_t> m_vpConfigs; //!< Store supported vp configs
bool m_vdencActive = false; //!< If vdenc is active on current platform
//! \brief Check entrypoint codec type
//! \param [in] entrypoint
//! VA entrypoint
//! \param [in] codecType
//! Codec type
//! \return True if entrypoint match the codecType
bool CheckEntrypointCodecType(VAEntrypoint entrypoint, CodecType codecType);
//! \brief Add one decode configuration
//! \param [in] slicemode
//! \param [in] encryptType
//! Encryption Type
//! \param [in] processType
//! \return VAStatus
//! VA_STATUS_SUCCESS if success
VAStatus AddDecConfig(uint32_t slicemode, uint32_t encryptType, uint32_t processType);
//! \brief Add one encode configuration
//! \param [in] rcMode
//! \param [in] feiFunction
//! VA_FEI_FUNCTION_XXX [optional parameter]
//! \return VAStatus
//! VA_STATUS_SUCCESS if success
VAStatus AddEncConfig(uint32_t rcMode, uint32_t feiFunction = 0);
//! \brief Add one vp configuration
//! \param [in] attrib
//! VP attribute
//! \return VAStatus
//! VA_STATUS_SUCCESS if success
VAStatus AddVpConfig(uint32_t attrib);
//! \brief Return profile and entrypoint for a give config ID
//! \param [in] configId
//! VA configuration
//! \param [in,out] profile
//! Pointer to VAProfile of the configuration
//! \param [in,out] entrypoint
//! Pointer to VAEntrypoint of the configuration
//! \param [in,out] profileTableIdx
//! The index in m_profileEntryTbl. Return -1 if config ID is invalid
//! \return VAStatus
//! VA_STATUS_SUCCESS if success
VAStatus GetProfileEntrypointFromConfigId(VAConfigID configId,
VAProfile *profile,
VAEntrypoint *entrypoint,
int32_t *profileTableIdx);
//! \brief Add one entry to profile & entrypoint table
//! \param [in] profile
//! Pointer to VAProfile of the configuration
//! \param [in] entrypoint
//! Pointer to VAEntrypoint of the configuration
//! \param [in] attributeList
//! Pointer to VAConfigAttrib vector that stores attributes
//! \param [in] configIdxStart
//! Offset of config index in m_encConfigs, m_decConfigs or m_vpConfigs
//! \param [in] configNum
//! The number of supported configs.
//! \return VAStatus
//! VA_STATUS_SUCCESS if success
VAStatus AddProfileEntry(VAProfile profile,
VAEntrypoint entrypoint,
AttribMap *attributeList,
int32_t configIdxStart,
int32_t configNum);
//! \brief Return the index in m_profileEntryTble by given profile and entrypoint
//! \param [in] profile
//! Specify VAProfile
//! \param [in] entrypoint
//! Specify VAEntrypoint
//! \return int32_t
//! Equal or bigger than zero if success, otherwise return -1
int32_t GetProfileTableIdx(VAProfile profile, VAEntrypoint entrypoint);
//! \brief Create attributes map
//! \param [in,out] attributeList
//! Return the pointer to AttribMap
//! \return VAStatus
//! VA_STATUS_SUCCESS if success
VAStatus CreateAttributeList(AttribMap **attributeList);
//! \brief Free attribuate lists
VAStatus FreeAttributeList();
//! \brief Initialize the attribute types of a VAConfigAttrib array
//! \param [in,out] attribList
//! Pointer to VAConfigAttrib vector
//! \return VAStatus
//! VA_STATUS_SUCCESS if success
VAStatus InitAttributeTypes(std::vector<VAConfigAttrib> *attribList);
//! \brief Return index of given attribute type in a VAConfigAttrib vector
//! \param [in] attribList
//! Pointer to VAConfigAttrib vector.
//! \param [in] type
//! Specify the VAConfigAttribType to query
//! \return int32_t
//! Equal or bigger than zero if success, otherwise return -1
int32_t GetAttributeIndex(std::vector<VAConfigAttrib> *attribList, VAConfigAttribType type);
//! \brief Set the attribute in a VAConfigAttrib array
//! \param [in,out] attributeList
//! Pointer to VAConfigAttrib vector
//! \param [in] type
//! VAConfigAttribType
//! \param [in] value
//! Attribute value
//! \return VAStatus
//! VA_STATUS_SUCCESS if success
VAStatus SetAttribute(
std::vector<VAConfigAttrib> *attributeList,
VAConfigAttribType type,
uint32_t value);
//! \brief Set the attribute for the given profile and entrypoint
//! \param [in] profile
//! Specify VAProfile
//! \param [in] entrypoint
//! Specify VAEntrypoint
//! \param [in] type
//! VAConfigAttribType
//! \param [in] value
//! Attribute value
//! \return VAStatus
//! VA_STATUS_SUCCESS if success
VAStatus SetAttribute(
VAProfile profile,
VAEntrypoint entrypoint,
VAConfigAttribType type,
uint32_t value);
//! \brief Create and intialize an attribute vector give encode profile and entrypoint
//! \param [in] profile
//! VA profile
//! \param [in] entrypoint
//! VA entrypoint
//! \param [in,out] attributeList
//! Pointer to a pointer of AttribMap that will be created
//! \return VAStatus
//! VA_STATUS_SUCCESS if success
virtual VAStatus CreateEncAttributes(
VAProfile profile,
VAEntrypoint entrypoint,
AttribMap **attributeList);
//! \brief Create and intialize an attribute array give decode profile and entrypoint
//! \param [in] profile
//! VA profile
//! \param [in] entrypoint
//! VA entrypoint
//! \param [in,out] attributeList
//! Pointer to a pointer of AttribMap that will be created
//! \return VAStatus
//! VA_STATUS_SUCCESS if success
virtual VAStatus CreateDecAttributes(
VAProfile profile,
VAEntrypoint entrypoint,
AttribMap **attributeList);
//! \brief Create and intialize an attribute array give Vp profile and entrypoint
//! \param [in] profile
//! VA profile
//! \param [in] entrypoint
//! VA entrypoint
//! \param [in,out] attributeList
//! Pointer to a pointer of AttribMap that will be created
//! \return VAStatus
//! VA_STATUS_SUCCESS if success
VAStatus CreateVpAttributes(
VAProfile profile,
VAEntrypoint entrypoint,
AttribMap **attributeList);
//! \brief Initialize AVC decode profiles, entrypoints and attributes
VAStatus LoadAvcDecProfileEntrypoints();
//! \brief Initialize AVC encode profiles, entrypoints and attributes
virtual VAStatus LoadAvcEncProfileEntrypoints();
//! \brief Initialize AVC Low-power encode profiles, entrypoints and attributes
VAStatus LoadAvcEncLpProfileEntrypoints();
//! \brief Initialize MPEG2 decode profiles, entrypoints and attributes
VAStatus LoadMpeg2DecProfileEntrypoints();
//! \brief Initialize MPEG2 encode profiles, entrypoints and attributes
VAStatus LoadMpeg2EncProfileEntrypoints();
//! \brief Initialize JPEG decode profiles, entrypoints and attributes
VAStatus LoadJpegDecProfileEntrypoints();
//! \brief Initialize JPEG encode profiles, entrypoints and attributes
VAStatus LoadJpegEncProfileEntrypoints();
//! \brief Initialize VC1 decode profiles, entrypoints and attributes
VAStatus LoadVc1DecProfileEntrypoints();
//! \brief Initialize VP8 decode profiles, entrypoints and attributes
VAStatus LoadVp8DecProfileEntrypoints();
//! \brief Initialize VP8 encode profiles, entrypoints and attributes
VAStatus LoadVp8EncProfileEntrypoints();
//! \brief Initialize VP9 decode profiles, entrypoints and attributes
VAStatus LoadVp9DecProfileEntrypoints();
//! \brief Initialize VP9 encode profiles, entrypoints and attributes
virtual VAStatus LoadVp9EncProfileEntrypoints();
//! \brief Initialize HEVC decode profiles, entrypoints and attributes
virtual VAStatus LoadHevcDecProfileEntrypoints();
//! \brief Initialize HEVC decode profiles, entrypoints and attributes for specified hevc profile
VAStatus LoadDecProfileEntrypoints(VAProfile profile);
//! \brief Initialize HEVC encode profiles, entrypoints and attributes
virtual VAStatus LoadHevcEncProfileEntrypoints();
//! \brief Initialize none profiles, entrypoints and attributes
VAStatus LoadNoneProfileEntrypoints();
//! \brief Initialize Advanced decode profiles, entrypoints and attributes
virtual VAStatus LoadAdvancedDecProfileEntrypoints();
//! \brief Initialize encode/decode/vp profiles, entrypoints and attributes
virtual VAStatus LoadProfileEntrypoints() = 0;
//! \brief Create decode config by given attributes
//! \param [in] profileTableIdx
//! The index in m_profileEntryTbl.
//! \param [in] attribList
//! Pointer to VAConfigAttrib array
//! \param [in] numAttribs
//! Number of VAConfigAttrib in attribList
//! \param [in,out] configId
//! Pointer to VAConfigID.
//! \return VAStatus
//! VA_STATUS_SUCCESS if success
VAStatus CreateDecConfig(
int32_t profileTableIdx,
VAConfigAttrib *attribList,
int32_t numAttribs,
VAConfigID *configId);
//! \brief Create encode config by given attributes
//! \param [in] profileTableIdx
//! The index in m_profileEntryTbl.
//! \param [in] attribList
//! Pointer to VAConfigAttrib array
//! \param [in] numAttribs
//! Number of VAConfigAttrib in attribList
//! \param [in,out] configId
//! Pointer to VAConfigID.
//! \return VAStatus
//! VA_STATUS_SUCCESS if success
VAStatus CreateEncConfig(
int32_t profileTableIdx,
VAEntrypoint entrypoint,
VAConfigAttrib *attribList,
int32_t numAttribs,
VAConfigID *configId);
//! \brief Create vp config by given attributes
//! \param [in] profileTableIdx
//! The index in m_profileEntryTbl.
//! \param [in] attribList
//! Pointer to VAConfigAttrib array
//! \param [in] numAttribs
//! Number of VAConfigAttrib in attribList
//! \param [in,out] configId
//! Pointer to VAConfigID.
//! \return VAStatus
//! VA_STATUS_SUCCESS if success
VAStatus CreateVpConfig(
int32_t profileTableIdx,
VAConfigAttrib *attribList,
int32_t numAttribs,
VAConfigID *configId);
//! \brief Return the platform specific value by given attribute type
//! \param [in] profile
//! VAProfile
//! \param [in] entrypoint
//! VAEntrypoint
//! \param [in] type
//! VAConfigAttribType
//! \param [in,out] value
//! Pointer to uint32_t that stores the returned value.
//! \return VAStatus
//! VA_STATUS_SUCCESS if success
virtual VAStatus GetPlatformSpecificAttrib(
VAProfile profile,
VAEntrypoint entrypoint,
VAConfigAttribType type,
uint32_t *value) = 0;
//! \brief Return encode Mb processing rate on current platform
//! \param [in] skuTable
//! \param [in] tuIdx
//! Specify the index of target usage
//! \param [in] codecMode
//! Specify the codec mode
//! \param [in] vdencActive
//! Specify if vdenc is used
//! \param [in,out] mbProcessingRatePerSec
//! Pointer to uint32_t that stores the returned value.
//! \return VAStatus
//! VA_STATUS_SUCCESS if success
virtual VAStatus GetMbProcessingRateEnc(
uint32_t tuIdx,
uint32_t codecMode,
bool vdencActive,
uint32_t *mbProcessingRatePerSec);
//! \brief Return decode Mb processing rate on current platform
//! \param [in] skuTable
//! \param [in,out] mbProcessingRatePerSec
//! Pointer to uint32_t that stores the returned value.
//! \return VAStatus
//! VA_STATUS_SUCCESS if success
virtual VAStatus GetMbProcessingRateDec(
uint32_t *mbProcessingRatePerSec);
//! \brief Check the encode RT format according to platform and encode format
//! \param [in] profile
//! VAProfile
//! \param [in] entrypoint
//! VAEntrypoint
//! \param [in,out] attrib
//! Pointer to a pointer of VAConfigAttrib that will be created
//! \return VAStatus
//! VA_STATUS_SUCCESS if success
VAStatus CheckEncRTFormat(
VAProfile profile,
VAEntrypoint entrypoint,
VAConfigAttrib* attrib);
//! \brief Check the encode attribute list according to profile and entrypoint
//! \param [in] profile
//! VAProfile
//! \param [in] entrypoint
//! VAEntrypoint
//! \param [in] attrib
//! Pointer to a pointer of VAConfigAttrib
//! \param [in] numAttribs
//! number of of VAConfigAttrib
//! \return VAStatus
//! VA_STATUS_SUCCESS if success
VAStatus CheckAttribList(
VAProfile profile,
VAEntrypoint entrypoint,
VAConfigAttrib* attrib,
int32_t numAttribs);
//! \brief Get the general attribute
//! \param [in,out] attrib
//! Pointer to the CAConfigAttrib
//! \return VAStatus
//! VA_STATUS_SUCCESS if success
VAStatus GetGeneralConfigAttrib(VAConfigAttrib* attrib);