blob: 7c499ac2e80bfc5dd273e2eddbf29520e875b52e [file] [log] [blame]
libva-utils NEWS -- summary of changes. 2018-07-11
Copyright (C) 2009-2018 Intel Corporation
Version 2.2.0 - 11.Jul.2018
* Bump version to 2.2.0
* Add meson build
* Add vainfo support in Android
* Remove driver specific test cases
Version 2.1.0 - 12.Feb.2018
* Bump version to 2.1.0
* Refine gtest conformance cases
* vp9enc: add support low power mode
* vavpp: add support for RGBA/RGBX surface
* vainfo: add support new profile/entrypoint pairs
Version 2.0.0 - 21.Oct.2017
* Bump version to 2.0.0
* Add option '--device <device>' to vainfo
* Add vp9enc for VP9 encoding
* Add vavpp for video processing
* Add FEI gtest cases
* Fix segmentation fault in putsurface_wayland
* Fix GCC 7.1.1 warnings/errors
* Fix libva version printed out by vainfo
Version 1.8.3 - 28.Jun.2017
* Bump version to 1.8.3
* putsurface: include wayland-client.h instead of wayland-server.h
* avcenc: add AUD NAL unit at the beginning of pic
* avcenc: enable direct_spatial_mv_pred_flag for B frame
* avcenc: add the frame number as the command line input parameter
Version 1.8.2 - 22.May.2017
* Bump version to 1.8.2
Version 1.8.1 - 10.Apr.2017
* Bump version to 1.8.1
Version 1.8.0 - 31.Mar.2017
* First release of libva-utils as a separate project
* Follows libva release versioning
* Contains all the utilities and tests for libva API
* dynamically links to libva
* building system clean ups
* test suite included using GoogleTestFramework