add HEVC encode sample code

1. support low delay B frame
2. only support 1 frame in each reference list
3. CQP only

Signed-off-by: Tianhao Liu <>
diff --git a/encode/ b/encode/
index 8298b39..ab1a86f 100644
--- a/encode/
+++ b/encode/
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
-bin_PROGRAMS = avcenc mpeg2vaenc h264encode jpegenc vp9enc vp8enc
+bin_PROGRAMS = avcenc mpeg2vaenc h264encode jpegenc vp9enc vp8enc hevcencode 
 noinst_PROGRAMS = svctenc
@@ -36,6 +36,14 @@
 	$(top_builddir)/common/ \
 	-lpthread -lm
+hevcencode_SOURCES	= hevcencode.c
+hevcencode_CFLAGS	= -I$(top_srcdir)/common -g
+hevcencode_LDADD	= \
+       	$(LIBVA_LIBS) \
+	$(top_builddir)/common/ \
+	-lpthread -lm
 avcenc_SOURCES		= avcenc.c
 avcenc_CFLAGS		= -I$(top_srcdir)/common -g
 avcenc_LDADD		= \
diff --git a/encode/hevcencode.c b/encode/hevcencode.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..681e34e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/encode/hevcencode.c
@@ -0,0 +1,3425 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2018 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
+ * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+ * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+ * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+ * distribute, sub license, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+ * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+ * the following conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the
+ * next paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions
+ * of the Software.
+ *
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <getopt.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <sys/mman.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <pthread.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <va/va.h>
+#include <va/va_enc_hevc.h>
+#include "va_display.h"
+#define ALIGN16(x)  ((x+15)&~15)
+#define CHECK_VASTATUS(va_status,func)                                  \
+    if (va_status != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) {                               \
+        fprintf(stderr,"%s:%s (%d) failed,exit\n", __func__, func, __LINE__); \
+        exit(1);                                                        \
+    }
+#include "loadsurface.h"
+#define NAL_REF_IDC_NONE        0
+#define NAL_REF_IDC_LOW         1
+#define NAL_REF_IDC_MEDIUM      2
+#define NAL_REF_IDC_HIGH        3
+#define FRAME_I 1
+#define FRAME_P 2
+#define FRAME_B 3
+#define FRAME_IDR 7
+    SLICE_B = 0,
+    SLICE_P = 1,
+    SLICE_I = 2,
+#define IS_I_SLICE(type) (SLICE_I == (type))
+#define IS_P_SLICE(type) (SLICE_P == (type))
+#define IS_B_SLICE(type) (SLICE_B == (type))
+#define ENTROPY_MODE_CAVLC      0
+#define ENTROPY_MODE_CABAC      1
+#define PROFILE_IDC_MAIN        1
+#define PROFILE_IDC_MAIN10      2
+#define LCU_SIZE 32
+#define SURFACE_NUM 16 /* 16 surfaces for source YUV */
+#define SURFACE_NUM 16 /* 16 surfaces for reference */
+enum NALUType
+    NALU_TRAIL_N        = 0x00, // Coded slice segment of a non-TSA, non-STSA trailing picture - slice_segment_layer_rbsp, VLC
+    NALU_TRAIL_R        = 0x01, // Coded slice segment of a non-TSA, non-STSA trailing picture - slice_segment_layer_rbsp, VLC
+    NALU_TSA_N          = 0x02, // Coded slice segment of a TSA picture - slice_segment_layer_rbsp, VLC
+    NALU_TSA_R          = 0x03, // Coded slice segment of a TSA picture - slice_segment_layer_rbsp, VLC
+    NALU_STSA_N         = 0x04, // Coded slice of an STSA picture - slice_layer_rbsp, VLC
+    NALU_STSA_R         = 0x05, // Coded slice of an STSA picture - slice_layer_rbsp, VLC
+    NALU_RADL_N         = 0x06, // Coded slice of an RADL picture - slice_layer_rbsp, VLC
+    NALU_RADL_R         = 0x07, // Coded slice of an RADL picture - slice_layer_rbsp, VLC
+    NALU_RASL_N         = 0x08, // Coded slice of an RASL picture - slice_layer_rbsp, VLC
+    NALU_RASL_R         = 0x09, // Coded slice of an RASL picture - slice_layer_rbsp, VLC
+    /* 0x0a..0x0f - Reserved */
+    NALU_BLA_W_LP       = 0x10, // Coded slice segment of an BLA picture - slice_segment_layer_rbsp, VLC
+    NALU_BLA_W_DLP      = 0x11, // Coded slice segment of an BLA picture - slice_segment_layer_rbsp, VLC
+    NALU_BLA_N_LP       = 0x12, // Coded slice segment of an BLA picture - slice_segment_layer_rbsp, VLC
+    NALU_IDR_W_DLP      = 0x13, // Coded slice segment of an IDR picture - slice_segment_layer_rbsp, VLC
+    NALU_IDR_N_LP       = 0x14, // Coded slice segment of an IDR picture - slice_segment_layer_rbsp, VLC
+    NALU_CRA            = 0x15, // Coded slice segment of an CRA picture - slice_segment_layer_rbsp, VLC
+    /* 0x16..0x1f - Reserved */
+    NALU_VPS            = 0x20, // Video parameter set - video_parameter_set_rbsp, non-VLC
+    NALU_SPS            = 0x21, // Sequence parameter set - seq_parameter_set_rbsp, non-VLC
+    NALU_PPS            = 0x22, // Picture parameter set - pic_parameter_set_rbsp, non-VLC
+    NALU_AUD            = 0x23, // Access unit delimiter - access_unit_delimiter_rbsp, non-VLC
+    NALU_EOS            = 0x24, // End of sequence - end_of_seq_rbsp, non-VLC
+    NALU_EOB            = 0x25, // End of bitsteam - end_of_bitsteam_rbsp, non-VLC
+    NALU_FD             = 0x26, // Filler data - filler_data_rbsp, non-VLC
+    NALU_PREFIX_SEI     = 0x27, // Supplemental enhancement information (SEI) - sei_rbsp, non_VLC
+    NALU_SUFFIX_SEI     = 0x28, // Supplemental enhancement information (SEI) - sei_rbsp, non_VLC
+    /* 0x29..0x2f - Reserved */
+    /* 0x30..0x3f - Unspecified */
+    //this should be the last element of this enum
+    //chagne this value if NAL unit type increased
+    MAX_HEVC_NAL_TYPE   = 0x3f,
+// Config const values
+#define MAX_TEMPORAL_SUBLAYERS         8
+#define MAX_LAYER_ID                   64
+#define MAX_LONGTERM_REF_PIC           32
+struct ProfileTierParamSet
+    uint8_t      general_profile_space;                                        //u(2)
+    int          general_tier_flag;                                            //u(1)
+    uint8_t      general_profile_idc;                                          //u(5)
+    int          general_profile_compatibility_flag[32];                       //u(1)
+    int          general_progressive_source_flag;                              //u(1)
+    int          general_interlaced_source_flag;                               //u(1)
+    int          general_non_packed_constraint_flag;                           //u(1)
+    int          general_frame_only_constraint_flag;                           //u(1)
+    int          general_reserved_zero_43bits[43];                             //u(1)
+    int          general_reserved_zero_bit;                                    //u(1)
+    uint8_t      general_level_idc;                                            //u(8)
+// Video parameter set structure
+struct VideoParamSet
+    uint8_t       vps_video_parameter_set_id;                                   //u(4)
+    int           vps_base_layer_internal_flag;                                 //u(1)
+    int           vps_base_layer_available_flag;                                //u(1)
+    uint8_t       vps_max_layers_minus1;                                        //u(6)
+    uint8_t       vps_max_sub_layers_minus1;                                    //u(3)
+    int           vps_temporal_id_nesting_flag;                                 //u(1)
+    uint16_t      vps_reserved_0xffff_16bits;                                   //u(16)
+    struct        ProfileTierParamSet ptps;
+    uint8_t       vps_max_nuh_reserved_zero_layer_id;
+    uint32_t      vps_max_op_sets;
+    uint32_t      vps_num_op_sets_minus1;
+    int           vps_sub_layer_ordering_info_present_flag;                     //u(1)
+    uint32_t      vps_max_dec_pic_buffering_minus1[MAX_TEMPORAL_SUBLAYERS];      //ue(v)
+    uint32_t      vps_max_num_reorder_pics[MAX_TEMPORAL_SUBLAYERS];              //ue(v)
+    uint32_t      vps_max_latency_increase_plus1[MAX_TEMPORAL_SUBLAYERS];        //ue(v)
+    uint8_t       vps_max_layer_id;                                             //u(6)
+    uint32_t      vps_num_layer_sets_minus1;                                    //ue(v)
+    int           layer_id_included_flag[MAX_TEMPORAL_SUBLAYERS][MAX_LAYER_ID];   //u(1)
+    int           vps_timing_info_present_flag;                                 //u(1)
+    uint32_t      vps_num_units_in_tick;                                        //u(32)
+    uint32_t      vps_time_scale;                                               //u(32
+    int           vps_poc_proportional_to_timing_flag;                          //u(1)
+    uint32_t      vps_num_ticks_poc_diff_one_minus1;                            //ue(v)
+    uint32_t      vps_num_hrd_parameters;                                       //ue(v)
+    uint32_t      hrd_layer_set_idx[MAX_TEMPORAL_SUBLAYERS];                     //ue(v)
+    int           cprms_present_flag[MAX_TEMPORAL_SUBLAYERS];                    //u(1)
+    int           vps_extension_flag;                                           //u(1)
+    int           vps_extension_data_flag;                                      //u(1)
+struct ShortTermRefPicParamSet
+    int         inter_ref_pic_set_prediction_flag;                               //u(1)
+    uint32_t    delta_idx_minus1;                                               //ue(v)
+    uint8_t     delta_rps_sign;                                                 //u(1)
+    uint32_t    abs_delta_rps_minus1;                                           //ue(v)
+    uint8_t     used_by_curr_pic_flag[32];                                      //u(1)
+    uint8_t     use_delta_flag[32];                                             //u(1)
+    uint32_t    num_negative_pics;                                              //ue(v)
+    uint32_t    num_positive_pics;                                              //ue(v)
+    uint32_t    delta_poc_s0_minus1[32];                                        //ue(v)
+    uint8_t     used_by_curr_pic_s0_flag[32];                                   //u(1)
+    uint32_t    delta_poc_s1_minus1[32];                                        //ue(v)
+    uint8_t     used_by_curr_pic_s1_flag[32];                                   //u(1)
+struct SeqParamSet
+    uint8_t     sps_video_parameter_set_id;                                     //u(4)
+    uint8_t     sps_max_sub_layers_minus1;                                      //u(3)
+    int         sps_temporal_id_nesting_flag;                                   //u(1)
+    struct      ProfileTierParamSet ptps;
+    uint32_t    sps_seq_parameter_set_id;                                       //ue(v)
+    uint32_t    chroma_format_idc;                                              //ue(v)
+    int         separate_colour_plane_flag;                                     //u(1)
+    uint32_t    pic_width_in_luma_samples;                                      //ue(v)
+    uint32_t    pic_height_in_luma_samples;                                     //ue(v)
+    int         conformance_window_flag;                                        //u(1)
+    uint32_t    conf_win_left_offset;                                           //ue(v)
+    uint32_t    conf_win_right_offset;                                          //ue(v)
+    uint32_t    conf_win_top_offset;                                            //ue(v)
+    uint32_t    conf_win_bottom_offset;                                         //ue(v)
+    uint32_t    bit_depth_luma_minus8;                                          //ue(v)
+    uint32_t    bit_depth_chroma_minus8;                                        //ue(v)
+    uint32_t    log2_max_pic_order_cnt_lsb_minus4;                              //ue(v)
+    int         sps_sub_layer_ordering_info_present_flag;                       //u(1)
+    uint32_t    sps_max_dec_pic_buffering_minus1[MAX_TEMPORAL_SUBLAYERS];        //ue(v)
+    uint32_t    sps_max_num_reorder_pics[MAX_TEMPORAL_SUBLAYERS];                //ue(v)
+    uint32_t    sps_max_latency_increase_plus1[MAX_TEMPORAL_SUBLAYERS];          //ue(v)
+    uint32_t    log2_min_luma_coding_block_size_minus3;                         //ue(v)
+    uint32_t    log2_diff_max_min_luma_coding_block_size;
+    uint32_t    log2_max_coding_block_size_minus3; //ue(v)
+    uint32_t    log2_min_luma_transform_block_size_minus2;                      //ue(v)
+    uint32_t    log2_diff_max_min_luma_transform_block_size;                    //ue(v)
+    uint32_t    max_transform_hierarchy_depth_inter;                            //ue(v)
+    uint32_t    max_transform_hierarchy_depth_intra;                            //ue(v)
+    uint8_t     scaling_list_enabled_flag;                                      //u(1)
+    uint8_t     sps_scaling_list_data_present_flag;                             //u(1)
+    uint8_t     amp_enabled_flag;                                               //u(1)
+    uint8_t     sample_adaptive_offset_enabled_flag;                            //u(1)
+    uint8_t     pcm_enabled_flag;                                               //u(1)
+    uint8_t     pcm_sample_bit_depth_luma_minus1;                               //u(4)
+    uint8_t     pcm_sample_bit_depth_chroma_minus1;                             //u(4)
+    uint32_t    log2_min_pcm_luma_coding_block_size_minus3;
+    uint32_t    log2_max_pcm_luma_coding_block_size_minus3;                     //ue(v)
+    uint32_t    log2_diff_max_min_pcm_luma_coding_block_size;                   //ue(v)
+    uint8_t     pcm_loop_filter_disabled_flag;                                  //u(1)
+    uint32_t    num_short_term_ref_pic_sets;                                    //ue(v)
+    struct      ShortTermRefPicParamSet strp[66];
+    uint8_t     long_term_ref_pics_present_flag;                                //u(1)
+    uint32_t    num_long_term_ref_pics_sps;                                     //ue(v)
+    uint32_t    lt_ref_pic_poc_lsb_sps[MAX_LONGTERM_REF_PIC];                   //u(v)
+    uint8_t     used_by_curr_pic_lt_sps_flag[MAX_LONGTERM_REF_PIC];             //u(1)
+    uint8_t     sps_temporal_mvp_enabled_flag;                                  //u(1)
+    uint8_t     strong_intra_smoothing_enabled_flag;                            //u(1)
+    uint8_t     vui_parameters_present_flag;                                    //u(1)
+    //VuiParameters   vui_parameters;
+    int         sps_extension_present_flag;                                     //u(1)
+    int         sps_range_extension_flag;                                       //u(1)
+    int         sps_multilayer_extension_flag;                                  //u(1)
+    int         sps_3d_extension_flag;                                          //u(1)
+    uint8_t     sps_extension_5bits;                                           //u(5)
+    int         sps_extension_data_flag;                                        //u(1)
+struct PicParamSet
+    uint32_t    pps_pic_parameter_set_id;                                       //ue(v)
+    uint32_t    pps_seq_parameter_set_id;                                       //ue(v)
+    int         dependent_slice_segments_enabled_flag;                          //u(1)
+    int         output_flag_present_flag;                                       //u(1)
+    uint8_t     num_extra_slice_header_bits;                                    //u(3)
+    int         sign_data_hiding_enabled_flag;                                  //u(1)
+    int         cabac_init_present_flag;                                        //u(1)
+    uint32_t    num_ref_idx_l0_default_active_minus1;                           //ue(v)
+    uint32_t    num_ref_idx_l1_default_active_minus1;                           //ue(v)
+    int32_t     init_qp_minus26;                                                //se(v)
+    int         constrained_intra_pred_flag;                                    //u(1)
+    int         transform_skip_enabled_flag;                                    //u(1)
+    int         cu_qp_delta_enabled_flag;                                       //u(1)
+    uint32_t    diff_cu_qp_delta_depth;                                         //ue(v)
+    uint32_t    pps_cb_qp_offset;                                               //se(v)
+    uint32_t    pps_cr_qp_offset;                                               //se(v)
+    int         pps_slice_chroma_qp_offsets_present_flag;                       //u(1)
+    int         weighted_pred_flag;                                             //u(1)
+    int         weighted_bipred_flag;                                           //u(1)
+    int         transquant_bypass_enabled_flag;                                 //u(1)
+    int         tiles_enabled_flag;                                             //u(1)
+    int         entropy_coding_sync_enabled_flag;                               //u(1)
+    uint32_t    num_tile_columns_minus1;                                        //ue(v)
+    uint32_t    num_tile_rows_minus1;                                           //ue(v)
+    int         uniform_spacing_flag;                                           //u(1)
+    uint32_t    *column_width_minus1;                                           //ue(v)
+    uint32_t    *row_height_minus1;                                             //ue(v)
+    int         loop_filter_across_tiles_enabled_flag;                          //u(1)
+    int         pps_loop_filter_across_slices_enabled_flag;                     //u(1)
+    int         deblocking_filter_control_present_flag;                         //u(1)
+    int         deblocking_filter_override_enabled_flag;                        //u(1)
+    int         pps_deblocking_filter_disabled_flag;                            //u(1)
+    int32_t     pps_beta_offset_div2;                                           //se(v)
+    int32_t     pps_tc_offset_div2;                                             //se(v)
+    int         pps_scaling_list_data_present_flag;                             //u(1)
+    int         lists_modification_present_flag;                                //u(1)
+    uint32_t    log2_parallel_merge_level_minus2;                               //ue(v)
+    int         slice_segment_header_extension_present_flag;                    //u(1)
+    int         pps_extension_present_flag;                                     //u(1)
+    int         pps_range_extension_flag;                                       //u(1)
+    int         pps_multilayer_extension_flag;                                  //u(1)
+    int         pps_3d_extension_flag;                                          //u(1)
+    uint8_t     pps_extension_5bits;                                            //u(5)
+    uint8_t     pps_extension_data_flag;                                        //u(1)
+    uint32_t    log2_max_transform_skip_block_size_minus2;                      //ue(v)
+    uint8_t     cross_component_prediction_enabled_flag;                        //ue(1)
+    uint8_t     chroma_qp_offset_list_enabled_flag;                             //ue(1)
+    uint32_t    diff_cu_chroma_qp_offset_depth;                                 //ue(v)
+    uint32_t    chroma_qp_offset_list_len_minus1;                               //ue(v)
+    uint32_t    cb_qp_offset_list[6];                                           //se(v)
+    uint32_t    cr_qp_offset_list[6];                                           //se(v)
+    uint32_t    log2_sao_offset_scale_luma;                                     //ue(v)
+    uint32_t    log2_sao_offset_scale_chroma;                                   //ue(v)
+struct SliceHeader
+    int         first_slice_segment_in_pic_flag;                                //u(1)
+    int         no_output_of_prior_pics_flag;                                   //u(1)
+    uint32_t    slice_pic_parameter_set_id;                                     //ue(v)
+    int         dependent_slice_segment_flag;                                   //u(1)
+    uint32_t    picture_width_in_ctus;
+    uint32_t    picture_height_in_ctus;
+    uint32_t    slice_segment_address;                                          //u(v)
+    int         slice_reserved_undetermined_flag[NUM_OF_EXTRA_SLICEHEADER_BITS];               //u(1)
+    uint32_t    slice_type;                                                     //ue(v)
+    int         pic_output_flag;                                                //u(1)
+    uint8_t     colour_plane_id;                                                //u(2)
+    uint32_t    pic_order_cnt_lsb;
+    uint32_t    num_negative_pics;
+    uint32_t    num_positive_pics;
+    uint32_t    delta_poc_s0_minus1;
+    struct      ShortTermRefPicParamSet strp;
+    int         short_term_ref_pic_set_sps_flag;                                //u(1)
+    uint32_t    short_term_ref_pic_set_idx;                                     //u(v)
+    uint32_t    num_long_term_sps;                                              //ue(v)
+    uint32_t    num_long_term_pics;                                             //ue(v)
+    uint32_t    *lt_idx_sps;                                                    //u(v)
+    uint32_t    *poc_lsb_lt;                                                    //u(v)
+    int         *used_by_curr_pic_lt_flag;                                      //u(1)
+    int         *delta_poc_msb_present_flag;                                    //u(1)
+    uint32_t    *delta_poc_msb_cycle_lt;                                        //ue(v)
+    int         slice_temporal_mvp_enabled_flag;                                //u(1)
+    int         slice_sao_luma_flag;                                            //u(1)
+    int         slice_sao_chroma_flag;                                          //u(1)
+    int         num_ref_idx_active_override_flag;                               //u(1)
+    uint32_t    num_ref_idx_l0_active_minus1;                                   //ue(v)
+    uint32_t    num_ref_idx_l1_active_minus1;
+    uint32_t    num_poc_total_cur;
+    int         ref_pic_list_modification_flag_l0;
+    int         ref_pic_list_modification_flag_l1;
+    uint32_t*   list_entry_l0;
+    uint32_t*   list_entry_l1;
+    int         ref_pic_list_combination_flag;
+    uint32_t    num_ref_idx_lc_active_minus1;
+    uint32_t    ref_pic_list_modification_flag_lc;
+    int         pic_from_list_0_flag;
+    uint32_t    ref_idx_list_curr;
+    int         mvd_l1_zero_flag;                                               //u(1)
+    int         cabac_init_present_flag;
+    int         pic_temporal_mvp_enable_flag;
+    int         collocated_from_l0_flag;                                        //u(1)
+    uint32_t    collocated_ref_idx;                                             //ue(v)
+    uint32_t    five_minus_max_num_merge_cand;                                  //ue(v)
+    int32_t     delta_pic_order_cnt_bottom;                                     //se(v)
+    int32_t     slice_qp_delta;                                                 //se(v)
+    int32_t     slice_qp_delta_cb;                                             //se(v)
+    int32_t     slice_qp_delta_cr;                                             //se(v)
+    int         cu_chroma_qp_offset_enabled_flag;                               //u(1)
+    int         deblocking_filter_override_flag;                                //u(1)
+    int         disable_deblocking_filter_flag;                          //u(1)
+    int32_t     beta_offset_div2;                                         //se(v)
+    int32_t     tc_offset_div2;                                           //se(v)
+    int         slice_loop_filter_across_slices_enabled_flag;                   //u(1)
+    uint32_t    num_entry_point_offsets;                                        //ue(v)
+    uint32_t    offset_len_minus1;                                              //ue(v)
+    uint32_t    *entry_point_offset;                                     //u(v)
+    uint32_t    slice_segment_header_extension_length;                          //ue(v)
+    uint8_t     *slice_segment_header_extension_data_byte;                      //u(8)
+static  struct VideoParamSet vps;
+static  struct SeqParamSet sps;
+static  struct PicParamSet pps;
+static  struct SliceHeader ssh;
+static  VADisplay va_dpy;
+static  VAProfile hevc_profile = ~0;
+static  int real_hevc_profile = 0;
+static  int p2b = 1;
+static  VAConfigAttrib attrib[VAConfigAttribTypeMax];
+static  VAConfigAttrib config_attrib[VAConfigAttribTypeMax];
+static  int config_attrib_num = 0, enc_packed_header_idx;
+static  VASurfaceID src_surface[SURFACE_NUM];
+static  VABufferID  coded_buf[SURFACE_NUM];
+static  VASurfaceID ref_surface[SURFACE_NUM];
+static  VAConfigID config_id;
+static  VAContextID context_id;
+static  struct ProfileTierParamSet protier_param;
+static  VAEncSequenceParameterBufferHEVC seq_param;
+static  VAEncPictureParameterBufferHEVC pic_param;
+static  VAEncSliceParameterBufferHEVC slice_param;
+static  VAPictureHEVC CurrentCurrPic;
+static  VAPictureHEVC ReferenceFrames[16], RefPicList0_P[32], RefPicList0_B[32], RefPicList1_B[32];
+static  unsigned int MaxPicOrderCntLsb = (2<<8);
+static  unsigned int num_ref_frames = 2;
+static  unsigned int num_active_ref_p = 1;
+static  unsigned int numShortTerm = 0;
+static  int constraint_set_flag = 0;
+static  int hevc_packedheader = 0;
+static  int hevc_maxref = 16;
+static  char *coded_fn = NULL, *srcyuv_fn = NULL, *recyuv_fn = NULL;
+static  FILE *coded_fp = NULL, *srcyuv_fp = NULL, *recyuv_fp = NULL;
+static  unsigned long long srcyuv_frames = 0;
+static  int srcyuv_fourcc = VA_FOURCC_NV12;
+static  int calc_psnr = 0;
+static  int frame_width = 176;
+static  int frame_height = 144;
+static  int frame_width_aligned;
+static  int frame_height_aligned;
+static  int frame_rate = 30;
+static  unsigned int frame_count = 60;
+static  unsigned int frame_coded = 0;
+static  unsigned int frame_bitrate = 0;
+static  unsigned int frame_slices = 1;
+static  double frame_size = 0;
+static  int initial_qp = 26;
+static  int minimal_qp = 0;
+static  int intra_period = 30;
+static  int intra_idr_period = 60;
+static  int ip_period = 1;
+static  int rc_mode = -1;
+static  int rc_default_modes[] = {
+    VA_RC_VBR,
+    VA_RC_CQP,
+    VA_RC_CBR,
+    VA_RC_VCM,
+    VA_RC_NONE,
+static  unsigned long long current_frame_encoding = 0;
+static  unsigned long long current_frame_display = 0;
+static  unsigned long long current_IDR_display = 0;
+static  unsigned int current_frame_num = 0;
+static  int current_frame_type;
+#define current_slot (current_frame_display % SURFACE_NUM)
+static  int misc_priv_type = 0;
+static  int misc_priv_value = 0;
+#define MIN(a, b) ((a)>(b)?(b):(a))
+#define MAX(a, b) ((a)>(b)?(a):(b))
+/* thread to save coded data/upload source YUV */
+struct storage_task_t {
+    void *next;
+    unsigned long long display_order;
+    unsigned long long encode_order;
+static  struct storage_task_t *storage_task_header = NULL, *storage_task_tail = NULL;
+static  int srcsurface_status[SURFACE_NUM];
+static  int encode_syncmode = 0;
+static  pthread_mutex_t encode_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
+static  pthread_cond_t  encode_cond = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;
+static  pthread_t encode_thread;
+/* for performance profiling */
+static unsigned int UploadPictureTicks=0;
+static unsigned int BeginPictureTicks=0;
+static unsigned int RenderPictureTicks=0;
+static unsigned int EndPictureTicks=0;
+static unsigned int SyncPictureTicks=0;
+static unsigned int SavePictureTicks=0;
+static unsigned int TotalTicks=0;
+struct __bitstream {
+    unsigned int *buffer;
+    int bit_offset;
+    int max_size_in_dword;
+typedef struct __bitstream bitstream;
+static unsigned int
+va_swap32(unsigned int val)
+    unsigned char *pval = (unsigned char *)&val;
+    return ((pval[0] << 24)     |
+            (pval[1] << 16)     |
+            (pval[2] << 8)      |
+            (pval[3] << 0));
+static void
+bitstream_start(bitstream *bs)
+    bs->max_size_in_dword = BITSTREAM_ALLOCATE_STEPPING;
+    bs->buffer = calloc(bs->max_size_in_dword * sizeof(int), 1);
+    assert(bs->buffer);
+    bs->bit_offset = 0;
+static void
+bitstream_end(bitstream *bs)
+    int pos = (bs->bit_offset >> 5);
+    int bit_offset = (bs->bit_offset & 0x1f);
+    int bit_left = 32 - bit_offset;
+    if (bit_offset) {
+        bs->buffer[pos] = va_swap32((bs->buffer[pos] << bit_left));
+    }
+static void
+put_ui(bitstream *bs, unsigned int val, int size_in_bits)
+    int pos = (bs->bit_offset >> 5);
+    int bit_offset = (bs->bit_offset & 0x1f);
+    int bit_left = 32 - bit_offset;
+    if (!size_in_bits)
+        return;
+    bs->bit_offset += size_in_bits;
+    if (bit_left > size_in_bits) {
+        bs->buffer[pos] = (bs->buffer[pos] << size_in_bits | val);
+    } else {
+        size_in_bits -= bit_left;
+        bs->buffer[pos] = (bs->buffer[pos] << bit_left) | (val >> size_in_bits);
+        bs->buffer[pos] = va_swap32(bs->buffer[pos]);
+        if (pos + 1 == bs->max_size_in_dword) {
+            bs->max_size_in_dword += BITSTREAM_ALLOCATE_STEPPING;
+            bs->buffer = realloc(bs->buffer, bs->max_size_in_dword * sizeof(unsigned int));
+            assert(bs->buffer);
+        }
+        bs->buffer[pos + 1] = val;
+    }
+static void
+put_ue(bitstream *bs, unsigned int val)
+    int size_in_bits = 0;
+    int tmp_val = ++val;
+    while (tmp_val) {
+        tmp_val >>= 1;
+        size_in_bits++;
+    }
+    put_ui(bs, 0, size_in_bits - 1); // leading zero
+    put_ui(bs, val, size_in_bits);
+static void
+put_se(bitstream *bs, int val)
+    unsigned int new_val;
+    if (val <= 0)
+        new_val = -2 * val;
+    else
+        new_val = 2 * val - 1;
+    put_ue(bs, new_val);
+static void
+byte_aligning(bitstream *bs, int bit)
+    int bit_offset = (bs->bit_offset & 0x7);
+    int bit_left = 8 - bit_offset;
+    int new_val;
+    if (!bit_offset)
+        return;
+    assert(bit == 0 || bit == 1);
+    if (bit)
+        new_val = (1 << bit_left) - 1;
+    else
+        new_val = 0;
+    put_ui(bs, new_val, bit_left);
+static void
+rbsp_trailing_bits(bitstream *bs)
+    put_ui(bs, 1, 1);
+    byte_aligning(bs, 0);
+static void nal_start_code_prefix(bitstream *bs, int nal_unit_type)
+    if(nal_unit_type == NALU_VPS ||
+       nal_unit_type == NALU_SPS ||
+       nal_unit_type == NALU_PPS ||
+       nal_unit_type == NALU_AUD)
+        put_ui(bs, 0x00000001, 32);
+    else
+        put_ui(bs, 0x000001, 24);
+static void nal_header(bitstream *bs,int nal_unit_type)
+    put_ui(bs, 0, 1);                /* forbidden_zero_bit: 0 */
+    put_ui(bs, nal_unit_type, 6);
+    put_ui(bs, 0, 6);
+    put_ui(bs, 1, 3);
+static int calc_poc(int pic_order_cnt_lsb)
+    static int picOrderCntMsb_ref = 0, pic_order_cnt_lsb_ref = 0;
+    int prevPicOrderCntMsb, prevPicOrderCntLsb;
+    int picOrderCntMsb, picOrderCnt;
+    if (current_frame_type == FRAME_IDR)
+        prevPicOrderCntMsb = prevPicOrderCntLsb = 0;
+    else {
+        prevPicOrderCntMsb = picOrderCntMsb_ref;
+        prevPicOrderCntLsb = pic_order_cnt_lsb_ref;
+    }
+    if ((pic_order_cnt_lsb < prevPicOrderCntLsb) &&
+        ((prevPicOrderCntLsb - pic_order_cnt_lsb) >= (int)(MaxPicOrderCntLsb / 2)))
+        picOrderCntMsb = prevPicOrderCntMsb + MaxPicOrderCntLsb;
+    else if ((pic_order_cnt_lsb > prevPicOrderCntLsb) &&
+             ((pic_order_cnt_lsb - prevPicOrderCntLsb) > (int)(MaxPicOrderCntLsb / 2)))
+        picOrderCntMsb = prevPicOrderCntMsb - MaxPicOrderCntLsb;
+    else
+        picOrderCntMsb = prevPicOrderCntMsb;
+    picOrderCnt = picOrderCntMsb + pic_order_cnt_lsb;
+    if (current_frame_type != FRAME_B) {
+        picOrderCntMsb_ref = picOrderCntMsb;
+        pic_order_cnt_lsb_ref = pic_order_cnt_lsb;
+    }
+    return picOrderCnt;
+static void fill_profile_tier_level(
+    uint8_t vps_max_layers_minus1,
+    struct ProfileTierParamSet *ptps,
+    uint8_t profilePresentFlag)
+    if (!profilePresentFlag)
+        return;
+    memset(ptps, 0, sizeof(*ptps));
+    ptps->general_profile_space = 0;
+    ptps->general_tier_flag = 0;
+    ptps->general_profile_idc = real_hevc_profile;
+    memset(ptps->general_profile_compatibility_flag,0,32*sizeof(int));
+    ptps->general_profile_compatibility_flag[ptps->general_profile_idc] = 1;
+    ptps->general_progressive_source_flag = 1;
+    ptps->general_interlaced_source_flag = 0;
+    ptps->general_non_packed_constraint_flag = 0;
+    ptps->general_frame_only_constraint_flag = 1;
+    ptps->general_level_idc = 30;
+    ptps->general_level_idc = ptps->general_level_idc * 3;
+static void fill_vps_header(struct VideoParamSet *vps)
+    int i = 0;
+    memset(vps, 0, sizeof(*vps));
+    vps->vps_video_parameter_set_id = 0;
+    vps->vps_base_layer_internal_flag = 1;
+    vps->vps_base_layer_available_flag = 1;
+    vps->vps_max_layers_minus1 = 0;
+    vps->vps_max_sub_layers_minus1 = 0; // max temporal layer minus 1
+    vps->vps_temporal_id_nesting_flag = 1;
+    vps->vps_reserved_0xffff_16bits = 0xFFFF;
+   // hevc::ProfileTierParamSet ptps;
+    memset(&vps->ptps, 0, sizeof(vps->ptps));
+    fill_profile_tier_level(vps->vps_max_layers_minus1, &protier_param, 1);
+    vps->vps_sub_layer_ordering_info_present_flag = 0;
+    for (i = 0; i < MAX_TEMPORAL_SUBLAYERS; i++)
+    {
+        vps->vps_max_dec_pic_buffering_minus1[i] = intra_period == 1 ? 1 : 6;
+        vps->vps_max_num_reorder_pics[i] = ip_period != 0 ? ip_period -1 : 0;
+        vps->vps_max_latency_increase_plus1[i] = 0;
+    }
+    vps->vps_max_layer_id = 0;
+    vps->vps_num_layer_sets_minus1 = 0;
+    vps->vps_sub_layer_ordering_info_present_flag = 0;
+    vps->vps_max_nuh_reserved_zero_layer_id = 0;
+    vps->vps_max_op_sets = 1;
+    vps->vps_timing_info_present_flag = 0;
+    vps->vps_extension_flag = 0;
+static void fill_short_term_ref_pic_header(
+    struct ShortTermRefPicParamSet  *strp,
+    uint8_t strp_index)
+    uint32_t i = 0;
+    // inter_ref_pic_set_prediction_flag is always 0 now
+    strp->inter_ref_pic_set_prediction_flag = 0;
+    /* don't need to set below parameters since inter_ref_pic_set_prediction_flag equal to 0
+    strp->delta_idx_minus1 should be set to 0 since strp_index != num_short_term_ref_pic_sets in sps
+    strp->delta_rps_sign;
+    strp->abs_delta_rps_minus1;
+    strp->used_by_curr_pic_flag[j];
+    strp->use_delta_flag[j];
+    */
+    strp->num_negative_pics = num_active_ref_p;
+    int num_positive_pics = ip_period > 1 ? 1 : 0;
+    strp->num_positive_pics = strp_index == 0 ? 0 : num_positive_pics;
+    if (strp_index == 0)
+    {
+        for (i = 0; i < strp->num_negative_pics; i++)
+        {
+            strp->delta_poc_s0_minus1[i] = ip_period - 1;
+            strp->used_by_curr_pic_s0_flag[i] = 1;
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        for (i = 0; i < strp->num_negative_pics; i++)
+        {
+            strp->delta_poc_s0_minus1[i] = (i == 0) ?
+              (strp_index - 1) : (ip_period - 1);
+            strp->used_by_curr_pic_s0_flag[i] = 1;
+        }
+        for (i = 0; i < strp->num_positive_pics; i++)
+        {
+            strp->delta_poc_s1_minus1[i] = ip_period - 1 - strp_index;
+            strp->used_by_curr_pic_s1_flag[i] = 1;
+        }
+    }
+void fill_sps_header(struct  SeqParamSet *sps, int id)
+    int i = 0;
+    memset(sps, 0, sizeof(struct  SeqParamSet));
+    sps->sps_video_parameter_set_id = 0;
+    sps->sps_max_sub_layers_minus1 = 0;
+    sps->sps_temporal_id_nesting_flag = 1;
+    fill_profile_tier_level(sps->sps_max_sub_layers_minus1, &sps->ptps, 1);
+    sps->sps_seq_parameter_set_id = id;
+    sps->chroma_format_idc = 1;
+    if (sps->chroma_format_idc == 3)
+    {
+        sps->separate_colour_plane_flag = 0;
+    }
+    frame_width_aligned = ALIGN16(frame_width);
+    frame_height_aligned = ALIGN16(frame_height);
+    sps->pic_width_in_luma_samples = frame_width_aligned;
+    sps->pic_height_in_luma_samples = frame_height_aligned;
+    if (frame_width_aligned != frame_width ||
+        frame_height_aligned != frame_height)
+    {
+        sps->conformance_window_flag = 1;
+        sps->conf_win_left_offset = 0;
+        sps->conf_win_top_offset = 0;
+        switch (sps->chroma_format_idc)
+        {
+        case 0:
+        case 3:  // 4:4:4 format
+            sps->conf_win_right_offset = (frame_width_aligned - frame_width);
+            sps->conf_win_bottom_offset = (frame_height_aligned - frame_height);
+            break;
+        case 2:  // 4:2:2 format
+            sps->conf_win_right_offset = (frame_width_aligned - frame_width) >> 1;
+            sps->conf_win_bottom_offset = (frame_height_aligned - frame_height);
+            break;
+        case 1:
+        default: // 4:2:0 format
+            sps->conf_win_right_offset = (frame_width_aligned - frame_width) >> 1;
+            sps->conf_win_bottom_offset = (frame_height_aligned - frame_height) >> 1;
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        sps->conformance_window_flag = 0;
+    }
+    sps->bit_depth_luma_minus8 = 0;
+    sps->bit_depth_chroma_minus8 = 0;
+    sps->log2_max_pic_order_cnt_lsb_minus4 =MAX((ceil(log(ip_period - 1 + 4)/log(2.0))+3), 4) - 4;
+    sps->sps_sub_layer_ordering_info_present_flag = 0;
+    for (i = 0; i < MAX_TEMPORAL_SUBLAYERS; i++)
+    {
+        sps->sps_max_dec_pic_buffering_minus1[i] = intra_period == 1 ? 1 : 6;
+        sps->sps_max_num_reorder_pics[i] = ip_period != 0 ? ip_period - 1 : 0;
+        sps->sps_max_latency_increase_plus1[i] = 0;
+    }
+    sps->log2_min_luma_coding_block_size_minus3 = 0;
+    int log2_max_luma_coding_block_size = log2(LCU_SIZE);
+    int log2_min_luma_coding_block_size = sps->log2_min_luma_coding_block_size_minus3 + 3;
+    sps->log2_diff_max_min_luma_coding_block_size = log2_max_luma_coding_block_size -
+        log2_min_luma_coding_block_size;
+    sps->log2_min_luma_transform_block_size_minus2 = 0;
+    sps->log2_diff_max_min_luma_transform_block_size = 3;
+    sps->max_transform_hierarchy_depth_inter = 2;
+    sps->max_transform_hierarchy_depth_intra = 2;
+    sps->scaling_list_enabled_flag = 0;
+    //sps->sps_scaling_list_data_present_flag; // ignore since scaling_list_enabled_flag equal to 0
+    sps->amp_enabled_flag = 1;
+    sps->sample_adaptive_offset_enabled_flag = 0;
+    sps->pcm_enabled_flag = 0;
+    /* ignore below parameters seting since pcm_enabled_flag equal to 0
+    pcm_sample_bit_depth_luma_minus1;
+    pcm_sample_bit_depth_chroma_minus1;
+    log2_min_pcm_luma_coding_block_size_minus3;
+    log2_diff_max_min_pcm_luma_coding_block_size;
+    pcm_loop_filter_disabled_flag;
+    */
+    sps->num_short_term_ref_pic_sets = ip_period;
+    memset(&sps->strp[0], 0, sizeof(sps->strp));
+    for (i = 0; i < MIN(sps->num_short_term_ref_pic_sets, 64); i++)
+        fill_short_term_ref_pic_header(&sps->strp[i], i);
+    sps->long_term_ref_pics_present_flag = 0;
+    /* ignore below parameters seting since long_term_ref_pics_present_flag equal to 0
+    num_long_term_ref_pics_sps;
+    lt_ref_pic_poc_lsb_sps[kMaxLongTermRefPic];
+    used_by_curr_pic_lt_sps_flag[kMaxLongTermRefPic];
+    */
+    sps->sps_temporal_mvp_enabled_flag = 1;
+    sps->strong_intra_smoothing_enabled_flag = 0;
+    sps->vui_parameters_present_flag = 0;
+    sps->sps_extension_present_flag = 0;
+    /* ignore below parameters seting since sps_extension_present_flag equal to 0
+    sps->sps_range_extension_flag
+    sps->sps_multilayer_extension_flag
+    sps->sps_3d_extension_flag
+    sps->sps_extension_5bits
+    sps->sps_extension_data_flag
+    */
+static void fill_pps_header(
+    struct PicParamSet *pps,
+    uint32_t pps_id,
+    uint32_t sps_id)
+    memset(pps, 0, sizeof(struct PicParamSet));
+    pps->pps_pic_parameter_set_id = pps_id;
+    pps->pps_seq_parameter_set_id = sps_id;
+    pps->dependent_slice_segments_enabled_flag = 0;
+    pps->output_flag_present_flag = 0;
+    pps->num_extra_slice_header_bits = 0;
+    pps->sign_data_hiding_enabled_flag = 0;
+    pps->cabac_init_present_flag = 1;
+    pps->num_ref_idx_l0_default_active_minus1 = 0;
+    pps->num_ref_idx_l1_default_active_minus1 = 0;
+    pps->init_qp_minus26 = initial_qp - 26;
+    pps->constrained_intra_pred_flag = 0;
+    pps->transform_skip_enabled_flag = 0;
+    pps->cu_qp_delta_enabled_flag =0;
+    if (pps->cu_qp_delta_enabled_flag)
+        pps->diff_cu_qp_delta_depth = 0;
+    pps->pps_cb_qp_offset = 0;
+    pps->pps_cr_qp_offset = 0;
+    pps->pps_slice_chroma_qp_offsets_present_flag = 0;
+    pps->weighted_pred_flag = 0;
+    pps->weighted_bipred_flag = 0;
+    pps->transquant_bypass_enabled_flag = 0;
+    pps->entropy_coding_sync_enabled_flag = 0;
+    pps->tiles_enabled_flag = 0;
+    pps->pps_loop_filter_across_slices_enabled_flag = 0;
+    pps->deblocking_filter_control_present_flag = 1;
+    pps->deblocking_filter_override_enabled_flag = 0,
+    pps->pps_deblocking_filter_disabled_flag = 0,
+    pps->pps_beta_offset_div2 = 2,
+    pps->pps_tc_offset_div2 = 0,
+    pps->pps_scaling_list_data_present_flag = 0;
+    pps->lists_modification_present_flag = 0;
+    pps->log2_parallel_merge_level_minus2 = 0;
+    pps->slice_segment_header_extension_present_flag = 0;
+    pps->pps_extension_present_flag = 0;
+    pps->pps_range_extension_flag = 0;
+static void fill_slice_header(
+    uint32_t count,
+    struct PicParamSet *pps,
+    struct SliceHeader *slice)
+    memset(slice, 0, sizeof(struct SliceHeader));
+    slice->pic_output_flag = 1;
+    slice->colour_plane_id = 0;
+    slice->no_output_of_prior_pics_flag = 0;
+    slice->pic_order_cnt_lsb = calc_poc((current_frame_display - current_IDR_display) % MaxPicOrderCntLsb);
+    //slice_segment_address (u(v))
+    slice->picture_height_in_ctus = (frame_height + LCU_SIZE -1)/LCU_SIZE;
+    slice->picture_width_in_ctus = (frame_width + LCU_SIZE -1)/LCU_SIZE;
+    slice->slice_segment_address = 0;
+    slice->first_slice_segment_in_pic_flag = ((slice->slice_segment_address == 0) ? 1 : 0);
+    slice->slice_type = current_frame_type == FRAME_P ? (p2b ? SLICE_B :SLICE_P):
+                        current_frame_type == FRAME_B ? SLICE_B : SLICE_I;
+    slice->dependent_slice_segment_flag = 0;
+    slice->short_term_ref_pic_set_sps_flag = 1;
+    slice->num_ref_idx_active_override_flag = 0;
+    slice->short_term_ref_pic_set_idx = slice->pic_order_cnt_lsb % ip_period;
+    slice->strp.num_negative_pics = numShortTerm;
+    slice->strp.num_positive_pics = 0;
+    slice->slice_sao_luma_flag = 0;
+    slice->slice_sao_chroma_flag = 0;
+    slice->slice_temporal_mvp_enabled_flag = 1;
+    slice->num_ref_idx_l0_active_minus1 = pps->num_ref_idx_l0_default_active_minus1;
+    slice->num_ref_idx_l1_active_minus1 = pps->num_ref_idx_l1_default_active_minus1;
+    slice->num_poc_total_cur = 0;
+    // for I slice
+    if (current_frame_type == FRAME_I || current_frame_type == FRAME_IDR)
+    {
+        slice->ref_pic_list_modification_flag_l0 = 0;
+        slice->list_entry_l0 = 0;
+        slice->ref_pic_list_modification_flag_l1 = 0;
+        slice->list_entry_l1 = 0;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        slice->ref_pic_list_modification_flag_l0 = 1;
+        slice->num_poc_total_cur = 2;
+    }
+    slice->ref_pic_list_combination_flag = 0;
+    slice->num_ref_idx_lc_active_minus1 = 0;
+    slice->ref_pic_list_modification_flag_lc = 0;
+    slice->pic_from_list_0_flag = 0;
+    slice->ref_idx_list_curr = 0;
+    slice->mvd_l1_zero_flag = 0;
+    slice->cabac_init_present_flag = 0;
+    slice->slice_qp_delta = 0;
+    slice->slice_qp_delta_cb = pps->pps_cb_qp_offset;
+    slice->slice_qp_delta_cr = pps->pps_cr_qp_offset;
+    slice->deblocking_filter_override_flag = 0;
+    slice->disable_deblocking_filter_flag = 0;
+    slice->tc_offset_div2 = pps->pps_tc_offset_div2;
+    slice->beta_offset_div2 = pps->pps_beta_offset_div2;
+    slice->collocated_from_l0_flag = 1;
+    slice->collocated_ref_idx = pps->num_ref_idx_l0_default_active_minus1;
+    slice->five_minus_max_num_merge_cand = 0;
+    slice->slice_loop_filter_across_slices_enabled_flag = 0;
+    slice->num_entry_point_offsets = 0;
+    slice->offset_len_minus1 = 0;
+static void protier_rbsp(bitstream *bs)
+    uint32_t i = 0;
+    put_ui(bs, protier_param.general_profile_space, 2);
+    put_ui(bs, protier_param.general_tier_flag, 1);
+    put_ui(bs, protier_param.general_profile_idc, 5);
+    for (i = 0; i < 32; i++)
+      put_ui(bs, protier_param.general_profile_compatibility_flag[i], 1);
+    put_ui(bs, protier_param.general_progressive_source_flag, 1);
+    put_ui(bs, protier_param.general_interlaced_source_flag, 1);
+    put_ui(bs, protier_param.general_non_packed_constraint_flag, 1);
+    put_ui(bs, protier_param.general_frame_only_constraint_flag, 1);
+    put_ui(bs, 0, 16);
+    put_ui(bs, 0, 16);
+    put_ui(bs, 0, 12);
+    put_ui(bs, protier_param.general_level_idc, 8);
+void pack_short_term_ref_pic_setp(
+       bitstream *bs,
+       struct ShortTermRefPicParamSet* strp,
+       int first_strp)
+    uint32_t i = 0;
+    if (!first_strp)
+        put_ui(bs, strp->inter_ref_pic_set_prediction_flag, 1);
+    // inter_ref_pic_set_prediction_flag is always 0 now
+    put_ue(bs, strp->num_negative_pics);
+    put_ue(bs, strp->num_positive_pics);
+    for (i = 0; i < strp->num_negative_pics; i++)
+    {
+        put_ue(bs, strp->delta_poc_s0_minus1[i]);
+        put_ui(bs, strp->used_by_curr_pic_s0_flag[i], 1);
+    }
+    for (i = 0; i < strp->num_positive_pics; i++)
+    {
+        put_ue(bs, strp->delta_poc_s1_minus1[i]);
+        put_ui(bs, strp->used_by_curr_pic_s1_flag[i], 1);
+    }
+static void vps_rbsp(bitstream *bs)
+    uint32_t i = 0;
+    put_ui(bs, vps.vps_video_parameter_set_id, 4);
+    put_ui(bs, 3, 2);  //vps_reserved_three_2bits
+    put_ui(bs, 0, 6);  //vps_reserved_zero_6bits
+    put_ui(bs, vps.vps_max_sub_layers_minus1, 3);
+    put_ui(bs, vps.vps_temporal_id_nesting_flag, 1);
+    put_ui(bs, 0xFFFF, 16); //vps_reserved_0xffff_16bits
+    protier_rbsp(bs);
+    put_ui(bs, vps.vps_sub_layer_ordering_info_present_flag, 1);
+    for (i = (vps.vps_sub_layer_ordering_info_present_flag ? 0 : vps.vps_max_sub_layers_minus1); i <= vps.vps_max_sub_layers_minus1; i++)
+    {
+        // NOTE: In teddi and mv_encoder, the setting is max_dec_pic_buffering.
+        // here just follow the spec
+        put_ue(bs, vps.vps_max_dec_pic_buffering_minus1[i]);
+        put_ue(bs, vps.vps_max_num_reorder_pics[i]);
+        put_ue(bs, vps.vps_max_latency_increase_plus1[i]);
+    }
+    put_ui(bs, vps.vps_max_nuh_reserved_zero_layer_id, 6);
+    put_ue(bs, vps.vps_num_op_sets_minus1);
+    put_ui(bs, vps.vps_timing_info_present_flag, 1);
+    if (vps.vps_timing_info_present_flag)
+    {
+        put_ue(bs, vps.vps_num_units_in_tick);
+        put_ue(bs, vps.vps_time_scale);
+        put_ue(bs, vps.vps_poc_proportional_to_timing_flag);
+        if (vps.vps_poc_proportional_to_timing_flag)
+        {
+            put_ue(bs, vps.vps_num_ticks_poc_diff_one_minus1);
+        }
+        put_ue(bs, vps.vps_num_hrd_parameters);
+        for (i = 0; i < vps.vps_num_hrd_parameters; i++)
+        {
+            put_ue(bs, vps.hrd_layer_set_idx[i]);
+            if (i > 0)
+            {
+                put_ui(bs, vps.cprms_present_flag[i], 1);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    // no extension flag
+    put_ui(bs, 0, 1);
+static void sps_rbsp(bitstream *bs)
+    uint32_t  i = 0;
+    put_ui(bs, sps.sps_video_parameter_set_id, 4);
+    put_ui(bs, sps.sps_max_sub_layers_minus1, 3);
+    put_ui(bs, sps.sps_temporal_id_nesting_flag, 1);
+    protier_rbsp(bs);
+    put_ue(bs, sps.sps_seq_parameter_set_id);
+    put_ue(bs, sps.chroma_format_idc);
+    if (sps.chroma_format_idc == 3)
+    {
+        put_ui(bs, sps.separate_colour_plane_flag, 1);
+    }
+    put_ue(bs, sps.pic_width_in_luma_samples);
+    put_ue(bs, sps.pic_height_in_luma_samples);
+    put_ui(bs, sps.conformance_window_flag, 1);
+    if (sps.conformance_window_flag)
+    {
+        put_ue(bs, sps.conf_win_left_offset);
+        put_ue(bs, sps.conf_win_right_offset);
+        put_ue(bs, sps.conf_win_top_offset);
+        put_ue(bs, sps.conf_win_bottom_offset);
+    }
+    put_ue(bs, sps.bit_depth_luma_minus8);
+    put_ue(bs, sps.bit_depth_chroma_minus8);
+    put_ue(bs, sps.log2_max_pic_order_cnt_lsb_minus4);
+    put_ui(bs, sps.sps_sub_layer_ordering_info_present_flag, 1);
+    for (i = (sps.sps_sub_layer_ordering_info_present_flag ? 0 : sps.sps_max_sub_layers_minus1); i <= sps.sps_max_sub_layers_minus1; i++)
+    {
+        // NOTE: In teddi and mv_encoder, the setting is max_dec_pic_buffering.
+        // here just follow the spec
+        put_ue(bs, sps.sps_max_dec_pic_buffering_minus1[i]);
+        put_ue(bs, sps.sps_max_num_reorder_pics[i]);
+        put_ue(bs, sps.sps_max_latency_increase_plus1[i]);
+    }
+    put_ue(bs, sps.log2_min_luma_coding_block_size_minus3);
+    put_ue(bs, sps.log2_diff_max_min_luma_coding_block_size);
+    put_ue(bs, sps.log2_min_luma_transform_block_size_minus2);
+    put_ue(bs, sps.log2_diff_max_min_luma_transform_block_size);
+    put_ue(bs, sps.max_transform_hierarchy_depth_inter);
+    put_ue(bs, sps.max_transform_hierarchy_depth_intra);
+    // scaling_list_enabled_flag is set as 0 in fill_sps_header() for now
+    put_ui(bs, sps.scaling_list_enabled_flag, 1);
+    if (sps.scaling_list_enabled_flag)
+    {
+        put_ui(bs, sps.sps_scaling_list_data_present_flag, 1);
+        if (sps.sps_scaling_list_data_present_flag)
+        {
+            //scaling_list_data();
+        }
+    }
+    put_ui(bs, sps.amp_enabled_flag, 1);
+    put_ui(bs, sps.sample_adaptive_offset_enabled_flag, 1);
+    // pcm_enabled_flag is set as 0 in fill_sps_header() for now
+    put_ui(bs, sps.pcm_enabled_flag, 1);
+    if (sps.pcm_enabled_flag)
+    {
+        put_ui(bs, sps.pcm_sample_bit_depth_luma_minus1, 4);
+        put_ui(bs, sps.pcm_sample_bit_depth_chroma_minus1, 4);
+        put_ue(bs, sps.log2_min_pcm_luma_coding_block_size_minus3);
+        put_ue(bs, sps.log2_diff_max_min_pcm_luma_coding_block_size);
+        put_ui(bs, sps.pcm_loop_filter_disabled_flag, 1);
+    }
+    put_ue(bs, sps.num_short_term_ref_pic_sets);
+    for (i = 0; i < sps.num_short_term_ref_pic_sets; i++)
+    {
+        pack_short_term_ref_pic_setp(bs, &sps.strp[i], i == 0);
+    }
+    // long_term_ref_pics_present_flag is set as 0 in fill_sps_header() for now
+    put_ui(bs, sps.long_term_ref_pics_present_flag, 1);
+    if (sps.long_term_ref_pics_present_flag)
+    {
+        put_ue(bs, sps.num_long_term_ref_pics_sps);
+        for (i = 0; i < sps.num_long_term_ref_pics_sps; i++)
+        {
+            put_ue(bs, sps.lt_ref_pic_poc_lsb_sps[i]);
+            put_ui(bs, sps.used_by_curr_pic_lt_sps_flag[i], 1);
+        }
+    }
+    put_ui(bs, sps.sps_temporal_mvp_enabled_flag, 1);
+    put_ui(bs, sps.strong_intra_smoothing_enabled_flag, 1);
+    // vui_parameters_present_flag is set as 0 in fill_sps_header() for now
+    put_ui(bs, sps.vui_parameters_present_flag, 1);
+    put_ui(bs, sps.sps_extension_present_flag, 1);
+static void pps_rbsp(bitstream *bs)
+    uint32_t  i = 0;
+    put_ue(bs, pps.pps_pic_parameter_set_id);
+    put_ue(bs, pps.pps_seq_parameter_set_id);
+    put_ui(bs, pps.dependent_slice_segments_enabled_flag, 1);
+    put_ui(bs, pps.output_flag_present_flag, 1);
+    put_ui(bs, pps.num_extra_slice_header_bits, 3);
+    put_ui(bs, pps.sign_data_hiding_enabled_flag, 1);
+    put_ui(bs, pps.cabac_init_present_flag, 1);
+    put_ue(bs, pps.num_ref_idx_l0_default_active_minus1);
+    put_ue(bs, pps.num_ref_idx_l1_default_active_minus1);
+    put_se(bs, pps.init_qp_minus26);
+    put_ui(bs, pps.constrained_intra_pred_flag, 1);
+    put_ui(bs, pps.transform_skip_enabled_flag, 1);
+    put_ui(bs, pps.cu_qp_delta_enabled_flag, 1);
+    if (pps.cu_qp_delta_enabled_flag)
+    {
+        put_ue(bs, pps.diff_cu_qp_delta_depth);
+    }
+    put_se(bs, pps.pps_cb_qp_offset);
+    put_se(bs, pps.pps_cr_qp_offset);
+    put_ui(bs, pps.pps_slice_chroma_qp_offsets_present_flag, 1);
+    put_ui(bs, pps.weighted_pred_flag, 1);
+    put_ui(bs, pps.weighted_bipred_flag, 1);
+    put_ui(bs, pps.transquant_bypass_enabled_flag, 1);
+    put_ui(bs, pps.tiles_enabled_flag, 1);
+    put_ui(bs, pps.entropy_coding_sync_enabled_flag, 1);
+    if (pps.tiles_enabled_flag)
+    {
+        put_ue(bs, pps.num_tile_columns_minus1);
+        put_ue(bs, pps.num_tile_rows_minus1);
+        put_ui(bs, pps.uniform_spacing_flag, 1);
+        if (!pps.uniform_spacing_flag)
+        {
+            for (i = 0; i < pps.num_tile_columns_minus1; i++)
+            {
+                put_ue(bs, pps.column_width_minus1[i]);
+            }
+            for (i = 0; i < pps.num_tile_rows_minus1; i++)
+            {
+                put_ue(bs, pps.row_height_minus1[i]);
+            }
+        }
+        put_ui(bs, pps.loop_filter_across_tiles_enabled_flag, 1);
+    }
+    put_ui(bs, pps.pps_loop_filter_across_slices_enabled_flag, 1);
+    put_ui(bs, pps.deblocking_filter_control_present_flag, 1);
+    if (pps.deblocking_filter_control_present_flag)
+    {
+        put_ui(bs, pps.deblocking_filter_override_enabled_flag, 1);
+        put_ui(bs, pps.pps_deblocking_filter_disabled_flag, 1);
+        if (!pps.pps_deblocking_filter_disabled_flag)
+        {
+            put_se(bs, pps.pps_beta_offset_div2);
+            put_se(bs, pps.pps_tc_offset_div2);
+        }
+    }
+    // pps_scaling_list_data_present_flag is set as 0 in fill_pps_header() for now
+    put_ui(bs, pps.pps_scaling_list_data_present_flag, 1);
+    if (pps.pps_scaling_list_data_present_flag)
+    {
+        //scaling_list_data();
+    }
+    put_ui(bs, pps.lists_modification_present_flag, 1);
+    put_ue(bs, pps.log2_parallel_merge_level_minus2);
+    put_ui(bs, pps.slice_segment_header_extension_present_flag, 1);
+    put_ui(bs, pps.pps_extension_present_flag, 1);
+    if (pps.pps_extension_present_flag)
+    {
+        put_ui(bs, pps.pps_range_extension_flag, 1);
+        put_ui(bs, pps.pps_multilayer_extension_flag, 1);
+        put_ui(bs, pps.pps_3d_extension_flag, 1);
+        put_ui(bs, pps.pps_extension_5bits, 1);
+    }
+    if (pps.pps_range_extension_flag)
+    {
+        if (pps.transform_skip_enabled_flag)
+            put_ue(bs, pps.log2_max_transform_skip_block_size_minus2);
+        put_ui(bs, pps.cross_component_prediction_enabled_flag, 1);
+        put_ui(bs, pps.chroma_qp_offset_list_enabled_flag, 1);
+        if (pps.chroma_qp_offset_list_enabled_flag)
+        {
+            put_ue(bs, pps.diff_cu_chroma_qp_offset_depth);
+            put_ue(bs, pps.chroma_qp_offset_list_len_minus1);
+            for (i = 0; i <= pps.chroma_qp_offset_list_len_minus1; i++)
+            {
+                put_ue(bs, pps.cb_qp_offset_list[i]);
+                put_ue(bs, pps.cr_qp_offset_list[i]);
+            }
+        }
+        put_ue(bs, pps.log2_sao_offset_scale_luma);
+        put_ue(bs, pps.log2_sao_offset_scale_chroma);
+    }
+static void sliceHeader_rbsp(
+       bitstream *bs,
+       struct SliceHeader *slice_header,
+       struct SeqParamSet *sps,
+       struct PicParamSet *pps,
+       int isidr)
+    uint8_t nal_unit_type = NALU_TRAIL_R;
+    int gop_ref_distance = ip_period;
+    int incomplete_mini_gop = 0;
+    int p_slice_flag = 1;
+    int i = 0;
+    put_ui(bs, slice_header->first_slice_segment_in_pic_flag, 1);
+    if (slice_header->pic_order_cnt_lsb == 0)
+        nal_unit_type = NALU_IDR_W_DLP;
+    if (nal_unit_type >= 16 && nal_unit_type <= 23)
+    put_ui(bs, slice_header->no_output_of_prior_pics_flag, 1);
+    put_ue(bs, slice_header->slice_pic_parameter_set_id);
+    if (!slice_header->first_slice_segment_in_pic_flag)
+    {
+        if (slice_header->dependent_slice_segment_flag)
+        {
+            put_ui(bs, slice_header->dependent_slice_segment_flag, 1);
+        }
+        put_ui(bs, slice_header->slice_segment_address,
+             (uint8_t)(ceil(log(slice_header->picture_height_in_ctus * slice_header->picture_width_in_ctus) / log(2.0))));
+    }
+    if (!slice_header->dependent_slice_segment_flag)
+    {
+        for (i = 0; i < pps->num_extra_slice_header_bits; i++)
+        {
+            put_ui(bs, slice_header->slice_reserved_undetermined_flag[i], 1);
+        }
+        put_ue(bs, slice_header->slice_type);
+        if (pps->output_flag_present_flag)
+        {
+            put_ui(bs, slice_header->pic_output_flag, 1);
+        }
+        if (sps->separate_colour_plane_flag == 1)
+        {
+            put_ui(bs, slice_header->colour_plane_id, 2);
+        }
+        if (!(nal_unit_type == NALU_IDR_W_DLP || nal_unit_type == NALU_IDR_N_LP))
+        {
+            put_ui(bs, slice_header->pic_order_cnt_lsb, (sps->log2_max_pic_order_cnt_lsb_minus4 + 4));
+            put_ui(bs, slice_header->short_term_ref_pic_set_sps_flag, 1);
+            if (!slice_header->short_term_ref_pic_set_sps_flag)
+            {
+                // refer to Teddi
+                if (sps->num_short_term_ref_pic_sets > 0)
+                put_ui(bs, 0, 1); // inter_ref_pic_set_prediction_flag, always 0 for now
+                put_ue(bs, slice_header->strp.num_negative_pics);
+                put_ue(bs, slice_header->strp.num_positive_pics);
+                // below chunks of codes (majorly two big 'for' blocks) are refering both
+                // Teddi and mv_encoder, they look kind of ugly, however, keep them as these
+                // since it will be pretty easy to update if change/update in Teddi side.
+                // According to Teddi, these are CModel Implementation.
+                int prev = 0;
+                int frame_cnt_in_gop = slice_header->pic_order_cnt_lsb / 2;
+                // this is the first big 'for' block
+                for (i = 0; i < slice_header->strp.num_negative_pics; i++)
+                {
+                    // Low Delay B case
+                    if (1 == gop_ref_distance)
+                    {
+                        put_ue(bs, 0 /*delta_poc_s0_minus1*/);
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        if(incomplete_mini_gop)
+                        {
+                            if (frame_cnt_in_gop % gop_ref_distance > i)
+                            {
+                                put_ue(bs, 0 /*delta_poc_s0_minus1*/);
+                            }
+                            else
+                            {
+                                int DeltaPoc = -(int)(gop_ref_distance);
+                                put_ue(bs, prev - DeltaPoc - 1 /*delta_poc_s0_minus1*/);
+                            }
+                        }
+                        else
+                        {
+                            // For Non-BPyramid GOP i.e B0 type
+                            if (num_active_ref_p > 1)
+                            {
+                                // MultiRef Case
+                                if (p_slice_flag)
+                                {
+                                    // DeltaPOC Equals NumB
+                                    int DeltaPoc = -(int)(gop_ref_distance);
+                                    put_ue(bs, prev - DeltaPoc - 1 /*delta_poc_s0_minus1*/);
+                                }
+                                else
+                                {
+                                    // for normal B
+                                    if (frame_cnt_in_gop < gop_ref_distance)
+                                    {
+                                        if (0 == i)
+                                        {
+                                            int DeltaPoc = -(int)(frame_cnt_in_gop);
+                                            put_ue(bs, prev - DeltaPoc - 1 /*delta_poc_s0_minus1*/);
+                                        }
+                                    }
+                                    else if (frame_cnt_in_gop > gop_ref_distance)
+                                    {
+                                        if (0 == i)
+                                        {
+                                            //Need % to wraparound the delta poc, to avoid corruption caused on POC=5 with GOP (29,2) and 4 refs
+                                            int DeltaPoc = -(int)((frame_cnt_in_gop - gop_ref_distance) % gop_ref_distance);
+                                            put_ue(bs, prev - DeltaPoc - 1 /*delta_poc_s0_minus1*/);
+                                        }
+                                        else if (1 <= i)
+                                        {
+                                            int DeltaPoc = -(int)(gop_ref_distance);
+                                            put_ue(bs, prev - DeltaPoc - 1 /*delta_poc_s0_minus1*/);
+                                        }
+                                    }
+                                }
+                            }
+                            else
+                            {
+                                //  the big 'if' wraps here is -
+                                //     if (!slice_header->short_term_ref_pic_set_sps_flag)
+                                // From the Teddi logic, the short_term_ref_pic_set_sps_flag only can be '0'
+                                // either for B-Prymid or first several frames in a GOP in multi-ref cases
+                                // when there are not enough backward refs.
+                                // So though there are really some codes under this 'else'in Teddi, don't
+                                // want to introduce them in MEA to avoid confusion, and put an assert
+                                // here to guard that there is new case we need handle in the future.
+                                assert(0);
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                    put_ui(bs, 1 /*used_by_curr_pic_s0_flag*/,1);
+                }
+                prev = 0;
+                // this is the second big 'for' block
+                for (i = 0; i < slice_header->strp.num_positive_pics; i++)
+                {
+                    // Non-BPyramid GOP
+                    if (num_active_ref_p > 1)
+                    {
+                        // MultiRef Case
+                        if (frame_cnt_in_gop < gop_ref_distance)
+                        {
+                            int DeltaPoc = (int)(gop_ref_distance - frame_cnt_in_gop);
+                            put_ue(bs, DeltaPoc - prev - 1 /*delta_poc_s1_minus1*/);
+                        }
+                        else if (frame_cnt_in_gop > gop_ref_distance)
+                        {
+                            int DeltaPoc = (int)(gop_ref_distance * slice_header->strp.num_negative_pics - frame_cnt_in_gop);
+                            put_ue(bs, DeltaPoc - prev - 1 /*delta_poc_s1_minus1*/);
+                        }
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        //  the big 'if' wraps here is -
+                        //     if (!slice_header->short_term_ref_pic_set_sps_flag)
+                        // From the Teddi logic, the short_term_ref_pic_set_sps_flag only can be '0'
+                        // either for B-Prymid or first several frames in a GOP in multi-ref cases
+                        // when there are not enough backward refs.
+                        // So though there are really some codes under this 'else'in Teddi, don't
+                        // want to introduce them in MEA to avoid confusion, and put an assert
+                        // here to guard that there is new case we need handle in the future.
+                        assert(0);
+                    }
+                    put_ui(bs, 1 /*used_by_curr_pic_s1_flag*/,1);
+                }
+            }
+            else if (sps->num_short_term_ref_pic_sets > 1)
+                put_ui(bs, slice_header->short_term_ref_pic_set_idx,
+                       (uint8_t)(ceil(log(sps->num_short_term_ref_pic_sets)/log(2.0))));
+            if (sps->long_term_ref_pics_present_flag)
+            {
+                if (sps->num_long_term_ref_pics_sps > 0)
+                    put_ue(bs, slice_header->num_long_term_sps);
+                put_ue(bs, slice_header->num_long_term_pics);
+            }
+            if (slice_header->slice_temporal_mvp_enabled_flag)
+                    put_ui(bs, slice_header->slice_temporal_mvp_enabled_flag, 1);
+        }
+        if (sps->sample_adaptive_offset_enabled_flag)
+        {
+                put_ui(bs, slice_header->slice_sao_luma_flag, 1);
+                put_ui(bs, slice_header->slice_sao_chroma_flag, 1);
+        }
+        if (slice_header->slice_type != SLICE_I)
+        {
+            put_ui(bs, slice_header->num_ref_idx_active_override_flag, 1);
+            if (slice_header->num_ref_idx_active_override_flag)
+            {
+                put_ue(bs, slice_header->num_ref_idx_l0_active_minus1);
+                if (slice_header->slice_type == SLICE_B)
+                    put_ue(bs, slice_header->num_ref_idx_l1_active_minus1);
+            }
+            if (pps->lists_modification_present_flag &&  slice_header->num_poc_total_cur > 1)
+            {
+              /* ref_pic_list_modification */
+              put_ui(bs, slice_header->ref_pic_list_modification_flag_l0, 1);
+              if (slice_header->ref_pic_list_modification_flag_l0)
+              {
+              for (i = 0; i <= slice_header->num_ref_idx_l0_active_minus1; i++)
+                {
+                  put_ui(bs, slice_header->list_entry_l0[i],
+                         (uint8_t)(ceil(log(slice_header->num_poc_total_cur) / log(2.0))));
+                }
+            }
+            put_ui(bs, slice_header->ref_pic_list_modification_flag_l1, 1);
+            if (slice_header->ref_pic_list_modification_flag_l1)
+            {
+                for (i = 0; i <= slice_header->num_ref_idx_l1_active_minus1; i++)
+                {
+                    put_ui(bs, slice_header->list_entry_l1[i],
+                        (uint8_t)(ceil(log(slice_header->num_poc_total_cur) / log(2.0))));
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if (slice_header->slice_type == SLICE_B)
+        {
+            put_ui(bs, slice_header->mvd_l1_zero_flag, 1);
+        }
+        if (pps->cabac_init_present_flag)
+        {
+            put_ui(bs, slice_header->cabac_init_present_flag, 1);
+        }
+        if (slice_header->slice_temporal_mvp_enabled_flag)
+        {
+            int collocated_from_l0_flag = 1;
+            if (slice_header->slice_type == SLICE_B)
+            {
+                collocated_from_l0_flag = slice_header->collocated_from_l0_flag;
+                put_ui(bs, slice_header->collocated_from_l0_flag, 1);
+            }
+            if (((collocated_from_l0_flag && (slice_header->num_ref_idx_l0_active_minus1 > 0)) ||
+                (!collocated_from_l0_flag && (slice_header->num_ref_idx_l1_active_minus1 > 0))))
+            {
+                put_ue(bs, slice_header->collocated_ref_idx);
+            }
+        }
+            put_ue(bs, slice_header->five_minus_max_num_merge_cand);
+        }
+        put_se(bs, slice_header->slice_qp_delta);
+        if (pps->chroma_qp_offset_list_enabled_flag)
+        {
+            put_se(bs, slice_header->slice_qp_delta_cb);
+            put_se(bs, slice_header->slice_qp_delta_cr);
+        }
+        if (pps->deblocking_filter_override_enabled_flag)
+        {
+            put_ui(bs, slice_header->deblocking_filter_override_flag, 1);
+        }
+        if (slice_header->deblocking_filter_override_flag)
+        {
+            put_ui(bs, slice_header->disable_deblocking_filter_flag, 1);
+            if (!slice_header->disable_deblocking_filter_flag)
+            {
+                put_se(bs, slice_header->beta_offset_div2);
+                put_se(bs, slice_header->tc_offset_div2);
+            }
+        }
+        if (pps->pps_loop_filter_across_slices_enabled_flag &&
+            (slice_header->slice_sao_luma_flag || slice_header->slice_sao_chroma_flag ||
+            !slice_header->disable_deblocking_filter_flag))
+        {
+                put_ui(bs, slice_header->slice_loop_filter_across_slices_enabled_flag, 1);
+        }
+    }
+    if ((pps->tiles_enabled_flag) || (pps->entropy_coding_sync_enabled_flag))
+    {
+        put_ue(bs, slice_header->num_entry_point_offsets);
+        if (slice_header->num_entry_point_offsets > 0)
+        {
+            put_ue(bs, slice_header->offset_len_minus1);
+        }
+    }
+    if (pps->slice_segment_header_extension_present_flag)
+    {
+        int slice_header_extension_length = 0;
+        put_ue(bs, slice_header_extension_length);
+        for (i = 0; i < slice_header_extension_length; i++)
+        {
+             int slice_header_extension_data_byte = 0;
+             put_ui(bs, slice_header_extension_data_byte, 8);
+        }
+    }
+static int
+build_packed_pic_buffer(unsigned char **header_buffer)
+    bitstream bs;
+    bitstream_start(&bs);
+    nal_start_code_prefix(&bs, NALU_PPS);
+    nal_header(&bs, NALU_PPS);
+    pps_rbsp(&bs);
+    rbsp_trailing_bits(&bs);
+    bitstream_end(&bs);
+    *header_buffer = (unsigned char *)bs.buffer;
+    return bs.bit_offset;
+static int
+build_packed_video_buffer(unsigned char **header_buffer)
+    bitstream bs;
+    bitstream_start(&bs);
+    nal_start_code_prefix(&bs, NALU_VPS);
+    nal_header(&bs, NALU_VPS);
+    vps_rbsp(&bs);
+    rbsp_trailing_bits(&bs);
+    bitstream_end(&bs);
+    *header_buffer = (unsigned char *)bs.buffer;
+    return bs.bit_offset;
+static int
+build_packed_seq_buffer(unsigned char **header_buffer)
+    bitstream bs;
+    bitstream_start(&bs);
+    nal_start_code_prefix(&bs, NALU_SPS);
+    nal_header(&bs, NALU_SPS);
+    sps_rbsp(&bs);
+    rbsp_trailing_bits(&bs);
+    bitstream_end(&bs);
+    *header_buffer = (unsigned char *)bs.buffer;
+    return bs.bit_offset;
+static int build_packed_slice_buffer(unsigned char **header_buffer)
+    bitstream bs;
+    int is_idr = !!pic_param.pic_fields.bits.idr_pic_flag;
+    int naluType = is_idr ? NALU_IDR_W_DLP : NALU_TRAIL_R;
+    bitstream_start(&bs);
+    nal_start_code_prefix(&bs, NALU_TRAIL_R);
+    nal_header(&bs, naluType);
+    sliceHeader_rbsp(&bs,&ssh, &sps, &pps, 0);
+    rbsp_trailing_bits(&bs);
+    bitstream_end(&bs);
+    *header_buffer = (unsigned char *)bs.buffer;
+    return bs.bit_offset;
+ * Helper function for profiling purposes
+ */
+static unsigned int GetTickCount()
+    struct timeval tv;
+    if (gettimeofday(&tv, NULL))
+        return 0;
+    return tv.tv_usec/1000+tv.tv_sec*1000;
+  Assume frame sequence is: Frame#0,#1,#2,...,#M,...,#X,... (encoding order)
+  1) period between Frame #X and Frame #N = #X - #N
+  2) 0 means infinite for intra_period/intra_idr_period, and 0 is invalid for ip_period
+  3) intra_idr_period % intra_period (intra_period > 0) and (intra_period -1)% ip_period must be 0
+  4) intra_period and intra_idr_period take precedence over ip_period
+  5) if ip_period > 1, intra_period and intra_idr_period are not  the strict periods
+     of I/IDR frames, see bellow examples
+  -------------------------------------------------------------------
+  intra_period intra_idr_period ip_period frame sequence (intra_period/intra_idr_period/ip_period)
+  0            ignored          1          IDRPPPPPPP ...     (No IDR/I any more)
+  0            ignored        >=2          IDR(PBB)(PBB)...   (No IDR/I any more)
+  1            0                ignored    IDRIIIIIII...      (No IDR any more)
+  1            1                ignored    IDR IDR IDR IDR...
+  1            >=2              ignored    IDRII IDRII IDR... (1/3/ignore)
+  >=2          0                1          IDRPPP IPPP I...   (3/0/1)
+  >=2          0              >=2          IDR(PBB)(PBB)(IBB) (7/0/3)
+                                              (PBB)(IBB)(PBB)(IBB)...
+  >=2          >=2              1          IDRPPPPP IPPPPP IPPPPP (7/14/1)
+                                           IDRPPPPP IPPPPP IPPPPP...
+  >=2          >=2              >=2        {IDR(PBB)(PBB)(IBB)(PBB)(IBB)(PBB)} (7/14/3)
+                                           {IDR(PBB)(PBB)(IBB)(PBB)(IBB)(PBB)}...
+                                           {IDR(PBB)(PBB)(IBB)(PBB)}           (7/14/3)
+                                           {IDR(PBB)(PBB)(IBB)(PBB)}...
+                                           {IDR(PBB)(PBB)}                     (7/7/3)
+                                           {IDR(PBB)(PBB)}.
+ * Return displaying order with specified periods and encoding order
+ * displaying_order: displaying order
+ * frame_type: frame type
+ */
+void encoding2display_order(
+    unsigned long long encoding_order,int intra_period,
+    int intra_idr_period,int ip_period,
+    unsigned long long *displaying_order,
+    int *frame_type)
+    int encoding_order_gop = 0;
+    if (intra_period == 1) { /* all are I/IDR frames */
+        *displaying_order = encoding_order;
+        if (intra_idr_period == 0)
+            *frame_type = (encoding_order == 0)?FRAME_IDR:FRAME_I;
+        else
+            *frame_type = (encoding_order % intra_idr_period == 0)?FRAME_IDR:FRAME_I;
+        return;
+    }
+    if (intra_period == 0)
+        intra_idr_period = 0;
+    /* new sequence like
+     * IDR (PBB)(PBB)(IBB)(PBB)
+     */
+    encoding_order_gop = (intra_idr_period == 0)? encoding_order:
+        (encoding_order % (intra_idr_period + ((ip_period == 1)?0:1)));
+    if (encoding_order_gop == 0) { /* the first frame */
+        *frame_type = FRAME_IDR;
+        *displaying_order = encoding_order;
+    } else if (((encoding_order_gop - 1) % ip_period) != 0) { /* B frames */
+        *frame_type = FRAME_B;
+        *displaying_order = encoding_order - 1;
+    } else if ((intra_period != 0) && /* have I frames */
+               (encoding_order_gop >= 2) &&
+               ((ip_period == 1 && encoding_order_gop % (intra_period-1) == 0) || /* for IDR PPPPP IPPPP */
+                /* for IDR (PBB)(PBB)(IBB) */
+                (ip_period >= 2 && ((encoding_order_gop - 1) / ip_period % ((intra_period-1) / ip_period)) == 0))) {
+        *frame_type = FRAME_I;
+        *displaying_order = encoding_order + ip_period - 1;
+    } else {
+        *frame_type = FRAME_P;
+        *displaying_order = encoding_order + ip_period - 1;
+    }
+static char *fourcc_to_string(int fourcc)
+    switch (fourcc) {
+    case VA_FOURCC_NV12:
+        return "NV12";
+    case VA_FOURCC_IYUV:
+        return "IYUV";
+    case VA_FOURCC_YV12:
+        return "YV12";
+    case VA_FOURCC_UYVY:
+        return "UYVY";
+    default:
+        return "Unknown";
+    }
+static int string_to_fourcc(char *str)
+    int fourcc;
+    if (!strncmp(str, "NV12", 4))
+        fourcc = VA_FOURCC_NV12;
+    else if (!strncmp(str, "IYUV", 4))
+        fourcc = VA_FOURCC_IYUV;
+    else if (!strncmp(str, "YV12", 4))
+        fourcc = VA_FOURCC_YV12;
+    else if (!strncmp(str, "UYVY", 4))
+        fourcc = VA_FOURCC_UYVY;
+    else {
+        printf("Unknow FOURCC\n");
+        fourcc = -1;
+    }
+    return fourcc;
+static char *rc_to_string(int rcmode)
+    switch (rc_mode) {
+    case VA_RC_NONE:
+        return "NONE";
+    case VA_RC_CBR:
+        return "CBR";
+    case VA_RC_VBR:
+        return "VBR";
+    case VA_RC_VCM:
+        return "VCM";
+    case VA_RC_CQP:
+        return "CQP";
+        return "VBR_CONSTRAINED";
+    default:
+        return "Unknown";
+    }
+static int string_to_rc(char *str)
+    int rc_mode;
+    if (!strncmp(str, "NONE", 4))
+        rc_mode = VA_RC_NONE;
+    else if (!strncmp(str, "CBR", 3))
+        rc_mode = VA_RC_CBR;
+    else if (!strncmp(str, "VBR", 3))
+        rc_mode = VA_RC_VBR;
+    else if (!strncmp(str, "VCM", 3))
+        rc_mode = VA_RC_VCM;
+    else if (!strncmp(str, "CQP", 3))
+        rc_mode = VA_RC_CQP;
+    else if (!strncmp(str, "VBR_CONSTRAINED", 15))
+        rc_mode = VA_RC_VBR_CONSTRAINED;
+    else {
+        printf("Unknown RC mode\n");
+        rc_mode = -1;
+    }
+    return rc_mode;
+static int print_help(void)
+    printf("./hevcencode <options>\n");
+    printf("   -w <width> -h <height>\n");
+    printf("   -framecount <frame number>\n");
+    printf("   -n <frame number>\n");
+    printf("      if set to 0 and srcyuv is set, the frame count is from srcuv file\n");
+    printf("   -o <coded file>\n");
+    printf("   -f <frame rate>\n");
+    printf("   --intra_period <number>\n");
+    printf("   --idr_period <number>\n");
+    printf("   --ip_period <number>\n");
+    printf("   --bitrate <bitrate>\n");
+    printf("   --initialqp <number>\n");
+    printf("   --minqp <number>\n");
+    printf("   --rcmode <NONE|CBR|VBR|VCM|CQP|VBR_CONTRAINED>\n");
+    printf("   --syncmode: sequentially upload source, encoding, save result, no multi-thread\n");
+    printf("   --srcyuv <filename> load YUV from a file\n");
+    printf("   --fourcc <NV12|IYUV|YV12> source YUV fourcc\n");
+    printf("   --recyuv <filename> save reconstructed YUV into a file\n");
+    printf("   --enablePSNR calculate PSNR of recyuv vs. srcyuv\n");
+    printf("   --profile 1: main 2 : main10\n");
+    printf("   --p2b 1: enable 0 : disalbe(defalut)\n");
+    return 0;
+static int process_cmdline(int argc, char *argv[])
+    int c;
+    const struct option long_opts[] = {
+        {"help", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
+        {"bitrate", required_argument, NULL, 1 },
+        {"minqp", required_argument, NULL, 2 },
+        {"initialqp", required_argument, NULL, 3 },
+        {"intra_period", required_argument, NULL, 4 },
+        {"idr_period", required_argument, NULL, 5 },
+        {"ip_period", required_argument, NULL, 6 },
+        {"rcmode", required_argument, NULL, 7 },
+        {"srcyuv", required_argument, NULL, 9 },
+        {"recyuv", required_argument, NULL, 10 },
+        {"fourcc", required_argument, NULL, 11 },
+        {"syncmode", no_argument, NULL, 12 },
+        {"enablePSNR", no_argument, NULL, 13 },
+        {"prit", required_argument, NULL, 14 },
+        {"priv", required_argument, NULL, 15 },
+        {"framecount", required_argument, NULL, 16 },
+        {"profile", required_argument, NULL, 17 },
+        {"p2b", required_argument, NULL, 18 },
+        {NULL, no_argument, NULL, 0 }};
+    int long_index;
+    while ((c =getopt_long_only(argc,argv,"w:h:n:f:o:?",long_opts,&long_index)) != EOF) {
+        switch (c) {
+        case 'w':
+            frame_width = atoi(optarg);
+            break;
+        case 'h':
+            frame_height = atoi(optarg);
+            break;
+        case 'n':
+        case 16:
+            frame_count = atoi(optarg);
+            break;
+        case 'f':
+            frame_rate = atoi(optarg);
+            break;
+        case 'o':
+            coded_fn = strdup(optarg);
+            break;
+        case 0:
+            print_help();
+            exit(0);
+        case 1:
+            frame_bitrate = atoi(optarg);
+            break;
+        case 2:
+            minimal_qp = atoi(optarg);
+            break;
+        case 3:
+            initial_qp = atoi(optarg);
+            break;
+        case 4:
+            intra_period = atoi(optarg);
+            break;
+        case 5:
+            intra_idr_period = atoi(optarg);
+            break;
+        case 6:
+            ip_period = atoi(optarg);
+            break;
+        case 7:
+            rc_mode = string_to_rc(optarg);
+            if (rc_mode < 0) {
+                print_help();
+                exit(1);
+            }
+            break;
+        case 9:
+            srcyuv_fn = strdup(optarg);
+            break;
+        case 10:
+            recyuv_fn = strdup(optarg);
+            break;
+        case 11:
+            srcyuv_fourcc = string_to_fourcc(optarg);
+            if (srcyuv_fourcc <= 0) {
+                print_help();
+                exit(1);
+            }
+            break;
+        case 12:
+            encode_syncmode = 1;
+            break;
+        case 13:
+            calc_psnr = 1;
+            break;
+        case 14:
+            misc_priv_type = strtol(optarg, NULL, 0);
+            break;
+        case 15:
+            misc_priv_value = strtol(optarg, NULL, 0);
+            break;
+        case 17:
+            if (strncmp(optarg, "1", 1) == 0)
+            {
+                real_hevc_profile = 1;
+                hevc_profile = VAProfileHEVCMain;
+            }
+            else if (strncmp(optarg, "2", 1) == 0)
+            {
+                real_hevc_profile = 2;
+                hevc_profile = VAProfileHEVCMain10;
+            }
+            else
+                hevc_profile = 0;
+            break;
+         case 18:
+                p2b = atoi(optarg);
+            break;
+        case ':':
+        case '?':
+            print_help();
+            exit(0);
+        }
+    }
+    if (ip_period < 1) {
+        printf(" ip_period must be greater than 0\n");
+        exit(0);
+    }
+    if (intra_period != 1 && (intra_period - 1) % ip_period != 0) {
+        printf(" intra_period -1 must be a multiplier of ip_period\n");
+        exit(0);
+    }
+    if (intra_period != 0 && intra_idr_period % intra_period != 0) {
+        printf(" intra_idr_period must be a multiplier of intra_period\n");
+        exit(0);
+    }
+    if (ip_period > 1) {
+        frame_count -= (frame_count -1)%ip_period;
+    }
+    if (frame_bitrate == 0)
+        frame_bitrate = frame_width * frame_height * 12 * frame_rate / 50;
+    /* open source file */
+    if (srcyuv_fn) {
+        srcyuv_fp = fopen(srcyuv_fn,"r");
+        if (srcyuv_fp == NULL)
+            printf("Open source YUV file %s failed, use auto-generated YUV data\n", srcyuv_fn);
+        else {
+            struct stat tmp;
+            fstat(fileno(srcyuv_fp), &tmp);
+            srcyuv_frames = tmp.st_size / (frame_width * frame_height * 1.5);
+            printf("Source YUV file %s with %llu frames\n", srcyuv_fn, srcyuv_frames);
+            if (frame_count == 0)
+                frame_count = srcyuv_frames;
+        }
+    }
+    /* open source file */
+    if (recyuv_fn) {
+        recyuv_fp = fopen(recyuv_fn,"w+");
+        if (recyuv_fp == NULL)
+            printf("Open reconstructed YUV file %s failed\n", recyuv_fn);
+    }
+    if (coded_fn == NULL) {
+        struct stat buf;
+        if (stat("/tmp", &buf) == 0)
+            coded_fn = strdup("/tmp/test.265");
+        else if (stat("/sdcard", &buf) == 0)
+            coded_fn = strdup("/sdcard/test.265");
+        else
+            coded_fn = strdup("./test.265");
+    }
+    /* store coded data into a file */
+    coded_fp = fopen(coded_fn,"w+");
+    if (coded_fp == NULL) {
+        printf("Open file %s failed, exit\n", coded_fn);
+        exit(1);
+    }
+    frame_width_aligned = (frame_width + 63) & (~63);
+    frame_height_aligned = (frame_height + 63) & (~63);
+    if (frame_width != frame_width_aligned ||
+        frame_height != frame_height_aligned) {
+        printf("Source frame is %dx%d and will code clip to %dx%d with crop\n",
+               frame_width, frame_height,
+               frame_width_aligned, frame_height_aligned
+               );
+    }
+    return 0;
+static int init_va(void)
+    VAProfile profile_list[]={VAProfileHEVCMain,VAProfileHEVCMain10};
+    VAEntrypoint *entrypoints;
+    int num_entrypoints, slice_entrypoint;
+    int support_encode = 0;
+    int major_ver, minor_ver;
+    VAStatus va_status;
+    unsigned int i;
+    va_dpy = va_open_display();
+    va_status = vaInitialize(va_dpy, &major_ver, &minor_ver);
+    CHECK_VASTATUS(va_status, "vaInitialize");
+    num_entrypoints = vaMaxNumEntrypoints(va_dpy);
+    entrypoints = malloc(num_entrypoints * sizeof(*entrypoints));
+    if (!entrypoints) {
+        fprintf(stderr, "error: failed to initialize VA entrypoints array\n");
+        exit(1);
+    }
+    /* use the highest profile */
+    for (i = 0; i < sizeof(profile_list)/sizeof(profile_list[0]); i++) {
+        if ((hevc_profile != ~0) && hevc_profile != profile_list[i])
+            continue;
+        hevc_profile = profile_list[i];
+        vaQueryConfigEntrypoints(va_dpy, hevc_profile, entrypoints, &num_entrypoints);
+        for (slice_entrypoint = 0; slice_entrypoint < num_entrypoints; slice_entrypoint++) {
+            if (entrypoints[slice_entrypoint] == VAEntrypointEncSlice) {
+                support_encode = 1;
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        if (support_encode == 1)
+            break;
+    }
+    if (support_encode == 0) {
+        printf("Can't find VAEntrypointEncSlice for HEVC profiles\n");
+        exit(1);
+    } else {
+        switch (hevc_profile) {
+            case VAProfileHEVCMain:
+                hevc_profile = VAProfileHEVCMain;
+                printf("Use profile VAProfileHEVCMain\n");
+                break;
+            case VAProfileHEVCMain10:
+                hevc_profile = VAProfileHEVCMain10;
+                printf("Use profile VAProfileHEVCMain10\n");
+                break;
+            default:
+                printf("unknow profile. Set to Main");
+                hevc_profile = VAProfileHEVCMain;
+                constraint_set_flag |= (1 << 0 | 1 << 1); /* Annex A.2.1 & A.2.2 */
+                ip_period = 1;
+                break;
+        }
+    }
+    /* find out the format for the render target, and rate control mode */
+    for (i = 0; i < VAConfigAttribTypeMax; i++)
+        attrib[i].type = i;
+    va_status = vaGetConfigAttributes(va_dpy, hevc_profile, VAEntrypointEncSlice,
+                                      &attrib[0], VAConfigAttribTypeMax);
+    CHECK_VASTATUS(va_status, "vaGetConfigAttributes");
+    /* check the interested configattrib */
+    if ((attrib[VAConfigAttribRTFormat].value & VA_RT_FORMAT_YUV420) == 0) {
+        printf("Not find desired YUV420 RT format\n");
+        exit(1);
+    } else {
+        config_attrib[config_attrib_num].type = VAConfigAttribRTFormat;
+        config_attrib[config_attrib_num].value = VA_RT_FORMAT_YUV420;
+        config_attrib_num++;
+    }
+    if (attrib[VAConfigAttribRateControl].value != VA_ATTRIB_NOT_SUPPORTED) {
+        int tmp = attrib[VAConfigAttribRateControl].value;
+        printf("Support rate control mode (0x%x):", tmp);
+        if (tmp & VA_RC_NONE)
+            printf("NONE ");
+        if (tmp & VA_RC_CBR)
+            printf("CBR ");
+        if (tmp & VA_RC_VBR)
+            printf("VBR ");
+        if (tmp & VA_RC_VCM)
+            printf("VCM ");
+        if (tmp & VA_RC_CQP)
+            printf("CQP ");
+        if (tmp & VA_RC_VBR_CONSTRAINED)
+            printf("VBR_CONSTRAINED ");
+        printf("\n");
+        if (rc_mode == -1 || !(rc_mode & tmp))  {
+            if (rc_mode != -1) {
+                printf("Warning: Don't support the specified RateControl mode: %s!!!, switch to ", rc_to_string(rc_mode));
+            }
+            for (i = 0; i < sizeof(rc_default_modes) / sizeof(rc_default_modes[0]); i++) {
+                if (rc_default_modes[i] & tmp) {
+                    rc_mode = rc_default_modes[i];
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+            printf("RateControl mode: %s\n", rc_to_string(rc_mode));
+        }
+        config_attrib[config_attrib_num].type = VAConfigAttribRateControl;
+        config_attrib[config_attrib_num].value = rc_mode;
+        config_attrib_num++;
+    }
+    if (attrib[VAConfigAttribEncPackedHeaders].value != VA_ATTRIB_NOT_SUPPORTED) {
+        int tmp = attrib[VAConfigAttribEncPackedHeaders].value;
+        printf("Support VAConfigAttribEncPackedHeaders\n");
+        hevc_packedheader = 1;
+        config_attrib[config_attrib_num].type = VAConfigAttribEncPackedHeaders;
+        config_attrib[config_attrib_num].value = VA_ENC_PACKED_HEADER_NONE;
+        if (tmp & VA_ENC_PACKED_HEADER_SEQUENCE) {
+            printf("Support packed sequence headers\n");
+            config_attrib[config_attrib_num].value |= VA_ENC_PACKED_HEADER_SEQUENCE;
+        }
+        if (tmp & VA_ENC_PACKED_HEADER_PICTURE) {
+            printf("Support packed picture headers\n");
+            config_attrib[config_attrib_num].value |= VA_ENC_PACKED_HEADER_PICTURE;
+        }
+        if (tmp & VA_ENC_PACKED_HEADER_SLICE) {
+            printf("Support packed slice headers\n");
+            config_attrib[config_attrib_num].value |= VA_ENC_PACKED_HEADER_SLICE;
+        }
+        if (tmp & VA_ENC_PACKED_HEADER_MISC) {
+            printf("Support packed misc headers\n");
+            config_attrib[config_attrib_num].value |= VA_ENC_PACKED_HEADER_MISC;
+        }
+        enc_packed_header_idx = config_attrib_num;
+        config_attrib_num++;
+    }
+    if (attrib[VAConfigAttribEncInterlaced].value != VA_ATTRIB_NOT_SUPPORTED) {
+        int tmp = attrib[VAConfigAttribEncInterlaced].value;
+        printf("Support VAConfigAttribEncInterlaced\n");
+        if (tmp & VA_ENC_INTERLACED_FRAME)
+            printf("support VA_ENC_INTERLACED_FRAME\n");
+        if (tmp & VA_ENC_INTERLACED_FIELD)
+            printf("Support VA_ENC_INTERLACED_FIELD\n");
+        if (tmp & VA_ENC_INTERLACED_MBAFF)
+            printf("Support VA_ENC_INTERLACED_MBAFF\n");
+        if (tmp & VA_ENC_INTERLACED_PAFF)
+            printf("Support VA_ENC_INTERLACED_PAFF\n");
+        config_attrib[config_attrib_num].type = VAConfigAttribEncInterlaced;
+        config_attrib[config_attrib_num].value = VA_ENC_PACKED_HEADER_NONE;
+        config_attrib_num++;
+    }
+    if (attrib[VAConfigAttribEncMaxRefFrames].value != VA_ATTRIB_NOT_SUPPORTED) {
+        hevc_maxref = attrib[VAConfigAttribEncMaxRefFrames].value;
+        printf("Support %d RefPicList0 and %d RefPicList1\n",
+               hevc_maxref & 0xffff, (hevc_maxref >> 16) & 0xffff );
+    }
+    if (attrib[VAConfigAttribEncMaxSlices].value != VA_ATTRIB_NOT_SUPPORTED)
+        printf("Support %d slices\n", attrib[VAConfigAttribEncMaxSlices].value);
+    if (attrib[VAConfigAttribEncSliceStructure].value != VA_ATTRIB_NOT_SUPPORTED) {
+        int tmp = attrib[VAConfigAttribEncSliceStructure].value;
+        printf("Support VAConfigAttribEncSliceStructure\n");
+            printf("Support VA_ENC_SLICE_STRUCTURE_ARBITRARY_ROWS\n");
+            printf("Support VA_ENC_SLICE_STRUCTURE_POWER_OF_TWO_ROWS\n");
+    }
+    if (attrib[VAConfigAttribEncMacroblockInfo].value != VA_ATTRIB_NOT_SUPPORTED) {
+        printf("Support VAConfigAttribEncMacroblockInfo\n");
+    }
+    free(entrypoints);
+    return 0;
+static int setup_encode()
+    VAStatus va_status;
+    VASurfaceID *tmp_surfaceid;
+    int codedbuf_size, i;
+    va_status = vaCreateConfig(va_dpy, hevc_profile, VAEntrypointEncSlice,
+            &config_attrib[0], config_attrib_num, &config_id);
+    CHECK_VASTATUS(va_status, "vaCreateConfig");
+    /* create source surfaces */
+    va_status = vaCreateSurfaces(va_dpy,
+                                 VA_RT_FORMAT_YUV420, frame_width_aligned, frame_height_aligned,
+                                 &src_surface[0], SURFACE_NUM,
+                                 NULL, 0);
+    CHECK_VASTATUS(va_status, "vaCreateSurfaces");
+    /* create reference surfaces */
+    va_status = vaCreateSurfaces(
+        va_dpy,
+        VA_RT_FORMAT_YUV420, frame_width_aligned, frame_height_aligned,
+        &ref_surface[0], SURFACE_NUM,
+        NULL, 0
+        );
+    CHECK_VASTATUS(va_status, "vaCreateSurfaces");
+    tmp_surfaceid = calloc(2 * SURFACE_NUM, sizeof(VASurfaceID));
+    memcpy(tmp_surfaceid, src_surface, SURFACE_NUM * sizeof(VASurfaceID));
+    memcpy(tmp_surfaceid + SURFACE_NUM, ref_surface, SURFACE_NUM * sizeof(VASurfaceID));
+    /* Create a context for this encode pipe */
+    va_status = vaCreateContext(va_dpy, config_id,
+                                frame_width_aligned, frame_height_aligned,
+                                VA_PROGRESSIVE,
+                                tmp_surfaceid, 2 * SURFACE_NUM,
+                                &context_id);
+    CHECK_VASTATUS(va_status, "vaCreateContext");
+    free(tmp_surfaceid);
+    codedbuf_size = (frame_width_aligned * frame_height_aligned * 400) / (16*16);
+    for (i = 0; i < SURFACE_NUM; i++) {
+        /* create coded buffer once for all
+         * other VA buffers which won't be used again after vaRenderPicture.
+         * so APP can always vaCreateBuffer for every frame
+         * but coded buffer need to be mapped and accessed after vaRenderPicture/vaEndPicture
+         * so VA won't maintain the coded buffer
+         */
+        va_status = vaCreateBuffer(va_dpy,context_id,VAEncCodedBufferType,
+                codedbuf_size, 1, NULL, &coded_buf[i]);
+        CHECK_VASTATUS(va_status,"vaCreateBuffer");
+    }
+    return 0;
+#define partition(ref, field, key, ascending)   \
+    while (i <= j) {                            \
+        if (ascending) {                        \
+            while (ref[i].field < key)          \
+                i++;                            \
+            while (ref[j].field > key)          \
+                j--;                            \
+        } else {                                \
+            while (ref[i].field > key)          \
+                i++;                            \
+            while (ref[j].field < key)          \
+                j--;                            \
+        }                                       \
+        if (i <= j) {                           \
+            tmp = ref[i];                       \
+            ref[i] = ref[j];                    \
+            ref[j] = tmp;                       \
+            i++;                                \
+            j--;                                \
+        }                                       \
+    }                                           \
+static void sort_one(VAPictureHEVC ref[], int left, int right,
+                     int ascending)
+    VAPictureHEVC tmp;
+    int i = left, j = right;
+    unsigned int key = ref[(left + right) / 2].pic_order_cnt;
+    partition(ref, pic_order_cnt, (signed int)key, ascending);
+    /* recursion */
+    if (left < j)
+        sort_one(ref, left, j, ascending);
+    if (i < right)
+        sort_one(ref, i, right, ascending);
+static void sort_two(VAPictureHEVC ref[], int left, int right, unsigned int key,
+                     int partition_ascending, int list0_ascending, int list1_ascending)
+    VAPictureHEVC tmp;
+    int i = left, j = right;
+    partition(ref, pic_order_cnt, (signed int)key, partition_ascending);
+    sort_one(ref, left, i-1, list0_ascending);
+    sort_one(ref, j+1, right, list1_ascending);
+static int update_ReferenceFrames(void)
+    int i;
+    if (current_frame_type == FRAME_B)
+        return 0;
+    numShortTerm++;
+    if (numShortTerm > num_ref_frames)
+        numShortTerm = num_ref_frames;
+    for (i=numShortTerm-1; i>0; i--)
+        ReferenceFrames[i] = ReferenceFrames[i-1];
+    ReferenceFrames[0] = CurrentCurrPic;
+    return 0;
+static int update_RefPicList(void)
+    unsigned int current_poc = CurrentCurrPic.pic_order_cnt;
+    if (current_frame_type == FRAME_P) {
+        memcpy(RefPicList0_P, ReferenceFrames, numShortTerm * sizeof(VAPictureHEVC));
+        sort_one(RefPicList0_P, 0, numShortTerm-1, 0);
+    }
+    if (current_frame_type == FRAME_B) {
+        memcpy(RefPicList0_B, ReferenceFrames, numShortTerm * sizeof(VAPictureHEVC));
+        sort_two(RefPicList0_B, 0, numShortTerm-1, current_poc, 1, 0, 1);
+        memcpy(RefPicList1_B, ReferenceFrames, numShortTerm * sizeof(VAPictureHEVC));
+        sort_two(RefPicList1_B, 0, numShortTerm-1, current_poc, 0, 1, 0);
+    }
+    return 0;
+static int render_sequence(struct SeqParamSet *sps)
+    VABufferID seq_param_buf = VA_INVALID_ID;
+    VABufferID rc_param_buf = VA_INVALID_ID;
+    VABufferID misc_param_tmpbuf= VA_INVALID_ID;
+    VABufferID render_id[2] = {VA_INVALID_ID};
+    VAStatus va_status;
+    VAEncMiscParameterBuffer *misc_param, *misc_param_tmp;
+    VAEncMiscParameterRateControl *misc_rate_ctrl;
+    seq_param.general_profile_idc = sps->ptps.general_profile_idc;
+    seq_param.general_level_idc = sps->ptps.general_level_idc;
+    seq_param.general_tier_flag = (uint8_t)(sps->ptps.general_tier_flag);
+    seq_param.intra_period = intra_period;
+    seq_param.intra_idr_period = intra_idr_period;
+    seq_param.ip_period = ip_period;
+    seq_param.bits_per_second = 400000;
+    seq_param.pic_width_in_luma_samples = sps->pic_width_in_luma_samples;
+    seq_param.pic_height_in_luma_samples = sps->pic_height_in_luma_samples;
+    seq_param.seq_fields.bits.chroma_format_idc = 1;
+    seq_param.seq_fields.bits.separate_colour_plane_flag = 0;
+    seq_param.seq_fields.bits.bit_depth_luma_minus8 = sps->bit_depth_luma_minus8;
+    seq_param.seq_fields.bits.bit_depth_chroma_minus8 = sps->bit_depth_chroma_minus8;
+    seq_param.seq_fields.bits.scaling_list_enabled_flag = sps->scaling_list_enabled_flag;
+    seq_param.seq_fields.bits.strong_intra_smoothing_enabled_flag = sps->strong_intra_smoothing_enabled_flag;
+    seq_param.seq_fields.bits.amp_enabled_flag = sps->amp_enabled_flag;
+    seq_param.seq_fields.bits.sample_adaptive_offset_enabled_flag = sps->sample_adaptive_offset_enabled_flag;
+    seq_param.seq_fields.bits.pcm_enabled_flag = sps->pcm_enabled_flag;
+    seq_param.seq_fields.bits.pcm_loop_filter_disabled_flag = sps->pcm_loop_filter_disabled_flag;
+    seq_param.seq_fields.bits.sps_temporal_mvp_enabled_flag = sps->sps_temporal_mvp_enabled_flag;
+    seq_param.log2_min_luma_coding_block_size_minus3 = sps->log2_min_luma_coding_block_size_minus3;
+    seq_param.log2_diff_max_min_luma_coding_block_size = sps->log2_diff_max_min_luma_coding_block_size;
+    seq_param.log2_min_transform_block_size_minus2 = sps->log2_min_luma_transform_block_size_minus2;
+    seq_param.log2_diff_max_min_transform_block_size = sps->log2_diff_max_min_luma_transform_block_size;
+    seq_param.max_transform_hierarchy_depth_inter = sps->max_transform_hierarchy_depth_inter;
+    seq_param.max_transform_hierarchy_depth_intra = sps->max_transform_hierarchy_depth_intra;
+    seq_param.vui_parameters_present_flag = sps->vui_parameters_present_flag;
+    va_status = vaCreateBuffer(va_dpy, context_id,
+                               VAEncSequenceParameterBufferType,
+                               sizeof(seq_param),1,&seq_param,&seq_param_buf);
+    CHECK_VASTATUS(va_status,"vaCreateBuffer");
+    va_status = vaCreateBuffer(va_dpy, context_id,
+                               VAEncMiscParameterBufferType,
+                               sizeof(VAEncMiscParameterBuffer) + sizeof(VAEncMiscParameterRateControl),
+                               1,NULL,&rc_param_buf);
+    CHECK_VASTATUS(va_status,"vaCreateBuffer");
+    vaMapBuffer(va_dpy, rc_param_buf,(void **)&misc_param);
+    misc_param->type = VAEncMiscParameterTypeRateControl;
+    misc_rate_ctrl = (VAEncMiscParameterRateControl *)misc_param->data;
+    memset(misc_rate_ctrl, 0, sizeof(*misc_rate_ctrl));
+    misc_rate_ctrl->bits_per_second = frame_bitrate;
+    misc_rate_ctrl->target_percentage = 66;
+    misc_rate_ctrl->window_size = 1000;
+    misc_rate_ctrl->initial_qp = initial_qp;
+    misc_rate_ctrl->min_qp = minimal_qp;
+    misc_rate_ctrl->basic_unit_size = 0;
+    vaUnmapBuffer(va_dpy, rc_param_buf);
+    render_id[0] = seq_param_buf;
+    render_id[1] = rc_param_buf;
+    va_status = vaRenderPicture(va_dpy,context_id, &render_id[0], 2);
+    CHECK_VASTATUS(va_status,"vaRenderPicture");
+    if (seq_param_buf != VA_INVALID_ID)
+    {
+        vaDestroyBuffer(va_dpy, seq_param_buf);
+        seq_param_buf = VA_INVALID_ID;
+    }
+    if (rc_param_buf != VA_INVALID_ID)
+    {
+        vaDestroyBuffer(va_dpy, rc_param_buf);
+        rc_param_buf = VA_INVALID_ID;
+    }
+    if (misc_priv_type != 0) {
+        va_status = vaCreateBuffer(va_dpy, context_id,
+                                   VAEncMiscParameterBufferType,
+                                   sizeof(VAEncMiscParameterBuffer),
+                                   1, NULL, &misc_param_tmpbuf);
+        CHECK_VASTATUS(va_status,"vaCreateBuffer");
+        vaMapBuffer(va_dpy, misc_param_tmpbuf,(void **)&misc_param_tmp);
+        misc_param_tmp->type = misc_priv_type;
+        misc_param_tmp->data[0] = misc_priv_value;
+        vaUnmapBuffer(va_dpy, misc_param_tmpbuf);
+        va_status = vaRenderPicture(va_dpy,context_id, &misc_param_tmpbuf, 1);
+    }
+    return 0;
+static int render_picture(struct PicParamSet *pps)
+    VABufferID pic_param_buf = VA_INVALID_ID;
+    VAStatus va_status;
+    int i = 0;
+     memcpy(pic_param.reference_frames, ReferenceFrames, numShortTerm*sizeof(VAPictureHEVC));
+     for (i = numShortTerm; i < SURFACE_NUM; i++) {
+         pic_param.reference_frames[i].picture_id = VA_INVALID_SURFACE;
+         pic_param.reference_frames[i].flags = VA_PICTURE_HEVC_INVALID;
+     }
+    pic_param.last_picture = 0;
+    pic_param.last_picture |= ((current_frame_encoding +1) %intra_period == 0) ? HEVC_LAST_PICTURE_EOSEQ : 0;
+    pic_param.last_picture |= ((current_frame_encoding +1) == frame_count) ? HEVC_LAST_PICTURE_EOSTREAM : 0;
+    pic_param.coded_buf = coded_buf[current_slot];
+    pic_param.decoded_curr_pic.picture_id = ref_surface[current_slot];
+    pic_param.decoded_curr_pic.pic_order_cnt = calc_poc((current_frame_display - current_IDR_display) % MaxPicOrderCntLsb) * 2;
+    pic_param.decoded_curr_pic.flags = 0;
+    CurrentCurrPic = pic_param.decoded_curr_pic;
+    pic_param.collocated_ref_pic_index = pps->num_ref_idx_l0_default_active_minus1;
+    pic_param.pic_init_qp = pps->init_qp_minus26 + 26;
+    pic_param.diff_cu_qp_delta_depth = pps->diff_cu_qp_delta_depth;
+    pic_param.pps_cb_qp_offset = pps->pps_cb_qp_offset;
+    pic_param.pps_cr_qp_offset = pps->pps_cr_qp_offset;
+    pic_param.num_tile_columns_minus1 = pps->num_tile_columns_minus1;
+    pic_param.num_tile_rows_minus1 = pps->num_tile_rows_minus1;
+    for (i = 0; i <= (unsigned int)(pic_param.num_tile_columns_minus1); i++)
+    {
+        pic_param.column_width_minus1[i] = 0;
+    }
+    for (i = 0; i <= (unsigned int)(pic_param.num_tile_rows_minus1); i++)
+    {
+        pic_param.row_height_minus1[i] = 0;
+    }
+    pic_param.log2_parallel_merge_level_minus2 = pps->log2_parallel_merge_level_minus2;
+    pic_param.ctu_max_bitsize_allowed = 0;
+    pic_param.num_ref_idx_l0_default_active_minus1 = pps->num_ref_idx_l0_default_active_minus1;
+    pic_param.num_ref_idx_l1_default_active_minus1 = pps->num_ref_idx_l1_default_active_minus1;
+    pic_param.slice_pic_parameter_set_id = 0;
+    pic_param.pic_fields.bits.idr_pic_flag         = (current_frame_type == FRAME_IDR);
+    pic_param.pic_fields.bits.coding_type          = current_frame_type == FRAME_IDR ? FRAME_I:current_frame_type;
+    pic_param.pic_fields.bits.reference_pic_flag   = current_frame_type != FRAME_B ? 1: 0;
+    pic_param.pic_fields.bits.dependent_slice_segments_enabled_flag = pps->dependent_slice_segments_enabled_flag;
+    pic_param.pic_fields.bits.sign_data_hiding_enabled_flag = pps->sign_data_hiding_enabled_flag;
+    pic_param.pic_fields.bits.constrained_intra_pred_flag = pps->constrained_intra_pred_flag;
+    pic_param.pic_fields.bits.transform_skip_enabled_flag = pps->transform_skip_enabled_flag;
+    pic_param.pic_fields.bits.cu_qp_delta_enabled_flag = pps->cu_qp_delta_enabled_flag;
+    pic_param.pic_fields.bits.weighted_pred_flag = pps->weighted_pred_flag;
+    pic_param.pic_fields.bits.weighted_bipred_flag = pps->weighted_bipred_flag;
+    pic_param.pic_fields.bits.transquant_bypass_enabled_flag = pps->transquant_bypass_enabled_flag;
+    pic_param.pic_fields.bits.tiles_enabled_flag = pps->tiles_enabled_flag;
+    pic_param.pic_fields.bits.entropy_coding_sync_enabled_flag = pps->entropy_coding_sync_enabled_flag;
+    pic_param.pic_fields.bits.loop_filter_across_tiles_enabled_flag = pps->loop_filter_across_tiles_enabled_flag;
+    pic_param.pic_fields.bits.pps_loop_filter_across_slices_enabled_flag = pps->pps_loop_filter_across_slices_enabled_flag;
+    pic_param.pic_fields.bits.scaling_list_data_present_flag = pps->pps_scaling_list_data_present_flag;
+    va_status = vaCreateBuffer(va_dpy, context_id,VAEncPictureParameterBufferType,
+                               sizeof(pic_param),1,&pic_param, &pic_param_buf);
+    CHECK_VASTATUS(va_status,"vaCreateBuffer");;
+    va_status = vaRenderPicture(va_dpy,context_id, &pic_param_buf, 1);
+    CHECK_VASTATUS(va_status,"vaRenderPicture");
+    if(pic_param_buf != VA_INVALID_ID)
+    {
+        vaDestroyBuffer(va_dpy, pic_param_buf);
+        pic_param_buf = VA_INVALID_ID;
+    }
+    return 0;
+static int render_packedvideo(void)
+    VAEncPackedHeaderParameterBuffer packedheader_param_buffer;
+    VABufferID packedvideo_para_bufid = VA_INVALID_ID;
+    VABufferID packedvideo_data_bufid = VA_INVALID_ID;
+    VABufferID render_id[2] = {VA_INVALID_ID};
+    unsigned int length_in_bits;
+    unsigned char *packedvideo_buffer = NULL;
+    VAStatus va_status;
+    length_in_bits = build_packed_video_buffer(&packedvideo_buffer);
+    packedheader_param_buffer.type = VAEncPackedHeaderSequence;
+    packedheader_param_buffer.bit_length = length_in_bits; /*length_in_bits*/
+    packedheader_param_buffer.has_emulation_bytes = 0;
+    va_status = vaCreateBuffer(va_dpy,
+                               context_id,
+                               VAEncPackedHeaderParameterBufferType,
+                               sizeof(packedheader_param_buffer), 1, &packedheader_param_buffer,
+                               &packedvideo_para_bufid);
+    CHECK_VASTATUS(va_status,"vaCreateBuffer");
+    va_status = vaCreateBuffer(va_dpy,
+                               context_id,
+                               VAEncPackedHeaderDataBufferType,
+                               (length_in_bits + 7) / 8, 1, packedvideo_buffer,
+                               &packedvideo_data_bufid);
+    CHECK_VASTATUS(va_status,"vaCreateBuffer");
+    render_id[0] = packedvideo_para_bufid;
+    render_id[1] = packedvideo_data_bufid;
+    va_status = vaRenderPicture(va_dpy,context_id, render_id, 2);
+    CHECK_VASTATUS(va_status,"vaRenderPicture");
+    free(packedvideo_buffer);
+    if(packedvideo_para_bufid != VA_INVALID_ID)
+    {
+        vaDestroyBuffer(va_dpy, packedvideo_para_bufid);
+        packedvideo_para_bufid = VA_INVALID_ID;
+    }
+    if(packedvideo_data_bufid != VA_INVALID_ID)
+    {
+        vaDestroyBuffer(va_dpy, packedvideo_data_bufid);
+        packedvideo_data_bufid = VA_INVALID_ID;
+    }
+    return 0;
+static int render_packedsequence(void)
+    VAEncPackedHeaderParameterBuffer packedheader_param_buffer;
+    VABufferID packedseq_para_bufid = VA_INVALID_ID;
+    VABufferID packedseq_data_bufid = VA_INVALID_ID;
+    VABufferID render_id[2] = {VA_INVALID_ID};
+    unsigned int length_in_bits;
+    unsigned char *packedseq_buffer = NULL;
+    VAStatus va_status;
+    length_in_bits = build_packed_seq_buffer(&packedseq_buffer);
+    packedheader_param_buffer.type = VAEncPackedHeaderSequence;
+    packedheader_param_buffer.bit_length = length_in_bits; /*length_in_bits*/
+    packedheader_param_buffer.has_emulation_bytes = 0;
+    va_status = vaCreateBuffer(va_dpy,
+                               context_id,
+                               VAEncPackedHeaderParameterBufferType,
+                               sizeof(packedheader_param_buffer), 1, &packedheader_param_buffer,
+                               &packedseq_para_bufid);
+    CHECK_VASTATUS(va_status,"vaCreateBuffer");
+    va_status = vaCreateBuffer(va_dpy,
+                               context_id,
+                               VAEncPackedHeaderDataBufferType,
+                               (length_in_bits + 7) / 8, 1, packedseq_buffer,
+                               &packedseq_data_bufid);
+    CHECK_VASTATUS(va_status,"vaCreateBuffer");
+    render_id[0] = packedseq_para_bufid;
+    render_id[1] = packedseq_data_bufid;
+    va_status = vaRenderPicture(va_dpy,context_id, render_id, 2);
+    CHECK_VASTATUS(va_status,"vaRenderPicture");
+    free(packedseq_buffer);
+    if(packedseq_para_bufid != VA_INVALID_ID)
+    {
+        vaDestroyBuffer(va_dpy, packedseq_para_bufid);
+        packedseq_para_bufid = VA_INVALID_ID;
+    }
+    if(packedseq_data_bufid != VA_INVALID_ID)
+    {
+        vaDestroyBuffer(va_dpy, packedseq_data_bufid);
+        packedseq_para_bufid = VA_INVALID_ID;
+    }
+    return 0;
+static int render_packedpicture(void)
+    VAEncPackedHeaderParameterBuffer packedheader_param_buffer;
+    VABufferID packedpic_para_bufid = VA_INVALID_ID;
+    VABufferID packedpic_data_bufid = VA_INVALID_ID;
+    VABufferID render_id[2] = {VA_INVALID_ID};
+    unsigned int length_in_bits;
+    unsigned char *packedpic_buffer = NULL;
+    VAStatus va_status;
+    length_in_bits = build_packed_pic_buffer(&packedpic_buffer);
+    packedheader_param_buffer.type = VAEncPackedHeaderPicture;
+    packedheader_param_buffer.bit_length = length_in_bits;
+    packedheader_param_buffer.has_emulation_bytes = 0;
+    va_status = vaCreateBuffer(va_dpy,
+                               context_id,
+                               VAEncPackedHeaderParameterBufferType,
+                               sizeof(packedheader_param_buffer), 1, &packedheader_param_buffer,
+                               &packedpic_para_bufid);
+    CHECK_VASTATUS(va_status,"vaCreateBuffer");
+    va_status = vaCreateBuffer(va_dpy,
+                               context_id,
+                               VAEncPackedHeaderDataBufferType,
+                               (length_in_bits + 7) / 8, 1, packedpic_buffer,
+                               &packedpic_data_bufid);
+    CHECK_VASTATUS(va_status,"vaCreateBuffer");
+    render_id[0] = packedpic_para_bufid;
+    render_id[1] = packedpic_data_bufid;
+    va_status = vaRenderPicture(va_dpy,context_id, render_id, 2);
+    CHECK_VASTATUS(va_status,"vaRenderPicture");
+    free(packedpic_buffer);
+    if(packedpic_para_bufid != VA_INVALID_ID)
+    {
+        vaDestroyBuffer(va_dpy, packedpic_para_bufid);
+        packedpic_para_bufid = VA_INVALID_ID;
+    }
+    if(packedpic_data_bufid != VA_INVALID_ID)
+    {
+        vaDestroyBuffer(va_dpy, packedpic_data_bufid);
+        packedpic_para_bufid = VA_INVALID_ID;
+    }
+    return 0;
+static void render_packedslice()
+    VAEncPackedHeaderParameterBuffer packedheader_param_buffer;
+    VABufferID packedslice_para_bufid =  VA_INVALID_ID;
+    VABufferID packedslice_data_bufid =  VA_INVALID_ID;
+    VABufferID render_id[2] = {VA_INVALID_ID};
+    unsigned int length_in_bits;
+    unsigned char *packedslice_buffer = NULL;
+    VAStatus va_status;
+    length_in_bits = build_packed_slice_buffer(&packedslice_buffer);
+    packedheader_param_buffer.type = VAEncPackedHeaderSlice;
+    packedheader_param_buffer.bit_length = length_in_bits;
+    packedheader_param_buffer.has_emulation_bytes = 0;
+    va_status = vaCreateBuffer(va_dpy,
+                               context_id,
+                               VAEncPackedHeaderParameterBufferType,
+                               sizeof(packedheader_param_buffer), 1, &packedheader_param_buffer,
+                               &packedslice_para_bufid);
+    CHECK_VASTATUS(va_status,"vaCreateBuffer");
+    va_status = vaCreateBuffer(va_dpy,
+                               context_id,
+                               VAEncPackedHeaderDataBufferType,
+                               (length_in_bits + 7) / 8, 1, packedslice_buffer,
+                               &packedslice_data_bufid);
+    CHECK_VASTATUS(va_status,"vaCreateBuffer");
+    render_id[0] = packedslice_para_bufid;
+    render_id[1] = packedslice_data_bufid;
+    va_status = vaRenderPicture(va_dpy,context_id, render_id, 2);
+    CHECK_VASTATUS(va_status,"vaRenderPicture");
+    free(packedslice_buffer);
+    if(packedslice_para_bufid != VA_INVALID_ID)
+    {
+        vaDestroyBuffer(va_dpy, packedslice_para_bufid);
+        packedslice_para_bufid = VA_INVALID_ID;
+    }
+    if(packedslice_data_bufid != VA_INVALID_ID)
+    {
+        vaDestroyBuffer(va_dpy, packedslice_data_bufid);
+        packedslice_para_bufid = VA_INVALID_ID;
+    }
+static int render_slice(void)
+    VABufferID slice_param_buf = VA_INVALID_ID;
+    VAStatus va_status;
+    memset(&slice_param, 0x00, sizeof(VAEncSliceParameterBufferHEVC));
+    update_RefPicList();
+    slice_param.slice_segment_address = 0;
+    slice_param.num_ctu_in_slice = ssh.picture_width_in_ctus *ssh.picture_height_in_ctus;
+    slice_param.slice_type = ssh.slice_type;
+    slice_param.slice_pic_parameter_set_id = ssh.slice_pic_parameter_set_id; // right???
+    slice_param.num_ref_idx_l0_active_minus1 = ssh.num_ref_idx_l0_active_minus1;
+    slice_param.num_ref_idx_l1_active_minus1 = ssh.num_ref_idx_l1_active_minus1;
+    memset(slice_param.ref_pic_list0, 0xff, sizeof(slice_param.ref_pic_list0));
+    memset(slice_param.ref_pic_list1, 0xff, sizeof(slice_param.ref_pic_list1));
+    if (current_frame_type == FRAME_P) {
+        memcpy(slice_param.ref_pic_list0, RefPicList0_P, sizeof(VAPictureHEVC));
+        if(p2b)
+        {
+            memcpy(slice_param.ref_pic_list1, RefPicList0_P, sizeof(VAPictureHEVC));
+        }
+    } else if (current_frame_type == FRAME_B) {
+        memcpy(slice_param.ref_pic_list0, RefPicList0_B, sizeof(VAPictureHEVC));
+        memcpy(slice_param.ref_pic_list1, RefPicList1_B, sizeof(VAPictureHEVC));
+    }
+    slice_param.luma_log2_weight_denom = 0;
+    slice_param.delta_chroma_log2_weight_denom = 0;
+    slice_param.max_num_merge_cand = 5 - ssh.five_minus_max_num_merge_cand;
+    slice_param.slice_qp_delta = ssh.slice_qp_delta;
+    slice_param.slice_cb_qp_offset = 0;
+    slice_param.slice_cr_qp_offset = 0;
+    slice_param.slice_beta_offset_div2 = ssh.beta_offset_div2;
+    slice_param.slice_tc_offset_div2 = ssh.tc_offset_div2;
+    slice_param.slice_fields.bits.dependent_slice_segment_flag = 0;
+    slice_param.slice_fields.bits.colour_plane_id = ssh.colour_plane_id;
+    slice_param.slice_fields.bits.slice_temporal_mvp_enabled_flag = ssh.slice_temporal_mvp_enabled_flag;
+    slice_param.slice_fields.bits.slice_sao_luma_flag = ssh.slice_sao_luma_flag;
+    slice_param.slice_fields.bits.slice_sao_chroma_flag = ssh.slice_sao_luma_flag;
+    slice_param.slice_fields.bits.num_ref_idx_active_override_flag = ssh.num_ref_idx_active_override_flag;
+    slice_param.slice_fields.bits.mvd_l1_zero_flag = 0;
+    slice_param.slice_fields.bits.cabac_init_flag = 0;
+    slice_param.slice_fields.bits.slice_deblocking_filter_disabled_flag = ssh.disable_deblocking_filter_flag;
+    slice_param.slice_fields.bits.slice_loop_filter_across_slices_enabled_flag = ssh.slice_loop_filter_across_slices_enabled_flag;
+    slice_param.slice_fields.bits.collocated_from_l0_flag = ssh.collocated_from_l0_flag;
+    if (hevc_packedheader &&
+        config_attrib[enc_packed_header_idx].value & VA_ENC_PACKED_HEADER_SLICE)
+        render_packedslice();
+    va_status = vaCreateBuffer(va_dpy,context_id,VAEncSliceParameterBufferType,
+                               sizeof(slice_param),1,&slice_param,&slice_param_buf);
+    CHECK_VASTATUS(va_status,"vaCreateBuffer");;
+    va_status = vaRenderPicture(va_dpy,context_id, &slice_param_buf, 1);
+    CHECK_VASTATUS(va_status,"vaRenderPicture");
+    if (slice_param_buf != VA_INVALID_ID)
+    {
+        vaDestroyBuffer(va_dpy, slice_param_buf);
+        slice_param_buf = VA_INVALID_ID;
+    }
+    return 0;
+static int upload_source_YUV_once_for_all()
+    int box_width=8;
+    int row_shift=0;
+    int i;
+    for (i = 0; i < SURFACE_NUM; i++) {
+        printf("\rLoading data into surface %d.....", i);
+        upload_surface(va_dpy, src_surface[i], box_width, row_shift, 0);
+        row_shift++;
+        if (row_shift==(2*box_width)) row_shift= 0;
+    }
+    printf("Complete surface loading\n");
+    return 0;
+static int load_surface(VASurfaceID surface_id, unsigned long long display_order)
+    unsigned char *srcyuv_ptr = NULL, *src_Y = NULL, *src_U = NULL, *src_V = NULL;
+    unsigned long long frame_start, mmap_start;
+    char *mmap_ptr = NULL;
+    int frame_size, mmap_size;
+    if (srcyuv_fp == NULL)
+        return 0;
+    /* allow encoding more than srcyuv_frames */
+    display_order = display_order % srcyuv_frames;
+    frame_size = frame_width * frame_height * 3 / 2; /* for YUV420 */
+    frame_start = display_order * frame_size;
+    mmap_start = frame_start & (~0xfff);
+    mmap_size = (frame_size + (frame_start & 0xfff) + 0xfff) & (~0xfff);
+    mmap_ptr = mmap(0, mmap_size, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED,
+                    fileno(srcyuv_fp), mmap_start);
+    if (mmap_ptr == MAP_FAILED) {
+        printf("Failed to mmap YUV file (%s)\n", strerror(errno));
+        return 1;
+    }
+    srcyuv_ptr = (unsigned char *)mmap_ptr +  (frame_start & 0xfff);
+    if (srcyuv_fourcc == VA_FOURCC_NV12) {
+        src_Y = srcyuv_ptr;
+        src_U = src_Y + frame_width * frame_height;
+        src_V = NULL;
+    } else if (srcyuv_fourcc == VA_FOURCC_IYUV ||
+        srcyuv_fourcc == VA_FOURCC_YV12) {
+        src_Y = srcyuv_ptr;
+        if (srcyuv_fourcc == VA_FOURCC_IYUV) {
+            src_U = src_Y + frame_width * frame_height;
+            src_V = src_U + (frame_width/2) * (frame_height/2);
+        } else { /* YV12 */
+            src_V = src_Y + frame_width * frame_height;
+            src_U = src_V + (frame_width/2) * (frame_height/2);
+        }
+    } else {
+        printf("Unsupported source YUV format\n");
+        exit(1);
+    }
+    upload_surface_yuv(va_dpy, surface_id,
+                       srcyuv_fourcc, frame_width, frame_height,
+                       src_Y, src_U, src_V);
+    if (mmap_ptr)
+        munmap(mmap_ptr, mmap_size);
+    return 0;
+static int save_recyuv(VASurfaceID surface_id,
+                       unsigned long long display_order,
+                       unsigned long long encode_order)
+    unsigned char *dst_Y = NULL, *dst_U = NULL, *dst_V = NULL;
+    if (recyuv_fp == NULL)
+        return 0;
+    if (srcyuv_fourcc == VA_FOURCC_NV12) {
+        int uv_size = 2 * (frame_width/2) * (frame_height/2);
+        dst_Y = malloc(2*uv_size);
+        if(dst_Y == NULL) {
+           printf("Failed to allocate memory for dst_Y\n");
+           exit(1);
+        }
+        dst_U = malloc(uv_size);
+        if(dst_U == NULL) {
+           printf("Failed to allocate memory for dst_U\n");
+           free(dst_Y);
+           exit(1);
+        }
+        memset(dst_Y, 0, 2*uv_size);
+        memset(dst_U, 0, uv_size);
+    } else if (srcyuv_fourcc == VA_FOURCC_IYUV ||
+               srcyuv_fourcc == VA_FOURCC_YV12) {
+        int uv_size = (frame_width/2) * (frame_height/2);
+        dst_Y = malloc(4*uv_size);
+        if(dst_Y == NULL) {
+           printf("Failed to allocate memory for dst_Y\n");
+           exit(1);
+        }
+        dst_U = malloc(uv_size);
+        if(dst_U == NULL) {
+           printf("Failed to allocate memory for dst_U\n");
+           free(dst_Y);
+           exit(1);
+        }
+        dst_V = malloc(uv_size);
+        if(dst_V == NULL) {
+           printf("Failed to allocate memory for dst_V\n");
+           free(dst_Y);
+           free(dst_U);
+           exit(1);
+        }
+        memset(dst_Y, 0, 4*uv_size);
+        memset(dst_U, 0, uv_size);
+        memset(dst_V, 0, uv_size);
+    } else {
+        printf("Unsupported source YUV format\n");
+        exit(1);
+    }
+    download_surface_yuv(va_dpy, surface_id,
+                         srcyuv_fourcc, frame_width, frame_height,
+                         dst_Y, dst_U, dst_V);
+    fseek(recyuv_fp, display_order * frame_width * frame_height * 1.5, SEEK_SET);
+    if (srcyuv_fourcc == VA_FOURCC_NV12) {
+        int uv_size = 2 * (frame_width/2) * (frame_height/2);
+        fwrite(dst_Y, uv_size * 2, 1, recyuv_fp);
+        fwrite(dst_U, uv_size, 1, recyuv_fp);
+    } else if (srcyuv_fourcc == VA_FOURCC_IYUV ||
+               srcyuv_fourcc == VA_FOURCC_YV12) {
+        int uv_size = (frame_width/2) * (frame_height/2);
+        fwrite(dst_Y, uv_size * 4, 1, recyuv_fp);
+        if (srcyuv_fourcc == VA_FOURCC_IYUV) {
+            fwrite(dst_U, uv_size, 1, recyuv_fp);
+            fwrite(dst_V, uv_size, 1, recyuv_fp);
+        } else {
+            fwrite(dst_V, uv_size, 1, recyuv_fp);
+            fwrite(dst_U, uv_size, 1, recyuv_fp);
+        }
+    }
+    if (dst_Y)
+        free(dst_Y);
+    if (dst_U)
+        free(dst_U);
+    if (dst_V)
+        free(dst_V);
+    fflush(recyuv_fp);
+    return 0;
+static int save_codeddata(unsigned long long display_order, unsigned long long encode_order)
+    VACodedBufferSegment *buf_list = NULL;
+    VAStatus va_status;
+    unsigned int coded_size = 0;
+    va_status = vaMapBuffer(va_dpy,coded_buf[display_order % SURFACE_NUM],(void **)(&buf_list));
+    CHECK_VASTATUS(va_status,"vaMapBuffer");
+    while (buf_list != NULL) {
+        coded_size += fwrite(buf_list->buf, 1, buf_list->size, coded_fp);
+        buf_list = (VACodedBufferSegment *) buf_list->next;
+        frame_size += coded_size;
+    }
+    vaUnmapBuffer(va_dpy,coded_buf[display_order % SURFACE_NUM]);
+    printf("\n      "); /* return back to startpoint */
+    switch (encode_order % 4) {
+        case 0:
+            printf("|");
+            break;
+        case 1:
+            printf("/");
+            break;
+        case 2:
+            printf("-");
+            break;
+        case 3:
+            printf("\\");
+            break;
+    }
+    printf("%08lld", encode_order);
+    printf("(%06d bytes coded)\n",coded_size);
+    fflush(coded_fp);
+    return 0;
+static struct storage_task_t * storage_task_dequeue(void)
+    struct storage_task_t *header;
+    pthread_mutex_lock(&encode_mutex);
+    header = storage_task_header;
+    if (storage_task_header != NULL) {
+        if (storage_task_tail == storage_task_header)
+            storage_task_tail = NULL;
+        storage_task_header = header->next;
+    }
+    pthread_mutex_unlock(&encode_mutex);
+    return header;
+static int storage_task_queue(unsigned long long display_order, unsigned long long encode_order)
+    struct storage_task_t *tmp;
+    tmp = calloc(1, sizeof(struct storage_task_t));
+    tmp->display_order = display_order;
+    tmp->encode_order = encode_order;
+    pthread_mutex_lock(&encode_mutex);
+    if (storage_task_header == NULL) {
+        storage_task_header = tmp;
+        storage_task_tail = tmp;
+    } else {
+        storage_task_tail->next = tmp;
+        storage_task_tail = tmp;
+    }
+    srcsurface_status[display_order % SURFACE_NUM] = SRC_SURFACE_IN_STORAGE;
+    pthread_cond_signal(&encode_cond);
+    pthread_mutex_unlock(&encode_mutex);
+    return 0;
+static void storage_task(unsigned long long display_order, unsigned long long encode_order)
+    unsigned int tmp;
+    VAStatus va_status;
+    tmp = GetTickCount();
+    va_status = vaSyncSurface(va_dpy, src_surface[display_order % SURFACE_NUM]);
+    CHECK_VASTATUS(va_status,"vaSyncSurface");
+    SyncPictureTicks += GetTickCount() - tmp;
+    tmp = GetTickCount();
+    save_codeddata(display_order, encode_order);
+    SavePictureTicks += GetTickCount() - tmp;
+    save_recyuv(ref_surface[display_order % SURFACE_NUM], display_order, encode_order);
+    /* reload a new frame data */
+    tmp = GetTickCount();
+    if (srcyuv_fp != NULL)
+        load_surface(src_surface[display_order % SURFACE_NUM], display_order + SURFACE_NUM);
+    UploadPictureTicks += GetTickCount() - tmp;
+    pthread_mutex_lock(&encode_mutex);
+    srcsurface_status[display_order % SURFACE_NUM] = SRC_SURFACE_IN_ENCODING;
+    pthread_mutex_unlock(&encode_mutex);
+static void * storage_task_thread(void *t)
+    while (1) {
+        struct storage_task_t *current;
+        current = storage_task_dequeue();
+        if (current == NULL) {
+            pthread_mutex_lock(&encode_mutex);
+            pthread_cond_wait(&encode_cond, &encode_mutex);
+            pthread_mutex_unlock(&encode_mutex);
+            continue;
+        }
+        storage_task(current->display_order, current->encode_order);
+        free(current);
+        /* all frames are saved, exit the thread */
+        if (++frame_coded >= frame_count)
+            break;
+    }
+    return 0;
+static int encode_frames(void)
+    unsigned int i, tmp;
+    VAStatus va_status;
+    //VASurfaceStatus surface_status;
+    /* upload RAW YUV data into all surfaces */
+    tmp = GetTickCount();
+    if (srcyuv_fp != NULL) {
+        for (i = 0; i < SURFACE_NUM; i++)
+            load_surface(src_surface[i], i);
+    } else
+        upload_source_YUV_once_for_all();
+    UploadPictureTicks += GetTickCount() - tmp;
+    /* ready for encoding */
+    memset(srcsurface_status, SRC_SURFACE_IN_ENCODING, sizeof(srcsurface_status));
+    memset(&seq_param, 0, sizeof(seq_param));
+    memset(&pic_param, 0, sizeof(pic_param));
+    memset(&slice_param, 0, sizeof(slice_param));
+    if (encode_syncmode == 0)
+        pthread_create(&encode_thread, NULL, storage_task_thread, NULL);
+    for (current_frame_encoding = 0; current_frame_encoding < frame_count; current_frame_encoding++) {
+        encoding2display_order(current_frame_encoding, intra_period, intra_idr_period, ip_period,
+                               &current_frame_display, &current_frame_type);
+        if (current_frame_type == FRAME_IDR) {
+            numShortTerm = 0;
+            current_frame_num = 0;
+            current_IDR_display = current_frame_display;
+        }
+        printf("%s : %lld %s : %lld type : %d\n", "encoding order", current_frame_encoding, "Display order", current_frame_display, current_frame_type);
+        /* check if the source frame is ready */
+        while (srcsurface_status[current_slot] != SRC_SURFACE_IN_ENCODING) {
+            usleep(1);
+        }
+        tmp = GetTickCount();
+        va_status = vaBeginPicture(va_dpy, context_id, src_surface[current_slot]);
+        CHECK_VASTATUS(va_status,"vaBeginPicture");
+        BeginPictureTicks += GetTickCount() - tmp;
+        fill_vps_header(&vps);
+        fill_sps_header(&sps, 0);
+        fill_pps_header(&pps, 0, 0);
+        tmp = GetTickCount();
+        if (current_frame_type == FRAME_IDR) {
+            render_sequence(&sps);
+            render_packedvideo();
+            render_packedsequence();
+        }
+        render_packedpicture();
+        render_picture(&pps);
+        fill_slice_header(0, &pps, &ssh);
+        render_slice();
+        RenderPictureTicks += GetTickCount() - tmp;
+        tmp = GetTickCount();
+        va_status = vaEndPicture(va_dpy,context_id);
+        CHECK_VASTATUS(va_status,"vaEndPicture");;
+        EndPictureTicks += GetTickCount() - tmp;
+        if (encode_syncmode)
+            storage_task(current_frame_display, current_frame_encoding);
+        else /* queue the storage task queue */
+            storage_task_queue(current_frame_display, current_frame_encoding);
+        update_ReferenceFrames();
+    }
+    if (encode_syncmode == 0) {
+        int ret;
+        pthread_join(encode_thread, (void **)&ret);
+    }
+    return 0;
+static int release_encode()
+    int i;
+    vaDestroySurfaces(va_dpy,&src_surface[0],SURFACE_NUM);
+    vaDestroySurfaces(va_dpy,&ref_surface[0],SURFACE_NUM);
+    for (i = 0; i < SURFACE_NUM; i++)
+        vaDestroyBuffer(va_dpy,coded_buf[i]);
+    vaDestroyContext(va_dpy,context_id);
+    vaDestroyConfig(va_dpy,config_id);
+    return 0;
+static int deinit_va()
+    vaTerminate(va_dpy);
+    va_close_display(va_dpy);
+    return 0;
+static int print_input()
+    printf("\n\nINPUT:Try to encode HEVC...\n");
+    if (rc_mode != -1)
+        printf("INPUT: RateControl  : %s\n", rc_to_string(rc_mode));
+    printf("INPUT: Resolution   : %dx%d, %d frames\n",
+           frame_width, frame_height, frame_count);
+    printf("INPUT: FrameRate    : %d\n", frame_rate);
+    printf("INPUT: Bitrate      : %d\n", frame_bitrate);
+    printf("INPUT: Slieces      : %d\n", frame_slices);
+    printf("INPUT: IntraPeriod  : %d\n", intra_period);
+    printf("INPUT: IDRPeriod    : %d\n", intra_idr_period);
+    printf("INPUT: IpPeriod     : %d\n", ip_period);
+    printf("INPUT: Initial QP   : %d\n", initial_qp);
+    printf("INPUT: Min QP       : %d\n", minimal_qp);
+    printf("INPUT: P As B       : %d\n", p2b);
+    printf("INPUT: Source YUV   : %s", srcyuv_fp?"FILE":"AUTO generated");
+    if (srcyuv_fp)
+        printf(":%s (fourcc %s)\n", srcyuv_fn, fourcc_to_string(srcyuv_fourcc));
+    else
+        printf("\n");
+    printf("INPUT: Coded Clip   : %s\n", coded_fn);
+    if (recyuv_fp == NULL)
+        printf("INPUT: Rec   Clip   : %s\n", "Not save reconstructed frame");
+    else
+        printf("INPUT: Rec   Clip   : Save reconstructed frame into %s (fourcc %s)\n", recyuv_fn,
+               fourcc_to_string(srcyuv_fourcc));
+    printf("\n\n"); /* return back to startpoint */
+    return 0;
+static int calc_PSNR(double *psnr)
+    char *srcyuv_ptr = NULL, *recyuv_ptr = NULL, tmp;
+    unsigned long long min_size;
+    unsigned long long i, sse=0;
+    double ssemean;
+    int fourM = 0x400000; /* 4M */
+    min_size = MIN(srcyuv_frames, frame_count) * frame_width * frame_height * 1.5;
+    for (i=0; i<min_size; i++) {
+        unsigned long long j = i % fourM;
+        if ((i % fourM) == 0) {
+            if (srcyuv_ptr)
+                munmap(srcyuv_ptr, fourM);
+            if (recyuv_ptr)
+                munmap(recyuv_ptr, fourM);
+            srcyuv_ptr = mmap(0, fourM, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, fileno(srcyuv_fp), i);
+            recyuv_ptr = mmap(0, fourM, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, fileno(recyuv_fp), i);
+            if ((srcyuv_ptr == MAP_FAILED) || (recyuv_ptr == MAP_FAILED)) {
+                printf("Failed to mmap YUV files\n");
+                return 1;
+            }
+        }
+        tmp = srcyuv_ptr[j] - recyuv_ptr[j];
+        sse += tmp * tmp;
+    }
+    ssemean = (double)sse/(double)min_size;
+    *psnr = 20.0*log10(255) - 10.0*log10(ssemean);
+    if (srcyuv_ptr)
+        munmap(srcyuv_ptr, fourM);
+    if (recyuv_ptr)
+        munmap(recyuv_ptr, fourM);
+    return 0;
+static int print_performance(unsigned int PictureCount)
+    unsigned int psnr_ret = 1, others = 0;
+    double psnr = 0, total_size = frame_width * frame_height * 1.5 * frame_count;
+    if (calc_psnr && srcyuv_fp && recyuv_fp)
+        psnr_ret = calc_PSNR(&psnr);
+    others = TotalTicks - UploadPictureTicks - BeginPictureTicks
+        - RenderPictureTicks - EndPictureTicks - SyncPictureTicks - SavePictureTicks;
+    printf("\n\n");
+    printf("PERFORMANCE:   Frame Rate           : %.2f fps (%d frames, %d ms (%.2f ms per frame))\n",
+           (double) 1000*PictureCount / TotalTicks, PictureCount,
+           TotalTicks, ((double)  TotalTicks) / (double) PictureCount);
+    printf("PERFORMANCE:   Compression ratio    : %d:1\n", (unsigned int)(total_size / frame_size));
+    if (psnr_ret == 0)
+        printf("PERFORMANCE:   PSNR                 : %.2f (%lld frames calculated)\n",
+               psnr, MIN(frame_count, srcyuv_frames));
+    printf("PERFORMANCE:     UploadPicture      : %d ms (%.2f, %.2f%% percent)\n",
+           (int) UploadPictureTicks, ((double)  UploadPictureTicks) / (double) PictureCount,
+           UploadPictureTicks/(double) TotalTicks/0.01);
+    printf("PERFORMANCE:     vaBeginPicture     : %d ms (%.2f, %.2f%% percent)\n",
+           (int) BeginPictureTicks, ((double)  BeginPictureTicks) / (double) PictureCount,
+           BeginPictureTicks/(double) TotalTicks/0.01);
+    printf("PERFORMANCE:     vaRenderHeader     : %d ms (%.2f, %.2f%% percent)\n",
+           (int) RenderPictureTicks, ((double)  RenderPictureTicks) / (double) PictureCount,
+           RenderPictureTicks/(double) TotalTicks/0.01);
+    printf("PERFORMANCE:     vaEndPicture       : %d ms (%.2f, %.2f%% percent)\n",
+           (int) EndPictureTicks, ((double)  EndPictureTicks) / (double) PictureCount,
+           EndPictureTicks/(double) TotalTicks/0.01);
+    printf("PERFORMANCE:     vaSyncSurface      : %d ms (%.2f, %.2f%% percent)\n",
+           (int) SyncPictureTicks, ((double) SyncPictureTicks) / (double) PictureCount,
+           SyncPictureTicks/(double) TotalTicks/0.01);
+    printf("PERFORMANCE:     SavePicture        : %d ms (%.2f, %.2f%% percent)\n",
+           (int) SavePictureTicks, ((double)  SavePictureTicks) / (double) PictureCount,
+           SavePictureTicks/(double) TotalTicks/0.01);
+    printf("PERFORMANCE:     Others             : %d ms (%.2f, %.2f%% percent)\n",
+           (int) others, ((double) others) / (double) PictureCount,
+           others/(double) TotalTicks/0.01);
+    if (encode_syncmode == 0)
+        printf("(Multithread enabled, the timing is only for reference)\n");
+    return 0;
+int main(int argc,char **argv)
+    unsigned int start;
+    process_cmdline(argc, argv);
+    print_input();
+    start = GetTickCount();
+    init_va();
+    setup_encode();
+    encode_frames();
+    release_encode();
+    deinit_va();
+    TotalTicks += GetTickCount() - start;
+    print_performance(frame_count);
+    return 0;