add VP sample for Blending.

Signed-off-by: kelly-du <>
diff --git a/videoprocess/ b/videoprocess/
index f9fd454..cbb44a3 100644
--- a/videoprocess/
+++ b/videoprocess/
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
-bin_PROGRAMS = vavpp vppscaling_csc vppdenoise vppsharpness vppchromasitting
+bin_PROGRAMS = vavpp vppscaling_csc vppdenoise vppsharpness vppchromasitting vppblending
 	-Wall					\
@@ -49,6 +49,9 @@
 vppchromasitting_SOURCES = vppchromasitting.cpp
 vppchromasitting_LDADD   = $(TEST_LIBS)
+vppblending_SOURCES = vppblending.cpp
+vppblending_LDADD   = $(TEST_LIBS)
 	for a in(bin_PROGRAMS); do \
 		valgrind --leak-check=full --show-reachable=yes .libs/$$a; \
diff --git a/videoprocess/process_blending.cfg.template b/videoprocess/process_blending.cfg.template
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..41a48f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/videoprocess/process_blending.cfg.template
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+# Configuration information for video process test case.
+#    This application will firstly load yuv frames to one type of surface(NV12/YV12/I420)
+#  you require. After video processing, the processed content (NV12/YV12/I420 surface)
+#  will be stored to frames(yv12 format in file).
+#    Supported features include blending and implicit format conversion(NV12<->YV12<->I420). 
+#  you can modify this configuration file to set the corresponding parameters.
+#1.Source YUV(RGB) file information
+#src file number:
+#source file1
+SRC_FILE_NAME_1: ./00003_section1_ColorfulPens_960x640.nv12
+#Cropping info
+#destination area (used in scaling)
+SRC_DstLeftX_1: 0
+SRC_DstTopY_1: 0
+SRC_DstWidth_1: 960
+SRC_DstHeight_1: 640
+#we can support N>=2 input, you just need add the para to xx_N format
+SRC_FILE_NAME_2: ./00003_section1_ColorfulPens_5f_720x480_writer720x480.argb
+#Cropping info
+#destination area (used in scaling)
+SRC_DstLeftX_2: 100
+SRC_DstTopY_2: 100
+SRC_DstWidth_2: 720
+SRC_DstHeight_2: 480
+#Defines Video blend flags 1-Global Alpah, 2-Premutiplied Alpha, 3-Luma Key
+SRC_CompositionBlendFlags_2: 1
+#Defines Global Alpah blending value 0.0 to 1.0
+SRC_CompositionAlpha_2: 0.5
+#Defines Minimum Luma value 0.0 to 1.0 for Luma Key  (used in composition)
+#Defines Maximum Luma value 0.0 to 1.0 for Luma Key  (used in composition)
+#2.Destination YUV(RGB) file information
+DST_FILE_NAME:    ./writer960x640.argb
+#3.How many frames to be processed
diff --git a/videoprocess/vppblending.cpp b/videoprocess/vppblending.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4b96e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/videoprocess/vppblending.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1435 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2009-2018, Intel Corporation
+* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
+* copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
+* to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
+* the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
+* and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+* Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
+* in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ * Video process test case based on LibVA.
+ * This test covers blending, scaling and several surface format conversion.
+ * Usage: ./vppblending process_blending.cfg
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <vector>
+#include <va/va.h>
+#include <va/va_vpp.h>
+#include "va_display.h"
+#ifndef VA_FOURCC_I420
+#define VA_FOURCC_I420 0x30323449
+#define MAX_LEN   1024
+#define CHECK_VASTATUS(va_status,func)                                      \
+  if (va_status != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) {                                     \
+      fprintf(stderr,"%s:%s (%d) failed,exit\n", __func__, func, __LINE__); \
+      exit(1);                                                              \
+  }
+* Image format information for each input streams.
+typedef struct {
+    //Source media information
+    uint32_t            yuv_frame_in_width;
+    uint32_t            yuv_frame_in_height;
+    VARectangle         region_in;  /* for cut */
+    //Dest-layer/plane rectangle information
+    VARectangle         region_out; /* for output postion; primarily used when compositing */
+    char                src_file_name[MAX_LEN];
+    uint32_t            src_format;    
+    uint32_t            rt_format;
+    uint32_t            file_fourcc;
+    VABlendState        blend_state;
+} VPP_ImageSrcInfo;
+static uint32_t g_src_count = 1;
+static uint32_t g_frame_count = 0;
+static std::vector<VPP_ImageSrcInfo> g_src_info;
+static VADisplay va_dpy = NULL;
+static VAContextID context_id = 0;
+static VAConfigID  config_id = 0;
+static std::vector<VASurfaceID> g_in_surface_ids;
+static VASurfaceID g_out_surface_id = VA_INVALID_ID;
+static FILE* g_config_file_fd = NULL;
+std::vector<FILE*> g_src_file_fds;
+static FILE* g_dst_file_fd = NULL;
+static char g_config_file_name[MAX_LEN];
+static char g_dst_file_name[MAX_LEN];
+static uint32_t g_out_pic_width = 352;
+static uint32_t g_out_pic_height = 288;
+static uint32_t g_out_fourcc = VA_FOURCC('N', 'V', '1', '2');
+static uint32_t g_out_format = VA_RT_FORMAT_YUV420;
+static uint32_t g_dst_file_fourcc = VA_FOURCC('Y', 'V', '1', '2');
+static uint32_t g_total_time = 0;
+static int8_t
+read_value_string(FILE *fp, const char* field_name, char* value)
+    char strLine[MAX_LEN];
+    char* field = NULL;
+    char* str = NULL;
+    uint16_t i;
+    if (!fp || !field_name || !value)  {
+        printf("Invalid fuction parameters\n");
+        return -1;
+    }
+    rewind(fp);
+    while (!feof(fp)) {
+        if (!fgets(strLine, MAX_LEN, fp))
+            continue;
+        for (i = 0; i < MAX_LEN && strLine[i]; i++)
+            if (strLine[i] != ' ') break;
+        if (i == MAX_LEN || strLine[i] == '#' || strLine[i] == '\n')
+            continue;
+        field = strtok(&strLine[i], ":");
+        if (strncmp(field, field_name, strlen(field_name)))
+            continue;
+        if (!(str = strtok(NULL, ":")))
+            continue;
+        /* skip blank space in string */
+        while (*str == ' ')
+            str++;
+        *(str + strlen(str)-1) = '\0';
+        strcpy(value, str);
+        return 0;
+    }
+    return -1;
+static int8_t
+read_value_uint32(FILE* fp, const char* field_name, uint32_t* value)
+    char str[MAX_LEN];
+    if (read_value_string(fp, field_name, str)) {
+       printf("Failed to find integer field: %s", field_name);
+       return -1;
+    }
+    *value = (uint32_t)atoi(str);
+    return 0;
+static int8_t
+read_value_int16(FILE* fp, const char* field_name, int16_t* value)
+    char str[MAX_LEN];
+    if (read_value_string(fp, field_name, str)) {
+       printf("Failed to find integer field: %s", field_name);
+       return -1;
+    }
+    *value = (int16_t)atoi(str);
+    return 0;
+static int8_t
+read_value_uint16(FILE* fp, const char* field_name, uint16_t* value)
+    char str[MAX_LEN];
+    if (read_value_string(fp, field_name, str)) {
+       printf("Failed to find integer field: %s", field_name);
+       return -1;
+    }
+    *value = (uint16_t)atoi(str);
+    return 0;
+static int8_t
+read_value_float(FILE *fp, const char* field_name, float* value)
+    char str[MAX_LEN];
+    if (read_value_string(fp, field_name, str)) {
+       printf("Failed to find float field: %s \n",field_name);
+       return -1;
+    }
+    *value = atof(str);
+    return 0;
+static VAStatus
+create_surface(VASurfaceID * p_surface_id,
+               uint32_t width, uint32_t height,
+               uint32_t fourCC, uint32_t format)
+    VAStatus va_status;
+    VASurfaceAttrib    surface_attrib;
+    surface_attrib.type =  VASurfaceAttribPixelFormat;
+    surface_attrib.flags = VA_SURFACE_ATTRIB_SETTABLE;
+    surface_attrib.value.type = VAGenericValueTypeInteger;
+    surface_attrib.value.value.i = fourCC;
+    va_status = vaCreateSurfaces(va_dpy,
+                                 format,
+                                 width ,
+                                 height,
+                                 p_surface_id,
+                                 1,
+                                 &surface_attrib,
+                                 1);
+   return va_status;
+/* Load yuv frame to NV12/YV12/I420 surface*/
+static VAStatus
+upload_yuv_frame_to_yuv_surface(FILE *fp,
+                                 VASurfaceID surface_id, uint32_t file_fourcc)
+    VAStatus va_status;
+    VAImage surface_image;
+    unsigned char *y_src = NULL;
+    unsigned char *u_src = NULL;
+    unsigned char *v_src = NULL;
+    unsigned char *y_dst = NULL;
+    unsigned char *u_dst = NULL;
+    unsigned char *v_dst = NULL;
+    void *surface_p = NULL;
+    uint32_t frame_size, row, col;
+    size_t n_items;
+    unsigned char * newImageBuffer = NULL;
+    va_status = vaSyncSurface (va_dpy,surface_id);
+    CHECK_VASTATUS(va_status, "vaSyncSurface");
+    va_status = vaDeriveImage(va_dpy, surface_id, &surface_image);
+    CHECK_VASTATUS(va_status, "vaDeriveImage");
+    va_status = vaMapBuffer(va_dpy, surface_image.buf, &surface_p);
+    CHECK_VASTATUS(va_status, "vaMapBuffer");
+    if (surface_image.format.fourcc == VA_FOURCC_YV12 ||
+        surface_image.format.fourcc == VA_FOURCC_I420 ||
+        surface_image.format.fourcc == VA_FOURCC_NV12){
+        frame_size = surface_image.width * surface_image.height * 3 / 2;
+        newImageBuffer = (unsigned char*)malloc(frame_size);
+        assert(newImageBuffer);
+        do {
+            n_items = fread(newImageBuffer, frame_size, 1, fp);
+        } while (n_items != 1);
+        y_src = newImageBuffer;
+        if (file_fourcc == VA_FOURCC_I420) {
+            u_src = newImageBuffer + surface_image.width * surface_image.height;
+            v_src = newImageBuffer + surface_image.width * surface_image.height * 5 / 4;
+        } else if (file_fourcc == VA_FOURCC_YV12) {
+            v_src = newImageBuffer + surface_image.width * surface_image.height;
+            u_src = newImageBuffer + surface_image.width * surface_image.height * 5 / 4;
+        } else if (file_fourcc == VA_FOURCC_NV12) {
+            u_src = newImageBuffer + surface_image.width * surface_image.height;
+            v_src = u_src;
+        } else {
+            printf("Not supported YUV fourcc for input file !!!\n");
+            free(newImageBuffer);
+        }
+        y_dst = (unsigned char *)((unsigned char*)surface_p + surface_image.offsets[0]);
+        if(surface_image.format.fourcc == VA_FOURCC_YV12){
+            v_dst = (unsigned char *)((unsigned char*)surface_p + surface_image.offsets[1]);
+            u_dst = (unsigned char *)((unsigned char*)surface_p + surface_image.offsets[2]);
+        }else if(surface_image.format.fourcc == VA_FOURCC_I420){
+            u_dst = (unsigned char *)((unsigned char*)surface_p + surface_image.offsets[1]);
+            v_dst = (unsigned char *)((unsigned char*)surface_p + surface_image.offsets[2]);
+        }else {
+            u_dst = (unsigned char *)((unsigned char*)surface_p + surface_image.offsets[1]);
+            v_dst = u_dst;
+        }
+        /* Y plane, directly copy */
+        for (row = 0; row < surface_image.height; row++) {
+            memcpy(y_dst, y_src, surface_image.width);
+            y_dst += surface_image.pitches[0];
+            y_src += surface_image.width;
+        }
+        /* UV plane */
+        if (surface_image.format.fourcc == VA_FOURCC_YV12||
+            surface_image.format.fourcc == VA_FOURCC_I420){
+            for (row = 0; row < surface_image.height /2; row ++){
+                if (file_fourcc == VA_FOURCC_I420 ||
+                    file_fourcc == VA_FOURCC_YV12) {
+                    memcpy(v_dst, v_src, surface_image.width/2);
+                    memcpy(u_dst, u_src, surface_image.width/2);
+                    v_src += surface_image.width/2;
+                    u_src += surface_image.width/2;
+                } else {
+                    for (col = 0; col < surface_image.width / 2; col++) {
+                        u_dst[col] = u_src[col * 2];
+                        v_dst[col] = u_src[col * 2 + 1];
+                    }
+                    u_src += surface_image.width;
+                    v_src = u_src;
+                }
+                if (surface_image.format.fourcc == VA_FOURCC_YV12){
+                    v_dst += surface_image.pitches[1];
+                    u_dst += surface_image.pitches[2];
+                } else {
+                    v_dst += surface_image.pitches[2];
+                    u_dst += surface_image.pitches[1];
+                }
+            }
+        } else if (surface_image.format.fourcc == VA_FOURCC_NV12){
+            for (row = 0; row < surface_image.height / 2; row++) {
+                if (file_fourcc == VA_FOURCC_I420 ||
+                    file_fourcc == VA_FOURCC_YV12) {
+                    for (col = 0; col < surface_image.width / 2; col++) {
+                        u_dst[col * 2] = u_src[col];
+                        u_dst[col * 2 + 1] = v_src[col];
+                    }
+                    u_src += (surface_image.width / 2);
+                    v_src += (surface_image.width / 2);
+                } else {
+                    memcpy(u_dst, u_src, surface_image.width);
+                    u_src += surface_image.width;
+                    v_src = u_src;
+                }
+                u_dst += surface_image.pitches[1];
+            }
+        }
+    } else if ((surface_image.format.fourcc == VA_FOURCC_YUY2 &&
+                file_fourcc == VA_FOURCC_YUY2) ||
+               (surface_image.format.fourcc == VA_FOURCC_UYVY &&
+                file_fourcc == VA_FOURCC_UYVY)) {
+        frame_size = surface_image.width * surface_image.height * 2;
+        newImageBuffer = (unsigned char*)malloc(frame_size);
+        assert(newImageBuffer);
+        do {
+            n_items = fread(newImageBuffer, frame_size, 1, fp);
+        } while (n_items != 1);
+        y_src = newImageBuffer;
+        y_dst = (unsigned char *)((unsigned char*)surface_p + surface_image.offsets[0]);
+        /* plane 0, directly copy */
+        for (row = 0; row < surface_image.height; row++) {
+            memcpy(y_dst, y_src, surface_image.width * 2);
+            y_src += surface_image.width * 2;
+            y_dst += surface_image.pitches[0];
+        }
+    } else if ((surface_image.format.fourcc == VA_FOURCC_P010 &&
+                file_fourcc == VA_FOURCC_P010) ||
+               (surface_image.format.fourcc == VA_FOURCC_I010 &&
+                file_fourcc == VA_FOURCC_I010)) {
+        frame_size = surface_image.width * surface_image.height * 3;
+        newImageBuffer = (unsigned char*)malloc(frame_size);
+        assert(newImageBuffer);
+        do {
+            n_items = fread(newImageBuffer, frame_size, 1, fp);
+        } while (n_items != 1);
+        y_src = newImageBuffer;
+        y_dst = (unsigned char *)((unsigned char*)surface_p + surface_image.offsets[0]);
+        /* plane 0, directly copy */
+        for (row = 0; row < surface_image.height; row++) {
+            memcpy(y_dst, y_src, surface_image.width * 2);
+            y_src += surface_image.width * 2;
+            y_dst += surface_image.pitches[0];
+        }
+        /* UV plane */
+        if (surface_image.format.fourcc == VA_FOURCC_I010) {
+            assert(file_fourcc == VA_FOURCC_I010);
+            u_src = newImageBuffer + surface_image.width * surface_image.height * 2;
+            v_src = newImageBuffer + surface_image.width * surface_image.height * 5 / 2;
+            u_dst = (unsigned char *)((unsigned char*)surface_p + surface_image.offsets[1]);
+            v_dst = (unsigned char *)((unsigned char*)surface_p + surface_image.offsets[2]);
+            for (row = 0; row < surface_image.height / 2; row++) {
+                memcpy(u_dst, u_src, surface_image.width);
+                memcpy(v_dst, v_src, surface_image.width);
+                u_src += surface_image.width;
+                v_src += surface_image.width;
+                u_dst += surface_image.pitches[1];
+                v_dst += surface_image.pitches[2];
+            }
+        } else if (surface_image.format.fourcc == VA_FOURCC_P010){
+            assert(file_fourcc == VA_FOURCC_P010);
+            u_src = newImageBuffer + surface_image.width * surface_image.height * 2;
+            v_src = u_src;
+            u_dst = (unsigned char *)((unsigned char*)surface_p + surface_image.offsets[1]);
+            v_dst = u_dst;
+            for (row = 0; row < surface_image.height / 2; row++) {
+                memcpy(u_dst, u_src, surface_image.width * 2);
+                u_src += surface_image.width * 2;
+                v_src = u_src;
+                u_dst += surface_image.pitches[1];
+                v_dst = u_dst;
+            }
+        }
+     }  else if ((surface_image.format.fourcc == VA_FOURCC_RGBA &&
+                  file_fourcc == VA_FOURCC_RGBA) ||
+                 (surface_image.format.fourcc == VA_FOURCC_RGBX &&
+                  file_fourcc == VA_FOURCC_RGBX) ||
+                 (surface_image.format.fourcc == VA_FOURCC_BGRA &&
+                  file_fourcc == VA_FOURCC_BGRA) ||
+                 (surface_image.format.fourcc == VA_FOURCC_BGRX &&
+                  file_fourcc == VA_FOURCC_BGRX) ||
+                 (surface_image.format.fourcc == VA_FOURCC_ARGB &&
+                  file_fourcc == VA_FOURCC_ARGB) ||
+                 (surface_image.format.fourcc == VA_FOURCC_ABGR &&
+                  file_fourcc == VA_FOURCC_ABGR)) {
+        frame_size = surface_image.width * surface_image.height * 4;
+        newImageBuffer = (unsigned char*)malloc(frame_size);
+        assert(newImageBuffer);
+        do {
+            n_items = fread(newImageBuffer, frame_size, 1, fp);
+        } while (n_items != 1);
+        y_src = newImageBuffer;
+        y_dst = (unsigned char *)((unsigned char*)surface_p + surface_image.offsets[0]);
+        /* plane 0, directly copy */
+        for (row = 0; row < surface_image.height; row++) {
+            memcpy(y_dst, y_src, surface_image.width * 4);
+            y_src += surface_image.width * 4;
+            y_dst += surface_image.pitches[0];
+        }
+    } else {
+         printf("Not supported YUV surface fourcc !!! \n");
+     }
+     if (newImageBuffer){
+         free(newImageBuffer);
+         newImageBuffer = NULL;
+     }
+     vaUnmapBuffer(va_dpy, surface_image.buf);
+     vaDestroyImage(va_dpy, surface_image.image_id);
+     return VA_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+/* Store NV12/YV12/I420 surface to yv12 file */
+static VAStatus
+store_yuv_surface_to_yv12_file(FILE *fp,
+                               VASurfaceID surface_id)
+    VAStatus va_status;
+    VAImage surface_image;
+    void *surface_p = NULL;
+    unsigned char *y_src = NULL;
+    unsigned char *u_src = NULL;
+    unsigned char *v_src = NULL;
+    unsigned char *y_dst = NULL;
+    unsigned char *u_dst = NULL;
+    unsigned char *v_dst = NULL;
+    uint32_t row, col;
+    int32_t n_items;
+    unsigned char * newImageBuffer = NULL;
+    va_status = vaSyncSurface (va_dpy,surface_id);
+    CHECK_VASTATUS(va_status, "vaSyncSurface");
+    va_status = vaDeriveImage(va_dpy, surface_id, &surface_image);
+    CHECK_VASTATUS(va_status, "vaDeriveImage");
+    va_status = vaMapBuffer(va_dpy, surface_image.buf, &surface_p);
+    CHECK_VASTATUS(va_status, "vaMapBuffer");
+    /* store the surface to one YV12 file or one bmp file*/
+    if (surface_image.format.fourcc == VA_FOURCC_YV12 ||
+        surface_image.format.fourcc == VA_FOURCC_I420 ||
+        surface_image.format.fourcc == VA_FOURCC_NV12){
+        uint32_t y_size = surface_image.width * surface_image.height;
+        uint32_t u_size = y_size/4;
+        newImageBuffer = (unsigned char*)malloc(y_size * 3 / 2);
+        assert(newImageBuffer);
+        /* stored as YV12 format */
+        y_dst = newImageBuffer;
+        v_dst = newImageBuffer + y_size;
+        u_dst = newImageBuffer + y_size + u_size;
+        y_src = (unsigned char *)((unsigned char*)surface_p + surface_image.offsets[0]);
+        if (surface_image.format.fourcc == VA_FOURCC_YV12){
+            v_src = (unsigned char *)((unsigned char*)surface_p + surface_image.offsets[1]);
+            u_src = (unsigned char *)((unsigned char*)surface_p + surface_image.offsets[2]);
+        } else if(surface_image.format.fourcc == VA_FOURCC_I420){
+            u_src = (unsigned char *)((unsigned char*)surface_p + surface_image.offsets[1]);
+            v_src = (unsigned char *)((unsigned char*)surface_p + surface_image.offsets[2]);
+        } else if(surface_image.format.fourcc == VA_FOURCC_NV12){
+            u_src = (unsigned char *)((unsigned char*)surface_p + surface_image.offsets[1]);
+            v_src = u_src;
+        }
+        /* Y plane copy */
+        for (row = 0; row < surface_image.height; row++) {
+            memcpy(y_dst, y_src, surface_image.width);
+            y_src += surface_image.pitches[0];
+            y_dst += surface_image.width;
+        }
+        /* UV plane copy */
+        if (surface_image.format.fourcc == VA_FOURCC_YV12||
+            surface_image.format.fourcc == VA_FOURCC_I420){
+            for (row = 0; row < surface_image.height /2; row ++){
+                memcpy(v_dst, v_src, surface_image.width/2);
+                memcpy(u_dst, u_src, surface_image.width/2);
+                v_dst += surface_image.width/2;
+                u_dst += surface_image.width/2;
+                if (surface_image.format.fourcc == VA_FOURCC_YV12){
+                    v_src += surface_image.pitches[1];
+                    u_src += surface_image.pitches[2];
+                } else {
+                    v_src += surface_image.pitches[2];
+                    u_src += surface_image.pitches[1];
+                }
+            }
+        } else if (surface_image.format.fourcc == VA_FOURCC_NV12){
+            for (row = 0; row < surface_image.height / 2; row++) {
+                for (col = 0; col < surface_image.width /2; col++) {
+                    u_dst[col] = u_src[col * 2];
+                    v_dst[col] = u_src[col * 2 + 1];
+                }
+                u_src += surface_image.pitches[1];
+                u_dst += (surface_image.width / 2);
+                v_dst += (surface_image.width / 2);
+            }
+        }
+        /* write frame to file */
+        do {
+            n_items = fwrite(newImageBuffer, y_size * 3 / 2, 1, fp);
+        } while (n_items != 1);
+    } else {
+        printf("Not supported YUV surface fourcc !!! \n");
+    }
+    if (newImageBuffer){
+        free(newImageBuffer);
+        newImageBuffer = NULL;
+    }
+    vaUnmapBuffer(va_dpy, surface_image.buf);
+    vaDestroyImage(va_dpy, surface_image.image_id);
+    return VA_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+static VAStatus
+store_yuv_surface_to_i420_file(FILE *fp,
+                               VASurfaceID surface_id)
+    VAStatus va_status;
+    VAImage surface_image;
+    void *surface_p = NULL;
+    unsigned char *y_src = NULL;
+    unsigned char *u_src = NULL;
+    unsigned char *v_src = NULL;
+    unsigned char *y_dst = NULL;
+    unsigned char *u_dst = NULL;
+    unsigned char *v_dst = NULL;
+    uint32_t row, col;
+    int32_t n_items;
+    unsigned char * newImageBuffer = NULL;
+    va_status = vaSyncSurface (va_dpy,surface_id);
+    CHECK_VASTATUS(va_status, "vaSyncSurface");
+    va_status = vaDeriveImage(va_dpy, surface_id, &surface_image);
+    CHECK_VASTATUS(va_status, "vaDeriveImage");
+    va_status = vaMapBuffer(va_dpy, surface_image.buf, &surface_p);
+    CHECK_VASTATUS(va_status, "vaMapBuffer");
+    /* store the surface to one i420 file */
+    if (surface_image.format.fourcc == VA_FOURCC_YV12 ||
+        surface_image.format.fourcc == VA_FOURCC_I420 ||
+        surface_image.format.fourcc == VA_FOURCC_NV12){
+        uint32_t y_size = surface_image.width * surface_image.height;
+        uint32_t u_size = y_size/4;
+        newImageBuffer = (unsigned char*)malloc(y_size * 3 / 2);
+        assert(newImageBuffer);
+        /* stored as YV12 format */
+        y_dst = newImageBuffer;
+        u_dst = newImageBuffer + y_size;
+        v_dst = newImageBuffer + y_size + u_size;
+        y_src = (unsigned char *)((unsigned char*)surface_p + surface_image.offsets[0]);
+        if (surface_image.format.fourcc == VA_FOURCC_YV12){
+            v_src = (unsigned char *)((unsigned char*)surface_p + surface_image.offsets[1]);
+            u_src = (unsigned char *)((unsigned char*)surface_p + surface_image.offsets[2]);
+        } else if(surface_image.format.fourcc == VA_FOURCC_I420){
+            u_src = (unsigned char *)((unsigned char*)surface_p + surface_image.offsets[1]);
+            v_src = (unsigned char *)((unsigned char*)surface_p + surface_image.offsets[2]);
+        } else if(surface_image.format.fourcc == VA_FOURCC_NV12){
+            u_src = (unsigned char *)((unsigned char*)surface_p + surface_image.offsets[1]);
+            v_src = u_src;
+        }
+        /* Y plane copy */
+        for (row = 0; row < surface_image.height; row++) {
+            memcpy(y_dst, y_src, surface_image.width);
+            y_src += surface_image.pitches[0];
+            y_dst += surface_image.width;
+        }
+        /* UV plane copy */
+        if (surface_image.format.fourcc == VA_FOURCC_YV12||
+            surface_image.format.fourcc == VA_FOURCC_I420){
+            for (row = 0; row < surface_image.height /2; row ++){
+                memcpy(v_dst, v_src, surface_image.width/2);
+                memcpy(u_dst, u_src, surface_image.width/2);
+                v_dst += surface_image.width/2;
+                u_dst += surface_image.width/2;
+                if (surface_image.format.fourcc == VA_FOURCC_YV12){
+                    v_src += surface_image.pitches[1];
+                    u_src += surface_image.pitches[2];
+                } else {
+                    v_src += surface_image.pitches[2];
+                    u_src += surface_image.pitches[1];
+                }
+            }
+        } else if (surface_image.format.fourcc == VA_FOURCC_NV12){
+            for (row = 0; row < surface_image.height / 2; row++) {
+                for (col = 0; col < surface_image.width /2; col++) {
+                    u_dst[col] = u_src[col * 2];
+                    v_dst[col] = u_src[col * 2 + 1];
+                }
+                u_src += surface_image.pitches[1];
+                u_dst += (surface_image.width / 2);
+                v_dst += (surface_image.width / 2);
+            }
+        }
+        /* write frame to file */
+        do {
+            n_items = fwrite(newImageBuffer, y_size * 3 / 2, 1, fp);
+        } while (n_items != 1);
+    } else {
+        printf("Not supported YUV surface fourcc !!! \n");
+    }
+    if (newImageBuffer){
+        free(newImageBuffer);
+        newImageBuffer = NULL;
+    }
+    vaUnmapBuffer(va_dpy, surface_image.buf);
+    vaDestroyImage(va_dpy, surface_image.image_id);
+    return VA_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+static VAStatus
+store_yuv_surface_to_nv12_file(FILE *fp,
+                               VASurfaceID surface_id)
+    VAStatus va_status;
+    VAImage surface_image;
+    void *surface_p = NULL;
+    unsigned char *y_src = NULL;
+    unsigned char *u_src = NULL;
+    unsigned char *v_src = NULL;
+    unsigned char *y_dst = NULL;
+    unsigned char *u_dst = NULL;
+    unsigned char *v_dst = NULL;
+    uint32_t row, col;
+    int32_t n_items;
+    unsigned char * newImageBuffer = NULL;
+    va_status = vaSyncSurface (va_dpy,surface_id);
+    CHECK_VASTATUS(va_status, "vaSyncSurface");
+    va_status = vaDeriveImage(va_dpy, surface_id, &surface_image);
+    CHECK_VASTATUS(va_status, "vaDeriveImage");
+    va_status = vaMapBuffer(va_dpy, surface_image.buf, &surface_p);
+    CHECK_VASTATUS(va_status, "vaMapBuffer");
+    /* store the surface to one nv12 file */
+    if (surface_image.format.fourcc == VA_FOURCC_YV12 ||
+        surface_image.format.fourcc == VA_FOURCC_I420 ||
+        surface_image.format.fourcc == VA_FOURCC_NV12){
+        uint32_t y_size = surface_image.width * surface_image.height;
+        newImageBuffer = (unsigned char*)malloc(y_size * 3 / 2);
+        assert(newImageBuffer);
+        /* stored as YV12 format */
+        y_dst = newImageBuffer;
+        u_dst = v_dst = newImageBuffer + y_size;
+        y_src = (unsigned char *)((unsigned char*)surface_p + surface_image.offsets[0]);
+        if (surface_image.format.fourcc == VA_FOURCC_YV12){
+            v_src = (unsigned char *)((unsigned char*)surface_p + surface_image.offsets[1]);
+            u_src = (unsigned char *)((unsigned char*)surface_p + surface_image.offsets[2]);
+        } else if(surface_image.format.fourcc == VA_FOURCC_I420){
+            u_src = (unsigned char *)((unsigned char*)surface_p + surface_image.offsets[1]);
+            v_src = (unsigned char *)((unsigned char*)surface_p + surface_image.offsets[2]);
+        } else if(surface_image.format.fourcc == VA_FOURCC_NV12){
+            u_src = (unsigned char *)((unsigned char*)surface_p + surface_image.offsets[1]);
+            v_src = u_src;
+        }
+        /* Y plane copy */
+        for (row = 0; row < surface_image.height; row++) {
+            memcpy(y_dst, y_src, surface_image.width);
+            y_src += surface_image.pitches[0];
+            y_dst += surface_image.width;
+        }
+        /* UV plane copy */
+        if (surface_image.format.fourcc == VA_FOURCC_YV12||
+            surface_image.format.fourcc == VA_FOURCC_I420){
+            for (row = 0; row < surface_image.height / 2; row ++){
+                for (col = 0; col < surface_image.width / 2; col++) {
+                    u_dst[col * 2] = u_src[col];
+                    u_dst[col * 2 + 1] = v_src[col];
+                }
+                u_dst += surface_image.width;
+                if (surface_image.format.fourcc == VA_FOURCC_YV12){
+                    v_src += surface_image.pitches[1];
+                    u_src += surface_image.pitches[2];
+                } else {
+                    v_src += surface_image.pitches[2];
+                    u_src += surface_image.pitches[1];
+                }
+            }
+        } else if (surface_image.format.fourcc == VA_FOURCC_NV12){
+            for (row = 0; row < surface_image.height / 2; row++) {
+                memcpy(u_dst, u_src, surface_image.width);
+                u_dst += surface_image.width;
+                u_src += surface_image.pitches[1];
+            }
+        }
+        /* write frame to file */
+        do {
+            n_items = fwrite(newImageBuffer, y_size * 3 / 2, 1, fp);
+        } while (n_items != 1);
+    } else {
+        printf("Not supported YUV surface fourcc !!! \n");
+    }
+    if (newImageBuffer){
+        free(newImageBuffer);
+        newImageBuffer = NULL;
+    }
+    vaUnmapBuffer(va_dpy, surface_image.buf);
+    vaDestroyImage(va_dpy, surface_image.image_id);
+    return VA_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+static VAStatus
+store_packed_yuv_surface_to_packed_file(FILE *fp,
+                                        VASurfaceID surface_id)
+    VAStatus va_status;
+    VAImage surface_image;
+    void *surface_p = NULL;
+    unsigned char *y_src = NULL;
+    unsigned char *y_dst = NULL;
+    uint32_t row;
+    int32_t n_items;
+    unsigned char * newImageBuffer = NULL;
+    va_status = vaSyncSurface (va_dpy,surface_id);
+    CHECK_VASTATUS(va_status, "vaSyncSurface");
+    va_status = vaDeriveImage(va_dpy, surface_id, &surface_image);
+    CHECK_VASTATUS(va_status, "vaDeriveImage");
+    va_status = vaMapBuffer(va_dpy, surface_image.buf, &surface_p);
+    CHECK_VASTATUS(va_status, "vaMapBuffer");
+    /* store the surface to one YUY2 or UYVY file */
+    if (surface_image.format.fourcc == VA_FOURCC_YUY2 ||
+        surface_image.format.fourcc == VA_FOURCC_UYVY) {
+        uint32_t frame_size = surface_image.width * surface_image.height * 2;
+        newImageBuffer = (unsigned char*)malloc(frame_size);
+        assert(newImageBuffer);
+        memset(newImageBuffer, 0, frame_size);
+        /* stored as YUY2 or UYVY format */
+        y_dst = newImageBuffer;
+        y_src = (unsigned char *)((unsigned char*)surface_p + surface_image.offsets[0]);
+        /* Plane 0 copy */
+        for (row = 0; row < surface_image.height; row++) {
+            memcpy(y_dst, y_src, surface_image.width * 2);
+            y_src += surface_image.pitches[0];
+            y_dst += surface_image.width * 2;
+        }
+        /* write frame to file */
+        do {
+            n_items = fwrite(newImageBuffer, frame_size, 1, fp);
+        } while (n_items != 1);
+    } else {
+        printf("Not supported YUV surface fourcc !!! \n");
+    }
+    if (newImageBuffer){
+        free(newImageBuffer);
+        newImageBuffer = NULL;
+    }
+    vaUnmapBuffer(va_dpy, surface_image.buf);
+    vaDestroyImage(va_dpy, surface_image.image_id);
+    return VA_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+static VAStatus
+store_yuv_surface_to_10bit_file(FILE *fp, VASurfaceID surface_id)
+    VAStatus va_status;
+    VAImage surface_image;
+    void *surface_p = NULL;
+    unsigned char *y_src = NULL;
+    unsigned char *u_src = NULL;
+    unsigned char *v_src = NULL;
+    unsigned char *y_dst = NULL;
+    unsigned char *u_dst = NULL;
+    unsigned char *v_dst = NULL;
+    uint32_t row;
+    int32_t n_items;
+    unsigned char * newImageBuffer = NULL;
+    va_status = vaSyncSurface (va_dpy,surface_id);
+    CHECK_VASTATUS(va_status, "vaSyncSurface");
+    va_status = vaDeriveImage(va_dpy, surface_id, &surface_image);
+    CHECK_VASTATUS(va_status, "vaDeriveImage");
+    va_status = vaMapBuffer(va_dpy, surface_image.buf, &surface_p);
+    CHECK_VASTATUS(va_status, "vaMapBuffer");
+    /* store the surface to one 10bit file */
+    uint32_t y_size = surface_image.width * surface_image.height * 2;
+    uint32_t u_size = y_size / 4;
+    newImageBuffer = (unsigned char*)malloc(y_size * 3);
+    assert(newImageBuffer);
+    y_dst = newImageBuffer;
+    y_src = (unsigned char *)((unsigned char*)surface_p + surface_image.offsets[0]);
+    /* Y plane copy */
+    for (row = 0; row < surface_image.height; row++) {
+        memcpy(y_dst, y_src, surface_image.width * 2);
+        y_src += surface_image.pitches[0];
+        y_dst += surface_image.width * 2;
+    }
+    if (surface_image.format.fourcc == VA_FOURCC_I010) {
+        u_dst = newImageBuffer + y_size;
+        v_dst = newImageBuffer + y_size + u_size;
+        u_src = (unsigned char *)((unsigned char*)surface_p + surface_image.offsets[1]);
+        v_src = (unsigned char *)((unsigned char*)surface_p + surface_image.offsets[2]);
+        for (row = 0; row < surface_image.height / 2; row++){
+            memcpy(u_dst, u_src, surface_image.width);
+            memcpy(v_dst, v_src, surface_image.width);
+            u_dst += surface_image.width;
+            v_dst += surface_image.width;
+            u_src += surface_image.pitches[1];
+            v_src += surface_image.pitches[2];
+        }
+    } else if (surface_image.format.fourcc == VA_FOURCC_P010) {
+        u_dst = newImageBuffer + y_size;
+        v_dst = u_dst;
+        u_src = (unsigned char *)((unsigned char*)surface_p + surface_image.offsets[1]);
+        v_src = u_src;
+        for (row = 0; row < surface_image.height / 2; row++) {
+            memcpy(u_dst, u_src, surface_image.width * 2);
+            u_dst += surface_image.width * 2;
+            u_src += surface_image.pitches[1];
+        }
+    } else {
+        printf("Not supported YUV surface fourcc !!! \n");
+        free(newImageBuffer);
+    }
+    /* write frame to file */
+    do {
+        n_items = fwrite(newImageBuffer, y_size * 3 / 2, 1, fp);
+    } while (n_items != 1);
+    if (newImageBuffer){
+        free(newImageBuffer);
+        newImageBuffer = NULL;
+    }
+    vaUnmapBuffer(va_dpy, surface_image.buf);
+    vaDestroyImage(va_dpy, surface_image.image_id);
+    return VA_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+static VAStatus
+store_rgb_surface_to_rgb_file(FILE *fp, VASurfaceID surface_id)
+    VAStatus va_status;
+    VAImage surface_image;
+    void *surface_p = NULL;
+    unsigned char *y_src = NULL;
+    unsigned char *y_dst = NULL;
+    uint32_t frame_size, row;
+    int32_t n_items;
+    unsigned char * newImageBuffer = NULL;
+    va_status = vaSyncSurface (va_dpy,surface_id);
+    CHECK_VASTATUS(va_status, "vaSyncSurface");
+    va_status = vaDeriveImage(va_dpy, surface_id, &surface_image);
+    CHECK_VASTATUS(va_status, "vaDeriveImage");
+    va_status = vaMapBuffer(va_dpy, surface_image.buf, &surface_p);
+    CHECK_VASTATUS(va_status, "vaMapBuffer");
+    frame_size = surface_image.width * surface_image.height * 4;
+    newImageBuffer = (unsigned char*)malloc(frame_size);
+    assert(newImageBuffer);
+    y_dst = newImageBuffer;
+    y_src = (unsigned char *)((unsigned char*)surface_p + surface_image.offsets[0]);
+    for (row = 0; row < surface_image.height; row++) {
+        memcpy(y_dst, y_src, surface_image.width * 4);
+        y_src += surface_image.pitches[0];
+        y_dst += surface_image.width * 4;
+    }
+    /* write frame to file */
+    do {
+        n_items = fwrite(newImageBuffer, frame_size, 1, fp);
+    } while (n_items != 1);
+    if (newImageBuffer){
+        free(newImageBuffer);
+        newImageBuffer = NULL;
+    }
+    vaUnmapBuffer(va_dpy, surface_image.buf);
+    vaDestroyImage(va_dpy, surface_image.image_id);
+    return VA_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+static VAStatus
+store_yuv_surface_to_file(FILE *fp,
+                          VASurfaceID surface_id)
+    if (g_out_fourcc == VA_FOURCC_YV12 ||
+        g_out_fourcc == VA_FOURCC_I420 ||
+        g_out_fourcc == VA_FOURCC_NV12) {
+        if (g_dst_file_fourcc == VA_FOURCC_YV12)
+            return store_yuv_surface_to_yv12_file(fp, surface_id);
+        else if (g_dst_file_fourcc == VA_FOURCC_I420)
+            return store_yuv_surface_to_i420_file(fp, surface_id);
+        else if (g_dst_file_fourcc == VA_FOURCC_NV12)
+            return store_yuv_surface_to_nv12_file(fp, surface_id);
+        else {
+            printf("Not supported YUV fourcc for output !!!\n");
+        }
+    } else if ((g_out_fourcc == VA_FOURCC_YUY2 &&
+                g_dst_file_fourcc == VA_FOURCC_YUY2) ||
+               (g_out_fourcc == VA_FOURCC_UYVY &&
+                g_dst_file_fourcc == VA_FOURCC_UYVY)) {
+        return store_packed_yuv_surface_to_packed_file(fp, surface_id);
+    } else if ((g_out_fourcc == VA_FOURCC_I010 &&
+                g_dst_file_fourcc == VA_FOURCC_I010) ||
+               (g_out_fourcc == VA_FOURCC_P010 &&
+                g_dst_file_fourcc == VA_FOURCC_P010)) {
+        return store_yuv_surface_to_10bit_file(fp, surface_id);
+    } else if ((g_out_fourcc == VA_FOURCC_RGBA &&
+                g_dst_file_fourcc == VA_FOURCC_RGBA) ||
+               (g_out_fourcc == VA_FOURCC_RGBX &&
+                g_dst_file_fourcc == VA_FOURCC_RGBX) ||
+               (g_out_fourcc == VA_FOURCC_RGBA &&
+                g_dst_file_fourcc == VA_FOURCC_BGRA) ||
+               (g_out_fourcc == VA_FOURCC_BGRX &&
+                g_dst_file_fourcc == VA_FOURCC_BGRX) ||
+               (g_out_fourcc == VA_FOURCC_ARGB &&
+                g_dst_file_fourcc == VA_FOURCC_ARGB) ||
+               (g_out_fourcc == VA_FOURCC_ABGR &&
+                g_dst_file_fourcc == VA_FOURCC_ABGR)) {
+        return store_rgb_surface_to_rgb_file(fp, surface_id);
+    } else {
+        printf("Not supported YUV fourcc for output !!!\n");
+    }
+static VAStatus
+video_frame_process(       )
+    VAStatus va_status;
+    uint32_t i;
+    std::vector<VABufferID> pipeline_param_buf_ids;
+    pipeline_param_buf_ids.resize(g_src_count);
+    for(i = 0; i < g_src_count; i++){
+        VAProcPipelineParameterBuffer pipeline_param;
+        memset(&pipeline_param, 0, sizeof(pipeline_param));
+        /* Fill pipeline buffer */
+        char CropLeftX[MAX_LEN];
+        char CropTopY[MAX_LEN];
+        char CropWidth[MAX_LEN];
+        char CropHeight[MAX_LEN];
+        sprintf(CropLeftX,"SRC_CROP_LEFT_X_%d",i+1);
+        sprintf(CropTopY,"SRC_CROP_TOP_Y_%d",i+1);
+        sprintf(CropWidth,"SRC_CROP_WIDTH_%d",i+1);
+        sprintf(CropHeight,"SRC_CROP_HEIGHT_%d",i+1);
+        read_value_int16(g_config_file_fd, CropLeftX, &g_src_info[i].region_in.x);
+        read_value_int16(g_config_file_fd, CropTopY, &g_src_info[i].region_in.y);
+        read_value_uint16(g_config_file_fd, CropWidth, &g_src_info[i].region_in.width);
+        read_value_uint16(g_config_file_fd, CropHeight, &g_src_info[i].region_in.height);
+        if(g_src_info[i].region_in.width == 0)
+            g_src_info[i].region_in.width = g_src_info[i].yuv_frame_in_width;
+        if(g_src_info[i].region_in.height == 0)
+            g_src_info[i].region_in.height = g_src_info[i].yuv_frame_in_height;
+        char DstLeftX[MAX_LEN];
+        char DstTopY[MAX_LEN];
+        char DstWidth[MAX_LEN];
+        char DstHeight[MAX_LEN];
+        sprintf(DstLeftX,"SRC_DstLeftX_%d",i+1);
+        sprintf(DstTopY,"SRC_DstTopY_%d",i+1);
+        sprintf(DstWidth,"SRC_DstWidth_%d",i+1);
+        sprintf(DstHeight,"SRC_DstHeight_%d",i+1);
+        read_value_int16(g_config_file_fd, DstLeftX, &g_src_info[i].region_out.x);
+        read_value_int16(g_config_file_fd, DstTopY, &g_src_info[i].region_out.y);
+        read_value_uint16(g_config_file_fd, DstWidth, &g_src_info[i].region_out.width);
+        read_value_uint16(g_config_file_fd, DstHeight, &g_src_info[i].region_out.height);
+        if(g_src_info[i].region_out.width == 0)
+            g_src_info[i].region_out.width = g_src_info[i].yuv_frame_in_width;
+        if(g_src_info[i].region_out.height == 0)
+            g_src_info[i].region_out.height = g_src_info[i].yuv_frame_in_height;
+        if(i > 0){
+            uint32_t        composition_blend_flags = 0;
+            float           composition_alpha = 0;
+            float           compositionLumaMin = 0.0;
+            float           compositionLumaMax = 1.0;
+            char BlendFlagsName[MAX_LEN];
+            char AlphaName[MAX_LEN];
+            char LumaMinName[MAX_LEN];
+            char LumaMaxName[MAX_LEN];
+            sprintf(BlendFlagsName,"SRC_CompositionBlendFlags_%d",i+1);
+            sprintf(AlphaName,"SRC_CompositionAlpha_%d",i+1);
+            sprintf(LumaMinName,"SRC_compositionLumaMin_%d",i+1);
+            sprintf(LumaMaxName,"SRC_compositionLumaMax_%d",i+1);
+            read_value_uint32(g_config_file_fd, BlendFlagsName, &composition_blend_flags);
+            read_value_float(g_config_file_fd,AlphaName,&composition_alpha);
+            read_value_float(g_config_file_fd,LumaMinName,&compositionLumaMin);
+            read_value_float(g_config_file_fd,LumaMaxName,&compositionLumaMax);
+            if (composition_blend_flags & 0x1)
+                g_src_info[i].blend_state.flags |= VA_BLEND_GLOBAL_ALPHA;
+            if (composition_blend_flags & 0x2)
+                g_src_info[i].blend_state.flags |= VA_BLEND_PREMULTIPLIED_ALPHA;
+            if (composition_blend_flags & 0x4)
+                g_src_info[i].blend_state.flags |= VA_BLEND_LUMA_KEY;
+            g_src_info[i].blend_state.global_alpha = composition_alpha;
+            g_src_info[i].blend_state.min_luma =compositionLumaMin;
+            g_src_info[i].blend_state.max_luma = compositionLumaMax;
+            pipeline_param.blend_state = &g_src_info[i].blend_state;
+        }
+        if(g_src_count > 1)
+        {
+           pipeline_param.pipeline_flags |= VA_PROC_PIPELINE_FAST;//for showing all sub-layers
+           pipeline_param.filter_flags |= VA_FILTER_SCALING_FAST; //for showing background color
+        }
+        pipeline_param.surface = g_in_surface_ids[i];
+        pipeline_param.surface_region = &g_src_info[i].region_in;
+        pipeline_param.output_region = &g_src_info[i].region_out;
+        pipeline_param.surface_color_standard = VAProcColorStandardBT601;
+        pipeline_param.output_color_standard = VAProcColorStandardBT601;
+        va_status = vaCreateBuffer(va_dpy,
+                                   context_id,
+                                   VAProcPipelineParameterBufferType,
+                                   sizeof(pipeline_param),
+                                   1,
+                                   &pipeline_param,
+                                   &pipeline_param_buf_ids[i]);
+        CHECK_VASTATUS(va_status, "vaCreateBuffer");
+    }
+    printf("\nStart to process 1 frame, ...\n");
+    struct timespec Pre_time;
+    struct timespec Cur_time;
+    uint32_t duration = 0;
+    clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &Pre_time);
+    va_status = vaBeginPicture(va_dpy,
+                               context_id,
+                               g_out_surface_id);
+    CHECK_VASTATUS(va_status, "vaBeginPicture");
+    va_status = vaRenderPicture(va_dpy,
+                                context_id,
+                                &pipeline_param_buf_ids[0],
+                                g_src_count);
+    CHECK_VASTATUS(va_status, "vaRenderPicture");
+    va_status = vaEndPicture(va_dpy, context_id);
+    CHECK_VASTATUS(va_status, "vaEndPicture");
+    clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &Cur_time);
+    duration = (Cur_time.tv_sec - Pre_time.tv_sec) * 1000000;
+    if (Cur_time.tv_nsec > Pre_time.tv_nsec) {
+        duration += (Cur_time.tv_nsec - Pre_time.tv_nsec) / 1000;
+    } else {
+        duration += (Cur_time.tv_nsec + 1000000000 - Pre_time.tv_nsec) / 1000 - 1000000;
+    }
+    printf("Finish processing, 1 frame processed in: %d us\n",duration);
+    g_total_time += duration;
+    for(i = 0; i < g_src_count; i++){
+        if (pipeline_param_buf_ids[i] != VA_INVALID_ID)
+            vaDestroyBuffer(va_dpy,pipeline_param_buf_ids[i]);
+    }
+    return va_status;
+static VAStatus
+    VAStatus va_status = VA_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+    int32_t j;
+    /* VA driver initialization */
+    va_dpy = va_open_display();
+    int32_t major_ver, minor_ver;
+    va_status = vaInitialize(va_dpy, &major_ver, &minor_ver);
+    assert(va_status == VA_STATUS_SUCCESS);
+    /* Check whether VPP is supported by driver */
+    VAEntrypoint entrypoints[5];
+    int32_t num_entrypoints;
+    num_entrypoints = vaMaxNumEntrypoints(va_dpy);
+    va_status = vaQueryConfigEntrypoints(va_dpy,
+                                         VAProfileNone,
+                                         entrypoints,
+                                         &num_entrypoints);
+    CHECK_VASTATUS(va_status, "vaQueryConfigEntrypoints");
+    for (j = 0; j < num_entrypoints; j++) {
+        if (entrypoints[j] == VAEntrypointVideoProc)
+            break;
+    }
+    if (j == num_entrypoints) {
+        printf("VPP is not supported by driver\n");
+        assert(0);
+    }
+    /* Render target surface format check */
+    VAConfigAttrib attrib;
+    attrib.type = VAConfigAttribRTFormat;
+    va_status = vaGetConfigAttributes(va_dpy,
+                                      VAProfileNone,
+                                      VAEntrypointVideoProc,
+                                      &attrib,
+                                     1);
+    CHECK_VASTATUS(va_status, "vaGetConfigAttributes");
+    /* Create surface/config/context for VPP pipeline */
+    for(uint32_t i = 0; i < g_src_count; i++){
+        va_status = create_surface(&g_in_surface_ids[i], g_src_info[i].yuv_frame_in_width, g_src_info[i].yuv_frame_in_height,
+                                g_src_info[i].src_format, g_src_info[i].rt_format);
+        CHECK_VASTATUS(va_status, "vaCreateSurfaces for input");
+    }
+    va_status = create_surface(&g_out_surface_id, g_out_pic_width, g_out_pic_height,
+                                g_out_fourcc, g_out_format);
+    CHECK_VASTATUS(va_status, "vaCreateSurfaces for output");
+    va_status = vaCreateConfig(va_dpy,
+                               VAProfileNone,
+                               VAEntrypointVideoProc,
+                               &attrib,
+                               1,
+                               &config_id);
+    CHECK_VASTATUS(va_status, "vaCreateConfig");
+    va_status = vaCreateContext(va_dpy,
+                                config_id,
+                                g_out_pic_width,
+                                g_out_pic_height,
+                                VA_PROGRESSIVE,
+                                &g_out_surface_id,
+                                1,
+                                &context_id);
+    CHECK_VASTATUS(va_status, "vaCreateContext");
+    return va_status;
+static void
+    /* Release resource */
+    for(uint32_t j = 0; j < g_src_count; j++){
+        if(g_in_surface_ids[j] != VA_INVALID_SURFACE)
+            vaDestroySurfaces(va_dpy, &g_in_surface_ids[j], 1);
+    }
+    if(g_out_surface_id != VA_INVALID_SURFACE)
+         vaDestroySurfaces(va_dpy, &g_out_surface_id, 1);
+    vaDestroyContext(va_dpy, context_id);
+    vaDestroyConfig(va_dpy, config_id);
+    vaTerminate(va_dpy);
+    va_close_display(va_dpy);
+static int8_t
+parse_fourcc_and_format(char *str, uint32_t *fourcc, uint32_t *format)
+    uint32_t tfourcc = VA_FOURCC('N', 'V', '1', '2');
+    uint32_t tformat = VA_RT_FORMAT_YUV420;
+    if (!strcmp(str, "YV12")){
+        tfourcc = VA_FOURCC('Y', 'V', '1', '2');
+    } else if(!strcmp(str, "I420")){
+        tfourcc = VA_FOURCC('I', '4', '2', '0');
+    } else if(!strcmp(str, "NV12")){
+        tfourcc = VA_FOURCC('N', 'V', '1', '2');
+    } else if(!strcmp(str, "YUY2") || !strcmp(str, "YUYV")) {
+        tfourcc = VA_FOURCC('Y', 'U', 'Y', '2');
+    } else if(!strcmp(str, "UYVY")){
+        tfourcc = VA_FOURCC('U', 'Y', 'V', 'Y');
+    } else if (!strcmp(str, "P010")) {
+        tfourcc = VA_FOURCC('P', '0', '1', '0');
+    } else if (!strcmp(str, "I010")) {
+        tfourcc = VA_FOURCC('I', '0', '1', '0');
+    } else if (!strcmp(str, "RGBA")) {
+        tfourcc = VA_FOURCC_RGBA;
+    } else if (!strcmp(str, "RGBX")) {
+        tfourcc = VA_FOURCC_RGBX;
+    } else if (!strcmp(str, "BGRA")) {
+        tfourcc = VA_FOURCC_BGRA;
+    } else if (!strcmp(str, "BGRX")) {
+        tfourcc = VA_FOURCC_BGRX;
+    }else if (!strcmp(str, "ARGB")) {
+        tfourcc = VA_FOURCC_ARGB;
+    }else if (!strcmp(str, "A2B10G10R10")) {
+        tfourcc = VA_FOURCC_ABGR;
+        tformat = VA_RT_FORMAT_RGB32_10BPP;
+    }else{
+        printf("Not supported format: %s! Currently only support following format: %s\n",
+               str, "YV12, I420, NV12, YUY2(YUYV), UYVY, P010, I010, RGBA, RGBX, BGRA ,BGRX or ARGB,A2B10G10R10");
+        assert(0);
+    }
+    if (fourcc)
+        *fourcc = tfourcc;
+    if (format)
+        *format = tformat;
+    return 0;
+static int8_t
+    char str[MAX_LEN];
+    read_value_uint32(g_config_file_fd, "SRC_NUMBER", &g_src_count);
+    g_src_info.resize(g_src_count);
+    g_in_surface_ids.resize(g_src_count);
+    g_src_file_fds.resize(g_src_count);
+    /* Read src frame file information */
+    for(uint32_t i = 0; i< g_src_count; i++){
+        char file_name[MAX_LEN];
+        char src_frame_width[MAX_LEN];
+        char src_frame_height[MAX_LEN];
+        char src_frame_format[MAX_LEN];
+        char src_file_format[MAX_LEN];
+        sprintf(file_name,"SRC_FILE_NAME_%d",i+1);
+        sprintf(src_frame_width,"SRC_FRAME_WIDTH_%d",i+1);
+        sprintf(src_frame_height,"SRC_FRAME_HEIGHT_%d",i+1);
+        sprintf(src_frame_format,"SRC_FRAME_FORMAT_%d",i+1);
+        sprintf(src_file_format,"SRC_FILE_FORMAT_%d",i+1);
+        read_value_string(g_config_file_fd, file_name, g_src_info[i].src_file_name);
+        read_value_uint32(g_config_file_fd, src_frame_width, &g_src_info[i].yuv_frame_in_width);
+        read_value_uint32(g_config_file_fd, src_frame_height, &g_src_info[i].yuv_frame_in_height);
+        read_value_string(g_config_file_fd, src_frame_format, str);
+        parse_fourcc_and_format(str, &g_src_info[i].src_format, &g_src_info[i].rt_format);
+        read_value_string(g_config_file_fd, src_file_format, str);
+        parse_fourcc_and_format(str, &g_src_info[i].file_fourcc, NULL);
+    }
+    /* Read dst frame file information */
+    read_value_string(g_config_file_fd, "DST_FILE_NAME", g_dst_file_name);
+    read_value_uint32(g_config_file_fd, "DST_FRAME_WIDTH", &g_out_pic_width);
+    read_value_uint32(g_config_file_fd, "DST_FRAME_HEIGHT",&g_out_pic_height);
+    read_value_string(g_config_file_fd, "DST_FRAME_FORMAT", str);
+    parse_fourcc_and_format(str, &g_out_fourcc, &g_out_format);
+    read_value_string(g_config_file_fd, "DST_FILE_FORMAT", str);
+    parse_fourcc_and_format(str, &g_dst_file_fourcc, NULL);
+    read_value_uint32(g_config_file_fd, "FRAME_SUM", &g_frame_count);
+    return 0;
+static void
+    printf("The app is used to test the blending feature.\n");
+    printf("Cmd Usage: ./vppblending process_blending.cfg\n");
+    printf("The configure file process_blending.cfg is used to configure the para.\n");
+    printf("You can refer process_blending.cfg.template for each para meaning and create the configure file.\n");
+int32_t main(int32_t argc, char *argv[])
+    VAStatus va_status;
+    uint32_t i;
+    if (argc != 2 || !strcmp(argv[1], "-h") || !strcmp(argv[1], "--help")){
+        print_help();
+        return -1;
+    }
+    /* Parse the configure file for video process*/
+    strncpy(g_config_file_name, argv[1], MAX_LEN);
+    g_config_file_name[MAX_LEN - 1] = '\0';
+    if (NULL == (g_config_file_fd = fopen(g_config_file_name, "r"))){
+        printf("Open configure file %s failed!\n",g_config_file_name);
+        assert(0);
+    }
+    /* Parse basic parameters */
+    if (parse_basic_parameters()){
+        printf("Parse parameters in configure file error\n");
+        assert(0);
+    }
+    va_status = vpp_context_create();
+    if (va_status != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
+        printf("vpp context create failed \n");
+        assert(0);
+    }
+    /* Video frame fetch, process and store */
+    for(i = 0; i < g_src_count; i++){
+        if (NULL == (g_src_file_fds[i] = fopen(g_src_info[i].src_file_name, "r"))){
+            printf("Open SRC_FILE_NAME: %s failed, please specify it in config file: %s !\n",
+                    g_src_info[i].src_file_name, g_config_file_name);
+            assert(0);
+        }
+    }
+    if (NULL == (g_dst_file_fd = fopen(g_dst_file_name, "w"))){
+        printf("Open DST_FILE_NAME: %s failed, please specify it in config file: %s !\n",
+               g_dst_file_name, g_config_file_name);
+        assert(0);
+    }
+    for (i = 0; i < g_frame_count; i ++){
+        for(unsigned int j = 0; j < g_src_count; j++){
+            upload_yuv_frame_to_yuv_surface(g_src_file_fds[j], g_in_surface_ids[j],g_src_info[j].file_fourcc);
+        }
+        video_frame_process();
+        store_yuv_surface_to_file(g_dst_file_fd, g_out_surface_id);
+    }
+    printf("Finish processing, performance: %d frames processed in: %d us, ave time = %d us\n",g_frame_count,g_total_time,g_total_time/g_frame_count);
+    for(i = 0; i< g_src_count; i++){
+        if (g_src_file_fds[i] != NULL)
+           fclose(g_src_file_fds[i]);
+    }
+    if (g_dst_file_fd != NULL)
+       fclose(g_dst_file_fd);
+    if (g_config_file_fd != NULL)
+       fclose(g_config_file_fd);
+    vpp_context_destroy();
+    return 0;