blob: 78c18ca43b6d4c97c28d37443edf24630d244f5f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright(c) 2015 Gabi Melman.
// Distributed under the MIT License (
#pragma once
#include <../Utility/GmmLog/spdlog/common.h>
#include <../Utility/GmmLog/spdlog/details/log_msg.h>
#include <string>
// Line logger class - aggregates operator<< calls to fast ostream
// and logs upon destruction
namespace spdlog
// Forward declaration
class logger;
namespace details
class line_logger
line_logger(logger* callback_logger, level::level_enum msg_level, bool enabled);
// No copy intended. Only move
line_logger(const line_logger& other) = delete;
line_logger& operator=(const line_logger&) = delete;
line_logger& operator=(line_logger&&) = delete;
line_logger(line_logger&& other);
//Log the log message using the callback logger
// Support for format string with variadic args
void write(const char* what);
template <typename... Args>
void write(const char* fmt, const Args&... args);
// Support for operator<<
line_logger& operator<<(const char* what);
line_logger& operator<<(const std::string& what);
line_logger& operator<<(int what);
line_logger& operator<<(unsigned int what);
line_logger& operator<<(long what);
line_logger& operator<<(unsigned long what);
line_logger& operator<<(long long what);
line_logger& operator<<(unsigned long long what);
line_logger& operator<<(double what);
line_logger& operator<<(long double what);
line_logger& operator<<(float what);
line_logger& operator<<(char what);
//Support user types which implements operator<<
template<typename T>
line_logger& operator<<(const T& what);
void disable();
bool is_enabled() const;
logger* _callback_logger;
log_msg _log_msg;
bool _enabled;
} //Namespace details
} // Namespace spdlog