blob: ff6e35b2c50df66d1748f0772190723713c22385 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// This file defines functions emitted by MHLOToEmitC.
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <complex>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstring>
#include <functional>
#include <random>
#include <type_traits>
#include <vector>
#include "emitc_core_ops.h"
namespace emitc {
namespace mhlo {
/// See
/// for the XLA implementation
/// Functions for MHLO unary elementwise ops.
// AbsOp
// TODO: Add support for complex numbers.
template <typename Src>
inline Src abs(Src x) {
return emitc::abs<Src>(x);
// CeilOp
template <typename Src>
inline Src ceil(Src x) {
return emitc::ceil<Src>(x);
// BitcastConvertOp
template <typename Dest, typename Src>
inline Dest bitcast_convert(Src x) {
using ET_Dest = typename get_element_type<Dest>::type;
using ET_Src = typename get_element_type<Src>::type;
static_assert(sizeof(ET_Src) == sizeof(ET_Dest),
"Can only bitcast on types of the same size");
auto cast = [](ET_Src value) {
ET_Dest result;
memcpy(&result, &value, sizeof(ET_Src));
return result;
return unary<Dest, Src, UnaryFuncType<ET_Dest, ET_Src>>(x, cast);
// CompareOp
template <typename Src, template <typename> class Compare>
typename replace_element_type<bool, Src>::type compare(Src x, Src y) {
using Dest = typename replace_element_type<bool, Src>::type;
using ET_Src = typename get_element_type<Src>::type;
auto cmp = Compare<ET_Src>{};
return binary<Dest, Src>(x, y, cmp);
// ConvertOp
template <typename Dest, typename Src>
inline Dest convert(Src x) {
return emitc::convert<Dest>(x);
// CosOp
template <typename Src>
inline Src cos(Src x) {
using ET_Src = typename get_element_type<Src>::type;
auto f = static_cast<ET_Src (*)(ET_Src)>(std::cos);
return unary<Src>(x, f);
// ExpOp
template <typename Src>
inline Src exponential(Src x) {
return emitc::exp<Src>(x);
// Expm1Op
template <typename Src>
inline Src exponential_minus_one(Src x) {
using ET_Src = typename get_element_type<Src>::type;
auto f = static_cast<ET_Src (*)(ET_Src)>(std::expm1);
return unary<Src>(x, f);
// FloorOp
template <typename Src>
inline Src floor(Src x) {
return emitc::floor<Src>(x);
// IsFiniteOp
template <typename Src>
inline typename replace_element_type<bool, Src>::type is_finite(Src x) {
using ET_Src = typename get_element_type<Src>::type;
"Operation supports only floating point types");
using Dest = typename replace_element_type<bool, Src>::type;
auto f = static_cast<bool (*)(ET_Src)>(std::isfinite);
return unary<Dest, Src>(x, f);
// LogOp
template <typename Src>
inline Src log(Src x) {
return emitc::log<Src>(x);
// Log1pOp
template <typename Src>
inline Src log_plus_one(Src x) {
using ET_Src = typename get_element_type<Src>::type;
auto f = static_cast<ET_Src (*)(ET_Src)>(std::log1p);
return unary<Src>(x, f);
// NegOp
template <typename Src>
inline Src negate(Src x) {
return emitc::negate(x);
// RoundOp
template <typename Src>
inline Src round(Src x) {
using ET_Src = typename get_element_type<Src>::type;
auto f = static_cast<ET_Src (*)(ET_Src)>(std::round);
return unary<Src>(x, f);
// SinOp
template <typename Src>
inline Src sin(Src x) {
using ET_Src = typename get_element_type<Src>::type;
auto f = static_cast<ET_Src (*)(ET_Src)>(std::sin);
return unary<Src>(x, f);
// SqrtOp
template <typename Src>
inline Src sqrt(Src x) {
return emitc::sqrt<Src>(x);
// TanhOp
template <typename Src>
inline Src tanh(Src x) {
return emitc::tanh<Src>(x);
/// Functions for MHLO binary elementwise ops.
// AddOp
template <typename Src>
inline Src add(Src x, Src y) {
return emitc::add<Src>(x, y);
// Atan2Op
template <typename Src>
inline Src atan2(Src x, Src y) {
using ET_Src = typename get_element_type<Src>::type;
auto f = static_cast<ET_Src (*)(ET_Src, ET_Src)>(std::atan2);
return binary<Src>(x, y, f);
// DivOp
template <typename Src>
inline Src div(Src x, Src y) {
using ET_Src = typename get_element_type<Src>::type;
auto f = std::divides<ET_Src>{};
return binary<Src>(x, y, f);
// MaxOp
template <typename Src>
inline Src max(Src x, Src y) {
return emitc::max(x, y);
// MinOp
template <typename Src>
inline Src min(Src x, Src y) {
return emitc::min(x, y);
// MulOp
template <typename Src>
inline Src mul(Src x, Src y) {
return emitc::mul(x, y);
// PowOp
template <typename Src>
inline Src pow(Src x, Src y) {
return emitc::pow(x, y);
// ShiftLeftOp
template <typename Src>
inline Src shift_left(Src x, Src y) {
using ET_Src = typename get_element_type<Src>::type;
"Operation not implemented for signed types");
auto f = [](ET_Src a, ET_Src b) -> ET_Src { return a << b; };
return binary<Src>(x, y, f);
// ShiftRightLogicalOp
template <typename Src>
inline Src shift_right_logical(Src x, Src y) {
using ET_Src = typename get_element_type<Src>::type;
"Operation not implemented for signed types");
auto f = [](ET_Src a, ET_Src b) -> ET_Src { return a >> b; };
return binary<Src>(x, y, f);
// SubOp
template <typename Src>
inline Src sub(Src x, Src y) {
return emitc::sub<Src>(x, y);
/// Functions for MHLO binary logical elementwise ops.
// OrOp
template <typename Src>
inline Src logical_or(Src x, Src y) {
using ET_Src = typename get_element_type<Src>::type;
auto f = std::logical_or<ET_Src>{};
return binary<Src>(x, y, f);
// XorOp
template <typename Src>
inline Src logical_xor(Src x, Src y) {
using ET_Src = typename get_element_type<Src>::type;
auto f = [](ET_Src a, ET_Src b) -> ET_Src { return a != b; };
return binary<Src>(x, y, f);
/// Functions for other MHLO ops.
// BroadcastInDimOp
// The broadcast_dimensions argument maps from Src to Dest dimensions.
template <typename Dest, typename Src>
inline Dest
broadcast_in_dim(Src operand,
Tensor<int64_t, Src::rank()> broadcast_dimensions) {
return emitc::broadcast_in_dim<Dest>(operand, broadcast_dimensions);
// ClampOp
template <typename Min, typename Src, typename Max>
inline Src clamp(Min min, Src operand, Max max) {
return emitc::clamp(min, operand, max);
// ConcatenateOp
template <int64_t Dimension, typename Dest, typename Src>
inline Dest concatenate(Src input) {
Dest z = input;
return z;
template <int64_t Dimension, typename Dest, typename Src1, typename... Src>
inline Dest concatenate(Src1 input1, Src... inputs) {
static_assert(sizeof...(inputs) > 0, "Wrong template specialization chosen");
// Concatenate all but the first input.
// We need to build the correct return type for the rest of the inputs.
using ET_Src = typename get_element_type<Src1>::type;
using Rest = typename concat<Dimension, ET_Src, Src...>::type;
Rest rest = concatenate<Dimension, Rest, Src...>(inputs...);
Dest z;
// a: AxBxI xD
// b: AxBxJ xD
// c: AxBx(I+J)xD
// repeat repeat until a_ptr == a.end():
// copy IxD elements from a_ptr to c_ptr
// move a_ptr, c_ptr by IxD elements
// copy JxD elements from b_ptr to c_ptr
// move b_ptr, c_ptr by JxD elements
// Take the product of all dimensions, starting at `Dimension`.
auto calculate_shift = [](const auto &shape) {
size_t shift = 1;
for (size_t i = Dimension; i < shape.size(); i++) {
shift *= shape[i];
return shift;
auto a_shift = calculate_shift(Src1::shape());
auto b_shift = calculate_shift(Rest::shape());
for (auto a_ptr = input1.begin(), b_ptr = rest.begin(), c_ptr = z.begin();
a_ptr != input1.end(); a_ptr += a_shift, b_ptr += b_shift) {
std::copy(a_ptr, a_ptr + a_shift, c_ptr);
c_ptr += a_shift;
std::copy(b_ptr, b_ptr + b_shift, c_ptr);
c_ptr += b_shift;
return z;
// SliceOp
template <typename Dest, typename Src>
Dest slice(Src x, Tensor<int64_t, Src::rank()> start_indices,
Tensor<int64_t, Src::rank()> limit_indices,
Tensor<int64_t, Src::rank()> strides) {
return emitc::slice<Dest, Src>(x, start_indices, limit_indices, strides);
// DynamicSliceOp
// Overload for 1d case.
template <typename Dest, typename Src, IsTensorOfDim<1, Src> = true>
Dest dynamic_slice(Src x, Tensor<int32_t> start_index,
Tensor<int64_t, 1> slice_sizes) {
auto clamp = [](int64_t value, int64_t minValue, int64_t maxValue) {
return std::max(minValue, std::min(maxValue, value));
int64_t dim_x = static_cast<int64_t>(Src::dim(0));
int64_t start_index_eff = clamp(start_index[0], 0, dim_x - slice_sizes[0]);
Tensor<int64_t, 1> start_indices{start_index_eff};
Tensor<int64_t, 1> limit_indices{start_index_eff + slice_sizes[0]};
Tensor<int64_t, 1> strides{1};
return slice<Dest, Src>(x, start_indices, limit_indices, strides);
// Overload for 2d case.
template <typename Dest, typename Src, IsTensorOfDim<2, Src> = true>
Dest dynamic_slice(Src x, Tensor<int32_t> start_index_x,
Tensor<int32_t> start_index_y,
Tensor<int64_t, 2> slice_sizes) {
auto clamp = [](int64_t value, int64_t minValue, int64_t maxValue) {
return std::max(minValue, std::min(maxValue, value));
int64_t dim_x = static_cast<int64_t>(Src::dim(0));
int64_t dim_y = static_cast<int64_t>(Src::dim(1));
int64_t start_index_x_eff =
clamp(start_index_x[0], 0, dim_x - slice_sizes[0]);
int64_t start_index_y_eff =
clamp(start_index_y[0], 0, dim_y - slice_sizes[1]);
Tensor<int64_t, 2> start_indices{start_index_x_eff, start_index_y_eff};
Tensor<int64_t, 2> limit_indices{start_index_x_eff + slice_sizes[0],
start_index_y_eff + slice_sizes[1]};
Tensor<int64_t, 2> strides{1, 1};
return slice<Dest, Src>(x, start_indices, limit_indices, strides);
// DynamicUpdateSliceOp
// Overload for 1d case.
template <typename Update, typename Src, IsTensorOfDim<1, Src> = true>
Src dynamic_update_slice(Src x, Update update, Tensor<int32_t> start_index) {
auto clamp = [](int64_t value, int64_t minValue, int64_t maxValue) {
return std::max(minValue, std::min(maxValue, value));
Src z = x;
size_t start_index_eff =
clamp(start_index[0], 0, Src::dim(0) - Update::dim(0));
for (size_t i = 0; i < Update::dim(0); i++) {
z(start_index_eff + i) = update(i);
return z;
// Overload for 2d case.
template <typename Update, typename Src, IsTensorOfDim<2, Src> = true>
Src dynamic_update_slice(Src x, Update update, Tensor<int32_t> start_index_x,
Tensor<int32_t> start_index_y) {
auto clamp = [](int64_t value, int64_t minValue, int64_t maxValue) {
return std::max(minValue, std::min(maxValue, value));
Src z = x;
size_t start_index_x_eff =
clamp(start_index_x[0], 0, Src::dim(0) - Update::dim(0));
size_t start_index_y_eff =
clamp(start_index_y[0], 0, Src::dim(1) - Update::dim(1));
for (size_t i = 0; i < Update::dim(0); i++) {
for (size_t j = 0; j < Update::dim(1); j++) {
z(start_index_x_eff + i, start_index_y_eff + j) = update(i, j);
return z;
// ReshapeOp
template <typename Dest, typename Src>
inline Dest reshape(Src x) {
return emitc::reshape<Dest>(x);
// PadOp
// TODO: Support negative edge padding.
template <typename Dest, typename Src>
inline Dest pad(Src operand,
Tensor<typename get_element_type<Src>::type> padding_value,
Tensor<int64_t, Src::rank()> edge_padding_low,
Tensor<int64_t, Src::rank()> edge_padding_high,
Tensor<int64_t, Src::rank()> interior_padding) {
return emitc::pad<Dest>(operand, padding_value, edge_padding_low,
edge_padding_low, interior_padding);
// ReduceOp
template <typename Dest, size_t Dimension, typename Src, typename Computation>
inline Dest
reduce(Src operand, Tensor<typename get_element_type<Src>::type> initValue,
Tensor<int64_t, Dimension> dimensions, Computation computation) {
static_assert(is_tensor<Src>::value, "Expected tensor argument");
static_assert(is_tensor<Dest>::value, "Expected tensor result");
using ET_Src = typename get_element_type<Src>::type;
using ET_Dest = typename get_element_type<Src>::type;
static_assert(std::is_same<ET_Src, ET_Dest>::value, "Element type mismatch");
static_assert(Src::rank() == Dest::rank() + Dimension,
"source rank must equal dest rank + dimension size");
std::vector<size_t> retainedDimensions(Src::rank());
std::iota(retainedDimensions.begin(), retainedDimensions.end(), 0);
std::remove_if(retainedDimensions.begin(), retainedDimensions.end(),
[&dimensions](size_t i) {
return std::find(dimensions.begin(), dimensions.end(),
i) != dimensions.end();
assert(retainedDimensions.size() == Dest::rank());
Dest result;
std::fill(result.begin(), result.end(), initValue());
for (size_t i = 0; i < operand.size(); i++) {
auto value = Tensor<ET_Src>{operand[i]};
auto index = operand.unravel_index(i);
std::array<size_t, Dest::rank()> reducedIndex;
size_t j = 0;
for (size_t dim : retainedDimensions) {
reducedIndex[j++] = index[dim];
auto reductionValue =
Tensor<ET_Dest> resultValue = computation(reductionValue, value);
result[result.ravel_index(reducedIndex)] = resultValue();
return result;
// ReduceWindowOp
template <typename Dest, typename Src, typename Computation>
inline Dest reduce_window(
Src operand, Tensor<typename get_element_type<Src>::type> initValue,
Tensor<int64_t, Src::rank()> window_dimensions,
Tensor<int64_t, Src::rank()> window_strides,
Tensor<int64_t, Src::rank()> base_dilations,
Tensor<int64_t, Src::rank()> window_dilations,
Tensor<int64_t, 2, Src::rank()> padding, Computation computation) {
static_assert(is_tensor<Src>::value, "Expected tensor argument");
static_assert(is_tensor<Dest>::value, "Expected tensor result");
using ET_Src = typename get_element_type<Src>::type;
using ET_Dest = typename get_element_type<Src>::type;
static_assert(std::is_same<ET_Src, ET_Dest>::value, "Element type mismatch");
static_assert(Src::rank() == Dest::rank(), "Rank mismatch");
assert(std::all_of(window_dimensions.begin(), window_dimensions.end(),
[](int64_t i) { return i > 0; }));
assert(std::all_of(base_dilations.begin(), base_dilations.end(),
[](int64_t i) { return i == 1; }));
assert(std::all_of(window_dilations.begin(), window_dilations.end(),
[](int64_t i) { return i == 1; }));
auto out_of_bounds = [&padding](std::array<size_t, Src::rank()> index) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < index.size(); i++) {
if (index[i] < static_cast<size_t>(padding(0, i)) ||
index[i] >= Src::dim(i) + static_cast<size_t>(padding(0, i))) {
return true;
return false;
std::array<size_t, Src::rank()> windowDimensionsArr;
for (size_t j = 0; j < windowDimensionsArr.size(); j++) {
windowDimensionsArr[j] = static_cast<size_t>(window_dimensions[j]);
Dest result;
std::fill(result.begin(), result.end(), initValue());
for (size_t i = 0; i < result.size(); i++) {
auto index = result.unravel_index(i);
std::array<size_t, Src::rank()> baseIndex;
for (size_t j = 0; j < baseIndex.size(); j++) {
baseIndex[j] = index[j] * window_strides(j);
// Iterate over input window.
for (auto &inputIndex : operand.window(baseIndex, windowDimensionsArr)) {
// Get input value (check out of bounds access).
Tensor<ET_Src> value;
if (out_of_bounds(inputIndex)) {
value[0] = initValue[0];
} else {
std::array<size_t, Src::rank()> _index;
for (size_t j = 0; j < inputIndex.size(); j++) {
assert(inputIndex[j] >= static_cast<size_t>(padding(0, j)));
_index[j] = inputIndex[j] - static_cast<size_t>(padding(0, j));
value[0] = operand[operand.ravel_index(_index)];
// Get reduction value.
auto reductionValue = Tensor<ET_Src>{result[result.ravel_index(index)]};
// Run computation.
Tensor<ET_Dest> resultValue = computation(reductionValue, value);
// Update result value.
result[result.ravel_index(index)] = resultValue();
return result;
// SelectOp
template <typename Src, IsScalar<Src> = true>
inline Src select(typename replace_element_type<bool, Src>::type pred,
Src on_true, Src on_false) {
return pred ? on_true : on_false;
template <typename Src, IsTensor<Src> = true>
inline Src select(typename replace_element_type<bool, Src>::type pred,
Src on_true, Src on_false) {
Src z;
for (size_t i = 0; i < Src::size(); i++) {
z[i] = pred[i] ? on_true[i] : on_false[i];
return z;
// RngUniformOp
template <typename Dest, typename T, size_t N>
inline Dest rng_uniform(Tensor<T> low, Tensor<T> high,
Tensor<int64_t, N> shape) {
static_assert(std::is_integral<T>::value || std::is_floating_point<T>::value,
"Expected integer or floating point type");
using uniform_distribution =
typename std::conditional<std::is_integral<T>::value,
T lowValue = low[0];
T highValue = high[0];
// High value is exclusive in XLA but inclusive in cpp
// see
// and
if (std::is_integral<T>::value) {
highValue = highValue - 1;
uniform_distribution distribution(lowValue, highValue);
std::random_device rd;
std::mt19937 gen(rd());
Dest z;
for (size_t i = 0; i < z.size(); i++) {
z[i] = distribution(gen);
return z;
// RngBitGeneratorOp
template <typename Dest, int32_t RngAlgorithm>
Dest rng_bit_generator(typename std::tuple_element<0, Dest>::type state) {
// TODO: Implement correct algorithm; starting point would be
using StateType = typename std::tuple_element<0, Dest>::type;
using TensorType = typename std::tuple_element<1, Dest>::type;
using T = typename TensorType::value_type;
StateType newState(state);
T minValue = std::numeric_limits<T>::min();
T maxValue = std::numeric_limits<T>::max();
Tensor<T> min{minValue};
Tensor<T> max{maxValue};
std::array<size_t, TensorType::rank()> arrayShape = TensorType::shape();
Tensor<int64_t, TensorType::rank()> tensorShape;
for (size_t i = 0; i < TensorType::rank(); i++) {
tensorShape[i] = static_cast<int64_t>(arrayShape[i]);
TensorType data = rng_uniform<TensorType, T>(min, max, tensorShape);
return std::make_tuple(newState, data);
// BatchNormInferenceOp
template <typename Src, typename Feature>
Src batch_norm_inference(Src input, Feature scale, Feature offset, Feature mean,
Feature variance, float epsilon,
int64_t feature_index) {
static_assert(is_tensor_of_dim<1, Feature>::value,
"Expected 1 dimensional statistic features");
assert(0 <= feature_index &&
static_cast<size_t>(feature_index) < Src::rank());
assert(Src::dim(feature_index) == Feature::dim(0));
assert(epsilon > 0);
Src output;
for (size_t i = 0; i < Src::size(); i++) {
auto multi_index = input.unravel_index(i);
size_t f_index = multi_index[feature_index];
auto value = (input[i] - mean[f_index]) / sqrt(variance[f_index] + epsilon);
output[i] = value * scale[f_index] + offset[f_index];
return output;
// ConvolutionOp
// TODO: Replicate ConvDimensionNumbers struct.
// TODO: Implement general dimension numbers.
// TODO: Implement lhs_dilation.
// TODO: Implement rhs_dilation.
// TODO: Implement batch_group_count.
template <typename Dest, typename Src, typename Weights>
Dest convolution(Src input, Weights weights, int64_t batch_group_count,
int64_t input_batch_dimension, int64_t input_feature_dimension,
Tensor<int64_t, 2> input_spatial_dimensions,
int64_t kernel_input_feature_dimension,
int64_t kernel_output_feature_dimension,
Tensor<int64_t, 2> kernel_spatial_dimensions,
int64_t output_batch_dimension,
int64_t output_feature_dimension,
Tensor<int64_t, 2> output_spatial_dimensions,
int64_t feature_group_count, Tensor<int64_t, 2, 2> padding,
Tensor<int64_t, 2> lhs_dilation,
Tensor<int64_t, 2> rhs_dilation,
Tensor<int64_t, 2> window_strides) {
static_assert(is_tensor_of_dim<4, Src>::value,
"Expected 4 dimensional input");
static_assert(is_tensor_of_dim<4, Dest>::value,
"Expected 4 dimensional output");
static_assert(is_tensor_of_dim<4, Weights>::value,
"Expected 4 dimensional weights");
assert(batch_group_count == 1);
assert(input_batch_dimension == 0);
assert(input_spatial_dimensions[0] == 1);
assert(input_spatial_dimensions[1] == 2);
assert(input_feature_dimension == 3);
assert(kernel_spatial_dimensions[0] == 0);
assert(kernel_spatial_dimensions[1] == 1);
assert(kernel_input_feature_dimension == 2);
assert(kernel_output_feature_dimension == 3);
assert(output_batch_dimension == 0);
assert(output_spatial_dimensions[0] == 1);
assert(output_spatial_dimensions[1] == 2);
assert(output_feature_dimension == 3);
assert(input.dim(input_feature_dimension) % feature_group_count == 0);
assert(weights.dim(kernel_input_feature_dimension) ==
input.dim(input_feature_dimension) / feature_group_count);
assert(window_strides[0] > 0);
assert(window_strides[1] > 0);
assert(lhs_dilation[0] == 1);
assert(lhs_dilation[0] == 1);
assert(rhs_dilation[0] == 1);
assert(rhs_dilation[0] == 1);
const int N = input.dim(input_batch_dimension);
const int H_IN = input.dim(input_spatial_dimensions[0]);
const int W_IN = input.dim(input_spatial_dimensions[1]);
const int C_IN = input.dim(input_feature_dimension);
assert(C_IN % feature_group_count == 0);
const int G_IN = C_IN / feature_group_count;
Dest output;
const int C_OUT = output.dim(output_feature_dimension);
assert(C_OUT % feature_group_count == 0);
const int G_OUT = C_OUT / feature_group_count;
const int K_H = weights.dim(kernel_spatial_dimensions[0]);
const int K_W = weights.dim(kernel_spatial_dimensions[1]);
const int S_H = window_strides[0];
const int S_W = window_strides[1];
const int pt = padding(0, 0);
const int pb = padding(0, 1);
const int pl = padding(1, 0);
const int pr = padding(1, 1);
const int H_PAD = pt + H_IN + pb;
const int W_PAD = pl + W_IN + pr;
// TODO: Test grouped convolutions.
assert(feature_group_count == 1 || feature_group_count == C_OUT);
// Convolution
for (int n = 0; n < N; n++) {
for (int h_pad = 0; h_pad < H_PAD - K_H + 1; h_pad += S_H) {
for (int w_pad = 0; w_pad < W_PAD - K_W + 1; w_pad += S_W) {
for (int kh = 0; kh < K_H; kh++) {
for (int kw = 0; kw < K_W; kw++) {
for (int g = 0; g < feature_group_count; g++) {
for (int g_in = 0; g_in < G_IN; g_in++) {
for (int g_out = 0; g_out < G_OUT; g_out++) {
const int h_out = h_pad / S_H;
const int w_out = w_pad / S_W;
const int c_out = g * G_OUT + g_out;
const int h_in = h_pad - pt + kh;
const int w_in = w_pad - pl + kw;
const int c_in = g * G_IN + g_in;
if (h_in < 0 || h_in >= H_IN || w_in < 0 || w_in >= W_IN)
output(n, h_out, w_out, c_out) +=
input(n, h_in, w_in, c_in) * weights(kh, kw, g_in, c_out);
return output;
// DotOp
template <typename Dest, typename Lhs, typename Rhs>
Dest dot(Lhs lhs, Rhs rhs) {
return emitc::dot<Dest>(lhs, rhs);
} // namespace mhlo
} // namespace emitc