blob: dfe52f3a6b5d400d49c2ed8fec5c411e6a769498 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2019 gRPC authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package balancergroup
import (
const (
defaultTestTimeout = 5 * time.Second
defaultTestShortTimeout = 10 * time.Millisecond
var (
rrBuilder = balancer.Get(roundrobin.Name)
testBalancerIDs = []string{"b1", "b2", "b3"}
testBackendAddrs []resolver.Address
const testBackendAddrsCount = 12
func init() {
for i := 0; i < testBackendAddrsCount; i++ {
testBackendAddrs = append(testBackendAddrs, resolver.Address{Addr: fmt.Sprintf("%d.%d.%d.%d:%d", i, i, i, i, i)})
type s struct {
func Test(t *testing.T) {
grpctest.RunSubTests(t, s{})
// Create a new balancer group, add balancer and backends, but not start.
// - b1, weight 2, backends [0,1]
// - b2, weight 1, backends [2,3]
// Start the balancer group and check behavior.
// Close the balancer group, call add/remove/change weight/change address.
// - b2, weight 3, backends [0,3]
// - b3, weight 1, backends [1,2]
// Start the balancer group again and check for behavior.
func (s) TestBalancerGroup_start_close(t *testing.T) {
cc := testutils.NewBalancerClientConn(t)
gator := weightedaggregator.New(cc, nil, testutils.NewTestWRR)
bg := New(Options{
CC: cc,
BuildOpts: balancer.BuildOptions{},
StateAggregator: gator,
Logger: nil,
SubBalancerCloseTimeout: time.Duration(0),
// Add two balancers to group and send two resolved addresses to both
// balancers.
gator.Add(testBalancerIDs[0], 2)
bg.Add(testBalancerIDs[0], rrBuilder)
bg.UpdateClientConnState(testBalancerIDs[0], balancer.ClientConnState{ResolverState: resolver.State{Addresses: testBackendAddrs[0:2]}})
gator.Add(testBalancerIDs[1], 1)
bg.Add(testBalancerIDs[1], rrBuilder)
bg.UpdateClientConnState(testBalancerIDs[1], balancer.ClientConnState{ResolverState: resolver.State{Addresses: testBackendAddrs[2:4]}})
m1 := make(map[resolver.Address]balancer.SubConn)
for i := 0; i < 4; i++ {
addrs := <-cc.NewSubConnAddrsCh
sc := <-cc.NewSubConnCh
m1[addrs[0]] = sc
sc.UpdateState(balancer.SubConnState{ConnectivityState: connectivity.Connecting})
sc.UpdateState(balancer.SubConnState{ConnectivityState: connectivity.Ready})
// Test roundrobin on the last picker.
p1 := <-cc.NewPickerCh
want := []balancer.SubConn{
m1[testBackendAddrs[0]], m1[testBackendAddrs[0]],
m1[testBackendAddrs[1]], m1[testBackendAddrs[1]],
m1[testBackendAddrs[2]], m1[testBackendAddrs[3]],
if err := testutils.IsRoundRobin(want, testutils.SubConnFromPicker(p1)); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("want %v, got %v", want, err)
for i := 0; i < 4; i++ {
(<-cc.ShutdownSubConnCh).UpdateState(balancer.SubConnState{ConnectivityState: connectivity.Shutdown})
// Add b3, weight 1, backends [1,2].
gator.Add(testBalancerIDs[2], 1)
bg.Add(testBalancerIDs[2], rrBuilder)
bg.UpdateClientConnState(testBalancerIDs[2], balancer.ClientConnState{ResolverState: resolver.State{Addresses: testBackendAddrs[1:3]}})
// Remove b1.
// Update b2 to weight 3, backends [0,3].
gator.UpdateWeight(testBalancerIDs[1], 3)
bg.UpdateClientConnState(testBalancerIDs[1], balancer.ClientConnState{ResolverState: resolver.State{Addresses: append([]resolver.Address(nil), testBackendAddrs[0], testBackendAddrs[3])}})
m2 := make(map[resolver.Address]balancer.SubConn)
for i := 0; i < 4; i++ {
addrs := <-cc.NewSubConnAddrsCh
sc := <-cc.NewSubConnCh
m2[addrs[0]] = sc
sc.UpdateState(balancer.SubConnState{ConnectivityState: connectivity.Connecting})
sc.UpdateState(balancer.SubConnState{ConnectivityState: connectivity.Ready})
// Test roundrobin on the last picker.
p2 := <-cc.NewPickerCh
want = []balancer.SubConn{
m2[testBackendAddrs[0]], m2[testBackendAddrs[0]], m2[testBackendAddrs[0]],
m2[testBackendAddrs[3]], m2[testBackendAddrs[3]], m2[testBackendAddrs[3]],
m2[testBackendAddrs[1]], m2[testBackendAddrs[2]],
if err := testutils.IsRoundRobin(want, testutils.SubConnFromPicker(p2)); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("want %v, got %v", want, err)
// Test that balancer group start() doesn't deadlock if the balancer calls back
// into balancer group inline when it gets an update.
// The potential deadlock can happen if we
// - hold a lock and send updates to balancer (e.g. update resolved addresses)
// - the balancer calls back (NewSubConn or update picker) in line
// The callback will try to hold hte same lock again, which will cause a
// deadlock.
// This test starts the balancer group with a test balancer, will updates picker
// whenever it gets an address update. It's expected that start() doesn't block
// because of deadlock.
func (s) TestBalancerGroup_start_close_deadlock(t *testing.T) {
const balancerName = "stub-TestBalancerGroup_start_close_deadlock"
stub.Register(balancerName, stub.BalancerFuncs{})
builder := balancer.Get(balancerName)
cc := testutils.NewBalancerClientConn(t)
gator := weightedaggregator.New(cc, nil, testutils.NewTestWRR)
bg := New(Options{
CC: cc,
BuildOpts: balancer.BuildOptions{},
StateAggregator: gator,
Logger: nil,
SubBalancerCloseTimeout: time.Duration(0),
gator.Add(testBalancerIDs[0], 2)
bg.Add(testBalancerIDs[0], builder)
bg.UpdateClientConnState(testBalancerIDs[0], balancer.ClientConnState{ResolverState: resolver.State{Addresses: testBackendAddrs[0:2]}})
gator.Add(testBalancerIDs[1], 1)
bg.Add(testBalancerIDs[1], builder)
bg.UpdateClientConnState(testBalancerIDs[1], balancer.ClientConnState{ResolverState: resolver.State{Addresses: testBackendAddrs[2:4]}})
// initBalancerGroupForCachingTest creates a balancer group, and initialize it
// to be ready for caching tests.
// Two rr balancers are added to bg, each with 2 ready subConns. A sub-balancer
// is removed later, so the balancer group returned has one sub-balancer in its
// own map, and one sub-balancer in cache.
func initBalancerGroupForCachingTest(t *testing.T, idleCacheTimeout time.Duration) (*weightedaggregator.Aggregator, *BalancerGroup, *testutils.BalancerClientConn, map[resolver.Address]*testutils.TestSubConn) {
cc := testutils.NewBalancerClientConn(t)
gator := weightedaggregator.New(cc, nil, testutils.NewTestWRR)
bg := New(Options{
CC: cc,
BuildOpts: balancer.BuildOptions{},
StateAggregator: gator,
Logger: nil,
SubBalancerCloseTimeout: idleCacheTimeout,
// Add two balancers to group and send two resolved addresses to both
// balancers.
gator.Add(testBalancerIDs[0], 2)
bg.Add(testBalancerIDs[0], rrBuilder)
bg.UpdateClientConnState(testBalancerIDs[0], balancer.ClientConnState{ResolverState: resolver.State{Addresses: testBackendAddrs[0:2]}})
gator.Add(testBalancerIDs[1], 1)
bg.Add(testBalancerIDs[1], rrBuilder)
bg.UpdateClientConnState(testBalancerIDs[1], balancer.ClientConnState{ResolverState: resolver.State{Addresses: testBackendAddrs[2:4]}})
m1 := make(map[resolver.Address]*testutils.TestSubConn)
for i := 0; i < 4; i++ {
addrs := <-cc.NewSubConnAddrsCh
sc := <-cc.NewSubConnCh
m1[addrs[0]] = sc
sc.UpdateState(balancer.SubConnState{ConnectivityState: connectivity.Connecting})
sc.UpdateState(balancer.SubConnState{ConnectivityState: connectivity.Ready})
// Test roundrobin on the last picker.
p1 := <-cc.NewPickerCh
want := []balancer.SubConn{
m1[testBackendAddrs[0]], m1[testBackendAddrs[0]],
m1[testBackendAddrs[1]], m1[testBackendAddrs[1]],
m1[testBackendAddrs[2]], m1[testBackendAddrs[3]],
if err := testutils.IsRoundRobin(want, testutils.SubConnFromPicker(p1)); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("want %v, got %v", want, err)
// Don't wait for SubConns to be removed after close, because they are only
// removed after close timeout.
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
select {
case sc := <-cc.ShutdownSubConnCh:
t.Fatalf("Got request to shut down subconn %v, want no shut down subconn (because subconns were still in cache)", sc)
// Test roundrobin on the with only sub-balancer0.
p2 := <-cc.NewPickerCh
want = []balancer.SubConn{
m1[testBackendAddrs[0]], m1[testBackendAddrs[1]],
if err := testutils.IsRoundRobin(want, testutils.SubConnFromPicker(p2)); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("want %v, got %v", want, err)
return gator, bg, cc, m1
// Test that if a sub-balancer is removed, and re-added within close timeout,
// the subConns won't be re-created.
func (s) TestBalancerGroup_locality_caching(t *testing.T) {
gator, bg, cc, addrToSC := initBalancerGroupForCachingTest(t, defaultTestTimeout)
// Turn down subconn for addr2, shouldn't get picker update because
// sub-balancer1 was removed.
addrToSC[testBackendAddrs[2]].UpdateState(balancer.SubConnState{ConnectivityState: connectivity.TransientFailure})
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
select {
case <-cc.NewPickerCh:
t.Fatalf("Got new picker, want no new picker (because the sub-balancer was removed)")
// Re-add sub-balancer-1, because subconns were in cache, no new subconns
// should be created. But a new picker will still be generated, with subconn
// states update to date.
gator.Add(testBalancerIDs[1], 1)
bg.Add(testBalancerIDs[1], rrBuilder)
p3 := <-cc.NewPickerCh
want := []balancer.SubConn{
addrToSC[testBackendAddrs[0]], addrToSC[testBackendAddrs[0]],
addrToSC[testBackendAddrs[1]], addrToSC[testBackendAddrs[1]],
// addr2 is down, b2 only has addr3 in READY state.
addrToSC[testBackendAddrs[3]], addrToSC[testBackendAddrs[3]],
if err := testutils.IsRoundRobin(want, testutils.SubConnFromPicker(p3)); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("want %v, got %v", want, err)
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
select {
case <-cc.NewSubConnAddrsCh:
t.Fatalf("Got new subconn, want no new subconn (because subconns were still in cache)")
// Sub-balancers are put in cache when they are shut down. If balancer group is
// closed within close timeout, all subconns should still be rmeoved
// immediately.
func (s) TestBalancerGroup_locality_caching_close_group(t *testing.T) {
_, bg, cc, addrToSC := initBalancerGroupForCachingTest(t, defaultTestTimeout)
// The balancer group is closed. The subconns should be shutdown immediately.
shutdownTimeout := time.After(time.Millisecond * 500)
scToShutdown := map[balancer.SubConn]int{
addrToSC[testBackendAddrs[0]]: 1,
addrToSC[testBackendAddrs[1]]: 1,
addrToSC[testBackendAddrs[2]]: 1,
addrToSC[testBackendAddrs[3]]: 1,
for i := 0; i < len(scToShutdown); i++ {
select {
case sc := <-cc.ShutdownSubConnCh:
c := scToShutdown[sc]
if c == 0 {
t.Fatalf("Got Shutdown for %v when there's %d shutdown expected", sc, c)
scToShutdown[sc] = c - 1
case <-shutdownTimeout:
t.Fatalf("timeout waiting for subConns (from balancer in cache) to be shut down")
// Sub-balancers in cache will be closed if not re-added within timeout, and
// subConns will be shut down.
func (s) TestBalancerGroup_locality_caching_not_readd_within_timeout(t *testing.T) {
_, _, cc, addrToSC := initBalancerGroupForCachingTest(t, time.Second)
// The sub-balancer is not re-added within timeout. The subconns should be
// shut down.
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), defaultTestTimeout)
defer cancel()
scToShutdown := map[balancer.SubConn]int{
addrToSC[testBackendAddrs[2]]: 1,
addrToSC[testBackendAddrs[3]]: 1,
for i := 0; i < len(scToShutdown); i++ {
select {
case sc := <-cc.ShutdownSubConnCh:
c := scToShutdown[sc]
if c == 0 {
t.Fatalf("Got Shutdown for %v when there's %d shutdown expected", sc, c)
scToShutdown[sc] = c - 1
case <-ctx.Done():
t.Fatalf("timeout waiting for subConns (from balancer in cache) to be shut down")
// Wrap the rr builder, so it behaves the same, but has a different name.
type noopBalancerBuilderWrapper struct {
func init() {
balancer.Register(&noopBalancerBuilderWrapper{Builder: rrBuilder})
func (*noopBalancerBuilderWrapper) Name() string {
return "noopBalancerBuilderWrapper"
// After removing a sub-balancer, re-add with same ID, but different balancer
// builder. Old subconns should be shut down, and new subconns should be created.
func (s) TestBalancerGroup_locality_caching_readd_with_different_builder(t *testing.T) {
gator, bg, cc, addrToSC := initBalancerGroupForCachingTest(t, defaultTestTimeout)
// Re-add sub-balancer-1, but with a different balancer builder. The
// sub-balancer was still in cache, but cann't be reused. This should cause
// old sub-balancer's subconns to be shut down immediately, and new
// subconns to be created.
gator.Add(testBalancerIDs[1], 1)
bg.Add(testBalancerIDs[1], &noopBalancerBuilderWrapper{rrBuilder})
// The cached sub-balancer should be closed, and the subconns should be
// shut down immediately.
shutdownTimeout := time.After(time.Millisecond * 500)
scToShutdown := map[balancer.SubConn]int{
addrToSC[testBackendAddrs[2]]: 1,
addrToSC[testBackendAddrs[3]]: 1,
for i := 0; i < len(scToShutdown); i++ {
select {
case sc := <-cc.ShutdownSubConnCh:
c := scToShutdown[sc]
if c == 0 {
t.Fatalf("Got Shutdown for %v when there's %d shutdown expected", sc, c)
scToShutdown[sc] = c - 1
case <-shutdownTimeout:
t.Fatalf("timeout waiting for subConns (from balancer in cache) to be shut down")
bg.UpdateClientConnState(testBalancerIDs[1], balancer.ClientConnState{ResolverState: resolver.State{Addresses: testBackendAddrs[4:6]}})
newSCTimeout := time.After(time.Millisecond * 500)
scToAdd := map[resolver.Address]int{
testBackendAddrs[4]: 1,
testBackendAddrs[5]: 1,
for i := 0; i < len(scToAdd); i++ {
select {
case addr := <-cc.NewSubConnAddrsCh:
c := scToAdd[addr[0]]
if c == 0 {
t.Fatalf("Got newSubConn for %v when there's %d new expected", addr, c)
scToAdd[addr[0]] = c - 1
sc := <-cc.NewSubConnCh
addrToSC[addr[0]] = sc
sc.UpdateState(balancer.SubConnState{ConnectivityState: connectivity.Connecting})
sc.UpdateState(balancer.SubConnState{ConnectivityState: connectivity.Ready})
case <-newSCTimeout:
t.Fatalf("timeout waiting for subConns (from new sub-balancer) to be newed")
// Test roundrobin on the new picker.
p3 := <-cc.NewPickerCh
want := []balancer.SubConn{
addrToSC[testBackendAddrs[0]], addrToSC[testBackendAddrs[0]],
addrToSC[testBackendAddrs[1]], addrToSC[testBackendAddrs[1]],
addrToSC[testBackendAddrs[4]], addrToSC[testBackendAddrs[5]],
if err := testutils.IsRoundRobin(want, testutils.SubConnFromPicker(p3)); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("want %v, got %v", want, err)
// After removing a sub-balancer, it will be kept in cache. Make sure that this
// sub-balancer's Close is called when the balancer group is closed.
func (s) TestBalancerGroup_CloseStopsBalancerInCache(t *testing.T) {
const balancerName = "stub-TestBalancerGroup_check_close"
closed := make(chan struct{})
stub.Register(balancerName, stub.BalancerFuncs{Close: func(_ *stub.BalancerData) {
builder := balancer.Get(balancerName)
gator, bg, _, _ := initBalancerGroupForCachingTest(t, time.Second)
// Add balancer, and remove
gator.Add(testBalancerIDs[2], 1)
bg.Add(testBalancerIDs[2], builder)
// Immediately close balancergroup, before the cache timeout.
// Make sure the removed child balancer is closed eventually.
select {
case <-closed:
case <-time.After(time.Second * 2):
t.Fatalf("timeout waiting for the child balancer in cache to be closed")
// TestBalancerGroupBuildOptions verifies that the balancer.BuildOptions passed
// to the balancergroup at creation time is passed to child policies.
func (s) TestBalancerGroupBuildOptions(t *testing.T) {
const (
balancerName = "stubBalancer-TestBalancerGroupBuildOptions"
userAgent = "ua"
// Setup the stub balancer such that we can read the build options passed to
// it in the UpdateClientConnState method.
bOpts := balancer.BuildOptions{
DialCreds: insecure.NewCredentials(),
ChannelzParent: channelz.RegisterChannel(nil, "test channel"),
CustomUserAgent: userAgent,
stub.Register(balancerName, stub.BalancerFuncs{
UpdateClientConnState: func(bd *stub.BalancerData, _ balancer.ClientConnState) error {
if bd.BuildOptions.DialCreds != bOpts.DialCreds || bd.BuildOptions.ChannelzParent != bOpts.ChannelzParent || bd.BuildOptions.CustomUserAgent != bOpts.CustomUserAgent {
return fmt.Errorf("buildOptions in child balancer: %v, want %v", bd, bOpts)
return nil
cc := testutils.NewBalancerClientConn(t)
bg := New(Options{
CC: cc,
BuildOpts: bOpts,
StateAggregator: nil,
Logger: nil,
// Add the stub balancer build above as a child policy.
balancerBuilder := balancer.Get(balancerName)
bg.Add(testBalancerIDs[0], balancerBuilder)
// Send an empty clientConn state change. This should trigger the
// verification of the buildOptions being passed to the child policy.
if err := bg.UpdateClientConnState(testBalancerIDs[0], balancer.ClientConnState{}); err != nil {
func (s) TestBalancerExitIdleOne(t *testing.T) {
const balancerName = "stub-balancer-test-balancergroup-exit-idle-one"
exitIdleCh := make(chan struct{}, 1)
stub.Register(balancerName, stub.BalancerFuncs{
ExitIdle: func(*stub.BalancerData) {
exitIdleCh <- struct{}{}
cc := testutils.NewBalancerClientConn(t)
bg := New(Options{
CC: cc,
BuildOpts: balancer.BuildOptions{},
StateAggregator: nil,
Logger: nil,
defer bg.Close()
// Add the stub balancer build above as a child policy.
builder := balancer.Get(balancerName)
bg.Add(testBalancerIDs[0], builder)
// Call ExitIdle on the child policy.
select {
case <-time.After(time.Second):
t.Fatal("Timeout when waiting for ExitIdle to be invoked on child policy")
case <-exitIdleCh:
// TestBalancerGracefulSwitch tests the graceful switch functionality for a
// child of the balancer group. At first, the child is configured as a round
// robin load balancer, and thus should behave accordingly. The test then
// gracefully switches this child to a custom type which only creates a SubConn
// for the second passed in address and also only picks that created SubConn.
// The new aggregated picker should reflect this change for the child.
func (s) TestBalancerGracefulSwitch(t *testing.T) {
cc := testutils.NewBalancerClientConn(t)
gator := weightedaggregator.New(cc, nil, testutils.NewTestWRR)
bg := New(Options{
CC: cc,
BuildOpts: balancer.BuildOptions{},
StateAggregator: gator,
Logger: nil,
gator.Add(testBalancerIDs[0], 1)
bg.Add(testBalancerIDs[0], rrBuilder)
bg.UpdateClientConnState(testBalancerIDs[0], balancer.ClientConnState{ResolverState: resolver.State{Addresses: testBackendAddrs[0:2]}})
m1 := make(map[resolver.Address]balancer.SubConn)
scs := make(map[balancer.SubConn]bool)
for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
addrs := <-cc.NewSubConnAddrsCh
sc := <-cc.NewSubConnCh
m1[addrs[0]] = sc
scs[sc] = true
sc.UpdateState(balancer.SubConnState{ConnectivityState: connectivity.Connecting})
sc.UpdateState(balancer.SubConnState{ConnectivityState: connectivity.Ready})
p1 := <-cc.NewPickerCh
want := []balancer.SubConn{
m1[testBackendAddrs[0]], m1[testBackendAddrs[1]],
if err := testutils.IsRoundRobin(want, testutils.SubConnFromPicker(p1)); err != nil {
// The balancer type for testBalancersIDs[0] is currently Round Robin. Now,
// change it to a balancer that has separate behavior logically (creating
// SubConn for second address in address list and always picking that
// SubConn), and see if the downstream behavior reflects that change.
childPolicyName := t.Name()
stub.Register(childPolicyName, stub.BalancerFuncs{
Init: func(bd *stub.BalancerData) {
bd.Data = balancer.Get(grpc.PickFirstBalancerName).Build(bd.ClientConn, bd.BuildOptions)
UpdateClientConnState: func(bd *stub.BalancerData, ccs balancer.ClientConnState) error {
ccs.ResolverState.Addresses = ccs.ResolverState.Addresses[1:]
bal := bd.Data.(balancer.Balancer)
return bal.UpdateClientConnState(ccs)
builder := balancer.Get(childPolicyName)
bg.UpdateBuilder(testBalancerIDs[0], builder)
if err := bg.UpdateClientConnState(testBalancerIDs[0], balancer.ClientConnState{ResolverState: resolver.State{Addresses: testBackendAddrs[2:4]}}); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error updating ClientConn state: %v", err)
addrs := <-cc.NewSubConnAddrsCh
if addrs[0].Addr != testBackendAddrs[3].Addr {
// Verifies forwarded to new created balancer, as the wrapped pick first
// balancer will delete first address.
t.Fatalf("newSubConn called with wrong address, want: %v, got : %v", testBackendAddrs[3].Addr, addrs[0].Addr)
sc := <-cc.NewSubConnCh
// Update the pick first balancers SubConn as CONNECTING. This will cause
// the pick first balancer to UpdateState() with CONNECTING, which shouldn't send
// a Picker update back, as the Graceful Switch process is not complete.
sc.UpdateState(balancer.SubConnState{ConnectivityState: connectivity.Connecting})
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), defaultTestShortTimeout)
defer cancel()
select {
case <-cc.NewPickerCh:
t.Fatalf("No new picker should have been sent due to the Graceful Switch process not completing")
case <-ctx.Done():
// Update the pick first balancers SubConn as READY. This will cause
// the pick first balancer to UpdateState() with READY, which should send a
// Picker update back, as the Graceful Switch process is complete. This
// Picker should always pick the pick first's created SubConn which
// corresponds to address 3.
sc.UpdateState(balancer.SubConnState{ConnectivityState: connectivity.Ready})
p2 := <-cc.NewPickerCh
pr, err := p2.Pick(balancer.PickInfo{})
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error picking: %v", err)
if pr.SubConn != sc {
t.Fatalf("picker.Pick(), want %v, got %v", sc, pr.SubConn)
// The Graceful Switch process completing for the child should cause the
// SubConns for the balancer being gracefully switched from to get deleted.
ctx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), defaultTestTimeout)
defer cancel()
for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
t.Fatalf("error waiting for Shutdown()")
case sc := <-cc.ShutdownSubConnCh:
// The SubConn shut down should have been one of the two created
// SubConns, and both should be deleted.
if ok := scs[sc]; ok {
delete(scs, sc)
} else {
t.Fatalf("Shutdown called for wrong SubConn %v, want in %v", sc, scs)