blob: e682bd32f7135a8962ae3f05e317779f0a5c4242 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2023 gRPC authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package encoding_test
import (
testgrpc ""
testpb ""
const defaultTestTimeout = 10 * time.Second
type s struct {
func Test(t *testing.T) {
grpctest.RunSubTests(t, s{})
type mockNamedCompressor struct {
func (mockNamedCompressor) Name() string {
return "mock-compressor"
// Tests the case where a compressor with the same name is registered multiple
// times. Test verifies the following:
// - the most recent registration is the one which is active
// - grpcutil.RegisteredCompressorNames contains a single instance of the
// previously registered compressor's name
func (s) TestDuplicateCompressorRegister(t *testing.T) {
// Register another instance of the same compressor.
mc := &mockNamedCompressor{}
if got := encoding.GetCompressor("mock-compressor"); got != mc {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected compressor, got: %+v, want:%+v", got, mc)
wantNames := []string{"mock-compressor"}
if !cmp.Equal(wantNames, grpcutil.RegisteredCompressorNames) {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected compressor names, got: %+v, want:%+v", grpcutil.RegisteredCompressorNames, wantNames)
// errProtoCodec wraps the proto codec and delegates to it if it is configured
// to return a nil error. Else, it returns the configured error.
type errProtoCodec struct {
name string
encodingErr error
decodingErr error
func (c *errProtoCodec) Marshal(v any) ([]byte, error) {
if c.encodingErr != nil {
return nil, c.encodingErr
return encoding.GetCodec(proto.Name).Marshal(v)
func (c *errProtoCodec) Unmarshal(data []byte, v any) error {
if c.decodingErr != nil {
return c.decodingErr
return encoding.GetCodec(proto.Name).Unmarshal(data, v)
func (c *errProtoCodec) Name() string {
// Tests the case where encoding fails on the server. Verifies that there is
// no panic and that the encoding error is propagated to the client.
func (s) TestEncodeDoesntPanicOnServer(t *testing.T) {
grpctest.TLogger.ExpectError("grpc: server failed to encode response")
// Create an codec that errors when encoding messages.
encodingErr := errors.New("encoding failed")
ec := &errProtoCodec{name: t.Name(), encodingErr: encodingErr}
// Start a server with the above codec.
backend := stubserver.StartTestService(t, nil, grpc.ForceServerCodec(ec))
defer backend.Stop()
// Create a channel to the above server.
cc, err := grpc.Dial(backend.Address, grpc.WithTransportCredentials(insecure.NewCredentials()))
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed to dial test backend at %q: %v", backend.Address, err)
defer cc.Close()
// Make an RPC and expect it to fail. Since we do not specify any codec
// here, the proto codec will get automatically used.
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), defaultTestTimeout)
defer cancel()
client := testgrpc.NewTestServiceClient(cc)
_, err = client.EmptyCall(ctx, &testpb.Empty{})
if err == nil || !strings.Contains(err.Error(), encodingErr.Error()) {
t.Fatalf("RPC failed with error: %v, want: %v", err, encodingErr)
// Configure the codec on the server to not return errors anymore and expect
// the RPC to succeed.
ec.encodingErr = nil
if _, err := client.EmptyCall(ctx, &testpb.Empty{}); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("RPC failed with error: %v", err)
// Tests the case where decoding fails on the server. Verifies that there is
// no panic and that the decoding error is propagated to the client.
func (s) TestDecodeDoesntPanicOnServer(t *testing.T) {
// Create an codec that errors when decoding messages.
decodingErr := errors.New("decoding failed")
ec := &errProtoCodec{name: t.Name(), decodingErr: decodingErr}
// Start a server with the above codec.
backend := stubserver.StartTestService(t, nil, grpc.ForceServerCodec(ec))
defer backend.Stop()
// Create a channel to the above server. Since we do not specify any codec
// here, the proto codec will get automatically used.
cc, err := grpc.Dial(backend.Address, grpc.WithTransportCredentials(insecure.NewCredentials()))
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed to dial test backend at %q: %v", backend.Address, err)
defer cc.Close()
// Make an RPC and expect it to fail. Since we do not specify any codec
// here, the proto codec will get automatically used.
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), defaultTestTimeout)
defer cancel()
client := testgrpc.NewTestServiceClient(cc)
_, err = client.EmptyCall(ctx, &testpb.Empty{})
if err == nil || !strings.Contains(err.Error(), decodingErr.Error()) || !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "grpc: error unmarshalling request") {
t.Fatalf("RPC failed with error: %v, want: %v", err, decodingErr)
// Configure the codec on the server to not return errors anymore and expect
// the RPC to succeed.
ec.decodingErr = nil
if _, err := client.EmptyCall(ctx, &testpb.Empty{}); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("RPC failed with error: %v", err)
// Tests the case where encoding fails on the client . Verifies that there is
// no panic and that the encoding error is propagated to the RPC caller.
func (s) TestEncodeDoesntPanicOnClient(t *testing.T) {
// Start a server and since we do not specify any codec here, the proto
// codec will get automatically used.
backend := stubserver.StartTestService(t, nil)
defer backend.Stop()
// Create an codec that errors when encoding messages.
encodingErr := errors.New("encoding failed")
ec := &errProtoCodec{name: t.Name(), encodingErr: encodingErr}
// Create a channel to the above server.
cc, err := grpc.Dial(backend.Address, grpc.WithTransportCredentials(insecure.NewCredentials()))
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed to dial test backend at %q: %v", backend.Address, err)
defer cc.Close()
// Make an RPC with the erroring codec and expect it to fail.
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), defaultTestTimeout)
defer cancel()
client := testgrpc.NewTestServiceClient(cc)
_, err = client.EmptyCall(ctx, &testpb.Empty{}, grpc.ForceCodec(ec))
if err == nil || !strings.Contains(err.Error(), encodingErr.Error()) {
t.Fatalf("RPC failed with error: %v, want: %v", err, encodingErr)
// Configure the codec on the client to not return errors anymore and expect
// the RPC to succeed.
ec.encodingErr = nil
if _, err := client.EmptyCall(ctx, &testpb.Empty{}, grpc.ForceCodec(ec)); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("RPC failed with error: %v", err)
// Tests the case where decoding fails on the server. Verifies that there is
// no panic and that the decoding error is propagated to the RPC caller.
func (s) TestDecodeDoesntPanicOnClient(t *testing.T) {
// Start a server and since we do not specify any codec here, the proto
// codec will get automatically used.
backend := stubserver.StartTestService(t, nil)
defer backend.Stop()
// Create an codec that errors when decoding messages.
decodingErr := errors.New("decoding failed")
ec := &errProtoCodec{name: t.Name(), decodingErr: decodingErr}
// Create a channel to the above server.
cc, err := grpc.Dial(backend.Address, grpc.WithTransportCredentials(insecure.NewCredentials()))
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed to dial test backend at %q: %v", backend.Address, err)
defer cc.Close()
// Make an RPC with the erroring codec and expect it to fail.
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), defaultTestTimeout)
defer cancel()
client := testgrpc.NewTestServiceClient(cc)
_, err = client.EmptyCall(ctx, &testpb.Empty{}, grpc.ForceCodec(ec))
if err == nil || !strings.Contains(err.Error(), decodingErr.Error()) {
t.Fatalf("RPC failed with error: %v, want: %v", err, decodingErr)
// Configure the codec on the client to not return errors anymore and expect
// the RPC to succeed.
ec.decodingErr = nil
if _, err := client.EmptyCall(ctx, &testpb.Empty{}, grpc.ForceCodec(ec)); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("RPC failed with error: %v", err)
// countingProtoCodec wraps the proto codec and counts the number of times
// Marshal and Unmarshal are called.
type countingProtoCodec struct {
name string
// The following fields are accessed atomically.
marshalCount int32
unmarshalCount int32
func (p *countingProtoCodec) Marshal(v any) ([]byte, error) {
atomic.AddInt32(&p.marshalCount, 1)
return encoding.GetCodec(proto.Name).Marshal(v)
func (p *countingProtoCodec) Unmarshal(data []byte, v any) error {
atomic.AddInt32(&p.unmarshalCount, 1)
return encoding.GetCodec(proto.Name).Unmarshal(data, v)
func (p *countingProtoCodec) Name() string {
// Tests the case where ForceServerCodec option is used on the server. Verifies
// that encoding and decoding happen once per RPC.
func (s) TestForceServerCodec(t *testing.T) {
// Create an server with the counting proto codec.
codec := &countingProtoCodec{name: t.Name()}
backend := stubserver.StartTestService(t, nil, grpc.ForceServerCodec(codec))
defer backend.Stop()
// Create a channel to the above server.
cc, err := grpc.Dial(backend.Address, grpc.WithTransportCredentials(insecure.NewCredentials()))
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed to dial test backend at %q: %v", backend.Address, err)
defer cc.Close()
// Make an RPC and expect it to fail. Since we do not specify any codec
// here, the proto codec will get automatically used.
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), defaultTestTimeout)
defer cancel()
client := testgrpc.NewTestServiceClient(cc)
if _, err := client.EmptyCall(ctx, &testpb.Empty{}); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("ss.Client.EmptyCall(_, _) = _, %v; want _, nil", err)
unmarshalCount := atomic.LoadInt32(&codec.unmarshalCount)
const wantUnmarshalCount = 1
if unmarshalCount != wantUnmarshalCount {
t.Fatalf("Unmarshal Count = %d; want %d", unmarshalCount, wantUnmarshalCount)
marshalCount := atomic.LoadInt32(&codec.marshalCount)
const wantMarshalCount = 1
if marshalCount != wantMarshalCount {
t.Fatalf("MarshalCount = %d; want %d", marshalCount, wantMarshalCount)
// renameProtoCodec wraps the proto codec and allows customizing the Name().
type renameProtoCodec struct {
name string
func (r *renameProtoCodec) Name() string { return }
// TestForceCodecName confirms that the ForceCodec call option sets the subtype
// in the content-type header according to the Name() of the codec provided.
// Verifies that the name is converted to lowercase before transmitting.
func (s) TestForceCodecName(t *testing.T) {
wantContentTypeCh := make(chan []string, 1)
defer close(wantContentTypeCh)
// Create a test service backend that pushes the received content-type on a
// channel for the test to inspect.
ss := &stubserver.StubServer{
EmptyCallF: func(ctx context.Context, in *testpb.Empty) (*testpb.Empty, error) {
md, ok := metadata.FromIncomingContext(ctx)
if !ok {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.Internal, "no metadata in context")
if got, want := md["content-type"], <-wantContentTypeCh; !cmp.Equal(got, want) {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.Internal, "got content-type=%q; want [%q]", got, want)
return &testpb.Empty{}, nil
// Since we don't specify a codec as a server option, it will end up
// automatically using the proto codec.
if err := ss.Start(nil); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Error starting endpoint server: %v", err)
defer ss.Stop()
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), defaultTestTimeout)
defer cancel()
// Force the use of the custom codec on the client with the ForceCodec call
// option. Confirm the name is converted to lowercase before transmitting.
codec := &renameProtoCodec{Codec: encoding.GetCodec(proto.Name), name: t.Name()}
wantContentTypeCh <- []string{fmt.Sprintf("application/grpc+%s", strings.ToLower(t.Name()))}
if _, err := ss.Client.EmptyCall(ctx, &testpb.Empty{}, grpc.ForceCodec(codec)); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("ss.Client.EmptyCall(_, _) = _, %v; want _, nil", err)