blob: 9873da268db6ea794b24eab7fa0b20d332782fa1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2021 gRPC authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package rbac
import (
v3corepb ""
v3rbacpb ""
v3route_componentspb ""
v3matcherpb ""
internalmatcher ""
// matcher is an interface that takes data about incoming RPC's and returns
// whether it matches with whatever matcher implements this interface.
type matcher interface {
match(data *rpcData) bool
// policyMatcher helps determine whether an incoming RPC call matches a policy.
// A policy is a logical role (e.g. Service Admin), which is comprised of
// permissions and principals. A principal is an identity (or identities) for a
// downstream subject which are assigned the policy (role), and a permission is
// an action(s) that a principal(s) can take. A policy matches if both a
// permission and a principal match, which will be determined by the child or
// permissions and principal matchers. policyMatcher implements the matcher
// interface.
type policyMatcher struct {
permissions *orMatcher
principals *orMatcher
func newPolicyMatcher(policy *v3rbacpb.Policy) (*policyMatcher, error) {
permissions, err := matchersFromPermissions(policy.Permissions)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
principals, err := matchersFromPrincipals(policy.Principals)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &policyMatcher{
permissions: &orMatcher{matchers: permissions},
principals: &orMatcher{matchers: principals},
}, nil
func (pm *policyMatcher) match(data *rpcData) bool {
// A policy matches if and only if at least one of its permissions match the
// action taking place AND at least one if its principals match the
// downstream peer.
return pm.permissions.match(data) && pm.principals.match(data)
// matchersFromPermissions takes a list of permissions (can also be
// a single permission, e.g. from a not matcher which is logically !permission)
// and returns a list of matchers which correspond to that permission. This will
// be called in many instances throughout the initial construction of the RBAC
// engine from the AND and OR matchers and also from the NOT matcher.
func matchersFromPermissions(permissions []*v3rbacpb.Permission) ([]matcher, error) {
var matchers []matcher
for _, permission := range permissions {
switch permission.GetRule().(type) {
case *v3rbacpb.Permission_AndRules:
mList, err := matchersFromPermissions(permission.GetAndRules().Rules)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
matchers = append(matchers, &andMatcher{matchers: mList})
case *v3rbacpb.Permission_OrRules:
mList, err := matchersFromPermissions(permission.GetOrRules().Rules)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
matchers = append(matchers, &orMatcher{matchers: mList})
case *v3rbacpb.Permission_Any:
matchers = append(matchers, &alwaysMatcher{})
case *v3rbacpb.Permission_Header:
m, err := newHeaderMatcher(permission.GetHeader())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
matchers = append(matchers, m)
case *v3rbacpb.Permission_UrlPath:
m, err := newURLPathMatcher(permission.GetUrlPath())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
matchers = append(matchers, m)
case *v3rbacpb.Permission_DestinationIp:
// Due to this being on server side, the destination IP is the local
// IP.
m, err := newLocalIPMatcher(permission.GetDestinationIp())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
matchers = append(matchers, m)
case *v3rbacpb.Permission_DestinationPort:
matchers = append(matchers, newPortMatcher(permission.GetDestinationPort()))
case *v3rbacpb.Permission_NotRule:
mList, err := matchersFromPermissions([]*v3rbacpb.Permission{{Rule: permission.GetNotRule().Rule}})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
matchers = append(matchers, &notMatcher{matcherToNot: mList[0]})
case *v3rbacpb.Permission_Metadata:
// Never matches - so no-op if not inverted, always match if
// inverted.
if permission.GetMetadata().GetInvert() { // Test metadata being no-op and also metadata with invert always matching
matchers = append(matchers, &alwaysMatcher{})
case *v3rbacpb.Permission_RequestedServerName:
// Not supported in gRPC RBAC currently - a permission typed as
// requested server name in the initial config will be a no-op.
return matchers, nil
func matchersFromPrincipals(principals []*v3rbacpb.Principal) ([]matcher, error) {
var matchers []matcher
for _, principal := range principals {
switch principal.GetIdentifier().(type) {
case *v3rbacpb.Principal_AndIds:
mList, err := matchersFromPrincipals(principal.GetAndIds().Ids)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
matchers = append(matchers, &andMatcher{matchers: mList})
case *v3rbacpb.Principal_OrIds:
mList, err := matchersFromPrincipals(principal.GetOrIds().Ids)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
matchers = append(matchers, &orMatcher{matchers: mList})
case *v3rbacpb.Principal_Any:
matchers = append(matchers, &alwaysMatcher{})
case *v3rbacpb.Principal_Authenticated_:
authenticatedMatcher, err := newAuthenticatedMatcher(principal.GetAuthenticated())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
matchers = append(matchers, authenticatedMatcher)
case *v3rbacpb.Principal_DirectRemoteIp:
m, err := newRemoteIPMatcher(principal.GetDirectRemoteIp())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
matchers = append(matchers, m)
case *v3rbacpb.Principal_Header:
// Do we need an error here?
m, err := newHeaderMatcher(principal.GetHeader())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
matchers = append(matchers, m)
case *v3rbacpb.Principal_UrlPath:
m, err := newURLPathMatcher(principal.GetUrlPath())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
matchers = append(matchers, m)
case *v3rbacpb.Principal_NotId:
mList, err := matchersFromPrincipals([]*v3rbacpb.Principal{{Identifier: principal.GetNotId().Identifier}})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
matchers = append(matchers, &notMatcher{matcherToNot: mList[0]})
case *v3rbacpb.Principal_SourceIp:
// The source ip principal identifier is deprecated. Thus, a
// principal typed as a source ip in the identifier will be a no-op.
// The config should use DirectRemoteIp instead.
case *v3rbacpb.Principal_RemoteIp:
// RBAC in gRPC treats direct_remote_ip and remote_ip as logically
// equivalent, as per A41.
m, err := newRemoteIPMatcher(principal.GetRemoteIp())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
matchers = append(matchers, m)
case *v3rbacpb.Principal_Metadata:
// Not supported in gRPC RBAC currently - a principal typed as
// Metadata in the initial config will be a no-op.
return matchers, nil
// orMatcher is a matcher where it successfully matches if one of it's
// children successfully match. It also logically represents a principal or
// permission, but can also be it's own entity further down the tree of
// matchers. orMatcher implements the matcher interface.
type orMatcher struct {
matchers []matcher
func (om *orMatcher) match(data *rpcData) bool {
// Range through child matchers and pass in data about incoming RPC, and
// only one child matcher has to match to be logically successful.
for _, m := range om.matchers {
if m.match(data) {
return true
return false
// andMatcher is a matcher that is successful if every child matcher
// matches. andMatcher implements the matcher interface.
type andMatcher struct {
matchers []matcher
func (am *andMatcher) match(data *rpcData) bool {
for _, m := range am.matchers {
if !m.match(data) {
return false
return true
// alwaysMatcher is a matcher that will always match. This logically
// represents an any rule for a permission or a principal. alwaysMatcher
// implements the matcher interface.
type alwaysMatcher struct {
func (am *alwaysMatcher) match(data *rpcData) bool {
return true
// notMatcher is a matcher that nots an underlying matcher. notMatcher
// implements the matcher interface.
type notMatcher struct {
matcherToNot matcher
func (nm *notMatcher) match(data *rpcData) bool {
return !nm.matcherToNot.match(data)
// headerMatcher is a matcher that matches on incoming HTTP Headers present
// in the incoming RPC. headerMatcher implements the matcher interface.
type headerMatcher struct {
matcher internalmatcher.HeaderMatcher
func newHeaderMatcher(headerMatcherConfig *v3route_componentspb.HeaderMatcher) (*headerMatcher, error) {
var m internalmatcher.HeaderMatcher
switch headerMatcherConfig.HeaderMatchSpecifier.(type) {
case *v3route_componentspb.HeaderMatcher_ExactMatch:
m = internalmatcher.NewHeaderExactMatcher(headerMatcherConfig.Name, headerMatcherConfig.GetExactMatch(), headerMatcherConfig.InvertMatch)
case *v3route_componentspb.HeaderMatcher_SafeRegexMatch:
regex, err := regexp.Compile(headerMatcherConfig.GetSafeRegexMatch().Regex)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
m = internalmatcher.NewHeaderRegexMatcher(headerMatcherConfig.Name, regex, headerMatcherConfig.InvertMatch)
case *v3route_componentspb.HeaderMatcher_RangeMatch:
m = internalmatcher.NewHeaderRangeMatcher(headerMatcherConfig.Name, headerMatcherConfig.GetRangeMatch().Start, headerMatcherConfig.GetRangeMatch().End, headerMatcherConfig.InvertMatch)
case *v3route_componentspb.HeaderMatcher_PresentMatch:
m = internalmatcher.NewHeaderPresentMatcher(headerMatcherConfig.Name, headerMatcherConfig.GetPresentMatch(), headerMatcherConfig.InvertMatch)
case *v3route_componentspb.HeaderMatcher_PrefixMatch:
m = internalmatcher.NewHeaderPrefixMatcher(headerMatcherConfig.Name, headerMatcherConfig.GetPrefixMatch(), headerMatcherConfig.InvertMatch)
case *v3route_componentspb.HeaderMatcher_SuffixMatch:
m = internalmatcher.NewHeaderSuffixMatcher(headerMatcherConfig.Name, headerMatcherConfig.GetSuffixMatch(), headerMatcherConfig.InvertMatch)
case *v3route_componentspb.HeaderMatcher_ContainsMatch:
m = internalmatcher.NewHeaderContainsMatcher(headerMatcherConfig.Name, headerMatcherConfig.GetContainsMatch(), headerMatcherConfig.InvertMatch)
return nil, errors.New("unknown header matcher type")
return &headerMatcher{matcher: m}, nil
func (hm *headerMatcher) match(data *rpcData) bool {
return hm.matcher.Match(
// urlPathMatcher matches on the URL Path of the incoming RPC. In gRPC, this
// logically maps to the full method name the RPC is calling on the server side.
// urlPathMatcher implements the matcher interface.
type urlPathMatcher struct {
stringMatcher internalmatcher.StringMatcher
func newURLPathMatcher(pathMatcher *v3matcherpb.PathMatcher) (*urlPathMatcher, error) {
stringMatcher, err := internalmatcher.StringMatcherFromProto(pathMatcher.GetPath())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &urlPathMatcher{stringMatcher: stringMatcher}, nil
func (upm *urlPathMatcher) match(data *rpcData) bool {
return upm.stringMatcher.Match(data.fullMethod)
// remoteIPMatcher and localIPMatcher both are matchers that match against
// a CIDR Range. Two different matchers are needed as the remote and destination
// ip addresses come from different parts of the data about incoming RPC's
// passed in. Matching a CIDR Range means to determine whether the IP Address
// falls within the CIDR Range or not. They both implement the matcher
// interface.
type remoteIPMatcher struct {
// ipNet represents the CidrRange that this matcher was configured with.
// This is what will remote and destination IP's will be matched against.
ipNet *net.IPNet
func newRemoteIPMatcher(cidrRange *v3corepb.CidrRange) (*remoteIPMatcher, error) {
// Convert configuration to a cidrRangeString, as Go standard library has
// methods that parse cidr string.
cidrRangeString := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%d", cidrRange.AddressPrefix, cidrRange.PrefixLen.Value)
_, ipNet, err := net.ParseCIDR(cidrRangeString)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &remoteIPMatcher{ipNet: ipNet}, nil
func (sim *remoteIPMatcher) match(data *rpcData) bool {
return sim.ipNet.Contains(net.IP(net.ParseIP(data.peerInfo.Addr.String())))
type localIPMatcher struct {
ipNet *net.IPNet
func newLocalIPMatcher(cidrRange *v3corepb.CidrRange) (*localIPMatcher, error) {
cidrRangeString := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%d", cidrRange.AddressPrefix, cidrRange.PrefixLen.Value)
_, ipNet, err := net.ParseCIDR(cidrRangeString)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &localIPMatcher{ipNet: ipNet}, nil
func (dim *localIPMatcher) match(data *rpcData) bool {
return dim.ipNet.Contains(net.IP(net.ParseIP(data.localAddr.String())))
// portMatcher matches on whether the destination port of the RPC matches the
// destination port this matcher was instantiated with. portMatcher
// implements the matcher interface.
type portMatcher struct {
destinationPort uint32
func newPortMatcher(destinationPort uint32) *portMatcher {
return &portMatcher{destinationPort: destinationPort}
func (pm *portMatcher) match(data *rpcData) bool {
return data.destinationPort == pm.destinationPort
// authenticatedMatcher matches on the name of the Principal. If set, the URI
// SAN or DNS SAN in that order is used from the certificate, otherwise the
// subject field is used. If unset, it applies to any user that is
// authenticated. authenticatedMatcher implements the matcher interface.
type authenticatedMatcher struct {
stringMatcher *internalmatcher.StringMatcher
func newAuthenticatedMatcher(authenticatedMatcherConfig *v3rbacpb.Principal_Authenticated) (*authenticatedMatcher, error) {
// Represents this line in the RBAC documentation = "If unset, it applies to
// any user that is authenticated" (see package-level comments).
if authenticatedMatcherConfig.PrincipalName == nil {
return &authenticatedMatcher{}, nil
stringMatcher, err := internalmatcher.StringMatcherFromProto(authenticatedMatcherConfig.PrincipalName)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &authenticatedMatcher{stringMatcher: &stringMatcher}, nil
func (am *authenticatedMatcher) match(data *rpcData) bool {
if data.authType != "tls" {
// Connection is not authenticated.
return false
if am.stringMatcher == nil {
// Allows any authenticated user.
return true
// "If there is no client certificate (thus no SAN nor Subject), check if ""
// (empty string) matches. If it matches, the principal_name is said to
// match" - A41
if len(data.certs) == 0 {
return am.stringMatcher.Match("")
cert := data.certs[0]
// The order of matching as per the RBAC documentation (see package-level comments)
// is as follows: URI SANs, DNS SANs, and then subject name.
for _, uriSAN := range cert.URIs {
if am.stringMatcher.Match(uriSAN.String()) {
return true
for _, dnsSAN := range cert.DNSNames {
if am.stringMatcher.Match(dnsSAN) {
return true
return am.stringMatcher.Match(cert.Subject.String())