blob: 00d33a2be872da124a7274c231c85b0a7a093723 [file] [log] [blame]
// +build go1.13
* Copyright 2020 gRPC authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package certprovider
import (
const (
fakeProvider1Name = "fake-certificate-provider-1"
fakeProvider2Name = "fake-certificate-provider-2"
fakeConfig = "my fake config"
defaultTestTimeout = 5 * time.Second
defaultTestShortTimeout = 10 * time.Millisecond
var fpb1, fpb2 *fakeProviderBuilder
func init() {
fpb1 = &fakeProviderBuilder{
name: fakeProvider1Name,
providerChan: testutils.NewChannel(),
fpb2 = &fakeProviderBuilder{
name: fakeProvider2Name,
providerChan: testutils.NewChannel(),
type s struct {
func Test(t *testing.T) {
grpctest.RunSubTests(t, s{})
// fakeProviderBuilder builds new instances of fakeProvider and interprets the
// config provided to it as a string.
type fakeProviderBuilder struct {
name string
providerChan *testutils.Channel
func (b *fakeProviderBuilder) ParseConfig(config interface{}) (*BuildableConfig, error) {
s, ok := config.(string)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("providerBuilder %s received config of type %T, want string",, config)
return NewBuildableConfig(, []byte(s), func(BuildOptions) Provider {
fp := &fakeProvider{
Distributor: NewDistributor(),
config: s,
return fp
}), nil
func (b *fakeProviderBuilder) Name() string {
// fakeProvider is an implementation of the Provider interface which provides a
// method for tests to invoke to push new key materials.
type fakeProvider struct {
config string
func (p *fakeProvider) Start(BuildOptions) Provider {
// This is practically a no-op since this provider doesn't do any work which
// needs to be started at this point.
return p
// newKeyMaterial allows tests to push new key material to the fake provider
// which will be made available to users of this provider.
func (p *fakeProvider) newKeyMaterial(km *KeyMaterial, err error) {
p.Distributor.Set(km, err)
// Close helps implement the Provider interface.
func (p *fakeProvider) Close() {
// loadKeyMaterials is a helper to read cert/key files from testdata and convert
// them into a KeyMaterialReader struct.
func loadKeyMaterials(t *testing.T, cert, key, ca string) *KeyMaterial {
certs, err := tls.LoadX509KeyPair(testdata.Path(cert), testdata.Path(key))
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed to load keyPair: %v", err)
pemData, err := ioutil.ReadFile(testdata.Path(ca))
if err != nil {
roots := x509.NewCertPool()
return &KeyMaterial{Certs: []tls.Certificate{certs}, Roots: roots}
// kmReader wraps the KeyMaterial method exposed by Provider and Distributor
// implementations. Defining the interface here makes it possible to use the
// same helper from both provider and distributor tests.
type kmReader interface {
KeyMaterial(context.Context) (*KeyMaterial, error)
// readAndVerifyKeyMaterial attempts to read key material from the given
// provider and compares it against the expected key material.
func readAndVerifyKeyMaterial(ctx context.Context, kmr kmReader, wantKM *KeyMaterial) error {
gotKM, err := kmr.KeyMaterial(ctx)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("KeyMaterial(ctx) failed: %w", err)
return compareKeyMaterial(gotKM, wantKM)
func compareKeyMaterial(got, want *KeyMaterial) error {
// TODO(easwars): Remove all references to reflect.DeepEqual and use
// cmp.Equal instead. Currently, the later panics because x509.Certificate
// type defines an Equal method, but does not check for nil. This has been
// fixed in
// but this is only available starting go1.14. So, once we remove support
// for go1.13, we can make the switch.
if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
return fmt.Errorf("provider.KeyMaterial() = %+v, want %+v", got, want)
return nil
func createProvider(t *testing.T, name, config string, opts BuildOptions) Provider {
prov, err := GetProvider(name, config, opts)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("GetProvider(%s, %s, %v) failed: %v", name, config, opts, err)
return prov
// TestStoreSingleProvider creates a single provider through the store and calls
// methods on them.
func (s) TestStoreSingleProvider(t *testing.T) {
prov := createProvider(t, fakeProvider1Name, fakeConfig, BuildOptions{CertName: "default"})
defer prov.Close()
// Our fakeProviderBuilder pushes newly created providers on a channel. Grab
// the fake provider from that channel.
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), defaultTestTimeout)
defer cancel()
p, err := fpb1.providerChan.Receive(ctx)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Timeout when expecting certProvider %q to be created", fakeProvider1Name)
fakeProv := p.(*fakeProvider)
// Attempt to read from key material from the Provider returned by the
// store. This will fail because we have not pushed any key material into
// our fake provider.
sCtx, sCancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), defaultTestShortTimeout)
defer sCancel()
if err := readAndVerifyKeyMaterial(sCtx, prov, nil); !errors.Is(err, context.DeadlineExceeded) {
// Load key material from testdata directory, push it into out fakeProvider
// and attempt to read from the Provider returned by the store.
testKM1 := loadKeyMaterials(t, "x509/server1_cert.pem", "x509/server1_key.pem", "x509/client_ca_cert.pem")
fakeProv.newKeyMaterial(testKM1, nil)
if err := readAndVerifyKeyMaterial(ctx, prov, testKM1); err != nil {
// Push new key material and read from the Provider. This should returned
// updated key material.
testKM2 := loadKeyMaterials(t, "x509/server2_cert.pem", "x509/server2_key.pem", "x509/client_ca_cert.pem")
fakeProv.newKeyMaterial(testKM2, nil)
if err := readAndVerifyKeyMaterial(ctx, prov, testKM2); err != nil {
// TestStoreSingleProviderSameConfigDifferentOpts creates multiple providers of
// same type, for same configs but different keyMaterial options through the
// store (and expects the store's sharing mechanism to kick in) and calls
// methods on them.
func (s) TestStoreSingleProviderSameConfigDifferentOpts(t *testing.T) {
// Create three readers on the same fake provider. Two of these readers use
// certName `foo`, while the third one uses certName `bar`.
optsFoo := BuildOptions{CertName: "foo"}
provFoo1 := createProvider(t, fakeProvider1Name, fakeConfig, optsFoo)
provFoo2 := createProvider(t, fakeProvider1Name, fakeConfig, optsFoo)
defer func() {
// Our fakeProviderBuilder pushes newly created providers on a channel.
// Grab the fake provider for optsFoo.
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), defaultTestTimeout)
defer cancel()
p, err := fpb1.providerChan.Receive(ctx)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Timeout when expecting certProvider %q to be created", fakeProvider1Name)
fakeProvFoo := p.(*fakeProvider)
// Make sure only provider was created by the builder so far. The store
// should be able to share the providers.
sCtx, sCancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), defaultTestShortTimeout)
defer sCancel()
if _, err := fpb1.providerChan.Receive(sCtx); !errors.Is(err, context.DeadlineExceeded) {
t.Fatalf("A second provider created when expected to be shared by the store")
optsBar := BuildOptions{CertName: "bar"}
provBar1 := createProvider(t, fakeProvider1Name, fakeConfig, optsBar)
defer provBar1.Close()
// Grab the fake provider for optsBar.
p, err = fpb1.providerChan.Receive(ctx)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Timeout when expecting certProvider %q to be created", fakeProvider1Name)
fakeProvBar := p.(*fakeProvider)
// Push key material for optsFoo, and make sure the foo providers return
// appropriate key material and the bar provider times out.
fooKM := loadKeyMaterials(t, "x509/server1_cert.pem", "x509/server1_key.pem", "x509/client_ca_cert.pem")
fakeProvFoo.newKeyMaterial(fooKM, nil)
if err := readAndVerifyKeyMaterial(ctx, provFoo1, fooKM); err != nil {
if err := readAndVerifyKeyMaterial(ctx, provFoo2, fooKM); err != nil {
sCtx, sCancel = context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), defaultTestShortTimeout)
defer sCancel()
if err := readAndVerifyKeyMaterial(sCtx, provBar1, nil); !errors.Is(err, context.DeadlineExceeded) {
// Push key material for optsBar, and make sure the bar provider returns
// appropriate key material.
barKM := loadKeyMaterials(t, "x509/server2_cert.pem", "x509/server2_key.pem", "x509/client_ca_cert.pem")
fakeProvBar.newKeyMaterial(barKM, nil)
if err := readAndVerifyKeyMaterial(ctx, provBar1, barKM); err != nil {
// Make sure the above push of new key material does not affect foo readers.
if err := readAndVerifyKeyMaterial(ctx, provFoo1, fooKM); err != nil {
// TestStoreSingleProviderDifferentConfigs creates multiple instances of the
// same type of provider through the store with different configs. The store
// would end up creating different provider instances for these and no sharing
// would take place.
func (s) TestStoreSingleProviderDifferentConfigs(t *testing.T) {
// Create two providers of the same type, but with different configs.
opts := BuildOptions{CertName: "foo"}
cfg1 := fakeConfig + "1111"
cfg2 := fakeConfig + "2222"
prov1 := createProvider(t, fakeProvider1Name, cfg1, opts)
defer prov1.Close()
// Our fakeProviderBuilder pushes newly created providers on a channel. Grab
// the fake provider from that channel.
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), defaultTestTimeout)
defer cancel()
p1, err := fpb1.providerChan.Receive(ctx)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Timeout when expecting certProvider %q to be created", fakeProvider1Name)
fakeProv1 := p1.(*fakeProvider)
prov2 := createProvider(t, fakeProvider1Name, cfg2, opts)
defer prov2.Close()
// Grab the second provider from the channel.
p2, err := fpb1.providerChan.Receive(ctx)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Timeout when expecting certProvider %q to be created", fakeProvider1Name)
fakeProv2 := p2.(*fakeProvider)
// Push the same key material into both fake providers and verify that the
// providers returned by the store return the appropriate key material.
km1 := loadKeyMaterials(t, "x509/server1_cert.pem", "x509/server1_key.pem", "x509/client_ca_cert.pem")
fakeProv1.newKeyMaterial(km1, nil)
fakeProv2.newKeyMaterial(km1, nil)
if err := readAndVerifyKeyMaterial(ctx, prov1, km1); err != nil {
if err := readAndVerifyKeyMaterial(ctx, prov2, km1); err != nil {
// Push new key material into only one of the fake providers and and verify
// that the providers returned by the store return the appropriate key
// material.
km2 := loadKeyMaterials(t, "x509/server2_cert.pem", "x509/server2_key.pem", "x509/client_ca_cert.pem")
fakeProv2.newKeyMaterial(km2, nil)
if err := readAndVerifyKeyMaterial(ctx, prov1, km1); err != nil {
if err := readAndVerifyKeyMaterial(ctx, prov2, km2); err != nil {
// Close one of the providers and verify that the other one is not affected.
if err := readAndVerifyKeyMaterial(ctx, prov2, km2); err != nil {
// TestStoreMultipleProviders creates providers of different types and makes
// sure closing of one does not affect the other.
func (s) TestStoreMultipleProviders(t *testing.T) {
opts := BuildOptions{CertName: "foo"}
prov1 := createProvider(t, fakeProvider1Name, fakeConfig, opts)
defer prov1.Close()
// Our fakeProviderBuilder pushes newly created providers on a channel. Grab
// the fake provider from that channel.
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), defaultTestTimeout)
defer cancel()
p1, err := fpb1.providerChan.Receive(ctx)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Timeout when expecting certProvider %q to be created", fakeProvider1Name)
fakeProv1 := p1.(*fakeProvider)
prov2 := createProvider(t, fakeProvider2Name, fakeConfig, opts)
defer prov2.Close()
// Grab the second provider from the channel.
p2, err := fpb2.providerChan.Receive(ctx)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Timeout when expecting certProvider %q to be created", fakeProvider2Name)
fakeProv2 := p2.(*fakeProvider)
// Push the key material into both providers and verify that the
// readers return the appropriate key material.
km1 := loadKeyMaterials(t, "x509/server1_cert.pem", "x509/server1_key.pem", "x509/client_ca_cert.pem")
fakeProv1.newKeyMaterial(km1, nil)
km2 := loadKeyMaterials(t, "x509/server2_cert.pem", "x509/server2_key.pem", "x509/client_ca_cert.pem")
fakeProv2.newKeyMaterial(km2, nil)
if err := readAndVerifyKeyMaterial(ctx, prov1, km1); err != nil {
if err := readAndVerifyKeyMaterial(ctx, prov2, km2); err != nil {
// Close one of the providers and verify that the other one is not affected.
if err := readAndVerifyKeyMaterial(ctx, prov2, km2); err != nil {