blob: 972d16b7fd3045fd0aef9a03d97b2b17fba57c4b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2020 gRPC authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package cdsbalancer
import (
xdsclient ""
xdstestutils ""
const (
fakeProvider1Name = "fake-certificate-provider-1"
fakeProvider2Name = "fake-certificate-provider-2"
fakeConfig = "my fake config"
var (
fpb1, fpb2 *fakeProviderBuilder
bootstrapConfig *bootstrap.Config
cdsUpdateWithGoodSecurityCfg = xdsclient.ClusterUpdate{
ServiceName: serviceName,
SecurityCfg: &xdsclient.SecurityConfig{
RootInstanceName: "default1",
IdentityInstanceName: "default2",
cdsUpdateWithMissingSecurityCfg = xdsclient.ClusterUpdate{
ServiceName: serviceName,
SecurityCfg: &xdsclient.SecurityConfig{
RootInstanceName: "not-default",
func init() {
fpb1 = &fakeProviderBuilder{name: fakeProvider1Name}
fpb2 = &fakeProviderBuilder{name: fakeProvider2Name}
cfg1, _ := fpb1.ParseConfig(fakeConfig + "1111")
cfg2, _ := fpb2.ParseConfig(fakeConfig + "2222")
bootstrapConfig = &bootstrap.Config{
CertProviderConfigs: map[string]*certprovider.BuildableConfig{
"default1": cfg1,
"default2": cfg2,
// fakeProviderBuilder builds new instances of fakeProvider and interprets the
// config provided to it as a string.
type fakeProviderBuilder struct {
name string
func (b *fakeProviderBuilder) ParseConfig(config interface{}) (*certprovider.BuildableConfig, error) {
s, ok := config.(string)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("providerBuilder %s received config of type %T, want string",, config)
return certprovider.NewBuildableConfig(, []byte(s), func(certprovider.BuildOptions) certprovider.Provider {
return &fakeProvider{
Distributor: certprovider.NewDistributor(),
config: s,
}), nil
func (b *fakeProviderBuilder) Name() string {
// fakeProvider is an implementation of the Provider interface which provides a
// method for tests to invoke to push new key materials.
type fakeProvider struct {
config string
// Close helps implement the Provider interface.
func (p *fakeProvider) Close() {
// setupWithXDSCreds performs all the setup steps required for tests which use
// xDSCredentials.
func setupWithXDSCreds(t *testing.T) (*fakeclient.Client, *cdsBalancer, *testEDSBalancer, *xdstestutils.TestClientConn, func()) {
builder := balancer.Get(cdsName)
if builder == nil {
t.Fatalf("balancer.Get(%q) returned nil", cdsName)
// Create and pass xdsCredentials while building the CDS balancer.
creds, err := xds.NewClientCredentials(xds.ClientOptions{
FallbackCreds: local.NewCredentials(), // Placeholder fallback credentials.
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed to create xDS client creds: %v", err)
// Create a new CDS balancer and pass it a fake balancer.ClientConn which we
// can use to inspect the different calls made by the balancer.
tcc := xdstestutils.NewTestClientConn(t)
cdsB := builder.Build(tcc, balancer.BuildOptions{DialCreds: creds})
// Override the creation of the EDS balancer to return a fake EDS balancer
// implementation.
edsB := newTestEDSBalancer()
oldEDSBalancerBuilder := newEDSBalancer
newEDSBalancer = func(cc balancer.ClientConn, opts balancer.BuildOptions) (balancer.Balancer, error) {
edsB.parentCC = cc
return edsB, nil
// Create a fake xDS client and push a ClientConnState update to the CDS
// balancer with a cluster name and the fake xDS client in the attributes.
xdsC := fakeclient.NewClient()
if err := cdsB.UpdateClientConnState(cdsCCS(clusterName, xdsC)); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("cdsBalancer.UpdateClientConnState failed with error: %v", err)
// Make sure the CDS balancer registers a Cluster watch with the xDS client
// passed via attributes in the above update.
ctx, ctxCancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), defaultTestTimeout)
defer ctxCancel()
gotCluster, err := xdsC.WaitForWatchCluster(ctx)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("xdsClient.WatchCDS failed with error: %v", err)
if gotCluster != clusterName {
t.Fatalf("xdsClient.WatchCDS called for cluster: %v, want: %v", gotCluster, clusterName)
return xdsC, cdsB.(*cdsBalancer), edsB, tcc, func() {
newEDSBalancer = oldEDSBalancerBuilder
// makeNewSubConn invokes the NewSubConn() call on the balancer.ClientConn
// passed to the EDS balancer, and verifies that the CDS balancer forwards the
// call appropriately to its parent balancer.ClientConn with or without
// attributes bases on the value of wantAttributes.
func makeNewSubConn(ctx context.Context, edsCC balancer.ClientConn, parentCC *xdstestutils.TestClientConn, wantFallback bool) error {
dummyAddr := "foo-address"
addrs := []resolver.Address{{Addr: dummyAddr}}
if _, err := edsCC.NewSubConn(addrs, balancer.NewSubConnOptions{}); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("NewSubConn(%+v) on parent ClientConn failed: %v", addrs, err)
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return errors.New("timeout when waiting for new SubConn")
case gotAddrs := <-parentCC.NewSubConnAddrsCh:
if len(gotAddrs) != 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("NewSubConn expected 1 address, got %d", len(gotAddrs))
if got, want := gotAddrs[0].Addr, addrs[0].Addr; got != want {
return fmt.Errorf("resolver.Address passed to parent ClientConn has address %q, want %q", got, want)
getHI := internal.GetXDSHandshakeInfoForTesting.(func(attr *attributes.Attributes) *xds.HandshakeInfo)
hi := getHI(gotAddrs[0].Attributes)
if hi == nil {
return errors.New("resolver.Address passed to parent ClientConn doesn't contain attributes")
if gotFallback := hi.UseFallbackCreds(); gotFallback != wantFallback {
return fmt.Errorf("resolver.Address HandshakeInfo uses fallback creds? %v, want %v", gotFallback, wantFallback)
return nil
// TestSecurityConfigWithoutXDSCreds tests the case where xdsCredentials are not
// in use, but the CDS balancer receives a Cluster update with security
// configuration. Verifies that no certificate providers are created, and that
// the address attributes added as part of the intercepted NewSubConn() method
// indicate the use of fallback credentials.
func (s) TestSecurityConfigWithoutXDSCreds(t *testing.T) {
// This creates a CDS balancer, pushes a ClientConnState update with a fake
// xdsClient, and makes sure that the CDS balancer registers a watch on the
// provided xdsClient.
xdsC, cdsB, edsB, tcc, cancel := setupWithWatch(t)
defer func() {
// Override the provider builder function to push on a channel. We do not
// expect this function to be called as part of this test.
providerCh := testutils.NewChannel()
origBuildProvider := buildProvider
buildProvider = func(c map[string]*certprovider.BuildableConfig, id, cert string, wi, wr bool) (certprovider.Provider, error) {
p, err := origBuildProvider(c, id, cert, wi, wr)
return p, err
defer func() { buildProvider = origBuildProvider }()
// Here we invoke the watch callback registered on the fake xdsClient. This
// will trigger the watch handler on the CDS balancer, which will attempt to
// create a new EDS balancer. The fake EDS balancer created above will be
// returned to the CDS balancer, because we have overridden the
// newEDSBalancer function as part of test setup.
cdsUpdate := xdsclient.ClusterUpdate{ServiceName: serviceName}
wantCCS := edsCCS(serviceName, false, xdsC)
ctx, ctxCancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), defaultTestTimeout)
defer ctxCancel()
if err := invokeWatchCbAndWait(ctx, xdsC, cdsWatchInfo{cdsUpdate, nil}, wantCCS, edsB); err != nil {
// Make a NewSubConn and verify that the HandshakeInfo does not contain any
// certificate providers, forcing the credentials implementation to use
// fallback creds.
if err := makeNewSubConn(ctx, edsB.parentCC, tcc, true); err != nil {
// Again, since xdsCredentials are not in use, no certificate providers
// should have been initialized by the CDS balancer.
sCtx, sCancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), defaultTestShortTimeout)
defer sCancel()
if _, err := providerCh.Receive(sCtx); err != context.DeadlineExceeded {
t.Fatal("cds balancer created certificate providers when not using xds credentials")
// TestNoSecurityConfigWithXDSCreds tests the case where xdsCredentials are in
// use, but the CDS balancer receives a Cluster update without security
// configuration. Verifies that no certificate providers are created, and that
// the address attributes added as part of the intercepted NewSubConn() method
// indicate the use of fallback credentials.
func (s) TestNoSecurityConfigWithXDSCreds(t *testing.T) {
// This creates a CDS balancer which uses xdsCredentials, pushes a
// ClientConnState update with a fake xdsClient, and makes sure that the CDS
// balancer registers a watch on the provided xdsClient.
xdsC, cdsB, edsB, tcc, cancel := setupWithXDSCreds(t)
defer func() {
// Override the provider builder function to push on a channel. We do not
// expect this function to be called as part of this test.
providerCh := testutils.NewChannel()
origBuildProvider := buildProvider
buildProvider = func(c map[string]*certprovider.BuildableConfig, id, cert string, wi, wr bool) (certprovider.Provider, error) {
p, err := origBuildProvider(c, id, cert, wi, wr)
return p, err
defer func() { buildProvider = origBuildProvider }()
// Here we invoke the watch callback registered on the fake xdsClient. This
// will trigger the watch handler on the CDS balancer, which will attempt to
// create a new EDS balancer. The fake EDS balancer created above will be
// returned to the CDS balancer, because we have overridden the
// newEDSBalancer function as part of test setup. No security config is
// passed to the CDS balancer as part of this update.
cdsUpdate := xdsclient.ClusterUpdate{ServiceName: serviceName}
wantCCS := edsCCS(serviceName, false, xdsC)
ctx, ctxCancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), defaultTestTimeout)
defer ctxCancel()
if err := invokeWatchCbAndWait(ctx, xdsC, cdsWatchInfo{cdsUpdate, nil}, wantCCS, edsB); err != nil {
// Make a NewSubConn and verify that the HandshakeInfo does not contain any
// certificate providers, forcing the credentials implementation to use
// fallback creds.
if err := makeNewSubConn(ctx, edsB.parentCC, tcc, true); err != nil {
// Again, since no security configuration was received, no certificate
// providers should have been initialized by the CDS balancer.
sCtx, sCancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), defaultTestShortTimeout)
defer sCancel()
if _, err := providerCh.Receive(sCtx); err != context.DeadlineExceeded {
t.Fatal("cds balancer created certificate providers when not using xds credentials")
// TestSecurityConfigNotFoundInBootstrap tests the case where the security
// config returned by the xDS server cannot be resolved based on the contents of
// the bootstrap config. Verifies that the balancer puts the channel in a failed
// state, and returns an error picker.
func (s) TestSecurityConfigNotFoundInBootstrap(t *testing.T) {
// We test two cases here:
// 0: Bootstrap contains security config. But received plugin instance name
// is not found in the bootstrap config.
// 1: Bootstrap contains no security config.
for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
// This creates a CDS balancer which uses xdsCredentials, pushes a
// ClientConnState update with a fake xdsClient, and makes sure that the CDS
// balancer registers a watch on the provided xdsClient.
xdsC, cdsB, edsB, tcc, cancel := setupWithXDSCreds(t)
defer func() {
if i == 0 {
// Set the bootstrap config used by the fake client.
// Here we invoke the watch callback registered on the fake xdsClient. A bad
// security config is passed here. So, we expect the CDS balancer to not
// create an EDS balancer and instead reject this update and put the channel
// in a bad state.
xdsC.InvokeWatchClusterCallback(cdsUpdateWithMissingSecurityCfg, nil)
// The CDS balancer has not yet created an EDS balancer. So, this bad
// watcher update should not be forwarded forwarded to our fake EDS balancer
// as an error.
sCtx, sCancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), defaultTestShortTimeout)
defer sCancel()
if err := edsB.waitForResolverError(sCtx, nil); err != context.DeadlineExceeded {
t.Fatal("eds balancer shouldn't get error (shouldn't be built yet)")
// Make sure the CDS balancer reports an error picker.
ctx, ctxCancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), defaultTestTimeout)
defer ctxCancel()
if err := tcc.WaitForErrPicker(ctx); err != nil {
// TestCertproviderStoreError tests the case where the certprovider.Store
// returns an error when the CDS balancer attempts to create a provider.
func (s) TestCertproviderStoreError(t *testing.T) {
// This creates a CDS balancer which uses xdsCredentials, pushes a
// ClientConnState update with a fake xdsClient, and makes sure that the CDS
// balancer registers a watch on the provided xdsClient.
xdsC, cdsB, edsB, tcc, cancel := setupWithXDSCreds(t)
defer func() {
// Override the provider builder function to return an error.
origBuildProvider := buildProvider
buildProvider = func(c map[string]*certprovider.BuildableConfig, id, cert string, wi, wr bool) (certprovider.Provider, error) {
return nil, errors.New("certprovider store error")
defer func() { buildProvider = origBuildProvider }()
// Set the bootstrap config used by the fake client.
// Here we invoke the watch callback registered on the fake xdsClient. Even
// though the received update is good, the certprovider.Store is configured
// to return an error. So, CDS balancer should reject this config and report
// an error.
xdsC.InvokeWatchClusterCallback(cdsUpdateWithGoodSecurityCfg, nil)
// The CDS balancer has not yet created an EDS balancer. So, this bad
// watcher update should not be forwarded forwarded to our fake EDS balancer
// as an error.
sCtx, sCancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), defaultTestShortTimeout)
defer sCancel()
if err := edsB.waitForResolverError(sCtx, nil); err != context.DeadlineExceeded {
t.Fatal("eds balancer shouldn't get error (shouldn't be built yet)")
// Make sure the CDS balancer reports an error picker.
ctx, ctxCancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), defaultTestTimeout)
defer ctxCancel()
if err := tcc.WaitForErrPicker(ctx); err != nil {
func (s) TestSecurityConfigUpdate_BadToGood(t *testing.T) {
// This creates a CDS balancer which uses xdsCredentials, pushes a
// ClientConnState update with a fake xdsClient, and makes sure that the CDS
// balancer registers a watch on the provided xdsClient.
xdsC, cdsB, edsB, tcc, cancel := setupWithXDSCreds(t)
defer func() {
// Set the bootstrap config used by the fake client.
// Here we invoke the watch callback registered on the fake xdsClient. A bad
// security config is passed here. So, we expect the CDS balancer to not
// create an EDS balancer and instead reject this update and put the channel
// in a bad state.
xdsC.InvokeWatchClusterCallback(cdsUpdateWithMissingSecurityCfg, nil)
// The CDS balancer has not yet created an EDS balancer. So, this bad
// watcher update should not be forwarded forwarded to our fake EDS balancer
// as an error.
sCtx, sCancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), defaultTestShortTimeout)
defer sCancel()
if err := edsB.waitForResolverError(sCtx, nil); err != context.DeadlineExceeded {
t.Fatal("eds balancer shouldn't get error (shouldn't be built yet)")
// Make sure the CDS balancer reports an error picker.
ctx, ctxCancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), defaultTestTimeout)
defer ctxCancel()
if err := tcc.WaitForErrPicker(ctx); err != nil {
// Here we invoke the watch callback registered on the fake xdsClient. This
// will trigger the watch handler on the CDS balancer, which will attempt to
// create a new EDS balancer. The fake EDS balancer created above will be
// returned to the CDS balancer, because we have overridden the
// newEDSBalancer function as part of test setup.
wantCCS := edsCCS(serviceName, false, xdsC)
if err := invokeWatchCbAndWait(ctx, xdsC, cdsWatchInfo{cdsUpdateWithGoodSecurityCfg, nil}, wantCCS, edsB); err != nil {
// Make a NewSubConn and verify that attributes are added.
if err := makeNewSubConn(ctx, edsB.parentCC, tcc, false); err != nil {
// TestGoodSecurityConfig tests the case where the CDS balancer receives
// security configuration as part of the Cluster resource which can be
// successfully resolved using the bootstrap file contents. Verifies that
// certificate providers are created, and that the NewSubConn() call adds
// appropriate address attributes.
func (s) TestGoodSecurityConfig(t *testing.T) {
// This creates a CDS balancer which uses xdsCredentials, pushes a
// ClientConnState update with a fake xdsClient, and makes sure that the CDS
// balancer registers a watch on the provided xdsClient.
xdsC, cdsB, edsB, tcc, cancel := setupWithXDSCreds(t)
defer func() {
// Set the bootstrap config used by the fake client.
// Here we invoke the watch callback registered on the fake xdsClient. This
// will trigger the watch handler on the CDS balancer, which will attempt to
// create a new EDS balancer. The fake EDS balancer created above will be
// returned to the CDS balancer, because we have overridden the
// newEDSBalancer function as part of test setup.
wantCCS := edsCCS(serviceName, false, xdsC)
ctx, ctxCancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), defaultTestTimeout)
defer ctxCancel()
if err := invokeWatchCbAndWait(ctx, xdsC, cdsWatchInfo{cdsUpdateWithGoodSecurityCfg, nil}, wantCCS, edsB); err != nil {
// Make a NewSubConn and verify that attributes are added.
if err := makeNewSubConn(ctx, edsB.parentCC, tcc, false); err != nil {
func (s) TestSecurityConfigUpdate_GoodToFallback(t *testing.T) {
// This creates a CDS balancer which uses xdsCredentials, pushes a
// ClientConnState update with a fake xdsClient, and makes sure that the CDS
// balancer registers a watch on the provided xdsClient.
xdsC, cdsB, edsB, tcc, cancel := setupWithXDSCreds(t)
defer func() {
// Set the bootstrap config used by the fake client.
// Here we invoke the watch callback registered on the fake xdsClient. This
// will trigger the watch handler on the CDS balancer, which will attempt to
// create a new EDS balancer. The fake EDS balancer created above will be
// returned to the CDS balancer, because we have overridden the
// newEDSBalancer function as part of test setup.
wantCCS := edsCCS(serviceName, false, xdsC)
ctx, ctxCancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), defaultTestTimeout)
defer ctxCancel()
if err := invokeWatchCbAndWait(ctx, xdsC, cdsWatchInfo{cdsUpdateWithGoodSecurityCfg, nil}, wantCCS, edsB); err != nil {
// Make a NewSubConn and verify that attributes are added.
if err := makeNewSubConn(ctx, edsB.parentCC, tcc, false); err != nil {
// Here we invoke the watch callback registered on the fake xdsClient with
// an update which contains bad security config. So, we expect the CDS
// balancer to forward this error to the EDS balancer and eventually the
// channel needs to be put in a bad state.
cdsUpdate := xdsclient.ClusterUpdate{ServiceName: serviceName}
if err := invokeWatchCbAndWait(ctx, xdsC, cdsWatchInfo{cdsUpdate, nil}, wantCCS, edsB); err != nil {
// Make a NewSubConn and verify that fallback creds are used.
if err := makeNewSubConn(ctx, edsB.parentCC, tcc, true); err != nil {
// TestSecurityConfigUpdate_GoodToBad tests the case where the first security
// config returned by the xDS server is successful, but the second update cannot
// be resolved based on the contents of the bootstrap config. Verifies that the
// error is forwarded to the EDS balancer (which was created as part of the
// first successful update).
func (s) TestSecurityConfigUpdate_GoodToBad(t *testing.T) {
// This creates a CDS balancer which uses xdsCredentials, pushes a
// ClientConnState update with a fake xdsClient, and makes sure that the CDS
// balancer registers a watch on the provided xdsClient.
xdsC, cdsB, edsB, tcc, cancel := setupWithXDSCreds(t)
defer func() {
// Set the bootstrap config used by the fake client.
// Here we invoke the watch callback registered on the fake xdsClient. This
// will trigger the watch handler on the CDS balancer, which will attempt to
// create a new EDS balancer. The fake EDS balancer created above will be
// returned to the CDS balancer, because we have overridden the
// newEDSBalancer function as part of test setup.
wantCCS := edsCCS(serviceName, false, xdsC)
ctx, ctxCancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), defaultTestTimeout)
defer ctxCancel()
if err := invokeWatchCbAndWait(ctx, xdsC, cdsWatchInfo{cdsUpdateWithGoodSecurityCfg, nil}, wantCCS, edsB); err != nil {
// Make a NewSubConn and verify that attributes are added.
if err := makeNewSubConn(ctx, edsB.parentCC, tcc, false); err != nil {
// Here we invoke the watch callback registered on the fake xdsClient with
// an update which contains bad security config. So, we expect the CDS
// balancer to forward this error to the EDS balancer and eventually the
// channel needs to be put in a bad state.
xdsC.InvokeWatchClusterCallback(cdsUpdateWithMissingSecurityCfg, nil)
// We manually check that an error is forwarded to the EDS balancer instead
// of using one of the helper methods on the testEDSBalancer, because all we
// care here is whether an error is sent to it or not. We don't care about
// the exact error.
gotErr, err := edsB.resolverErrCh.Receive(ctx)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("timeout waiting for CDS balancer to forward error to EDS balancer upon receipt of bad security config")
if gotErr == nil {
t.Fatal("CDS balancer did not forward error to EDS balancer upon receipt of bad security config")
// Since the error being pushed here is not a resource-not-found-error, the
// registered watch should not be cancelled.
sCtx, sCancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), defaultTestShortTimeout)
defer sCancel()
if err := xdsC.WaitForCancelClusterWatch(sCtx); err != context.DeadlineExceeded {
t.Fatal("cluster watch cancelled for a non-resource-not-found-error")
// TestSecurityConfigUpdate_GoodToGood tests the case where the CDS balancer
// receives two different but successful updates with security configuration.
// Verifies that appropriate providers are created, and that address attributes
// are added.
func (s) TestSecurityConfigUpdate_GoodToGood(t *testing.T) {
// This creates a CDS balancer which uses xdsCredentials, pushes a
// ClientConnState update with a fake xdsClient, and makes sure that the CDS
// balancer registers a watch on the provided xdsClient.
xdsC, cdsB, edsB, tcc, cancel := setupWithXDSCreds(t)
defer func() {
// Override the provider builder function to push on a channel.
providerCh := testutils.NewChannel()
origBuildProvider := buildProvider
buildProvider = func(c map[string]*certprovider.BuildableConfig, id, cert string, wi, wr bool) (certprovider.Provider, error) {
p, err := origBuildProvider(c, id, cert, wi, wr)
return p, err
defer func() { buildProvider = origBuildProvider }()
// Set the bootstrap config used by the fake client.
// Here we invoke the watch callback registered on the fake xdsClient. This
// will trigger the watch handler on the CDS balancer, which will attempt to
// create a new EDS balancer. The fake EDS balancer created above will be
// returned to the CDS balancer, because we have overridden the
// newEDSBalancer function as part of test setup.
cdsUpdate := xdsclient.ClusterUpdate{
ServiceName: serviceName,
SecurityCfg: &xdsclient.SecurityConfig{
RootInstanceName: "default1",
wantCCS := edsCCS(serviceName, false, xdsC)
ctx, ctxCancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), defaultTestTimeout)
defer ctxCancel()
if err := invokeWatchCbAndWait(ctx, xdsC, cdsWatchInfo{cdsUpdate, nil}, wantCCS, edsB); err != nil {
// We specified only the root provider. So, expect only one provider here.
if _, err := providerCh.Receive(ctx); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed to create certificate provider upon receipt of security config")
// Make a NewSubConn and verify that attributes are added.
if err := makeNewSubConn(ctx, edsB.parentCC, tcc, false); err != nil {
// Push another update with a new security configuration.
cdsUpdate = xdsclient.ClusterUpdate{
ServiceName: serviceName,
SecurityCfg: &xdsclient.SecurityConfig{
RootInstanceName: "default2",
if err := invokeWatchCbAndWait(ctx, xdsC, cdsWatchInfo{cdsUpdate, nil}, wantCCS, edsB); err != nil {
// We specified only the root provider. So, expect only one provider here.
if _, err := providerCh.Receive(ctx); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed to create certificate provider upon receipt of security config")
// Make a NewSubConn and verify that attributes are added.
if err := makeNewSubConn(ctx, edsB.parentCC, tcc, false); err != nil {
// The HandshakeInfo type does not expose its internals. So, we cannot
// verify that the HandshakeInfo carried by the attributes have actually
// been changed. This will be covered in e2e/interop tests.
// TODO(easwars): Remove this TODO once appropriate e2e/intertop tests have
// been added.