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* Copyright 2021 gRPC authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package xdsclient
import (
xdstestutils ""
// testClientSetup sets up the client and controller for the test. It returns a
// newly created client, and a channel where new controllers will be sent to.
func testClientSetup(t *testing.T, overrideWatchExpiryTimeout bool) (*clientImpl, *testutils.Channel) {
ctrlCh := overrideNewController(t)
watchExpiryTimeout := defaultWatchExpiryTimeout
if overrideWatchExpiryTimeout {
watchExpiryTimeout = defaultTestWatchExpiryTimeout
client, err := newWithConfig(clientOpts(), watchExpiryTimeout, defaultIdleAuthorityDeleteTimeout)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
return client, ctrlCh
// newWatch starts a new watch on the client.
func newWatch(t *testing.T, client *clientImpl, typ xdsresource.ResourceType, resourceName string) (updateCh *testutils.Channel, cancelWatch func()) {
newWatchF, _, _ := typeToTestFuncs(typ)
updateCh, cancelWatch = newWatchF(client, resourceName)
if u, ok := updateCh.ReceiveOrFail(); ok {
t.Fatalf("received unexpected update immediately after watch: %+v", u)
// getControllerAndPubsub returns the controller and pubsub for the given
// type+resourceName from the client.
func getControllerAndPubsub(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, client *clientImpl, ctrlCh *testutils.Channel, typ xdsresource.ResourceType, resourceName string) (*testController, pubsub.UpdateHandler) {
c, err := ctrlCh.Receive(ctx)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("timeout when waiting for API client to be created: %v", err)
ctrl := c.(*testController)
if _, err := ctrl.addWatches[typ].Receive(ctx); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("want new watch to start, got error %v", err)
updateHandler := findPubsubForTest(t, client, xdsresource.ParseName(resourceName).Authority)
return ctrl, updateHandler
// findPubsubForTest returns the pubsub for the given authority, to send updates
// to. If authority is "", the default is returned. If the authority is not
// found, the test will fail.
func findPubsubForTest(t *testing.T, c *clientImpl, authority string) pubsub.UpdateHandler {
var config *bootstrap.ServerConfig
if authority == "" {
config = c.config.XDSServer
} else {
authConfig, ok := c.config.Authorities[authority]
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("failed to find authority %q", authority)
config = authConfig.XDSServer
a := c.authorities[config.String()]
if a == nil {
t.Fatalf("authority for %q is not created", authority)
return a.pubsub
var (
newLDSWatchF = func(client *clientImpl, resourceName string) (*testutils.Channel, func()) {
updateCh := testutils.NewChannel()
cancelLastWatch := client.WatchListener(resourceName, func(update xdsresource.ListenerUpdate, err error) {
updateCh.Send(xdsresource.ListenerUpdateErrTuple{Update: update, Err: err})
return updateCh, cancelLastWatch
newLDSUpdateF = func(updateHandler pubsub.UpdateHandler, updates map[string]interface{}) {
wantUpdates := map[string]xdsresource.ListenerUpdateErrTuple{}
for n, u := range updates {
wantUpdate := u.(xdsresource.ListenerUpdate)
wantUpdates[n] = xdsresource.ListenerUpdateErrTuple{Update: wantUpdate}
updateHandler.NewListeners(wantUpdates, xdsresource.UpdateMetadata{})
verifyLDSUpdateF = func(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, updateCh *testutils.Channel, update interface{}, err error) {
wantUpdate := update.(xdsresource.ListenerUpdate)
if err := verifyListenerUpdate(ctx, updateCh, wantUpdate, err); err != nil {
newRDSWatchF = func(client *clientImpl, resourceName string) (*testutils.Channel, func()) {
updateCh := testutils.NewChannel()
cancelLastWatch := client.WatchRouteConfig(resourceName, func(update xdsresource.RouteConfigUpdate, err error) {
updateCh.Send(xdsresource.RouteConfigUpdateErrTuple{Update: update, Err: err})
return updateCh, cancelLastWatch
newRDSUpdateF = func(updateHandler pubsub.UpdateHandler, updates map[string]interface{}) {
wantUpdates := map[string]xdsresource.RouteConfigUpdateErrTuple{}
for n, u := range updates {
wantUpdate := u.(xdsresource.RouteConfigUpdate)
wantUpdates[n] = xdsresource.RouteConfigUpdateErrTuple{Update: wantUpdate}
updateHandler.NewRouteConfigs(wantUpdates, xdsresource.UpdateMetadata{})
verifyRDSUpdateF = func(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, updateCh *testutils.Channel, update interface{}, err error) {
wantUpdate := update.(xdsresource.RouteConfigUpdate)
if err := verifyRouteConfigUpdate(ctx, updateCh, wantUpdate, err); err != nil {
newCDSWatchF = func(client *clientImpl, resourceName string) (*testutils.Channel, func()) {
updateCh := testutils.NewChannel()
cancelLastWatch := client.WatchCluster(resourceName, func(update xdsresource.ClusterUpdate, err error) {
updateCh.Send(xdsresource.ClusterUpdateErrTuple{Update: update, Err: err})
return updateCh, cancelLastWatch
newCDSUpdateF = func(updateHandler pubsub.UpdateHandler, updates map[string]interface{}) {
wantUpdates := map[string]xdsresource.ClusterUpdateErrTuple{}
for n, u := range updates {
wantUpdate := u.(xdsresource.ClusterUpdate)
wantUpdates[n] = xdsresource.ClusterUpdateErrTuple{Update: wantUpdate}
updateHandler.NewClusters(wantUpdates, xdsresource.UpdateMetadata{})
verifyCDSUpdateF = func(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, updateCh *testutils.Channel, update interface{}, err error) {
wantUpdate := update.(xdsresource.ClusterUpdate)
if err := verifyClusterUpdate(ctx, updateCh, wantUpdate, err); err != nil {
newEDSWatchF = func(client *clientImpl, resourceName string) (*testutils.Channel, func()) {
updateCh := testutils.NewChannel()
cancelLastWatch := client.WatchEndpoints(resourceName, func(update xdsresource.EndpointsUpdate, err error) {
updateCh.Send(xdsresource.EndpointsUpdateErrTuple{Update: update, Err: err})
return updateCh, cancelLastWatch
newEDSUpdateF = func(updateHandler pubsub.UpdateHandler, updates map[string]interface{}) {
wantUpdates := map[string]xdsresource.EndpointsUpdateErrTuple{}
for n, u := range updates {
wantUpdate := u.(xdsresource.EndpointsUpdate)
wantUpdates[n] = xdsresource.EndpointsUpdateErrTuple{Update: wantUpdate}
updateHandler.NewEndpoints(wantUpdates, xdsresource.UpdateMetadata{})
verifyEDSUpdateF = func(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, updateCh *testutils.Channel, update interface{}, err error) {
wantUpdate := update.(xdsresource.EndpointsUpdate)
if err := verifyEndpointsUpdate(ctx, updateCh, wantUpdate, err); err != nil {
func typeToTestFuncs(typ xdsresource.ResourceType) (
newWatchF func(client *clientImpl, resourceName string) (*testutils.Channel, func()),
newUpdateF func(updateHandler pubsub.UpdateHandler, updates map[string]interface{}),
verifyUpdateF func(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, updateCh *testutils.Channel, update interface{}, err error),
) {
switch typ {
case xdsresource.ListenerResource:
newWatchF = newLDSWatchF
newUpdateF = newLDSUpdateF
verifyUpdateF = verifyLDSUpdateF
case xdsresource.RouteConfigResource:
newWatchF = newRDSWatchF
newUpdateF = newRDSUpdateF
verifyUpdateF = verifyRDSUpdateF
case xdsresource.ClusterResource:
newWatchF = newCDSWatchF
newUpdateF = newCDSUpdateF
verifyUpdateF = verifyCDSUpdateF
case xdsresource.EndpointsResource:
newWatchF = newEDSWatchF
newUpdateF = newEDSUpdateF
verifyUpdateF = verifyEDSUpdateF
// TestClusterWatch covers the cases:
// - an update is received after a watch()
// - an update for another resource name
// - an update is received after cancel()
func testWatch(t *testing.T, typ xdsresource.ResourceType, update interface{}, resourceName string) {
for _, rName := range []string{resourceName, xdstestutils.BuildResourceName(typ, testAuthority, resourceName, nil)} {
t.Run(rName, func(t *testing.T) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), defaultTestTimeout)
defer cancel()
client, ctrlCh := testClientSetup(t, false)
updateCh, cancelWatch := newWatch(t, client, typ, rName)
_, updateHandler := getControllerAndPubsub(ctx, t, client, ctrlCh, typ, rName)
_, newUpdateF, verifyUpdateF := typeToTestFuncs(typ)
// Send an update, and check the result.
newUpdateF(updateHandler, map[string]interface{}{rName: update})
verifyUpdateF(ctx, t, updateCh, update, nil)
// Push an update, with an extra resource for a different resource name.
// Specify a non-nil raw proto in the original resource to ensure that the
// new update is not considered equal to the old one.
var newUpdate interface{}
switch typ {
case xdsresource.ListenerResource:
newU := update.(xdsresource.ListenerUpdate)
newU.Raw = &anypb.Any{}
newUpdate = newU
case xdsresource.RouteConfigResource:
newU := update.(xdsresource.RouteConfigUpdate)
newU.Raw = &anypb.Any{}
newUpdate = newU
case xdsresource.ClusterResource:
newU := update.(xdsresource.ClusterUpdate)
newU.Raw = &anypb.Any{}
newUpdate = newU
case xdsresource.EndpointsResource:
newU := update.(xdsresource.EndpointsUpdate)
newU.Raw = &anypb.Any{}
newUpdate = newU
newUpdateF(updateHandler, map[string]interface{}{rName: newUpdate})
verifyUpdateF(ctx, t, updateCh, newUpdate, nil)
// Cancel watch, and send update again.
newUpdateF(updateHandler, map[string]interface{}{rName: update})
sCtx, sCancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, defaultTestShortTimeout)
defer sCancel()
if u, err := updateCh.Receive(sCtx); err != context.DeadlineExceeded {
t.Errorf("unexpected update: %v, %v, want channel recv timeout", u, err)
// testClusterTwoWatchSameResourceName covers the case where an update is
// received after two watch() for the same resource name.
func testTwoWatchSameResourceName(t *testing.T, typ xdsresource.ResourceType, update interface{}, resourceName string) {
for _, rName := range []string{resourceName, xdstestutils.BuildResourceName(typ, testAuthority, resourceName, nil)} {
t.Run(rName, func(t *testing.T) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), defaultTestTimeout)
defer cancel()
client, ctrlCh := testClientSetup(t, false)
updateCh, _ := newWatch(t, client, typ, resourceName)
_, updateHandler := getControllerAndPubsub(ctx, t, client, ctrlCh, typ, resourceName)
newWatchF, newUpdateF, verifyUpdateF := typeToTestFuncs(typ)
updateChs := []*testutils.Channel{updateCh}
var cancelLastWatch func()
const count = 1
for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
var updateCh *testutils.Channel
updateCh, cancelLastWatch = newWatchF(client, resourceName)
updateChs = append(updateChs, updateCh)
newUpdateF(updateHandler, map[string]interface{}{resourceName: update})
for i := 0; i < count+1; i++ {
verifyUpdateF(ctx, t, updateChs[i], update, nil)
// Cancel the last watch, and send update again. None of the watchers should
// be notified because one has been cancelled, and the other is receiving
// the same update.
newUpdateF(updateHandler, map[string]interface{}{resourceName: update})
for i := 0; i < count+1; i++ {
func() {
sCtx, sCancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, defaultTestShortTimeout)
defer sCancel()
if u, err := updateChs[i].Receive(sCtx); err != context.DeadlineExceeded {
t.Errorf("unexpected update: %v, %v, want channel recv timeout", u, err)
// Push a new update and make sure the uncancelled watcher is invoked.
// Specify a non-nil raw proto to ensure that the new update is not
// considered equal to the old one.
var newUpdate interface{}
switch typ {
case xdsresource.ListenerResource:
newU := update.(xdsresource.ListenerUpdate)
newU.Raw = &anypb.Any{}
newUpdate = newU
case xdsresource.RouteConfigResource:
newU := update.(xdsresource.RouteConfigUpdate)
newU.Raw = &anypb.Any{}
newUpdate = newU
case xdsresource.ClusterResource:
newU := update.(xdsresource.ClusterUpdate)
newU.Raw = &anypb.Any{}
newUpdate = newU
case xdsresource.EndpointsResource:
newU := update.(xdsresource.EndpointsUpdate)
newU.Raw = &anypb.Any{}
newUpdate = newU
newUpdateF(updateHandler, map[string]interface{}{resourceName: newUpdate})
verifyUpdateF(ctx, t, updateCh, newUpdate, nil)
// testThreeWatchDifferentResourceName starts two watches for name1, and one
// watch for name2. This test verifies that two watches for name1 receive the
// same update, and name2 watch receives a different update.
func testThreeWatchDifferentResourceName(t *testing.T, typ xdsresource.ResourceType, update1 interface{}, resourceName1 string, update2 interface{}, resourceName2 string) {
for _, rName := range [][]string{
{resourceName1, resourceName2},
{xdstestutils.BuildResourceName(typ, testAuthority, resourceName1, nil), xdstestutils.BuildResourceName(typ, testAuthority, resourceName2, nil)},
} {
t.Run(rName[0], func(t *testing.T) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), defaultTestTimeout)
defer cancel()
client, ctrlCh := testClientSetup(t, false)
updateCh, _ := newWatch(t, client, typ, rName[0])
_, updateHandler := getControllerAndPubsub(ctx, t, client, ctrlCh, typ, rName[0])
newWatchF, newUpdateF, verifyUpdateF := typeToTestFuncs(typ)
// Two watches for the same name.
updateChs := []*testutils.Channel{updateCh}
const count = 1
for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
var updateCh *testutils.Channel
updateCh, _ = newWatchF(client, rName[0])
updateChs = append(updateChs, updateCh)
// Third watch for a different name.
updateCh2, _ := newWatchF(client, rName[1])
newUpdateF(updateHandler, map[string]interface{}{
rName[0]: update1,
rName[1]: update2,
// The first several watches for the same resource should all
// receive the first update.
for i := 0; i < count+1; i++ {
verifyUpdateF(ctx, t, updateChs[i], update1, nil)
// The last watch for the different resource should receive the
// second update.
verifyUpdateF(ctx, t, updateCh2, update2, nil)
// testWatchAfterCache covers the case where watch is called after the update is
// in cache.
func testWatchAfterCache(t *testing.T, typ xdsresource.ResourceType, update interface{}, resourceName string) {
for _, rName := range []string{resourceName, xdstestutils.BuildResourceName(typ, testAuthority, resourceName, nil)} {
t.Run(rName, func(t *testing.T) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), defaultTestTimeout)
defer cancel()
client, ctrlCh := testClientSetup(t, false)
updateCh, _ := newWatch(t, client, typ, rName)
_, updateHandler := getControllerAndPubsub(ctx, t, client, ctrlCh, typ, rName)
newWatchF, newUpdateF, verifyUpdateF := typeToTestFuncs(typ)
newUpdateF(updateHandler, map[string]interface{}{rName: update})
verifyUpdateF(ctx, t, updateCh, update, nil)
// Another watch for the resource in cache.
updateCh2, _ := newWatchF(client, rName)
// New watch should receive the update.
verifyUpdateF(ctx, t, updateCh2, update, nil)
// Old watch should see nothing.
sCtx, sCancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, defaultTestShortTimeout)
defer sCancel()
if u, err := updateCh.Receive(sCtx); err != context.DeadlineExceeded {
t.Errorf("unexpected update: %v, %v, want channel recv timeout", u, err)
// testResourceRemoved covers the cases:
// - an update is received after a watch()
// - another update is received, with one resource removed
// - this should trigger callback with resource removed error
// - one more update without the removed resource
// - the callback (above) shouldn't receive any update
func testResourceRemoved(t *testing.T, typ xdsresource.ResourceType, update1 interface{}, resourceName1 string, update2 interface{}, resourceName2 string) {
for _, rName := range [][]string{
{resourceName1, resourceName2},
{xdstestutils.BuildResourceName(typ, testAuthority, resourceName1, nil), xdstestutils.BuildResourceName(typ, testAuthority, resourceName2, nil)},
} {
t.Run(rName[0], func(t *testing.T) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), defaultTestTimeout)
defer cancel()
client, ctrlCh := testClientSetup(t, false)
updateCh, _ := newWatch(t, client, typ, rName[0])
_, updateHandler := getControllerAndPubsub(ctx, t, client, ctrlCh, typ, rName[0])
newWatchF, newUpdateF, verifyUpdateF := typeToTestFuncs(typ)
// Another watch for a different name.
updateCh2, _ := newWatchF(client, rName[1])
newUpdateF(updateHandler, map[string]interface{}{
rName[0]: update1,
rName[1]: update2,
verifyUpdateF(ctx, t, updateCh, update1, nil)
verifyUpdateF(ctx, t, updateCh2, update2, nil)
// Send another update to remove resource 1.
newUpdateF(updateHandler, map[string]interface{}{
rName[1]: update2,
// Watcher 1 should get an error.
if u, err := updateCh.Receive(ctx); err != nil {
t.Errorf("failed to receive update: %v", err)
} else {
var gotErr error
switch typ {
case xdsresource.ListenerResource:
newU := u.(xdsresource.ListenerUpdateErrTuple)
gotErr = newU.Err
case xdsresource.RouteConfigResource:
newU := u.(xdsresource.RouteConfigUpdateErrTuple)
gotErr = newU.Err
case xdsresource.ClusterResource:
newU := u.(xdsresource.ClusterUpdateErrTuple)
gotErr = newU.Err
case xdsresource.EndpointsResource:
newU := u.(xdsresource.EndpointsUpdateErrTuple)
gotErr = newU.Err
if xdsresource.ErrType(gotErr) != xdsresource.ErrorTypeResourceNotFound {
t.Errorf("unexpected clusterUpdate: %v, error receiving from channel: %v, want update with error resource not found", u, err)
// Watcher 2 should not see an update since the resource has not changed.
sCtx, sCancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, defaultTestShortTimeout)
defer sCancel()
if u, err := updateCh2.Receive(sCtx); err != context.DeadlineExceeded {
t.Errorf("unexpected ClusterUpdate: %v, want receiving from channel timeout", u)
// Send another update with resource 2 modified. Specify a non-nil raw proto
// to ensure that the new update is not considered equal to the old one.
var newUpdate interface{}
switch typ {
case xdsresource.ListenerResource:
newU := update2.(xdsresource.ListenerUpdate)
newU.Raw = &anypb.Any{}
newUpdate = newU
case xdsresource.RouteConfigResource:
newU := update2.(xdsresource.RouteConfigUpdate)
newU.Raw = &anypb.Any{}
newUpdate = newU
case xdsresource.ClusterResource:
newU := update2.(xdsresource.ClusterUpdate)
newU.Raw = &anypb.Any{}
newUpdate = newU
case xdsresource.EndpointsResource:
newU := update2.(xdsresource.EndpointsUpdate)
newU.Raw = &anypb.Any{}
newUpdate = newU
newUpdateF(updateHandler, map[string]interface{}{
rName[1]: newUpdate,
// Watcher 1 should not see an update.
sCtx, sCancel = context.WithTimeout(ctx, defaultTestShortTimeout)
defer sCancel()
if u, err := updateCh.Receive(sCtx); err != context.DeadlineExceeded {
t.Errorf("unexpected Cluster: %v, want receiving from channel timeout", u)
// Watcher 2 should get the update.
verifyUpdateF(ctx, t, updateCh2, newUpdate, nil)
// testWatchPartialValid covers the case that a response contains both
// valid and invalid resources. This response will be NACK'ed by the xdsclient.
// But the watchers with valid resources should receive the update, those with
// invalid resources should receive an error.
func testWatchPartialValid(t *testing.T, typ xdsresource.ResourceType, update interface{}, resourceName string) {
const badResourceName = "bad-resource"
for _, rName := range [][]string{
{resourceName, badResourceName},
{xdstestutils.BuildResourceName(typ, testAuthority, resourceName, nil), xdstestutils.BuildResourceName(typ, testAuthority, badResourceName, nil)},
} {
t.Run(rName[0], func(t *testing.T) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), defaultTestTimeout)
defer cancel()
client, ctrlCh := testClientSetup(t, false)
updateCh, _ := newWatch(t, client, typ, rName[0])
_, updateHandler := getControllerAndPubsub(ctx, t, client, ctrlCh, typ, rName[0])
newWatchF, _, verifyUpdateF := typeToTestFuncs(typ)
updateChs := map[string]*testutils.Channel{
rName[0]: updateCh,
for _, name := range []string{rName[1]} {
updateChT, _ := newWatchF(client, rName[1])
updateChs[name] = updateChT
wantError := fmt.Errorf("testing error")
wantError2 := fmt.Errorf("individual error")
switch typ {
case xdsresource.ListenerResource:
rName[0]: {Update: update.(xdsresource.ListenerUpdate)},
rName[1]: {Err: wantError2},
}, xdsresource.UpdateMetadata{ErrState: &xdsresource.UpdateErrorMetadata{Err: wantError}})
case xdsresource.RouteConfigResource:
rName[0]: {Update: update.(xdsresource.RouteConfigUpdate)},
rName[1]: {Err: wantError2},
}, xdsresource.UpdateMetadata{ErrState: &xdsresource.UpdateErrorMetadata{Err: wantError}})
case xdsresource.ClusterResource:
rName[0]: {Update: update.(xdsresource.ClusterUpdate)},
rName[1]: {Err: wantError2},
}, xdsresource.UpdateMetadata{ErrState: &xdsresource.UpdateErrorMetadata{Err: wantError}})
case xdsresource.EndpointsResource:
rName[0]: {Update: update.(xdsresource.EndpointsUpdate)},
rName[1]: {Err: wantError2},
}, xdsresource.UpdateMetadata{ErrState: &xdsresource.UpdateErrorMetadata{Err: wantError}})
// The valid resource should be sent to the watcher.
verifyUpdateF(ctx, t, updateChs[rName[0]], update, nil)
// The failed watcher should receive an error.
verifyUpdateF(ctx, t, updateChs[rName[1]], update, wantError2)