blob: 034f47f8ee291001ed4b82af3b237760bae5e084 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2020 gRPC authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Package load provides functionality to record and maintain load data.
package load
import (
const negativeOneUInt64 = ^uint64(0)
// Store is a repository for LB policy implementations to report store load
// data. It is safe for concurrent use.
// A zero Store is empty and ready for use.
// TODO(easwars): Use regular maps with mutexes instead of sync.Map here. The
// latter is optimized for two common use cases: (1) when the entry for a given
// key is only ever written once but read many times, as in caches that only
// grow, or (2) when multiple goroutines read, write, and overwrite entries for
// disjoint sets of keys. In these two cases, use of a Map may significantly
// reduce lock contention compared to a Go map paired with a separate Mutex or
// RWMutex.
// Neither of these conditions are met here, and we should transition to a
// regular map with a mutex for better type safety.
type Store struct {
drops sync.Map // map[string]*uint64
localityRPCCount sync.Map // map[string]*rpcCountData
// Update functions are called by picker for each RPC. To avoid contention, all
// updates are done atomically.
// CallDropped adds one drop record with the given category to store.
func (ls *Store) CallDropped(category string) {
if ls == nil {
p, ok := ls.drops.Load(category)
if !ok {
tp := new(uint64)
p, _ = ls.drops.LoadOrStore(category, tp)
atomic.AddUint64(p.(*uint64), 1)
// CallStarted adds one call started record for the given locality.
func (ls *Store) CallStarted(locality string) {
if ls == nil {
p, ok := ls.localityRPCCount.Load(locality)
if !ok {
tp := newRPCCountData()
p, _ = ls.localityRPCCount.LoadOrStore(locality, tp)
// CallFinished adds one call finished record for the given locality.
// For successful calls, err needs to be nil.
func (ls *Store) CallFinished(locality string, err error) {
if ls == nil {
p, ok := ls.localityRPCCount.Load(locality)
if !ok {
// The map is never cleared, only values in the map are reset. So the
// case where entry for call-finish is not found should never happen.
if err == nil {
} else {
// CallServerLoad adds one server load record for the given locality. The
// load type is specified by desc, and its value by val.
func (ls *Store) CallServerLoad(locality, name string, d float64) {
if ls == nil {
p, ok := ls.localityRPCCount.Load(locality)
if !ok {
// The map is never cleared, only values in the map are reset. So the
// case where entry for CallServerLoad is not found should never happen.
p.(*rpcCountData).addServerLoad(name, d)
// Data contains all load data reported to the Store since the most recent call
// to Stats().
type Data struct {
// TotalDrops is the total number of dropped requests.
TotalDrops uint64
// Drops is the number of dropped requests per category.
Drops map[string]uint64
// LocalityStats contains load reports per locality.
LocalityStats map[string]LocalityData
// LocalityData contains load data for a single locality.
type LocalityData struct {
// RequestStats contains counts of requests made to the locality.
RequestStats RequestData
// LoadStats contains server load data for requests made to the locality,
// indexed by the load type.
LoadStats map[string]ServerLoadData
// RequestData contains request counts.
type RequestData struct {
// Succeeded is the number of succeeded requests.
Succeeded uint64
// Errored is the number of requests which ran into errors.
Errored uint64
// InProgress is the number of requests in flight.
InProgress uint64
// ServerLoadData contains server load data.
type ServerLoadData struct {
// Count is the number of load reports.
Count uint64
// Sum is the total value of all load reports.
Sum float64
func newStoreData() *Data {
return &Data{
Drops: make(map[string]uint64),
LocalityStats: make(map[string]LocalityData),
// Stats returns and resets all loads reported to the store, except inProgress
// rpc counts.
func (ls *Store) Stats() *Data {
if ls == nil {
return nil
sd := newStoreData()
ls.drops.Range(func(key, val interface{}) bool {
d := atomic.SwapUint64(val.(*uint64), 0)
if d == 0 {
return true
sd.TotalDrops += d
sd.Drops[key.(string)] = d
return true
ls.localityRPCCount.Range(func(key, val interface{}) bool {
countData := val.(*rpcCountData)
succeeded := countData.loadAndClearSucceeded()
inProgress := countData.loadInProgress()
errored := countData.loadAndClearErrored()
if succeeded == 0 && inProgress == 0 && errored == 0 {
return true
ld := LocalityData{
RequestStats: RequestData{
Succeeded: succeeded,
Errored: errored,
InProgress: inProgress,
LoadStats: make(map[string]ServerLoadData),
countData.serverLoads.Range(func(key, val interface{}) bool {
sum, count := val.(*rpcLoadData).loadAndClear()
if count == 0 {
return true
ld.LoadStats[key.(string)] = ServerLoadData{
Count: count,
Sum: sum,
return true
sd.LocalityStats[key.(string)] = ld
return true
return sd
type rpcCountData struct {
// Only atomic accesses are allowed for the fields.
succeeded *uint64
errored *uint64
inProgress *uint64
// Map from load desc to load data (sum+count). Loading data from map is
// atomic, but updating data takes a lock, which could cause contention when
// multiple RPCs try to report loads for the same desc.
// To fix the contention, shard this map.
serverLoads sync.Map // map[string]*rpcLoadData
func newRPCCountData() *rpcCountData {
return &rpcCountData{
succeeded: new(uint64),
errored: new(uint64),
inProgress: new(uint64),
func (rcd *rpcCountData) incrSucceeded() {
atomic.AddUint64(rcd.succeeded, 1)
func (rcd *rpcCountData) loadAndClearSucceeded() uint64 {
return atomic.SwapUint64(rcd.succeeded, 0)
func (rcd *rpcCountData) incrErrored() {
atomic.AddUint64(rcd.errored, 1)
func (rcd *rpcCountData) loadAndClearErrored() uint64 {
return atomic.SwapUint64(rcd.errored, 0)
func (rcd *rpcCountData) incrInProgress() {
atomic.AddUint64(rcd.inProgress, 1)
func (rcd *rpcCountData) decrInProgress() {
atomic.AddUint64(rcd.inProgress, negativeOneUInt64) // atomic.Add(x, -1)
func (rcd *rpcCountData) loadInProgress() uint64 {
return atomic.LoadUint64(rcd.inProgress) // InProgress count is not clear when reading.
func (rcd *rpcCountData) addServerLoad(name string, d float64) {
loads, ok := rcd.serverLoads.Load(name)
if !ok {
tl := newRPCLoadData()
loads, _ = rcd.serverLoads.LoadOrStore(name, tl)
// Data for server loads (from trailers or oob). Fields in this struct must be
// updated consistently.
// The current solution is to hold a lock, which could cause contention. To fix,
// shard serverLoads map in rpcCountData.
type rpcLoadData struct {
mu sync.Mutex
sum float64
count uint64
func newRPCLoadData() *rpcLoadData {
return &rpcLoadData{}
func (rld *rpcLoadData) add(v float64) {
rld.sum += v
func (rld *rpcLoadData) loadAndClear() (s float64, c uint64) {
s = rld.sum
rld.sum = 0
c = rld.count
rld.count = 0