blob: 4662190638814b9a8eef7b2b1d7913d245779ae0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2020 gRPC authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* limitations under the License.
// Binary client for xDS interop tests.
package main
import (
testpb ""
_ ""
type statsWatcherKey struct {
startID int32
endID int32
// rpcInfo contains the rpc type and the hostname where the response is received
// from.
type rpcInfo struct {
typ string
hostname string
type statsWatcher struct {
rpcsByPeer map[string]int32
rpcsByType map[string]map[string]int32
numFailures int32
remainingRpcs int32
chanHosts chan *rpcInfo
func (watcher *statsWatcher) buildResp() *testpb.LoadBalancerStatsResponse {
rpcsByType := make(map[string]*testpb.LoadBalancerStatsResponse_RpcsByPeer, len(watcher.rpcsByType))
for t, rpcsByPeer := range watcher.rpcsByType {
rpcsByType[t] = &testpb.LoadBalancerStatsResponse_RpcsByPeer{
RpcsByPeer: rpcsByPeer,
return &testpb.LoadBalancerStatsResponse{
NumFailures: watcher.numFailures + watcher.remainingRpcs,
RpcsByPeer: watcher.rpcsByPeer,
RpcsByMethod: rpcsByType,
var (
failOnFailedRPC = flag.Bool("fail_on_failed_rpc", false, "Fail client if any RPCs fail after first success")
numChannels = flag.Int("num_channels", 1, "Num of channels")
printResponse = flag.Bool("print_response", false, "Write RPC response to stdout")
qps = flag.Int("qps", 1, "QPS per channel, for each type of RPC")
rpc = flag.String("rpc", "UnaryCall", "Types of RPCs to make, ',' separated string. RPCs can be EmptyCall or UnaryCall")
rpcMetadata = flag.String("metadata", "", "The metadata to send with RPC, in format EmptyCall:key1:value1,UnaryCall:key2:value2")
rpcTimeout = flag.Duration("rpc_timeout", 20*time.Second, "Per RPC timeout")
server = flag.String("server", "localhost:8080", "Address of server to connect to")
statsPort = flag.Int("stats_port", 8081, "Port to expose peer distribution stats service")
mu sync.Mutex
currentRequestID int32
watchers = make(map[statsWatcherKey]*statsWatcher)
// 0 or 1 representing an RPC has succeeded. Use hasRPCSucceeded and
// setRPCSucceeded to access in a safe manner.
rpcSucceeded uint32
logger = grpclog.Component("interop")
func hasRPCSucceeded() bool {
return atomic.LoadUint32(&rpcSucceeded) > 0
func setRPCSucceeded() {
atomic.StoreUint32(&rpcSucceeded, 1)
// Wait for the next LoadBalancerStatsRequest.GetNumRpcs to start and complete,
// and return the distribution of remote peers. This is essentially a clientside
// LB reporting mechanism that is designed to be queried by an external test
// driver when verifying that the client is distributing RPCs as expected.
func getClientStats(ctx context.Context, in *testpb.LoadBalancerStatsRequest) (*testpb.LoadBalancerStatsResponse, error) {
watcherKey := statsWatcherKey{currentRequestID, currentRequestID + in.GetNumRpcs()}
watcher, ok := watchers[watcherKey]
if !ok {
watcher = &statsWatcher{
rpcsByPeer: make(map[string]int32),
rpcsByType: make(map[string]map[string]int32),
numFailures: 0,
remainingRpcs: in.GetNumRpcs(),
chanHosts: make(chan *rpcInfo),
watchers[watcherKey] = watcher
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, time.Duration(in.GetTimeoutSec())*time.Second)
defer cancel()
defer func() {
delete(watchers, watcherKey)
// Wait until the requested RPCs have all been recorded or timeout occurs.
for {
select {
case info := <-watcher.chanHosts:
if info != nil {
rpcsByPeerForType := watcher.rpcsByType[info.typ]
if rpcsByPeerForType == nil {
rpcsByPeerForType = make(map[string]int32)
watcher.rpcsByType[info.typ] = rpcsByPeerForType
} else {
if watcher.remainingRpcs == 0 {
return watcher.buildResp(), nil
case <-ctx.Done():
logger.Info("Timed out, returning partial stats")
return watcher.buildResp(), nil
const (
unaryCall string = "UnaryCall"
emptyCall string = "EmptyCall"
func parseRPCTypes(rpcStr string) (ret []string) {
if len(rpcStr) == 0 {
return []string{unaryCall}
rpcs := strings.Split(rpcStr, ",")
for _, r := range rpcs {
switch r {
case unaryCall, emptyCall:
ret = append(ret, r)
log.Fatalf("unsupported RPC type: %v", r)
type rpcConfig struct {
typ string
md metadata.MD
// parseRPCMetadata turns EmptyCall:key1:value1 into
// {typ: emptyCall, md: {key1:value1}}.
func parseRPCMetadata(rpcMetadataStr string, rpcs []string) []*rpcConfig {
rpcMetadataSplit := strings.Split(rpcMetadataStr, ",")
rpcsToMD := make(map[string][]string)
for _, rm := range rpcMetadataSplit {
rmSplit := strings.Split(rm, ":")
if len(rmSplit)%2 != 1 {
log.Fatalf("invalid metadata config %v, want EmptyCall:key1:value1", rm)
rpcsToMD[rmSplit[0]] = append(rpcsToMD[rmSplit[0]], rmSplit[1:]...)
ret := make([]*rpcConfig, 0, len(rpcs))
for _, rpcT := range rpcs {
rpcC := &rpcConfig{
typ: rpcT,
if md := rpcsToMD[string(rpcT)]; len(md) > 0 { = metadata.Pairs(md...)
ret = append(ret, rpcC)
return ret
func main() {
rpcCfgs := parseRPCMetadata(*rpcMetadata, parseRPCTypes(*rpc))
lis, err := net.Listen("tcp", fmt.Sprintf(":%d", *statsPort))
if err != nil {
logger.Fatalf("failed to listen: %v", err)
s := grpc.NewServer()
defer s.Stop()
testpb.RegisterLoadBalancerStatsServiceService(s, &testpb.LoadBalancerStatsServiceService{GetClientStats: getClientStats})
go s.Serve(lis)
clients := make([]testpb.TestServiceClient, *numChannels)
for i := 0; i < *numChannels; i++ {
conn, err := grpc.DialContext(context.Background(), *server, grpc.WithInsecure())
if err != nil {
logger.Fatalf("Fail to dial: %v", err)
defer conn.Close()
clients[i] = testpb.NewTestServiceClient(conn)
ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Second / time.Duration(*qps**numChannels))
defer ticker.Stop()
sendRPCs(clients, rpcCfgs, ticker)
func makeOneRPC(c testpb.TestServiceClient, cfg *rpcConfig) (*peer.Peer, *rpcInfo, error) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), *rpcTimeout)
defer cancel()
if len( != 0 {
ctx = metadata.NewOutgoingContext(ctx,
info := rpcInfo{typ: cfg.typ}
var (
p peer.Peer
header metadata.MD
err error
switch cfg.typ {
case unaryCall:
var resp *testpb.SimpleResponse
resp, err = c.UnaryCall(ctx, &testpb.SimpleRequest{FillServerId: true}, grpc.Peer(&p), grpc.Header(&header))
// For UnaryCall, also read hostname from response, in case the server
// isn't updated to send headers.
if resp != nil {
info.hostname = resp.Hostname
case emptyCall:
_, err = c.EmptyCall(ctx, &testpb.Empty{}, grpc.Peer(&p), grpc.Header(&header))
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
hosts := header["hostname"]
if len(hosts) > 0 {
info.hostname = hosts[0]
return &p, &info, err
func sendRPCs(clients []testpb.TestServiceClient, cfgs []*rpcConfig, ticker *time.Ticker) {
var i int
for range ticker.C {
go func(i int) {
// Get and increment request ID, and save a list of watchers that
// are interested in this RPC.
savedRequestID := currentRequestID
savedWatchers := []*statsWatcher{}
for key, value := range watchers {
if key.startID <= savedRequestID && savedRequestID < key.endID {
savedWatchers = append(savedWatchers, value)
c := clients[i]
for _, cfg := range cfgs {
p, info, err := makeOneRPC(c, cfg)
for _, watcher := range savedWatchers {
// This sends an empty string if the RPC failed.
watcher.chanHosts <- info
if err != nil && *failOnFailedRPC && hasRPCSucceeded() {
logger.Fatalf("RPC failed: %v", err)
if err == nil {
if *printResponse {
if err == nil {
if cfg.typ == unaryCall {
// Need to keep this format, because some tests are
// relying on stdout.
fmt.Printf("Greeting: Hello world, this is %s, from %v\n", info.hostname, p.Addr)
} else {
fmt.Printf("RPC %q, from host %s, addr %v\n", cfg.typ, info.hostname, p.Addr)
} else {
fmt.Printf("RPC %q, failed with %v\n", cfg.typ, err)
i = (i + 1) % len(clients)