blob: 0acfd69cf89b773445edf313bb220ab63a39c023 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2020 gRPC authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package client
import (
v3clusterpb ""
v3corepb ""
v3endpointpb ""
v3listenerpb ""
v3routepb ""
v3httppb ""
v3tlspb ""
v3typepb ""
anypb ""
// UnmarshalListener processes resources received in an LDS response, validates
// them, and transforms them into a native struct which contains only fields we
// are interested in.
func UnmarshalListener(resources []*anypb.Any, logger *grpclog.PrefixLogger) (map[string]ListenerUpdate, error) {
update := make(map[string]ListenerUpdate)
for _, r := range resources {
if !IsListenerResource(r.GetTypeUrl()) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("xds: unexpected resource type: %q in LDS response", r.GetTypeUrl())
lis := &v3listenerpb.Listener{}
if err := proto.Unmarshal(r.GetValue(), lis); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("xds: failed to unmarshal resource in LDS response: %v", err)
logger.Infof("Resource with name: %v, type: %T, contains: %v", lis.GetName(), lis, lis)
routeName, err := getRouteConfigNameFromListener(lis, logger)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
update[lis.GetName()] = ListenerUpdate{RouteConfigName: routeName}
return update, nil
// getRouteConfigNameFromListener checks if the provided Listener proto meets
// the expected criteria. If so, it returns a non-empty routeConfigName.
func getRouteConfigNameFromListener(lis *v3listenerpb.Listener, logger *grpclog.PrefixLogger) (string, error) {
if lis.GetApiListener() == nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("xds: no api_listener field in LDS response %+v", lis)
apiLisAny := lis.GetApiListener().GetApiListener()
if !IsHTTPConnManagerResource(apiLisAny.GetTypeUrl()) {
return "", fmt.Errorf("xds: unexpected resource type: %q in LDS response", apiLisAny.GetTypeUrl())
apiLis := &v3httppb.HttpConnectionManager{}
if err := proto.Unmarshal(apiLisAny.GetValue(), apiLis); err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("xds: failed to unmarshal api_listner in LDS response: %v", err)
logger.Infof("Resource with type %T, contains %v", apiLis, apiLis)
switch apiLis.RouteSpecifier.(type) {
case *v3httppb.HttpConnectionManager_Rds:
if apiLis.GetRds().GetConfigSource().GetAds() == nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("xds: ConfigSource is not ADS in LDS response: %+v", lis)
name := apiLis.GetRds().GetRouteConfigName()
if name == "" {
return "", fmt.Errorf("xds: empty route_config_name in LDS response: %+v", lis)
return name, nil
case *v3httppb.HttpConnectionManager_RouteConfig:
// TODO: Add support for specifying the RouteConfiguration inline
// in the LDS response.
return "", fmt.Errorf("xds: LDS response contains RDS config inline. Not supported for now: %+v", apiLis)
case nil:
return "", fmt.Errorf("xds: no RouteSpecifier in received LDS response: %+v", apiLis)
return "", fmt.Errorf("xds: unsupported type %T for RouteSpecifier in received LDS response", apiLis.RouteSpecifier)
// UnmarshalRouteConfig processes resources received in an RDS response,
// validates them, and transforms them into a native struct which contains only
// fields we are interested in. The provided hostname determines the route
// configuration resources of interest.
func UnmarshalRouteConfig(resources []*anypb.Any, logger *grpclog.PrefixLogger) (map[string]RouteConfigUpdate, error) {
update := make(map[string]RouteConfigUpdate)
for _, r := range resources {
if !IsRouteConfigResource(r.GetTypeUrl()) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("xds: unexpected resource type: %q in RDS response", r.GetTypeUrl())
rc := &v3routepb.RouteConfiguration{}
if err := proto.Unmarshal(r.GetValue(), rc); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("xds: failed to unmarshal resource in RDS response: %v", err)
logger.Infof("Resource with name: %v, type: %T, contains: %v.", rc.GetName(), rc, rc)
// Use the hostname (resourceName for LDS) to find the routes.
u, err := generateRDSUpdateFromRouteConfiguration(rc, logger)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("xds: received invalid RouteConfiguration in RDS response: %+v with err: %v", rc, err)
update[rc.GetName()] = u
return update, nil
// generateRDSUpdateFromRouteConfiguration checks if the provided
// RouteConfiguration meets the expected criteria. If so, it returns a
// RouteConfigUpdate with nil error.
// A RouteConfiguration resource is considered valid when only if it contains a
// VirtualHost whose domain field matches the server name from the URI passed
// to the gRPC channel, and it contains a clusterName or a weighted cluster.
// The RouteConfiguration includes a list of VirtualHosts, which may have zero
// or more elements. We are interested in the element whose domains field
// matches the server name specified in the "xds:" URI. The only field in the
// VirtualHost proto that the we are interested in is the list of routes. We
// only look at the last route in the list (the default route), whose match
// field must be empty and whose route field must be set. Inside that route
// message, the cluster field will contain the clusterName or weighted clusters
// we are looking for.
func generateRDSUpdateFromRouteConfiguration(rc *v3routepb.RouteConfiguration, logger *grpclog.PrefixLogger) (RouteConfigUpdate, error) {
var vhs []*VirtualHost
for _, vh := range rc.GetVirtualHosts() {
routes, err := routesProtoToSlice(vh.Routes, logger)
if err != nil {
return RouteConfigUpdate{}, fmt.Errorf("received route is invalid: %v", err)
vhs = append(vhs, &VirtualHost{
Domains: vh.GetDomains(),
Routes: routes,
return RouteConfigUpdate{VirtualHosts: vhs}, nil
func routesProtoToSlice(routes []*v3routepb.Route, logger *grpclog.PrefixLogger) ([]*Route, error) {
var routesRet []*Route
for _, r := range routes {
match := r.GetMatch()
if match == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("route %+v doesn't have a match", r)
if len(match.GetQueryParameters()) != 0 {
// Ignore route with query parameters.
logger.Warningf("route %+v has query parameter matchers, the route will be ignored", r)
if caseSensitive := match.GetCaseSensitive(); caseSensitive != nil && !caseSensitive.Value {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("route %+v has case-sensitive false", r)
pathSp := match.GetPathSpecifier()
if pathSp == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("route %+v doesn't have a path specifier", r)
var route Route
switch pt := pathSp.(type) {
case *v3routepb.RouteMatch_Prefix:
route.Prefix = &pt.Prefix
case *v3routepb.RouteMatch_Path:
route.Path = &pt.Path
case *v3routepb.RouteMatch_SafeRegex:
route.Regex = &pt.SafeRegex.Regex
logger.Warningf("route %+v has an unrecognized path specifier: %+v", r, pt)
for _, h := range match.GetHeaders() {
var header HeaderMatcher
switch ht := h.GetHeaderMatchSpecifier().(type) {
case *v3routepb.HeaderMatcher_ExactMatch:
header.ExactMatch = &ht.ExactMatch
case *v3routepb.HeaderMatcher_SafeRegexMatch:
header.RegexMatch = &ht.SafeRegexMatch.Regex
case *v3routepb.HeaderMatcher_RangeMatch:
header.RangeMatch = &Int64Range{
Start: ht.RangeMatch.Start,
End: ht.RangeMatch.End,
case *v3routepb.HeaderMatcher_PresentMatch:
header.PresentMatch = &ht.PresentMatch
case *v3routepb.HeaderMatcher_PrefixMatch:
header.PrefixMatch = &ht.PrefixMatch
case *v3routepb.HeaderMatcher_SuffixMatch:
header.SuffixMatch = &ht.SuffixMatch
logger.Warningf("route %+v has an unrecognized header matcher: %+v", r, ht)
header.Name = h.GetName()
invert := h.GetInvertMatch()
header.InvertMatch = &invert
route.Headers = append(route.Headers, &header)
if fr := match.GetRuntimeFraction(); fr != nil {
d := fr.GetDefaultValue()
n := d.GetNumerator()
switch d.GetDenominator() {
case v3typepb.FractionalPercent_HUNDRED:
n *= 10000
case v3typepb.FractionalPercent_TEN_THOUSAND:
n *= 100
case v3typepb.FractionalPercent_MILLION:
route.Fraction = &n
clusters := make(map[string]uint32)
switch a := r.GetRoute().GetClusterSpecifier().(type) {
case *v3routepb.RouteAction_Cluster:
clusters[a.Cluster] = 1
case *v3routepb.RouteAction_WeightedClusters:
wcs := a.WeightedClusters
var totalWeight uint32
for _, c := range wcs.Clusters {
w := c.GetWeight().GetValue()
clusters[c.GetName()] = w
totalWeight += w
if totalWeight != wcs.GetTotalWeight().GetValue() {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("route %+v, action %+v, weights of clusters do not add up to total total weight, got: %v, want %v", r, a, wcs.GetTotalWeight().GetValue(), totalWeight)
case *v3routepb.RouteAction_ClusterHeader:
route.Action = clusters
routesRet = append(routesRet, &route)
return routesRet, nil
type domainMatchType int
const (
domainMatchTypeInvalid domainMatchType = iota
// Exact > Suffix > Prefix > Universal > Invalid.
func (t domainMatchType) betterThan(b domainMatchType) bool {
return t > b
func matchTypeForDomain(d string) domainMatchType {
if d == "" {
return domainMatchTypeInvalid
if d == "*" {
return domainMatchTypeUniversal
if strings.HasPrefix(d, "*") {
return domainMatchTypeSuffix
if strings.HasSuffix(d, "*") {
return domainMatchTypePrefix
if strings.Contains(d, "*") {
return domainMatchTypeInvalid
return domainMatchTypeExact
func match(domain, host string) (domainMatchType, bool) {
switch typ := matchTypeForDomain(domain); typ {
case domainMatchTypeInvalid:
return typ, false
case domainMatchTypeUniversal:
return typ, true
case domainMatchTypePrefix:
// abc.*
return typ, strings.HasPrefix(host, strings.TrimSuffix(domain, "*"))
case domainMatchTypeSuffix:
// *.123
return typ, strings.HasSuffix(host, strings.TrimPrefix(domain, "*"))
case domainMatchTypeExact:
return typ, domain == host
return domainMatchTypeInvalid, false
// findBestMatchingVirtualHost returns the virtual host whose domains field best
// matches host
// The domains field support 4 different matching pattern types:
// - Exact match
// - Suffix match (e.g. “*ABC”)
// - Prefix match (e.g. “ABC*)
// - Universal match (e.g. “*”)
// The best match is defined as:
// - A match is better if it’s matching pattern type is better
// - Exact match > suffix match > prefix match > universal match
// - If two matches are of the same pattern type, the longer match is better
// - This is to compare the length of the matching pattern, e.g. “*ABCDE” >
// “*ABC”
func findBestMatchingVirtualHost(host string, vHosts []*VirtualHost) *VirtualHost {
var (
matchVh *VirtualHost
matchType = domainMatchTypeInvalid
matchLen int
for _, vh := range vHosts {
for _, domain := range vh.Domains {
typ, matched := match(domain, host)
if typ == domainMatchTypeInvalid {
// The rds response is invalid.
return nil
if matchType.betterThan(typ) || matchType == typ && matchLen >= len(domain) || !matched {
// The previous match has better type, or the previous match has
// better length, or this domain isn't a match.
matchVh = vh
matchType = typ
matchLen = len(domain)
return matchVh
// UnmarshalCluster processes resources received in an CDS response, validates
// them, and transforms them into a native struct which contains only fields we
// are interested in.
func UnmarshalCluster(resources []*anypb.Any, logger *grpclog.PrefixLogger) (map[string]ClusterUpdate, error) {
update := make(map[string]ClusterUpdate)
for _, r := range resources {
if !IsClusterResource(r.GetTypeUrl()) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("xds: unexpected resource type: %q in CDS response", r.GetTypeUrl())
cluster := &v3clusterpb.Cluster{}
if err := proto.Unmarshal(r.GetValue(), cluster); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("xds: failed to unmarshal resource in CDS response: %v", err)
logger.Infof("Resource with name: %v, type: %T, contains: %v", cluster.GetName(), cluster, cluster)
cu, err := validateCluster(cluster)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// If the Cluster message in the CDS response did not contain a
// serviceName, we will just use the clusterName for EDS.
if cu.ServiceName == "" {
cu.ServiceName = cluster.GetName()
logger.Debugf("Resource with name %v, value %+v added to cache", cluster.GetName(), cu)
update[cluster.GetName()] = cu
return update, nil
func validateCluster(cluster *v3clusterpb.Cluster) (ClusterUpdate, error) {
emptyUpdate := ClusterUpdate{ServiceName: "", EnableLRS: false}
switch {
case cluster.GetType() != v3clusterpb.Cluster_EDS:
return emptyUpdate, fmt.Errorf("xds: unexpected cluster type %v in response: %+v", cluster.GetType(), cluster)
case cluster.GetEdsClusterConfig().GetEdsConfig().GetAds() == nil:
return emptyUpdate, fmt.Errorf("xds: unexpected edsConfig in response: %+v", cluster)
case cluster.GetLbPolicy() != v3clusterpb.Cluster_ROUND_ROBIN:
return emptyUpdate, fmt.Errorf("xds: unexpected lbPolicy %v in response: %+v", cluster.GetLbPolicy(), cluster)
sc, err := securityConfigFromCluster(cluster)
if err != nil {
return emptyUpdate, err
return ClusterUpdate{
ServiceName: cluster.GetEdsClusterConfig().GetServiceName(),
EnableLRS: cluster.GetLrsServer().GetSelf() != nil,
SecurityCfg: sc,
}, nil
// securityConfigFromCluster extracts the relevant security configuration from
// the received Cluster resource.
func securityConfigFromCluster(cluster *v3clusterpb.Cluster) (*SecurityConfig, error) {
// The Cluster resource contains a `transport_socket` field, which contains
// a oneof `typed_config` field of type `protobuf.Any`. The any proto
// contains a marshaled representation of an `UpstreamTlsContext` message.
ts := cluster.GetTransportSocket()
if ts == nil {
return nil, nil
any := ts.GetTypedConfig()
if any == nil || any.TypeUrl != version.V3UpstreamTLSContextURL {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("xds: transport_socket field has unexpected typeURL: %s", any.TypeUrl)
upstreamCtx := &v3tlspb.UpstreamTlsContext{}
if err := proto.Unmarshal(any.GetValue(), upstreamCtx); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("xds: failed to unmarshal UpstreamTlsContext in CDS response: %v", err)
// The `UpstreamTlsContext` has a `CommonTlsContext` which contains a
// `tls_certificate_certificate_provider_instance` field of type
// `CertificateProviderInstance`, which contains the provider instance name
// and the certificate name to fetch identity certs.
sc := &SecurityConfig{}
if identity := upstreamCtx.GetCommonTlsContext().GetTlsCertificateCertificateProviderInstance(); identity != nil {
sc.IdentityInstanceName = identity.GetInstanceName()
sc.IdentityCertName = identity.GetCertificateName()
// The `CommonTlsContext` contains a `validation_context_type` field which
// is a oneof. We can get the values that we are interested in from two of
// those possible values:
// - combined validation context:
// - contains a default validation context which holds the list of
// accepted SANs.
// - contains certificate provider instance configuration
// - certificate provider instance configuration
// - in this case, we do not get a list of accepted SANs.
switch t := upstreamCtx.GetCommonTlsContext().GetValidationContextType().(type) {
case *v3tlspb.CommonTlsContext_CombinedValidationContext:
combined := upstreamCtx.GetCommonTlsContext().GetCombinedValidationContext()
if def := combined.GetDefaultValidationContext(); def != nil {
for _, matcher := range def.GetMatchSubjectAltNames() {
// We only support exact matches for now.
if exact := matcher.GetExact(); exact != "" {
sc.AcceptedSANs = append(sc.AcceptedSANs, exact)
if pi := combined.GetValidationContextCertificateProviderInstance(); pi != nil {
sc.RootInstanceName = pi.GetInstanceName()
sc.RootCertName = pi.GetCertificateName()
case *v3tlspb.CommonTlsContext_ValidationContextCertificateProviderInstance:
pi := upstreamCtx.GetCommonTlsContext().GetValidationContextCertificateProviderInstance()
sc.RootInstanceName = pi.GetInstanceName()
sc.RootCertName = pi.GetCertificateName()
return nil, fmt.Errorf("xds: validation context contains unexpected type: %T", t)
return sc, nil
// UnmarshalEndpoints processes resources received in an EDS response,
// validates them, and transforms them into a native struct which contains only
// fields we are interested in.
func UnmarshalEndpoints(resources []*anypb.Any, logger *grpclog.PrefixLogger) (map[string]EndpointsUpdate, error) {
update := make(map[string]EndpointsUpdate)
for _, r := range resources {
if !IsEndpointsResource(r.GetTypeUrl()) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("xds: unexpected resource type: %q in EDS response", r.GetTypeUrl())
cla := &v3endpointpb.ClusterLoadAssignment{}
if err := proto.Unmarshal(r.GetValue(), cla); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("xds: failed to unmarshal resource in EDS response: %v", err)
logger.Infof("Resource with name: %v, type: %T, contains: %v", cla.GetClusterName(), cla, cla)
u, err := parseEDSRespProto(cla)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
update[cla.GetClusterName()] = u
return update, nil
func parseAddress(socketAddress *v3corepb.SocketAddress) string {
return net.JoinHostPort(socketAddress.GetAddress(), strconv.Itoa(int(socketAddress.GetPortValue())))
func parseDropPolicy(dropPolicy *v3endpointpb.ClusterLoadAssignment_Policy_DropOverload) OverloadDropConfig {
percentage := dropPolicy.GetDropPercentage()
var (
numerator = percentage.GetNumerator()
denominator uint32
switch percentage.GetDenominator() {
case v3typepb.FractionalPercent_HUNDRED:
denominator = 100
case v3typepb.FractionalPercent_TEN_THOUSAND:
denominator = 10000
case v3typepb.FractionalPercent_MILLION:
denominator = 1000000
return OverloadDropConfig{
Category: dropPolicy.GetCategory(),
Numerator: numerator,
Denominator: denominator,
func parseEndpoints(lbEndpoints []*v3endpointpb.LbEndpoint) []Endpoint {
endpoints := make([]Endpoint, 0, len(lbEndpoints))
for _, lbEndpoint := range lbEndpoints {
endpoints = append(endpoints, Endpoint{
HealthStatus: EndpointHealthStatus(lbEndpoint.GetHealthStatus()),
Address: parseAddress(lbEndpoint.GetEndpoint().GetAddress().GetSocketAddress()),
Weight: lbEndpoint.GetLoadBalancingWeight().GetValue(),
return endpoints
func parseEDSRespProto(m *v3endpointpb.ClusterLoadAssignment) (EndpointsUpdate, error) {
ret := EndpointsUpdate{}
for _, dropPolicy := range m.GetPolicy().GetDropOverloads() {
ret.Drops = append(ret.Drops, parseDropPolicy(dropPolicy))
priorities := make(map[uint32]struct{})
for _, locality := range m.Endpoints {
l := locality.GetLocality()
if l == nil {
return EndpointsUpdate{}, fmt.Errorf("EDS response contains a locality without ID, locality: %+v", locality)
lid := internal.LocalityID{
Region: l.Region,
Zone: l.Zone,
SubZone: l.SubZone,
priority := locality.GetPriority()
priorities[priority] = struct{}{}
ret.Localities = append(ret.Localities, Locality{
ID: lid,
Endpoints: parseEndpoints(locality.GetLbEndpoints()),
Weight: locality.GetLoadBalancingWeight().GetValue(),
Priority: priority,
for i := 0; i < len(priorities); i++ {
if _, ok := priorities[uint32(i)]; !ok {
return EndpointsUpdate{}, fmt.Errorf("priority %v missing (with different priorities %v received)", i, priorities)
return ret, nil