blob: 01df225083b5b5ea3a5e682a9acf5dd1405bb288 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2020 gRPC authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package client
import (
v3corepb ""
v3endpointpb ""
v3typepb ""
anypb ""
wrapperspb ""
func (s) TestEDSParseRespProto(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
name string
m *v3endpointpb.ClusterLoadAssignment
want EndpointsUpdate
wantErr bool
name: "missing-priority",
m: func() *v3endpointpb.ClusterLoadAssignment {
clab0 := newClaBuilder("test", nil)
clab0.addLocality("locality-1", 1, 0, []string{"addr1:314"}, nil)
clab0.addLocality("locality-2", 1, 2, []string{"addr2:159"}, nil)
return clab0.Build()
want: EndpointsUpdate{},
wantErr: true,
name: "missing-locality-ID",
m: func() *v3endpointpb.ClusterLoadAssignment {
clab0 := newClaBuilder("test", nil)
clab0.addLocality("", 1, 0, []string{"addr1:314"}, nil)
return clab0.Build()
want: EndpointsUpdate{},
wantErr: true,
name: "good",
m: func() *v3endpointpb.ClusterLoadAssignment {
clab0 := newClaBuilder("test", nil)
clab0.addLocality("locality-1", 1, 1, []string{"addr1:314"}, &addLocalityOptions{
Health: []v3corepb.HealthStatus{v3corepb.HealthStatus_UNHEALTHY},
Weight: []uint32{271},
clab0.addLocality("locality-2", 1, 0, []string{"addr2:159"}, &addLocalityOptions{
Health: []v3corepb.HealthStatus{v3corepb.HealthStatus_DRAINING},
Weight: []uint32{828},
return clab0.Build()
want: EndpointsUpdate{
Drops: nil,
Localities: []Locality{
Endpoints: []Endpoint{{
Address: "addr1:314",
HealthStatus: EndpointHealthStatusUnhealthy,
Weight: 271,
ID: internal.LocalityID{SubZone: "locality-1"},
Priority: 1,
Weight: 1,
Endpoints: []Endpoint{{
Address: "addr2:159",
HealthStatus: EndpointHealthStatusDraining,
Weight: 828,
ID: internal.LocalityID{SubZone: "locality-2"},
Priority: 0,
Weight: 1,
wantErr: false,
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
got, err := parseEDSRespProto(tt.m)
if (err != nil) != tt.wantErr {
t.Errorf("parseEDSRespProto() error = %v, wantErr %v", err, tt.wantErr)
if d := cmp.Diff(got, tt.want); d != "" {
t.Errorf("parseEDSRespProto() got = %v, want %v, diff: %v", got, tt.want, d)
func (s) TestUnmarshalEndpoints(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
name string
resources []*anypb.Any
wantUpdate map[string]EndpointsUpdate
wantErr bool
name: "non-clusterLoadAssignment resource type",
resources: []*anypb.Any{{TypeUrl: version.V3HTTPConnManagerURL}},
wantErr: true,
name: "badly marshaled clusterLoadAssignment resource",
resources: []*anypb.Any{
TypeUrl: version.V3EndpointsURL,
Value: []byte{1, 2, 3, 4},
wantErr: true,
name: "bad endpoints resource",
resources: []*anypb.Any{
TypeUrl: version.V3EndpointsURL,
Value: func() []byte {
clab0 := newClaBuilder("test", nil)
clab0.addLocality("locality-1", 1, 0, []string{"addr1:314"}, nil)
clab0.addLocality("locality-2", 1, 2, []string{"addr2:159"}, nil)
e := clab0.Build()
me, _ := proto.Marshal(e)
return me
wantErr: true,
name: "v3 endpoints",
resources: []*anypb.Any{
TypeUrl: version.V3EndpointsURL,
Value: func() []byte {
clab0 := newClaBuilder("test", nil)
clab0.addLocality("locality-1", 1, 1, []string{"addr1:314"}, &addLocalityOptions{
Health: []v3corepb.HealthStatus{v3corepb.HealthStatus_UNHEALTHY},
Weight: []uint32{271},
clab0.addLocality("locality-2", 1, 0, []string{"addr2:159"}, &addLocalityOptions{
Health: []v3corepb.HealthStatus{v3corepb.HealthStatus_DRAINING},
Weight: []uint32{828},
e := clab0.Build()
me, _ := proto.Marshal(e)
return me
wantUpdate: map[string]EndpointsUpdate{
"test": {
Drops: nil,
Localities: []Locality{
Endpoints: []Endpoint{{
Address: "addr1:314",
HealthStatus: EndpointHealthStatusUnhealthy,
Weight: 271,
ID: internal.LocalityID{SubZone: "locality-1"},
Priority: 1,
Weight: 1,
Endpoints: []Endpoint{{
Address: "addr2:159",
HealthStatus: EndpointHealthStatusDraining,
Weight: 828,
ID: internal.LocalityID{SubZone: "locality-2"},
Priority: 0,
Weight: 1,
for _, test := range tests {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
update, err := UnmarshalEndpoints(test.resources, nil)
if ((err != nil) != test.wantErr) || !cmp.Equal(update, test.wantUpdate, cmpopts.EquateEmpty()) {
t.Errorf("UnmarshalEndpoints(%v) = (%+v, %v) want (%+v, %v)", test.resources, update, err, test.wantUpdate, test.wantErr)
// claBuilder builds a ClusterLoadAssignment, aka EDS
// response.
type claBuilder struct {
v *v3endpointpb.ClusterLoadAssignment
// newClaBuilder creates a claBuilder.
func newClaBuilder(clusterName string, dropPercents []uint32) *claBuilder {
var drops []*v3endpointpb.ClusterLoadAssignment_Policy_DropOverload
for i, d := range dropPercents {
drops = append(drops, &v3endpointpb.ClusterLoadAssignment_Policy_DropOverload{
Category: fmt.Sprintf("test-drop-%d", i),
DropPercentage: &v3typepb.FractionalPercent{
Numerator: d,
Denominator: v3typepb.FractionalPercent_HUNDRED,
return &claBuilder{
v: &v3endpointpb.ClusterLoadAssignment{
ClusterName: clusterName,
Policy: &v3endpointpb.ClusterLoadAssignment_Policy{
DropOverloads: drops,
// addLocalityOptions contains options when adding locality to the builder.
type addLocalityOptions struct {
Health []v3corepb.HealthStatus
Weight []uint32
// addLocality adds a locality to the builder.
func (clab *claBuilder) addLocality(subzone string, weight uint32, priority uint32, addrsWithPort []string, opts *addLocalityOptions) {
var lbEndPoints []*v3endpointpb.LbEndpoint
for i, a := range addrsWithPort {
host, portStr, err := net.SplitHostPort(a)
if err != nil {
panic("failed to split " + a)
port, err := strconv.Atoi(portStr)
if err != nil {
panic("failed to atoi " + portStr)
lbe := &v3endpointpb.LbEndpoint{
HostIdentifier: &v3endpointpb.LbEndpoint_Endpoint{
Endpoint: &v3endpointpb.Endpoint{
Address: &v3corepb.Address{
Address: &v3corepb.Address_SocketAddress{
SocketAddress: &v3corepb.SocketAddress{
Protocol: v3corepb.SocketAddress_TCP,
Address: host,
PortSpecifier: &v3corepb.SocketAddress_PortValue{
PortValue: uint32(port)}}}}}},
if opts != nil {
if i < len(opts.Health) {
lbe.HealthStatus = opts.Health[i]
if i < len(opts.Weight) {
lbe.LoadBalancingWeight = &wrapperspb.UInt32Value{Value: opts.Weight[i]}
lbEndPoints = append(lbEndPoints, lbe)
var localityID *v3corepb.Locality
if subzone != "" {
localityID = &v3corepb.Locality{
Region: "",
Zone: "",
SubZone: subzone,
clab.v.Endpoints = append(clab.v.Endpoints, &v3endpointpb.LocalityLbEndpoints{
Locality: localityID,
LbEndpoints: lbEndPoints,
LoadBalancingWeight: &wrapperspb.UInt32Value{Value: weight},
Priority: priority,
// Build builds ClusterLoadAssignment.
func (clab *claBuilder) Build() *v3endpointpb.ClusterLoadAssignment {
return clab.v