blob: 0fba23b3bcd68072450aa8920e59ab0e9de3dfc0 [file] [log] [blame]
"""Quick & dirty script to tweak original sources format"""
from lxml import etree
from pathlib import Path
fs_root = Path(__file__).parent.parent
xml_file = Path(__file__).parent / 'noto-fonts-4-android.xml'
root = etree.parse(str(xml_file))
drop_me = []
for fsp in root.iter("fontsourcepath"):
rel_path_to_font = fsp.attrib["path"]
if rel_path_to_font == "TBD":
assert (fs_root / rel_path_to_font).is_file(), f"Missing {rel_path_to_font}"
font = fsp.getnext()
while font is not None and font.tag == "font":
font_file = (''.join(font.itertext())).strip()
assert Path(rel_path_to_font).name == font_file, f"{rel_path_to_font} mismatched with {font_file}"
rel_path_to_dir = str(Path(rel_path_to_font).parent)
assert (fs_root / rel_path_to_dir).is_dir(), rel_path_to_dir
font_path = font.attrib.get("noto_repo_path", rel_path_to_dir)
assert font_path == rel_path_to_dir, f"<font> path {font_path} to_dir {rel_path_to_dir}"
font.attrib["path"] = rel_path_to_dir
font = font.getnext()
for el in reversed(drop_me):
root.write(str(xml_file), encoding="utf-8", xml_declaration=True)